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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story summer camp bully gets cancelled this happened at a christian summer camp 40 plus years ago i went every summer not because i liked the classes but just to get out of town for a few weeks a year and they had swimming horseback riding canoeing etc the incident was from a summer when i was around 11 or 12. there was a mean kid who bullied me every summer he was sadistic mean as heck and especially targeted me i complained to camp staff and was told something along the lines of turn the other cheek forgiveness blah blah blah nothing was done you could take various courses and one was a canoe class that culminated in an overnight canoe camping trip of course bully boy was going we canoed and camped out by a river away from the summer camp the kids were all swimming in the river and bully boy kept dunking me under the water and holding me down i'd come up gasping for air and go down again over and over he had let me up and i'd gotten my breath when he pushed me under again this time i got away from him held my breath and swam underwater down the river as far as i could when i came up i saw him and some of the other kids looking frantically for me i took another big breath submerged and swam even further downstream and out of sight i climbed up on the bank and waited here's what i was told by other campers later as i didn't witness this part after looking for me and not finding me the kid started to panic and got a counsellor how a bunch of kids were left unattended long enough for this to happen i still don't know boy told the counselor that we'd all been swimming and i disappeared the other kids ratted him out said that he'd drowned me and full on panic ensued staff from the main campground were called and a search party began while bullyboy cried thinking he'd killed me i'm not sure how long the search lasted but it must have seemed like forever until i was found down the river on the bank i played it up big time acting all upset and shivering i told the counselor that bullyboy had held me underwater and i couldn't breathe and the next thing i knew i was on the side of the river and had thrown up a bunch of river water and didn't know where i was back at the main camp all the management had assembled for a meeting bullyboy approached me and tried to apologize and i acted all freaked out and hid behind an adult his parents were called and he was sent home and banned from ever attending camp my parents were called and the camp leader must have freaked when my mom answered law offices as she was my attorney father secretary i talked to my parents and said i wanted to stay at camp and they were fine with it no lawsuit my parents weren't litigious the rest of the summer went great without bully boy there to harass me i attended for a few more years until it was time for me to part ways i hadn't thought of this much since then and i wish i'd asked my parents about it my mom has passed and my dad has dementia so i won't get their take on the situation note my parents weren't religious i went to the camp because my favorite cousin went and i wanted to go i wonder if bullyboy ended up in prison the sadistic little sociopath next story next story entitled co-worker gets what she deserves strap in guys this is going to be a bumpy ride that goes over four months so i was in a role where my boss decided to get a co-worker to go buy an app that would integrate into something that was part of my job we sat down at the end of her research and she presented the three apps that she was interested in choosing from now it was essential that the data collected in the app was easily migrated into my system we could not change my system as that was a global product so it had to be the app that was more flexible of the three that were shown none of them would link to my system the work in migrating the data was going to take up a day of my time each migration and the app was going to be used eight or nine times a month this would remove half of my working time each month i flagged this and my boss said it wasn't an issue as my coworker would be the one to do the work on the data and then give it to me in the right format you all know that was never going to happen so the boss chooses an app i'm under orders that it's not my project so i am not to meddle and that my co-worker knew what she was doing side note at this point in time my boss had decided that we were not allowed to talk to each other during the workday yep an office of 20 people and only our team was not allowed to talk to each other if you had a question you had to go to our boss on the next bank of desks and ask him the question and he would then come and ask the question of the person you wanted to ask it of bear in mind i sat next to the co-worker 20 minutes into setting up the app on the ipads that were going to go out to a show and be used by other staff members there was a lot of huffing and puffing from my co-worker so evil me put on my headphones and a podcast and get on with my work all i can see out of the corner of my eye is my co-worker shrugging her shoulders and muttering to herself but of course i can't hear her over my true crime podcast and details of how to bury bodies i realize that the movement has completely stopped and that she has turned towards me waving at me i stop my podcast take off my headphones and look at her i need to ask you to i cut her off boss has said you have to go to him to ask a question i'm not allowed to talk to you but no i don't want to get into trouble at this point in time there was bullying and other things going on so i was really wary she stomps off and boss tells her he is busy and to book a slot in his calendar to talk to him as she returns i'm back with headphones on being all creative and in the zone now it's 4pm on a friday and i leave at 4.30 but she leaves at 5. she was supposed to have designed the app usage by 10 am that morning but had left it until after lunch and she had the event team coming down at 4.30 to learn how to use the app at the show the next day it's not rocket science what she has to do set up an event on the app website write a series of questions to gather data on the visitors and check that these work properly on the ipad that the event people are going to use also check that there are no updates needed on the ipads takes about 30 minutes to do the data headings for the answers to go into are supposed to be formatted to match the data i need on the monday to contact the people who took part in the event but of course she started at 3pm and has no idea what she is up to she plugs in the first ipad and it demands an update then the next one then the