Daughter DEMANDS I Pay for her College! r/EntitledPeople

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hey there mr redder here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled people stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the best entitled people stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled people you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that for every thumbs up this video gets she won't try to get anyone fired for an entire week so please smash that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day karen ignored me her whole life and now she's demanding i pay for her college tuition i got pregnant with my daughter emma at 18. i lived at home and was going to college and working when i got pregnant my parents kicked me out and i had to move in with my ex i dropped out of school and quit my job to take care of emma because my ex told me that he would support me when i was 22 he was 24 he graduated law school he told me i had to move out because he wanted to find a wife my parents had forgiven me so i moved back in with them we didn't have a court order but we split custody pretty much 25 75 with me having more time when emma was six he married his now wife she couldn't have any more kids and wanted emma and her daughter to be sisters over the next three years emma spent less and less time with me she'd throw a fit if i tried to pick her up they gave her things i couldn't when she was eight she told me that she hated me i never blamed her for the lies her father put in her head because even though i lived at home i was in college and working and did my best to provide for her but obviously they could do more they took me to court when she was 10 and surprise the lawyer and his doctor wife with their million dollar home beat me in court they painted me out to be this horrible parent and emma backed them up they got primary custody and i got visitation but emma refused to see me i gave her money and gifts but she didn't want me in her life when i was 30 i met my husband he is the most amazing man i have ever met he's seen me struggle with this and has been very supportive he has a daughter emma's age and a son who is five years younger they had lost their mom and were very welcoming and loving they treated me like their mom emma made zero efforts to get to know my husband and step kids emma and step daughter just graduated high school this past may and my parents also recently passed and gave me their estate since i am an only child i have decided to pay for my stepdaughter's entire college tuition and buy her a car and pay for an apartment emma contacted me a week ago and told me she missed me and wanted to see me this shocked me seeing as we haven't talked in a year we met up and she told me that she heard my parents had passed and asked if she could have some money to pay for college i was shocked and said well what about your dad and his wife she said my mom and dad want me to pay for this on my own to teach me responsibility and i believe i am entitled to money seeing as you ruined my life i was very hurt and i told her after years of ignoring me and telling me that i'm not your mother you demand money from me i am not your wallet my husband is telling me what i did was right but my ex is telling me that i'm a real jerk and i owe this to her my stepdaughter feels bad and offered her college money because my daughter and her friends have been harassing her i said absolutely not that is your money am i the jerk for not giving my daughter money after ignoring me her whole life what do you think should op pay for her daughter's college or not please let us know oh i can't wait to read these comments karen tries to steal a solar panel and her entitled brat decides to attack me for no reason you know i've been lucky with not encountering keren's up until recently honestly i thought the internet over exaggerated about these crazy entitled people i came to the sad truth these people do exist and my faith in humanity dropped just a tad more and just a little more as i'm typing this coming to the realization that some of these people are raising the next generation anyways i work in the solar industry mainly residential as a service technician whenever something goes wrong with a solar pv system i'm the guy they send out to fix it i've been doing this long enough to have the knowledge and skills to complete an entire installation by myself with roof pitch and module count within reason that is anyways i went out with one of the crews for an installation as they were short of you guys so myself and two other technicians i work with volunteered to help them out seemed like a pretty standard job 40 plus panels not a steep roof ok we should be in and out time permitting we're finished and back in the shop by 4 to 5 pm so we arrived at the house in what looked to be a pretty rich neighborhood homeowner greeted us and even offered to grab us all breakfast it was a good day so far so we set up an exclusion zone to prevent anyone from coming too close to the house as equipment tools etc will fall off the roof i'm on the ground working on building the electrical portion of the system i've got my music playing all is good i've got myself in a good rhythm i then noticed a kid he could have been no older than seven dart past the red tape we had put up and head towards a ladder to the roof and try to start playing on it like a human being with common sense i ran over and told the kid he couldn't play on this and that red tape was up so he couldn't get hurt and the moment you've all been waiting for karen appears man she had it all the haircut the glasses and she had the worst spray tan i've personally ever seen it's summer people just go out and get some sun karen don't talk to my son like that he just wants to play with your tools me ma'am i can't allow him to play with our tools i also can't have him or yourself past that red tape we put it up for your safety oh he'll be fine just tell your workers not to drop anything me who had just lost a couple of brain cells from her response i can tell them not to drop anything all day but that doesn't exclude the fact accidents happen and we cannot risk anyone who is a non-worker being hurt now please leave this is an active work site karen i can do as i please and so can my son we're friends with these people and they let my son play in their yard you should take a better direction at talking to potential customers you know me ma'am until i have sight plans for an installation on your house how i speak to you is not a concern i have if i sound cross i apologize but i have now told you twice that i cannot have you past that red tape so i'm asking once again please take your son and leave before either of you get hurt this is an active work site she grabbed her kid's arms and stormed off while also tearing off a piece of the exclusion zone tape and storming over to her house two doors down i stood by our trailer to take a deep breather and began chain smoking i try not to get stressed out so much being my job is already stressful as it is but i have zero patience for people with no common sense especially if they're apparent a little while later panels are prepped roof is based out for anyone who knows about solar installations we used a rackless system instead of actual rails we're now just finishing up the electrical before placing the panels into position i'm running between the basement and the outside area i get back to outside punching in some wires when i hear one of the guys yelling from the roof hey kid what are you doing that immediately caught my attention as i thought the little kid had run past the exclusion zone tape once again but my eyes caught a guy running down the road with a solar panel in tow he thankfully wasn't very fast because he was holding the panel i darted over to this kid with one of our solar panels and attempted to rip it away from him while simultaneously trying not to let it hit the ground i was able to get my hands on it but this kid actually put up a fight and tossed the solar panel that put me in an awkward position and he landed a hit to my chest not gonna lie it did knock the wind out of me a little but i went into full self-defense mode the kid wanted to take another shot at me since i didn't completely go down i immediately put him on the ground without throwing any punches i didn't know how old this kid was and i didn't want to get in any trouble for fighting him but i wasn't about to let this guy continue to hit me i'm thankful i have a little background in amateur mma and a police officer dad and older brother who have taught me stuff over the years so i had this guy down on the ground pinned and out comes karen running screaming like a banshee the typical i'm calling the cops and you just assaulted my son i really asked myself if this was happening me your son was stealing a solar panel and he hit me in the chest i had to defend myself karen i told him to grab the solar panel my neighbor said i could take one and try it out and see how i like it at this point my guys are at my aid and i tell them to call the cops and keep karen away from me as we wait for the cops to show up this orange-skinned lunatic is ranting how she's going to sue all of us and blah blah blah cops arrived about 10 minutes later i removed myself from the kid and the cops split us all up to take our statements and such karen went with her story about how her neighbor said she could borrow a solar panel and try it out now even if he did say that which he didn't you can't just let someone take a solar panel because they still belong to the company most people who buy solar finance the panels and pay them off over the course of the next couple years works a lot like financing a car it gets to the point where the cop asks if i want to press charges for the assault the guy whose house we were installing had a security camera system and caught the incident all on tape so i gladly say yes no idea when the court proceedings are going to be taking place i honestly just want this over and to be done with edit just to clear up some questions in the comments found out the dude who attacked me was actually 18 so charges are being filed against him the homeowner was present during most of the ordeal and he told us he's never talked to that lady in his life and i have no idea what karen's intentions were with the solar panel if she planned to just slap it on her house she's as stupid as she is entitled i just got fired so this afternoon i head off to old blue to do a little grocery shopping over the past couple of months they have been redoing the store stripped the floors new paint moved almost everything so as i look for what i need i run into a co-worker that also works weekends at old blue we chat for a while and i asked him where they moved a few things to so i take off to the aisle i need and run into another co-worker b fresh from church important later we chat too then i go to the next aisle on that aisle and all her five foot nothing 250 plus short blonde hair black roots glory is wait for it a karen with my history with karen's here i wanted to avoid her like the plague however she was right where i needed to be and i was in red so i thought surely i'll be okay but no karen excuse me sir me oh no karen do you know where the boxes of brown sugar are me i see the bags right here but i don't see any boxes sorry can you look in the back i'm sorry ma'am i don't work here yes you do i saw you talking to other employee and the manager manager i think to myself then i realized my buddy who had just left church looked like a manager me sorry ma'am i don't work here i know them and i was just talking to them karen can you just go look in the back sorry ma'am i can't i do not work here my buddy comes around the corner karen your worker is rude he won't go look in the back for boxes of brown sugar my buddy being quick on his feet oh is he now karen yes buddy op why won't you help this lady me it's my day off and i ain't doing a darn thing how dare you talk to me like that i don't care if you are off or not if a customer asks you to do something you do it me if i ain't getting paid i ain't doing nothing and we start going back and forth for a good five minutes making sure to be disrespectful as possible to my manager until our other buddy who does work here comes up the whole time karen has this grin on her face buddy associate walk ope out he doesn't work here winking associate what buddy op does not work here please walk him out associate catches on let's go me but but but nothing go you don't work here i hear karen giggle then as we walk away i hear her talking to buddy about how no one wants to work these days so i yell at the top of my lungs thanks karen and i say to karen hope you're happy karen go forget yourself then i tell associate the entire story and he just busts out laughing as we head to the front i wait in a chair by the pharmacy until i see karen check out and then go finish my shopping now we got a story to tell everyone at work tomorrow the most fun i've ever had at all blue update texted my buddy and asked what happened after i left he said she thanked him badmouthed me some more then asked him to look in the back for the boxes of brown sugar he said sure thing ma'am then just left her there update 2 my buddy that works at old blue called me after he got off apparently when i thought karen checked out she went to customer service and got into it with the actual manager she inquired why the nice manager that started helping her vanished when he told her she must be confused because he was the only male manager on duty apparently she got mad called him some names she was promptly removed from the store by security which in this store has zero tolerance as they deal with a lot of bad customers mainly shoplifters and homeless people that try to camp in the store and hassle customers for money note this is the third i don't work here lady at the same store in the past two and a half years if my friends wouldn't have showed up i would have probably handled it like i did my second time but buddy one decided to have some fun so i played along and right or wrong enjoyed every minute after that point entitled old man asks me to help with a box call security when i refuse this happened a while back a little background i'm a big guy six foot six two hundred eighty nine percent body fat i wear boots and leather long hair goatee tattoos all over the works even when i am sitting on my bike i'm taller than most people i know i often get mistaken for some motorbike gangster although i'm not i'm a veterinarian i know i look like i can tighten truck tires by hand but i handle newborn kittens every day i'm married to the sweetest little thing and i adore her and she adores me she has a daughter who's seven which i gladly adopted and big guy junior is on his way to october now that you have a visual let's get to the story me my wifey and daughter went to an unnamed big store that sells disassembled do-it-yourself furniture you figure it out my wife not yet pregnant back then goes in with our daughter to find something or to ask something i don't remember i stay outside because it's windy and i like that while she's in there i see an old man pushing a cart with a box on it towards the parking lot he looks around and waves at me i wave back i figure hey i'm a unique creature in my neighborhood this guy must know me so i smile and wave he then waves at me to go to him immediately i thought this dude needs help with the box and i was right help a friendly neighbor any day i go there and as i'm walking i realize i haven't seen this man in my life and it becomes apparent the second he begins the conversation old man young man i was waving at you trying to get your attention all the way here what are you so occupied by counting cracks in the pavements i swear this country is going to heck because they let people like you work baffled i try to say something but he interrupts me yeah yeah whatever keep your excuses for your supervisor in an hour now get this box in my truck and i say no apparently this is something he had never experienced and he makes the famous pikachu face he tries to get in my face at least i think he believes that's what he's doing i can almost hear his neck crack as he tries to look up at me old man and why not trying to gather evidence i guess me because one i don't work here two i don't know what's in that box and three i don't know you i still can't believe that he mistook me for a parking lot boy old man i just bought that i didn't steal it and even if i did you people are used to it and i realized that i look like two danny trejos on top of each other without the face scars he continues i'm calling security to report you to which i agree security comes the old man is spitting words trying to get his story across first he still insists that i work there and i refuse to help an elderly citizen and i must be fired immediately i explain that i'm just another customer like him and it isn't my job to load boxes for every run-down guy in the parking lot and at this point the old man realizes this as well but is standing his ground what's the big deal you must respect your elders he said i explained that i am certainly not helping an unknown man load an unknown box into an unknown car just like that i could have helped him yes if only he had asked nicely but since he didn't i won't he continues saying that when an elderly says jump i should only say how high that refusing to help an elder must be punished what is this country come to this new generation yada yada you know the tirade and at this point i'm tired of his entitlement i see my wife and daughter eggs at the store and they're looking at us and a light bulb in my mind goes ding i turn my back so the old man can't see and put my finger on my mouth shush to them she instantly knew something was going to happen i quickly moved towards them grab my daughter and start tickling her she starts laughing but it sounds more like screaming i turn to the old man and shout to overcome the laughing and screaming excuse me sir can you please hold them under this camera while i go get my windowless van he was stunned he backed up so fast i swear his hair closed in front of his face deformed in horror and fear security guy frantically taps himself looking for the radio i dropped my daughter to the ground and she stops her screaming looks at me and says oh daddy i will get you for this while still laughing and clutching my hand my wife can't hold it in and bursts out laughing hard the old man looks so shocked that bees could make honey in his mouth by the time he was able to close it and i just say three words now you know without a word he walked away security gathers himself and says his three words that was epic we are still laughing about it taking a break when the boss says so a few years ago i was working in a small bar in a mall i hadn't been there that long but i knew the place well enough after a couple of weeks me and a girl who had also recently started working there had made a pretty good team we worked eight-hour shifts together almost every day and had a nice flow going on the manager had been looking for an assistant manager for a while and had decided to give the job to one of the waitresses who had been there a while this is when everything started going wrong the waitress turned assistant manager decided that she was going to be telling everyone what to do and when to do it and how to do it now the girl that i worked every day with and i had a good understanding of the day-to-day traffic coming into the bar we knew when it was going to be quiet and when it wasn't so we made sure to take our breaks during the quiet times it never set dead on the middle of our shift we'd just take them knowing that we couldn't take them later or we would be leaving one of us swamped so she'd go for a half an hour and then i would and then she would the next day the new assistant manager decided that wasn't right and that we shouldn't be doing that and that we should be taking the breaks in the middle of the shift we both tried explaining to her that both of us taking a break at the same time was dumb and that it was better to do it now when it was quiet but she knew better she would take over bar duties while we were away i guess she was seen that it was dead and didn't think about it anyway she really wants the bar cleaned something we did every day anyway but she wanted it done now so we did we didn't prep for the rush we didn't do anything but clean the bar about two hours later the mad rush starts there's three of us behind the bar taking table orders for the waitresses and serving punters to those who sit at the table it hits bang on the middle of our shift and me and the girl put down our tools and left the bar the new assistant manager was like what are you doing you can't leave now me and the other girl told her this is what you wanted we tried to tell you but you didn't want to listen so it's break time just like you said we smiled linked arms and went off to enjoy some food together we came back about half an hour later the place was in shambles turns out the new manager had very limited experience working a bar she didn't know how the coffee machine worked she didn't know how to pull guinness so the place was dead again most people just going elsewhere she was super angry calling us all the names under the sun and that she was going to get us fired just an extreme rant complete with finger pointing and that just made us leave again we both quit on the spot and left her to explain to the manager what had happened we came back in later on in the week for our final pay and to return the t-shirt uniforms had to sit down with the manager and gave our side of it manager wasn't impressed with any of us which is fair enough but i stand by what we did we did everything to try and explain to the new assistant manager on that day but she just wasn't hearing it she wanted things to be done her way and to lord her new power on everyone i don't think anyone responds well to i'm the boss you do as i say the girl and i became friends outside of work for a while but we got other jobs and just kind of drifted apart as you do woman tries to argue that a flag was on clearance but it wasn't football season had started a while back at my store so we were putting out some flags for our college football team so no item that has the logo on it would be on clearance this is going to be important later we are also a register in an obscure part of the store less than 10 feet from an exit we have a security door and have to press a button to let people out but we still need to be on guard enter a woman at our register customer and our co-worker and myself me can i check you out for today customer yes sir is everything super busy yes ma'am the store is moving quickly to get ready for tailgate season i get to this 10-foot flag and it has a clearance sticker on it thinking that that can't be right i look at the sticker and scan it it rings up as a beach towel i quickly void the item and peel the sticker off which was loose and put it on my desk and then ring up the correct barcode that is supposed to be fifteen dollars me ma'am that price would be for the label that's right there i show her the clearance label and the item it's listed for is a beach towel you can see the item