TBC Warlock PvE Guide - An updated Guide to Raiding as a Warlock

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hey guys how you doing today i got something special for you well it's kind of like something i've already done however this one's going to be a lot better we're gonna go ahead and hit you with an updated guide to raiding as a warlock all right so about a year ago i think 11 months ago i made a video like this this was before launch this was well before launch this was on from private server data and a lot of stuff has changed since then enough that warranted a video i get confusing questions all the time asking if this so-and-so is still correct so if you play a warlock if you're watching this right now and you've been playing warlock then you already know these changes probably and this you'll probably still learn something from here if you're new to warlock this is the best thing you could ever watch in your life and there's nothing you need to worry about i'm gonna disconnect the other one from my channel so there's not gonna be any confusion as well and let's just get straight into it i'm gonna cover everything that has to do with writing okay including the agenda right now which will tell you everything that we're covering so we're gonna go over first is the warlock discord and then some more like strengths some weaknesses leveling i'm not gonna go big into leveling i do have some slides just showing you some quick builds um i do have leveling guides anything that i've made guidewise will be linked above it when we get to the slide okay the alliance races the horde race has some curses which you should be using some spells all the ones you'll be using and not using ever need to use the ones you cannot take off your bars i'll explain to you we have demons which you know we got demons consumables a lot of them and chance a lot of them step prio and breakdown and then we'll move on to gearing pvp gear that you can use for pve which is very important tier sets which are ultra important as well professions warlocks roll and raid some affliction builds some demonology builds and some destruction builds these are the builds for raiding right so each one has like one or two different builds we'll go into when we get there and coming up to clear it up we're gonna do some macros and add-ons and then lastly will be some tips and tricks okay guys so let's just uh it's gonna be a longer video um let's just get straight into it guys let's just get right into it all right brothers well first off before we begin i'd like to invite you to the official warlock discord server okay this server is a place to go for any warlock whether you're new to warlocks or your experience there's information for literally everyone in here if you have any questions at all regarding anything about warlocks from pbe pvp leveling 30 crafting hardcore rating casual rating anything gold farming anything anything please don't hesitate to head to the discord and ask okay click the blue link above if you're white if you're reading this oh yeah i guess so i do have script here guys it's because this slides presentation will be linked in the description and on reddit and stuff like that it's these slides are made to be read without me having to hear my voice so if you just heard me say that and you hate me you can shut me up and just go ahead and read the slides instead all right peace all right guys let's go in the warlock strengths man um i know plenty of you guys know the warlock strengths man we're one of the best one of if not one of the okay i guess i can't say the best but i'll say one of the best dps classes in the game as it gets towards the end of the game we get even better and better we are i would say that we're top three right now right next to hunters and mages you are pretty much top three as a warlock almost the whole game it gets a little sk it gets a little dicey towards the end with the melee but you'll still be pumping pretty hard right so we have a lot of strength to go over some of them including high single target damage we have hot some of some of the highest single target damage i would put maybe i mean hunters are always gonna kind of beat us to single target damage and then i'd probably slot warlock's second with mages a third and only third because you know in the beginning game warlocks out pump them but then mages are out pumping us now and then t6 sun well we're about to be back on top i would say if you're a warlock you can look forward to super industrial high single target damage and including not just that but the best part about this that makes us stand out more than like the hunters right is not only that but we also have extremely good aoe damage we have bonkers aoe damage some of the best in the game and that's kind of what makes it so much better makes us better than hunters right because we don't just have high single tire damage we get to carry the single target damage and the aoe damage okay another thing we have is just very very very very appeasing to warlocks and many people is the variety and specs we have very very we have we have so much different specs we can play and the best part is it's not like oh we we need to play arcane or we need to play you know beast mastery we can literally