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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story never bully a disabled girl this happened a few years ago for backstory i've taken several martial arts classes and i'm still with my girlfriend now fiance from when this happened so my girlfriend due to traumatic incidents i will not explain had to amputate both her legs at an extremely young age thanks to extremely hard work and prosthetics removable legs she is able to walk run fairly well for a person with no legs now a few years back some jerk at a bar thought it was funny to steal her legs she was wearing shorts so it was pretty damn noticeable she didn't have real legs i don't know how it happened as i was in the bathroom but when i came back she was crying and crawling on the floor the jerk holding her prosthetics high in the air according to her the jerk just pushed her and yanked her prosthetics out so i calmly dislocated both of the jerk's shoulders and then broke both his shin bones using moves i learned in martial arts then i hammer struck his nuts and watched him crawl away literally now people say i'm the most chill in person in the world though if my girlfriend gets attacked i go nuclear right away i called my lawyers later and they said i was all good legally since i could claim self-defense on behalf of a person with a disability who could not adequately defend herself next story smooth move kevin so today i met a real wild kevin and yes he was an entitled jerk and was arrested fun story time i was at my local gamestop to pick up a new ps4 game and a replacement screen protector for my switch i pulled up mask on and went inside quiet no one was in there waved to the store clerk who was busy on the phone walked over to the switch section and grabbed a new screen protector then walked over the ps4 section and picked out a new game and then a he appeared hair tied in a man bun the strong weed like smell clothing of anime no mask and the radiation of i'm better than you and you better do as i say so kevin wandered around the xbone one section and began plucking games one by one and walked up to the counter i'd like to buy these the store clerk reaches into the drawn and pulls out a disposable mask sir you need to comply with our rules and please put on a mascara the store clerk tells him why i'm one of the first people they vaccinated in this state i don't need it plus our governor will be ending the mask requirement and open 100 tomorrow i got my phone out to check and know he's not ending the mandates or opening 100 so yeah he's full of crap the manager then walks out sir if you don't put on the mask i'll ask you to leave or i will call security to escort you uh fine he snatches the mask and puts it over his mouth not his nose as the store clerk rings him up asking if he has a rewards card but kevin cuts her off uh shut up and just ring me up he says with the highest of sneering like she just assaulted his gross man bun he then starts talking about how nintendo is a crappy company and how he's excited about the next ea game i'll have to bleach my ears after hearing someone praising ea of all companies as this jerk did then kevin turns to me i bet you love ea too bro right the heck really no i think it's a garbage company that churns out poor unfinished games just to make money kevin had a look of shock but was about to retort when the store clerk chimed in with how would you like to pay sir kevin hands her a credit card saying it was his mom's and said how jens is lazy and that i should respect my elders etc etc this jerk looked like he was either in his late teens or early twenties i'm wearing a mask and a hat so he can't see my face that's giving my you're full of crap to him or my gray hair that's now taken over about 70 of my hair he gives me a smug look the karen kevin look of stupidity then says to the store clerk to check my id as i'm a gen xetard real original kevin and i should be card declined the store clerk told him what swipe again declined when a card doesn't work it's either because there's no credit or it's stolen i tell him shut up insert a slur the store clerk checks it again i rated my eyebrow because kevin as white white as bread basically he was white trash and dumb to boot declined sir kevin looked at me with anger and said i bet you did something and i'll make you pay another white racist slur and then stumbled a bit in an upward movement tried to knock off my glasses but caught my hat and my glorious red and gray hair was exposed i then backed up and pulled my mask down for a few seconds so kevin could see my face the look on his face was priceless and took him about a minute to put two and two together you're old kinda slow there genius but old people don't buy video games they don't he said while he was still in disbelief dot i decided to have some fun dude i'm gen x i don't know where's jen from he was born in 81. i've tried reading up more but there are too many outlets with different articles i'm either a gen x or millennial the dude froze but then a woman popped in pointing at kevin saying that's the guy who took out my card kevin looked and saw the woman but then saw two police walking gesturing for him to come over and he decided to bolt for the door leading to the back room i tripped him as he was about to run for the back and fell over as the police quickly got to him and pulled him up and cuffed him he resisted and his gross man bun came apart disgusting he was then marched out while screaming nonsense the store clerk handed the woman her card back and told the store clerk that kevin had reached into her purse and took her card as she was putting groceries on the conveyor to be scanned and it was caught on the store's cctv it's probably one of those cards that you can freeze in case you lose it or whatever the store clerk the manager and i gave statements i told the police after i gave my statement to check his pockets because i told him that he smelled like pot and was probably