Katherine Ruonala | 5th of January

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see you how are you welcome to 20/20 it's good to be home it's good to see James pumps and my friends are pumped unreal why don't you come on in welcome welcome welcome before I know we enjoy this time before the service to chat with each other as we find our seats but I really thought I felt the impression and conviction of the Holy Spirit to pray today for our beautiful land and for the bushfires going on at the moment and so before we start today in this in these next few minutes would you please stand with me and we're going to pray prayers of faith and we're gonna pray prayers of courage and we're gonna stand alongside those who aren't able to stand today and speak for those who can't speak for themselves today amen I don't know about you but I take it personally when something goes on in our nation that we know who isn't the will of God the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but he came to bring life and life abundantly amen amen so we know that God doesn't come to bring judgment or condemnation but he comes to bring solution and the answers and life and as these ambassadors on the earth it's our great privilege to join in prayer and to join with the spirit and to join has his brothers and sisters would you like to have a hangout with Harry Thank You thanks DeeDee oh my Harry you're okay and ask the Holy Spirit to move amen all right say Amen all right you know here we don't pray polite prayers but let's pray with prayers of conviction this afternoon amen why don't you lift your voices Kaba babish I already under to see I saw daddy I'm Baba Shia see under the sea under the sea ax Shah Baba Baba Baba CRNA above a bearded Asiya Shannon II am of a sea already on it in a young Baba BA thank you God Sienna DMF of a Shia Holy Spirit I pray that a sergeant you know we be moved by compassion and moved by your holy heart God I thank you in Luke 8 more than the disciples marvel that even the wind's and the waves obeyed your command and I thank you that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to us so in Jesus name we speak to the wind and to the fire and we say peace be still in Jesus name right across this land we call a ceasefire in Jesus name we call a ceasefire in Jesus name and we combined the rain we combine the rain in Jesus name we declare a shift in the rain is shift in the atmosphere in Jesus name rain come rain come rain come in Jesus name what are we silence every spirit of accusation mother we defend and we come alongside our leaders the softer new God and we ask for wisdom we ask for insight in Jesus name Lord we bless our government we bless our emergency services and their personnel and again we are G Lord for wisdom and insight and strategy in Jesus name and we declare protection over every person over every family God over every property Lord over the land and livestock in Jesus name we declare your divine protection Lord God even I'm out of the ground we declare mitts miss to come up from the crap sure you to come up from the ground and soften the lead and wet the earth in Jesus name and we declared peace to every heart peace to every hot supernatural peace that passes understanding we break see I in Jesus name spirit of fear go spirit of fear go and when the enemy is meant for harm where he's come to seek to kill and destroy we declare life and life abundantly that King Jesus reign supreme it chases name a we're expecting God for you to me we're expecting for you to bathe in the sled in this time in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah amen give him a shout of praise hurry up holiday eyes of thousands of praises thousands and thousands of praises belongs to your king Jesus we declare you have the final say we declare you have the final say this is the great Southland of the Holy Spirit and the greatest danger before her in Jesus name Amen Amen that's worship and celebrate [Music] [Music] can tear us from [Music] the gripper is my we've only glimpsed his vast affection should whispers ah it's hard in passion [Music] it's live esteem is love is wide and carbonize lesbians love is strong and is furious it's love as sweet as love is wild it's waking heart [Music] you [Applause] [Music] Oh strong [Music] The Creeper is mighty love with only glimpsed it's bastard factions should wish bizarre its part in passion is boring this love is fevers love is wide and copies us it's rubbish pieces were strong it is furious it's never sweet love is wide it's waking hard slide Father loves and sends his son [Music] he lavishes his level of boners she causes now his sons in is love a speed service wide and college this love experience so be strong it is furious it's love is sweet it's waking thoughts too loves tea [Music] this lettuce feed his love his wine the common size love his fears his love is strong in his fury this letter sweet his love his wife this way he's waking hast light his waking heart is waking on his way always waking heart [Music] it's lovest II just love his wine carving sons his love his fierce just love a strong it's furious its love is sweet love is wild it's waking hearts alive it's love as deep as love as wallings copies us his love as fierce as love as strong as furious it's love as sweet as love is wild it's waking hard slide he's waking hearts like his waking hearts he's working hard slide he's weighing hearts he's waking hearts light Sheena we're coming we come in [Music] falling even more with you I'm letting go ball held on soon I'm standing here until you I'm hanging by the mall but falling even with you I'm letting go bull pedaled on to standing into [Music] on hand a falling falling I'm letting go to [Music] I'm letting go I'm hanging I'm hanging buy more and I love it I love it [Music] yeah I love it I love it yeah I love it I love it I love you presence Lord loving this love is deep love is wide and it covers us his love his fears his love is strong in his furious it's not the sweetest love is wild it's waking hearts this love is Steve his love is wine and a car these eyes this love his fears his love is strong it is furious it's love as sweet as love is wild waking up [Music] the speed is love is wine and a cub is a lettuce peas his liver strong is rather sweet let us watch waiting waking off [Music] you lost [Music] Ricky [Music] [Music] there is I love to hear it's the sound of the savers for busy walks into the room where people pray when we hear praises his fear there's the sound there is a sound I love to hear is the sound of the Savior's robe as he walks into the room where people pray when we hear praises he is faith [Music] no wake my soul [Music] sing his praises sing his praise awaken my soul sing his praise aloud sing his praise a [Music] [Music] there is a sound changes things sound of his people on their knees wake up you slumbering it's time to worship it my soul see his praises see me spray [Applause] [Music] see see sprays [Applause] see his pain and when he moves and when we pray mister we promised his amen make no mistake the bowels of hell begin to shake the king when we pray West now Stan's away where every promises amen no mistake the bowels of hell beginners shake [Music] the king of glory and serene Oh [Music] don't hold it in [Music] Oh [Music] she sees prese see sprays come on lift it up sing his praises my son biggis raise see see you spray see his face [Music] come on [Music] praise let your praises [Music] where's the bowels of hell beginning [Music] Oh silly girl [Music] worshiping [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we gonna lift up your own song appraised [Music] well the we lift your praises loud King Jesus King gee you're worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] the wake you sing his praises sing his praise [Music] see his faith see his praise [Music] all eternity to see I would love to sing your praise King above all Kings and Lord above [Music] Oh [Music] oh Jesus [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he alone is worthy you oh no no worthy Jesus Jesus [Music] we crown you the Keith we crown you the king over everything over everything [Music] oh this for your glory is for your glory all things are from you all things are to you Jesus Jesus [Music] so crazy [Music] praise His name for in these things we will see all right Oh I just the voices we say [Music] we will see [Music] things we will see [Music] [Music] come on just let us sound rise just let your worship rise to him like a sweet incense [Music] just love here is my song here is my son here is my heart it's all yours it's all yours [Music] my sound belongs every breath belongs to you cheese this is my worship to you this is my offering then it'd be pleasing let it be pleasing to your ears jeez my whole heart is my offering to Jesus may if he please bigot be pleased [Music] you go before I know that you've even gone to win Wow you come back with my enemy you come back and you come [Music] fired