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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story a tale of two cairns or karen strikes back this is my second time trying to post this my little man deleted it by accident so i decided to wait for the full conclusion before trying again with that in mind events took place in the span of months and things ended in court late july i'll do my best to describe the craziness but bear with me first some backstory a long while ago a karen tried to make off with my dog story is here this is important for later currently we have moved since then to a bigger place across town six blocks away to get a picture of what happened i think i need to explain my current neighborhood it's actually very simple you have my house the places on each side then in the back there's an alley for access to everyone's backyards driveways so the backyards of each place face each other opposite me across the ally is a place divided in two on one side there is an older woman living on her own and until our first karen moved in her son lived on the other side to my right facing my front there are my neighbors who are cops a retired officer and a county sheriff important for later everything started early this year when the sun moved out then karen moved in now i didn't judge or worry i didn't know who she was at the time so i figured it was no big deal a weekend though things started in earnest i walked out to take out the trash and found my can already full at first i figured i would be patient i wasn't sure who did it even though i had a theory so i decided to chill this happened week after week really making it hard to get rid of my trash after the third time i had to call it out so i decided to ask i first went to my elderly neighbor simply because i knew her better she let the cat out of the bag that her landlord was the one using it landlord she explained that her son was evicted so her landlord could move in so i figured i had no choice but to face my new neighbor hoping that this all was just one big mistake so i took the leap walked over to the other place and knocked what i was introduced to was our first karen i'll refer to her as landlord karen she was not a typical looking karen she seemed a little short brown long hair more like a mall rat but from reading karen related subs i have learned that the title karen has earned so i didn't want to judge so if anything clued me and it was how we met she opened the door and with an annoyed what i knew this was going to be fun this is sarcasm for you disengaged folks out there i got myself together and asked about the cans her response was to explain that those cans are mine she even pointed to them like i was a kid that i needed help to understand i tried to explain that not all of them were hers but i think i got to not all of when she shot back i'm the one who owns them if i catch you using them i'll call the cops okay so i knew this wasn't going anywhere and i didn't want to argue so i left in defeat karen didn't even care to say goodbye and neither did i instead i decided to check you never knew maybe something is up and she's right to my chagrin i knew that every can had a cereal and was tied to an address i ended up looking up our waste management number and asked i found out that surprise surprise she was right that kin was hers however i also found one of the larger cans was in fact mine okay so now loaded with this new ammunition i decided to face her again i collected myself expecting trouble or at least some resistance i knocked and waited then waited and waited i knocked again and finally i heard some movement she opened up looking like i owed money like she just proved anti-vaxxer logic you know when someone uses that snobby eyebrow move with a smile it's the best way i could describe that look because it really stuck with me i explained to her the situation and her response was to call it all nonsense i explained it again but i decided to call out i explained that her residence had been using my can the whole time and because i was paying for it i would sue for the difference that if she doesn't want that she will leave my can alone now i must have sounded intimidating because her look shifted to a very disappointed i lost look the kind a child starts to give when they lose at a board game or at pretend i won't lie it felt good considering how hard i figured this was going after my threat even though it was a bluff she took it hook line and sinker so i headed to the cans and rearranged them to show my point she did watch me the whole time but i didn't care i didn't even look back i put things in place and moved on and for a long while things were mostly quiet so for some context i'll describe what things were like with this karen landlord in the neighborhood when things started to warm up she started to have large get-togethers the place she lived had a large back paved lot that was basically 90 percent of the back it easily fit six cars with room to spare but when she entertained the back was overflowing cars would pile up in the lot and then spill out into the alley luckily for her no one cared because it never spilled out into anyone's way everyone had their own drives beyond the spillage or used the street so for now things were quite ish slowly though news would trickle in from my other neighbors of instances of conflict behind the scenes eventually she