justifiably play a couple two or three different builds in destro and still be up there two builds you know one or two builds in demo and still be up there you know and of course the flexion is gonna carry up the rear but it's okay because they even they can pump still okay so you get a lot of variety in specs it's not you mean the meme between shadow ball spamming there's more than just shadow you can do so much more than that you can shadow old spam if you want but there's other specs that you can go as well we'll get into it a little bit later another strength is that you never go um because something's called life tap you already know what it is you shouldn't virtually never go um right next up is limited competition on gear due to graphicals starting out so starting out early game there is almost no competition nothing you need to worry about the competition doesn't really get heavy until t6 t5 you can argue it kind of does with chests and stuff but it's nothing too crazy they also have insane cell fuels they have siphon life we have health zones we have death coil we have drain life not only that but we have fell armor which is honest 24 7 and what fell armor does is it gives us damage but it also makes this take increase healing so it also helps a lot too we're also pretty easy to heal toss this toss us before he can renew or a rejuvenated bubble and we'll go we'll go on about our ways right some other strengths that we are very very tanky in the destro and demo build this is a very very good for if you look at raid leaders perspectives they know that we are tanky we can get like i just said just give us we have insane heels give us a renew where tanky will live right um warlocks can also take four raid bosses there's four raid bosses that you need something other than a tank to do you need a range you know i have a slide for that later you can have warlocks tank them you have hailstones different ranks of health stones which is very important you have you know one rank two ranked zero ranks that means you have hailstones that obviously heal you for more damage those should be spread out in your raids these are huge these are like these are free potions i think there's more than a potion too and they can create it's crazy next is soul stones which is acts as a battle rez you already know how important that is in a raiding scenario the most important thing about warlocks the curse is probably besides the damage is the curses they have so many curses and the utility that just brings to the table that helps the raid out drastically and of course our cc with fear and banish is absurd it gets used all the time in raid and then lastly the pets from affliction and demo you run pets the main spec you kind of don't run a pet but you do as a functioning demo the pets have major utility each one has a zone we'll get into it when we get to that slide man that's the strength let's go over the weaknesses we don't have that many of them but even achilles had a weakness right all right i guess we do have some crap number one thing that you know subjectively speaking is severe threat issues guys we have insane threat problems right yes there's way there's ways to combat that and you guys know if you're watching this you know what you're doing you know that there's ways to combat that there's also ways that you kind of can't and you're kind of screwed sometimes and that's something that a warlock has to worry about there's sometimes when you're casting and you're not gonna be able to you know you open up and you start shadow bolts and you create the next four shadow bolts you get and now you're you know your threat cap to you there sometimes when i have to wand there sometimes i have to put up dots or sometimes i have to do something to stop pumping and that's going to happen expect it you know no big deal except shadow destroys four plus locks to maximize dps with isb and fire dasher requires a fire mage to maximize dps however not mandatory for both those you're still able to pump it's just you know it's not necessary but i would say damn near necessary um i wouldn't say that's a weakness per se considering shadow also needs a shadow priest but you typically always have a shadow priest in the raid and you typically will have three or four warlocks so that's not too crazy the fire adjuster side of things as you guys have realized if you if you play warlock is that is the hard one many of us me included have pretty much never been able to run fire dust we've ran a couple weeks is it but maine fire destroyed because we aren't you know mages are just kind of greedy they want to be arcane and i don't blame them because if i was a mage i wouldn't be arcane frost do but um yeah it's like you know the fire destroy part is probably a big weakness that sucks because they're it's the best spec in the game is and it just pumps so hard but you have to have a fire made for it uh the next next weakness is probably one of the big ones there's no movement speed um this is not retail where you get burning rushes you just have your good old escalates lamborfities you know what i mean you're just running everywhere all right um they're pretty expensive to start gearing while it was a strength that it is a strength that and the next one it kind of couples