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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story massive karen's attack on my autistic brother ends up with me realizing my boyfriend is awesome hello i'm a lurker here but since my relationship's anniversary is coming i think i should share my encounter with an entitled person here as it was when i realized my boyfriend was the one for me i'm doing this on mobile and english isn't my first language so please forgive my mistakes a preface this stories has me 25 female tiny vietnamese girl living in the u.s since 9 years old with an usually shy yet cheerful personality who loves to read and is crazy for chocolate the there's my brother 20 male short chubby vietnamese guy with some mental issues but extremely intelligent and truly the sweetest boy ever he loves dinosaurs and idolizes my boyfriend and then there's my boyfriend 29 male tall and muscular long-haired and bearded brazilian guy despite his permanent mean look he is extremely kind intelligent engineer and lovely he loves my family as his own keep this last bit in mind it's important and of course there's a karen and her entitled kid this story takes place during 2018's december a week before christmas my boyfriend and i were visiting my parents for the holidays and we wanted to go shopping for gifts in a shopping mall nearby we decided to take my brother as well since he was bored at home and i wanted to spend more time with him at the shopping mall i decided to put my grand plan on motion my boyfriend always surprises me on christmas but it would be my turn that year i usually never ask him for anything but this time i decided to ask him for something dot babe can you get me a chocolate milkshake please i will wait in this library here with my brother okay be right back i picked this library for three reasons his gift would be a book as he loves reading just as much as i do it was far away from mcdonald's where he would get my milkshake and more importantly they had books with dinosaurs models my boyfriend noticed it and it became the perfect alibi since my brother was around now is when things started to go wrong i took my brother to the place where they kept the dinosaurs books way in the back and told him to pick a book and wait there he picked even before i could stop talking i left him there because the library was big and i had just a few minutes to buy my boyfriend's gift and hide it in my bag before he could see i was maybe 10 minutes into my frenzied search for a book when i heard some loud voices from where i left my brother there i saw that monstrous karen yelling and trying to wrestle the book my brother picked from him while her spawn cheered from the sides and a couple of workers two teenager girls stood there stunned not knowing what to do i rushed there and yelled what are you doing this freak doesn't want to give my baby the book so i'm taking it mommy get me the t-rex i grabbed her fat arm which was easily five times thicker than mine and tried to pull her off him leave him alone he picked it up first stop lying and don't touch me which she then pushes me and faces my brother again now you r word son of a witch give me this book now she shoved me and i landed on my butt some four feet away from her stunned this is when she started to push my brother really hard on her 4 rth push though my boyfriend came out of nowhere tore that mastodon from my brother while pushing her and putting himself between my brother and her who also fell on her butt now i would like to say he is usually very calm very quiet a guy of very few words and i only saw him angry once but even then he never raised his voice this time was different his face was pure murderous anger and he literally roared at the woman don't you dare hurt my brother he shouted at her i was shocked to see him like that but karen went from red to white and her kid went on mute another employee came dragging a security officer karen screamed she was assaulted my boyfriend again calm as if nothing happened but angry as hell explained his side of the story i explained what happened the teenager employees did the same cameras were checked and the bruises on my poor brother were looked at the police were called and everything got reviewed turns out this karen already had her problems with the law and the only reason why we didn't press charges is because we just wanted to finish shopping and go back home as soon as possible she was arrested anyway so why bother in the end my boyfriend had to go buy another milkshake for me since he dropped it when he rushed to aid my brother i used the time to buy his book and my brothers with a huge discount later when we were calmer i started to analyze the whole situation and what he did he looked scary but the way he did that was so cool he called my brother his brother and protected him so ferociously it was like watching a lion protecting his band my parents were so grateful they almost cried if they liked him before now they loved him to the point of calling him son and my brother started to get along with him even better than before you guys should see them playing street fighter together it's so wholesome and funny and me well let me say one thing we are getting married as soon as this whole covid thing is over oh yeah and he was surprised with the book mission accomplished next story a wild karen got arrested with a felony background i'm a 35 year old father of two boys i have ptsd due to time overseas and have the physical scars to match the mental scars i have an incredible wife that knows me and knows what situations i should avoid my children are amazing but this story revolves around my youngest son and my service dog jim my youngest son has autism and we share a special bond because some things that set him off also put my teeth on edge spike my english bulldog he's my service dog he's well-trained lazy judgmental and overall uninterested in anything he can't eat he's also very in tune to jim and my emotions and will provide a distraction when we get overwhelmed basically he's like oh you're stressed here scratch my butt you'll feel better and i'll get attention it's a win-win the story ma family recently moved to texas because we now live very close to an amusement park we got memberships of shout out to the park for being amazing when it comes to special needs this particular park in arlington texas has a special program for autistic people they have rooms set aside to chill at if you're over stimulated so you can relax go back out get overstimulated again and around and round you go with gym we also don't have to wait in lines this is a huge thing and the cause of this story the park has a pass that lets you skip most of the lines and they charge an arm and a leg for this however with that pass you still end up in a line of the hundreds of people that also have that pass jim gets no lines at all we get a special pass and we go in through the exit the worker signs the pass and we go on the ride jim has a favorite ride the log ride there have been days that we would ride the log ride over and over then eat we also have the food pass which we pay for then go back to the log ride on this day tom my oldest and jim wanted to go on the log ride so we made our way to the exit left my wife and spike our dog in the shade because someone has to stay with him and bulldogs plus rides don't mix as we were going in the exit a woman started screaming at us i have absolutely no hearing on my right side thanks high pressure wave so i didn't consider it worth turning my head to listen now because we ride this ride almost exclusively the workers on this ride know us by name and sight jim even talks to them which is rare we go in