next one and of the ten we had only one didn't so she can't start to test the app that she hasn't designed until they have all updated thing is had she just tested the three she needed then that would have been 10 minutes and the update another 10 minutes no she spends the next 30 minutes trying each one in turn and moaning about it me and my other co-worker had developed blindness to anything other than our screens at this point because we do not want to be involved in it my boss has also gone out for a smoke so it is 4.30 and me and my other co-worker nod at each other and stuff our laptops in our bags and leg it out of the office we know that the crap is going to hit the fan now my car didn't have hands-free and my boss had made a big issue of not having our work phones on whilst driving so as i get in the car i turn off my phone plug in my podcast and drive home in bliss that the week is over now a number of years earlier i didn't have a work phone so a select few of my coworkers had my number including the person who was running the event about 8 p.m i get a call on my personal mobile from them and they are virtually in tears the app didn't work and they were told by my co-worker that it was my fault because i wouldn't help her my boss had come back from his smoke to find the event leader having a stand-up argument with my coworker over how important this was and how she had let them down my boss said he'd fix it spent five minutes sorting it and told the event leader it was fit for purpose and off them went they logged in at 7 30 p.m when they got to the hotel and connected the ipads to the wi-fi and the fix was totally wrong could i help now i'm a belt and braces person and had managed to get myself a login for the app software knowing that something would go wrong i said that i would but that they had sent my boss an email saying that they had begged me to do it as i would get into trouble otherwise once the email came through i spent 10 minutes and set the whole thing right setting the app up was the easy part it was the exporting that was the witch i added bespoke backgrounds linked data over different pages and all in all it looked fab they ran an update in the hotel whilst i was on the phone and i got an email from them at close of play on sunday saying how well my version had worked they kindly copied it into my boss his boss one of the directors and their boss another of the directors i come in on monday and the first words out of my mouth to my boss were don't have a go at me for giving up my time on friday night to fix something that could have been done right first time with planning to which he replied you should have helped your co-worker in the first place i reminded him of the email he sent me saying that i was not to meddle in her project as it was hers and that if i did i would be disciplined yes i knew at this point that i was going to have to leave the reward for this she got to keep the project and i now had to design the apps for each show and do the data migration a bit of malicious compliance here i took two days to migrate the data the first time as they had collected twice as much as we had scoped for and took that time to write a set of routines that would automate it for me remember this point for later anyway things got worse at work and i took the opportunity to take a pay out left and set up my own company now whilst i was negotiating the payout i was under orders that i could not discuss that i was planning on leaving until the paperwork was signed this is monday morning i'm given my release figures and i'm also told to do no work on any projects and just to clear out the files etc on my laptop and email and forward anything relevant to my boss i have until thursday to decide if i want to leave in a meeting with human resources on friday morning to give my decision straight after that meeting with my boss in human resources i emailed my boss to tell him my deadlines for the week i've preempted all of them by completing the work the week before getting it all signed off and scheduling it to run automatically i'm told to sign out of those systems and hand over the passwords to my boss this is so i can't sabotage the company i have no issues with this because if it goes wrong it couldn't have been me all but one thing and you guessed it an app is needed on friday afternoon for an event i flagged this to my boss in writing and he replies that it's not a problem because he will do it with her on friday so i sit at my desk with my nice new noise-cancelling headphones on treated myself as i was definitely leaving listening to my podcasts of true crimes thinking about how i will be burying the bodies i'm left alone sorting out my online files for the next few days and clearing out my emails i was told in writing to email everything to my boss even though he had access to my files online he wanted me to annotate what was what well after two hours i was told to stop by his boss the head of it as i had caused issues with the amount i was emailing internally so he had to take the files where they were i have been told in writing to only leave the things to do with my current projects yes i did check that was what he wanted and got it in email which i obviously forwarded to myself and told to clear out old projects from all the software i used i did exactly that the 25 gigabits of data on the server was reduced to 20 megabits and my email library which covered my 12 years in the company was taken down to eight project folders which i had emailed before i was told to stop i cleared all the files saved in software clouds any partial project i had started to try things out all routines that i had written just for me and not told anyone about i deleted my contacts in my outlook and reformatted my work phone on thursday evening defragged my laptop now before i removed everything i spoke with my union solicitor about interpreting my boss's request to delete everything and they gave me in writing that i was covered i went in on the friday morning to my 9 a.m meeting with my boss in human resources with my paperwork signed we have a meeting in my director's office who is out for the day after human resources say that i can now finish for the day clear my desk and go they leave and my boss calls in my two co-workers and tells them that i've decided to leave i say i'm off to clear my desk which was basically empty as i'd already taken everything home that week hand my laptop ipad and phone to it pick up my bag and say bye everyone and leave now what happened next was told to me by my other co-worker 4pm the events manager comes down to collect their ipads for their event you know that app that i flagged on the monday and the boss said it was okay as he'd do