name on that label this is a flag that we just put on the shelf a few days ago it couldn't be on clearance but it's on sale the flag is not ma'am the beach towel that this label belongs to is there's nothing i can do for you but ring it up at the right price which is 64 dollars for this flag it's on sale sell it to me for 15 co-worker walking up what seems to be the problem me discreetly this lady is trying to purchase this item with a label for a different item from the clearance section co-worker ma'am this label is for an entirely separate item we can't sell it to you at this price so she rants and raves we give her the flag back she also snatched the label which i should have thrown away and goes towards the garden center register about half the time customers that do the garden slash automotive register dance are usually up to no good to begin with i call loss prevention and have them follow her she does the same thing at the garden center register she reapplied the label and said that it was on sale they denied it so she left the flag there and left the store with haste i was correct in my standing as the flag was not on clearance and she tried it on the electronics register before mine people think we are so stupid karen demands i buy her a 200 000 car i'm 30 and my girlfriend is 25 she wrecked and totaled her car last week no injuries thankfully she is a notoriously bad driver she's been driving since she was 16 and this is the third time that she's totaled found at fault for all three and been involved with multiple other minor accidents a couple of days ago we left to take her to the dealership so that she can get another car and directs me to drive her to the porsche dealership as she scheduled to test drive a brand new 2021 porsche convertible what that's an obvious joke right she tells me she's dead serious she just totaled an older model kia reel why the sudden upgrade to a 200 000 car i don't even drive a car that nice an argument ensued from there i ask how she's planning on paying for that she's a waitress at a very high-end restaurant with big clientele so she's paid well but business has been slow the last few months due to everything going on she says obviously with my job we'd be able to afford it no problem while it's true that it wouldn't break the bank i told her that i might as well like the money on fire with the way she drives i suggested she get a used non-luxury brand and that if she can go a few years without an accident maybe then get a luxury car a little more back and forth and neither of us feel like getting a car anymore so we go back home it's now been three days since the argument and she's been sleeping in the spare bedroom and barely talking to me the friends we have in our group chat are split and some believe i'm the jerk and some believe she is so reddit what's your verdict entitled mom drops her spawn off at a daycare he's not even registered at when working at the after school program it was a part-time gig since i was only there from about one in the afternoon until the last closing time which was six it was nice since i could sleep in and do my schoolwork it was a great setup and ninety percent of the kids and parents were great hardly any of them were entitled i'm not gonna lie i miss my kids a lot but very rarely i would get called into work to sub for a teacher in the daycare now quick note here is that the daycare was run by the church the after-school program was run by the school they were separate entities but sometimes the daycare would call teachers from the after school to sub for the daycare sometimes it was never a problem since the daycare workers were really nice showed us how to handle toddlers and babies anyway i said yeah i would watch this class of four-year-olds while their teacher was at a doctor's appointment no biggie it shouldn't be more than an hour like at most daycares and my after-school program you have to register your kid if you want them to attend daycare or the after school program and that way their name can be added to the role also every time you come to pick up or drop off your kid you have to sign them in and out the same applies to visitors so i go in sign in the sub list go to the classroom and do a quick roll call i have a total of eight kids cool beans two hours go by their teacher is still a no-show and i'm doing my best teaching their bible lesson 9 30 the kids are in their stations playing taking a break from their reading lesson the door opens and the devil and her spawn come in like i said earlier i have no clue who these kids are but i do have my role the devil karen walks in ushers in spawn karen comes in after her son before i even had a chance to speak to him and ask his name karen turns to me and says are you the teacher me uh no i'm miss mary i'm just subbing for miss lily the regular teacher fine when is she going to be back me hopefully in a little while i don't normally work here i work in the after school program i was wondering is your son new i don't see his name on the roll karen oh yes we registered yesterday me a little wary oh okay i'm sure he'll get added to the role in the coming week karen okay we'll be back around eight to pick him up i stop as she leaves for the door me ma'am you can't leave your son here after six it's a state law eighty percent sure this is true karen okay fine and karen drew out fine like i just asked her to take out the garbage as she walks out the door spawn is playing with the kids and getting along just fine but part of me was just wary like something didn't settle right with me i grabbed the walkie-talkie and radioed the supervisor asking if miss lily's class was expecting a new kid she said no thankfully i had messaged her just as karen was walking out the door the supervisor said to bring spawn to the office he was sad but i explained we had to see mama i took him to the office after asking a teacher to step in while i was gone when we got about halfway down the hall i hear what do you mean my son can be here supervisor your son is not registered with our daycare we cannot accept him but this is a daycare i walk in at this point with spawn in hand and she points to me well she let my son in the room supervisor i know but she is a sub and she has to go by the role your son was not on the roll nor is he enrolled here i'm sorry miss karen but you and your son have to leave spahn is upset at this point because he was getting along with some of the kids but karen being karen had just started back up this is a daycare you have a no discrimination policy you have to accept my son supervisor ma'am you are right we have a no discrimination policy but you have to schedule a tour and an interview if you want to enroll your kid here this does not mean it's a walk-in daycare please just leave i'm just standing there with spawn holding my hand she snatches spawn from my hand and swears this will not be the last time you hear from me the supervisor tells me to go back to the classroom and not to worry that i made a good call about the mom the rest of the day goes by smoothly i go to my real job without a worry the next day the supervisor emailed me with an update about karen pretty much saying hey mary just wanted to let you know that you did a good job yesterday handling that lady and yes she did call the director of the daycare trying to get us in trouble for discriminating against her because guess what she's italian i mean of all things but i digress the director said don't worry about anything and that you are more than welcome to sub here more often the kids love you have a good rest of your day i don't officially know what happened to karen but i do know from the email the director told her to shove off karen destroyed my fish tank so i fired her i've had my cleaning service for roughly three years as my husband and i routinely work 12 plus hours a day and are often sent away as well since the beginning i've had a strict rule of do not clean the living room ever this is due to me keeping a very elaborate aquarium 1300 gallon reef and cleaning products used near it can kill my fish because of this i'm the only one who cleans the living room a few days ago i noticed a few of my fish seemed to be breathing heavily and had lost a lot of coral that was closed up this is a very well established tank and it's been running for the last seven years so i immediately knew that something was wrong most of my fish are just as old as the tank and i've had very little sickness happen at all fortunately my setup allows me to do massive water changes and i was up until 8 am changing probably 80 percent of the water despite my best efforts i lost a lot of fish sea horses had their own section of the tank rays various tangs but the losses that hit me the hardest were my moorish idols and a six foot tessellata murray my entire tank was set up for the idols specifically i spent over a year preparing it before i even got them my marae bill i had had since he was under a foot long i hand fed him all of his meals while i was trying to figure out what could have possibly caused my tank to crash i noticed that the living room was clean spotless even and i knew what had happened chemicals got in the water and killed almost everything i immediately called my cleaning lady and i lost it telling her that she had one thing to remember one and it shouldn't have been possible to forget seeing as the reason took up almost an entire wall of my house she told me she had hired a new girl and must have forgotten to explain to her that she wasn't supposed to clean the living room and continue to ask if she had done a good job i replied that she had done such a good job cleaning she cleaned out my tank's inhabitants and told her that she wouldn't be returning to my home and she wouldn't be paid for the week she didn't take that very well and started threatening to bring me to small claims court because the job was still done and done well apparently i basically told her to kick dirt and she's lucky i'm only firing her and not suing her due to the thousands of dollars i'd lost due to her mistake everyone keeps telling me they're only fish just buy more or she was just doing her job i'm sure the poor girl feels horrible enough maybe i'm just letting my anger and upset cloud my judgment and i'm being unreasonably harsh but i loved those fish they weren't just fish to me and i loved them all very much so please am i the jerk for firing my cleaning lady for cleaning edit thank you guys for being so kind a lot of people are suggesting i sue or at least lawyer up i do have a lawyer on retainer just because of the line i work in but i have no plans on suing unless she tries to make a claim against me for a measly 150 i live in an incredibly small area so word of mouth will be damaging enough update thank you guys for the overwhelming amount of support on the other hand apparently i'm supposed to be giving an elaborate explanation of my care routine setup and everything else and i'm supposed to be posting on fish keeping subreddits every day all day nope for me reddit is just some website that i usually just browse the popular page of for a giggle before bed if more information is needed i hire a cleaning service so i have time to take care for my tank this isn't just some tank that i bought it was actually built into the house it's plumbed into the house and i've spent more money than i am willing to disclose on systems in place that allow me to have this setup and still have my career this was also not just a crash though my tank certainly has crashed because of it some of my fish are now entirely blind and need to be taught to find food with smell alone they will never be able to return to the main tank as they're now disabled and require more attention and more one-on-one care chemicals were involved and my cleaning lady has contacted me to admit fault i don't really know what else to say here other than what's done is done and nothing will change this i really do appreciate the support the vast majority of people have shown i do not support yelling at anyone who does service work and i do still feel guilty about that but i do feel better knowing that a lot of people believe my response was justified this will be my last edit and update as i have a lot of work to do from here but i just want to let you know that i appreciate all of your kind words general sense of outrage from my fishy friends and the vast amount of attention this got have a good day everyone rest in peace bill cheating student thought he had me fooled fell right into my trap so i'm a cancer researcher and a guest professor at a university school of medicine teaching my specialty imaging besides the usual acquisitions of medical images using mri ct etc imaging has a lot to do with image processing some days i'm just a glorified programmer slash itguy and as anyone who has ever programmed anything will tell you coding is a very personal activity with enough experience you can tell who wrote what just by looking at the lines i'm also in my late 20s and i'm not native to this country and it's my first year as guest professor so some students look at me as this inexperienced gullible foreign guy as part of my modules grading the students have to submit two reports that weigh 10 percent each of their final grade these reports are about image processing and they have to code a fair bit as usual there are students that make an effort some do minimal work and then cheat and copy as i was grading the reports i noticed a small group of students who found reports from previous years online and literally copy and pasted those reports changing only their name it was a facepalm moment because those reports were not even good and had a lot of errors you see in order to establish a baseline for my grading i browsed previous year's reports so i knew what to expect from the students of this module naturally i graded them all with xero and kept working my way through grading the reports i had left meanwhile the students casually asked me in the halls how were the reports of course i can't comment on that until i release the grades one time this dude who had copied from another report 98 match on plagiarism checker asks me when will i release the grades and comes up with his story that he worked really hard on his report that his exam hasn't gone so well and he's hoping that the grade on his report is enough to get a pass i mean submitting another person's work as your own is very wrong but it was an online submission and impersonal right now he was just lying through his teeth and to my face i could feel my blood boiling but i didn't lose my composure and decided to come up with a plan i knew that my exam was the last exam of the semester and that after that the students usually go home or family vacations while they worked for their grades to be posted online so i graded the exams and input their grades into my excel with their report grades four students had zero due to cheating on their reports and if i graded their reports with fifty percent of the max grade they would barely fail the module but they would fail nonetheless so it was on in order to be fair i bumped up everyone else's grades a bunch of people with miserable reports ended up barely passing because of my grades bump but even though their reports were bad it was their own work and not copied from anywhere you see students are entitled to make an appointment to review their grades after publishing and before the grades are locked for the year basically they sit with me we go through their exam and reports and their goal is to convince me to give them extra points and hopes that they can pass the module i knew the cheaters would come after all they think they fooled me once already and they still have half the report's points to bargain for so i just waited for their emails lo and behold they write me the same day the grades go online saying how hard they have worked on their reports and that they don't understand how they only got a 50 and that they wanted an appointment i was ecstatic sure let's review your grades do you remember that my exam was the last one well they were already on vacations some very far away and begged me for an online appointment no can do university policy moreover you have three days to show for your appointment otherwise the grades are locked also university policy so here they come cutting their vacation short and catching planes some spend hours in buses and trains to make it on time i know what many of you are thinking they come i show them the plagiarism shaker results and reveal that i know that it's not their work and send them on their way well i considered it but i had something better in mind those appointments usually only take 10 minutes i show them their work with my notes on what's wrong and what's right and they try to find some inconsistencies in my grading and bargain for more points i ain't giving you the opportunity so one by one they sit with me individually and i go through their exam and reports remember that they copied the reports and copied bad ones with a lot of errors i ask questions lots of them why did you do this what is your reasoning for this they don't know it's not their work they mumble random stuff because they don't know what to answer point by point mistake by mistake i explain what is wrong how it should be done lecturing the same material that they had already been lectured on during class i make it long i make it boring i make it painful i spent hours with each of them throughout those three days they always came up with the same i worked so hard on this and a little smirk on their face before they thought that it should be really easy to fool me the gullible foreign again and as hours go by i'm walking through the errors one by one i could see their expressions change little by little their hopes of passing being slowly crushed and when they realized that i knew they cheated and i wasn't going to give them any extra points at this point they tried to cut short their appointment and leave but i wouldn't let them we need to finish the review of your grades it's university policy and i just kept going extending their misery for one more hour or two it was glorious at the end every single one of them left with a crushed soul look in their eyes and a fail in my class they knew that i caught them that i baited them and they fell for it they ruined their vacation and their family vacations spent money to travel back and forth wasted precious summer time and had nothing to show for it and next year they will have to repeat the module with me i hope you enjoy your summer see you next year entitled mom tries to take my computer backstory i absolutely love technology and get very protective of computers even if it isn't mine mostly because i understand how expensive they are to manufacture and how annoying it is for stores and people i'm 15 and have a baby face in size that makes me look like i'm 12. cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got the scared kid we've got the kind employee and the annoying security okay so my local walmart had to hire a few security officers because they keep getting trollers knocking stuff over and calling the cops waste their time i went to my local walmart to get a new laptop because my old one broke last week so i got the last one on the shelf and was heading to the checkout when entitled mom walks up and just takes it out of my arms so i look at her and say miss that was clearly in my hands and i'd like it if you could give it back and she looks at me with this i'm clearly a jerk face and says you're obviously too young to buy this where are your parents i was mad because well i hate my small height so i turn around and head for the nearest employee the lady grabs my shoulder and says don't walk away from me the employee literally walking our way looks up and sees and hears this and runs over employee is everything all right here me no i was taking this laptop to the cash register so that i could check out and this weirdo just came up and took it out of my hands no i did not i'm so sorry for this sir this is my son he makes stuff up all the time me i'm not your son you crazy jerk now let go of me so i struggle out of her grip and take my laptop and start walking towards the registers when this lady literally screams it was the word it was the worst sound i've ever heard the employee is just standing there now pale as a ghost saying ma'am please quiet down i will get your laptop back the employee runs up to me and takes the laptop and grabs me and starts walking back when annoying security comes running up and asks what happened the employee and security have a quick conversation about what's happening me now in security's grip then they give entitled mom the laptop and tell me that i need to wait at the front for her and she will finish shopping me this crazy jerk isn't my mom and you can ask the employee at the tech desk he got the laptop out of the glass cabinet thing for me so as security the employee and karen walk back with me to the tech desk and ask the guy sitting there who confirms that he got me the laptop i walked out of the store with a laptop 15 off a 50 walmart gift card and the entitled mom screaming at the security about how she had rights he wasn't allowed to do this and that i was a little jerk who was extremely disrespectful seriously could have handled it better but entitled moms are common in my area and very annoying props to the employee for being so nice and handling it well security was a jerk when i got the laptop back and just disrespectful the entire time bank wants to play stupid games then let's play stupid games so i live in south korea but i work for a u.s company in south korea and because i work for an american company and i'm one of the few employees of my company that is american in south korea my company doesn't issue me this letter that basically says i'm employed in south korea so this means i have restrictions on my korean bank account i can only withdraw 250 000 won about 216 dollars a day from an atm and if i go in person to a teller i can only withdraw 1 million won about 870 a day this normally doesn't present a problem for me i also can't have a debit or credit card i get a bank book which is kind of like an electronic checkbook that's a physical thing you carry for your information i use my american bank for most of my day-to-day spending but it did once i signed a lease for a new apartment and my deposit was 10 million won about 8 700 us dollars yes this is normal for korea so i transferred the money from my american bank to my korean bank and i went to the bank in person to transfer the money to my landlord i get there and the teller tells me i can only transfer 1 million per day my first idea was to ask my landlord if she'd be cool with me transferring her 1 million won a day for 10 days she doesn't like that idea so i'm sitting there arguing and the bank manager comes out he's a nice enough man and speaks good english basically he says because of my type of my account there is no way that i can transfer more than 1 million a day so i need this money and i'm thinking and the light bulb goes off in my head me if i close my account do i get my money manager yes we would give you the cash me and if i close my account can i open a new one manager of course me is there a waiting period after closing my account to open a new one no fantastic