under the influence i would have added that he had a disgusting man bun but that's a bit much after that i got my things and went home and got on here to tell you all that karen's and kevin's never win next story entitled dog walker tries to get dog to pee on my shoes to set the scene friendly small park in the uk fields either side of a long concrete path that's about a quarter mile long the type of place where as you pass by a stranger you both greet each other but ultimately there are still probably teenagers getting drunk in the bushes so there i 26 female am enjoying the slight easement of lockdown rules by being out in the park with a friend we are both roller skating back and forth along a 80-ish meter section of the path pulling to the side for cyclists runners and keeping clear of pedestrians now because we're in skates we have placed our shoes underneath a nearby park bench so they're not in the path or at risk of being picked up by a dog playing on the field which has happened before we have no belongings on the bench and the shoes are not obstructing the bench cue the entitled dog walker a 40-something female with a classic karen haircut walking a small would fit in your handbag dog as she walks past us she doesn't look up once from her phone and because her dog isn't leashed i stepped onto the grass in case it ran up to me whilst i was skating she didn't notice any of this when she gets to the bench she finally looks up from her phone and gives the most dramatic humph rolling her shoulders and waving her arms i'm about 40 meters or so away at this point still on the grass after clearing the way for her dog and could still hear her sighing she then begins looking at the shoes at me then back to the shoes before sighing again this goes on for about 20 to 30 seconds then she pushes the dog under the bench and begins encouraging it to pee by saying things like go on here pushing his nose into our shoes and stopping it when it tries to get back from under the bench the dog then starts sniffing around my shoes so i start skating over concerned for my converses and the thought of walking home and peed on trainers and i get there just as the dog lifts his back leg i get within about five meters of the bench thinking what the hell do i even say to this woman how do i stop the dog peeing there is nothing stopping her from using the bench when she glares at me and kicks her foot at the dog so he moved away from my shoes and pees right next to them instead of on them she then tutted at me shook her head and stomped off with her dog following shortly afterwards not sure why she was so offended by the thought of sitting on a bench with shoes beneath it plenty of people do and often make small talk with us as they do so but i'm super glad my trainers weren't ruined next story entitled dude needs a chill pill this happened good while back before covid and i still get confused on remembering it so it happened a few years ago around 2016 2017ish i was actually on my way for some grocery shopping to buy some afternoon snacks i just entered and bought some simple bags of chips and juice then enters entitled dude he was rude on his phone and was ignoring security saying they're not allowed to bring any bags inside he looked pretty pissed and just threw his bag at the counter where bags are kept safely little did he know that he was supposed to keep a tag number for what bag he owns he ignored the employee handing him the number tag and just went in now five minutes later i was at the register i had my juice and chips and right next to me was this dude i didn't see much but i did see some chips and sodas looked like he was having a party or something now after checking out with my chips and juice i headed out i didn't bring anything but my wallet and this dude was at the bag counter he was super pissed apparently his bag wasn't at the counter and seems to have misplaced it there were a lot of bags that looked similar the funny thing about it is that he couldn't chill out for one second i was chuckling a bit and trying to hold in my laughter the manager then came up and helped look for the bag dude was saying crap like this service sucks or get your jobs right of course i was a bit pissed despite not being employed or anything but he had the audacity thinking he was better i still kept my cool and just stayed to enjoy him getting angry at his own fault for not getting his number tag 30 minutes later the manager found the bag and handed it to the dude to which he just took it off of the manager's hand and stormed out i can only imagine how pissed he was and mumbling about i'm definitely a better employee than you guys or something next story bully gets concussion legally growing up i played hockey from kindergarten to my senior year of high school it happened more by the fact that when my parents put me on skates at the age of three i surprised them by more or less learning to skate in one session i was like that with most motor skills a fact that would haunt me later as i got older as i aged i developed into a body more built for the offensive line in football but the constant exercise and massive calorie requirements of ice hockey kept my in good shape through high school it did mean i was generally 40 or 50 pound heavier than everyone else on the ice and while it did not affect my top speed it did affect my acceleration the predictable result was that i was always passed over for the traveling teams and i gravitated to football where i was a defensive lineman by the time i was in high school i more or less played hockey for fun and the exercise i never made the high school team this is in minnesota so it is a much bigger deal there one of the reasons i loved sports so much was that i had a mild speech impediment i had a tendency to slur my words if i did not speak carefully naturally i was an easy target for bullies especially in the 90s when schools were doing their level best to end physical bullying in essence punishing me harder if i ever retaliated