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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story neighborhood karen or the joys of home ownership so we bought our house in 2016. great neighborhood it's on a dead end street so nice and quiet many of our neighbors are retired teachers who my husband has worked with as well as local cops have had no issues with anyone well until just this past sunday we just finished mowing the yard to the right of our house is an empty lot that is owned by the homeowner behind it we have no alleyway she is now the official neighborhood karen husband was using the leaf blower to get the grass clippings off of the sidewalk karen comes storming up to him because he crossed the property line to make sure that the line is cut which means he has mowed part of her property this empty lot is just that empty no trees no flowers keep in mind this is the same old lady who last summer lost control of her car and instead of running into and damaging her garage she drove between her house and her neighbor's house through our backyard hit and damaged our clothesline pole and eventually crashed into and damaged her next-door neighbor's garage she has never apologized or offered any compensation well today we're mowing not only did we mow straight down the property line but my husband dropped the deck on the mower so our grass is shorter than hers oh did i mention her son mode just yesterday so now karen's yard looks overgrown enjoy that crisp demarcation of the property line karen next story give me your seat this happened about two years ago when me and my pregnant wife were going back from a hospital checkup in london since it was around the time work finished the london underground was packed but my wife got to use the specialized chairs for disabled pregnant people then the entitled mom and her poor kid get on the kid was about 12 years old and was walking behind his mum looks around sees no vacant seats so starts bothering people to get up for her i was fine with this apart from the noise until she came to my wife can i have your seat sorry i can't i'm not supposed to stand up i might get knocked over and hurt the baby my wife tells her baby my son deserves a seat way more than you you are an adult be kind to the youth i'm pregnant i'm not supposed to pregnant you aren't pregnant you're just fat stop pretending to be pregnant and give up the seat for someone who needs it everyone in the carriage looked over to see karen trying to pry my heavily pregnant wife out of the seat her kid was really embarrassed and tried to tell his mum that he could stand but she wouldn't listen a man from the crowd stepped out stop you might end up harming her and you would get arrested arrested you can't arrest me for trying to get my son a seat the kind man tries to loosen her grip on my wife's arm and i try to help but she pushes both of us away that is enough you are under arrested for attempted assault and attacking a police officer karen then stood dumbfounded and three stations later she was escorted off by two other police officers next story bank wants to play stupid games then let's play stupid games so i live in south korea but i work for a u.s company in south korea and because i work for an american company and i'm one of the few employees of my company that is american in south korea my company doesn't issue me this letter that basically says i'm employed in south korea so this means i have restrictions on my korean bank account i can only withdraw 250 000 won about 216 a day from an atm and if i go in person to a teller i can only withdraw 1 million won about 870 a day this normally doesn't present a problem for me i also can't have a debit credit card i get a bank book which is kind of like an electronic checkbook that's a physical thing you carry fyi i use my american bank for most of my day-to-day spending but it did once i signed a lease for a new apartment and the deposit was 10 million won about 8 700 yes this is normal for korea so i transferred the money from my american bank to my korean bank and i went to the bank in person to transfer the money to my landlord i get there and the teller tells me i can only transfer 1 million per day my first idea was to ask my landlord if she'd be cool with me transferring her one million one a day for 10 days she doesn't like that idea so i'm sitting there arguing and the bank manager comes out he's a nice enough man and speaks good english basically he says because of my type of account there is no way i can transfer more than one million a day so i need this money and i'm thinking and boom the light bulb goes off in my head if i close my account do i get my money i asked the manager yes we would give you the cash and if i close my account can i open a new one of course is there a waiting period after closing my account to open a new one no fantastic please close my account sure i will need your bank book and we will destroy it i hand them my bank book and they destroy it i signed some papers to close the account bank manager closes the account and gives me all the money in the account in an envelope anything else i can help you with today i smile pull out my passport yes i'd like to open a new bank account bank manager looks at me and it dawns on him what i just did he laughs shakes his head and goes sure not a problem i opened a new account deposited 10 000 won and left with my deposit in my pocket i believe this qualifies for malicious compliance because i followed the bank's rules and it resulted in them having to do more work first story sunnyside order up in the spring semester