please close my account manager sure i will need your bank book and we will destroy it i hand them my bank book and they destroy it i signed some papers to close the account bank manager closes the account and gives me all the money in the account in an envelope manager anything else i can help you with today i smile and pull out my passport yes i'd like to open a new bank account bank manager looks at me and it dawns on him what i just did he laughs shakes his head and goes sure not a problem i opened a new account deposited 10 000 won and left with my deposit in my pocket i believe this qualifies for malicious compliance because i followed the bank's rules and it resulted in them having to do more work so you think you can feed a family on 150 per month several years ago my ex-husband our son and i pregnant lived in a fairly well-off town we weren't rich or even middle class at the time more like upper low class living in a low-class apartment he thought he was good with money but he really isn't he has ideas because his dad is an accountant but he has no actual practical knowledge i know we were on a budget and for the most part agreed to keeping down the cost of most of the expenses the only exception in my eyes was the food budget i would try to spend 600 a month on food for the 3.5 of us and this was still what i considered on the low end for example friends of ours just a couple with no dependents would spend about 800 to 900 on groceries while my ex-in-laws would spend 1200 to 1500 on groceries for three to four people we had a kid and a baby on the way cutting food out wasn't an option kid is hungry kid needs to eat as a pregnant woman i ate for the both of us and i didn't splurge on treats for my cravings i knew we had bills to pay and that my financially crazy ex would be upset if i ate away at our food budget due to a craving my ex-husband would frequently complain over several years how we spend too much money on groceries he mentioned a couple times per month that 600 per month was too much we needed to reduce our food budget to 150 a month i tried to show him grocery receipts i tried showing him flyers and online ads he still maintained that we could survive off of 150 in groceries each month he was adamant he was sure he was positive that i was just making things difficult i wasn't the only one to tell him that he was wrong as i stated i was pregnant which means hormonal i had had enough so here's where the malicious compliance comes in me okay i've had enough of this tomorrow is the start of a new month i haven't gone grocery shopping in a week give me 150 in cash and i will feed us for the month x really okay i'll bring home the cash tomorrow i spent the rest of the evening searching for every single coupon i could find fun fact americans have this system where if you spend a coupon at certain grocery stores you could buy an item for 10 cents to 50 cents however we don't live in the u.s our coupons pale in comparison i searched for all the deals i wrote down a list of items we needed what store had them for what price and noted if i had a coupon or not for your information i generally did something similar to this anyway but i just expanded my search to a couple extra stores the following day when i was given 150 by my ex i waddled my pregnant self around four different grocery stores grabbing all of the food we normally eat when i got home i had spent approximately 145 dollars of our oh so generous food budget on the first day of the month i was proud of myself sarcasm i had budgeted so well i showed my ex-husband all of the food i bought and all of the receipts i placed the change in a jar on top of the fridge with the receipts inside he said i did well and was happy i bought so much for so little later on that week we ran out of milk kid has no milk to drink for his cereal out to the store to buy some a week and a half later it's getting close to dinner time eggs what's for dinner me nothing what do you mean nothing we have plenty of food oh do we i didn't realize what did you find in the cupboards x opens the cupboard doors fridge freezer pantry door um nothing there's literally nothing me okay so we have no food in the house how much money do we have for our food budget x empties the jar or 34 cents that can't be right me did you add up the receipts and see if we made a mistake somewhere x okay i get it i'll go buy some groceries and that my friends is how you convince your financially crazy ex-spouse that their budgeting ideas are out of touch with reality sadly i did not convince him to increase our food budget back to 600 a month but he did agree to 500 per month which i suppose he keeps to this day despite the fact it's usually just himself he has to feed chef how long for that order i've posted a few times about my work in a hotel this is the last story of malicious compliance that i can think of worth telling i was quite new to the hotel and very new to room service when this happened so the chefs hadn't gotten to know me yet i was waiting on an order the only room service order and the kitchen was not quiet it wasn't busy but there were a few orders queued up for the restaurant i had been waiting for the order for maybe seven to eight minutes and had picked a couple of quick easy jobs to do while i waited not wanting to start anything else in case i didn't have time i approached the sous chef satish at the window how long for that order chef buzz off something about the way he said it didn't cause me to instantly get upset but i was a bit confused and thought maybe he thought i was rushing him so i asked again differently i'm just wondering how long i have before the order is ready i said buzz off okay now i'm ticked off you want me to buzz off no bother mate i walked over to the room service station grabbed the trolley and went up to the seventh floor in search of the dirty room service trays the building shaped like a u and the service elevator is smack dab in the middle of the u so when checking the floors you need to pick one direction and walk until the end as there are little alcoves designed to hide the trays so it looks less dirty to an extent so you need to walk one side double back round to the elevator and repeat for the other side there are about 85 to 97 rooms per floor so it's at least half a kilometer walked per floor i walked all six floors that had rooms on them ordinarily i would grab four to five trays and pop back down to clear them off but forget that noise i pile about 10 trays precariously until it looks like wild e coyote's latest attempt to catch road runner and take my acme trolley back down i arrive back downstairs a good 30 to 40 minutes later and can hear the echoes of this chef screaming room service half the hotel away i stroll into the kitchen and walk towards the porter station to unload dirty dishes and satish finally spots me where the heck have you been i've been calling you for 20 minutes i went to clear the floors i asked you how long and you wouldn't answer i can't stand around all day for one order i've got other stuff to do if i ask and you tell me ten minutes i'll be back in nine if you tell me two minutes i won't even leave i'll find something here but if you tell me to buzz off i'll do whatever i deem to be urgent satish didn't answer i can see he's not happy but he's thinking the moments seem to drag on finally he starts laughing didn't expect that he turns around to the chef and says this is ruined i need a new one straight away turns back to me and politely says two minutes not to push my luck i unload the trays at breakneck speed and grab the new tray for this order and move to the window after 90 seconds the fallout satish is actually a great guy and we got on like a house on fire after that he would always tell me how long and we were actually the most efficient pairing i have no idea why he was like that at the moment it happened but he moved past it pretty quickly and was usually in a great mood he would sing and dance when it was crazy busy to keep himself hyped up on adrenaline and we had plenty of laughs before i moved on about eight months later am i the jerk for refusing to pay an artist for her work okay so i know it sounds bad but i genuinely don't think i'm at faultier so i'm currently planning to get my apartment repainted completely since i've just moved in and all of the walls happen to be white i was talking to a friend about this when he told me he had a friend who had just recently graduated art school and was really into wall painting i told him i didn't want any wall painting done because i had already planned out most of the coloring scheme he told me that his friend was looking for places to practice wall painting since she's new to it and hasn't really found places she could do that without it being vandalism so he called her up and we had a chat i said i don't mind letting her paint the walls in my bedroom because i'm busy for the next few days and it isn't a common living space i checked with my painters and they told me that they could easily paint over that they're not free for a couple of weeks so i haven't moved in yet but i told him to ask his friend to go nuts in my room without scraping or causing any damage i told her that her work would be painted over she said she's simply doing it for the practice and wouldn't mind as long as she could take some pictures for her portfolio and that i would be doing her a huge favor letting her practice so fast forward a couple of weeks and i go to my room and it's absolutely amazing with a bunch of designs and a lot of edgy yard so i decide that i wouldn't get it painted over problem is i have a contract with my painter and still have to pay him for my room even if he doesn't do the job i called her and told her that the room was great and i'd be recommending her to anyone who asked who painted my room she then out of the blue asked me how much i'd be paying her for the work i told her about my painter situation and that i would have paid her the amount i was paying him if i didn't have a contract she got mad and told me that i was taking advantage of a young artist she's literally three years younger than me she said she'd sue me for payment and i reminded her of our agreement she said that that was done on the basis that i wouldn't be keeping it i told her that i was doing her a favor by giving her a place to practice and that i never had any monetary obligation she blew up at me and called our mutual friend i explained my situation and how i simply don't have the funds but he thinks i'm the jerk too so read it am i the jerk edit i never wanted my room to be painted by an artist and don't have the money to get it done professionally i thought i'd keep it because it looks great and i could recommend other people who saw it to her edit i did not charge her anything for letting her use my walls for practice edit i didn't commission her to do it i didn't even give her any guidelines except not to scrape up the walls this was supposed to be her practicing and making a portfolio i wasn't trying to con her i thought it wouldn't hurt me to let her practice since i would be getting repainting done anyways i did not originally plan on keeping the yard i was thinking of paying her a token amount whatever i can but now i'm torn about doing that as well since that would actually give her grounds to sue she does not have the right to claim ownership or intellectual property rights of the art right now i checked but i don't want to get myself into more hot water trying to do a good thing the painters were contracted and are being paid for me reserving their time at least from what i understand it's too late to cancel any charges am i the jerk for wearing white at my blind cousin's wedding i'd like to start by saying that me and my female cousin blind from birth aren't very close but we get along well as relatives she's 26 and her wedding was last week she sent me an invitation though we don't talk much but since i wanted a break from work i decided to go my favorite color is white i have brown skin love wearing white because it brings out my skin glow and makes me feel comfortable and confident i purchased a maxi white dress nothing fancy but goes well with my skin tone and wore it at the wedding there wasn't a big party with many guests but sort of a family dinner and small celebration i really thought no one would even notice i was wearing white my cousin and her husband didn't know because obviously no one told them but my aunt kept giving me uncomfortable looks the entire evening and so did my other cousin once i decided to leave my aunt pulled me aside and berated me for wearing this color at her daughter's wedding she just said because her daughter is blind doesn't mean she's stupid and doesn't know what's going on around her basically saying i brought negative energy and disturbed the celebration by having guests notice and by extension my cousin as well she gave a lengthy lecture and asked if i hate to see her daughter happy and whether i pulled this stunt because my blind cousin got married before me i was like oh calm down none of this is true i just wore my favorite color and didn't do it because my cousin is blind and wouldn't notice and married before me i never thought of that i argued with my aunt for trying to dictate what i wear but she defended herself saying i was a guest and should have respected the bride i left feeling very upset and exhausted from that encounter my boyfriend said he believed i used the fact that my cousin is blind to wear white but this didn't fly with her family he pulled the i told you so line and said that i just made the family hate me with that stunt even though he knows that i always wear white but he warned me that if my cousin finds out there's going to be issues he suggested i get ready to apologize but i really see no reason to apologize since i chose to wear a comfortable color that i feel confident in edit what the heck i'm seeing some angry folks here getting too upset over this matter i honestly never cared about this stuff but obviously a lot of people do i just think it's ultimately my choice to wear what i want whenever i go somewhere especially since i wasn't taking any part of the wedding but seeing how many people care about minor stuff like this i guess i didn't think this through am i the jerk for quitting a job on the spot when they gave me a bad evaluation after only working 15 hours when i was 23 i started working at a clothing store in the mall for some extra money i was there for about a week though i only worked some short training shifts i worked a total of 15 hours the managers pulled me aside and said they gave me an evaluation it would have been fine i am open to criticism and improving however they gave me a really low score 5 out of 45 saying i was not living up to expectations and it was going to go in my file they promised it would be amended when i improved i pointed out that this was unfair as i had not been trained on three-fourths of the things on that list so why was i getting a low permanent score before my training period was up i asked for the paper and they said i could not have it but they would give me a copy i told them never mind this was not a job i saw myself thriving at and they should find someone else to finish my shift it was my first long shift i was supposed to work 7am to 5pm but said i didn't care if they had to stay late and left they tried to get me not to leave by saying that they would give me a copy of the paper but i said i wasn't gonna work here any longer and i went home i found a new job babysitting until i finished my degree i've never been into that store again am i the jerk karen destroyed my fiance's hearing aid i'm 24 female and my fiance male 26 suffers from hearing impairment it's got severe in the past few months and he wears hearing aid full time my sister who's 19 and my cousin who is 22 were visiting two nights ago after going shopping they were discussing my fiance's hearing aid and arguing about whether the device would still function after being exposed to certain degrees of heat or cold they asked my fiance to do a little experiment but he refused to let them touch it while i was in the kitchen my sister sneaked into the bedroom where my fiance was sleeping and took his hearing aid then she used the hairdryer to produce heat to test the device i didn't know the device was ruined until later that night when my fiance told me his hearing aid wasn't working properly his hearing ability gradually declined and he started having headaches i thought something was wrong with the device itself until my cousin contacted me on facebook saying my sister took the device and used the hairdryer on it and lost the bed that they both had made i was furious i went over to my parents house and confronted my sister she was shocked and started crying after i told her that she had just ruined over five thousand dollars worth of medical device because of a stupid bed and that she needed to pay for it immediately my wedding is in less than two weeks and my fiance won't even be able to hear his surroundings without his hearing aid so it won't happen until he gets a new hearing aid and this stuff is expensive she freaked out after i demanded she pay five thousand dollars for a new hearing aid because she didn't know that it cost this much and complained that the money she has saved is to pay for her tuition otherwise she won't be able to make any progress in college my parents begged me to postpone the wedding until they found a solution that all parties can agree on but postponing the wedding is going to cost us a lot more than the price of the hearing aid my sister is refusing to pay for i had an argument with them because i was not only worried about the wedding but my fiance's health too it's been two days and he's been complaining about headaches and feeling isolated the doctor warned against going long times without hearing aids and so this is concerning my parents said they would have paid me themselves if they had that kind of money but i was unreasonable to take away my sister's education money that she worked for when i could postpone and i'm worried about not getting a new hearing aid before the wedding essentially making it about the wedding and accusing me of choosing a party that lasts a few hours over my sister's future in education i left their house and still stood my ground despite them telling me i'm being selfish for not working with them on a solution for this issue further info just to clarify the device was working up until late at night then my fiance told me he was having issues hearing and the device stopped working altogether hours later i did not think my sister had anything to do with it until my cousin contacted me and my fiance while we were going to see his doctor to discuss the problem unfortunately my sister has done similar things in the past so it wasn't too surprising to find out she was behind it my parents tend to let my sister get away with either intentionally or unintentionally ruining other's belongings without any accountability last summer she ruined her friend's dad's car but wasn't told anything because my parents paid for the damages now because i'm family then it was clearly wrong of me to expect either her or my parents to pay i wanted to add this piece of info while my sister was the one who did it i'm pretty sure it was my cousin's idea she's very rude to my fiance and always thinks it's fine to make negative comments about him well what do you think should op's sister have to pay for a new hearing aid with her college funds or not please let us know i'd press charges family or not karen thinks sailboats are public property i'm a 43 year old it guy divorced with two kids a daughter who's nine and a son who's seven i'm a member of a yacht club and own a small 34 bavaria cruiser from 2008 next to my kids she's my pride and joy every year i take three weeks vacation along with my kids and we go cruising for the better part of those three weeks we have a small dinghy that basically serves as our pickup truck food hall now because of lockdown we couldn't go anywhere outside our home country so we said forget it we'll be tourists in our own country and went for a cruise to all the small cozy harbors we normally don't get to see so cruise is a go my son knows about the lines and knows how to dock and whatnot my daughter is the dinghy skipper during this she loves that thing we always have our club pennant flying as well as the jolly roger jolly roger means kids aboard come play we leave our home port and spend a day and night at sea to get the sea legs growing and sharpen up on our boating drills retired navy i can't help it on our third day we arrive at a small marina roughly 200 births in my country calling ahead on vhf is not a thing so the only thing to do is either go in with the boat or send in the dinghy to spot for a birth now occupied births are marked with a red sign available means a green sign my kids know this and are also learning to spot a fitting berth our boat is 3.6 meters wide and births are in different width so the trick is to spot a berth wider than 3.6 but not wider than 4 meters because that's the golden difference any berth wider than 4 meters costs a ton of money and is meant for bigger boats well captain dinging was volunteering as always to scout ahead while i and the xo were watching from just outside the inlet she's equipped with of course a life jacket radio not vhf since that requires a certificate and a good idea on how wide 3.6 meters really is our dinghy happens to be 3.5 meters long so as long as she can fit the dinghy from into in between the posts it fits including engine now most people that hang around the marinas are used to seeing kids in these and wouldn't raise an eyebrow over my daughter wearing a life jacket and looking for empty births however not all people are like that which we would soon find out she found one and radioed that back saying i've got one daddy it's the jeep here and i'm waiting for you here over i reply with good job enroute now daddy out the owners of the boats on either side are the caring nicer older couples and especially the port side neighbors are completely stunned by captain dinghy and her professionalism they are small talking when we arrive on the birth and help mooring for which i pay with a cold beer and a soda for the kids happy days all around on the opposite side of the pier a couple of boats also are flying the jolly roger so the kids are off after a quick lunch the birth directly opposite of us is also available but knowing from experience that will soon change and how right i was later in the afternoon we saw the arrival of hms karen and her sailing circus they arrived while the nice grandparents next door and i were discussing nice marinas to visit and as a matter of course we stood by to help receive lines and help with mooring to simplify their docking it was a crap show they had a trimmer in three hulls the outer two can retract when you duck and extend when you sail they knew nothing about the boat so clearly a rental boat after five or six attempts of docking with one side retracted other side retracted no side retracted full power plus screaming all around the harbour master even came down to join us now we stand eight guys plus one harbour master and just looking like what the heck are you doing even my seven-year-old son