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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story sell my son your land or i will call the police some backstory my now passed on next door neighbor was a terrible busy body who felt it was her god-given right to tell everyone in our street what they could and couldn't do from where they parked their cars to what flowers they could grow she had to know everyone's business and would harass people until she got answers even going as far as stalking but that is for other stories if she didn't get her own way she would spread the most evil gossip her adult children a son and a daughter were both greedy and deeply entitled believing that because the majority of the street were either social housing or rented properties they were better than everyone else and if they didn't get what they wanted then mother would sort it out i have many stories about this neighbor far worse than this but i will start off with this one as it is the mildest thing she had done and fits into the entitled parent subreddit better the son owns two other properties near the end of the street which he rents out at the very end of the same street is another house with a plot of land right next to it the owners of that house and land built a garage that they use for work rebuilding old cars and bikes the business is at least 30 years old handed down from father to son it's very small so they can only work on one vehicle at a time but due to the owner's skills at restoration they are always in high demand one day about 10 years ago the sun rocks up in his latest bmw and walks up to the owner a father and his teenage son the rest of this conversation is paraphrased as i was not a witness but this was told to my family by the owners themselves son hey guys it's your lucky day i want to buy your land i will give you fifteen thousand pounds notice that he didn't ask if it was for sale or offer to negotiate a fair price the owner um no sorry the business is not for sale thanks for the interest though i wasn't asking for your business you can set up somewhere else i want this land it's just the right size to build another house on well sorry no this is our livelihood we can't just move we would lose business while looking for someplace else and besides it used to be my father's garage and it's next door to our home so why would we want to sell it so you can make money insert a random duff face here but we make money working here so sorry but it's not for sale the sun then does what you would expect a grown man of 30 yes 30 to do he complained to his mother his mother takes no time at all to walk back to the garage entitled mother why won't you sell your garage to my son he wants to build a house here the owner because this is our place of business and we don't want to sell you shouldn't even be working here it's dangerous i can assure you ma'am everything is up to code and we have every right to work here now please leave us alone what are you hiding in there is it drugs what no we are fixing up an old bike i knew it you are working here illegally sell your land to my son or i will contact the authorities the owner laughed and told her to go ahead she stormed off and they thought it was over just the crazy ravings of a mad granny right an hour later sure enough the police arrived apparently an anonymous caller rang them to say that the owners had been dealing drugs out of the garage it was obvious who had called them of course all the neighbors had seen the police arrive our street is normally quiet and we are all nosy jerks so when you see a blue flashing light you step out and watch the show unfold entitled mother took great glee and telling everyone standing around and watching the chaos how the owners had been selling drugs to children and how she wasn't the one who called them but everyone knows what is going on and thank goodness something is finally being done about it half the neighbors were shocked at this event but a few of the longer-term residents were already giving her the side eye like it was on special offer at tesco or walmart she must have been feeling pretty smug with herself only there was a snag just a little one because the tiny garage worked on rare and old cars which can be expensive the owners had cctv that was something the entitled mother had not counted on after the police had shown up the owners knew who the culprit was and had no issue with showing footage complete with sound to the officers showing the entitled mother threatening to call the police if they didn't sell the land with half the neighbors out and watching events unfold the entitled mother's face switched from smugness to fear as the police walked away from the garage and approached her instead the officer then asked if they could step inside her home to discuss something she probably did not want her neighbors to hear she received a warning regarding harassment and wasting police time the owners of the garage were never bothered again and the last remaining neighbors who didn't know how bad she was finally saw her for the which she was next story you can't treat your dog like a n word just because she's black i have a service dog because i have seizures now if you don't live in the u.s you probably don't know fully trained by a school service dog costs nearly twenty thousand dollars and they aren't covered even a little bit by insurance there is the option to train your own dog it takes longer and requires more patience but when you're disabled and get 798 dollars a month and aren't allowed to work it's the best option i spent two thousand dollars on my dog she's an all-black newfoundland dog she was just turning eight months old when the local trainer i was working with said it was time to start introducing her to the public part of her job i made the mistake of choosing walmart for that first trip her commands at this time were rowena focus with me and ignore for obvious reasons the first ten minutes she was doing well two teenage girls entered the same aisle we were on and she attempted to pet her which is something you don't do i stepped in the way because a eight-month-old puppy is still working on this part of her training cast is me the entitled mother and the entitled teenagers who were both about 15. me rowena ignore entitled teenager 2 um let her pet the dog i'm sorry she's a training service dog you aren't allowed to pet her because she can miss alerting me and i could get hurt entitled teenager one only blind people use service dogs you're not blind actually people with all kinds of disabilities can use service dogs she alerts me for seizures we have to keep walking now she's in the middle of training i have rowena switch sides and we keep going about four minutes later i see the two teenagers come to the same aisle about 10 feet behind me entitled teenager 1 whispers rowena the other girl giggles and says rowena come me rowena ignore with me i walk to a different aisle and keep shopping they round the corner of that aisle as well entitled teenager 2 puppy i have some treats come here entitled teenager 1. you want to come home with us i'm annoyed at this point and turn around please stop if you