Katt Williams gets “Donkey of the Day"...REALLY!

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whats up beautiful spirits it's Marvin Magnus I just found out earlier today just as you all have that Charlemagne gave Katt Williams donkey of the day for his comments about Tiffany Haddish for his roasting of Wanda from franca Wanda in the morning which was still hilarious and I just want to do a quick video 15-20 minutes tops while Howard Charlemagne try to use cat words against them okay and for bogus reason he trying to take what he said out of context the uses for his own probably not his own but the powers to be narrative to try to discredit Katt Williams and the truth and logic that he was speaking and I saw he was speaking truth and logic okay give me 20 minutes [Music] all the shoulders love em and I respect everything each other's business and became a radio the reason I can respect that man because I'm like Katt Williams Katt Williams is doing on Frisian wanted to show hatin with a side of Ronnie matter of fact that wasn't inside a lot cat winds was not hating on Franken want to show cat wings was speaking the unpopular truths okay of the business that most celebrities don't have the guts to speak bottom line and by being by a cat being a man who is pretty much independent in the industry doing much of his much of his comedy specials his tours panned out of his own pocket he is not Governor on a leash like media the media personalities that we follow listen to and see every day that are in a position to appear as if they're speaking for the majority when actuality many of the media personalities that the industry have put in a forefront to appeal to us for the majority of us especially in a case like this running down more I have the top two comedy specials on Showtime HBO comedy central and we just moved in there I'm on my 15th consecutive 100 city tour on the exact day that Monique was asking for mind you he just said I have two of the top HBO comedy specials or Showtime whatever after that he said on my 15th 15th which is the number he using not the number 9 that Charlemagne is going to bring up his 15th 115th consecutive 100 city tour so Katt Williams logically is using the 15 as the specials have you done fifteen films specials now doesn't mean just because should I say just because it's not feeling it by HBO Showtime comedy central whoever that is not being filmed these things were filmed by Katt Williams money here's one example Katt Williams live if you saw Katt Williams live concert the one that the video okay where he was in Cincinnati Catlins you could look at the production and everything that isn't have the money invested in it as one of the big media outlets it was great great great production okay but you could tell it was a lower standard something that probably Kathleen was paid for himself okay and that was one of them again 15 he just said it but Charla may use the nine to try to prove his point in his narrative Netflix boycott never just got me a check for two million dollars special and I got paid $300,000 to doing Jackson Chronicles has already grossed over 20 s or a million dollars alone as well special because of Atlanta well everybody understand that Netflix doesn't have an opinion or stand-up comedy they base what they pay you by the amount of ticket sales for your last tour some on his last tour had three hundred and sixteen thousand tickets therefore that's what she got offered my last tour at 2.4 million tickets and so that's what they offered what we live in the information age there's nothing you can't Google what a lot of us gonna take your time to research you know we have someone we respect see something in the interview first of all let me say if you think Google everything you find on Google is fact you goddamn fool if you think everything you find on Google is fact you're a damn fool I'm sure he was told when he was a child don't believe everything you read now when we was told that it was books but guess what the Internet is a digital book the Internet is a web full of millions of digital books ok millions of information that's being pushed on it and everything you they put on Google is not fact I'd be willing to believe half of it is fact most of us only look at the first 10 pages we don't take the time to go to the set of 20 then the set of 30 back down to the hundreds of pages that's been uploaded to Google on a particular topic we go with the first one to ten pages which has all been paid for by big-time industry keep that in mind okay the Internet is a digital library okay you can't walk up any Library of Congress I could walk up here in Library of Congress okay and assume everything in that Library of Congress is true within all the books up in there I know for a fact it is not because history is written by those who win the wars history is written by the victors and is written in a way to portray themselves more in a positive light in a negative light okay [Music] [Music] and films he has more films stand-up special than any comedian breathing our dead that is a lie you're like I just said to you that wasn't I don't know if it's a lie own office true well I know Katt Williams have many film specials that was not filmed or produced by HBO exactly executive Li produced by HBO a Showtime meaning he did out of his own pocket okay so they will not be categorized with the Showtime or HBO specials why because Showtime HBO is not going to benefit showing a Katt Williams films special that they did not invest them themselves so they will Navin they were even discredit it act like it doesn't exist why because they don't have their hands in the cookie jar with Katt Williams Katt lamps in the people he's working with he hired hands are in that cookie jar so it doesn't do them no good promoting that because they want to promote what they have produced what they've created both made and put out there you'll go on HBO now Chris Rock at number one we begin Charlemagne's one knows fast talking [ __ ] part of my friend shouldn't call him a [ __ ] please one was fast talking dudes that you really didn't listen to what he's saying because if you really listen to what he's saying you work at Charlemagne