comes up with some new friends goes are they for real grandma port quickly provided some ice and soda for the kids she was amazing we managed to convince them the wrecking crew to throw us the forward lines and we could pull them in after they retracted both pontoons this took the better part of one and a half hours when they finally docked they acted like they invented boating i know that docking in a foreign port can be quite difficult but when you need eight people to help you one might keep a low profile not that couple though they were totally clueless about how to get shore power water and how to register with the harbour master who happened to be standing right in front of them when they docked the harbor master is now trying to guide them on how to register what to do regarding the shore power in water and boy did they listen hms karen started full yelling about how they have paid a lot of money to rent that boat and how they expected harbor fees to be included in the rent and to threaten to report the harbor master to the rental company they used and get him fired for trying to extort money from them after her endless monologue there were about eight to ten guys laughing the harbormaster just looked at them and went okay these are the rules each marina requires a fee for docking that fee covers power water and the space you occupy it includes access to bathrooms cooking facilities and cleaning your rental company does not own any marina is that clear the circus husband understood but failed to convey the last part to hms karen something we found out later the next morning next morning we prepared to go underway kids are saying goodbye to their new friends my son is pampered with cookies from grandma port and starboard broken hearts from the young girls in the marina he's got blonde hair with curls and green eyes a heartbreaker and captain dinghy is getting ready to go underway she's dressed in the uniform for the part here's where the title comes into play we are finishing our stay meaning pulling our shore power cable testing lights and systems testing our bow thruster and prop vhs and dinghy while i'm standing at the stern ready to single up the lines so my curly haired exo will have an easy job hms karen comes running up to me karen what are you doing me good morning we'll get underway now we're going to island recommended by grandma port enjoy your stay here what you can't leave me um pretty sure i can why wouldn't i because we want that boat me what you want my boat lady my boat is not for sale so excuse me we have to go no all boats are property of the rental company and we called them yesterday and charted that boat now hand it over or else me lady you're not to exo clear forward lines to cd meet up outside the marina docking starboard side now we are not attached to the marina anymore and my son is rolling up the boatlines when hms tries to grab the push pit to keep us in the marina well she lost that battle me all stop man overboard she came up yelling and screaming starboard granddad guided her on board their boat and asked her what the heck she was doing while poor granddad called the harbour master me is she okay both granddads yes we got her enjoy your trip and we'll see you in the next port we leave and head for the port and oh boy did i hope she was a one-time karen karen loses her mind because i'm deaf so some backstory first i work at a large grocery store chain as someone who stocks groceries replaces items that have been left or returned throughout the day and various other chores around the store it's a pretty small store so most of the employees can do all of the tasks so this particular night i was putting away a card of items that customers decided they didn't want overstock or were damaged there was a separate area where damaged items went obviously now i should preface this with the fact that i'm not completely deaf i can faintly hear things like slamming doors loud phones ringtones or some things like that though i cannot hear voices at all even loud yelling while i am deaf i know sign language have a large pen and lanyard that i wear that informs people that i am in fact deaf in addition to this i have a small notebook that has a variety of pre-written responses to questions sort of like flashcards though communication is difficult sometimes i try my best to make things work and i'm very prepared most people are understanding work with me and we get through the conversation some kind people even sign with me that always makes me smile i'm pretty young and don't look like the typical hearing impaired person so when people sometimes get a little grumpy because i don't respond right away they're very apologetic not this time this is where the story gets good cast we've got me the deaf teenager we've got crazy karen we've got nice customer store manager one we've got regional district manager too so i'm mulling along one evening and decided to get an early start on the overstock from the day which was filling a shopping cart to the max so this was earlier than i normally begin there were more people still in the store as opposed to when i usually started no big deal i started anyway about half a shopping cart later i'm in the paper towel section when i feel someone roughly poke me in the shoulder i jump and turn around startled to see this lady she's taller than me and i'm no slouch i'm six feet tall or 72 inches she's very thin probably mid 50s fizzy blonde hair only held back by a hat atop her head this was back in september of 2020 and of course she wasn't wearing a mask she begins to what i assume was yell judging by the aggressive look on her face i begin to point to my lanyard and ears trying to communicate that i can't hear according to the nice customer who i will introduce in a moment she was saying things like i'm talking to you i've been trying to get your attention for five minutes she then takes a step forward and grabs my lanyard yanking it hard and causing it to unsnap from around my neck she throws it to the ground at this point i'm very nervous and i start to panic i try to actually say i can't hear but i'm not sure how it came out as i've never actually heard my own voice my significant other says it sounds very cute however it's at this point the nice customer enters the picture i see him around the corner a 30-something year old man i assume rounds the aisle and walks up to the crazy karen asking her what the problem was this is all that he wrote down for me saying what he said after the incident nice customer looks over to me and i frantically point to the pin on my mask and grab my notebook and scribble down i'm deaf and i don't know why she's yelling at me nice customer turns to crazy karen and they exchange some words things like can't you see he's deaf why are you yelling at him like that and responses like he's not deaf he's just ignoring me because he's a lazy little jerk this goes on for a few minutes and i finally begin to cry as this has caused a scene with people starting to surround us it finally attracted the attention of two managers manager one and manager two manager one walks up to me while manager two walks to nice customer and crazy caring who have now really started shouting at each other manager won no sign and asks me if i'm all right i say i am and wipe the tears from my face and grab my lanyard from the ground manager one tells me to grab my things and wait for her in the employee break room about 15 minutes later manager 1 and manager 2 walked in with a police officer the crazy karen had been arrested manager one explains to me in sign language that crazy karen had been arrested for third degree assault and the officer needed a written statement and asked if i wanted to press charges i happily say yes and give my statement the nice customer stuck around and i wrote him a thank you note manager one also gave him a gift card for being a upstanding citizen that was by far the worst experience i've ever had with a customer but i'm thankful for awesome people like nice customer manager 1 and manager 2. also crazy karen got sentenced to a few months in jail probation and was fined a hefty amount and i honestly hope it really messes with her life i never meant to downplay any bad behavior or anything like that i was simply giving my honest opinion and i honestly hope it really takes a toll on her would i be the jerk if i report a co-worker for faking a pregnancy i 20s female found myself at a crossroad recently and thought posting here could help even though i'm almost sure this will be voted you're the jerk i don't want to be too specific but i've been working at a big company for a few years now and the work i do always requires teamwork and technical precision however eliza is known by colleagues for being someone who does not pull her weight she never follows procedure which results in someone having to clean up after her to save projects hr has basically moved her to every position possible hoping she would fit somewhere so they don't have to fire her but she recently made a huge mistake due to neglect that cost the company a big client so a couple of weeks ago hr called me and asked if i would be interested in filling the position eliza currently holds we even discussed salary in certain conditions it seemed that eliza's firing was being negotiated yet eliza arrives at the office the next day and wouldn't you know she just found out she's pregnant which means she can no longer be fired at all i was bummed out because hr immediately informed me that they can't afford to still promote me due to losing that big client and eliza's position isn't vacant anymore but fine i wouldn't want to have a pregnant woman fired over me anyway the thing is that eliza's mom who she lives with is a distant relative's friend i only saw her in person a couple of times and i'm sure eliza has no idea about this since we never met at family gatherings and don't really know each other but three days ago i saw her mom at said relative's house and congratulated her on being a new grandma she laughs and says eliza was never pregnant at all i must have heard a rumor that was wrong i go home and that night said relative sends me a video taken that day of eliza downing a whole bottle with the caption two-month pregnancy celebration basically mocking me for thinking she's pregnant while gurley is out here getting drunk i obviously haven't told anyone that i thought that because eliza said it to everyone in the office i just lost a huge opportunity and salary raise to someone who was so careless with her job she cost the company a big client and she was never pregnant i know this is her private information but she lied and will have to lie again about not having the baby which will still protect her from being fired while under my country's law would i be the jerk if i anonymously report it so maybe hr investigates it further i definitely don't want to send that video even though it's evidence and it's time stamped i feel like that's too far what would you do in this situation would you report eliza or not please let us know i used to love watching the wild thornberries i always wondered what happened to eliza am i the jerk for hanging out outside a lot neighbors want more privacy i have an apartment in a house that has been split up into apartments the outdoor space is also split up so each apartment has a personal outdoor space the first floor is one apartment and they have the back deck as an outdoor space the second floor is another apartment and they have a balcony and a front yard and side yard is outdoor space i have the third floor apartment and my outdoor space is the backyard on the right side of the house there is an alley for shared access and all of the tenants can cut through there i was super excited to get a place with an outdoor spot of my own my landlord also said i could build raised garden beds to garden as long as i keep them maintained and leave them in good shape when i move out he was also fine with me getting some outdoor furniture a few chairs and a table with an umbrella to keep under the trees and a hammock so i spend a lot of time outdoors working remotely having friends over reading books and painting relaxing gardening exercising etc my landlord is super happy with this i take really good care of the lawn and garden but the neighbors the family on the ground floor with the back deck and the two guys on the second floor with the back balcony have gotten annoyed with me the guys on the second floor haven't said anything directly to me but i overheard them when i was going to bed one night sitting on their balcony and talking about how finally that jerk has gone inside the family on the ground floor did say something to me the couple told me that they're trying to raise their two kids and it's good for their development to be able to play outside and i am selfishly hogging the outside i said that it's cool if they play outdoors too after all each apartment has its own personal outdoor area it wouldn't bother me at all if they use theirs they said that they want their kids and family to have more privacy and not always be watched i said i wasn't watching i'm busy with my own stuff and if they had their kids playing out on the deck i wouldn't pay them any mind they said i was missing the point it's uncomfortable to do stuff outdoors if there's always someone there like it would also be uncomfortable for their guests if they were having a nice dinner party out back and i was sitting right nearby i said they could ask me for some privacy next time they wanted to host i wouldn't mind they said they don't want to ask every time they want to use their space i felt like they were asking me to just spend a lot less time outdoors and that would honestly be a huge change and it would really be disappointing because i only got this apartment for the personal outdoor space the indoor space is kind of cramped and ugly would i be the jerk if i didn't change my habits and still spent a lot of time outdoors co-worker upset about birthday stuff okay so some backstory for context i work in a private practice i'm the phlebotomist i draw blood and handle specimen collection for the office and when i have down time i try to do what i can to help everyone out around the office even though i technically don't have to unfortunately i'm our only phlebotomist so at the moment i work six days a week i have since october also working in the office are two mas one of them we'll call mia along with several np students i'm pretty good friends with one of the students currently doing their rotation here we'll call her francesca tomorrow is my birthday i don't tend to talk about it a lot and quite honestly i try not to acknowledge it much i have real bad birthday curse basically every year bad stuff happens on or around my birthday so i don't tend to look forward to it so far already for this birthday i found out that i have a detached retina and will be getting surgery to reattach it shortly after my birthday my vision is still 2015. i may have a kidney stone calcium oxalate crystals in my ua and my anniversary necklace broke yesterday i came into work walked into the lab and there was a bath and body works gift bag which i later found out had a bunch of stuff in it along with a really sweet card sitting on my counter after doing a little slewing i found out that the bag was from francesca who remembered my birthday from a conversation we had about zodiac signs like three months ago she wasn't sure if i would be at work today saturday so she wanted to make sure i got my gift i was super grateful thanked her a whole bunch it was great today i come into work and found flowers on my counter also from francesca i found out later she had gotten a cake too and had gotten candles and everything i almost cried it was so sweet of her and no one has ever done anything like that for me when she had gathered everyone for cake mia shortly said no thank you and almost immediately left with her eight-year-old daughter who she had brought into work today and also did not clean up after her when francesca and i were talking later she was telling me about how when she came in carrying the cake mia had asked her about it and francesca told her it was for my birthday she wanted to surprise me according to francesca mia kindly huffed and pretty rudely said i didn't get anything like that for my birthday which explains the attitude she'd had all day while i could understand being upset if it was something the office or the doctor had done for me and not her this was literally just something thrown together last minute by a friend of mine who wanted to cheer me up i could also understand her being upset about this if she didn't get anything for her birthday however she wasn't even at work for her birthday because her aunt had taken her on a fully paid six-day vacation to jamaica it was supposed to be five but she stayed behind an extra day and no call no show to work so myself in the office manager got to do her job for that day then two weeks later her aunt took her on another fully paid vacation to cancun for five days it was supposed to be four but she again stayed behind an extra day and no call no showed to work then less than two weeks later took another fully paid vacation to somewhere in florida but yeah it's so sad no one at work got her a cake requested poolside and got mad about pool noise for some context to help with the imagining of this story all our units are full two-bedroom condos with balconies our resort has a pool and a hot tub both outdoor on the south side of the building they close at 10 p.m which is also when our quiet hours begin as you might expect it's the beginning of summer and families are traveling this means families are out at the pool all day kids have fun at the pool sometimes they're a bit noisy but we usually leave them alone unless it's endless shrieking in the evening or night maintenance closed up the pool tonight at 10 as usual and the families leaving were somewhat rowdy and not super quiet 1005 i received a phone call irritable guest the noise level at the pool is absolutely unacceptable you need to deal with that immediately the noise has been going on all evening and we are trying to relax me oh i'm sorry to hear that the pool is now closed and quiet hours are beginning so you shouldn't be bothered further i'm telling you this is absolutely unacceptable we can't even hear the television in our living room we are here to relax not to listen to all this noise from the pool at this point i had pulled up their reservation and discovered that not only were they five floors above the pool but they also specifically requested to be placed on the pool side i guess because they like the view better anyway i had the lobby door open all night and definitely would have heard any unreasonable noise levels which i didn't me unfortunately i can't authorize any unit changes as we are fully occupied this weekend but we'll do our best to keep an ear out for those noise levels over the next four days we do not want to move we want there to be no more noise our vacation is being ruined man at this point i just don't know what to tell people i get that they have the right to relax on vacation but kids also have the right to have fun at the pool during non-quiet hours how do you even deal with this kind of complaint am i the jerk for refusing to make any more meals for my girlfriend after she kept complaining about my cooking things have been great with my girlfriend for the most part we 28 female and 26 male have been together for four years and living together for two lately there's been some tension so i feel like maybe that's why things may have boiled over we both work a lot so we have both been very cranky and moody especially my girlfriend who snapped at me a few times and has been in a really bad mood for the past few days what's really set her off is my cooking i'm usually the one making breakfast packing our lunches and dinner literally any time i've been at the stove she complains about how bad the smell is and gives me crap about using stuff that has obviously gone bad according to her or saying it tastes bad and won't even finish eating this has upset me i'm not a chef but i do pride myself in my cooking and she's talking about how bad my food is i've had my co-workers try my lunch and they tell me it tastes just fine i figured with all the stress she's under at work she probably needed an outlet to let out her frustration and maybe that's why she's giving me crap about simple things i don't know but i snapped a little this morning when she again complained about the omelette i was making us so i actually dumped the eggs in the trash told her she can make her own darn breakfast for herself then and i'm not cooking for her anymore if she's gonna keep acting spoiled about what i make we ended up having an argument over this and we left for work mad anyways my girlfriend didn't come home and her sister called me my girlfriend's mad at me and her sister thought i was being a jerk for reacting so immaturely by refusing to cook for her anymore when i know she works a lot so sometimes she doesn't have the time to prep her own meals i don't know why this was turned into a bigger deal but here i am sitting at home wondering if i was being a jerk for losing my cool and telling her that i'm not cooking for her just didn't think it's fair for her to be talking crap about my cooking when she never has before and thought well if she doesn't like it then she can take over the kitchen was i the jerk customer wants items delivered to home outraged when i ask him his address first post on reddit here but binging all these posts reminds me of an incident that took place back in 2013 when i was working at a branch of a large upmarket department store chain in south london i've moved on from this job a long time ago now so please do forgive me if some of the details are a bit hazy but here's the gist a couple of blokes from eastern europe come in wanting to buy a kettle and asking what the options were for them to pick it up later one of them did not speak i suspect his english was not good the other had reasonable english i explained that they could pick it up right away as we had them in stock if they wanted to they could pick it up later in the day from click collect or for a fee we could deliver it to their address provided the address was in the uk or ireland they chose the delivery option i put in the details of what they wanted to buy to the computer and came to the section where i had to put the delivery details this was where the fun began the conversation went something like this me could i ask your address please why do you need to know my address me because you said you wanted it delivered but why do you need to know my address that's how we know where to deliver your package otherwise we won't know where to deliver it but it's your job to know these things me it's my job to ask you i'm not a psychic and i don't automatically know your address but i don't feel comfortable giving my address out i don't know you and i want to preserve my privacy me i understand that sir but if you won't give me your address then i can't have your kettle delivered to you there are 20 million addresses in the uk and if i pick one at random chances are it won't be yours now either you can tell me your address or you can come pick it up at click and collect or you