picked up the title of neighborhood witch i won't get into details but this is due to a few incidents that happened over the course of a few months not related to this story things changed though when one day i was outside tending to my plants she was having one of her typical parties i was casually watching as people came and went over the course of a few hours when i saw her arrive karen number two she stepped out of her car with her little white fluffy dog under one arm and into the first karen's place no way i thought it couldn't be it had been a while but it was her the lady who tried stealing kyrie our dog years prior at first i figured it was just my imagination when i told my wife she thought the same but when we saw her a few more times it was confirmed from now on she will be known as dog stealing karen she was sure enough showing up to landlord karen's house with some frequency for a while i didn't think she noticed me but eventually i was proven wrong on that it all started when i noticed dog poop in my yard along the sidewalk almost every day a new spot would be found but because i now work in the mornings i would never be home when it happened i would come home notice the poop and pick it up this changed one friday when i had off i was chilling with my son when i noticed a person stop in front it was her she looked around and started talking to her leashed fuzzball i noticed the dog bend low and go i was frustrated so i opened the door and demanded to know what she was doing she looked surprised but it didn't last she just rolled her eyes at me picked up her floof and left it wasn't much but it was the beginning of something much bigger things ramped up after this after this i think both karen's decided they needed to mess with me one night i found landlord karen snooping around my backyard she seemed very interested in my small greenhouse i was taking out the trash when i caught her trying to search it i stopped and asked what the hell was she doing she tried to leave she started to speed walk back but i wouldn't let her i demanded again what she was doing and i think when she felt she was far enough away she turned i'm going to try to lay this one out because i remember this one well enough this conversation came up several times during the aftermath so i remember it and a few others best i know what you are doing she told me what taking out the trash you were snooping on my property i had every right to you are growing drugs and i can prove it really it's a bunch of herbs why not take a peek i'm very proud of what i've grown get lost i know your landlord and when i tell him what you're doing i'll get you kicked out i even plan on calling the cops you will be gone and the area will be better without you go ahead and call the cops but just to let you know i own not rent nonsense you are renting i know for a fact you rent and i'm going to get you kicked out okay go right ahead and call my landlord i did the actual air marks go ahead and call the cops i knew i did nothing wrong and she was just full of it so i knew she had nothing screw you she turned on me and went back after that like a spoiled brat she stomped back to her cave initially the cops didn't come by i was wondering if she would actually follow through instead she waited until i had a small get-together i had a small barbecue with some friends around six of us in total later on i had a fire going and we chilled out in the back we did have some alcohol but we are all casual drinkers so no one planned on getting drunk things were going okay until a cop showed up he drove down the alley with lights on and seemed ready for something instead he found us relaxing dude came out and asked us what we were doing at first he was tense but as things moved on he calmed down he told us he had a report about a rowdy party with booze and drugs he asked the typical questions and even stayed for a bit to talk i didn't need to ask about who called i already knew so after the cop left i just sat on it and let myself enjoy the rest of my night the next day things ramped up again later in the afternoon i found a mess in the back trash everywhere at the back end of my yard not just a few pieces but like someone tore open a bag and tossed it it was nasty a mix of yogurts veggies posh meals and junk food karen chow if i had ever seen it now i needed to do something i have to do something now i figured that i now have two cairns messing with me dog stealing karen in the front and landlord karen in the back after taking a few photos with my phone i cleaned up my first step was to talk to my officer neighbors they knew about the kendrama from earlier and also knew about landlord karen's reputation but i figured that if i kept them in the loop it could help out later i learned many years ago that having a third person witness can still come in handy i let the husband know that someone vandalized my yard and what was going on in the front i didn't let on i knew who it was just in case it would look like i was being dramatic he suggested i get a couple of cameras something i was already considering so with step one out of the way it was now onto step two i bought a couple of cameras on amazon and had to wait while waiting a major incident happened my wife was on break she sometimes has hour long breaks depending on how things go at her work she told me that while she was eating she heard a loud crash in the front