of 1974 i at the time 21 female was a college art student specializing in printmaking like woodcuts etchings etc in the printmaking studio we kept our expensive papers in flat files which are long and wide but shallow drawers these were shared three students assigned to each drawer i was assigned to share a drawer with hot guy and mean girl whom i knew from the fall semester both of them had seemed friendly enough i didn't know she was mean yet and it seemed that sharing a drawer with them would be okay about a month into the semester hot guy and i started flirting with each other one thing soon led to another and we started dating once hot guy and i became known as a couple mean girl started acting very mean to me she made catty comments about me and my presents and she would sometimes walk over to a classmate and whisper something to them while grinning and locking eyes with me she started flirting hard with hot guy watching me closely to see if she was getting a rise out of me if hot guy wasn't there she would talk to me in a mean sing-song voice telling me about how he would soon be breaking up with me now i have never been a jealous person at all but it did bother me that she was going out of her way to be spiteful to me then i began noticing that some of my papers were ruined with creases and mysterious stains now we each had a large folder with our name on it to separate our papers in the drawer so someone had to have removed my papers and damaged them before returning them to the folder and then the drawer the three of us were the only ones who knew the combination to the lock on our drawer hot guy seemed puzzled when i asked him about it but mean girl in that sing-song voice said something about how those expensive papers were like boyfriends because you had to take good care of them if you wanted to keep them so this rotten behavior went on until a couple of weeks before finals and i hadn't said much to mean girl about it but i had mentioned it to our professor and hot guy a couple of times late on a friday afternoon there were only a few people in the studio and i was trying to finish an addition of one of my etchings i had just gotten my plate a 1 8 inch thick sheet of zinc with my design on it inked and ready to print as i was walking over to the printing press mean girl intentionally bumped into me knocking my plate face down onto the floor when i picked it up i could see that the image that i had worked on for weeks was irreparably damaged then she gave me a big evil smile and said excuse me in that sing-song voice i lost it and started yelling at her she responded by grabbing my hair with both hands and violently jerking my head all around then she started screaming stop hitting me even though i only grabbed her wrists to try to stop her pulling out more handfuls of my hair finally she let go and took off and i started ugly crying i cried all the way downstairs and out of the building all the way home and all the way into the next day when i returned to class the following monday three department heads took me to an office to discuss what had happened i gave them my account then they told me mean girl said i attacked her unprovoked she told them i had been treating her mean for months because i supposedly knew that hot guy was going to dump me for her after that interview hot guy asked me to step outside to talk he told me he had to break up with me because everyone in the department thought i had attacked mean girl in a fit of jealousy over him he said he knew that it wasn't because of jealousy but that it was still too much drama for him to deal with so i didn't get suspended or expelled but my heart was broken that he didn't stand up for me and because mean girl had so industriously spread her version of the incident everyone in the department thought i was a maniac the following fall semester i was still in printmaking class with hot guy and mean girl and one day i surreptitiously made a quick sketch of mean girl in profile i took that sketch home and turned it into a small painting including signature details like her hand-knitted green hat with the front brim folded up her bright yellow rain slicker and her mirror lens aviator frame glasses there could be no mistaking who it was but i made it very unflattering and creepy that same semester the department had a visiting artist from england who was a really big deal one of his obligations while there was to make one visit to each studio subdivision of the art department painting drawing printmaking etc and be a guest critic on critique day on critique days all students in a class line their most recent works up in front of the classroom studio explain what they are trying to do and listen to the professors or guest critics reactions and suggestions on the next critique day as soon as i placed my little painting at the front there were gasps and jaws dropping from the whole class and mean girl looked like her head might explode unbeknownst to me this was the day that the visiting artist was the guest critic for our class he began by quickly scanning our works starting at the left and moving toward the right until he reached my painting of mean girl the last one on the right he stood looking at my painting for several seconds then moved back to scan them all from left to right again coming back to my painting finally he turned to address the class and said most of what i see up here is pretty ordinary like a basic breakfast of scrambled eggs with dry toast but this he exclaimed as he pointed at my portrait of mean girl this is not ordinary this is a breakfast of eggs sunny-side up this