in our battle you fight in our battle you go before I know that you even gone to in my you love becomes my greatest defenders it leads me from the drive [Music] all I did was pray [Music] all I did was worship all I did was buy all I did was stay still you have saved me so much better grazie [Music] so much better your way you know before I do when my Harkin seems fine your - mercy is the shade um you restore my face nope again and all I did was pray [Music] all I did was worship Oh lights in was fine all I did was stay still [Music] so much [Music] grazie so much better Oh [Music] [Music] so much better [Music] [Music] ways [Music] [Music] the lowest you knew where I lived you reintroduce to your love and you picked up all my pieces for me back together you are the [Music] you reintroduce me to your and you picked up all the visas for me back again you wanna defend [Music] my [Music] within Iran under the shadow you mad [Music] Oh [Music] you you introduce me [Music] [Music] ooh [Music] Oh put me back together you wanna [Music] see [Music] Zoomer [Music] [Music] so much so much it's so much better so much you defending my heart Jesus comes around [Music] come on lift it up hit me it may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you around I'm surrounded by you this is sound find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how this is how I find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how I find my battles this is how [Music] this is how fun my bad this is town oh this is that this is how fun [Music] you might offend [Music] sir you [Music] like Oh sue [Music] - [Music] your buddy you must [Music] [Music] [Music] you know you saved me so much better [Music] [Music] moving I worship you I worship you are working in this place I worship you I worship you you are moving in I worship you I worship you you are here working in this place I worship you I wish fear you are and we make miracle work promise keep light in the darkness my god that is who you are you are we make miracle work promise keep light in the darkness my god that is you [Music] [Music] we sound great [Music] you are here touching every heart I worship you [Music] you are a were severe I were severe you are here turning lies around I worship you I wish you are here man I worship you I was me miracle-worker promise keep light in the darkness my god that is who you are you are we make promised keep riding the Douglas my god that is to you we may working promised keep - my god that is you [Music] my god [Music] that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we make a miracle worker [Music] my [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is [Music] that is that is [Music] you know I can feel fates in the room and if you have sickness in your body you have some form of illness sickness pain injury disease I want you to put your hand up high in the air high in the air and if you can see someone near you that has a hand raised I want you to go and I want you to decree life I want you to decree healing right now we're gonna release the power of God we're gonna do command healing in the name of Jesus Christ because he says these signs shall follow those who believe they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover hallelujah would you guys just routine sing that again I want you to begin to declare it go to war on their behalf rebuke the sickness you pick the disease speak live and declare the healing power of God flowing through their bodies right now well I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel it you work you never stop you never stop working ever stop we never stopped work I don't see you working even when I don't feel it your work never stuff you never stop working yes [Music] even when I will see you're watching feel it you work it never stop you never stop working never stop we never stop working you're working even when I'm not feel it you're working you never stop [Music] oh geez [Music] even when I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel it we never stop [Music] stop working the you never stop working [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we make to promise keep fighting the darkness my god that is who you are you are way man [Music] do you our way make a miracle-worker promise keeping the doggies [Music] we make a miracle-worker line in the darkness my god that is you you do you are we make miracle worker promise keep lying in the darkness my god that is - you are the baddest true one that is to you that is you that is to you [Music] that issue that is he didn't [Music] you're working if I don't feel it you working you never stop never stop never stop never stop working [Music] I feel it's your king never stop never stop working [Music] working [Music] never stop never stop working [Music] thank you you're so wonderful thank you Jesus isn't he good miss any wonderful we want to hear with the holy spirit saying turning the profits in the house tonight the Lord's given your word come and share what the Holy Spirit saying thank you Jesus [Music] Jesus jewel of heaven you a lord of the earth be God not created you're the one you're the one that our hearts long for Jesus jewel of heaven you're God in the flesh begotten now created the Lord of righteousness you're the king you're the victor in the battle has been won there is no struggling or striving for the Lord has overcome you're the king you're the victor in the battle has been won there is some struggling or striving for the Lord is overcome there's he'll struggle and I'll strive before the Lord is overcome there's a struggling or striving for the Lord is overcome yeah Jesus jewel of heaven you were God in the flesh we got not creating the Lord of righteousness you're the king you're the victor in the battle has been won there is no striving because you've overcome you've overcome you were you were become I'll grab a UFO overcome [Music] behold I'm doing a new thing said the Lord behold he is doing a new thing I believe we have stepped into the roaring 20s when we're about to see the lion in the later reveal to the earth through you through you and I hear the Holy Spirit say the enemy is gonna have to take a seat as he watches the Lord bless you as you watching the lion through you [Music] in the earth step into it step into it choose about to be revealed we have crossed into apartment where it's a parallel right now of when Jesus walked the earth two thousand years ago a parallel pointman when Jesus released eyes eyes 61 and he is saying over you today I'm releasing through you he's doing a new thing through you and the enemy it's gonna sit and watch it as the Lord blesses the earth through you as the love lessens your life in your life and so I just release over you today the Lion of the tribe of Judah has released the mighty name of Jesus a certain massive angel of faith in the room during worship and I kept hearing walk on water walk on water and I feel like the Lord's encouraging people to step out the boat and walk on water and you will walk on water as you keep your eyes on Jesus and I felt like this particularly applied to works and what people are gonna do next year so I just bless you and that the Lord would say step out the boat faith requires ha faith requires an action and there is an angel and the Lord will help you keep your eyes on him great word how they Lou young its praying before the service with Lakshmi and we we saw oh I saw an angel over the border of South Australia and Victoria where it meets there and then I grab my phone and just looked and there's a cloud band over it right now that's raining like rain over that region I just felt the loss I keep praying for rain keep praying keep praying because the prayers are the Saints are moving something and there's a distinct shift in this nation this year I felt it it started already there's a distinct shift this is the chant nation's not going to be the same after 2020 something is changing and I felt that there's the prayers of the Saints are changing something not just rain but keep praying because it's powerful and the devil can't take it they can't do anything about it lujah hallelujah we're just going to pray over these prayer requests right now as we're in this atmosphere in faith there why don't you come come and we'll pray together we're gonna come in agreement amen hallelujah God is faithful how do we just thank you thank you Father that you are Jehovah Rapha you are our healer you are our hero we agree for healing in marriages we agree the healing from cancer in Jesus name babies lungs to heal deaf ears to open Christian schools and need more students identity restore young people stop fire stop in the name of Jesus thank you you thank you thank you Jesus well why don't you just take a moment and now welcome somebody to church today give them a big hug say something encouraging and that you might want to move into the middle of the Rose if you wouldn't mind thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah well while you just grab your seat I want to play you a video that Nathaniel has done and about the fires that have been going on in New South Wales and Victoria so Dylan if we could play that thank you he's experiencing some of the worst fires we've ever seen my family and I live in New South Wales and for the third time this season our government has declared a state of emergency but in the midst of this more people are praying to God than I've ever seen before including people that wouldn't usually pray and at that point I was praying yeah I don't pray to the Lord very often in this tumultuous time many Christian groups are gathering to pray my church congregation have been asked to pray and fast for rain and prayer is extremely important but how many of us are actively finding ways to share the gospel in the country crying out for hope watch what can be done whilst that apart with my family using three simple questions and a 20-second video on my phone I've been stunned by what's happened as I know you guys would have in the last three months as fires all over Australia at the moment probably some of the worst fires we've seen in maybe even Australian history it's really scary we're actually we hold out in like July okay in November and it's bent down it's in time Mike and you guys I'm sure would agree with this but Australians when things are difficult they seem to get together and really give each other a hand if you guys found that yeah we actually did that we all got together put some money in important bees and sawdust for the gazet I mean a lot of people open their homes to people they've been evacuated you know you Baron together to help your fellow man which is a good thing to see especially when you're experiencing scary situations like the fires yeah absolutely and speaking of a scary situation something I found that Australians are doing more than any other time that I remember is he's really praying but some people who don't usually pray have had been praying them let me show you a little video example of this this is just from ABC and channel 7 at that point I was praying yeah over the night before I was praying to God I'm trying to turn the week the 10-year is amazing it's due to them in the the prayers from the whole country that we survived and I don't pray to the Lord very often biggest why do you think that people win their life's at risk or they're in a situation like we are at the moment when people turn to God turn to pray I think it's a bit of a natural instinct and no matter what you believe in there's a creator and you want to you know that that Creator is got your back and yeah it's there for the people and like to like we're atheists and I would do the same thing I would people run out of options and feel that they have to look for something and guess beyond themselves I think it's also the the hope that there's something else that could help it's often a last hope I guess for people in this tragedy people to me to realize that they're not always in control and it gives them restaurants to reach out to someone hiding them have you found yourself at all calling out to go to a praying recently yeah had her meltdown on New Year's Eve with the fires a fat charm havens I can't say that I have I'm not religious well I'm Christian so I do try to you can and not just in times of strife like now with the bush fires but every you know every day as well have you found yourself turning to prayer in the midst of any of this yeah should we ask don't know who to bid it to someone out that listening you just hope hope for the best for everyone we have prayer eagerly after just a few questions in a short video people who are open to hearing the gospel it says in the Bible that God has put eternity on men's hearts and we know that when I'm going to live forever as well as a presentation called the three circles this first circle represents brokenness we weren't made for brokenness were made for something called God's perfect design but we as humans we turned away from God and something called sin separated people allowed us to pray with them Lord we thank you for Australia we just ask that you would send grain to put these fires are and we were able to plant seeds in the lives of those who haven't yet received Christ but I would encourage you not to wait until times get difficult on you guys to have eternal inheritance with him and haven't see Jesus I need you as my savior today I give my life to you just in your own time we're also able to encourage other Christians to share their faith it's I encourage you guys as Christians as well people are really ready and opened at the moment do you think a conversation like what I've just chatted with you guys about could be an encouragement to Christians to step out and chat to people about what's going on at the moment yeah definitely certainly is an important opportunity more than more than ever to be what we've been taught and what we've been committed to do as Christians an important opportunity Christians can even take at a path with please pray for Australia through this crisis but whether your country is in crisis or not if you're a Christian share the gospel and if you're not sure where to start try asking people a few simple questions [Music] well what an opportunity we have in this season just to present people with the gospel of peace people are hurting and desperate and looking for answers in Christ in you Christ in you the hope of glory is the answer that they need amen so I'd encourage you be bold in your faith here's the solution and it's on your tongue so this week as you encounter and meet people let the love of Christ compels you to tell them about him amen it's a great way to start the year put it into practice I'm gonna share every day this year every week this year about the love of God because like I said he's the answer to the need of every human heart and particularly at this time amen amen awesome well welcome to glory City Church it's our great privilege to have you here today happy new year wonderful family if it's your first time with us or if you are visiting from out of town we want to make you feel especially welcome family would you please welcome them well can we love you already it's so wonderful thank you for coming and being with us today if it is your first time could you please raise your hand we would love to give you welcome hello friends welcome lots of you in the middle veg so great to have you here could you please keep your hand raised we'd love to give you just a little goodie bag a prize package without a little bit of it with some information about glory city church a little treat for you to enjoy ourselves today it really is a privilege to host you thank you for coming this afternoon a beautiful family we have some notices for you today kicking off with youth camp this week matt is going to come just for a minute to tell us a little bit about what's going on packed house tonight how's everyone doing 20:20 new year's resolution come to church I can see I'm yeah so like Sarah said on this Tuesday two days away now we have a youth camp just a bit of context around why that's really important and why we're so passionate about about it as been leading the youth ministry here for around two and a half years and when I when I took the youth ministry over I really had it on my heart that we wouldn't be identified as a youth group anymore but we'd be identified as a youth movement because it's it's great to run a program but I had on my heart that God wanted me to pioneer a youth movement so they got me thinking about okay how can we how can we do things maybe a bit differently still honoring the past but maybe thinking a bit differently on how we can do things and we decided I started thinking about the network we were a part of the glory city network which is you know about 14 churches and I thought you know if we have 14 churches in our network then that must mean we have 14 youth ministries in our network I said how we how we taken advantage of that and God has put it on my heart to to pioneer a youth camp for our glory city network and I was just obedient to that I had literally never done it before was this obedient to it and God's been so so so faithful with for youth ministry strong right now this is our first time doing it we have over a hundred people coming to the camp let's give them a shout of praise let's get on the glory it's all for him yeah I just want to give him all the glory because without him we wouldn't wouldn't be able to do this and he's faithful to bring the to bring the fish and to bring the people but like I said earlier when I talked about youth camp on my heart is that this youth camp wouldn't be an event that young people come to but it would be it would be an event that Him sends young people out to have an impact on this city and that it wouldn't just be an event that they'll come to and they'll get an experience and then would leave them there