Kat Kerr talks about Heaven at the Healing Rooms in Santa Maria.

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increase our faith tonight but I'm asked that you take us to new levels we ask that you would increase our measure tonight and Lord we just pray let there be high expectation let there be an abundance of Revelation in this in this place tonight and Lord we welcome the Angels tonight we welcome signs and wonders and miracles in this place tonight [Music] so come a Holy Spirit even now we love you we welcome you in this place thank you Jesus thank you Lord now I feel like the Holy Spirit is this gonna thicken his presence right now there's some of you who have been crying out I gotta have more I'm not satisfied I gotta have more and God has been stirring your heart he's been blowing on the coals of your heart the flames of your heart to ignite it into a mighty blaze and so lo let tonight be that night why wouldn't he do it tonight [Music] Jesus said blessed are the hungry are you guys hungry tonight yeah blessed are those who hunger and thirst come on how many want to be blessed tonight we've got a hunger and thirst for him and for his righteousness and you'll be filled and so Lord fill us tonight we pray or we want to step out of the natural into the supernatural realms of the kingdom of God into that place where all things are possible tonight we pray thank you Jesus thank you Lord amen well welcome good to have you I think we're gonna receive an offering right now if we are the ushers ready so we're gonna receive an offering when a hundred percent goes to Kat Kerr ministries and if you if you're making a check make it to the healing rooms and also if you need use a credit card you could just raise your hand or if you need an envelope we'll give you an envelope for tax purposes just raise your hand so we you get many ways you can give tonight well I don't know about you but I'm really expecting it's been a great day today so far and we haven't seen anything yet and so again we want to welcome you to the Healing Rooms Apostolic Center and you know I I just I always say this because it happens almost every time we meet together you just may be healed it happens in the glory here all the time we have so many angels here on assignment and I just I just got a feeling some of New York and just going to get healed you know a lot of times it happens during worship happens during the word and so we definitely haven't opened heaven and this is a place where miracles happen so when you feel the presence of the Lord we like to say it like this just reach out reach out and touch him and receive your miracle tonight all right it's been excited we were living in supernatural times and this has been a supernatural week I'm sure every here knows that Paul Kane went to be with the Lord last Tuesday evening and today was the afternoon when his body was laid to rest in Santa Maria and just different the signs and wonders happening throughout the week and and so I know that we're in the midst but we're always in the midst of the supernatural but it just seems like something special and so we invited Kat a while ago and of course nobody but God knew that Paul was gonna go home and actually be buried on the first day when she's speaking and I know that it's not a coincidence I don't know exactly what it means maybe she does but I know stuff like that is not just a coincidence so we're really blessed and honored Kat to have you here again and I'm sure how many of you have never been in a live cat care meeting Oh a lot of you good you're in for a treat so why don't you can make your way up Kat you need to come up around this way and yeah you ready oh and while she's coming up somebody dropped their glasses so if that's you you probably can't see but here they are when I put them up here so Kat um well brought those in you don't know the Lord's been taking her to heaven for several years and showing her things and bringing her back and allowing her to share with us so let's just welcome cat Kirk [Applause] Wow [Applause] I know some people know why I'm saying that some may not when the army of heaven goes to battle against the darkness that is their war cry why because they're excited you're gonna crush the enemy's plans over you right they're gonna crush them they're gonna pull down strongholds that have been rising against you that's why they were created news flash from heaven they weren't created to protect heaven they were made by the creator of heaven they didn't get to kick Lucifer and one-third of the angels out then you get to do that Michael hell them and the Father sent a lightning bolt a million megawatts of love from himself and took him out and then one third of angels went out the same way so they've been waiting a long time to war on our behalf full time amen I may or may not give you scripture for that tonight go look it up I think most of us know that Jesus was the lord of state loud the host is the name of the army of heaven yes they're still part of the angel tribes but they're different in many ways the ones under Gabriel have many different positions and jobs in heaven and on the earth and they look more like us they're the ones who look more like us the army of heaven mostly does not look anything like us they're creatures most of them are creatures they're fierce looking they're not gonna be pretty boys with harps so what the Holy Spirit says they're not gonna be pretty boys with harps however there was one time when they had to take the place of the worship angels which were the one-third that were kicked out the only ones Lucifer got were the ones he was over he was over one-third of the angels was the worship angels obviously if he was the one who led them in worship all the time in heaven I'm just gonna give you full out Revelation because I want to take advantage of all the time I have so if you didn't know this he used to step inside God to lead worship he covered over the very heart of God with his wings which were embellished with gems he had gems on his back on his front people go well he had just a few no he had really hundreds of them on him and when God made him he made mountings like in a ring and every gem was mounted and amounting like a ring that you would wear like this one here and he was beautiful which is one of the reasons why he ended up by falling from pride from his beauty also he thought he was smarter than God and that was a that was busted mythbuster it's okay to laugh cuz you're gonna laugh a lot tonight alright heaven laughs every time the devil loses down here all of heaven roars yes they know what's going on and today they were attendants for Paul Cain with Paul Cain not talking about the body talk about his spirit man everyone gets to see their own homecoming isn't that nice so we're colors and play lots of music and dance because that's what they'll be doing in heaven news flash from heaven number two they don't have a funeral in heaven when you come home say Amen you shouldn't expect one we should have a party zone down here when we send people off instead of a funeral home someone opened a party zone I promise you'll make more money than other people with funeral homes cuz even the world will want to send theirs off wherever they think they're going they'll pick a party anybody say Amen so that is a witty idea I've been giving up for years I don't think anybody's done it yet so there you go the more real heaven becomes to the body of people will want to send them off with a real celebration because of the reality of what heaven is and what they're going to be experiencing there it won't make sense to have a sad funeral while they're watching from the party I'm a seer that means I see in the unseen realm okay mister I'm really happy Danny because I got to experience all that heaven was doing and what was going on with Paul Kane and his mother and his sisters you know his family that's up there and the others who were attending up there watching his service he enjoyed every funny thing that was told he likes to be real so he liked all the reality of who he was he liked that personal side of him being talked about so next time you plan a family members homegoing service tell some jokes because they will laugh I was at a service one time and back home and it was um trying to member the guys name I remember told McClellan he was part of story side B and he died suddenly and I came into his service I didn't know anyone but I was coming to bring some books about heaven to his family the Holy Spirit told me to and I saw him watching from the portal that was really difficult you know to try to pretend to be sad and I never wear