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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story colonel big man sir this happened in an airport somewhere on the asian continent i was waiting for my flight home after attending an international academic conference so there i was in a plain shirt and a blazer and regular black pants from the corner of my eyes i saw a man in the military uniform of that country i learned later that he was a lieutenant i googled it and he had two men walking behind him when he was near me he must have seen me and he looked surprised he immediately turned my way and marched right up to me he then stood in full attention and saluted me he said colonel big man sir the two men behind him followed suit at first i didn't know what to do but i didn't want to embarrass these men so i saluted them back bringing down my hand i went right next to him and softly said sorry but you have the wrong person i'm not colonel big man then i stepped back the lieutenant looked puzzled for a moment but he quickly realized what happened and what i had just done he smiled he then held out his hand and i shook it thank you sir he said he then turned and continued to wherever he was going i went back to waiting for my flight but i then realized that the people in the waiting room were looking at me strangely don't colonels travel in regular business clothes next story lady thinks i'm room service won't let me pass until i give her my food backstory in the winter of 2017 my family went on a huge road trip from where we lived in northern california all the way to arizona and nevada we spent five days and christmas in arizona in a hotel overlooking the grand canyon and then we were off to nevada where we were going to spend just a few nights to celebrate my dad's birthday and see a david copperfield show we ate dinner at an adjoining restaurant called the wolfgang puck and then my parents left my sister and i 14 and 16 years old at the time to go to their hotel room alone so long as we got them some dessert and we're back to our room within the hour we got black forest chocolate cake and some rum and raisin ice cream and headed back upstairs along with the leftover food from dinner when we reached the eighth floor we stepped out and began walking to our room down the hall and to the right just as we turned the corner a door to our left opened an irate-looking woman stepped out tapping her foot impatiently and staring expectantly at us crazy lady finally it should not take you over an hour to deliver some goddamn cake me um what do you the crazy lady grabs for the food i'm carrying the dessert my sister had the leftovers and says give those here i'm a paying customer i won't stand for you mouthing off like that hey what are you doing that's my food i jerk back my sister is already several feet back looking amused but also worried probably about the cake not me listen i don't want to hear your excuses another word out of either of you and all have you reported quote what the ever loving hell are you on about we are guests at the hotel and you better stay the hell back the waiter comes around the corner in front of him as a huge cart that is literally piled with food waiter hello i heard yelling is something wrong she said before i can get a word in your dumb employees not only came an hour late with my food but they are now being argumentative and are refusing to give me the food are you in charge around here maybe you can talk some sense into them the waiter turns to me and says young man is what she's saying he stops mid-sentence realizing that he's talking to a five-foot-three teen whose voice hasn't even cracked yet ma'am i don't know who you think these people are but they aren't waiters they have food yes but that is from the wolfgang puck as you can see by the box logo and it's not even where you ordered the food from she tries to interrupt but he cuts her off i know because i have your food right here crazy lady goes pretty red and shuts up right away after that the waiter told us to wait a bit further down the hall and after giving the lady her dessert he came back to us he escorted us to our rooms and for the most part that was the end of that we did get some free breakfast cards delivered to our door early the next morning but we were leaving for a lunch engagement on our drive home and there was no time to use them next story i don't work here and revenge at the end okay i finally got one and i don't work here and a karen story background i own and operate a handyman business i do remodels flooring painting light plumbing electrical basically anything that has to do with a house well my wife wanted new flooring for the whole downstairs so we went to the home improvement store rhymes with slows i shop a lot there and everyone in the place knows me by name i was showing my wife all the options and was talking her into vinyl plank flooring i was showing her how it goes together and telling her about it being 100 waterproof scratch proof etc so after talking for about 30 minutes my wife picks out the style and color she likes and then goes off to look at some other things as soon as my wife leaves and i start loading the plank i hear the typical excuse me thinking nothing of it i keep loading next thing i know i get a push from behind and again excuse me it is about time you finish with that woman now you must help me sorry no i don't work here yes you do the other employees called you by name and you showed that woman what she needed sorry ma'am that woman is my wife again i don't work here karen's voice goes up to a screech and says stop lying and help me now i ignored her and went to load another box when she then grabbed my arm and screeched help me now or i will get you fired i pulled my arm away and said leave me alone which she yells how rude i will have your job and storms off i finish and go to find my wife shortly after i hear in that karen voice there he is he assaulted me and was rude what are you going to do about it i turn to see karen and bill the manager bill asks me what happened and i tell him he looks at karen and says sorry ma'am he really does not work here karen went off yelling screaming and threatening to call corporate you know the normal karen stuff poor bill just had to listen i left fast forward to two weeks later i get a call for a flooring job i arrive to look at the job and give my bid i knock on the door and behold who answers the door no one other than the karen from the store the look on her face was priceless and my first words to her set her off i looked at her and said sorry i don't work here and left next story you're physically incapable of leaving the store i work at a small store on a college campus we're right across the street from the school's bookstore and are technically a branch of it every semester the bookstore hosts a poster sale outside in a tent it's completely leased out to a company and all transactions are done through them i couldn't honestly tell you what we get out of it but it's not sales school started this week for us and despite the nightmare in america we're all going ahead with mostly in-person classes still we've had a lot of phone calls instead of in-person sales and i'm always grateful to the people who do them since it benefits both of us today i got a call from someone a bit different caller hey i just spoke with my staff member about the details of the poster sale and i was just calling back to see if you could tell me the price