with heavy competition tier six it was a strength that you didn't have heavy competition under tier 6 which is good but to counteract that the reason you don't have heavy competition is because you are heavy profession starting out which is very expensive to start and of course soul shards which is probably the number one complaint that you'll get from um everybody in the world i think it's i would say it's a weakness although i'll also say that it takes 10 minutes to get 82 shards literally if you know the shard farming spot so stupid excuse but yeah it's kind of annoying to have to it's less on farming them and more on inventory space am i wrong or right on that all right next up ramp up time for f is kind of stupid but at the same time f is the spot not the bumper spec um they got to ramp up their dots they're just all damage over time abilities row they're putting up three four dots at a time and then pumping shuttle bolts can be kind of boring to some and then also to counteract that certain specs are really boring destroys shadowbolt spam one of the main specs is just literally spamming shadowball and if and to to bounce off that the other specs that you would use instead of that still spam shadowball you're putting up a dot you're spamming chattable or or or you're fired astro and you're putting up a dot and spamming incinerate it's a boring spec they're boring okay it's not boring if you look at it in terms of they can crit all the times and you're pumping super hard you know but it can be pretty pointed people another thing is you need to cast as much as possible i don't know how this is with other casters i hope that's important with other classes that is very important to us especially because the live tap we'll get into it a little bit more down the road all right guys we're gonna go over to leveling real quick um i'm not gonna go super deep in detail with leveling because there's a leveling guides posted for each of these specs i will literally point above right now and do it um this is gonna be the fill guard build the first one this is a very very strong welding build you can pull one at a time or mass pool with the felguard he does massive damage cleaves charges virtually never go zoom yadda yadda yadda he's it means it's insane you don't go home he doesn't go in for the mana feed you don't go home because of empty drain soul and a bunch of other things that happen you have such less downtime the only downtime you have is summing a new pet or healing them that's about it that's for the rest of your points this is a 60 talent bill just go ahead and put them down here i like suppression for some more hit you have some more damage you know you got nightfall so on and so forth next up is going to be the affliction bill this is if you don't want to burn a pet and you want to run a reflection build this is the my favorite build actually this is a deep affliction build this is a very solid leveling build still chosen by many warlocks and tbc and in my opinion is one of the most fun leveling specs with this build you have the option to destroy mobs one at a time by simply dotting them up or you can pull million things you can pull four things around you and just add them up and survive right and then you have an oh button in halo terra and then you keep on pumping all right you pull anything around you and play more of a rotten dot play style with very minimal downtime due to self-healing talents like siphon life soul siphon and stuff like that all right pair that with many dots that you have which are extremely strong makes the talents like contagion improve agony improve improved and empowered corruption and don't forget all the beautiful power of unstable affliction and your future points that can be put to demonology to further improve your damage and survivability this build is perfect for anyone planning to do a majority of their level questing this build is very bad in dungeons since the mobs died too fast you know what i mean i will say that's kind of too late to go back and do it but i can do it anyway this is a very good build for dungeons this is like what i would run for dungeons if i was slowly dungeoning back to where we were all right the last one will be soullink slso this is a version of the popular slsl meaning soul link science knife build this is not really suggested to everybody but it is very viable only if you are playing on a pdp server and you know dude how strong soul link can stifle knife are right the synergy is unparalleled among other talent choices that make you very tanky as well so if you're a pvp server i just like to run this build um you have eight flex points in this build the base of this build needs soul link and siphon life after that you can go down shadow master for more damage or you can go into demo for more survivability whatever fits your playstyle okay this is viable on pve servers as well however with no pvp to worry about it's suggested that you run the fill guard build as this much more damage all right let's go on to the cool stuff erases all right alliance races first talking about those cute gorgeous i'm gonna talk like this because this is what i think gnomes sound like and i hate them no they have escape artists which is pretty cool niche uses an array