black it's okay if you if you go to somewhere where they're expecting you know to do what is proper not to upset them but no one's wearing black in heaven they're not and they aren't having to partying there was I saw Ron McClellan thank you my best friend Holy Spirit he makes up for what I don't know you know helps my human head lots of times because they kind of took that away from me I used to be kind of brilliant really then they made me like eight years old life is much easier being that way you know what you don't worry about things you don't think about what's gonna happen five years down the road when you don't even know or you already planned you know prepare for disasters or something I never got that really if we're over the weather then we shouldn't be concerned about the weather we rule over it amen okay she didn't know news bulletins number three writes number three are you keeping track you're gonna get a gift number three Jesus was over the weather we are joint ears we get to be over the weather and that great you're gonna see that more and more I'm serious you're gonna see it more and more things stop like stop can't wait for that to happen meteorologists might have to get another job not making fake news by the way they don't work now and it's not gonna work when it's not actually happening what was I talking about number three boys over over the weather Jesus was over the weather and he tried so hard to teach his disciples he really was in case you didn't know they were in boot camp with him for three years it wasn't just watch what I do it's learn what I do and then do it right he was gonna go he's gonna go back for some R&R and he had to make sure they understood how this whole thing works being a joint heir with Christ what do you have we have he said so himself the things I did how point-blank can you get the things and the works I have done you will do well you forgot the first part you will do also okay these are just the works you got to do the works say we got to do the works then we get to do the greater say it louder okay like you're excited well I don't just try things I actually do them there's a difference I'm just gonna try that means you're not making much of a plan about that right but doing it the works I did you will do they do also and greater works you will do I think that means we're socially doing something we're entering into a busy season a busy season operating in the supernatural not just talking about it a busy season handling the wealth of the wicked not just talking about it a busy season living not just existing doing the more say the more the more is amazing are you getting better I am just as passionate about living holy as I am about being funny and I will tell you I I have to I have to give you both sides of heaven there's two sides in heaven there's holy profound the other whole half of heaven is funny say funny everybody have they've thought for ever and for ages that it would be boring in heaven maybe because all they do is worship let me tell you you stand in front of him it's not boring whether you're staring feeling like you're going to faint melting to the ground you know you feel like you don't have breath in you because of just being near him yeah it is an honor a privilege and amazing when you worship and it's not normal not even worship as normal in heaven you ride on it you create things as you're worshiping him you're creating when you worship given the devil a big black eye and a very bad day when you worship Him you are shredding bashing and crushing his fake little wannabe Kingdom in the second heaven when you worship Him it's amazing from doing one thing for him to honor him to bless him to adore him what destruction you do against the kingdom of darkness that's my favorite second thing I don't do demons I do do Jesus though I love him I honor him I can't do anything without him it's because of him and with him and it is his plan even the pink hair is his plan because he's not boring there's nothing boring about him there's absolutely nothing boring about heaven there's nothing boring about our future that's like in the next few days the more you believe things are real the more real they will become and that is actually a spiritual truth it's a spirit realm truth the more you believe it is real and talk about it being real and write about it being real and actually acting in it being real the more real it's going to become to you it's the original realm it's the eternal realm it's not the temporary realm this is a temporary life for you it's a temporary place to live a temporary to do things because this earth is not eternal I know people have worked it out in their own mind with their head research and they're looking up stuff and sometimes assuming because I've read a lot of translations and someone kind of miss it I know because the Holy Spirit shows me those scriptures then he'll show me 30 scriptures of it being translated I take the word for the value it gives it's real it is for us to repair us to accelerate us to propel us into high places you never dreamed of doing things you never dreamed of we are living examples of the Father Son and Holy Spirit on this earth that's why you're here you here to be like them look like them and act like them I don't see any failure in any of that I don't see hopelessness worthlessness I don't see fear at all one of the first things the Holy Spirit gives me these Kingdom quotes it's what we decided to call him there's so many we don't know what to call and we didn't just say a quote the Holy Spirit is a Kingdom quote was don't let fear interfere that was a good one right teach me never to fear never say never at all in any way fear does not control our life we do not partner with fear he didn't put fear in us when he made us we're supposed to be fearless and timeless everybody should be yelling I receive it say timeless we're supposed to be timeless he said you had to die I'm being serious not funny now serious John didn't have to die did he say no didn't Jesus say to the disciples what is it so in other words he's saying it doesn't matter what they think you probably actually said that he's a character he's the son of God but he is a character the problem with the biggest characters in heaven except for Holy Spirit Holy Spirit has gotten beat by by that much who they called the drama King Jesus is the king of kings Holy Spirit is a drama King you haven't only seen just a little bit of his activity so far waiting to the full fledge release on this earth he's excited he's excited about what's about to happen in us they've been waiting a long time say they've been waiting a long time if I say the word day I mean the Trinity they're not boring none of them they know how to step inside of each other and be one one thing that's how it happens I know I was eight years old father caught me up before the throne and said I'm going to show you how the three can be one and a five-year-old can understand that man's head knowledge has expanded it and expanded it and all kind of could use every other kind of word explaining that you know multiply it whatever you want to call it made it look amazing powerful and hard to understand it's simple they can step inside of each other Jesus said father I pray that one day that they be one even as we are one because he steps inside his father all the time when he was the word he did the same thing I didn't forget I was only on number three bulletins by the way I've got some more I was the least likely person to anyone on this earth would have chosen to do this okay I'm from a tribe like a real one 15 people in an alligator and an iguana innumerable amount of toad frogs and lizards and spiders we grew up with them in our home I had seven brothers what did you think in Florida you add that up that's what that comes to sell your bike to some kid for a pig bring him home wrap him up and close and you have a new pet overnight we never knew what was going to be in our home so I didn't need anyone's opinions I was never part of a group or a clique I had a tribe God did that to kill me I'm a dead person standing before you dead people are wonderful for God to use they're not full of self they don't have their own opinion and the devil cannot use a dead person the more dead you are to yourself the more dangerous you are against hell there are many ways to kill me before I even grew up and you know it doesn't matter I mean I love everyone in this room I loved all my siblings I survived I conquered I was a leader wasn't liked all the time but I was a big help to my parents I honor my parents greatly every day of my life I loved them I didn't want