but it'll be something that could set them up to impact their school to impact their family to impact their workplace so that is why you know it's really great that we have the numbers but my heart is that we wouldn't miss the mark and we wouldn't miss the point of what youth camp is and that's why I'm sharing here too tonight because we've got how many people here probably 350 people here that I'm assuming you all are prayer warriors and I'm going to be straight with you there's been problems and they're always going to be there always is going to be problems because the devil hates that we want to shake the gate of hell the devil hates that we want to empower and equip and send young people to tear up this city for Jesus so what I want to do right now is I just want to mobilize you all to pray but I love what how mark puts it either our prayers mean nothing or they mean everything so as we go into youth camp it's from Tuesday to Friday I just want to mobilize all you guys to pray for our young people pray for our leaders pray for the speakers we have the blessing having pasta Catherine pastor Dillon pasa Jane as well as Passyunk both from sup from the sunny coast so just pray for us pray for our young people pray that there would be an impact and impartation and encounter that they would not leave youth camp the same as they came into youth camp believe that there will be many healed many set free many saved in the name of Jesus can we partner with me in that amen lots of carpet time in Jesus name can I have that back please let's pray now for the youth and for Matt in their leadership team will you do that with me stand up your leaders please stand youth if you're going whoever's involved we just want to pray for you right now won't you stretch out your hands blood leaders let's get among them father I thank you Lord for this awesome wonderful pioneering team in Jesus name we declared this week Lord for radical encounters but we thank you in Jesus name for every person going that there would never be the same Lord for every family for every high school for every community and church they represent never the same Lord send them out as Trailblazers look wherever they going let me also that you would do something you've never done before in the Hogs of every person represented in Jesus name what we also they'll be saved healed delivered set free set on fire for that generation in Jesus name and we blessed Matt and Emmy we bless the leadership team we ask for wisdom we prosper in sight God we ask for love what to be evident among them and as they minister to one another and to the youth as well let it go forth as a movement and movement is righteous radicals seldom fails for Jesus unashamed unashamed in Jesus name Amen amen and protection as well thank you God honey there are no broken bones I also noticed that there are accidents in Jesus name let it be no one knows trip cut short in Jesus name and everyone who is meant to be there get there in Jesus name get there nobody pulling out let it be thank you God amen whoo hey great t-shirts they're beautiful I need to get me one of those yes awesome praise God love a good t-shirt hey speaking of t-shirts and I'll get it to it this one shortly our Academy that we love so beautifully is launching again for the year in February if you haven't applied yet and you have felt just the nudging and the rumbling and the whisper of the still quiet voice I would encourage you to pay heed and pay attention to that and apply this week apply this week don't put it off another week don't put it off and I'll just see what happens and what my workers know when we respond to the call of God he's very good at making a way where there seems to be no way even if you feel like it's impossible for you but you feel the calling of the Holy Spirit I'd encourage you apply this week because not only will he make a way for you if you apply this week and are approved you'll be given a free Academy hoodie how good's that I believe we Hey so you can have a Youth seekers t-shirt this week apply for the Academy and have a hoodie next week how good's that awesome so please do that though I encourage you apply for the Academy this week it'll change your life you won't be the same we believe in good theology grounding in the Word of God partnered with the power of the Holy Spirit and so I encourage you if you want to be anchored in both and most of all on the love of God come to the Academy it will change your life you can go to the Academy i NT comte you I believe that's Academy International but int dot-com do you check out Facebook if I've got that wrong and you'll be able to find us there for more information finally I wanted to let you know about our magnificent prophetic school that we have coming up officially in our glory prophetic school GPS see what I did there so we can navigate and find our way with the Holy Spirit if you want basic training for how to hear the voice of God in and what it means to move and operate in the prophetic then this school is for you it kicks off Monday the 24th of February right here at glory city church for ten weeks and we're gonna have awesome speakers from this house I'm gonna just filled with the love of God wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the maturity of of years in the prophetic so I would encourage you that this is a safe place to teach I'm sorry to learn and to practice and I'm not just saying that because I mean go here but I've seen it done unsafely and this is really safe place so come along we'd love to have you can register today online and I mean I love best making new friends you know that but I'm come along to a prophetic school with you best friends forever may be the greatest so be the greatest thing well without any further ado we're going I'd like to invite the team to come and get ready to collect our offering we're going to do daily declarations while on declarations around our finance I just want to say we're not putting like giving into the offering and then saying something in hope that we're making some kind of transaction that's not what we were doing this afternoon but well we're focusing on our finance we're actually accepting the invitation of the Holy Spirit to speak life and to create words worlds with our words were made in the image of a creative God who spoke world light and there was light into existence and so we have the opportunity this afternoon to create light around our finance not just for our family but for our city for our church or for the nation so I don't courage you and please stand and we're gonna speak this out if you want to know more about that the casters read a brilliant book about it and called speak life and you can get that if your keen eye 10 out of 10 would recommend awesome so have we got there's loads of ways that you can pay and I think you probably know them all so let's I'll thank you that's very kind let's get into it today we'll do it together one two three as we receive today's offering we are believing the Lord for jobs and better jobs raises and bonuses benefits sales and commissions favorable settlements estates and inheritances interests and income rebates and returns checks in the mail gifts and surprises finding money debts paid off expenses decreased blessing and increase thank you for meeting all of my financial needs so that I have more than enough to give into the kingdom of God and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ amen amen I thank you know that you are making us wonderful stewards of our wealth this year hallelujah well it's such a privilege for us to have kicking off 2020 our beautiful mother of the house please welcome pastor Catherine she comes I love I love Sundays Christie the Roaring Twenties hallelujah praise the Lord are you happy wonderful Jesus no you can't talk to me Dillon praise the Lord hallelujah I love you too but no in fact I'm gonna take this off unless you really need me come a wave wildly hallelujah thank you Jesus are you happy yes good I am I really appreciated you praying for the youth myself I got saved on a youth camp at the age of 12 I did I found God hallelujah and that's what I'm believing for for our young people that they will really find him in a way that will mark them for ever amen and so I really do ask you to perhaps make yourself a note that in your daily prayer you would um you would pray specifically for this youth camp and it's it's such a powerful thing who's ever heard of the 4:14 window eighty percent of Christians find Christ in the 4:14 window in that in between the ages of four and fourteen eighty percent of Christians find Christ during that time and so children's ministry youth ministry it's not it's not a babysitting thing that we do because we have to provide something for them that is actually that's the key window that we need to be making efforts to evangelize hallelujah and introduce them to the gospel I think you should be agreeing with me more than you are yes hallelujah