Karazhan Guide: TBC Classic Raid Guides Done Quick

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[Music] hello everyone this is proof rock again and today we're going to be having a look at karazhan the first raid encounter you're likely to engage with in tier 4 content of burning crusade arizona is a 10 man dungeon and overall difficulty is not too high with the exception being the last boss nightbane however there are specific mechanics that you need to be aware of especially if you've not run karazhan before the first encounter the huntsman is a very easy one to get you started with karazhan initially only midnight will be spawned but once he is brought below 95 percent atomon will enter the fray and will need to be tanked everybody in the raid should stack in melee range at the back of the mobs to avoid taking the 8 yard minimum rage charge stun also throughout the fight you will place a minus 50 hit chance to spells in melee which is an aoe curse focused on his current main target this should be removed and when either midnight or the huntsman reaches 25 percent at men will mount midnight and they will become a single mob at this point simply dps them been blaming down [Music] baby lately i've been trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] is boro's the second boss is a step up in difficulty when he is pulled he is surrounded by six dinner guest ads and you will be required to deal with these first before killing him i would suggest you start by killing or putting cc on the two priests which is milstein and on indy before working your way through barry buck berger doris and finally ference they're all undead so they can be shackled or feared with the paladins turned undead oroz himself will douche his primary target causing him to ignore their threat until gouge is removed therefore you need a off tank with threat on morrows at all times or do you have prepared a way to dispel the gouge by some sort of damage dealt to the primary target eventually morrows will vanish and become untargetable when it comes out of stealth he will put a physical damage over time on a random player which can be removed with uh physical damage immunity such as blessing and protection and his threat table will be wiped and tanks will need to pick him up again [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] they didn't of virtue will deal persistent aoe holy damage around her that will also place a one second silence on anybody that is taking damage from it she'll also cast a single target holy damage holy fire which will leave a holy damage over time which should be dispelled also you'll cast a holy wrath which will chain holy damage around raid members and you should attempt to spread out the best you can to minimize the damage from this and finally she will cast repentance that will cause everyone in range to suffer a 12 second incapacitate this will break on damage including her persistent consecrate other ways to break the repentance include paladin divine shields and mage ice blocks if you have a holy paladin in your raid they can divine shield the first one and then place a blessing of sacrifice on one of the melee or a tank to break the second repentance you do not have any paladins in your raid you should arrange a healer to dip in and out of the consecrate to break the repentance when it's cast also your tank if needed can pull the mob towards your healers but make sure to reposition maiden afterwards as the each tick of the consecrate will continually apply the one second [Music] silent [Music] for the opera event there are three different encounters possible which you will only see one per id the first one is little red riding hood which is by far the easiest of the fights during this encounter the big bad wolf will spawn he has a melee range aoe fear and a stun for on his main target that lasts for four seconds and then his main mechanic is he will randomly target a player turning them into red riding hood he will fixate on this player and give them a debuff that will increase their movement speed by 50 but disable all of their defensive stats and therefore the player targeted with this will need to run around the edge of the platform fighting him or romulo and julianne this is a three-phase encounter uh well first you will get julian by herself then romulo by himself and then finally both of them together in phase three um essentially both of them just need to be tanked kicked um and dispelled they will place a powerful buff on themselves that can be spell steeled or dispelled um but this is a priority that this is removed in the final phase when both of them are active you must kill both of them within 10 seconds or they will resurrect each other finally the wizard of oz encounter is probably the most challenging of the three to have with this one um five mini bosses will spawn in sequence um you should focus dorothy first then tito followed by raw straw man and finally tin man raw can be feared by a warlock or by a hunter using scare beast once you have defeated all the mini bosses the crone will spawn and she is a fairly simple mob you should simply spread out to avoid taking too much damage from her chain lightning and from the cyclones that she will spawn the curator fight will rotate between two phases he will be either spawning flares in one phase or evocating and covering his manner in the second phase during his flare summoning phase he will summon a flare approximately every 10 seconds and each flare that he summons will consume 10 of his mana when he runs out of mana he will switch to phase 2 start irrigating and recovering his mana while he's in phase 2 he takes substantially more damage so essentially the tactic for him is to dps the flares down as they spawn as they will deal damage to players around them and then in phase two to pop all of your offensive cooldowns and put as much damage into the boss as you can overall the curator is not too challenging over encounter from a mechanic's perspective but it might take your raid