of the posters me i'm so sorry but i don't actually know it's not actually under our division we just know the dates and times because of the flyers they asked us to hand out well could you go check for me i'm sorry but they don't have a website and all the posters are different sizes and prices anyway i can transfer you to the bookstore and someone might be able to help you over there well can't you just go across the street and check for me it's literally right there me incredibly short staffed and already having a terrible day said i'm sorry sir i can't leave the store what do you mean it's literally right across the street it'll just take a second completely taken aback that this man who isn't even a customer is asking me to literally exit my store to tell him the prices from another retailer i said sir i'm clocked in over here i'm sorry i can't leave the store you literally can't leave the store like you're physically incapable of leaving the store completely done with the day at 11am i said yes that's correct wow great customer service thanks at this point i said thank you and he told me to have a nice day i attempted to return the sentiment but alas my new friend hung up on me just when he was learning the traumatizing boundaries of my workplace prison maybe one day i will escape the physical entrapment of my store i'd just like to add that this poster sale is done entirely in person they don't ship hold anything or do orders over the phone as they don't have a phone he would have to go inside the tent no matter what next story a lady mistakes me for an employee and calls the cops when she sees me getting in my own car so look i am a pretty well-to-do businessman i own a corvette stingray believe me it's relevant so i just bought my new car after driving my old honda for five years there i am in walmart with my gf of eight years helped her get ketchup from the top shelf she went to get something this lady approaches me lady can you tell me where product z is me being nice directs her she sees me at checkout but still thinks i am an employee when i get into my car corvette stingray she shouts at me that she's calling the police for grand theft auto she's gonna get me arrested and blocks my car with her minivan i tell her that it's my car but she is certain that it's not mine because walmart employees don't have a salary of that kind police come ask me ids and whatnot and i show them my keys they run my number and find out that it's actually my car and they have to arrest that woman this might not sound that serious but believe me she was not messing around punching and cussing at the police officers for lying which didn't believe those police officers next story covidiet tries to touch me i've never had an i don't work here experience in my life until yesterday my partner and i were at a home improvement store where the employees wear maroon smocks or aprons i was wearing a black tool shirt and a bright sky blue jacket he was wearing a blue sweater and jeans we both were wearing masks and gloves and talking about whether the planter we were looking at would sit well on the rails of our deck all of a sudden a woman wearing no mask and no gloves comes within three feet of me almost in between us and starts asking questions about a dead plant she's holding i politely tell her that we don't work there and she starts cackling wildly reaching out to grab my arm i hopped backwards to avoid her and curtly said don't touch me please she rolls her eyes at me and scurries off with her flatbed card and supposed dead plant in what i assume is in search of someone who actually works there all the while my partner is looking at me with what i imagine as a look of total shock but i can only see his eyes which were huge we were surprised enough at the level of audacity this woman had in trying to grab me that it took us a second to get back to what we were discussing i'm just super grateful she didn't actually get a hold i know this post is pretty tame in comparison to some but i was definitely at a loss for words next story i don't work here dot but you do this isn't your typical i don't work here story the lady knew i didn't work there but i don't know where else this fits back when i was desperate for money i took a job servicing filtered water coolers i was to go to business x change their filters then leave simple and very low paying job one day i get an assignment to go to a retail store and change the filters in the break room sure no problem done it before i get there in the manager the karen in this case is my contact so i contact her and she meets me at the door so far so good no sign yet that she's even a karen i get shown to the break room and put down my bag of filters and tools next to the cooler out of the ways of the doors dot and here we go karen the manager you can't put that bag there me sorry why not people have to come through here okay where should i put it so it's out of the way rolling her eyes she says find a spot i have other things to do and walks away i put the bag on the counter next to the water cooler shut off the water and get to work i remove and drain the old filters into a bucket that i carry with me and as i'm getting out the new filters she comes back you seriously put the bag on the counter are you an idiot i'm sorry where should i put my bag so it's not in your way anywhere but there the germs on that damn thing alone are contaminating the surface i have a disinfectant brand spray with me i'll give it a wipe down before i go i'm calling your manager okay do you have the number for the company i work for idiot and she walks out i don't care already i'm being paid crap and she is the idiot i don't like taking nonsense so i don't i already had a plan to get her back i finish up with new filters gaskets and a bit of new plastic water line is one of the lines yellowed i give the contaminated counter a spray and a wipe just as i said and i'm ready to leave i call out i'm all done have a nice day she pops head out of her office whatever idiot you won't be coming back here by the way okay oh but i would i plop my stuff in my car and go back into the store it's a retail chain that went out of business now but it was big at the time i come back in and there she is the karen what are you doing back in here idiot i told you not to come back do you have item in this store i'd like to buy one please her face melts and her eyes go wide now i'm the customer and she has to serve me dot and she just called me an idiot we don't sell those i know that they did as i had spotted them on the way in no are you sure yes i point what are those i'm talking normally but the smirk on my face feels so good oh i didn't notice them there i buy the item and thank her so sweetly for her help then tell her i'll be filling out the online survey on my customer experience so what's your name i'd like to mention you oh the squirming it was so awesome she said please don't tell them about our interaction when you came to change the filter i'll make you a deal don't be so damn disrespectful to people in the future and i'll hold back on my review of your disgusting behavior she nods and i anticlimactically give her a pass and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 70,412
Rating: 4.8628764 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, call the cops, grand theft auto, gets arrested, entitled
Id: hemAp-CmyHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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