Katharine McPhee on her love story with David Foster

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um how did you guys meet and how did you like i love people's love stories like how did you know that each other was one um but i met him when i was a contestant on american idol oh you did you did that yeah yeah he that season i mean that if you remember how massive american idol was at that point it was just like it was i mean they gave us our own security guards to go to the malls to shop like every week we would go and it was so unnecessary but that's how important they thought like that the show was and like you know if steven spielberg is watching american idol every week it was pretty important at that time it was pretty major so um they had i say that because they had amazing guests every week like we get stevie wonder and rod stewart and andre buchelli and david foster and i remember calling my mom and saying you're never going to believe who's the guest mentors this week and you know my mom was a huge andrea buchelli fan and so i grew up like listening to all his music and and then i said the producer david foster and i was like i don't know who he is and she's like catherine david freaking foster officer you know who david foster is uh i was like okay so i grew up idolizing celine and that was one of the many people that he like she was already he'll credit and to credit her because he's always good at giving credit where credit's due but he'll he'll say that celine was already famous in canada but he brought her he brought her down to america and made her first album with her and um so i was obsessed with celine obsessed with mur i'm not very careful with her too but he didn't produce her and uh the winnie houston bodyguard soundtrack i mean he did like everything that i loved so anyway that was when i first met him but of course it wasn't like i mean i was very young and we had a huge age difference and so i was certainly not uh all i was thinking about was the competition and um andre pacelli and getting through that week but it was really cool because when i came off the show i came in second i didn't win but i scots aren't signed to rca and they had me that the big song that i sang on idol was somewhere over the rainbow that simon picked for me he had like said this is you know this is the song the cat's gonna sing and uh so rca had hired david so i remember like getting in my little because i grew up here in l.a so i had my car here and my mom came to the studio and he lived in malibu at the time this beautiful um property it was mostly like the house itself he'll say like wasn't even that great but he had this amazing studio with this huge lawn so it's just like straight out of a movie where i pull up in my little like honda civic car so chicky my first little car that i ever had into this like big beautiful mansion and um had a great session that day and recorded the vocals with him and i just remember being really um you know i realized obviously at that point how iconic of a producer he was right and all the amazing accomplishments he had and being there with my mom and wasn't just talking about music and stuff so it was a really special day and then he started taking me on the road like to do a bunch of he's um everyone would tell you that he never says no to a charity event right he's like always um doing the musical entertainment for a charity event so but then he always needs singers to sing so i started becoming one of many singers that he would take on the road with him um so none of that had any romantic notions whatsoever um although he did like you know he did make it known that i was marrying the wrong person um i did get married i got married uh i was almost 24 so i was 23 and so i'd already known him for a couple years now i've been done a bunch of gigs with him he came to the wedding and played the piano when i sang for my then husband um and uh that that situation didn't work out it was you know it was i learned a lot but he was just kind of always this person that i really felt honored to know and to just i knew i had never had any intentions of him producing an album for me or whatever i i could music is like a whole other subject i'd go into i kind of uh always just in the back of my mind realize i would probably be more of an actor than i would be like a recording artist [Music] and yeah so we stayed friends and did a lot of gigs together and got to know each other in a lot of different circumstances but it wasn't until after i moved back from l.a i went to new york from new york i did smash for two years did a tv series on scorpio cbs scorpion for four years and then it wasn't until like the last two years of scorpion that we ran into each other in palm springs and uh i was much more mature i was 32 years old and uh we had a lot of red wine that's how it always starts yeah [Laughter] he invited me and my sister who i took her to palm springs for a girl weekend to a tennis match because i saw that he was inten uh in palm springs on his daughter's instagram i had you um um and he said come to the tennis match and i was like okay and we went and my sister went back to her our hotel and he's like come stay and party with a bunch of friends there's like tons of people and we just kept drinking wine and it was just a very different night than all previous years i love it sounds like you know you guys that's actually really cool to know somebody that long and through different stages of your life like that and then like when you know you know like when it's the time it's really interesting what they say about timing right it's like yeah sometimes it is the right person but it the time has to be right too yeah the time well and i'm so i mean i've always was crazy about him and not in the same way obviously that i am that i could realize that i could be uh and so now of course i'm always like i wish i'd been with you like this whole time whatever but i would have never worked out because i would have probably been insane and crazy and like you know had to go through the young 20 something years right but it's true it's like amazing that we've known each other as long as we have and i'm out of breath because i'm pregnant i had to take up my nose i thought you were having a drink you know i mean i'm literally like trying to if i seem like i'm in distress it's only because you don't look pregnant no this is the thing because normally you i'm pregnant oh my gosh that's so beautiful when when i was pregnant my entire face blew up like i looked pregnant from here down for sure you do not pregnant you just got pregnant you don't rip painkiller at all you know puffy or anything you just like well my feet and my ankles and my calves are like all just like one giant unit like they're no there's no separation from um anyway thank you but uh yeah let me just say that when you know you know but it would take me because i knew him for so long and i i loved him and i liked him and but i was really freaked out about like the age difference i was just like yeah i mean it was it was it was just not even like that i was freaked out it was just like oh this is just a fun thing like we've always loved each other but he he always kind of um not inappropriately not not like when he was in other relationships but when he wasn't he always kind of made it known that he had feelings for me or whatever but i was always like you're insane like you're too old for me and um and it's just like you know now when we're together it's it just is right and it's some people are never gonna get it and we don't care we're fine about it you know it's just like he's the best thing that ever happened to me but he was always the best thing that ever happened to me like even when he was just a mentor or someone who gave me privileges of performing and giving me experience or giving me a job right like it was he was always special to me so um just the fact that we're sharing this life together it's like i'll still we'll still be driving the car and i'll like turn to him and because i'm like super romantic i like him and i'll just be like i can't believe we're together i can't believe i'm with david foster and he's just laughing you know like i can't believe we're having a baby you know it's just like because i still can't believe it it's so cool i think it's it's the coolest thing it's like the greatest honor of my life
Channel: Kat Pack
Views: 411,444
Rating: 4.7899761 out of 5
Id: 4jehmL8N8ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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