Kate McKinnon Was Amazed by Australia’s Bin Chickens | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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It is so great to see you again. -Gosh, it's so great to -- I'm sorry about that whole sitting fiasco. It's been a while since I was on a talk show. -"No, you hang up." "No, you hang up." Yeah, exactly. -"You hang up." -I want to talk to you about "Joe vs. Carole." Great job, by the way. -Wow. Thanks. -And I really do -- I want to talk about that and how you got into it. -And we will, you know. -And we will. But, first, "Saturday Night Live." -Yeah. -You just crush it. I love seeing you on there, and I go, "How many years has Kate been on?" I go, "Five years?" You've been on for almost 10 years. -It's been 10 years, which is -- [ Cheers and applause ] -It doesn't feel like -- Does it feel like 10 years to you? -It feels like a day. It feels like ten-hundred-thousand billion years. I don't remember the beforetime. I only remember the last 10 years, and, like, it's changed my concept of time. Like, I no longer think of Tuesday as, like, Tuesday. I think of it as, like, writing night. -Writing night. Yeah. -And... -Me too. -Yeah. Still? -Yeah. -Oh, boy. -Tuesdays, yeah, I teach my kids. I teach my kids. It does stick in your head. -It's a good system. -Yeah. That's "SNL" stuff, yeah. -Yeah. -Well, congrats on 10 years. I can't believe it's been almost 10 years. You're fantastic. -Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] Thanks. -Oh, you know, I also want to bring up you're going to be in the new "Barbie" movie. -"Barbie" movie! -No, you are, with Margot Robbie. This is -- -I know! -Greta Gerwig. -Can you even believe? -Directing! -Directing! Yes. Ryan Gosling -- Ken! -Yes, I know! -Ken and Barbie! -This is a big -- Aah! [ Cheers and applause ] Greta Gerwig. "Barbie" movie. I can't believe it. I can't believe my good fortune. -No, seriously. What is -- Do you know Greta at all, Greta Gerwig? -I went to college with Greta, yeah. We lived in the same disgusting dorm suite. I mean, a dorm suite so filthy, a dorm suite with vomit in the tub that you -- You don't know where it came from. -Just something got sick in your tub. -And you don't know who's going to clean it up, and no one does. And that's -- So, that's how I know Greta, yeah. -Wow! And you told me that you loved the script. -I loved -- Oh, it's one of the greatest things I've ever read. It's going to be -- [ Clicks tongue ] Just you wait. -Yeah, just you wait. 'Enry 'Iggins, just you wait. -You -- "Just you wait." You filmed your new series, "Joe vs. Carole," in Australia. -"Joe vs. Carole." -Yes, on Peacock, yeah. I just want to talk about Australia for a second, because, gosh, I always wanted to go to Australia. Not only do I love Australia, but I love Australians. -You've got to go. You've got to go. You go for the people. You go for the animals. -There are a lot of scary animals. -A lot of scary animals. A lot of anodyne animals, beautiful little animals, who don't kill you. And I sort of stuck with those ones. -Yeah, not the spiders and the sharks and stuff. -There was my first day there. I was walking on the street and I saw what I thought was the most beautiful bird I've ever seen in my life. Like, this gigantic thing with a beautiful white plumage and a long, elegant beak and, like, flapping and just walking on the sidewalk. And I was like, "What is this majestic heron just loose in the street that I've encoun-- Oh, my God, I've been blessed here. This is a sight!" And I asked some guy that I ran into -- I was like, "What is this gorgeous bird?" And he was like, "Oh, that's a bin chicken." And what I learned was that the ibis is called a bin chicken because they eat garbage out of the dumpsters. And that is their pigeons, and they have about eight songs about how much they hate them. And, to me, this was, like, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. -To them, it's a pigeon. -And they were like, "Oh, the ibis. We hate the ibis." -What other animals did you see when you were in Australia? -I saw -- I mean, not to brag, I saw a kangaroo. -Yo! -Okay? -Are they in the wild? No, kangaroos. -There's loose wallabies. -Really? -Just loose. -Really? -On the set, just loose. And I'm like -- I see these wallabies and I'm like, "A wallaby!" And they were like, "Yeah, they're there." -"They're there." -"That's a wallaby." -"They're there." -"So what?" -Did you pick up slang? Australian -- did you pick up the accent? -I picked -- There's a lot of great slang. Everything is abbreviated. Everything is abbreviated. So, sunglasses become sunnies. Mosquitoes become mozzies. But the best thing I heard was, the gal who was doing my makeup -- Hi, Cath, hi, Iris, hi, Brie. Mwah! She said she needed to scoot the wig down just a little bit. So she said, "Okay, we're just going to move it a bee's dick." And I was like, "Say again?" [ Rimshot ] Thank you. -That's actually very good. -Which is just the smallest length of distance that you could imagine. -I've never heard that. -Just the smallest little bit. And come to learn, that's not an Australian thing. That's just her. -Oh, okay. Oh, interesting. Wow. It's good to know that, yeah. -She's just that good. -Well, the series is based on the podcast. You were working this before I saw "Tiger King." -Yes. This amazing podcast came out, and I listened to it and I was like, "Oh, my gosh, this Carole Baskin -- what a kook." I love kooks. I love kooky ladies. I'm always on the hunt. -Yeah. -And then the documentary came out, and I felt like she didn't really -- People didn't walk away with, like, the most rounded picture of who she is, what she's about, and what she's been through. She's had quite a tough life. And, you know, her main thing -- her main thing -- is, like, trying to end private ownership of big cats in the United States. Because I don't know if you guys know this. There are currently more tigers living in cages in captivity in the United States than there are in the wild in the whole world. -Is that right? -And it's just like, you know, we revere these. These are majestic animals. You wouldn't do that to something you revere. You wouldn't put Olivia Rodrigo in, you know, a cage in your backyard. So it just makes no sense. -She's a national treasure. We would never do that to Olivia Rodrigo. -She's a national treasure. -Of course. That's a great example. Thank you. That's a great -- -I know. That's what I'm saying. So, you know, it's equivalent. And, so, that's her life's mission. And I thought, "Well, you know, she deserves some reconsideration." -That's interesting. -You know? -Did you get to know her at all? Did you meet her? -I haven't met her, but she's done this amazing project of putting her entire life story on YouTube every day for the last two years. And I watched that and I feel like I know her and -- -Yeah, exactly, yeah. -And I got more of a sense of what she's about. She's an introvert and a workaholic and -- -Okay. Yeah, hello. I like that you've found this new take on her. I think it's really cool that you did that. I want to show everyone a clip. Here's Kate McKinnon in "Joe vs. Carole." Take a look. -What they're counting on is you getting tired of fighting. Yeah. Tiger in the wild can't take a day off, though, right? -No. -No. -Tiger in the wild can't go to the pool and read a book. Tiger in the wild's got to be... [ Clicks tongue ] ...laser-focused. His whole life is a fight. So I don't know. You want to take a day off or you want to be a tiger? -Be a tiger. -Tiger. -Tiger. -Yeah. -I thought so. -Yeah! Let's be a tiger. Kate McKinnon, everybody! "Joe vs. Carole" premieres this Thursday on Peacock.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 294,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Ghostbusters, Saturday Night Live, Bombshell, The Spy Who Dumped Me, The Magic School Bus Rides Again, The Angry Birds Movie, Improv, Improvisation, Impressions, Impersonations, Elizabeth Warren, Australia’s Bin Chickens, Kate Mckinnon, Kate McKinnon interview, Margot Robbie, Barbie
Id: n-oPcVh8T7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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