can take it with you now you're an idiot at that point i had enough and his insult was a good enough pretext to end the conversation i informed him that i was not going to be taking this kind of treatment and that i would not be serving him further he muttered something to his friend in their language and moved away thankfully i never saw them again and no doubt he went to annoy some other underpaid customer service guy with his tomfoolery until he got his kettle aunt karen stole my property now i'm evicting her so i 37 male lost my mom back in 2016. at the time my mom owned a small piece of land that her father and his wife lived on in her will the land was left to my sister and i with a life d that said as long as her father or his wife who was more of a grandma to me than my biological grandma ever was so i will refer to her as my grandma where alive they had a right to live on that land my sister and i 100 supported this last week i got a call from my grandma's daughter letting me know that my grandfather had passed three days prior apparently his daughters my aunts t and jay for this story had convinced my grandfather to sign over possession of his mobile home that he and his wife lived in on my property while he was in hospice when he passed they intentionally did not let my sister or i know about it they did the same thing when my mom's mother passed so this wasn't too unexpected of them however i then found out that they were trying to claim the land was theirs as well they have served my grandma with an eviction notice while she is in the hospital eviction notice was just a letter that they wrote and signed they also almost emptied my grandfather's and grandmother's joint banking accounts and may have had him sign over his life insurance policy this last part i'm not 100 certain about as i haven't seen documents on this but it wouldn't surprise me as sleazy as it is i don't know if i can legally get the signing of the mobile home reversed i went down over the weekend and took photos of the property when i found not only did they post no trespassing signs on my property not the mobile home but the land itself and a for sale sign for the mobile home and the land this thoroughly enraged me when i called the police i was told they would not intervene as this was a civil matter and needed to be dealt with by the courts so i took down the for sale sign went home and typed up my own eviction letter and posted it to their trailer basically stating that with a change in ownership of the mobile home it was now illegally parked on my property and that it needed to be removed immediately i also stated that my aunt jay who is now the owner of said mobile home would not only be responsible for the costs of removing the trailer but for repairs to the property as well caused by the trailer re-sodding the yard under where it sits had they tried to simply claim my land was theirs i would have only gone to court and defended my ownership of the property but they instead are doing over my grandma i'm very angry right now so i ask reddit to judge me and let me know if i'm in the wrong or if i'm in the right would i be the jerk for filing a motion with the court to stop them from selling the trailer while it's on my land and forcing them to remove it at their cost every single time that i walk into home depot legitimately every single time i set foot in home depot someone will start asking me where things are i wear uniform for my job black cargo type work jeans and a gray short sleeve button up shirt that's tucked in with a large very recognizable local company logo let's just say that everyone knows the company i work for if you so much as glance at the logo you know who i work for it's that type of recognizable and looks nothing like the orange smock with the home depot written across the front of it usually i'll just smile and say sorry i don't work here and that's the end of it well karen didn't like my whole bit about not working there because i looked like someone that worked there and she wanted s hooks and wanted them now she has planners that must be hung today and she wants the hooks immediately me oh you need them immediately do you well i get mine from lowe's karen what is that supposed to mean are you telling me to go to a different store me i would the s-clips here suck karen you must not like your job too much i bet your manager will love to hear this me okay i'm pretty sure he's on another site but i can give you his number and you can give him a call darn right i'll call him here's where it gets interesting as she proceeds to aggressively dial the number see i've told my boss about this happening to me and he doesn't believe me he's about to learn boss hello this is so-and-so with major corporation that is not home depot how can i help you karen yes hello i would like to speak to you about what is your name me rudiger simpson ma'am rudiger just told me to go to a different store to purchase my products boss yup rudiger definitely knows where to get his stuff well i just asked him where s hooks are and he told me to go to lowe's boss well if he said lows then lowe's is probably the best bet i don't want to go to lowe's how can you allow your staff to send people to the competition boss competition we don't have any competition who is this and why are you calling me your employee is rude and would not help me find what i'm looking for boss is he boss describes me to a t karen that's him i guess you've had trouble with him before boss nope are you at home depot did he say something about not working there multiple times i know he works here i saw him helping someone else he just doesn't want to help me boss goodness is this what is happening here he told me that people keep doing this to him and i thought he was full of crap he does not work for home depot tell uses my real name to stop messing with people purchase what he's there to purchase and get to his next job site i'm not paying him to hang out in a hardware store dealing with morons karen did you just call me a because i want someone to do their job yes yes i called you a because he then launches into a tirade about orange smocks and how i don't work there something about wasting time yada yada karen you are also extremely rude and i want to speak to your manager boss wow okay i can absolutely guarantee that you do not want to waste his time with this but here is his number feel free to explain it to him i can hardly wait to see what his reaction is going to be but until then my employee is going to need to finish his shopping and get back to work if that is okay with you i would suggest either going to lowe's where he said you could find your clips or find a home depot employee then he hung up me phone rings it's the super so i put it on speaker hey what's up boss holy cow i just got a call from some nut that thinks you work at home depot you weren't kidding i gave her big boss's number he's going to laugh his butt off when she calls she literally will not hear that you don't work there me i know she's still here and still expecting something i'll deal with this and call you back i just wanted you to hear it from her own mouth before the inevitable complaint comes in karen this is unacceptable i'm going to call the corporate office and tell them all about this situation me okay i can make it super easy with a direct line here is the three-digit number needed to call and make a complaint or you can go on the website but that's the major corporation's contact number me i know because that is who i work for not home depot but you said you worked here and i need help goodness lady okay you got me they are in aisle four i then turned my back and walked away to get my stuff i'm walking towards the cache when i see karen and who i'm guessing is the store manager as soon as she sees me she starts pointing and saying that's him that's the employee that told me to go to lowe's manager he obviously doesn't work here our employees wear orange smogs with home depot on them he is wearing major corporations logo on his shirt and has a security badge on his waist what makes you think he works here he's shopping karen he told me manager looks at me confused i shrug my shoulders and proceed to walk past them to the register to purchase my stuff well are you going to say something manager to who and what about to your employee who's trying to leave manager has a very concerned look on his face now are you here alone or do you have a companion that you're supposed to be with do you need me to call someone for help and do you usually get confused like this you could hear the concern in this poor guy's voice karen how dare you something something she was still yelling and demanding that i do not leave the store as i was walking to my van i wonder how far that actually went after i left edit re-read the bit about the manager and what he said about the lady needing help he said that i don't know why he said that but it was funny as heck meaning that you don't need to go on and on about the mental health of the country either laugh and move on or just move on am i the jerk for telling my girlfriend my ex comes first i know the title sounds bad but hear me out i male 37 was with my ex-wife female36 we will call her elaine for 15 years we were high school boyfriend and girlfriend and married after university we have three kids all boys nine eight and five we divorced a few years ago and have remained friendly so we can co-parent our boys as easily as possible she is remarried and i get along with her new husband who seems to be a good stepdad to my kids i was single for a while as i focused on my boys and work but i met my girlfriend who will call nicole who's 27 about three months ago i haven't introduced her yet to my kids which has been upsetting her but i've told her that three months for me is not a long enough or committed enough relationship to involve my kids yet i do not want them getting attached or otherwise uncomfortable until i know for sure that this is the real deal it was elaine's birthday last week and i told nicole that i would be doing for her what i always do with our boys and i wouldn't be available until later in the day nicole was upset with this as she wanted us to spend the day together but it wasn't for anything special anyways sorry this is dragging anyway what i do on my ex's birthday is i go over in the morning and with our sons i help them make her breakfast i get some flowers and a nice card and a present from them and then they take it to her and give her breakfast in bed my sons love doing this for their mom and i always like to hear how happy it all makes them nicole was angry i did this as she said it made her feel less important and like she would never come to ever mean as much to me in my life i replied that elaine is the mother of my kids and that even though we are not in a relationship or in love we have our boys and i want our boys to grow up knowing that i always treated elaine with respect even though we are no longer together i do not want them thinking that we never cared about each other nicole says she doesn't want me doing this again whilst i'm in a relationship with her and that i am the jerk for not putting her feelings first she said it's obvious i still love elaine and i won't even give up this one day to put her over elaine i told her that i will always have a love for elaine as we were together a long time and have three kids and nothing will ever change that nicole said if i do not promise to begin to restrict communication with my ex to make it just about the kids she doesn't see how i can ever prove to her i care about her so reddit am i the jerk for doing this for my ex on her birthday when i knew it would upset my girlfriend edit just to clarify i do not take the breakfast tour in bed our oldest carries the tray i just help the boys make the breakfast and they go and present it to their mom edit too wow lots of responses thank you for taking the time to read and respond i've answered some comments and i will add the extra details people need clarifying her new husband and i will talk and have coffee and watch tv while the kids take the breakfast up her husband is the one who will have the boys awake and let me in so the kids and i can make the breakfast her husband will generally take elaine out for dinner or plan something special so i might end up taking the kids so they can be alone as i understand he is now her husband and i have a diminished role in her life but not my kids the tradition started with my oldest when he was little and wanted to do something special for his mom on her birthday so we've carried it on together as the boys have come along i do understand in a couple of years they will be old enough to do this themselves and not need my help but i enjoy spending this time with them to do something nice for their mother elaine did not initiate the divorce i did the marriage ended amicably as possible as we just grew apart there was no big fight no infidelity we were just two adults making a decision that we would be happier apart than together and we are i was the youngest in a very messy divorce when i was a kid and my parents used to be awful to each other i did not want that kind of memory lingering for my own kids just because we did decide to divorce no it was not nicole's birthday or a special event she has not yet had a birthday in our relationship i had planned to do something special for her birthday which is in december if we were still together at that time as said our relationship is still very new i did tell nicole that elaine and our kids came first on that day only elaine's birthday this is simply due to the tradition i have with my sons i can see why she took it out of context but i didn't mean elaine comes first always but i did say my boys always will well who do you think is the jerk op or his new girlfriend please let us know you never bring me breakfast in bed always make friends with the other side of the house back in the day i worked at a buffet my first job attached to the busiest mall in our three mall state we could do 1500 for dinner no problem the problem was in our equipment we had a conveyor belt style dishwasher think mini drive-through car wash with an attitude problem and a chronic illness it was installed when the restaurant was opened 30 years prior it was a beast a very broken beast my first year there i was just a line attendant so i changed out the food my second year i started getting prep cook floor and cashier shifts this meant that i was one of the people who could do anything front of house needed i wasn't put in the dish room for two reasons i didn't speak spanish and the gm said it was a man's job that man is for a different sub you guessed it friday night dinner rush i'm bouncing between tables helping some of the other table staff out not taking tips of course filling out the front line with food and popping up to the register when i can trying to help with the line of customers that's out the door and around the corner general manager and assistant general manager are slinging food with their ties over their shoulders we are all giving 110 a well-oiled machine now i see it empty plate towers here there almost everywhere dread suddenly consumes my body and then we all hear it you've got to be kidding me and the whirl of the dishwasher goes silent the beast is down we all look up at our angry leader like prairie dogs and can see the danger veins on his forehead well no point in ringing in customers if we don't have plates to serve them on so i bail on the register and follow my gm to the dish room where complete chaos has overwhelmed the three season dishwashers gm crawls under the dishwasher to access the part that is usually the culprit full on laying in a few inches of questionable water with half-chewed dinner rolls and lettuce floating around him he could be a jerk when he was stressed but he always jumped in first to do the worst stuff rather than to make someone else do it kept a change of clothes in the office for the occasion much grumbling ensues the three dish guys are already elbow deep in the three-stage sinks hand-washing trash is overflowing clogging the floor drain murky water and wet food is everywhere my specialty i grab the floor squeegee and start raking food up and away from the drain relieving all of us from the standing water i heap the food goo formerly occupying the drain space onto the trash can that is so full i cannot even lift it and steal the empty cans from the unused stations on the kitchen side and start clearing plates of the old food there aren't gloves in the world to keep it off you the food just gets inside them and you're working in that it splashes up into your face and on your clothes but you can't stop because customers are coming in the back of house door to yell that there aren't any plates they are beginning to mutiny whatever you do don't stand between a hungry buffet guest and their fifth plate of food there's a flurry of hands as we crank through the dinner plate mountain with our words the silverware and finally just enough life pants to keep the cooks happy two of the three guys disappear to restock and grab our angry wait staff bus carts when a waitress or waiter clears the table they have a station with a card so it's basically a station where they can complain about their lives while clearing plates sorting silverware and slamming dishes into the tubs when they were even mildly full the habit was to whine at the guys in the dish room who never complained because they would get tipped out by the wait staff at the end of the night and didn't want their tips affected this is important later leaving grumbling gm under the beast of the only dish guy fluent in english to my left dealing with the clean end as i was too dirty to be touching the good stuff this guy why are you back here me um the dishwasher broke this guy yeah it always does why do you care none of the other front of house people have ever helped before you're here elbow deep in the nastiest part when you could be dry out front with everyone else me well if everyone else is out front then they won't be missing me besides another set of hands will help us get caught up faster plus i can yell all i want back here and no one will hear me bus carts arrive and we are swamped again gm has declared we need the service guy to come out for the busted beast so he rolls up his sleeves still soaking wet and does the dirty stuff on the incoming dishes i move up a sink and the five of us work until midnight washing it all by hand having turned the ship around for a flawless night gm after complimenting my ability to hold my own with the guys to be fair it was my first job i was barely 18 and a petite 90 pounds soaking wet if one were to make assumptions i didn't look like i could lift a ream of paper let alone a full dinner plate rack and keep the pace bumped me and the other guy up to maintenance pay for the whole shift 1575 when minimum wage was around 650 but we made 11 or so and if we would come in tomorrow he would do it again next day we were at it again until the repair we were able to stay on top and keep up with demand since we were well prepared even with a language barrier and an overwhelming task we were able to joke around and laugh throughout the shift here's where the tipping is important and where i accidentally spark a revolution i should also mention that we did not do credit card tips all tips were cash and honor reporting my next floor shift is kinda slow for us and i tip out ten percent as i was told was customary so it was fifteen my bilingual dish guy comes out with the money in his hand to give it back to me dish guy you don't have to do this you know me very confused i thought we were supposed to tip out at the end of our shift this guy yeah but only 10 percent this is too much me more confused no no i made 150 tonight it's the right amount this guy it can't be you're the only one that ever tips out this much all the other girls never give more than five dollars on a day like this maybe ten dollars on a very very busy night on very busy nights i could make three hundred dollars me i know for a fact they each the two other waitresses made more than that tonight because i had to watch them brag count their tips in front of me our wait staff had attitude we're the worst kind of people and i to this day feel zero guilt about this they're lying to you this guy had been taking my overpayments thinking i was trying to win him over with money was mildly insulted by it and didn't have time to get to know me until we were in the thick of it when the dishwasher broke waitstaff had been underpaying him for years and he's rightfully upset he happens to live with the other two dish guys who work the busy chefs brother and a family friend they shared a one-bedroom apartment here to send as much money home to their families as they could he was also related to some of the female line staff who shared another one-bedroom apartment needless to say word spread quickly for the next two weeks i was the only waitress who didn't have to bust her own cart gm fully supported the dish room strike against the waitresses i barely even had dishes that stacked before my cart would be replaced with a clean one throw up in my section i'd go out back to start assembling the necessities only to be shooed away by one of the dish guys so that they could do it everyone else was handed the rags and buckets and told to do it themselves previously the wait staff would tell the dish guys it was solely their job when in fact it was not this also applied to bathroom issues by week three the wait staff who thought they could outlast the dish guys were making a full hourly rate and didn't need the additional 15 in tips they were collectively withholding from them for the hassle caved hard actual tears because it was affecting their tips since they couldn't do waitressing bus carts and keep up basically they started to actually have to work during their usual social breaks and they found out it was hard i still got mild preferential treatment for the rest of my time there my heart would get changed before everyone else i never had to ask for anything if something needed doing that i couldn't manage one of them would drop what they were doing to help and i would be the first one to jump in when they got really busy out back honestly it made my job so much easier and enjoyable i'd still be there if there hadn't been a corporate takeover of our site that over managed and ruined everything moral of the story don't be a dishonest jerk especially to the other side of the house do you honestly think this is for anyone to ride some preamble to set the scene i'm really into cycling and have been for many many years i started writing back in the 1970s when i was really young i come from a family of road racers so it was sort of inevitable i also live up to the rules of the velmanatti especially rule 25 about the bikes on the roof of the car being worth more than the car having saved up i bought my dream bike a cervelo saladanya 5 with dura ace d2 electronic gear shifters this bike cost me almost 11 000 pounds a couple of months ago i heard of an event running around 50 miles away where a company was launching a few of their new bikes i decided to spin over and have a look just out of interest and set off it was a great ride over there and when i arrived there were a