to hurt them they needed help say parents they need help pastors they need more help I'm grateful people can start a church Oh No I've already died I don't need a church I don't need a whole congregations of people although I love them I bless you all but I really bless the pastor because they die every day to be that amen you'll notice that God didn't actually send his son to be a pastor did you ever notice that they actually sent him as a businessman God loves business people they're easy they know how to listen they know how to complete things that are given to them they don't leave things out forget things ignore things they do a job amen so he sent his son as a businessman who could easily connect with the sinners and he did they ate with him all the time they liked him he was exciting he was interesting he was funny his favorite job was to offend the hierarchy he was good at it and yet lived holy did miracles raise the dead they took money from people for spotted lambs they weren't high on God's list and he had to train his disciples I know he only had him for three years and I think most of them finally got it after he left but they did give him credit they did but in the beginning I'm sure Jesus would go to the Father when he went to the mountain all the time and say are you sure I have to that fight all the time they brawl over women I have one who wants to be everything until everybody that that would be Peter I have a treasure you know that cheats all the time right you know that you know he takes money all the time I know you know that too and I have a tax collector and every time you walk down the road to go Minister we get stones thrown at us because they don't like him I don't know anybody who likes tax clusters they didn't back then either so he did not give him the best or the easiest to Train and I know I was saying something to God about my some of my staff and he said I didn't make it easy for my son in my conversation ended with that subject especially when he caught me up me took me back and I got to walk through a whole day of their lives like in their first year of being together all right God I can make it God has a plan for you every single person is important to him and I do know this your birth was timed on this earth God created time he knew you before you were born because you played inside of him he saw you if there was time he saw you all the time how great is see that he was huge he could make himself as big as he wanted to and he walked on the mountains he was out where there was nothing and he spoke and the world would step out of him and make space that God would make himself small enough to step inside himself and play with you he did say he's not a man he's God and even being that great he knew everything about you knew the mistakes knew our faults knew everything that had great hope and great plans for you to do great things so it's no mistake you're here now in this age instead of the ages before this time you're here right on time for the accelerator time for the more of God for the kingdom age for the time to command the hosts of heaven handle the wealth by host cities for him to use because he's not poor he knows the names of your children that you'll have even before you get married he knows them and he put them in your family line on purpose in this generation that's here now this is a special generation for God it's the beginning of the group and type of people that will remain until all things be fulfilled some well the Bible says there'll be a group of people like that a group and type of people a generation that we're generation means a group and type of people it doesn't mean like 30 years or actually that word in the Bible that says Jesus says that there'll be a group and Type O people on earth that will be here when all things be fulfilled including the coming of him that word means a group and type of people that work generation means that there will be a grouping type of people on this earth that also says in the Bible that would taste of the powers say powers of the age to come that would be the Millennial age of course there's people now let's say they're not going to be in millennium I go about what the Bible says there will be a millennium there will be a Tribulation God caused a bump in the road it will happen that's on his timeline in heaven so no matter what other people have come come up with or assume or have putting in translations I promise you it's going to happen and you can't make it happen or not happen anyway so to me it's not worth agreeing over God's gonna work out his plan all the way to the end right I'm excited to know that I'm part of that generation that will tasted the powers of the age to come that's why you need revelation because that that all that comes from the heart of God he already knows what it's going to look like she knows what's gonna happen so he chose you to be here to be a part say Amen that word means so be yet might as well say it gonna happen there's no one on the earth in the earth around the earth say it's round I gotta say that the Holy Spirit won't let it go okay so that's him say the earth is round not flat they don't have edges you may say that property does not have edges there you go Holy Spirit truck can we use proper grammar Ben m8 that's how they say it there is a whole group of people that sincerely spend so much time and money to try to prove the earth is flat I'd rather use that money in that time and energy ruling right I've flown many times and I didn't get halfway around the world then all of a sudden here's the flat earth and I'm flying it didn't all of a sudden go wait shh now you're on the other side no I went around besides I've already been up over the earth it's round God made it round he says he sits on the circle of the earth not the square you'd be surprised how serious they are they think NASA has spent billions of dollars faking it and none of that stuff is real I don't know who got that thought but it didn't come from heaven a man so just rest assured that it's around okay been there seen that it is round and when I almost shown it God caught me up in space up and do like like first space not I've been way up there but the first time he caught me up and showed me the earth he put a grid you know like a grid you know what that is yeah a grid was round and he put it right on the earth cheol-ho together and then they begin to draw things on this grid that was his plan that was called space planning that was also the Holy Spirit's joke he's out in space put the grid than planned right uses every opportunity to be funny so he did show me his space planning for like the next hundred years that was probably 15 20 years ago when he showed me that that doesn't mean the earth is going to end in a hundred years except been taken further than that and no tribulation had happened I know some people think it's supposed to be right now well if it was it would be people get to heaven they all find out man we wasted so much time sitting on our rapture rug she to roll it up put it in the closet well you've you've been around a long time you realize I went to church everyday it was open and every day someone said Jesus could come tomorrow and in my I'm like little this is like little I had these thoughts why would he have all these plans in the Bible and go okay not forget that we're just all going home I mean he gave my dad a long plan I mean my dad knew him he gave him a long plan I mean he's not going to where we haven't done what God told us to do yet and God said well many people are in fear and they know one day that will happen so they want it to come so to them that's logical they don't understand a lot especially in the book of Revelation say revelations means revelations that means something you don't know so God said I'm calling you a Revelator me you know why he did that so people couldn't call me a false prophet they don't know what a Revelator is so they didn't never say nothing against it they couldn't say well she's not a terrible pastor no he can't call an evangelist she doesn't go out and win lots of millions we can't call her that huh can't call her prophet she's a Revelator don't know what that is so we'll ignore all of that a Revelator is someone who reveals like John did caught up showing the future the future no know what that was that was a bling glitch write that down and don't forget it I know Jen is writing it down right now if I say word she goes you did a bling glitch that means you blended some words together okay I won't explain it yes you've been there I'm sure people been there right you've been there well at least I'm not talking