and and so we just want to honor our our youth teams honey and Mattin every I'm so excited about what God's gonna do and Benjy and the team who are looking after the children's ministry you know that it is such a powerful powerful ministry and so we really appreciate your prayers your encouragement and any help you can give them thank you for those who've given to how the sponsor used to come along it's just we are very very blessed and I'm so grateful I love our church there so you're such a generous church is such a loving Church and I love coming and just walking in on Sundays because of the love and the joy that I find every time we walk in hallelujah well this is the first Sunday of the new year hallelujah this is going to be a glorious year hallelujah nothing is impossible for him and I believe that the Holy Spirit has so much that he wants to do you know I really encourage you um as you get ready to jump into this new year and I know many are going back to work tomorrow others you've still got a few weeks before things really kick back in again but take this opportunity to make a decision now you know I'm not into New Year's resolutions so much but I do think the new year is a great opportunity for resetting your thinking and re-examining like Christy said behold I do a new thing it's a new day to consider is there anything that I am doing or holding on to that isn't just not fruitful that God might want to prune off so that he can increase and cause more growth to come and to surrender to him and say Lord here it is I lay it all before you show me what you want to do help me recognize the dead branches help me to recognize the things that are not being fruit will help me to recognize the things that need to need to shift need to change and help me Lord as I come into this new year to step up and shake off the dust of the past hallelujah to shake off at the things that didn't go right the disappointments distractions and the discouragement from the past shake it all off and step into a new year with with a deliberate declaration of his faithfulness and His goodness amen praise the Lord well are you ready for the Word of God hallelujah hey Karl it is good to see you I can see I know Meg got your name wrong praise the Lord on Friday night but we know it now don't we Meg it's good I just felt sorry for you really oh what'd I ever do Cambodia together God god is good all right I want to talk with you oh by the way who enjoyed the prophetic words that came out last week and this week Wow honestly it's so I mean with the word that you brought tshh Oh powerful powerful every one of those words was just so on point hello Dylan what are you trying to call me accident okay that's okay no worries Faceman lord this man is getting married soon very exciting praise the Lord the Academy also has helped us dylan found a bride praise the Lord God is good is good just hey give it a go sorry Cheyenne praise the Lord Dylan is not sorry Dylan is very happy praise the Lord but I I listened to those words from last week and I I'm going to go over those words that we heard this week because they are significant in as invitations that God is offering us the opportunity to respond to and we need to be careful even in a prophetic environment not to get over familiar with prophecy but to be very intentional and deliberate to weigh it and then when you believe that it lines up with the word of God that it resonates with your spirit and you believe it to be a true word and we'll talk all about how to way a good word in the prophetic school so I do encourage you if you're part of the Academy you get to do it for free yes praise the Lord but I do encourage you to do it because it's important sometimes you can get wonky prophetic words can you believe that it does happen occasionally not here hallelujah but you need to learn rather than just rejecting the gifts of the Spirit you need to learn how to weigh what is good and cling to what is good and to reject what isn't and there it Bible has very clear ways for us to discern are good and a true prophetic word pastor James teachers brilliantly on that too and we have some really wonderful teachers who help you hallelujah we love to teach on the prophetic don't we Sarah praise God and Rebecca I mean it's just good fun hallelujah well let's pray father I thank you for today well we thank you for the rain we celebrate Lord in advance rain all across this nation droughts breaking rain in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for it I thank you you've heard our prayers we celebrate it we decree it we declare the droughts broken in the name of Jesus Christ and by the way ask today that you'd give us ears to hear Lord that your spirit would speak through me and ignite in the hearts of everyone that listens God a hope and strategy that would bear much fruit Lord in the name of Jesus everybody said amen well I want to speak to you today about responding to prophetic promises know the Bible tells us that all of his promises are yes and amen that in fact he has laid a banqueting table before us in the presence of our enemies it also says that everything pertaining to life and godliness has already been given to us Oh amazing promises that we are co-heirs with Christ so it praise God it's no longer we who live but Christ who lives in us hallelujah by faith we've received the grace of God we become new creations the old is gone with the new has come by faith we walk as the righteous of God hallelujah in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and as a result we can have confidence that every promise that we read about in the Word of God is available to us but the truth is it might say a promise in here but if you imagine going to a banqueting table who has ever been to a good buffet yes now you can have an amazing buffet but unless you actually go and get the food put it on your plate and eat it you don't get to enjoy it you can take photographs of it you could tell people about it you could pay for it but if you don't actually pick it up and eat it you don't enjoy it and many times the Bible is for us this banqueting table that we need to recognize requires a faith response we need to respond we need to take advantage of the good things that have been laid up for us the things it is done and that's not greedy or selfish because the Bible tells us that without faith it's impossible to please God faith pleases him he wants you to be blessed he wants you to be an inheritor of the promises he wants you to live life and life more abundant and it's his will that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers hallelujah it's his will that you would walk in his ways that you would not miss out on a single thing that he has paid for hallelujah remember when they had the lows in the fishes and that was all multiplied as Jesus fed the 5,000 do you remember that story in the Bible two of you do how do you do after they'd fed all the people what did Jesus tell them to do he told them to go and pick up all the leftovers collect them all and they feel how many baths it's full twelve baskets full of leftovers that's a really strange detail for the Bible to note but you know God doesn't want anything wasted here everything that he has paid for through the sacrifice of his own life his death burial and resurrection everything that he has given to us he desires that not one drop would be wasted even a crumb was enough to hear lisara phoenician woman's daughter hallelujah God doesn't want us he's not glorified by us admiring the table and not tasting and eating of it hallelujah can you imagine a parent buying Christmas presents for their children or for your family or your friends and then they don't open the presents they go it's so wonderful but I'm not worthy my kids wouldn't do that No oh it's so beautiful good how its wrapped oh that's incredible but no I'm not I'm not worthy I don't need it I don't need it you see what that does it it doesn't please the one who's giving the gift the pleasure comes when the gift is received enjoyed and appreciated faith pleases God amen hallelujah he is so so good he is so so faithful and so God wants us to respond to prophetic promises hallelujah um 1 Timothy 1:18 if you want to turn there with me hallelujah I can hear the familiar Amen of Joel sure in the house a lady yeah praise the Lord I listen for your voice oh there he is praise the Lord 1 Timothy 1:18 this command I entrust to you Timothy my son in accordance with the prophesies previously made concerning you that by them you may fight the good fight keeping faith and a good conscience which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their face fight the good fight wage warfare therefore my son Timothy with the prophetic promises the prophetic words spoken over you the promises of God are not inevitabilities they are invitations waiting for your response they are gifts on the table waiting for you to take and receive hallelujah and it requires us to wage good warfare