Katharine Hepburn on the Differences Between Men and Women | The Dick Cavett Show

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I think mother was glad to see me do something rather than Mary it was a real feminist and she thought you know did she actually carry placards and get arrested and all that's how I can see her from what I read yes and have you have you been in courage by the women's movement to get out on the streets and carry the sign no we did that you know a very very long time ago yeah and it's I think that is a strange situation because women and men simply are not the same they're just not the same and women unfortunately have to bear the children and what are you gonna do with them and I think they're they're men we're all the same and all well and then there are there are women like me who have lived like men knew what you was I knew I was brought up in a big family and I was brought up great just bought up great I had a fascinating mother a fascinating father and a wonderful childhood I really did and I have a wonderful family now and I have my roots in the same place that I was brought up and I'm extraordinarily lucky you know and that's just luck it's just it's just luck that's the thing about you you know I have a feeling that millions of people think the following about you she knows how she wants to live her life she succeeded at it it's all worked out she got what she wanted and they feel you probably have some guiding principles some secret that if only they knew them they could be as successful and as content as you seem to be but you say it's luck that there are two or three well I think it's in the first place it's lucky if you have an intelligent and brilliant and inspiring father and mother yes and it's lucky if you've had experiences before the age of 15 which creature which teacher excuse me which teach you not to be afraid because fear is what we all suffer from I mean fears what you and I suffer from trying to be fascinating which was as an ass not in position to be yet you know really Here I am an odd I great department and it's embarrassing yeah and you're never sure that you can do it but if you're if you have been taught basic freedom from fear and a basic belief in what you're doing that is sufficient to carry you when everyone in his uncle thinks you're wrong and you still think well god damn it I don't think I'm wrong I think I'm right and I'm gonna do it or if you are you know sort of inspired by something for instance doing this now I disapprove of doing this I think the story of my life is you know how the hell could I tell the story my life I can't tell you the things that wouldn't think of it that have made me do this or this or this at certain periods because then I would be fixing it so that you knew my secret yeah and my secret is what pushes me on and each one of us has a secret do you know and you go to mom talk and you try to rebuild your secret and I go to the mouth of the Connecticut River and my childhood and and I try to rebuild mine all to give us confidence to to push on now I say lucky because I was born with them energy I was I was lucky to be born with a combination of qualities that were apparently interesting in the early 30s when I began to sort of look around and be noticed and even before that you know when I was a kid in the Gulf tournement and I'm sunburned a lot and got blisters and I had to have two caddies one to carry an umbrella and I've you know I'd get the headline on the sport page Hartford youngster do you know what I mean I was just lucky to apparently me colorful and you have this thing about being able to conquer fear do you have a lot of fear though it is a scary to say it terrifies anybody who's intelligent to do anything I think I've been absolutely petrified all my life and as I'm totally one-track I look at the thing and just hope I'm gonna drop dead before it happens how I ever opened in KOCO I don't know and in the lake in 1933 which I came back to kind of punish myself because I have a sort of Puritan streak and think you know if it hurts it's doing you good or if it's hot it's better for your character or some cool thing builds character builds character yes you know and I had hit it lucky in the movies and I had a wonderful part a wonderful director and an angel Jack Barrymore who just would push me toward the camera in a part that everybody had made a hit in I was just lucky you know I mean how they're how can you call it anything else a lot of people will be damn glad to know that you've been afraid of things because they race is petrified I'm a good cover up up up we have to take a message we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 152,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, actress interview, famous interview moments, female empowerment, female empowerment discussion, feminism in media, feminist icon, feminist viewpoints, gender differences analysis, gender dynamics, gender equality insights, gender roles discussion, gender stereotypes, influential figures, pop culture icons, television history, timeless interviews, vintage interviews, vintage television, woman in entertainment, women empowerment
Id: _v7MwCf91LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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