about noses putting the animals on the art tonight that's Moses and Noah doing it together when Donna even said Adam did it I did hear from people I have a bloopers thing one day and just put them all on there go there and look at it but now I forget we're talking about who is listening Revelator you're right so see I hear them all the time I have to fight when you're eight you need help so he didn't pick me to be a professor you know I was graduated middle of my class like literally middle we had six hundred graduating students we have a lot of people coming to Florida to go to school I guess they like it we're pretty laid-back there you know and so it's a nice place to live if you want to come live someplace different go good vacation time try not to come in August really hot so being a Revelator's a little bit different that usually doesn't mean profit just so you've wondered you know John was a men and it's okay I love doing that but I love being with my father my heavenly father him all the time I know why Jesus loved him so much I know why he wanted to be with him I know why he went away to the mountain to spend time with him I know how hard it was for him to leave home and come here okay he was not poor he didn't live poor say Jesus was not poor he became poor when he left heaven because heaven is certainly not poor there's nothing poor up there nothing splendor and wandering beauty you couldn't afford to build the house that you're mentioned that your mother lives in you wouldn't even have the right substances to make it the walls sing literally they sing they leave you go on tours come back they sing hello to them the trees uproot their self and they come and sit in your house and be your friend for a while they'll go back to the friendly forest is this ok it's not gonna be normal no you can't be normal you've been going to heaven for 20 years you be normal to heaven they tell funny stories a lot Bob Jones hasn't stopped most people when they go there no matter how they were here they're all happy they love jokes they love to tell funny stories hear funny stories they love it they make plans for people before they come they knew Paul was coming they all knew Paul is coming there's a place you go in heaven where you find that out and you go in this beautiful amazing building and these supernatural monitors much better than ours but these are good and you can see who's coming home who's about to come home to heaven everybody starts getting things ready they're so excited they're there beside their self they want to make sure they're all there say all to meet you at the gate they have a huge celebration they plan one themselves heaven plans one the throne room plans one people have celebrations in the street over someone coming home stay home it's because that's where you came from we were alone to the earth for a while when you go home you are really home and you're not dead they don't throw parties for people who aren't alive they have huge celebrations lots of music lots of food everyone meeting one another visiting Jesus welcomes you if he isn't taking you himself sometimes he does take people he comes into his own chariot flaming horses picks you up and takes you up to heaven then when you get out you see the sea or the mass of people waiting to greet you and then Jesus walks you up the steps of the throne to give you back to the Father and then the father reaches out of that glory that moves in and out of him the Living colors of the bow coming in and out his eyes flames of fire passion for you just glowing and he reaches his arms out and grabs you he says welcome home my son welcome home my daughter you go home as his children say we are his offspring every morning gets their own mansion you don't have to share it with your brother or sister I'll have my own one day it's made exactly the way you would love it but it's made with his presence in the walls and the floors and it's not gonna be a normal shape trust me it's not all your pets to be there they'll be waiting to greet you eating your food at your table your family members will all have gifts for you for every year you've been apart they will get a gift that represents that year and put it in your mansion after your welcome home party in the throne room which could last for quite a while your family will come get you and take you to your own mansion then they'll have another celebration everybody laughs and filled with joy to see all the ones they loved before little tiny babies they never got to raise they get their children given to them to raise the same one that you that didn't make it all the way through amen God keeps them they live with your grandparents or whoever when they get there they'll go get them and help raise them for a while I love the story of a mother they lost their son he was either 7 or 8 he was hit by a car and they of course they they grieved over him but knew he was in heaven and I think it was like 20 years later or 30 years later one of the other huh she died on the operating table and was caught up to heaven saw her seven-year-old son playing in the streets of gold he goes mom Wow mom you're here this is so exciting your mom I'm so glad you're here and you cuz what have you been doing goes I've been playing with my friends what you think I've been doing he's been living with his grandfather and playing with all these friends and the streets to go they were playing and he was laughing and he said but you can't come yet because it's not your time and so she came back never forgot it and her and her husband went around the world talking about it you will be known as you are known except you look better like a whole lot better you'll have hair most guys wear their hair about down to their shoulders don't have you know that's gonna change y'all I'm just letting you know I can't change guys unless you really want like a buzz cut or something no Marine Corps or my husband may still have one I would might be surprised to see him alive yeah he's still with me by the way another way to kill me but that was okay it's all worth everything it's worth it all no matter what you surrender give up miss doing it's worth it and you'll be so happy when you stand before God and you're welcomed home knowing that you gave everything you could not saying you have to walk around poor okay that was the devil's plan not God's his plan is to bless us say bless us and prosper us it'll be worth it some people have already seen Jesus here right how many people have seen Jesus let me see either in a vision or dream or in reality if you've seen him how many people have been encountered an angel there's usually a lot there's a lot of people here it's going to happen that's part of the acceleration that's part of the more it's a lot of them more actually that we will see angels and they will probably be talking to us they came from God ignore what we've all been told our whole lives don't talk to angels they did in the Bible amen there's gonna be a lot more of that angelic not just visitation because what we're going to experience is the habitation heavens not coming for a visit a heaven is not coming for a visit they're coming for a habitation you're part of the habitation you are all of you sitting here say I'm alive and breathing I'm part of the habitation but God is about to do on this earth does not just take a territory here and there what the habitation will be is in us say in us that's the part of the habitation that's why me and won't be able to control it like they have in the past say God will be in charge it's a habitation and it will remain for a long time he's gonna transform this world right now he is shifting government so he can shape Nations it's part of the platform he's giving us in the habitation he's got platforms for us that's the place that we will operate from and speak from shake things cause things to be released to change for him it's not a lot of how it's always been in the past that's why it's a new thing say a new thing it's time for the new thing it's where we will be ruling it's one of the purposes that Christ died for us that's why he went into hell and wasted it took back the authority and Dominion the Adam had given away he gave it to us he also gave his power over all the power of the enemy say we have power over all the power of the enemy say he did not give that to the Angels that's why we need to command them they can't just go tear up any demon they see they just can't do that they do it in in the past it was from answers to prayer and prayers never going to go away it's never gonna go away he loves prayer prayer is powerful it's gonna get even more powerful especially