with the promises so I want to talk with you about what that looks like you know all the way through the Bible we see examples of people responding to promises we will start with Abraham in Abraham in Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 we read the story about how God was promising Abraham that hey you know don't think that your heir is going to be one of your servants in the house your air is going to come from your own body and your descendants I was going to be as numerous as the sand on the seashore and as the stars in the sky this was an incredible impossible promise but God took him outside he got him to look up at the stars and see it picture it I want you to picture what this is gonna look like how many stars are there can you count them all as many as over stars in the sky are gonna be your descendants was the prophetic promise that God gave Abraham and it says here in verse 6 that Abram believed God and he reckoned it to as righteousness the first thing we need to do when we see a promise in the Bible when we remember a prophetic word that's come I mean we heard three today as soon as you recognize a word as soon as you read something in here where for example the Bible says these signs shall follow those who believe they shall lay hands on the sick hallelujah you can get that's a promise hallelujah and now and so when you have a promise we the first thing we need to do to respond to a prophetic promise is to believe what is being said we spoke about Mary and Zacharias when the angel came to Mary and said you're going to have a son her response was face she said be it unto me according to your word she took it and she received it she believed it and therefore she was able to conceive it Zacharias on the other hand when he heard the promise he didn't believe it and the angel actually stopped his mouth until after the baby was born because he had to they he wasn't going to be allowed to interfere with what God wanted to do we need to receive and believe what the Lord saying you know when we believe what God's saying God wants us to actually let that go down deep and become a solid faith and the way that happens is when we start to see it imagine it just like Abraham looked at the stars and and pictured what it was going to look like it's important when we have promises to walk around in those promises in your sanctified imagination so for example say the promise of God is with long life I'll satisfy you and show you my salvation and the enemy's been attacking you with fear that your life to be cut short you can grab that promise and say Lord it says here in your words Psalm 91 you said with long life you'll satisfy me and show you you show me your salvation all right god I thank you for that promise and I'm gonna start to imagine what its gonna look like when I'm really old what am I gonna look like what's it gonna be like what am I gonna do hallelujah I'm gonna imagine myself active healthy bright sharp and um and of a sound mind hallelujah healthy body praise the Lord I'm not going to allow the the pictures of what the enemy would want to sell me but I'm going to imagine the promise of God whatever you promise that you know you'll prosper and be in health if you're struggling with sickness start to imagine what its gonna look like not to be sick can you imagine what are you gonna do hallelujah Alex when your knees healed hallelujah what's it gonna look like can you imagine can you begin to see it and I you know I encourage those that I mentor before they go to sleep at night to take 15 minutes and actually walk around on the inside of their dreams God's given you a promise God's giving you a call before you go to sleep set your mind in faith on what God is calling you to do and begin to walk around on the inside of your dream what I mean by that is begin to see it and and imagine what its gonna look like hallelujah walk around on the inside of your dream begin to see what's it gonna be like what's it gonna be like when they get up out of the wheelchair how am I gonna manage it in the meeting when they start jumping up out of their wheelchairs what am I gonna do how am I gonna respond to that how are we gonna have the testimonies I do this in my head how Booya I see it I see the people getting saved I see the fireballs going out over the crowds touching healing delivering and God wants you to see it too hallelujah but not only does he want us to see it he wants us to say it he told to Abram he told Abram I want you to start calling things that be not as though they are I want you to start calling yourself father of many nations before he was the father of many nations and he began to declare it calling things have been artists though they are and it's so powerful when we start to see it and say it hallelujah believe it see it and say it mark 11 verse 20 if you want to turn there with me hallelujah great word here who loves the Word of God got my nice and your Bible hallelujah I got for Christmas look got my name on it my husband loves me thank you mark Greenwood - for the inspiration he and Mark got together and Tom said she once in your Bible I know you'll know hallelujah mark 11 verse 20 as they are passing by in the morning they saw the fig tree withered up from the roots up believing sorry being reminded Peter said to him rabbi look the fig tree which you cursed has withered and jesus answered saying to them have faith in God truly I say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says is going to happen it will be granted him therefore I say to you all things for which you pray and ask believe that you have received them and they will be granted for that will be granted you believe that you have received it now when you are looking at a promise you are scarred father thank you you've said I take it I wage war with that promise God you said it I believe it I'm imagining it I see it hallelujah I believe that I have received it I'm gonna start planning and so it's already happened I'm gonna start behaving as though it's already happened I'm believing decrying and I'm receiving in the name of Jesus as though I've already received it hallelujah as you believe that you have received it that's a done deal hallelujah oh I was sharing the other night from second Samuel verse 7 if you want to turn there with me this was an interesting study when you look at how David responded to the Lord giving him a prophetic word the Lord gave him an awesome word through the Prophet in 2nd Samuel hallelujah chapter 7 and David's response was really interesting the Lord had had promised him that his descendants would sit on the throne forever and David responded to the Lord and he said oh god that's awesome you're so awesome Kathryn paraphrase just for the sake of time thanks amazing goodies if you haven't done enough for me Wow thank you so much you are amazing I worship you for that you are incredible thank you so much God and then he says in verse 27 for you Lord of hosts the God of Israel have made a revelation to your servant saying I will build you a house therefore your servant has found courage to pray this prayer to you now Oh Lord God you are God and your words are truth and you have promised this good thing to your servant now therefore may it please you to bless the house of your servant that it may continue forever before you for you O Lord God have spoken and with your blessing may the house of your servant be blessed forever he just prayed back to God what God had already said he would do God wants us to wage war with what he promises us and we can do that by opening our mouths and praying it there's nothing wrong with praying the promises of God ask and you will receive so further I'm asking for this with sex I'm not gonna worry about it I'm gonna ask a lot of the time we worry and we forget to actually ask when in fact we can ask and use the promises of God as the basis FF Bosworth used to say faith begins where the will of God is known and when you know the Word of God you can know the will of God hallelujah well I don't know if I'm supposed to get healed or not well the Bible tells us that for this purpose the Son of God was manifest to destroy the works of the evil one he also tells us that what Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the enemy very clearly in the Word of God it is clear that that the will of God is for you to be healed hallelujah he prays that we would prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper so you can take that promise and pray it well father I think I'm asking you for healing because you promised you said because you promised I'm asking for that what is saying it's like um someone going coming to our house Tom's just got a new barbecue praise the Lord that was my present to him for Christmas it's blue hallelujah and he can be cooking the barbecue and everyone lines up to get their food and it would be like I'm asking saying can I have some onions in the same way when we have the promises of God it's all cooked