keep doing this and she doesn't alert me i could get hurt i then take rowena out of the aisle and we go to the other side of the store for non-food items five minutes later i hear from the main isle rather loudly entitled teenagers rowena come here where are you rowena they find the aisle i am on and laugh there you are rowena please stop following me and messing with my service animal i leave the aisle and enter the entitled mother from the way that i was leaving now i'm boxed in so i put rowena in a down stay behind me against the shelf entitled mother excuse me who do you think you are entitled teenager 1 mom she won't let me pet the dog entitled teenager 2 yeah we just want to pet her entitled mother how dare you puppies need to be loved on and pet you're just abusing her me thinking the entitled mother doesn't know everything i'm sorry i explained to the girl she is my service dog she is training right now and can't be pet so you don't pet her and you're forcing her to be your slave no she gets lots of love and attention when she's not working service dogs actually love to work you don't deserve that puppy just because she's black doesn't mean you can treat her like a n-word i had the surprised pikachu face what the entitled mother starts shouting help help manager security rowena breaks her down stay to alert me i slowly slide down to the floor and brace myself thinking i'm going to have a seizure and freaking out that these people are going to steal my dog while i'm seizing enter manager security and the amazing employee manager is everything okay the employee seeing me on the floor next to my service dog oh thank you for getting out attention miss do you need us to call an ambulance the entitled mother to security she stole my daughter's service dog she's wearing a medical alert bracelet and the dog's vest says seizure alert manager ma'am the truth she's abusing that dog she won't let my daughters pet it and is forcing it to work for her me i don't need an ambulance but they have been following me through the store for nearly 30 minutes calling my dog and trying to get her away from me i told them multiple times to leave me alone manager we're going to have to ask you to leave entitled mother i'm not going anywhere without that dog security if you don't leave i will call the police they finally leave in a huff i don't have a seizure but now i know my dog alerts me to panic attacks too me thank you i really thought they were going to steal my dog the amazing employee helps me to the front and checks me out you would think this is the end right it's never the end with entitled people the amazing employee decides to walk me to my car i am pushing the cart and don't realize rowena's leash isn't around my wrist just in my hand we are just outside the doors when i hear all three entitled people rowena come here come on rowena and before i can say anything my dog pulls the leash out of my hand and runs from the door into the parking lot a woman in a truck slams on her brakes because she hears me scream and the amazing employee takes off and manages to get to rowena and pick her up before the entitled mother can grab the leash they get in their car that stopped in the middle of the lane and speed off i get to my car the very first car outside the doors because handicapped parking and take rowena from amazing employee get everything in my car lock the doors and call my mom mom ness me walmart security comes out and waits for her to get there my house is only one mile away and at the time my doctor said i was allowed to drive within five miles of home my mother shows up and she drives me home i tell my mom what happened we make a plan that next time she will go with me and never to that walmart there wasn't a next time because lockdown happened two weeks later don't distract service dogs next story my mom thinks she's entitled to my son i like to think i've always had a pretty great relationship with my mom but the older my son has gotten our relationship has gotten worse we are currently living with her and my step-dad but only for about another month i've always respected her house her rules but i'm beyond tired of her parenting my child i have a 3.5 year old cody she goes against everything i say in regards to raising him she gives him whatever he wants whenever he wants and it's caused his behavior to change tremendously but only around them she thinks just since cody is her grandson she's entitled to him whenever she wants she is constantly making plans that involve him without telling me and then gets pissed if we already have something going on we spent the night at my boyfriend's his father and she was texting me saying we needed to come home because she didn't get to see him it's like this all the time if i want to take my child to the park or to the store or anywhere she's texting asking where he is and gets mad that we aren't home we will be out in a couple weeks i'm hoping it'll get better but honestly not sure that it will next story entitled parent sits next to a water slide in a water park expects to not be hit with water so i'm sliding down the water slide that is like 10 meters high 20 meters wide so you can't just be slow you can but not so slow that you don't splash the person that's sitting like two meters away from the end of the slide he also wasn't an employee he was in swim shorts he came in after us and left before us okay so i slide down lying on my back being very fast as i landed and swam up i just saw an angry man standing up rushing towards me like so fast i wonder how he didn't fall into the pool entitled dude hey stop making me and my family wet he and his daughter but the daughter was rather embarrassed than annoyed me then go further away from the slide don't expect me to make up for it like i would care for your wants stop annoying me and my family otherwise you can't slide anymore and who says that the rules of the park it says that you can't slide fast and where's that written there he points at the stairs of the slide now stop annoying me and my family. then i just went there and read the rules they said that kids up to 10 years old are supposed to not be fast and under the supervision of parents i then just go up the slide and commit the worst crime slide down faster and with two more people they asked me what that was about i told them before we slid one of the boys explained to me a trick how to make a big bomb while sliding not a bomb a big one like so big that the entitled dude would be covered in water in his words i'd feel bad for the daughter but she just sat away i think she already knew that we just couldn't stop our crimes and the man didn't lie we slid down all together it was a big slide and the only one and the entitled dude was covered in water like he previously looked like he wasn't even in the water and now he looked like he'd been out five minutes prior of course i wasted my time and my ears by listening to his nonsense and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 90,208
Rating: 4.9013767 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: jQpz7XoW1DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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