in a lot of [ __ ] or a lot of things put in a particular context to push this narrative at his point I think he gave donkey today because he felt like he's going under 24 million dollars it would be again pimp Chronicles was independent he did an HBO special but that was for that show cat we must push that okay and it's not hard to sell 2.4 million tickets when you were as huge as Katt Williams was doing 100 city tour ok do the numbers for yourself people don't let Charlemagne do the math for you 2.4 million tickets 100 city tour divided 2.4 million by 100 that's 24 thousand right 2.4 million divided by 100 it's 24,000 ok any comedian note or any person who goes to many comedy shows should realize that when a comedian or a whole comedy special show is on tour and they're hitting the city each city they go to they probably do a minimum of four to six shows a two shows Friday night to show Saturday night two shows let's say three to six three to six because they they are three nights Friday Saturday and Sunday you get me so let's say this let's say two shows Friday to show Saturday one show Sunday that's five shows okay so you're talking about 24,000 again 24,000 tickets per city right that's what he needs to do okay well it divided 24,000 tickets okay and Katt Williams performed when he came here to DC in Constitution Hall which seats about 10,000 so 24,000 tickets one night he did 10,000 sell it out that's the 8 o'clock show then you got the 10 o'clock show oh say that's the 7 o'clock show then you got the 10 o'clock show okay that sells another 10,000 that's Friday night that's 20,000 tickets already sold Saturday night he do two more shows okay again 7:00 after that one is over at 7:00 you do one at 10:00 sellout another 20,000 tickets okay that's just here in DC okay so what is that that's 40,000 tickets sold it two nights Sunday let's just say they may do two or Sunday too but let's just say you're doing one another 10,000 50,000 tickets 50,000 tickets in one city one city okay he still got 99 cities to go it's very easy to sell 2.4 million tickets and then to come up with a number of 24 million but [ __ ] just multiply each ticket by 2.4 [ __ ] million I'm sure that might grow somewhere maybe about 50 60 million dollars and the pimp Chronicles did that the pimp Chronicles was huge I got it I got the cat pack [Laughter] Chronicles was huge he didn't he's saying that he said 24 meeting in Atlanta alone if you listen to an entire interview the dokyun today is chopped up he he's not giving you all of the variables and facts and everything spoke about Katt Williams to help you put it in a collective understanding and what Katt Williams for saying he's giving you chopped up listen to the donkey today it's 9 minutes long it's chopped up cat was on that talk show for 22 minutes in v-103 Atlanta so and this donkey day is nine minutes evidently it was a lot chopped out of there that can't William said okay so that's manipulation by Charlemagne and trying to use cat's words against them and use them in a context that gets them by not giving you everything Katt Williams said so you could come up with the conclusion yourself [Music] one cat oh he's dead like I said because cat did that damn they're independently he had the biggest pot catch me if I'm wrong I don't HBO Showtime Oh any of the big outlets did not produce the pimp Chronicles it was cats so they're not going to have it read it up with theirs to make theirs look bad no they're not going to have with cat everybody new cat financed this own tour you know I'm Sam with some help product from Lords here production company they're not gonna show that because it makes them look bad to show that this one-man production company better than the big dogs and what Charlemagne is leaving out that it was a hundred city tour 2.4 million tickets over a 100 city tour a hundred cities think about it a hundred cities five shows per city over the weekend okay they get in Friday night or say Thursday night let's say they get in sorry said let's get in Wednesday they get in Wednesday okay start prepping Thursday do a show Friday show Saturday show Sunday now and even if all of them or can't fit 10,000 like Constitution Hall just say if it's 5,000 6,000 per theater or show he doing 6,000 tickets okay so that's two shows on a Friday night that's 12,000 tickets to show Saturday night 24,000 tickets one show us Sunday 30,000 tickets okay that's just one city now multiply that by [ __ ] hundred and you will see how you can sell 2.4 million tickets shut the [ __ ] up sha'lame he wasn't 100 cities they didn't do a hundred City [ __ ] tour cat is by far perhaps the but my opinion the hardest working comedian in the business hardest working committee in the business [Music] domestically and theaters I'll just tell me if you agreed to Fort Bliss see cash you sound smart to a dumb person is a lot of people I didn't won't take the time you research and I know you askin why was cat mind so much ah why do Forbes why will force put that up there again if it's those things were independently pushed by Katt Williams pay for filmed and everything by people Katt Williams hired Forbes again it's in the cookie jar with Showtime HBO that's the cook of armory those [ __ ] are working together ok they're not working with cat the truth is read that you will have a hater after doing better now let's listen to what Kevin Williams had to say about Kevin re fries let's listen to what Katt Williams had to hate on about Kevin Hart Jerrod Carmichael little brown Hannibal Burres in Tiffany Haddish let's hear they gonna let you do your sessions around Carmichael but nobody's gonna lie see also peep game how sha'lame injected Kevin Hart in the conversation of disses of people that can't Williams diss if I'm not mistaken I don't believe Kevin Hart mentioned Katt Williams at all in that comedy in that interview with v-103 Frank and Wanda I don't believe he mentioned Kevin Hart at all so why did Charlemagne catch me if I'm wrong maybe I missed that but I don't believe he did I listened to the thing two or three times so why did Charlemagne feel to inject Kevin Hart's name in with the other people rail or Haddish and all of them you know why because