up it's already there and asking him is is something that is is absolutely what the father wants us to do asking you'll receive pray and believe receive it say it pray it hallelujah the Bible tells us also in Isaiah 54 who knows what I'm gonna say Isaiah 54 he wants us to celebrate as though we have already received her remember we read just before in mark 11 to believe and receive it as though we already have it believe and receive it in faith and believe that you already have received it and when you believe that there should be a response if you believe you've received it you should get happy about what you haven't yet received because you know in faith I already have it so I'm gonna start getting happy he tells this to Israel here he says shout for joy a barren one you who have borne no child break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud you who have not surveilled but the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous than the sons of the married woman God and then he says enlarge the place of your tent stretch out the curtains of your dwellings spare not lengthen your cords strengthen your pens pegs for you will spread abroad to the right and the left and your descendants will possess nations and will resettle the desolate cities he tells her I want you to start singing and rejoicing about your promise before you have it and I want you to celebrate you know I love actually this story that your parents talked about that is um I remember I was coming to to visit this couple overseas and they needed to come and meet me at the border with their passports but as they were getting ready to come and get me they couldn't find them they looked everywhere for their passports could not find where they could have put them so they prayed and they asked Lord show us where the passports are they rang their mother-in-law can you please pray us the Lord to help us find our passports then they started declaring and dancing about the fact that they'd already received what they asked for and in their bedroom buzz started dancing around going thank you Lord that we have our passwords thank you that we found our passwords just in time fake can you imagine a happy dance but for something that you can't find well as they were dancing their mother-in-law rang back and said the Lord just told me they were in a box underneath the bed sure enough they found their passports and praise the Lord they came and got me and I didn't get I wasn't kept waiting you know God there's power in praise we're saying this is how I fight my battles but there's more to it than just a catchy song there's something that happens when you start to sing and celebrate and dance about what you haven't yet seen hallelujah sing o barren in second chronicles chapter 20 verse 14 if you want to turn there hallelujah praise the Lord second chronicles 20 thank you Jesus verse 14 it's the story of Jehoshaphat verse 14 in the middle of the earth Nebuta the Lord came upon jahaziel the son of Zachariah the son of benaiah the son of jail and he said I just skipped her a few songs s-sorry and he said listen all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat thus says the Lord to you get ready here's a prophecy today desp'rate opportune for the battle is not yours but gods tomorrow go down against them behold thou come up by the ascent of ziz and you will find them at the end of the valley in front of the wilderness of juruá you will not need to fight in this battle station yourselves stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf of Judah and Jerusalem do not fear or be dismayed tomorrow go out to face them for the Lord is with you then Joseph at bowed his head with his face to the ground all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the Lord worshiping the Lord skipping down to verse 20 they rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Toccoa and when they went out Jehoshaphat stood and said listen to me o Judah and Jerusalem Jerusalem put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established put your trust in his prophets and succeed when he'd consulted with the people he appointed those who sang to the Lord and those who praised him in holy attire as they went out before the army and said give thanks to the Lord for his loving kindness is everlasting when they began singing and praising the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir who had come against Judah so they were routed for the sons of Ammon and Moab rose up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir destroying them completely and when they'd finished with the inhabitants of teir they helped to destroy each other what happened then he began to sing they began to celebrate they began to worship and praise because they had a promise and God caused the enemies to just fight against each other and destroy each other something powerful happens when you start to wage war with your prophetic words through praise and thanksgiving dance and celebration he is so faithful and you know I believe the final thing that is so important for us when we're waging war with the prophetic promises of God is that we would do something remember when Elijah received the mantle of Elijah he'd been after the double portion and Elijah prophesied and said if you see me being taken up you'll receive the double portion who knows the story well sure enough through perseverance Elijah's or allowed to get taken up and when the mantle fell down Elijah picked it up and he didn't just put in his backpack and keep it as a memento he picked it up and he did something with it he remembered that they'd come across the water and the Lord had parted the waters as Elijah commanded the waters to part so he believed he had received a double portion of Elijah's mantle so he did something with that promise he believed it he received it and he acted upon it and he used his words he picked up the mantle and he struck the water in expectation that what had happened for Elijah would happen for him and he declared where is the Lord God of Elijah in face he took God at his promise he took that prophetic promise and he activated it by doing something sometimes we have to do something to activate what God has given us hallelujah I remember when the pennilyn Hayley's baby Gabriella was born and she had a heart attack after she was born and she was dead for four minutes and they revived her but they thought there was absolutely no hope she was completely unresponsive they expected her to be to never recover or wake up and I walked into the hospital because they ran men to ask me to come and the nurses they were waiting for the minister hoping that I would help these people recognize that hey you need to accept this baby's not going to recover and I walked in and I looked at this baby girl hooked up looking as gray as death and I said to the first thing I said take a picture this is going to preach really well because I was preparing in faith believing that we were going to have a testimony from this situation the next thing I did before I prayed was I said get Haley expressing because she's going to be feeding this baby so I sent Haley into the mother's room with the nurse and I got them to start expressing milk so that she'd be ready when the baby woke up to begin to breastfeed because if you actually believe what the promise is then you should be preparing in advance to receive it so that's what they did for three days she was expressing as we were praying and sure enough on the third day she woke up and she was immediately started able to feed hallelujah over and over again my experience has been that the Lord is faithful to do what He has promised but he doesn't he doesn't want us to liver so we are helpless people who is just gonna put it on us he wants us to be fully aware and fully awake and to rise up in faith and partner with him to see his promises come to pass God's heart for us is not just to live in our I hope that says well I hope though it should happen it's supposed to happen I hope it happens whatever those of hurtful but instead to really deliberately and intentionally look for what has been promised remind yourself of the prophetic words that have been spoken look at the promises that you have you even if you have you have only read the Bible you've never received a prophetic word there is still so much in here that you haven't yet received that you could go to work with immediately because prophetic promises prophetic words a good true prophetic word anyway is based on this so you have everything you need you can take it as God leads you you begin to lay hold of the promises believe that you've received it hallelujah celebrators so you already have it decree it call those things that benighted so they are and start preparing start activating your promise so that you can make room and large the place of your tents get ready he was telling her who had no children make room get a bedroom ready start to make extra rooms you're gonna need