it guess what he'd forgotten and guess where he was when the event manager came down gone for a smoke co-worker tells the event manager that it's my fault that the app isn't ready because i've left my other co-worker was trying not to laugh during this the event manager says that's okay she'll call me and get me to sort it at home she calls my work phone and slowly she realizes that my phone is ringing at the other end of the office which is confirmed when i t answers it and waves at her across the room where is she she's left why have you got her phone because she's left when will she be back she's left oh you mean she's left penny drops she turns to my other co-worker you didn't say she's left the company my other co-worker apparently did a massive dramatic side then said well we need it done now as we have to leave in the next 30 minutes you will have to do it can't you copy one of the app's ex me made i suppose so big shoulder shrug i get a call on my personal phone at 8 pm that evening from my co-worker she's again virtually in tears first she tells me off for not coming and saying goodbye and that we must meet up for a drink when she gets back and then she tells me that our co-worker literally copied one of the apps i made before and changed nothing so it has the wrong event name on it wrong questions to to the quiz and other things are wrong she's been calling now ex-boss since she got to the hotel and he has turned his phone off i tell her that i can't help i had my access revoked and even if it hadn't been part of my leaving was that i could do no work for the company after my signing date and time hence i had to leave as soon as i signed well another co-worker said that the crap hit the fan on monday morning the app was unusable they had to create a paper form in the hotel on the friday night and my thief co-worker was presented with a pile of handwritten forms to process on the monday morning she kept telling boss that it was my fault because i'd left turns out he had told her to be familiar with the app months before because he knew i'd be going and she hadn't done it but it gets better she called me on my personal phone two days later i'd forgotten to remove her number even though i knew she'd try to pull something hello i answer the phone hi it's x how are you i'm okay but i'm a bit busy at the moment was it something urgent i did not want to engage with her not after the time she asked me about something for a friend and turned out the links i sent her to help her friend prepare for an interview were for her college homework and she submitted a paper i'd written and put on my website which shows that not all universities check for plagiarism oh it's not important but how do you migrate the data from the app to the software that you used i use the manual on the server could you log in and do it for me no i couldn't i don't work there anymore and you took my access away sorry i've got to go have fun i put the phone down and blocked her on my phone and social media now it turned out that what she had done was type all of those pieces of paper into the app then export it to an excel worksheet that then had to be reformatted because the app didn't do it right what she could have done was type it into a standard excel worksheet and just uploaded it she made it harder it took her two days to slowly add them all in i type at 80 wpm she didn't and then three days to export and import and then it failed and she had to get our international head office involved and it took them days to get round to it as non-urgent to them the draw results were supposed to have been emailed out the day after the event well i forgot about all this as it was the end of the events for the year until the friday before the august bank holiday the next year and my phone goes with a number i don't recognize these days i let it go to voicemail and decide if i want to call back but then i would answer hi hi it's x okay now i knew from ex-co-workers that there had been no events due to a downturn in the industry and there was a big event coming up over the bank holiday i wanted to see how you were getting on i'm okay but i'm at work so i can't really talk now i was on my break at a new clients oh this is important me thinking yep important to who okay i have literally five minutes then i've got to go into a meeting i was interviewing people and had five minutes to get a drink and go back well we've got an event coming up and you know that app i cut her off look before you ask no i can't help you i don't work with you anymore it's been 10 months since i left but i need help seriously i have to go client was frantically waving at me to restart i'm not the person to help you but i don't work there anymore i shut down the call and blocked her again and went on with my day later ex-co-worker messaged me saying that these entitled co-worker had been bugging her all week for my number saying she lost it when she changed phones and wanted to catch up with me so she had given in on friday and let her have the number then sat there whilst she phoned me and she heard the convo so she was begging my forgiveness i forgave her and told her i'd blocked this entitled witch anyways now for the aftermath cw had been bragging about the app's success you know all the ones i'd written but she took credit for as project manager and what none of us knew was that the boss had told her that if it worked out okay with the app she would get a promotion it had all been going well when i had been doing it and she had been taking the credit in meetings for the results but once i left and she had to do the one the day i left and then couldn't get me to do the one over the bank holiday she didn't get the promotion she had also been working from home pre everyone doing it now saying she needed to in order to support her son and they realized that she just wasn't doing any work when at home deadlines were being missed she should have been let go but other co-worker left and now they were three people down in the team because co-worker number three had left just before me and they had a recruitment freeze so the boss went from competent three workers and one who didn't do much to just the one who didn't do much she thought that she could leave too and get a new job so she started to add bits of her co-workers responsibilities into her cv and on linkedin well that's all well and good but she didn't make it through the interviews of course because she had no idea of how the things she claimed to know worked a great example of the peter principle and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 28,898
Rating: 4.9089532 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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