few other riders i know and we set off looking at the bikes at the show i locked my bike onto one of the racks and took one of the newly launched bikes out for a quick circuit had a chat with the tech guy from the company and then unlocked my bike q entitled mom and her entitled spotty teenager karen hello can my son have his turn on that bike now me what yes you've had your turn on it and my son wants his ride on it he really likes it me sorry he can't ride this perhaps look at some of the bikes the company has brought no we saw you have your ride on this bike now he wants his turn you can't monopolize the bikes her son then made a grab for my bike and pulled it from my hands and tried it right off now his first mistake was not realizing that i have very specific lipless pedals and without the correct cleats you're not going to get far second i had left the bike in a very high gear it's a cafe stop thing it's almost impossible to set off quickly and is one of my ruses to help avoid a snatch and grab theft of the bike i grabbed the little jerk and pulled him off my bike and just stopped it from falling to the floor one of the team running the demo came over to see what was going on and entitled mom went off in true form this jerk has just pushed my kid off the bike when it was my kid's turn to ride it i want my son to have his ride on this bike now bike guy this isn't one of our bikes our bikes are all over there this is the visitor's bike park area why is he riding this bike then pointing at me me because i'm the one who owns this bike you could see the cogs turning as she realized what was going on the fake smile broke out oh i'm really sorry i thought it was one of the demo bikes i pointed to the manufacturer's flags all around the demo session and i pointed to the name on my bike me does this look like it was made by the company running this session entitled mom playing dumb i'm sorry i really didn't realize it's a nice bike though and my son is thinking of buying one can he try yours out me i very much doubt he would be buying one of these but i'm going to need your details why well your son supported by you snatched at a bike worth 11 000 pounds out of my hands and try to ride off with it i'm going to need to know who to send the repair bill to for any damage he caused she went white then tried to argue that there was nothing on the bike that could have cost that much the bike guy from the company assured her that there certainly was we called the pcso who was at the event over and explained everything that had happened he obtained the entitled mom's contact details and passed them to me i told her i would be in touch later and then had a ride back home no damage was done to the bike but i did stinger for a full service at my local bike shop am i the jerk for losing it after my husband ate from the lasagna i prepared for my niece's birthday my nieces 13 birthday was last wednesday she's the most intelligent most creative kid in the family she loves her aunties me lasagna and says that it's really good for her birthday she asked that i make her lasagna because she loves it so much and having it will complete her happy day i agreed with no hesitation the day before her birthday i got to work i went shopping for ingredients and had spent hours in the kitchen to prepare it at 3 p.m my husband got home had lunch then opened the fridge to grab a drink and saw the lasagna he asked about it and i answered this lasagna was made for my niece's birthday i told him i made a family size portion so we could all eat it together there at my parents house he was like oh really i asked him to please not touch it and he said he wouldn't he fell asleep on the couch after checking his phone as i went upstairs to get stuff done at 4 pm i come downstairs to wake him up to go to my parents and found him already sitting up with a plate in his hand i looked closer and saw that he took a piece of lasagna and ate it i looked at him and asked are you okay hungry while offering leftovers from his plate i lost it on him and asked why he had touched the lasagna when i already warned against touching it since it was for my niece's party he said i woke up feeling hungry okay but he already had lunch and the other snacks are available in the fridge he replied he really wanted to get a piece and couldn't wait until we got to my parents and reminded me that he loses his appetite at my parents house i called him unbelievable because he ruined how the lasagna looked when he cut the middle of it and messed it up like a kid i spent time money effort on it and he casually said no big deal but to me it is especially since i told him that this was for my niece's party he said i was overreacting and needed to chill because he was hungry and it's not like he ate the whole thing and then he suggested i stop by the supermarket and grab one if it's that important as he quoted with his fingers we got into an argument over this and he ended up not going saying it's because of how i treated him over lasagna when i got home he kept giving me the cold shoulder didn't even ask how things went after what he did my husband has adhd but normally he understands when i ask him to leave stuff alone he also loves food and his favorite is lasagna while there was no harm with him taking a piece i just lost my temper which is a bad thing this might be too spicy for you my mom told me this story last weekend of something that happened to her back in the late 70s early 80s she worked in a belt factory that employed a diverse array of people folks from all over the world and with different backgrounds one of the friends my mom made was azra a lady from india azra found out that my mom liked food from other countries so she started bringing in homemade indian food for her to try azra also learned that my mom liked spicy food so she would bring in her homemade pickle indian pickle is nothing like american pickles which are sweet or pleasantly sour indian pickles can be extremely spicy but my mom was friendly and willing to try new things so she happily ate whatever azra brought her one day at lunch ezra gave my mom a container of cooked rice and some mango pickle this particular pickle was wildly hot but by now my mom had built up a tolerance for the spiciness and eagerly tucked in the factory also employed men who were on work release from a nearby prison some of these guys were cool and trying to put their past behind them not sylvester he was a real jerk always being mean to people including my mom while mom was eating the rice and mango pickle sylvester came up to her and said all tough like what's that you're eating oh responded mom it's indian rice and mango pickle give me some demanded sylvester this isn't the first time sylvester had bothered my mom but she thought she could make it the last batting her eyelashes instantly she said i'm not sure you'd like it sylvester it's pretty spicy but like the rude bully he was he insisted she'd give him a taste so she gave him a big spoonful of rice making sure there was plenty of mango pickle to give it some flavor sylvester grabbed the spoon and shoved the food into his mouth as a big tough guy he couldn't let on that the food was anything but delicious but it was clear that he was suffering he finally swallowed it down and after that he left my mother alone karen cheated with her best friend's boyfriend ends up getting humiliated my sister sia who's 25 used to have a best friend named faye who is 24. faye had a boyfriend named brett who was 25 brett cheated on faye with sia then he left her for sia faye was devastated but it really tore their friend group apart faye went on to transfer to an out of state college and from what i know has not been back since this was about four years ago now sia and brett are recently married about two months and that's where this issue comes in sia figured out how to get a hold of faye and decided to invite her to the wedding she said that her and brett both missed faye as they had all been part of the same friend group through high school she felt like this was her last chance to try and bring faye back into her life i 19 female told her from the get-go that i thought this was a bad idea and that she should just leave faye alone she sent the invitation anyways but got no response it's relevant to mention that sia and brett could only afford a pretty modest wedding they held it on his parents property it was catered by a very basic cheap local restaurant everything else was done by family and friends the dress code was casual which was mentioned on the invite as sia couldn't afford a very nice wedding gown shortly after the ceremony started faye walked in and quietly took a seat to be frank she looked amazing she was in a lovely dress it was a darker color and didn't look like a wedding dress but was of noticeably better quality than cia's dress was she's super tatted now tattoos are popular around here and are something sia and brett both like after the ceremony face stayed for about half an hour talking to the other guests then left i guess sia tried to say hi to her and she straight up snubbed her it created quite a stir how good she looked was a hot topic quite a few of cia and brett's newer friends found out the circumstances of their coming together c was pretty torn up about it in the first place but once she went through the pictures she was heartbroken faye made it into a few and because she was dressed so much nicer than everyone else she really stood out there's a picture of sia and brett where they look really nice together but fey is in the background she has brought fey up every time i've seen her since sia came over for a visit this weekend and started talking about faye again what a jerk she was why couldn't she just not have come who needs to ruin someone else's wedding it got to me so i asked what did you expect you hooked up with her boyfriend before he decided to leave her for you you haven't spoken in years and out of nowhere you sent her a wedding invite who could pass up that opportunity for pretty revenge eta this might be a pointless edit but i don't think sia's goal was to rub anything in face face from what i understand sia basically just never talked to faye again after everything went down i think this was a weird convoluted attempt for sia to ease some kilt i think she thought that faye just wouldn't attend so she would be able to feel like she extended the olive branch and was ignored therefore having done everything she could it made cia cry and she ended up leaving shortly after karen accused me of stealing my own car and got me arrested by a very gullible cop i live in one of those middle of nowhere desert towns where almost everyone knows everyone and it's hot as heck but dirt cheap to buy a home or land in and it's not uncommon for old cars to last out here as they almost never rust and people keep fixing them after high school i worked my butt off at a local job to get my own place i ended up buying a small plot of land with a trailer on it off of a local guy that decided he was gonna move to texas and the guy also sold me his old ford escort prior to that it was an okay first car got me around well enough still have it too ten years have gone by since then and for a while i spent a lot of my time tinkering with an old 87 monte carlo that i bought super cheap as it was without an engine or a transmission i loved that car as an older cousin of mine had one when i was a kid and i always wanted one of my own i spent two years fixing up the one that i got with help from some friends and finished it in 2019. since the engine was missing i dropped in a junkyard chevy 305 v8 that was connected to a rebuilt four-speed automatic transition with low miles from a totaled car then i painted it myself inside a friend's garage with a harbor freight sprayer and some gm black single stage gloss paint and buffed it to a shine and i finished it up with some gold monte carlo decals and some classic moon rims i bought from the local junkyard and polished up i also partially redid the interior by replacing the seats and put in a custom steering wheel i'm not really a mechanic but my friends all helped me and online how-to videos on my smartphone really helped me as well the car was fun to drive and looked good and i kept it in good order that is until this mess went down now i didn't really trust some of the local law enforcement out here before and this gave me even more of a reason not to a lot of the cops around here are barely qualified for their jobs they're practically hired with a handshake and just told to play doom for training granted though many of them are really nice the sheriff is even kind of a friend of mine but he's really one of the only competent ones around here most of the rest really don't do their jobs very well especially whenever a new one gets hired on like a guy that went out of his way to move to my town just to get to be a cop in this case he was the nephew of the sheriff he even bought his own crown vic with a loudspeaker to drive around town in let's call this guy nc for nephew cop since he was the sheriff's nephew nephew cop and i didn't really know each other personally yet but i was aware of him he was dumb as a rock and high on his own ego he was like barney fife and john cena had an illegitimate son together because he was a tall strong looking man that was always giving people creepy looks and patrolled on foot up and down main street with a clipboard in hand and a big grin on his face he also liked to publicly flex his muscles in front of people one saturday morning i took my monty carlo out to meet a friend but they ended up bailing because of a last minute issue with their girlfriend i thought no problem i'll just get some fast food and go home i went to the local burger place to get a meal to go and as i was walking out there was a lady outside looking at my car people would stop here and there to ask me about my car and where i got it i usually don't mind talking so long as they're polite though this lady ended up anything but she was curvy and good looking while wearing a black skirt i'm guessing early to mid 30s or so not really sure i asked her if she liked my car she stood up took one look at me and laughed i asked her what was so funny to get an idea of what i looked like at the time i was a skinny guy with a scraggly beard and was wearing a faded ac dc t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off along with worn out cut off denim shorts and flip-flops i guess she figured i was poor or something so she probably was judging my appearance she looked me up and down in a very obvious way and then said there's no way this is your car you couldn't possibly afford something this nice now i have a tendency to get sarcastic or snide when people make assumptions about me so i said back oh really lady this title is in my name and these keys right here in my hand say i'm the owner too the karen just glared at me as i put the keys in my lock and began to open the door i looked behind her and i noticed a beige 90s volvo with a missing headlight and it had out of state plates on it parked not far from me i put two and two together and laughed let me guess lady that's your car over there she started to turn beat red i laughed and said oh don't be ashamed those things aren't lookers but they'll run forever i figured this was over but as i was opening my car door i suddenly felt her nails digging into my shoulder she was screeching so loud my ears were hurting and before i could turn around she kicked me between my legs from behind with a high-heeled shoe so hard that i collapsed in agony and true to my luck nephew cop drove right up because he had heard her screeching from down the street during his noon patrol as soon as nephew cop was out of his car the karen ran to him crying and saying that i was a carjacker that was attempting to take her new car i wasn't looking at either of them as i was on the ground wincing in a fetal position from the pain the next thing i heard was cop yelling put your hands behind your back and then i was being pinned down by his knee on my back and forcefully cuffed i tried telling the cop that i knew his uncle and i could prove i'm the real owner of the car but he called me names and told me to shut up then he picked my keys up off of the ground and actually handed them to the karen then he seemed to do a hero pose while she gave me a crap-eating grin no matter what i said the cop wasn't listening to me because he fully believed her and then i had to see karen start up my car and drive off with it my heart sank as i watched it sail down the road with her driving it then the cop drugged me back to the sheriff's office i had hoped his uncle was in but just my luck he was out to lunch so nephew cop put me in the cell and told me to just keep quiet i was upset but i knew i wasn't going to make my situation any better so i just waited and during that time nephew cobb kept giving me looks of contempt at one time he walked across the cell with a nightstick grazing it against each bar like he was trying to intimidate me at least an hour went by and the sheriff finally came in through the door nursing a big gulp but froze the second he saw me opie what are you doing here he asked i was about to speak when nephew cop jumped in and said i caught this low-life creep trying to steal a lady's car so i hauled him in that's when i finally got my chance to speak and said yeah only it was my car the one you know i spent so long fixing up nephew cop just rolled his eyes and said not to listen to me but the sheriff silenced him and asked my full story as i tried to tell it nephew cop was making dismissive looks and kept repeatedly interrupting until the sheriff told him to sit down and shut off then when i was finally able to say everything that happened he was furious the sheriff laid into his nephew who was cowering in his chair like a little kid and saying that it indeed was my car and he stupidly gave my keys to a thief that had assaulted me nephew cops started frantically apologizing and trying to say that he was just trying to help but the sheriff called him an idiot that just wanted to play hiro by saving a damsel in distress and now the whole department would be in hot water for his unlawful arrest and his physical assault against me then he finally let me out of the cell i got some ice for my cuts and got taken home the sheriff and nephew cop went back to the burger restaurant but the karen's car was no longer there they got the cctv footage from the camera the restaurant had looking outside it caught everything minus the audio the karen came back riding piggyback with a guy on a motorcycle over half hour from the time that she left with my car she blew him a kiss and then drove off in her volvo the sheriff scrambled everyone even nephew cop to try and chase her down but they couldn't find her as she had already driven out of the county lines some phone calls were made to other departments to look for her as i had to sit at home with an ice pack on myself all evening waiting for news on what had happened a couple days later my car was found just a few miles out of town the cairn had broken all of the windows with what i'm assuming was the tire iron and then put the car in neutral and let it coast down a deep rocky hill which rolled it into the bottom ditch which smashed the front end and warped the frame it was completely totaled i wanted to cry from the sound of metal grinding on rock as the tow truck pulled it back up nephew cop was there too and he couldn't even look at me the entire time my insurance also didn't want to cover the car so the sheriff's office was made to pay me for the value of my monte carlo instead since nephew cop let it happen which was only about five grand though that was honestly close to what i had put into it since i did almost all the work by hand with the help of friends nephew cop also paid me another 2 000 for my trouble and said it was most of his savings the karen was caught at a motel a stayed over sometime later and arrested for all kinds of other things grand theft auto was just one of the many things she was charged with i got a video call just to see her in court and testify she looked like a wreck the whole time because she knew that she was done for and it wasn't long before she was pronounced guilty she got 10 years behind bars and no possibility of parole as for nephew cop the sheriff all but begged me not to sue him because he was his nephew and he promised his sister he'd look out for the guy i'm not a sue happy person so i let it go provided nephew cop actually takes some sort of course on how to properly do his job and so the incident was more or less rug sweeped and nephew cop was demoted to sitting at a desk all day answering phones and they would be docking part of his pay until every penny was paid back he's still regulated to desk duty half of the time these days and he still avoids me anytime i'm near him arguably he's a better cop now though because he's mellowed out as for me now it took some time but with help i finally located a replacement monte carlo project car with a clean title and it was the same year too i salvaged as many parts as i could from my old one and used it all in the build the engine and transmission were still good so were most of the base parts and the sheriff personally came by to help my friends and i build the new car in his downtime it took a year but now i've got a fresh looking monte carlo that looks just like my old one you'd never know they weren't the same car i've made sure to have better insurance this time around and i'll be darned if i ever let a karen near my car again what happens when engineering students are asked to truck proof a mailbox yes i know there are a lot of mailbox stories on here but i just learned this story from my dad involving my uncle dale a family friend who passed a few months ago and figured you guys would get a kick out of it years ago back when uncle dale and dad were university students their engineering professor came to their class with a problem that needed solving his mailbox was getting broken by someone driving by every night he and his wife had put up something like four or five mailboxes and all four or five times the mailbox had been knocked over by someone driving a red truck this professor offered extra credit to any group of students who could come up with a truck-proof mailbox that not only fit with the city regulations but within a budget of twenty dollars which back then was a good size chunk of change well if anyone here knows anything about engineers as dad puts it they love solving problems and if it's engineering students they'll make it an experience to remember dad and uncle dale got together and got to work they found a steel bar that fit within mailbox regulations posts have to be a specific height width and depth and filled the inside with a mixture of concrete and steel rebars once the concrete had cured they welded eight rebars to the sides of the bar bent them in half and stuck it inside of a bucket to add extra weight they filled the bucket with the heaviest rocks they could find as a finishing touch they painted it brown and black to look like wood and put the ugliest mailbox we could find on sale on top welding it down for good measure they brought this monstrosity into class more dragged it because it was so heavy and told the professor to bury