them for all the children you're gonna have God wants you to make room to receive the promises you know when the Lord called me into ministry I was only 23 and had my first baby and he'd promised me that when I was thirty God was going to open the doors for me to start preaching so what I did was while I was having my children between 23 and 30 I went to Bible College part-time because I had a promise so I figured I better get ready I'd better equip myself and even though it was still seven years before the promise came to pass I was activating what I hadn't received in faith I would walk around but in my dreams I would walk around it I'd imagine what its gonna look like I begin to decree it I begin to say it I'd be seeing that the stadiums I'd be seeing the people being healed I was imagining what it was looking like I was reading the testimonies of people who had seen miracles picturing what it looks like seen video and then imagining myself what the Lord was going to do and when the time was right God opened the door my heart for you is that you wouldn't be passive this year that you wouldn't allow the enemy's discouragement the heaviness that he'd love to hang over you the circumstances and the difficulties that you may be facing to to cloud your true purpose the Bible says that as he is so are we in this world that means everything that's in here is now available to us your purpose your destiny is to do the same works that Jesus did and greater works hallelujah your purpose is to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers to glorify God and enjoy him forever to live full of the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace patience long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance all of that is your inheritance if you're not experiencing it you can wage war with it hallelujah if you are if you're you'll get up and you feel like or just feel so discouraged I hardly sleep I'm not having a good day Oh fill up this you have to go hang on stop no my day is not going to be dictated by how I feel today my my day is gonna be dictated by what God offers me you said that you are loved love is patient love is kind so today I'm gonna manifest the fruits of patience today I'm gonna manifest joy I'm the walking supernatural peace I'm not going to be anxious about anything I'm gonna pray I'm gonna ask about everything and with Thanksgiving I'm gonna receive it by faith I'm gonna celebrate and I'm going to rejoice hallelujah this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus amen hallelujah praise the Lord he's a good good father you know we uh we love to agree with you about whatever you are believing for and it's there's nothing there's nothing wrong with asking people to agree with you when the Bible says whenever - on earth agree about anything according to his will it'll be done yay that's a promise you can go to war with and we're gonna take communion together and pray for each other and agree with each other and pull it in the promises of God if someone in your communion group has a need for a marriage restored pull it in in faith with them help them lift up their arms and help them pull it in if someone's looking for a healing help them lift up their arms and pull it in with them by faith okay we're gonna receive that with you right now by faith we're gonna pull out in with you and there's something powerful about agreement you know one can put a thousand of light but two can put ten thousand hallelujah that's why we like to take communion together remember the promises of God and the faithfulness and the power of the blood and the body of Jesus and we love to pray with each other the Bible tells us to do that and there's so much power when we do but as the teams get ready to hand out communion tonight I want to ask you if you're here and you know in your hearts you are not walking with God salvation is an invitation waiting for your response salvation is offered Jesus has done it his will is that no one would perish but that everyone would have eternal life there is a heaven and there is a hell God doesn't want anyone to go to hell one more - amen I'll say it again God doesn't want anyone to go to hell he desires and none should perish but unless we respond to the gift that he has for us he cannot force us to receive the salvation that we need you can throw someone a life preserver but if they don't grab a hold of it they will still drown Jesus has done everything that needs to be done but it requires a face response from on our part that says I need salvation I can't get rid of my sin on my own no one can no one can pay the price for sin that's why Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that we could receive the gift of righteousness today if you're here and you know in your heart you haven't received salvation you don't know that if you died tonight where you would go God offers you peace and eternal life hallelujah but it requires you to say yes I will I need salvation I want to receive Jesus as my savior if you're here today and you know in your heart that you need to make that response the Bible also tells us that if we confess him before men he'll confess us before his father who's in heaven he is faithful and just to forgive us of all of our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness to give us in exchange for our old life a brand-new life what a way to step into a new decade free from yourself free from sin and with the righteousness and the power of eternal life living on the inside of you if you're here tonight and you know in your heart you need to get your life right with God I want to pray with you if that's you would you wave your hand at me I want to pray with you is there anyone here that says yes I'll tonight to be the night that I cross the line and give my life to Jesus I want to receive him as my savior is there anyone here that says yes that's me just wave your hand at me if that's you I'm not going to embarrass you but it is really important life and death eternal life requires a faithful response that says yes I want to receive Jesus as my lord give me a wave if that's you I want to see your hand thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah all right we what we want to do today right now is we're going to take communion together but I want you in your groups with your communion leaders to pray for each other we like to go around the circle and just ask if there's any prayer requests nothing's too big or too small I think it's really important as we share our burdens with each other it's a beautiful thing often watch later in the week someone in there come in a communion group heard that someone in that group needed prayer for something and they'll bring them up during the week and say how you going with that and I watch and see community built as we bear one another's burdens hallelujah we're not a an orphanage where we have a few professional people looking after everybody we're a family who look after each other we pray for one another who support one another so that's what we want to do as we pray today so could we have our communion group leaders stand out wherever you are all across the house these amazing people it's so lovely we often see people getting healed and delivered and set free and prophecies happening which is just awesome so if you um thank you Jesus for all our communion group leaders praise the Lord now guys if you can just move to different parts of the heart of the house I want you to grab your communion hallelujah Travis and Matt are gonna take the you so I did hear if you want to come and join them if you're of school-age you can go over here hallelujah but where if you need um if you're a new visit and you'd like to have communion with Tom and myself oh you can come up here on the platform and we'll have communion together but let me just pray a blessing on you this week who has been encouraged to wage war with their promises this week listen I'm sorry I urge you in the name of Jesus not to be complacent there is grounds to be taken for you and God doesn't want us to coast into the new year he wants us to march and dance and celebrate into it and begin to take what he has for us hallelujah so father in the name of Jesus I speak the blessing of God Lord that you would bless them indeed enlarge their territory let your hand be with them and keep them from evil that they may not cause or experience pain in the name of Jesus Christ everybody said amen god bless you as you come and join one of our communities you're gonna have to spread out a bit more guys and and that'll be great
Channel: Glory City Church
Views: 1,321
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, bible, Holy, Spirit, prophecy, prophetic, healed, Katherine, Ruonala, worship, Brisbane, Australia, church, miracles
Id: nLmtyJ0CI_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 7sec (7687 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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