mainly a pvp ability although i will say lady vaz you can definitely get out of roots with this lastly expensive mine increases your intellect by five percent not hugely impactful but gives you about a little bit less than six crit rating at 400 you know what i mean not bad i hate i hate gnomes if you can't tell onto the humans if perception dramatically increases stealth detection for 20 seconds this is a specific but powerful use against stealth classes in pvp only diplomacy reduces grind times and allows you to get some strong rep items sooner like the hydro rep ring you get that ten percent you know i would say ten percent faster than everybody but you get it and that's the human spirit spirit is our worst stat so there's no real use to this beyond leveling um you might get two of these you know toothy spirit from improved divine spirit that's about it next up we got some zug zugs got the hordes okay we've got the undead starting with the best race in the world undead world of forsaken you already know what it does it's typically for pvp however has some rem it can remove some ccs some niches and raids okay campbell eyes which is good for leveling and farming and has some niche uses in pvp you know what it does it heals you use it when you need uh health i guess you know what's cannibalized what do you expect sucks loctar orc hardness chance to resist side effects by 15 only useful in pvp blood fury which is the most broken talent in the game and the reason why you should be in work 143 spell power for 15 seconds on a 2 minute cooldown this is insanely good and synergizes very well with all of your cds and lastly your demons still percent more damage solid for demonology and affliction unless i forgot the pretty boys the blood elves last time i forgot to put these in the guy never be flamed me so there you go arcane torrent science is all your enemies this is very helpful the science can be very helpful but note that you need to be in melee range and it's a two minute cooldown this is not a reason to run warlock don't run warlock thinking oh yeah i should run warlock so i can hurricane torrent and raid get out of here next to magical resistances it increases your magical resistance by five this is helpful as it provides slight resistance although it's nothing a major mana tap which is literal hot garbage due to water worthlessness in pve no clue why this is even in the game and then arcane affinity enchanting skill increased by 10 speaks for itself all right guys let's get to some curses yeah the whole point we're going to read i think right across the elements yeah you know what this does right boost your arcane fire frost shadow damage by ten percent this is elements and shadows combined this is your bread and butter always keep it up if a raid has an affliction lock they will be using this with because they have a talent called male addiction which buffs this by another three percent your regulator will usually tell you what curse you guys are these are the two curses that should be up on the bosses pretty much 100 percent of the time cursor wreck your note or does increases the melee attack by 35 but reduces their armor by 800 this is huge for anything in melee this is a twin two elements always keep this up unless there's a specific reason not to such as you need a fear mob or there's tank damage concerns okay um i will say something about chris correct though i don't i want to explain something about kirsten wreck that i feel like people do know about but they don't do and that is um notice how it says cursed enemies will not will not flee or will ignore fear and horror effects this means you know how when you when you're out in the world leveling and you almost kill a mob and he runs away like if you curse wreck that mob he'll stop running away that means if i'm to fear a target if i fear a target right and then i put up a curse of wreck on that target it stops it cancels the fear i have a little clip here to show you guys about it too so you can kind of see what i mean hey guys i'm going to show you how cursed record works real quick okay so what notice how i fear watch how i feel this guy now what curse the wreck does is it it stops them from running which means look at that they stopped running because i put it on them now you run over here now as soon as you override the cursive wreck it will then start running away again cursor x stops it override it stops it it's really handy when it gets fur far away look chase me chase me it overrides it fear ran out you see what i mean guys i don't got to keep going you know what i'm talking about right boom huge fury resistant cool on camera huge resist huge sphere huge fear oh my god he's gonna pull mobs now he's not going to pull mobs why because i would curse the rectum all right so be careful with that you can use this to get every situation in the world it helps so much all the time so yeah hope it helps you guys all right i hope that made sense guys onto the next one the curse of doom oh my gosh oh my gosh is this not the power of a warlock so what curse of doom does is it puts a debuff let's call it a ticking time bomb rather puts a ticking time bomb on the boss which after 60 seconds one minute blows up and does way more than 4200 damage just ton of damage