one comes with bacon and sausages potatoes the toast has delicious homemade jam it's perfect then he asked who had painted it and i raised my hand he asked me what my inspiration was and i replied that it was a portrait of someone who had tried to ruin me well he said i hope he is out of your life for good now because he looks like a monster a frankenstein monster so evil and nasty and so on with over half the class struggling to not laugh out loud and everyone staring from mean girl to the painting to me and back to mean girl i don't remember any other details from that day except that i was thrilled this esteemed guest artist had loved my painting best and referred to mean girl as he a monster and more and that is how the tiny lowercase revenge that i had planned turned into a tasty satisfying all-cap sunny-side up revenge next story that's what soap and water are for a few years ago i worked as a hostess in a restaurant we had this chef that was one of the rudest people i have ever come across i know chefs are known for not being the nicest but boy did he deserve that cake this man literally referred to people with the r word if you will asked what race applicants were because some work harder than others someone once stole an order because a host turned her back the person literally grabbed the bag it was in and ran right out things happen he literally screamed at all hosts and said we deserve to be fired over an order first time it even happened anyways as a host i did not venture into the kitchen often i needed to stay up front as much as possible for guests i would come to where the door meets the kitchen to grab a server if needed well we weren't technically supposed to have gum but i had coffee and was going to chew it then spit out my bat i forgot i'll own it when i was walking past the kitchen at one point he must have spotted me chewing he asks me to come to where he is right outside the kitchen i meet him there you have gum you know the rules do you not pay attention or brush your teeth laughing and smirking like he's so clever yeah i have gum sorry i was going to spit it out don't say sorry just don't do it mocking me at the same time going to walk away to spit it out no you're not he puts his hand up to my mouth like spit here mind you he has not even put his gloves back on after switching them yet no lie i swear i was shocked am you sure you can watch me spit it in the trash can isn't that like a health code violation he started mocking me again and now crossing his eyes too that's what soap or water are for genius me thinking to myself that he was such a mean person to everyone and i was just done with it i already thought about putting in my two weeks anyway so i salivate as much as i can and full-blown spit into his hand i try to make it as nasty as he is as a person he raises his voice are you serious yelling for my direct manager i look him in the eyes and say that's what soap and water are for then walk off to my manager now i didn't get fired thankfully it was awkward working with him but my co-workers died when they heard i did give him the option to watch me spit in the trash but he didn't like it so i technically did what he wanted lol next story corrupt contractor asks help and receives it not my story but my father's this happened about 20 to 30 years ago in a developing country my dad used to work for the government as one of the engineering managers for one section of the railway an expansion on the railway track in his section had started and my father was assigned to deal with the construction planning one day he was dealing with one of the contractors for the construction and he wasn't convinced by the contractor's price my dad knew very well his trade and he could see that the contractor was trying to overprice him in order to pocket the government's funds my dad had an upper hand in the situation and didn't give in to the contractor's price offering to pay a much lower price instead or else signing with another company this contractor apparently was not too good at negotiations and spent the rest of the negotiation asking for a hand from my dad and implying that one hand washes the other within government businesses now it's important to say that my father and the contractor were walking along the railroad while having this conversation it's also important to say that this track they were on crossed through a very dangerous neighborhood controlled by a drug cartel this cartel was known for harshly retaliating against criminals in their area because they didn't want cops showing up and messing up with their business one known retaliation against robbery was cutting off the robber's right hand you probably can see where this is going now while walking along the railroad the contractor started to get very irritated demanding my father to give him a hand with the price coincidentally when my father looks at the ground he sees a severed hand that wasn't the first time he had seen that so without skipping a beat my dad grabbed the hand and tossed it in the contractor's direction saying that he could have it the contractor had a mix of confusion shock and disgust on his face that my father always laughs at when remembering this story apparently having a hand thrown at was enough to make the contractors see it was futile to negotiate and he signed on my father's much lower offer and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 97,080
Rating: 4.8929625 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: Cs7zdzzdoao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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