physically for the daily verbal torment i received entering my senior year and failing to make the high school team for the fourth and final time i walked into my junior gold locker room to find an annoyance i knew we will call him m for the time being he was two years younger and was a scrawny little jerk who liked to harass people verbally i mostly ignored him i had moved to the area the year before i started high school so i did not have the friends the other kids grew up with and unfortunately this was the type of community that would freeze out people they did not grow up with em was the kind of person who would target isolated people he would not dare go after people with their friends since i spent my time mostly alone he would try to harass me but the obvious difference in size at senior year i was 6'3 and 250 pounds of muscle from football ice hockey track and field shot put and summer spent in the weight room and the fact i pointedly ignored him didn't give him much while i ignored him i did pay attention to what he did to others in addition to harassing people of both genders verbally he was also handsy and more than once had been slapped by girls for harassing them while passing them in halls he was also inextricably able to get himself out of trouble like that which should have gotten him suspended or expelled multiple times by the time hockey season started i really was starting to hate m within the school i was more or less powerless to do anything about it without getting myself expelled and all i could do at the time was simply bide my time and hope i had a moment i could get him caught or get revenge i ignored em as i got dressed and we went through the opening basic drills for practice until we got to a four checking drill the drill is meant to get kids to be motivated by going after the puck in the corner after it had been dumped into the corner and learned to prevent yourself from being hit from behind in the process m thought a lot of his skills and to his credit he was able to move well though the credit he made was erased by his habit of slashing people with the stick m thought he would show me up and made sure it was him against me the first time we went through the drill he made it to the puck first and tried to dart away but i knew he was going to make it first this time and had instead set up to hit him he was short enough so he hit the boards instead of the glass i wasn't at full speed more than half to three quarters but the fact that i was more than a hundred pound heavier left him a crumpled mess on the ice with him on the ground i grabbed the puck and skated away with it and to piss him off i went down the ice to the other side of the rink and dumped the puck into the unused net our goalie was doing reaction drills off ice with a coach and a tennis ball when i returned to the near blue line m was there bruised and seething he started running his mouth but our coach shut him down if you want to play with the big boys you better be ready for the hits m the coach told him the coach was the father of one of our goalies and both of them readily hated m if you are mad then hit back legally he told m meaning for m to take the gordy howe approach and get your revenge without breaking the rules the coach also had known me for five years as i had been on his son's team goaltenders tend to like the big defenders who shove people away from the crease and punish people who crashed the net on them by this point i was well into the coach's good graces and he knew of my usual trick with dealing with smaller faster players we set up for the drill again this time i was on the outside and the coach fired the puck so m would be the trailer i could hear em coming up from behind me and i guessed that he would crosscheck from behind the kind of dirty move referees almost never call smaller players on when they hit bigger players not wanting to take a wooden shaft to my back i waited until i was nearing the goal line and then hard stopped letting my stick in my left hand i used a lefty stick to touch the puck while plating my feet and dropping my shoulder m crashed face first into my right shoulder i had timed it nearly perfectly he had just enough time to slow marginally and learned a way backwards but he could not prevent the hit in addition to the hit to the face he promptly fell backward slamming back of his helmeted head into the ice i had lost control of the puck and turned grabbed the puck and slowly went back to the line by the time i reached the line m was fumbling with the door latch to leave the rink and went off the ice this was the last time we saw him at our practice and m played for a u-16 that year in a town about 30 miles away everything i had done to m was legal moves both times i hit him were to control possession of the puck or to brace for a hit i knew was coming m was conspicuously absent from school that week i found out later he had a concussion his mother tried to get me kicked off the team but the coach and the other parents didn't like her and most of them hated her kid she was also my mother's boss and tried to get her fired my mother worked for the school district and filed a complaint and started documenting em's mother's behavior m's mother was nearly as hated as he was for more or less the same reasons eventually my mother transferred to a different job in the school district and m's mother eventually overstepped and was fired because she had been stealing from the district for years em never tried to annoy me again and he avoided me at all costs after that in most cases i never got the chance to get even with bullies like him and he was a real tormentor of kids his age but getting the chance to crush a bully without any recourse at all felt real good and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 55,070
Rating: 4.9125876 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: ICT25J3M3eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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