After Show: Yolanda Hadid On David Foster And Lyme Disease | RHOBH | WWHL

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[Applause] hey everybody its Andy with carla bruni the new album is French touch it's out now Yolanda's book is believe me it's arrow are behind the bar you can see them at the Food and Wine Festival this weekend let's go back to the phones caller what is your name and from where are you calling my name is Annette I'm calling from Connecticut's see Annette what's your question my questions for Yolanda Yolanda from all the things that you try to fight the Lyme disease what would you say was the best method that helped you oh good question you know I think that by removing my implants fixing all my dental work it really gave my my immune system the opportunity to actually start fighting the line because before that it was just shut down every day with all kinds of issues but you know and we are a long-term antibiotics didn't work for me and I think you know an overall holistic protocol and just pure determination and commitment to my treatments every day for six years is what finally got me what advice do you give people who's I know that so many people were reaching out to you who have Lyme disease you did so much research you had so many procedures what advice do you give them is to follow your own instincts you know when doctors tell you you're crazy when you know the world tells you you're crazy you know you you know you better than anybody and just because somebody has a doctor's degree doesn't mean they know what's going on in your body and it's just a matter of being your own health advocate uh-huh and I mean are the doctors surprised that you have recovered this much based on where you were a few years ago I don't think they're surprised I think everybody has been cheering for me when you see somebody suffer for six years yeah crazy that that could even happen in today's world and in 2017 how can somebody be ill that long you know but it's it's been a great response from doctors that now calling me going like okay what's the latest test test for Lyme disease like everybody is asking me questions because I have a degree yeah in Lyme disease you do you really do doctors do you think psychologically if you were out of place in your marriage that you were not happy with yeah do you think psychologically that split wound up helping your health in a way you know the emotional and spiritual part of healing is 50% of the pie so the answer is yes I think that you know I never understood that that was a a big part of it but you know now on the other side and looking back yeah I mean when you're not in a relationship where you're an NSYNC and you know that could hold you back from healing it's not the only reason but it's 50% of it right I mean it has to be yeah yeah okay back to the phones caller what's your name and from where you calling my name is April I'm calling from Buffalo hey April what's your question hey first off I am basically your biggest fan of all time I know you always look impeccable what is your biggest fashion triumph and your biggest fashion regret biggest fashion triumph and biggest fashion regret well biggest fashion triumph was you know it's hard to choose cuz fashion is like everyday you're trying to get covers you're trying to make nice shows right maybe my biggest fashion triumph was a few weeks ago when I went to Milan Versace Versace years old that was amazing because he brought back all these years and my biggest fashion regret would that be regret is that the world yeah regret like well many things you know many people I couldn't work with and always running around the world so no time for anything else you know time for friends not for family and I mean it was young years you know so I don't have regrets about it but do you think easy do you think the French press treated you differently because you were already kind of a superstar in a model and a singer and all this when you became first lady yeah maybe I was famous from before but you know I was always treated very nice you know my life is so lucky you know wouldn't complain about any treatment yeah back to the phone's caller what's your name and from where you calling hi Andy my name is Thomas I'm calling from Louisville Kentucky I love you my place Barnard says just show thanks Thomas a lot thank you yeah Carl you're beautiful as always my question is for Yolanda Wanda I he's man loved your book bought it obsessed with it however do you regret anything that you have said or put in there because there is a little bit of shadiness for some people really Oh what did you think was shady in the book well um just towards the beginning well I guess gonna be a little bit with David and now David respond to the book was there anything in the book that he you know what I you know David and I had an incredible seven-year run mm-hmm you know and when I got sick things went down and it's just part of life what I wrote wasn't about putting shade on anybody or my ex-husband it was just to share that when people are chronically ill it strains the marriage right and I want people to know that that's normal it wasn't about throwing shade at David's I like I said he was we had an amazing time and it was just the end of our cycle together but people other couples that are out there thinking oh my god I'm such a bad person because I can't support my husband or my wife no you're a normal you know P buddy can reach the end of their rope and we reach that point and it's okay it's nothing to do with shade I hold him in really high regards and I wish him only love health and happiness and that's the end of that very good Carla Kelton just to me the name of this album because I just let in my iTunes music to find because this committee okay that is my favorite album so when you're downloading French touch download that too because it's great this was your that was your first day second Wow very lucky album yeah any more phone calls guys one more call caller what's your name and from where you calling hi this is Sasha from New York hey Sasha what's your question it's for Karla okay I wanted to know did you go to Mary Kate's wedding and if so were there actually bowls of cigarettes on the table Mary Kate is they invited us and then we couldn't go because of the stupid reason geographical reason right you know we had to come over here and we couldn't and and but I mean it seemed so happy what kind of sister-in-law is Mary Kate oh I met her at you know at some cousin's wedding you know and she looked adorable and kind and also Olivia he looks very happy with her I mean he had the lovely family and then he had a divorce you know and it didn't anything isn't it beautiful how the European girls it's like such a different mentality you know you're not gonna get anything bad out of her yes yeah that's great but both of cigarettes said that was it was reported that at the wedding they had balls of cigarettes and what why wouldn't you exactly I want to thank carla bruni and Yolanda [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks for watching watch more clips here and subscribe to our channel here see ya
Channel: Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen
Views: 638,544
Rating: 4.7680736 out of 5
Keywords: What What Happens live, reality, interview, fun, celebrity, Andy Cohen, talk, show, program, Bravo, Watch What Happens Live, WWHL, bravo andy, Watch, What, Happens, After Show, Food and Wine Festival, Lyme disease, marriage, NSYNC, Yolanda Hadid, David Foster, Yolanda Hadid and David Foster, Yolanda Hadid Lyme Disease, Yolanda Hadid wwhl, Yolanda Hadid interview, Hadid, Gigi Hadid, Yolanda Hadid divorce, bravo late night, wwhl after show, RHOBH, beverly hills, #RHOBH, divorce, housewives
Id: Di2x6K3Q4-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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