Katharine Hepburn

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the determined Eastside Lady of New York who may not be winning the battle against big city degradation that at least resists it always with chin out and head high she takes things as they come on her own no doubles for the movies no chauffeurs in real life I don't believe in lists but every time somebody compiles a list of the most admired women there's Katharine Hepburn's yes but this becomes the style doesn't mean much does it no there's got to be something there well alright Debra's have died officer what what that's left I've been a safe grow I'm not haven't got this romantic feeling about age I think we rot away and it's too goddamn bad we do know somebody somebody that a friend of mine calls I'm what she said to me out who I feel as you know alright she said I called a friend of mine said how do you feel and there was a long form the woman said well I feel fine if you don't ask for details divine you don't have to be over a certain age to respond that way mmm-hmm but I mean I think all this romanticizing about age I don't get the point except that big to many of us so it's not a miserable thing and you're perfect in this oh gosh oh you haven't been around if you don't think it's miserable for a great many people it's miserable and especially in this country it's miserable they're shunted off into the gas chamber of the rest home average one of them and just left the minute they can't really function it's hopeless hopeless hopeless idiotic humiliating can't be defended sad do you think they can have some control over that though the way you don't I mean shoot him shoot him they'd be better off it's an unnatural way to live we all must to a certain degree put up with each other we must put up with each other we must stop if someone's broken down on the road we must stop it every dude would stop they'll hit you over the head you do that they won't well they won't all hit you over the head and if you get hit over the head what you know but I mean we must reform we must reform and I don't know how they're gonna reform we're sitting looking at a lot of filth and I'm disgusted with the movies disgusted because they're kidding themselves into saying it's a sort of intellectual pastime bunk its 42nd Street filth filth being sold for too much and now it's respectable to go and see them and the critics I think have lost their minds you've won so many Academy Awards have been nominated for Academy Awards more than anyone else it's fashionable these days for actors to poopoo them to laugh them off to say it's so much glitter doesn't mean a damn thing that's right that's right what do you think well I don't know what I think I once said to my father I'm really too shy to go to that party would embarrass me and he said yes my children are all very shy they don't dare go to parties unless they're sure they're going to be the bride or the corpse well now in a case like the Academy Award I've never been to an Academy Award now if I sit here in my chair where I must be honest with myself so that our progressed and my character will improve why don't I go to the Academy Awards it has to be that I'm afraid I'm gonna lose doesn't it I don't approve of my attitude of not going I think that's cheap of me second rate second grade not to go it's a group activity you are a legend to so many people I guess just about everyone cuz you do not give much of yourself publicly beyond the film's I mean it's stupid I've made to do this I don't know but what I got yeah what is it do you feel like a legend do you know I don't think anyone gave after it happened no I don't think anyone feels like anything really you know I was for felt they were out to get me learn that I better be good and I still think I'd better be good you know I struggled to do my best I understand that I struggled for days to do my best for this do not I mean and I don't think you ever feel like anything you feel like a boa no don't you or do you feel a static no I feel your boyhood most the talk about one like a boy then you think my god they're gonna find out what a bore I am and then that'll be a terrible thing you've led such an extraordinarily independent life and you you you do it yourself whether it's fixing the car or reglazing a window if you hadn't have done this if you hadn't have been an actress what would you have been what would you like to admit I never thought I would have tormented some man I suppose they had about a chip and torment in them
Channel: CBS
Views: 472,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: katherine, hepburn, morley, safer, 60, minutes, actress, cbs
Id: v_iooSis7bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 21 2009
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