she went what the hell and went to the front window to see what happened she saw the dog stealing karen running from the front and down the sidewalk when she checked what happened she found our mailbox was kicked in it was the basic cheap black metal mailbox it sat a few feet above the ground on a four by four a few feet from the front door karen would have had to run up to the house kick and leave i was angry but knew i couldn't do anything yet after replacing it with a more expensive more kick-proof plastic box i decided to snoop a little more karen chow was still appearing in my yard but no one would see who did it or from what i knew until i decided to talk to landlord karen's neighbor i waited until she wasn't home and knocked the kind lady came out and i started to ask questions i found several things first it was indeed landlord karen dumping her leftover karen chow on my lawn second the older lady was being bullied by her like letting her guests use the older ladies part of the house for their needs and so on third landlord karen was in the middle of a divorce which is why she moved in the last thing though knocked me for a loop when i asked about the dog stealing karen i found out they were sisters that's right both karens were related this better explained why both of them were coming at me i can figure that landlord karen knew about what happened with her sister and now both are out for revenge i told my wife and of course she was shocked too but like i said it made sense after this things started to shift i got my cameras in the mail and i set them up i decided i wanted to put both cairns away so i hid the cameras i didn't want to prevent the issue i wanted to catch them little did i know this decision would lead to chaos after setting them up i sure enough caught both acting like jerks landlord karen was tossing her trash in my yard even kicking it around in the very early morning hours while her sister was letting her dog poop in my yard and even one day she came over and ripped up my plants in the front in the short span of two weeks i caught both vandalizing my home i figured i would catch what i thought would be enough and call the cops that never happened though now bear with me folks i admit i think i threw the match on this gas-soaked ragpile of a situation just hear me out before i could take on the next step this happened i was doing some work on a saturday messing with my plants and doing yard work when landlord karen approached me this is another convo i know better so i'll do my best to lay this one out too how is it going today she greeted me okay this is suspicious we have never had a single positive conversation so this caught me off guard okay how about you good good she had this weird smile like she knew something but i could have been imagining it i heard someone was messing with your yard earlier are you okay who are you kidding lady i'll admit this was frustrating so i decided to mess with her a bit yeah everything is fine i have been finding little messes here and there but really minor stuff this must have made her mad because of what happened next you have a son right yeah i heard he has a medical condition he even takes meds it would be a shame if something happened i was like what the hell what are you a schooltime villain i won't lie it got me the idea of either of these entitled cairns stealing my son's meds got me it made me so mad why what are you going to do steal them like how your sister kicked in my mailbox or wrecked my yard or how about you dumping your trash in my yard or snooping around i got you both on camera and i plan on turning both of you in screw you like you know anything no i do and you are going to leave me and my family alone i must have scared her because she gave up she was scowling and if looks could kill she ended up looking daggers at me and leaving i was not happy but maybe things will cool down now or so i would have hoped instead things hit the wall a couple of hours later i was chilling with my wife watching tv my wife turned to me and asked if i heard something i said no she insisted she heard a thunk sound she turned down the tv and then i heard it towards the back i walked out to the back door and at first i didn't see anything but i did hear it like rocks hitting my roof or something i then saw her from the door i couldn't see her at first because of the shed but here was landlord karen she was picking up rocks from the alley and throwing them at my house i got angry again and decided to call her out hey what are you doing screw you what stop screw you my sister told me everything how you set her up how you lied to the cops get out of here she kept picking up rocks and throwing them this time though her target shifted and she started throwing them at me you jerk i know what you did and what kind of person you are i'll drive you out i had to duck into the back mud room to avoid the rocks so she turned back to my house she picked up what she could find and tossed away then one rock finally hit home i heard a crash and jumped out of the doorway to check the damage she smashed in one of the upper windows the one in my son's room at the time he was taking a nap and his bed was below that window i freaked out i yelled to my wife to go get our son while landlord karen started pegging me with rocks again i didn't care though i had to yell again to my wife before she understood yelled that our