when you command part of an army of heaven and they pull down strongholds for you and crush the plains of darkness we need this say we need it to rule in this day say every King gets the Kingdom and gets an army if we're part of the kingdom we get part of the army did you ever see a king a natural King on this earth title rule with that one they wouldn't go very far with a they'd be overrun beaten up things stolen things killed someone's like the devil he comes to kill steal and destroy that's what the army prevents heavens army was designed created and made every one of them unique and different but they are fierce they have one job the ones under Gabriel have many different jobs many different positions to do many different things but but Michael is over one specific part and that is the army they have a headquarters they have barracks they have training fields they're all in the sky of heaven Rand maneuvers for ages in the past Jesus would go send up Michael to gather the army from the far ends of heaven to fight on behalf of Israel people say Amen it's in the Bible go read it sometimes they even fought the flesh did you know that yeah some of them could fight the flesh in this time on earth it's mostly battles in the spirit battling the demonic even those in the high places the principalities and the powers the things the beings in wickedness in high places many of those high places will be shredded and pulled down say our weapons they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds that's one of the things the army does I can only share what I have been told and I can only tell you what I have been shown shown and told that's what I talk about but they didn't just show me things and tell me things I had to live it every way something mom is trained in it was for the body of Christ so I had to live it to let you know it's real and it really does work she follow heavens protocol see on earth as it is in heaven that's what we've been asking for for generations we should have expected it jesus bushwhacked us all he did he told me is it I knew if I taught them that and said you say that eventually it would come you mean one thing I could get them to agree on no matter what denomination they rod to clear that prayer because they need us to call things in is that right you have not because you ask not if you've ever said to Jesus I'll give you anything you want no matter what it is where it is what time it is I give you permission to use me as anyone ever says something like that let me see your hands well I'll get ready because he's calling in those words yes it's gonna be amazing say amazing heaven is amazing it's gonna be amazing here we can live on earth like they live in heaven which is mainly his will being done his way say his way not our way that's part of the more she's gonna do new thing he goes revelation and then ways for you to use that revelation it means a lot of things are gonna change so if you're stuck in your own mind or your own mindset of what you think is gonna happen and because it didn't it's not going to you need to just so that away because he does have a timeline in his own throne room and those dots on that timeline is when his things are going to happen regardless of what anybody on the earth is doing it's his sovereign will and what right now this time we're in it's on his timeline it is many of the generals are going home doesn't mean they'll be oblivious to what we're doing that means they'll know all about it after they get there and the thing they'll be celebrating is us who are still down here being a part of it so God really needs us right now he's intimidating me although I probably would have never chosen except when he asked me I said yes say it's important to say yes to being chosen many are called but few are chosen because they don't choose that's why many aren't chosen he can't make you do it right you're called you're being called but he can't make you do that you have to choose yes and when you do that you're saying yes I want to be chosen and then you're chosen what does it take to be chosen say choose yes then you got to be willing he makes it a little bit you know gotta be willing and obedient say willing obedience next say surrender is not control a lot of people think it is because you know God does have he does have I'm trying to think of the natural earthward it's like not there he does have guidelines is that right even Jesus had them that he operated by Jesus didn't just pick things on his own all the time where did he say I do yeah what his father said right but he showed him and what he told him that's what he did that's why we need revelation otherwise we're gonna get man's mind set on everything and that hasn't worked well has it he's not going to abandon the church I've heard all kinds of things when people's gonna abandon the church it's just gonna go away burn down we don't need it anymore let's get rid of it when he's not saying that to me he's going to set it on fire amen this is a time to be willing and obedient if you want to eat the fat of the land and Jesus did ask us to pray about one other thing pray that my people say we are his people be willing and the day of his power well obviously if he's going to give us revelation to operate like he does and part of that is power he says he'll give you power over all the part of the enemy there's one right there he's given us power and he does have power so if this is the day of his power the biggest thing the most important thing is remember the willing and obedient thing what he asked probably won't seem natural or normal to you wasn't natural normal to ask me to have pink hair I wasn't a pink haired person I liked it he wouldn't have asked me it's better than camel hair I like pink here any day over camel hair it smells it's stiff not comfortable and he had to wrap himself in it okay my pink hair is a test it divides asunder the Spirit from the flesh so those who trash or bash it or in the flash are we still so walking the flash say no we're supposed to walk in the so people don't have to tell me if they're hearing their flesh or hearing their spirit it's the way they react to the pink care now people who like pink hair they think is amazing so the world must be passing their tests because they all love it that's amazing you look amazing what do you do I'm a spokesperson for haven't I've been there and then they all say the same thing they don't say you're liar your father's property was that they go what was it like what was it like is it beautiful is it amazing is it real is is God real is there a god and go oh yes there is a God and you lived inside of him before you came here okay that makes him interested not bashing amen try that next time you did live in him you moved in and out of him he was your very existence you had your very existence in him that's why he knew you that's why he saw you before he sent you here you're wonderfully and perfectly made your souls were the most amazing parts of you of all you change your very life by what you feed it you change how you feel about things by what you say yourself if you don't like you then change change what you're saying change what you're watching change what you let other people say around you because you need to guard your heart what goes in there is what you will become amen if you've never heard that before it's Revelation on your soul your soul is what you are people say well I'm missing that no Adam became a living Saint loud he became a living soul that's how important it is to God that's why he gave you a soul you could choose yourself you could choose with your will you can think about things choose it and then you do it and then your emotions display who and what you believe with your life it's probably one of the least talked about things in the church it's a soul growing up I always heard that it was bad and went but God made it right he it's one third of us is that right we'll always have our soul why would he make it bad it's a powerful thing and it's a good thing because you can feel yourself with God and then you'll be like him you can talk about him then you really believe he is real you can feed your soul 24 hours a day your body gets fed a few times a day your spirit man gets fed once a week most people go to church once a week but your souls fed all the time by what you watch what you say what people say to you you can be crushed by tragedies and you can't you can't forget it you hang on to it somebody you wound and hurt eunuch stays there forever your soul has layers and it collects things in those layers that's why you have a memory but your layers are supposed to be used for