the bucket where the mailbox stood since they were the first to turn in their project the professor agreed to give it a try that night the professor and his wife were awoken by a metallic bang followed by a lot of yelling they went outside and wouldn't you know it there was that red truck speeding away the mailbox still standing at the base was a broken wooden baseball bat two days later the professor gets a bill in the mail for a hospital visit turns out when the passengers hit the mailbox he did some serious damage to his arm and shoulder they were planning on suing the professor but the professor hired a lawyer who basically told the plaintiffs you're just going to admit that you were vandalizing the mailbox multiple times that shut them up to the best of my dad's knowledge the mailbox is still standing the other students who still brought in mailboxes had theirs gifted to different professors throughout the town and are also still standing am i the jerk for deleting my step dad's world of warcraft profile off of my account [Music] i 27 male started a world of warcraft account when i was 14. i had to pay for this completely on my own as my parents only ever borrowed money from me and didn't return it my stepdad got interested in the game and used my account to try it he started playing 24 7. i rarely played because whenever he wasn't at work he was playing and we only had one computer i continued paying for my account so i could use it when he wasn't home he pretty much took over my account and made tons of his own characters when i asked him to chip in for the monthly membership he'd tell me he was already putting a roof over my head at 18 i went straight into the military and kept the subscription though i was typically too busy to play i made a new profile and he kept my old one still on the same account and he had to start paying for the profile he was using the problem was that the account was under my name and email so whenever he would have an issue i would have to call blizzard on his behalf to solve the problem he would expect me to drop everything and solve it immediately he once started blowing up my phone while i was driving through a snowstorm because he got locked out and would not wait until i was somewhere safe another time i was doing training and was out in the field for a week and he kept badgering me i got home after a week without bathing or decent sleep and he harassed me until i agreed to call and fix it first they would not let me transfer my account to him or add his name and he refused to start from scratch on a new account that was just his one of the issues was that the account was tied to my old email which kept getting suspended due to inactivity he one time set up two-step authentication but refused to share the password he said for weeks so i was also locked out of my own account i warned him a bunch of times that i was tired of dealing with this and he needed to start his own account probably not a surprise i have gone low contact and have not spoken to them in two years i got a single card from my mom around thanksgiving i cancelled my own profile years ago i randomly got a call from blizzard asking for some info so they could reactivate my account lo and behold my dad had them call me because he was locked out again due to the email getting suspended he didn't even call me directly i said forget it and told them no one else had permission to use my account and it was probably a hacker i logged into my account and reset all the passwords and info deleted his profile and shut down the account i also changed my phone number some of my friends thought this was hilarious and that he had plenty of chances to get his own account but some of my other friends think it was harsh to destroy something he put thousands of hours into am i the jerk for deleting everything well what do you think did op take it too far or did his step dad get exactly what he deserved please let us know i wonder if he was for the horde of the alliance party every night for a year okay i bought a house four years ago in a quiet neighborhood i had wanted to get into this neighborhood for years my best friend lives there it's a couple of blocks from my kid's school it was a good neighborhood then lockdown hit my neighbors across the street were forced to move at the beginning of lockdown before the eviction moratorium was in place they were really good neighbors we were friendly with each other and we were sad to see them go so when the property owner rented to a new family we were hoping we could cultivate a friendly relationship unfortunately that was not the case about a month after they moved in the lockdown started and that's when things went from zero to 100 real quick for the next year every night there was a huge party cars down the street music so loud you could hear it over regular house noise in every room in my house my friend in the next cul-de-sac would text me regularly if the music he was hearing was my neighbors we tried to be civil i asked politely i brought them beer i offered them other treats eventually they threatened me and my wife so we started calling the police almost every night for four months we organized with the neighbors and they started calling the police as well eventually the others gave up and started selling their houses because the renters were just that bad we were still upside down on our place so it wasn't an option for us eventually the police told me that i needed to stop calling and that it wasn't their issue to deal with that i was a bigger nuisance than the renter's music it was at that time that the housing market was taking off houses were selling in my area for 40 to 50k over appraised value my wife and i looked at what we needed to make sure we could move and listed our home for that in three days we had a handful of amazing offers to choose from but it was the lowest offer that stood out to us the most their offer was a good 20k under the next lowest but they sent a letter i'm a sucker for a letter especially since it had a picture of the couple and their dog and a patrol car turns out the young man is a police officer newly appointed with a local pd and he takes his patrol car home i knew at that point that this was the family to sell my house to money be darned i moved out as the neighbors were throwing a huge party the next day the police moved in and they haven't had another since i drive by regularly on my way to my buddy's place they just sit quietly in their garage looking bored i make sure i honk and wave every time give my kid your insulin pump so i'm a type 1 diabetic this means that my body doesn't produce any insulin and i have to get it from an external source this source that works best for me is a pump which is connected to my body without dental in i would die i can disconnect the pump for short periods to shower change etc but 99 of the time it's connected to my body i usually wear the pump on my waistband this allows me to easily access it and make changes to my insulin as needed i was over at my mother-in-law's house when my pump had an alert my blood sugar was trending low and this can be quite serious so it's a loud and demanding alarm i cleared the alert and grabbed a few fruit snacks to raise my sugars my five-year-old nephew heard the alert and asked me what it was and i told him i explained that it's a medical device that i wear to keep me healthy he considers this and holds out his hand demanding to see it i refuse since it's a medical device that i need to live beyond that he's not gentle with anything and breaks most of his toys very quickly i tell him no again and knowing that he rarely hears that word move my pump from my waistband to clip it somewhere he can't grab it which is absolutely what he would do he starts crying and wheeling so his mother my sister-in-law comes running in she screams at me asking what i did i just shrugged and said that i told him no he couldn't have my insulin pump she scoffed at me and told me to just hand it over i can go without it for a little bit and my nephew deserves to see it i should be stimulating his natural curiosity instead of trying to hamper it i refuse again and tell her to drop it it's not going to happen but he's just a kid now i've dealt with them before so i know that she's not going to be able to drop it i say no to her kid and that's unforgivable i'm getting a headache from the screaming so i just turned and left i didn't need to be there anymore so i went home i'm sorry that i'm not willing to risk my health and well-being just to entertain your kid oh wait no i'm not sorry caller threatens to send lawyers and police over our hotel rates hi y'all so happy i found this sub i work at two hotels and this story is from a few nights ago at the larger of the two which isn't a franchise site in a beach vacation area we're on a strip of highway with lots of other similar three-star hotels and all of these places set the same rates on a nightly basis especially in the summer which is our peak revenue season so on this night a woman calls around 6 pm asking how much we would be charging for a friday night in early august we tell her the rate for one night which is almost 600 she instantly loses her mind over the phone and accuses my co-workers of ripping her off mind you this lady hasn't actually made a reservation after several minutes of back and forth with the caller getting increasingly hostile central reservations actually disconnects her and apologizes but that wasn't the end of things phone rings again and i answer it's the same lady this time calling directly the call went something like this lady hello yes i just spoke with your co-worker at your hotel and she had the nerve to tell me that one night cost six hundred dollars me yes ma'am that is correct no you listen to me that is not correct i work for the government and my son works for your company and there is no way it costs that much for one night you are lying to me she goes on a tangent here that i couldn't even understand let alone repeat me ma'am we are a hotel near the beach in the summer we have very high prices for weekends because there is high demand that's just how it is every hotel around us charges the same thing no be quiet listen to me you are going to sell me a room for normal price or you are going to sell it for 600 and my lawyers will come to you and get all of my money back plus fees so it's your choice me with all due respect i don't understand why you're even trying to book our hotel if you dislike our raids my lawyers are going to sue you i'm going to report you to the news for what you've done to me me okay but our rate is what it is and i don't think it's a good idea for you to stay here have a nice day at this point i hang up she proceeds to call 10 times over the next hour going on about working for the government and sending the police to raid us or to the news to expose us eventually the two of us at the desk started answering pretending to be a pizza place but without caller id it became an issue not knowing if it was her calling or a normal person our manager came down to speak with her and ended the call after a few minutes by telling the crazy lady off very strongly in what i can only call a devastating power move we got one more call after that where she asked me to confirm the rates we quoted so that she could pass the info on to her lawyers the police and the local news am i the jerk for not letting my flatmate use my printer to scan his schoolwork i have a multi-purpose printer i use for work i used to let my two flatmates use it whenever they needed to scan and print something within reason they could print a few pages but not color pictures or long essays i used most of the ink for work that's why i bought it so a few pages didn't make a difference the issue came when one of my flatmates ran out of ink when printing and didn't tell me i found out there wasn't any ink in three days later while having to do a bunch of last minute stuff i told him that he should have told me that this is my work printer and i should find out about these kinds of issues when they happen not when i need to use it for work i expected him to apologize for not telling me and to say he forgot hopefully promise he would next time but instead he got annoyed saying that he hadn't done anything wrong since i was the one who used practically all of the ink i tried to explain that the issue wasn't how much ink he used but that he found it in working order and left it differently and while it wasn't his fault the ink ran out it was his duty and responsibility to tell me the argument went on and he started yelling at me so i told him that if he couldn't use it responsibly he wasn't allowed to print anymore since i couldn't be sure it wouldn't happen again he called me selfish petty and a bunch of other less nice things i hid in my room while he cooled down but next day he brought it up again more calm but still insisting that him not being allowed to use it was a vendetta and i was the jerk i'm sure as heck not letting him use it until he understands he has to tell me if the printer runs out of ink it's not a vendetta but here's where i may be the jerk since he kept calling it a petty childish thing i said if you want me to be petty i won't let you use it at all not even for scanning until you apologize there's no harm in him scanning stuff it's pretty impossible to mess it up and he has to send scanned schoolwork often so it's going to affect his studies maybe he's right that i'm being the jerk but at the same time i feel like he's not entitled to use my stuff when he doesn't respect it nor me i talked to some friends and they're kind of split so reddit am i the jerk edit with some extra info from the comments i use refilled cartridges so i can't know the real amount of ink left and while i had a replacement the printer smelled my rush and decided that the chip wasn't good enough and refused to work everyone knows when you have to print something last minute everything's going to go wrong and i don't blame him for that that said the entire discussion happened before i knew the new cartridge didn't work and it had nothing to do about me printing stuff right then it was entirely about my surprise that he hadn't said anything to me when the ink ran out and him saying he didn't have to warn me and wouldn't do it if it happened in the future because he wasn't the one using most of the ink well who do you think is the jerk op or their roommate please let us know i'd kick that roommate out they sound insufferable karen feels entitled to my inheritance because she's a single mom i 25 male don't think what i said is bad but who knows maybe i'm wrong here my sister 26 female met her boyfriend dee two years ago he's also 26 and let me just say dude is a loser he has five kids with two other women that he doesn't see and since we've known him he's been between jobs my parents don't like him because my stepdad loaned him close to two thousand dollars and he never got repaid my sister being the genius that she is decided she wanted to have a baby with them while she was still going to college because he promised to take care of her it wasn't like this was a surprise pregnancy she made a choice to actually have a kid with this guy everyone in my family practically screamed no but she went ahead and got pregnant now she's all surprised pikachu face when he broke up with her a month after my nephew was born and he tells her he doesn't have money to help with the baby my nephew is a year old my sister is living in a studio and working full-time no school either a few times she asks my parents for money thanks to my mom she heard that my biological father has passed guy was very wealthy so each of my half-siblings got a large amount of money i haven't touched any of it because i don't want to go crazy so the plan was to get in touch with a financial advisor point is i'm not using that money for crap and my sister is upset with me because i'm refusing to give her anything to help she's not my biological dad's daughter by the way so that's why she didn't get a cut last time we fought she told me she's struggling here and i'm being a crappy brother to not help her out then i reminded her that she made the bad choice to be a mom with a deadbeat who wasn't going to help her we all told her she'd be stupid to have a kid right now while she was in school with no career and especially with a guy like him and it's not my fault she made this dumb decision she goes on complaining to my parents about it now my mom is getting mad at me for telling her that because it's not my place to say something about her choices i don't see how it was wrong pointing out a fact when she was getting mad at me for not helping her like it's my fault that she's a single mom now so i guess telling her that made me the jerk but am i well what do you think is ob the jerk or is his sister please let us know some people just can't handle the truth i happen to be one of them do me over i take away your promotion for 18 months i'd been working from home as most of us had from a work perspective this has been great i've been more productive than when i was in the office been able to get more flexible hours and have saved a ton of money by not commuting my workplace had an agreement that those working from home can do what hours they want so long as we are able to answer urgent calls and core hours and get all of our work done fair enough as far as i'm concerned for 16 months this worked great as above then over a few weekends i had a clear out of the house and took pictures of all the items that are in good condition but we no longer want with the view of giving it away to whoever wants it one day when i'm working from home i take my lunch break make a quick sandwich and post the items that i'm giving away on one of the local facebook free pages i didn't know it at the time but one of the managers called shambles henceforth from my work was also signed up to that page and he saw my post he then took it upon himself to go to the owner of the company and tell him that i was slacking off and posting on facebook during work hours for context this wasn't my boss who was super chill as long as everything was done on time nor was the complaint to my boss but to the owner of the company we're a big business so there's a lot of people in the chain of command between me and the owner and to top it off i've been doing a lot of work for shambles he had outsourced the running of entire projects to me over the last 18 months all of which i'd executed well and he had taken ample credit for and this was the only time in 18 months i'd posted anything on facebook because i never post so the owner contacted me and to be fair he's a decent guy the conversation went like this owner i've been told you're posting on facebook during work hours just be smart about it it doesn't look good when colleagues see it me completely understand just so you know i posted that during my lunch break owner i was told you were posting at noon the company lunch break is usually one to two me i did but that's because when i'm home working i always take my lunch twelve to one owner okay i don't have an issue with that just keep your head down like i said a decent guy i wasn't really in trouble and the owner didn't seem to care but then i started to think wait who the heck has gone to the owner with this in the first place long story short a co-worker who was working on site that day heard through the grapevine that shambles had been complaining to the owner about me and how i'm always on social media when i should be working i literally only have facebook and i only use that for messenger 99 of the time cue petty revenge as i said before shambles likes to outsource work to me i never minded this the work was varied and it broke the week of plus my own boss didn't mind as i always had my work for him done on time however i never got recognition for this extra work for two years i managed a sub department completely on my own because he didn't have time to do it i didn't get a penny more for it but it was a good group of people and i enjoyed getting experience of management well after this every time shambles came to me with an issue i would say i was super swamped but that i tried to deal with it if i had time the projects he tried to outsource to me i immediately rejected saying that i had a full plate from my actual job and that sub department i ran we'll get to that over the next couple of months shambles starts missing his deadlines issues come up with existing projects that he hasn't fixed and employees are complaining that every time they go to him with an issue it doesn't get resolved it dawns on me at this point that i've basically been doing this guy's job for him for years forget that i set up a meeting with my boss and put forward my argument for why i should be promoted or really why i should have been ages ago i point to all the projects i've successfully run as well as the sub department i've managed for two years he completely agrees and says he'll take it to his boss now somehow i don't know how but when i go to the next meeting with my boss's boss shambles is there too he's on the same level in the company as my boss's boss a little phased but not willing to give up i put my arguments forward to them shambles lets me finish then proceeds to tell me that i don't know enough about our work to manage i don't have the required people skills and then he tells me and this is verbatim besides people here don't respect you they respect me i know i'm a good manager if you really think about it you know you wouldn't be i forget what else was said after that but i was completely destroyed boss's boss comes up to me afterwards and tells me that shambles is a jerk but unfortunately he's got the approval of the higher ups so what he says has too much sway for him to go against him i tell the boss's boss that if that's the way it is i'm going to look for other employment he sighs and says i don't blame you q pro revenge during the time it took me to look for and apply to other jobs i have time to think about how i can get back at shambles he's used me for years and is now blocking my promotion i'd already stopped working on his stuff and his projects were going from bad to worse but i needed something more now this next part could be an entire post on its own so i've bulleted it for brevity if you want more context i can write it out later 1. i'm an accredited internal auditor for our quality systems 2. i ask if i can be assigned a couple of last audits before i leave to help them out 3. i carry out these audits and using my intimate knowledge of shambles projects find every single issue i can 4. a number of people also hate shambles and give me more dirt on him 5. someone gives me breakthrough information that shambles has been forging signatures and bypassing multiple companies procedures to make his kpis look better 6. i write up the report with tons of evidence attached and send it off 7. the report gets flagged at the highest level because of what it shows 8. shambles gets dragged over the coals i wish i could say this story ends with shambles getting fired and having to sell himself for scraps but obviously using all the connections he has he kept his job i later found out though that he was due a massive promotion as in catapulted to the top of the company running whole divisions kind