son's window was smashed in and she jumped into action what is wrong with you lady i'm calling the cops time for another twist in the action remember my retired cop neighbor he must have heard us yelling and came out to see what was up i don't know what he saw but he decided to step in i didn't even notice him until he started to yell hey you need to stop landlord karen didn't even notice him she was into what she was doing he had to start walking up i have the police on call and you need to stop that right now she heard that and directed her rage to him she just started throwing rocks at him look calm down you need to stop he tried to stop her screw you people you're all in league aren't you you set up my sister you lying jerk at this point her sister showed up she came out and stomped over she saw what was up and shifted to karen's mode in under 30 seconds she's right you jerk you set me up that wasn't even your dog with both cairns in one place it might have well equaled a hurricane of entitlement i was very angry and worried about my son so i lost myself in the moment that was my son's room and he was napping right underneath that window what is wrong with you you dumb karen screw you people i know you're some druggy jerk this neighborhood is ours and you need to get out landlord karen yelled get lost what you did was fraud get out of here or i'll sue her sister of course followed with this the retired cop neighbor picked it up a notch and went to tackle landlord karen she was still throwing rocks and he went in things got more chaotic from here so i apologize if i have a hard time describing it i was initially outside freaking out at karen and her sister but when landlord karen got tackled i had enough mind to take a step back so the rest of this i saw from just inside he grabbed landlord karen and tried to pin her she began to freak out yelling assault and all that while her sister went up and started attacking the cop when she did that the cop's wife showed up she is a county sheriff she had a badge in one hand and a taser she tried telling the two who she was but dog-stealing karen just yelled about how we were all frauds and a bunch of stuff i can't even start to understand it was like a torrent of entitlement and nonsense at this point you can call me a coward but something told me that no matter how angry i was i shouldn't step in the sheriff demanded both to stop but dog-stealing karen approached in a flurry of entitlement she kept screaming about how her sister was right that we don't deserve to be here that we need to get out and even how she was going to get us for the fraud she tried to tackle the cop but the sheriff got her with the taser by this point i heard sirens the cop mentioned he called the cops so in the short amount of time this had been happening they finally showed up several cars pulled up in the alley and one cop came from the front they came in and tackled both cairns it was free for all my wife came up with my son luckily he wasn't hurt little guy slept right through it note both him and my wife didn't see anything my wife just came down into the kitchen off of the back mud room to show me everything was okay and to ask me if things were okay i motioned that we just need to stay out of it both sisters were arrested it took the cop the sheriff and four others to pin them down after which i had to give a statement about what was going on i even showed the sheriff and another cop some of my video evidence all in all the incident only took around five to eight minutes but the questions lasted for around an hour next it's time for the aftermath this all happened around april and the court stuff only finally wrapped up a week ago so i waited until it was all done before posting the dog stealing karen pleaded guilty so i wasn't involved and only found out later as for landlord karen she got hit hard as a defense she claimed i was some kind of career criminal that i harassed her for months and she was forced to defend herself however i was brought to testify along with her neighbor the older lady the cop and i was allowed to present my video i could only show the landlord karen but it was enough i didn't get to hear the whole thing as it was all done in closed doors or remotely after it was over i found out from the cop neighbor though he told me that the dog stealing karen pleaded guilty because of what happened before this kept her out of jail but she was accused of harassment of some kind assault destruction of private property assault on an officer and resisting arrest the cop told me she will be wearing an ankle bracelet for a long time as for landlord karen she got hit even harder several accounts of assault including with a deadly weapon using a weapon on an officer they didn't care about the trash but due to the window destruction of property with child endangerment they topped off with harassment she got 10 years and plenty of fines i also found out she was in the middle of a divorce and a child custody battle so it won't take much to figure out what happened there and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment 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Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 35,713
Rating: 4.9229989 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: S6_B0Orv5P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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