different something different than that every layer of you looks like you who wants revelation on the soul let me see your hand I was shown one and the father spent four hours with me earth time I never usually know but I looked at my clock and I was talking to him then he just catches me up and begins to show me a human soul what it look like how he made it why did he make it that way how people can cause her soul to prosper all the time and then they live in divine health there was a requirement about that prospering it says even as your soul prospers you will prosper and you will be in health that where B means lib it's called divine health so I since I learned about the father taught me about that he said people can loose with the keys of the kingdom you can loose things out of your soul when you loose it it's gone and that doesn't matter what it is he started giving me this very long list of things that you can loose from your soul and he said I know most people buying the devil but the keys to the kingdom but they mostly never talked about the loosing thing what are gonna do with the loosing key and yet the binding key is more important to bind the things of God to your soul because then they can't be taken away what you choose to bind to your soul about God will never be taken from you and so people I know you know if you still want to bind the devil go ahead and do it I'd rather loose the stuff out of my soul that he tried putting there you know if you have an anger issue in your anger anger angry all the time you don't even know you're just angry it's all it comes out of you it's in your soul you choose with your will to loose that's that anger then heaven comes down and they pull it out saywhat sluiced on earth is loosed in heaven you know how amazing you would be if you didn't have all that junk in there especially wounds and wounds can keep you from the things of God as much as sin can don't leave a wound in you because then the enemy will come and try to use it amen so tomorrow night not tonight we're gonna do a soul checkup I hope you're coming who's coming tomorrow night hope everybody's coming home you don't want to miss tomorrow night this is just the introduction we're gonna do some spiritual warfare with the hosts they'll be excited you mean leaving an army if you don't have one they were made for us amen they won't let you worship them they don't have time for that and neither do you amen tomorrow night we're gonna have some fire sent the Angels already outside waiting but they're gonna do that tomorrow night I did this recently where I mean people were literally flaming like they were flaming because this is time just darkening I want to say drops of it the fire of God is amazing it comes from himself inside him say our God is a consuming fire I'm about to get consumed it's one of the most asked asked things by the body of Christ send the fire I want the fire give me the fire let me be consumed let me burn for you it burns everything off the walls of your heart I mean literally make sure your heart white you are filled with boldness like you've never had before in your life you're fearless you're bold you you got filled with God the fire it burns it out then he puts him in selves in there he heaps more stones of fire inside of you those came from God two stones a fire I find a one translation said that they were they were flaming stones that Satan left on some other planet that was in a Bible and I already knew what they were so God made me look up like 29 different translations to go see what they say it is like they missed that one no they didn't ever belong to Lucifer okay they were inside God or he burns with this fire for you under the water they burn in the River of Life that's in him the river flows out of him the gemstones flow out of him even the steps of the throne room have gemstones they flow out of heaven and become the crystal see is called the crystal see because there's gemstones in it not sand that's why it's cut crystal faceted gemstones they're all over heaven they all come from one place when the father and the firewood burn inside of him and Lucifer would step in and there's his holy mountain inside God say God is not a man he doesn't look the same inside that we do but we lived there that's why we like sparkly things way back in our way back in our spirit man we remember that we met we remember that there's something that connects when we look at something that's brilliant and beautiful gemstones represent the love of God his love his revelation upon this rock I know he said Peter was a rock when God says rock in the Bible he's talking about a gemstone you know that white rock that white rock rock or stone you're gonna get when you go home to heaven and there's a name under the only he and you know it's a white diamond it's not a River Rock every syllabus I ever saw showed a river rock when it talked about that that stone so inside his eternity you never see at the end there's no end inside of him no end and we ran up and down this mountain and we slid down the river of life and would jump on the stones of fire through the flames we lived in those flames you're about to get baptized with him it's amazing I don't even know what time it is I better check what time is it oh my my see gem she's at it you didn't finish talking about Ron McClellan remember I was at his service right and I can I come in with these books in his parents and grandparents are sitting on the front row I didn't know him so but I knew a couple people there at celebration Church they let me come in and I just was going to wait till everything was over and they were everybody with their line going by the casket and he had this bright yellow suit on I mean bright with his big white tie and and he had the biggest fro I've ever seen on a human they had to stick it down in the casket and as I was walking I was walking up I looked up I was trying not to laugh out loud because it was an open portal and he was watching his service and now this is a band right band in a van travelling telling jokes non-stop doing sock puppets you know crazy stuff he did crazy things in the van with the guys and his band was there and they were telling the funniest stories and every time they say something funny he would go like this is here we go so here I'm looking at the casket and then I look up there he was alive for now and there was a lot of funny stories right so I'm like this is just this crazy it was so much fun and so I went back sat down and then it came up when I gave out the books and I didn't know who his parents were I knew who his wife was and her mom dad were there and I gave them one and I didn't know that was his father sitting there so I was telling you know his wife this is a book about heaven I really think it a bless you and I started to turn away and and the Holy Spirit to tell me take an extra one so of course willing and obedient I had an extra one in a little bag wondering who was gonna give it to and he grabbed my arm II said did you say that book was about heaven I said yes I I've been there he says can I have that book and I said yes yes you can have and he goes well I'm Randstad well was then this was for you because I didn't know you were gonna be here but he told me to bring it so this is your book and a few months later I get a phone call it's always in the middle of night and it's his parents and they're undone they were so full of joy in celebration after reading about what heaven was like they already knew what their son would be doing having a band and he does have a man and it's called the other side of the story his heaven he went from story side be to the other side of the story that was his bayum but in the band angels were playing and singing with him because he said he wouldn't let anyone take the place of his band when they came to heaven which I told their band and so his parents called they were really excited about everything and and then I they gave me their daughter's phone number he and his sister were really close together and so I called and just spoke to her for a few minutes and and then about I don't know it was probably a year later she called me she goes today is my birthday my 30th birthday and I just wanted to know does my brother even remember me does he still think about me because we had planned a big celebration on this day we didn't know he'd go home so I while she's on the phone to me God caught me up to heaven and I saw her brother standing at a portal this goes sound wild but it didn't matter he was throwing Cheetos at her from the portal and he was singing the worst rendition of happy birthday I've ever heard and this