he know Kevin Hart has diehard followers - in order to pit Kevin Hart against Katt Williams Organa following a people who want to believe okay where Shawn I mean is saying let me go here pit him against Kevin Hart okay because I know you came a hard got some diehard fans that's gonna arrive for Kevin Hart regardless okay so if I can get them on my side I'm okay you know I'm saying but that still proof that it didn't because everywhere they don't give today's show it on every site on YouTube it has a thousand or double the amount of dislikes that I do likes so you feel that that [Laughter] they say oh you don't even deserve that so you get Kevin Hart little rail Jerrod Carmichael Wahlberg dues that no one over top to inland let alone you make it a movie stars keep going around to become cheap into economy since she was six going you can't tell me your favorite Tiffany Haddish joke why because she let me pause for a second cat wins was not calling them men ugly from a man perspective he was calling them ugly from the industry-standard perspective how they operate and work I want y'all to understand that how many times have you heard Kevin Hart said I'm not I'm not much to look at he's discredit himself on his own looks you know me although I don't believe anybody's ugly in this world ugly it's just an idea ugliest ideal projected by those in power okay to make you feel like [ __ ] and to make you in their image or make you one to be their image just like the image in my image right yeah [Laughter] family he was jumpy if you would've said I don't find him funny tofu yeah she's got another come on Netflix next year he said she's been on tour for a year you mean she just started or something and I doubt if it's a hundred city tour and mentioned he said one is special and that's part of recently whatever in Katt Williams he was just talking she ain't got no special in she done this and cat wings probably he was thinking about the one little special she had whatever you know but he's Katt Williams is talking about your resume your full resume the hard work someone's done from the beginning their career up to the point where they made it big and he was absolutely correct on that you know Sam for all we know I've never heard of never seen Tiffany Haddish in my life - girl's true and that's fact that's fact never heard of them and I hang around comedians one be in fact mr. Eddie Bryant the Ross comedian in a DC DMV period in one of the country but my brothers from BMV Eddie Bryant you obese what love bro what's the point by the way Katt Williams is line that's not the white executive liked him I mean damn Cathy used to like you too but then you became an uninsurable liability because you couldn't stay out of trouble simple as that you became a liability Hollywood Katt Williams I need you to know that definitely not a matter of chances of marriage so I think you chose drugs over your career no destiny is a matter of chance and choice you can choose to try to be whatever it is you want in this world but there's percentages to everything okay that's why they have statistics okay it's a chance you're making to wit you visualize in your mind it's a chance you will not okay it depends on your work ethic and depends on who you know it's not just what you know as well as who you know so destiny is not all choice that's [ __ ] okay cuz a lot of people make the choice to do something but they don't put in a necessary of hard work sacrifice study okay that needs that they need to do to make it real and it still might not even after you do all that it still might not make it what you visualize in your mind but if you know you gave 300 percent mombatti spirit okay you should look at yourself a success you know I'm saying everybody in the business ain't gonna like you you know I'm saying and you could rub somebody in the business the wrong way that has some power over your should trajectory okay and that could be just one of the freakin Falls or one of the reasons why you don't make as big as other people okay after you got vetted if they realize you in a certain person okay that's willing to follow the mo they have guess what you ain't making it unless you're gonna do it on yourself but you're not making it through their outlets meaning the big media outlets the big corporate Hollywood in Hollywood New York and all that you're not making it through them because you're not pushing a narrative that they want you're not pushing the behavior character that they want you know I'm saying you're not pushing a model out there for our children you know boys and girls okay to follow that we'll leave them somewhere that they don't need to be it I had them doing something they don't need to do intelligence that they are born with okay who why with cat wings want to be Tiffany Haddish why would cat wings want to be guy level or rel why would he want to be Hannibal Burres cat wounds is more successful than all of them combined so that last line that Charlemagne said made no sense to me at all okay why the cat wings want to be any of those people when he's bigger than all of those people that's all I had to say beautiful spirits okay build your cognitive ability okay take the time okay and gain self-awareness then will you gain self-awareness it's easy to be aware of all the BS around you that would keep you in confusion because no one can control you or manipulate you okay if they can confuse you it all goes in threes knowledge wisdom understanding brings about unity and peace right well if you worst reverse the polarity of those three ignorance confused manipulation brings about division and war more love
Channel: Boxing Logics United!
Views: 10,498
Rating: 4.7653632 out of 5
Keywords: katt williams, Tiffany Haddish, charlamagne, breakfast club, kevin hart, frank and wanda in the morning, comedy, HBO, SHOWTIME, CHARLAMAGNE, donkey of the day, comedy central, stand up, dave chappelle, martin lawrence, Roast, pimp chronicals, revolt, chtg, Richard pryor, Red Grant, Luenell, Chris rock, Eddie Bryant, Mo‘Nique, The view, George Carlin, DeRay davis, Mike epps
Id: 4c5bKU9S_lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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