show the pass sit and ride this time though karen the woman that was screaming at us as we were walking in through the out made her way to where the speedy pass ends at the ride where a red shirt will check her pass and let her go on her way she didn't even want to ride she just wanted to yell about us going in through the exit and how we are abusing the system now anyone that looks at jim can see he's in a world all his own and wouldn't be surprised if he's literally reading the future or talking to aliens he's awesome the red shirt tries to calm her down tom is getting upset because he's a normal nine-year-old and adults yelling is uncool jim is making his excited sounds and waiting for the log to stop so he can get in we get in and as we float away we still hear karen screaming the ride ends and we exit we figured we would never see her again but obviously as i'm pointing this out it didn't go that way karen appeared like a dark brother after making the sacrifice elder scrolls reference hooting and screaming she is screaming that just because jim is an r word doesn't mean we get extra rights the screaming causes jim to let out his super screech now anyone that knows autism knows that autistic kids have super powers in jim's case it's a supersonic ear shattering high-pitched screech that makes your eyes swim and makes it feel like things in your head are moving that shouldn't this whole time spike was laying on the ground in the froggy position as bulldogs do just looking at karen like she's a rabid dog but not worth getting up for as we are being screamed at i see two officers approaching from behind karen i smile my smile must have broken karen because the halls off and kick spike this flips my switch because now my family is literally under attack and i start to react before i could make contact karen was already in the air being held carried half dragged away while being cuffed now in front of me as a well-dressed and pissed-looking officer he tells us he heard the screech and started heading to it because they thought a ride broke or something bad happened i take the time to unflip that switch and examine spike he's limping and crying i feel his hips and feel that his hip is dislocated the officer asked what happened and we all explained what happened from a to z he asks if spike is a service dog i say yes he smiles i'm not in a smile mood but it catches me off guard he explains that in texas to intentionally injure a service dog as a felony by this time park security arrived and issued a trespass order to karen the officers asked if i wanted to press charges i look at spike and look back yes i say karen and her tiny mouse-like husband start to freak out as she is loaded onto a golf cart we hop on a cart too and leave to go to the vet the vet fixed spike and all as well we went back the next day with spike in a stroller no one batted an eye and everyone loves the bulldog in a stroller i let people pet him he's a hoot and the park is an amazing place i've been contacted by the investigating officer and have given depositions i may have to testify but i look forward to sitting on the bench with spike on my lap next story this is a park not a skate park this story takes place pre covered and it happened to my friend my friend loves skating one day he was at the skate park for over three hours eventually he messed up a trick and fell he was wearing knee pads though and wasn't injured when he fell his skateboard landed in front of a cairn and he apologized for any disturbance karen's kid decided he wanted to have a go on the skateboard this kid appeared to be five or six years old my friend said no in case the child got hurt the kid tried to claim he would be fine because he played skating video games and was a pro but my friend again said no the kid went crying to his mom she then acts like the karen we all know asking why her child can't use the skateboard and tells her child to just take it my friend moves away so the child can't take the board karen then loses it shouting they aren't supposed to be skating there anyway despite signs that clearly say skatepark my friend then lost it shouting at karen telling her it was a skatepark her reponce to this was to punch my friend leading to calling the police and karen being arrested the father husband apologized two months later my friend met karen and her kid again who approached him in a shop on this occasion karen decided because she had previously been arrested her kid was entitled to my friend's phone which my friend resisted karen then grabbed the phone stomped on it and smashed it karen then shouted the police should be called as my friend stole and broke her phone the police were called but cctv revealed the truth with ultimately my friend pressing charges and getting a restraining order karen and her husband divorced likely partly due to her behavior husband has custody of the kid next story repay our hospitality by throwing away our keepsakes karma sends her a dead snake hi everyone i'm still figuring out how reddit works so if this is the wrong place for this story i apologize what happened here wasn't on purpose but i also didn't stop myself from laughing hard anyway here's the story so when i was a teenager one of my mom's friends needed a place to stay for a bit while she was moving and while she was with us this lady decided to help us get rid of all our stuff we weren't hoarders and our house was fairly clean but my dad is very sentimental and we had two sheds full of memories from when we were babies this lady went through all of it and got rid of anything we weren't using currently saying memories belong in your heart not in your hands my mom let her do this because she's also a jerk and my poor dad was too non-confrontational to stop it his eyes just bugged out like he wanted to scream at her and he left so he wouldn't see this went on for weeks and all us kids hated her for it especially since she made us help nothing like being forced to throw away your baby handprints and old christmas ornaments but it wasn't being used so out it went now about a week before she got there a big snake had gotten inside our house through our toilet and my dad after he killed it had put it in a ziploc bag in the freezer to teach us how to make snake skin belts later we lived on a farm so this wasn't weird to us at all with all the stress of my mom's friend moving in we all completely forgot about it and of course we had no way of knowing that she would feel comfortable enough in our home to invade our space to that extent after this lady had stripped the two sheds of anything she considered useless she moved to the inside of our house starting with the kitchen she started pulling things out of the freezer to check for expiration dates and happened to lay her hand on the bag with the snake she pulled it out thinking it was just a bag of frozen meat and let out a blood-curdling scream she collapsed on the floor of the kitchen and sobbed like she was the one who had been violated she continued screaming about how it was the most disgusting thing she'd ever seen and we were disgusting to have that in our freezer she threw it in the trash and i was sad that we wouldn't get to make a snake skin belt with my dad none of us except my mom had any pity for her it served her right for invading our privacy like that when that lady realized we were all laughing at her she went up to her room and didn't come out for two days best two days of her whole stay and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 46,424
Rating: 4.909297 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: 9J5efKfM8e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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