is a guy who sings sent was singing for a living right like me and this that's awful that's awful and then God sends me back and I'm she's still going on the phone I said wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait I got to you hey I don't know what you can think about this but I got to tell you what what I just saw in heaven I saw your brother and he was throwing Cheetos over the portal at you and she starts to yell and scream she goes that that's she said he even had a throw by he run by what do you want a Cheeto throwing whatever he had her fro to so he said his greatest thing to do was run through the room and throw as many Cheetos in her fro that would stick there and she said he did it all the time and I was so irritated but now it's the most precious thing in the world that you told me that because I know he didn't forget me this is on her birthday remember and I said oh I don't know how to tell you this but he he sounded the worst I have ever heard for someone who's anointed to sing she said was it the worst happy birthday you ever heard in your life I want ya she said he did that every year too so she was so blessed to find out she that he had not changed he still remembered her he was still himself and she was so blessed by that so now if Jen there Jen I finished the story I'm done with okay so I want to encourage you to understand that your family still loves you no one has forgotten you they're making plans for you in this little vapor of time that we're in right now on this earth use it powerfully to love to forgive and to be willing and obedient understand John his last message loved one another that should be the thing we do the most amen don't forget to love if you get a choice forgive people who are bashing you when you do that it really does wound the demons and it is our time to torment the Nieman's say it's our honor and privilege to torment the demons those demons ask Jesus have you come to torment just before our time that meant that was going to be a time when they would be tormented is that right but he didn't do that he gave us power right so stand up for a minute I'm sure that Paul is still enjoying his celebration party it goes on for quite a while I know that has something spent planned for him for anyone who ever wanders he made it no matter what you thought about his life or consider for him he loved God he had Christ in his heart he made mistakes he repented for them amen and he's highly honored and recognized in heaven for what he did for God and they're happy to have him home and so is his mom amen so let's make a declaration I love to make declarations say father thank you for timing my birth on the earth for right now I expect to receive the more to live in the more to be the more it is my commission I'm saying yes right now I want to be chosen help me to be willing and obedient and laugh while I do it I asked for and receive lots of fun I need fun heaven has fun on earth as it is in heaven I want to be dangerous against hell the enemy is my doormat but I am a ruler with Jesus Christ I am royalty I am your son or daughter this is the time I've been waiting for amen amen sit down do people have children here okay yeah I don't want to run too late that I don't get to lay hands on them if you have children so maybe in a few minutes I don't know what time do they pick them up okay wherever they are okay yeah I really want you given I know I'm gonna do an impartation tomorrow night I really would like to do one tonight I [Applause] think instead of talking for another 45 minutes I'd rather do that amen so I'm guest tonight because tomorrow night I'm probably getting the lightning power God last time I did it John G showed up that's who I call John G Lake he did he came and stood right next to me other seers saw him it was really zap BAM time but tonight I really want to give out a measure of the fire amen I've had a measure of baptism and fire and let me tell you I've not ever been the same so I want you to take it home with you let it burn on the inside of you don't let the fire go out what you're really doing is preparing a place for more to come say more say when I receive some of something from God I can have more I know there's major things that are about to happen in your lives shifts because this is the time to shift there's a lot of shifts the other thing is suddenly those are two different things a suddenly comes when you least expect it but just one suddenly can change your life it will fill you so full of faith when God moves his hand for you it's always a good thing say suddenly are good things because God is preparing you to receive more of him amen suddenly just send you over the edge probably about half the time suddenly czar about finances or wealth like a lot not like wow someone gave me a hundred dollars like a lot we've had quite a few sudden ease ourselves so I'm asking God to give you some of those also amen so when I when I heart fire to you I'm gonna add suddenly okay say I want the Sun lease say I expect them I'm getting ready for them I'm serious I really wanted God I'm a suddenly son or daughter so send it there you go now you set yourself up so I just want to get ready to lay hands on people it doesn't matter how old you are you can have a suddenly and you can also have the fiery men I see some kids running around they're gonna be fierce I'm talking about children yeah I have several grandchildren that already are fierce so I expect them to be fierce amen say fierce is a good word in this more time of God it's passionate remember the word says we take it by force so don't do don't be mediocre don't be lukewarm you have to take it by force amen in the time of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven stirs up and encourages for us to be fierce amen and dangerous and violent say violence in the spirit realm is a good thing when we have it that word suffers does not mean that heavens being beat up by somebody however back to the translations God said go read some of the translations and see how they have translated or interpreted that verse from the time of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take up by force and it literally said people are running into heaven and stealing things I don't know where they got that heaven is under attack no I don't believe that for a second it's us who are supposed to be violently passionate against the enemy and we had the right to take back whatever he has taken from us because he had no right to it Amen I love giving revelation in the word - it actually makes sense amen training up your child and the gift God put in them whether it's a drummer or a baker or an interior designer in the never depart from that gift because they'll be doing the thing they love the most that word in there says train up a child in the Ben or the way he made them that means who he sent you as what gift he made you and sent you here every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights and God said everybody sits on the few of the chair every Sunday trying to figure out what their spiritual gift is but one of the most important gifts he gave you is your natural gift your passion what you love what he made you to be or do in this earth that's not your job it's the thing you're the most passionate about you know your child is a drummer if they beat everything everything they have they beat on the table with it you know straw spoons forks whatever it is you buy them a farm you know the farm is set for Christmas and they pick them up and start beating on something with them the cow and the horse here they go take them in a restaurant they use the straws take them outside so they'll be quiet and then they break branches off the bush and start drumming with the bush say I think they're a drummer so raise them up as a drummer and they'll never run around the world trying to figure out who they are does that scripture make sense it's a revelation that's how important your natural gift is because when you go to heaven he plans to use it it's irrevocable you meant to be a baker make the best brownies or whatever it is you make everybody in the neighborhood loves them that everybody tells you to sell them when you go home to heaven you're going to make that and everybody will have it for free and everybody will love you they have rodeos amusement parks because people have gifts that do that is that right that's why we have fun in heaven and it's so natural they walk in heaven and here's all the stuff they need to design and to put together something that won't take forever to make it you're gonna be a baker as part of your mansion you have a full out kitchen with