a few tries to get used to the damage output of the flares and handling them correctly once he reaches 50 percent help he will stop spawning flares and enrage increasing his attack [Music] speed [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] ilhoof is a relatively easy fight he will cast single target shadow damage on his primary target at random points he will sacrifice players causing them to take damage and heal ilhove over time and it's important to switch to these players and destroy the chains that have been applied to them to release the sacrifice in addition he is joined by a mob called kill wreck that will cast a amplify flame damage debuff on your raid increasing the amount of fire damage they take when he dies this will leave a 25 increased damage debuff on ill hoof himself and finally over time imps will spawn and cast single target fire damage on random players therefore the tactic for this fight is to focus kill wreck on pull and then switch to ill-hoof after he is dead and to ensure every time that a player is sacrificed that your raid switches to the chains to release that player [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] trade of iran is a relatively technical fight and he has lots of abilities that you need to pay attention to and react appropriately normally iran will stand in the center of the room and spam frost and fireballs which can be interrupted however occasionally he will melee after being interrupted a random point he will cast a flame wreath on a random three players um this will cause aoe fire damage to any other players that move through them therefore it is important that players that have the flame reef stay very still and other players avoid the fire ground damage also he will cast a circular blizzard that will move in a clockwise motion around the arena it will also pull all players to the center of the room and then he will start to channel a 10 second cast of a 20-yard arcane explosion there's that he pull in will also have a slowing dispellable debuff placed on them after the pull you should run immediately out to avoid being hit by the arcane explosion and if any player looks like they're not going to be able to make it try to ensure to dispel them to improve their chance of running out at 40 health it will summon all water elementals who will spam frostbolt and it is important to deal with these by tanking them and killing them or banishing them with a warlock [Music] [Music] [Music] another spike can be a very tricky encounter if you are not used to his mechanics once you've done the fight a few times and got down control of his various beams and the fight becomes much simpler in general another spite will deal a constant amount of shadow damage to your raid every 5 seconds and he will also drop void zones that cause shadow damage that you need to move out of and in addition he also has a frontal cone arcane damage spell with a huge 60 yard range and therefore he should be pointed away from your raid at all times however the main mechanics of this fight are to do with the portals that spawn around him and the beams that come out to them there are three there are a red a blue and a green and they will produce beams that shoot at wherever another spite is if the beams contact him they will give him substantial buffs however if you stand in the way of these beams never spite will not benefit from these buffs but instead you will receive a buff each of the different beams have different mechanics attached to them the red beam if it hits near the spike will cause him to take less damage from all sources however if a player interrupts the red beam this will force another spike to attack that player and to replenish their health over time therefore your main tank should be standing in the way of the red beam blue beam if it hits another spike will increase his spell damage that he causes from all of his different abilities however if a player interrupts the blue beam and this will increase their damage done their damage taken and reduce any healing taking and these will stack up over time the longer they spend in the blue beam finally the green beam if it hits another spike will heal him over time however if a player interrupts the green beam and this will increase their healing done and reduces their ability cost and this includes rage and energy costs on druids and warriors but it will reduce their max mana over time and again this will stack up the longer they stand in the green beam as a general base strategy for beam management um you should have your main tank standing in the red beam you should have at least two different range dps assigned to standing in the blue beam and trading that back and forth between them and then finally two healers standing in the green beam and trading that buff back and forth between them to ensure that their total max mana isn't reduced too much for the green beam you can also have a warrior or a druid or a rogue um standard it and they will get benefit from the reduced ability cost and then your healers can then just dip in and out of the buff as they wish to increase their healing finally now the spike will banish himself increasing all damage that he causes by 200 percent he can still melee in this phase and he will continue to cast all of his other abilities however the portals will disappear however he is fixed in place during this position and so the simplest tactic to deal with this phase is to tank him at one side of the room and then when he banishes himself simply run to the opposite side of the room however do keep in mind that you have to be a minimum of 60 yards away from him as his frontal cone breath has a 60 yard range on it the chess event is a very simple one and essentially free loot for everybody in the raid the general point of it is that you have to kill the opponent general or king um and you do this by moving the various pieces across the board and they have different abilities depending on what type of piece they are i've listed all the different