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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story i'm not an employee i'm just a customer with a detailed and itemized map of the entire store when i was at university i took a women's studies course we had a paper to write about the gender differences within the toy industry and early childhood development my childhood dream of spending three and a half hours in a toy store was way less fun when i realized it as an adult for our paper we had to go to a toy store and make a detailed map of the entire store which sections were next to which other sections etc then we had to go and find two items in each section and rate them on four different criteria finally we had to go and ask a store employee to give advice on what toy we should get for a fictional four-year-old boy or girl i went to a now bankrupt big box toy store i had a clipboard and first went around and made a detailed map of the store then i went back and created my itemized list and started categorizing two toys per section in each of the four criteria as you can imagine this took quite a while occasionally as i was doing my task people would ask me questions now since i just made a map i was able to answer quite a few of their questions the stuffed animals ma'am that's aisle 4 right next to the doll houses you're looking for a microscope that would be an educational toy in the far right corner of the store next to the grow your own crystal set one customer asked where the tricycles were and then where the two-wheeled bicycles were and i promptly told them the difference between each section they came back and asked me if i could get a different color from the back i had to explain that i didn't actually work there and i was just a student doing a project they rolled their eyes and left and a huff and i could tell that they thought i was just a lazy employee with a clipboard next story i'm a soldier not a store employee inspired by the u.s navy sailor story here is one of my stories for this particular story i was actually in uniform which makes the whole situation all the more weird canadian working uniform for the army is a digital camouflage pattern called cadpet pretty unique and identifiable the store i was in wears black pants with tanish-colored collared shirts in the story we have me old lady dumb lady and store manager i had just gotten off from work and was on my way home and stopped for groceries our command lets us stop in uniform on the way home to do this they see it as a visual recruiting tactic and lets people know that we are in the community i'm a reservist artillery soldier as i was looking at milk trying to decide what to buy a little old lady came up to me and asked for help what threw me off initially was the fact she used my rank gunner artillery for private she explained that her grandson was a bombardier artillery for corporal in a regular force artillery regiment she was struggling lifting the milk bags i decided i would help her shop and get her groceries at least into her ride for her i spent a good 45 minutes with her helping her shop around the interaction with the dumb lady came as the old lady was checking out dumb lady now that you're done you can get my things for me me sorry ma'am but i don't work here and i have my own shopping to do i'm sure one of the bag boys or stalkers could help you out you clearly work here you got all that old bat stuff for her now i demand you help me old lady he really isn't an employee he's a soldier just helping an old woman with some shopping i don't care what he says he is he clearly knows the store so he must work here you're done shopping so he can help me now she was getting louder now and attracting attention ma'am i really don't work here if you could lower your voice i could help you find an employee if you really need some assistance don't you tell me what to do boy now a manager has shown up due to the commotion good afternoon is there anything i can help you out with dumb lady yes this boy is refusing to help me after he helped another customer this is terrible customer service and he should be fired old lady he clearly doesn't work here he's a gunner in the canadian armed forces he's wearing a military uniform and everything manager he definitely doesn't work here we don't have any soldiers that work in this store even reservists which i assume he is you all have terrible customer service haven't you ever heard of the customer is always right i'm calling corporate and i will never shop here again that is perfectly fine the door is right this way he then escorted the dumb lady outside with her yelling the whole way old lady well that's enough excitement for this old woman hopefully the rest of your day is much more peaceful i'll have my son come pick me up go do your shopping and thanks for helping me anytime ma'am and tell your grandson thanks from gunner sg canadian with the redacted regiment i then went and finished my shopping and wanted to get the hell out of there the store manager was waiting for me at the front and opened a register for me to check out he gave me the store employee discount too saying you clearly work here after all with an accompanying wink and laugh he then told me he was a reservist while going through university and thanked me for what i did