supernatural devices to use and all the supplies you need and then out in the front you have a bakery where everybody comes body your stuff Jesus will visit you regularly he has a sweet tooth that's why he liked honeycomb remember we served on the beach to his disciples remember he served him a meal he gave them what fish and say honey when it is cousin eat locusts and it ran in the family say I'm in the family now I know why I have a sweet tooth amen okay we're going to we're going to do this amen so I guess you can get people organized unless I tell everybody to come one row at a time and I'm gonna come down here you're gonna walk up to me I'm gonna just zap you with the fire God and then what do you want them to do next you want him to come and sit yeah Margaret stone I couldn't do this without mark or actually my team really I have a team I have like 15 people now I don't do this by myself amen every now and then I go okay I'm sending you this time you get up on the platform and speak and so I really do bless my team God gave me man using teams in this time the day the lone ranger is coming to a close amen we're going to need each other we're gonna work together amen and so I'm gonna give this microphone to somebody and then we'll come down here and lay hands on you don't forget to come tomorrow night it's gonna be amazing exciting walk sideways you'll never fall and then I'm gonna declare of declare our blessing over you when we're when we're done okay unless I should do it first because I don't know what you want them to do next do the blessing first that would be really wise because some of you may not be walking hold your hands Oh father I ask you as your daughter that loves you forever and you love everyone here it is your heart to bless to inspire to empower to get ready for some of the greatest days this earth will ever experience I'm asking you from my heart to theirs to bless them abundantly show them your goodness many times over through all of next month I think you God unbelievable I'm expected from sources they never thought would give to them whether it's lands buildings money money money big money extravagant money extreme extravagant money we're coming to you daddy and I'm asking you to reach deep in your pockets which are endless to bless them beyond what they ever imagined let them have an experience part of the suddenly that are coming to them let them have the more that we've been talking about not just in money and lands buildings but in Revelation and restoration and healings divine health everyone say I receive it I want them to have that on top of whatever measure the fire you want to give them God let them begin to burn for you don't drive if it happens I mean in the middle of the night sometimes it comes we've had people call us what am I gonna do enjoy it but I'm burning I've been in the shower five times and I'm still burning with let it burn it's from heaven it's gonna be okay I'm laughing I'm dancing I'm like what if what do I do I said just enjoy it this is from your father this is a gift it's a gift so this is the time for suddenly regardless of age regardless of their denomination or nondenomination regardless of their position in life regardless of what people think of them just because you love them I ask you to bless them say Amen here you go all right all right we're going to do one roll at a time man are only starting to feel it I you know I don't know about you man but I've been praying for the fire and I've been you know I know we got to have a personal revival before we can have a corporate revival and one's just one spark starts a force fire man and why not us be the spark that will set California on fire you know come on I honestly believe this is a supernatural week for for obvious reasons and I honestly believe if you're hungry not just looking for you know something fun but if you really wanted to be set ablaze you know to change earth right now and I love it I love what Kat said we were born for a time such as this this is our watch and this is I think this is what we're entering into the into the greatest period of all history and God chose us to be a part of that but we got a burn we got to be on fire so let's let's do one roll roll at a time and let's just start let's start the first row why not so only if you're hungry reminding again don't forget the Facebook friends get the fire right here that's right here okay Facebook cameras right there who demand to have whatever you're gonna get is that okay okay so first I'm going to and the blessing I spoke was for everyone watching so say I receive it everyone on they'll all say it on they'll all online and now I'm gonna give them the fire of God okay and what else did I say the what there's suddenly is I kind of include that in there but I'll still tell you so I'll let you hold that for me all right so you ready father I am part a men shall receive it okay so when you come up here and line up we're gonna line up like facing one way and Margaret will demonstrate like yeah so are you me or am i you you're imparting to me and that was my natural mind speaking you just had a demonstration of the natural mind yeah when you come up just have your hands ready and the line move really fast and we'll get this done really quickly so you people at the end here if you can start coming this way and then just go back to your seat or go out I'm gonna get out to the products table as soon as I can if you're interested in products so I'll explain about that tomorrow night but yeah I'm actually not doing that tonight I'm doing that tomorrow I'm actually just gonna lay my hand on I'm laying my hand on you right here do I have permission yeah I want to send it right in there okay I don't just walk up and I'm gonna go far I may go fire fire fire and then I go and suddenly whoa I'm already getting wiped out everybody okay you ready to fire fire fire fire and suddenly I'm already hot one person doesn't mean you have to fall down but if you do we'll step over okay father and part the fire fire fire and the sudden Lees of God Father impart the fire fire fire and the son Lee's of God it looks like blue fire shooting out of me like a blowtorch if you want a picture there's a picture okay father I am part the fire fire fire and the son Lee's of God father impart the fire fire fire and the summaries of those [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] fire and the summaries of God father impart the fire fire fire and the Sun Lee's of God father imparts the fire fire fire and the Sun Lee's of God father and parts of fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God father impart the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God part the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God father I impart the fire fire fire and the sundries of God father impart the fire fire fire and the son ways of God impart the fire fire fire and the Sunmi's of God father and parts of fire fire fire and the Sunmi's of God father impart the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God father I impart the fire fire fire and the studies of God father in Perth the fire fire fire and the sund'ys of God father impart the fire fire fire in the sudden ease of God father impart the fire fire fire and the some B's of God father and part the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God father impart the fire fire fire and the some B's of God I am part the fire fire fire and the summaries of God Father impart the fire fire fire and the studies of God heard the fire fire fire and the Japanese about impart the fire fire fire in the summaries of God father I am part of fire fire fire and thus enemies of god father impart the fire fire fire and the sons of God I receive it I am part of fire fire fire and the studies of God hurt the fire fire fire in the sudden ease of God there are imparts a fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God I depart the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God father and part the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God father impart the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God father I impart the fire fire fire and the sudden ease of God
Channel: Santa Maria Healing Rooms
Views: 117,533
Rating: 4.6389685 out of 5
Keywords: Heaven, Holy Spirit, kat kerr, kat kerr heaven, kat kerr testimony, kat kerr angels, what will we do in heaven, what will heaven be like, kat kerr pets in heaven, kat kerr binding and loosing
Id: vrIcei_wqSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 24sec (6084 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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