pieces in the information box on the left hand side and feel free to read through those and check them out if you want to go in depth for this um in general from a tactics point of view you want essentially you want to try and move your pawns out of the way to get your queen into the fight who is the strongest piece and then in also you want to focus the opponents queens and bishops and do not be afraid to use your own king offensively as they are a very strong piece in themselves and have a very powerful damage buff that will increase the damage of all of your units [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] prince malachazar is a complicated encounter with three distinct phases in the information box on the left hand side um i've listed all of his abilities and which phases that he will use each of them and they do rotate through the different phases in all phases he will summon in kernels and that will land and are fixed in place and will channel hellfire around them and you need your raid needs to move away from these also in all phases you will cast a shadow nova which is a 25 yard range shadow damage and knock back ability to complicate the shadow nova in phases 1 and two he will also cast in feeble just before he casts shadow nova and then feeble will reduce five random players total health to one and their health would be restored after seven seconds therefore the enviable will reduce players total health to one and if they are in range for the shadow nova they will die therefore it is important after getting an enfeeble debuff in phase one and two that you move at least 25 yards away from prince also in phases one and three he will drop a single target shadow damage over time shadow word pain at sixty percent health you will move to phase two where he will stop casting shadow word pain but will gain melee thrash and sunder those abilities will firstly reduce the armor of your main tank and thrash will allow him to have two extra melee attacks combination between the two can often lead to an almost one shot of your tank in this phase therefore it is important that your healers heavily focus on your tank and keep them topped up at all points during phase two at thirty percent health he will move on to phase three during this phase he will lose his thrash and sunder and the damage output on your tank will drop significantly however the raid damage will increase he will randomly summon axes that will cause physical damage on a raid player that will ramp up over time and he will also cast an amplified damage debuff or increase all damage they take by 200 percent essentially as the fight goes on and the raid damage is increased by further infernals dropping and a combination of amplified damage and the axe summons the ray damage will ramp up and ramp up as the fight goes on and it's a race to kill him before the damage becomes unhealable if you have a poorly geared main tank it may be advisable to use your offensive cooldown such as bloodlust during phase two to make that as short as possible however in general it would be a sensible tactic to use bloodlust in phase 3 and to shorten that phase as much as possible once you get past prince randomly one shotting in your tank knight bane is by far the hardest boss in all of karazhan he requires a quest chain to be completed before he is accessible and you will need honored reputation with the violet eye before you can start that quest this will take approximately two to two and a half full clears of karazhan to achieve normally however if you want to kill knight bane on your first id of accessing karazhan you can go into the raid kill trash and then reset until you have the appropriate amount of reputation knight bane himself has a frontal cleave and a frontal fire cone breath and so it's important that he is tanked facing away from the raid at random point uh charred earth will appear on the ground and you should move away from to not take the damage random players will also be debuffed with distracting ash reducing their chance to hit with all abilities by 30 but this is dispellable he has a 30-yard aoe fear and you should be quick to break this fear to avoid running in fear over the charred earth after losing 25 of his health he will enter his air phase and fly up into the air at this point he will gain the reign of bones ability where he will target a random player inflicting damage to them and those in six yards around them this will also summon five skeleton mobs that will to be killed furthermore he will use the smoking blast ability that will channel damage on a random player for 15 seconds and place an additional dispellable fire dot on them also if any players get more than 40 yards away from him during his flying phase he will deal constant fire damage to them flying phases of this fight are extremely healing intensive and your healers should be using their consumables such as their mana pots on cool down and early to ensure that they have enough mana to heal through all of the phases when nightbane lands you will reset aggro so it's important to allow your tank to re-establish aggro before restarting damage misdirect is a very useful spell to use just as nightbane lands to ensure this happens smoothly overall this is a long fight and will require your healers to manage their mana well on top of your raid executing the mechanics correctly to ensure that not too much raid damage is taken as always thank you for watching the guide and i hope you found it helpful if you enjoyed the content make sure to subscribe as i will be creating these sort of guides for all of the raid content um in tier four in tbc and all the other tiers going forward thanks for watching i'm looking forward to seeing you all in the next one
Channel: Prufrock
Views: 8,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, classic wow, world of warcraft, dungeon, heroic, guide, prufrock, TBC, the burning crusade, karazhan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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