next story lady i don't work here best buy edition so my girlfriend and i went thrift shopping once and she bought an old best buy uniform shirt she ended up cropping the shirt and basically wearing it all the time one time i had to go into best buy to get something and she was with me so we go into the store and find the speakers i'm kinda just looking to find one i like when a woman approaches my girlfriend excuse me do you know where the tvs are i don't remember what she said exactly my girlfriend what uh no don't you work here you should know what i don't work here the woman then pointed at my girlfriend's shirt and she noticed she was wearing a cropped best buy uniform shirt i swear the face she made was priceless my girlfriend then had to explain to the woman that she didn't in fact work here she just had a best buy shirt on and surprisingly the woman was super chill about it i still laugh at my girlfriend to this day she does still wear the shirt but not while we are shopping next story revenge at last so to start off i used to work at a big warehouse store chain let's call it cjs i worked there for nearly five years finally got fed up and had to leave i now work at an amazing factory job and i love it been there a little over eight months which makes this story even more fascinating in a way yesterday i was at cjs getting groceries and talking to a couple of my old friends that still work there i'm wearing my factory uniform clearly not wearing the red and blue that the workers at cjs wear my factory uniform is black in walks an older woman that we all know of let's call her him karen she was what you might call a problem customer nothing was ever what she liked all the employees were idiots etc but she had a real hatred for the male employees why who knows but she treated me and the other male stock clerks horribly karen spots me talking to my friends and karen never liked me even though i had on a mask and again was wearing my factory uniform she comes right on over tells us all we're lazy workers and that we don't get paid to stand around and talk she then orders me to help her lift some cat litter into her cart me no i don't work here anymore get someone else to do it karen excuse me you do two work here you've helped me in the past now help me get some cat litter i haven't worked here in eight months i'm not doing anything one of these guys will help you indeed the two guys i was talking to her literally standing right there but that didn't please karen karen are you refusing to help a paying customer i'll get you fired at that point i was rather fed up i just smiled at her and said okay go ahead get me fired from here you witch that went as well as you'd expect and she immediately went to the service desk minutes later karen came back with one of the managers and who was the manager she got the one i got along extremely well with when i worked there as soon as they reached me i heard her say that's the one fire him for insulting me and not helping me he just walked over and asked me how my new job was going karen's look was priceless next story ninja turtles pajama pants and cart apparently equals you work here i needed groceries i had my mask a bright pink hoodie and ninja turtles pajama pants because i just don't care how i look today getting a moment alone during all this crazy was really all i wanted and needed milk among other things i head to it with my cart then i hear it you know how jk rowling describes umbrage hem hem i think i'm in the way grab my two milk and quickly step aside nope a ham i turn and i'm actually surprised to see a man i need taco shells there aren't any on the shelf iz is this really happening to me in ninja turtles pajama pants uniform at this local store as white shirt black pants can't even claim i looked like i worked there sorry sir i don't i need them now i'm already running late i don't work here i say it louder than i mean too i really don't like being interrupted you obviously know your way around the store you must work here i need those shells if i have to say it again i'm getting your a lady had come around the corner while he was talking tortillas in hand she sees him and lightly smacks his arm you dummy she's obviously shopping she turns to me and says i apologize for my idiot husband he's not what you'd call observant she turns back to him all right apologize for acting like your mother he turns red apologies and they head off all i can think of is he only saw the mask which is just a bandana to tell the truth which yes the people who worked there were wearing next story covid taco bell not sure if this fits because i do work at taco bell but was not working that day so a little bit of background i am a shift lead at my local taco bell our lobby is currently closed and has been closed for several weeks due to covet 19. it was my day off i was in for a lovely day of lunch with my grandfather who i don't see all too often anymore since moving to my current town i left my mask at home and the sushi place we were going to had a pretty generic mask policy no big deal my taco bell is about halfway between the sushi place and my house so we stopped there so i could grab a mask my grandfather parked in the parking lot and waited as i unlocked the door went in spoke with my manager for a short minute as it was lunch grabbed