of thing that never happened though with his declining numbers as well as a bad audit showing all of his shortcomings he's basically told he'll never progress beyond where he is and that he's lucky to have a job at all he still works there and i'm told his ego has been taken down a whole washing line worth of pegs as for me i'd love to say i got a better job with a massive raise that's half true i decided to pursue my dream job literally since i've been a kid dream job it's in a totally different industry all the experience i had counted in my favor and although i took a bit of a pay cut i've never enjoyed work more oh and that sub department i was running they knew that when i left shambles would take over running them again so in my last month at the company i gave them all tutorials on how to search for jobs and past interviews i'd worked in recruitment previously i've heard from a number of them since that they had landed better jobs and thanked me in part for it not the perfect ending but i'm darn happy with it make up a bs policy to appease the drama queen sure i'll follow it many years ago i worked in back office support in a large office with lots of departments generally speaking we had core hours especially for lunch core lunch hours were between 12 to 2 meaning you had to take your lunch sometime between 12 to 2. different departments had different rules for lunch depending on their needs for example the call center had a strict rotation for when people could take their lunch since they needed constant phone cover however i was in back office support things were a lot more relaxed because we rarely took phone calls most of our work came in the form of tickets and tasks logged through our system and emails from other departments with general queries the only requirement was that at least one manager and two members of staff had to be there at all times in case a colleague from another department needed to see us or in an emergency call us so generally we could take our lunch any time we wanted as long as it was between 12 to 2. there was no policy telling us when to take our lunch aside from the one i already mentioned i would always take my lunch at 12 28. the reason was i actually wanted to take it at 12 30 but one of our call centers was the floor above us and they stampeded down the stairs at 12 30. i had been in an accident some years ago that gave me issues with my back and hips so i could be a little unsteady on the stairs so i left at 12 28 so i could avoid the call center stampede i suppose i could have gone at 12 but the staff canteen was never set up and never had food ready at 12 hence why i left at 12 28. now i always restarted work at exactly 1 28 sometimes a few minutes earlier an hour was far too long for me so i was often back at my desk nursing a coffee while scrolling through my phone which we were allowed to do as long as we were on break by around 1 pm as well however if a colleague came to me and asked for help i always helped and just added the time i was helping them to my lunch so if i spent 10 minutes helping a colleague i'd come back at 1 38. all this would be logged in our timesheet i wasn't doing anything outside of policy we were allowed to do this anyway one of my colleagues had obviously noticed let's call her mindy mindy considered herself the queen bee of the office everything had to be done her way she was perfect and she always tattled on people for petty stuff like that one of our colleagues used too many staples or that colleagues were literally a few minutes late or took too many bathroom breaks she literally had a tally of how many drinks and bathroom breaks everyone took so that she could tattle she even once tried to tattle and say one of our colleagues came in drunk and she could smell it on her breath what she could smell was lim sip and cold meds the colleague she was tattling on had a cold unfortunately mindy was also our manager's favorite employee so she got away with a lot so she tattles to our manager about how i'm always leaving for lunch two minutes early and yet often come back late my manager tears me a new one for this i explained to him that the times i come back late are when i've helped a colleague and he should see it logged on the sheet i also explained why i leave at 12 28 he then says yes well whether it's two minutes or not we have core hours in the office i say yeah twelve to two i can take my lunch anytime between twelve to two 12 28 is within these core hours so he tried to say no in our department we have a policy of 12 30 to 1 30 to make sure enough people are in the department i say i've never heard of this policy this has never been the case but he brushes me off and says you take your lunch at 12 30 and come back at 1 30. you don't deal with any queries or anything that will delay you just take your lunch on time and come back on time no exceptions okay then that's exactly what i'll do no matter what i'm doing even if i'm in the middle of a task i get up and go to lunch even if i am at my desk and a colleague comes to me i tell them i'm on lunch and tell them to come back later then surprise surprise mindy comes along with an urgent query at 110. i look her dead in the eye and say sorry i'm on lunch she storms off to our manager to tattle on me i get called into his office because she had lodged a complaint against me for bullying her and being uncooperative mindy is in the office with my manager acting as a mediator and he asks why i refuse to help her she's grinning maliciously with her trademark you're going to get it face she spoke to me at 1 10. i had 20 minutes left of lunch you said the policy is lunch 12 30 to 1 30. no exceptions i said smiling mindy looked like she wanted to slap me and my manager was furious but knew he couldn't do or say anything because that was what he had said eventually the manager ended up being promoted and moved to another department our new manager has no patience for mindy's excessive tattling and at one point shouted at her this isn't primary school and i'm not your teacher go back to your desk and focus on your own work instead of everyone else the new manager also rescinded the no exceptions bs policy my manager had made on the spot and as long as we came back on time and didn't leave the department understaffed she couldn't care less when we took our lunch won't fix your buggy software that costs us thousands of dollars per year fine pay our bills then i am the av supervisor for a large company that hosts events specifically i look after quotes for the technical side of corporate events giving clients access to projectors microphones speakers etc for their large corporate presentations meetings and whatnot i also manage and brief the floor crew who actively run the events we use a program to book our equipment which while powerful is a bit laggy on the average computer and is also extremely expensive per year about two thousand dollars per user per year and there's about 30 of us in the company that use it relative to how much our company makes per year it's a pretty hefty cost it's a good program when leveraged properly but sometimes it can drive you mad with its weird way of doing things one important feature of the program is that it tracks the booking of all equipment everywhere including time for packing it into a room and packing it out of the room this is useful because it prevents our team from overbooking equipment if it's not available the system won't let you book it there's no way around that if i am short on equipment i can book extra equipment from another rental company and on charge that to the client when i know in advance that i need to do that anyway cue big presentation from the booking company showing their latest version of the booking software it's great it's faster it's better than ever we have a busy week coming up and i'm flat out floored with paperwork pulling a 60-hour week our company is fantastic with overtime we don't get overtime pay but we do get time in lieu our bosses are totally cool about it so if i work one hour overtime i get one hour off the following week do a 60 hour week and you get 20 hours off later anyway one of my floor crew comes to me floor crew hey op this equipment isn't available we've already got it out on another event me what it should be available floor crew no it's definitely not i just set it up for another event two hours ago and that event is running for three days cue me running back to my desk and rechecking all my paperwork fyi equipment lists going out for events is often over 100 lines long hence why we don't do manual checks for over bookings the system should do it as it turns out all of our equipment was overbooked multiple times in many cases overbooked on three events or more i make multiple phone calls to rental companies and bring in rental equipment on short notice that's expensive and i can't charge it to the client on such short notice if you took our expected profits for that week you could add a negative symbol onto the front and that would be our new profit i log a job with the company that makes our booking software and then proceed to double check all of our upcoming events oh boy a lot of overbooked equipment note these events are often independently created by multiple people at different times of the year there's no way they themselves check if the equipment was available it's just not feasible hence why we rely on this system that up until now worked the booking software company is extremely dismissive saying that it's a rare glitch and that they'd look into it queue one month later and still no fix i'm now spending significantly more time double checking all of our events for over booking the booking software company still doesn't care about a smallish company like us frustrated i ask my boss for a copy of our service agreement with the company he's as annoyed with the situation as i am so we go through it together turns out there's a clause in there saying that the booking company would provide compensation in the event of total system failure in the event that the system can't even be accessed well we'd definitely call this a system failure of sorts its failure is costing us a lot of money so we send the bills of our rentals that cover over bookings to the booking software company that gets their attention quickly when their total bill amounts to more than triple how much they make off of us each year booking software company hey op what's with these bills me here's the job reference you still haven't responded to after two months now and here's the link between each rental and each event that's overbooked booking software company uh there's no way the system is letting you over book equipment and you can't send the bills to us for every event that's overbooked me shares the screen alright let's test it the booking software company shares their screen as well logging into our version of the booking system they proceed to book some equipment that should 100 percent not be available true to their word the system doesn't let them do it i then book the exact same equipment on the exact same event but for my computer my boss has a witness the system lets me do it without any alarm this surprises them and they start talking about potential fixes they also say they're willing to pay for the rentals up until now two months later we're still billing them for every rented equipment they're still paying without questioning and we still don't have a fix i've changed the procedures to check for overbooked equipment though so we aren't running around like mad men trying to fix things last minute anymore other hotel calls to warn me about incoming hotel critic two years ago on a morning shift i got a call from another hotel not too far away hi this is jessica from whatever hotel we had a hotel critic here last night and on checkout she mentioned she has a reservation with you tonight i wish we had had some warning about this so i'm doing you the courtesy pay it forward if you can her name is mysterio and she was quite nitpicky about this that and the other i thanked her profusely warned my mod and my accommodation manager and moved on with my life i knew they would upgrade her to a nicer room and throw in a breakfast and maybe a fruit bowl etc we weren't a fancy place there wasn't a whole lot we could do the next morning i came in at 7am and read the handover notes mysterio has been a non-stop pain all last evening nothing was good enough for her and she hassled everybody left right and center about everything she ran up to me at the desk as soon as dna left she complained that nobody would act on her noise complaints last night no matter how many times she complained she demanded free spa treatments free lunch a refund on her dinner last night the works i apologized and assured her i'd look into it while she was eating her breakfast the accommodation manager rang me to say there was a dog barking from inside the door of one of the rooms pets were not allowed in our hotel guess whose room it was i said thanks i'll deal with it i also saw in the notes from the n a that all four noise complaints made last night had been about her room no other rooms had been mentioned mysterio came back to the desk to see if i had any update on her complaints i informed her we had heard a dog in her room this morning she denied it and said i was being ridiculous i said i will double check the room number with the accommodation manager straight away and if i'm wrong very sorry i checked it while she stood in front of me it was of course her room she called me a nasty young lady and stormed up to her room about 10 minutes later she comes downstairs and says i have something against those with disabilities i was like what she says the dog in her room was a therapy animal for her daughter who's disabled i asked is your daughter staying with you she says yes i said she's not on your reservation she said her daughter doesn't like to meet people i asked does she have paperwork for her service dog and she says how dare you etc a half-hour argument followed where i was informed that i was very biased and i have no heart and i personally would be hearing from her solicitors very soon again she stormed away she left without officially checking out an hour later the mod approached my desk and said what the actual hack we bent over backwards for her last night call that whatever hotel and see what they thought of her you all know what happened next i called the whatever hotel and asked to speak to jessica of course there is nobody there called jessica mysterio did me over and her room had to be put out of order for a week due to dog doo doo mysterio did me over and her room had to be put out of order for a week due to the doggie do am i the jerk for pointing at the kitchen when my mother-in-law asked where is our dinner my husband had a serious injury weeks ago his bed ridden and his family come to see him every day mother-in-law keeps drilling what i need to do to make my husband comfortable but does nothing to help just visits every day and sits around expecting to be fed and entertained sometimes brother-in-law his wife and kids join them and turn the house into a mess yesterday mother-in-law her husband and son come again they checked on my husband then went to sit in the living room for hours i served them coffee and croissants hours later my husband threw up again second time i had to take care of changing his clothes and cleaning the sheets to avoid infections i was exhausted i came downstairs and mother-in-law looked at me and asked hey where's our dinner i was shocked that after seeing me go upstairs many times and cleaning and bringing new sheets and running the washing machine that she'd expect me to prepare dinner i'd already eaten a sandwich at six and yogurt i have problems with my stomach and stress and pregnancy made it worse i'm four months in i pointed at the kitchen and told her to help herself out she gave me a look then said she didn't expect me to ask her to cook dinner at my house i said i didn't expect her to ask me to cook dinner while i'm taking care of her son she started arguing about the way i spoke about my husband saying as his partner this is the least i could do and called me unhinged for throwing in her face that i'm helping my husband she got her husband involved asking what his thoughts were on me making guests go hungry and forcing them to cook themselves when this was supposed to be my duty as a host homeowner father-in-law said they could order food and call it a day and yelled at my younger brother-in-law to stop playing on his phone and order food but mother-in-law got mad and lashed out criticizing me saying i wasn't up to the challenge of taking care of my home and my guests like an adult i lost it on her and told them to leave since she kept yelling disrupting my husband's sleep she left after saying she felt sorry for her son and grandbaby with an aggressive wife and mother like me she told everyone and my older brother-in-law said he understood i had a lot on my plate but lectured me about how i should have respect for his mom who was a guest repeatedly saying that if it was his wife she wouldn't have acted this way and that i shouldn't use taking care of my husband against them he asked me to apologize but i didn't info my husband suffers from two major injuries and he's got a long recovery ahead right now there's so much pressure to take care of him while keeping up with the house chores in work my mom and sister help but not mother-in-law she claimed that when i told them to leave i was refusing to let her see her sick son but i'd never do that i've lost a loved one before so i understand her fear but brother-in-law thought that was my goal edit i live in the states in the south my mother steals my things when i don't listen to her i'm 26 and she lives in the house that i pay for about a year ago me and wife bought our own house after saving up for quite a while and we were able to get a two-story three-floor house two floors above with a basement we then renovated and moved in shortly after about a month after we were completely done moving in my mother lost her job and couldn't continue to pay for her own house so i told her that she could live with me and my wife and live in the basement which has a bedroom bathroom kitchen and living room so it's basically its own house i didn't make her pay bills or anything just because she's my mom recently though she's been asking me to clean her dishes vacuum the basement for her and clean my office space which she doesn't even need to be in it's on the third floor which i specifically told her to not go up there i then tell her that i don't need to clean her things or mine for her and remind her that she lives down there and she should clean her downstairs and that i will clean the upstairs whenever i want to when i tell her though she gets extremely upset and steals my things the first time it was my car keys then my tv remote and now my keyboard and mouse for my pc which i need for work which she stole after she told me to clean my office and which i then told her no and that it's my house and my rules i asked her for my keyboard and mouse back but she simply yelled at me and kept the door to the basement shut and locked after that i unlocked the door with the keys that i had for the house but she started to push the door shut on me i just continued to push the door open until i was through the door and was in the basement which she then fell and threatened to call the police on me i grabbed my keyboard and mouse and then went upstairs without a word it's the morning after now and i still am not entirely sure what to do i don't even know if i want to talk to my mother right now edit after all of the kind and helpful comments and some discussion with my wife i will be installing a lock on our side of the door to the downstairs so mother cannot come upstairs and do anything until me or my wife open the door and if anything happens again we will be kicking her out and sending her to an elderly home gonna lock her down there edit two for everyone asking if i'm locking my mother in the basement no she will only be locked from the upper floors of the house there is a door directly to the basement from the outside and she can come and go whenever she wants she just can't access where me and my wife live edit three my mother is not a tenant i simply allowed her to live downstairs so i exactly wouldn't need to evict her just kick her out am i the jerk for cleaning out the fridge without telling my husband my husband brought home a metal box that he checks on often during the day when it's in the fridge when asked about it he said it contained freshly picked olives his friend jason got him from his uncle's farm and wanted husband to keep until he gets back from his business trip i had no problem with him keeping it safe at the bottom of the fridge husband always asks me to be cautious with the box and not open it as it would be rude to touch other people's stuff yesterday i decided to clean out the fridge which took me almost two hours from unplugging the fridge emptying all the items groceries vegetables and containers and washing and cleaning out the inside of it then letting it sit before plugging it back in again i took the box my husband brought out the fridge and placed it on the kitchen island alongside other containers while i was working i received a video call via whatsapp from my husband while at work feeling bored asking what i was doing i showed him i was cleaning out the fridge and he suddenly freaked out and asked about the metal box i was confused so i told him to calm down and showed him where the box was he got mad telling me i shouldn't have cleaned out the fridge nor even touched the box without telling him i again tried to ask him to calm down as i saw no big deal with that his precious box was safe and sound but he went on a rant about how the box needed to be put back inside the fridge asap and told me to plug the fridge in right then and there but i couldn't because it was wet and i still wasn't finished with cleaning other parts apparently i upset him by stalling and he hung up and 30 minutes later he came home and he threw a fit saying i should have picked a time where he was at home to clean out the fridge so he could take the box somewhere else to keep it cool i said so what it was sitting out the fridge for barely two hours and olives can stand being outside the fridge for longer periods of time he said i don't get it and took the box he wanted and left with it i asked where he was taking it and he said he needed to go back to work and had no time to explain i shrugged this whole thing off but he came back with it in the evening and put it inside the fridge then complained about me cleaning the fridge without telling him and for acting dismissive of his opinions support our channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a shout out in our next video or come watch this video next you won't believe what karen does in that one
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 211,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entitledpeople, entitled people, r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen
Id: _ph32p4xnz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 22sec (11122 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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