a mask and walked out a rather irate lady stopped me outside the door demanding i let her in as i pulled the door shut behind me she claimed her order was messed up and had to go inside to speak to the manager and knew i could let her in i did my best to explain to her that the lobby was closed and motioned to the door she demands again that i let her in knowing that i had a key apparently she saw me walk in i explained to her that its policy not to allow anybody in the store as were closed and advised her to call the store this isn't good enough for this lady she continues to go off on me throwing insults left and right about how they shouldn't be hiring disrespectful teenagers i'm a 20 year old with a slight baby face i can see it i explained to her again that the best she can do is call the store inform a manager about the issue and they would either have her pull through the drive through or if possible have a team member run the food out this seemed to finally get through to her but it still wasn't enough she asked for my name my title shift lead basically the first rung up from team members on the ladder and informed me she was going to make sure i was fired for my attitude mind you i was off of work in plain clothes my uniform consists of jeans a button-up manager shirt and black shoes i was wearing khaki slacks a blue blood donor t-shirt and white slides and had just left the store after grabbing a mask to be berated by a middle-aged woman i think that my attitude was warranted as my ride was waiting for me ten feet away i said i'm sorry for the inconvenience of the closed lobby and got into my grandfather's car i was worried as i had gotten my promotion to shift lead recently and didn't want to lose my promotion or my job over some lady in the parking lot roughly half an hour later i got a call from my manager in the middle of lunch i thought to myself oh boy here goes as i answered it the sound of laughing greeted me as he told me about the lady and how she hadn't even been through the drive-through and was trying to get free food as he was taking orders in the drive through and spoke to the lady face-to-face knowing he had not rung in that specific order or seen her in the drive-through conclusion i'm sorry if this isn't a good format for this but i read these stories from time to time and haven't exactly written anything nearly resembling formal since high school onto my job and the currents going on we had an employee test positive and everybody who interacted with the employee had to quarantine until their tests came back i was not one of the lucky employees managers who got 10 days off work i spent every day closing with half the staff i'd normally have everyone's back now all of the tests came back negative and everything is back to normal i'm thankful for the stressful week and a half because after the very very sudden shift from being an opening manager to closing every single day we had one other manager who wasn't being forced to get tested and i was the only one who knew how to close and showing i could take care of tasks outside of what i'm normally asked to do i've been notified that in a couple of months when i'm eligible for a promotion it's mine if i want it taco bell has a six-month wait period between promotions if you're still here after reading through my poorly written experience thank you so much for being patient next story garden center i do not had a landscaping morning saturday and had to run out to the garden center for a few items before stopping for the afternoon at the store i must have looked the part wearing cargo shorts booney hat work boots and a neck gator as a mouth covering it's a this guy landscapes sort of ensemble i'm walking with a purpose and my items are at far ends of the store a woman and teen son stand in the middle of the patio furniture staring lasers into me as i hustled from weed killer to plant steaks as i approached she said finally we've been waiting forever i didn't break stride as she said are you going to help us don't you work here i gave them a succinct i do not without stopping ten steps past and i hear her say what does he mean i do not to her son not much of an interaction i know but how can someone not understand i do not it gets to the point i feel bad for that kid next story a little heartwarming tale of i don't work here this happened a couple months ago right after lockdown was lifted this was my first outing since march i was alone six to seven months pregnant i need to note i was at the red store where employees wear red tops and khakis i was in a white top and jean shorts and a mask i was wandering towards the registers when a kid about 18 19 shyly asked me how things worked at the store in regards to the virus policies he had not gone to any stores during the lockdown as tyra banks would say i smiced smiled with my eyes and told him i don't work here but all you need to do is follow the stickers on the ground and an employee will direct you he thanked me and told me it made him nervous not knowing what to do told him no problem and have a good day nothing special but i thought i'd share a positive story and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 22,950
Rating: 4.8991938 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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