okay this is the highest dps curse use this when it's not on cooldown okay this puts itself on cooldown for 16 seconds so you can only have one up um if say this blows up and the boss only has 45 seconds left until he's dead guess what boom you're gonna use course in agony use this one dooms on cooldown or if you're multi-targeting or if you hit the move for example on alar there's birds everywhere in phase two and lr say you have to move for whatever reason and olar is doing dive bomb you can agony an ad or kt or vash i'm also a doom be careful threat resets on bosses like hydros leo there's many bosses in the game and there's many more to come by the way but make sure that you are just very careful with this pay attention to the mechanics know that you on hydros you can't doom right away why because you're going to pull aggro during the transmission or the transmission during the transition you know what i mean lastly some other curses that uh are very important but nobody really talks about right curse of tongues we know why this is a big deal it increases the cast time of spells by 60 now what we don't know is why it does that forces a target to speak in demonic that is so dope that's why i never do that that's cool anyway niche uses but it does get used in raid and on some trash packs and a few bosses mount hydro trash will be used a lot fathom lord scc not found the word itself but the siren priest personal illidari council ros name a few there'll be a lot of times that you use these okay uh we gotta work over here conjuring up a curse of exhaustion this is pretty much besides needing to be affliction to use it worthless in a waiting scenario you can use it for like vash there's a couple times you can niche use it but you shouldn't the thing is you can you can get value out of this in raid but all those situations that you would be using this you could have had a better class do it um and lastly it's correct for weakness this is just limited no use in a rating scenario due to warriors and druids having demo shot demo roar which is improved by their talents um i use it in five man's very occasionally all right guys we're gonna go over spells so i'm gonna be listening pretty much every spell that's worth that means something to us and um yeah if you already know the spells get past this with the timestamps otherwise buckle in first up shadowbolt this is your main spell that you'll be spammed to your fire dash show if affliction uses your filler be careful shadable this is a very heavy threat intensive uh ability if you open up the shadow bolt and you create two or three of them you're probably gonna pull aggro so just be careful next up corruption this is a damage over time aka a dot if affliction have 100 uptime otherwise use this only if you want a slow roll thread on pull that means uh you know we're about to pull the boss i've noticed that i usually have threat issues so i'm going to actually open with the corruption and then i'll start spamming shadow bolts ml8 does some initial damage and then the remainder of it is left over as a dot use this if you're specced into imp emo and ember storm or if there's a fire mage in your raid also can help slow roll through it on t uh on pull t6 plus like corruption does shadow burn just gel destro spell only use if you cannot finish a shadow bowl or if you are moving and you need to and you do not need to live tap okay this is one of those things where i said oh you want to always be casting if uh if uh if a boss mechanic makes me move my first instinct is the live tap if i need mana and if not shadow burn let's say about flexion this is a big damage over time ability it's an inflection spell only 100 uptime through all encounters if if specked see the corruption is your primary and pretty much only aoe ability that you'll use this is massive damage just make sure your tank is a lot of aggro wait even longer if it's not a prop paladin procs off of damage done or death to target after you apply seed of corruption note that seed of corruption is also bugged for warlocks currently it is severely bugged for warlocks right now it's doing a few things that make it bugged out i'm working on trying to get it fixed i hope blizzard fixed it but you know it can only do so much except for siphon life this is a dot a function spell only keep this up when there is healing needed or isb is up on the bus drying life use frequently to keep yourself alive do not depend on healers if you're low drain for a bit i oh my god i can't stress this i see so many warlocks die because they don't drain life like you guys have to know that we're tanky and we have a lot of cell fuels right so healers are going to kill us last i heal as well i heal warlocks laugh i'll give a renew or something but you heal them last right so just to kind of know that going to it don't be for the drain life stain pain use only if your warlock tanking says this generates super high threat excellent spell for low hp targets like curator adds and kj orbs hellfire used to stack your dmf trinket pre-pool keep your dmf stacks at 10 mid fight when you can't reach the boss or to fish for procs right before pool so what this is is the trinket is a dark mood fair trinket called crusade that stacks to 10 it gives you 80 it gives you eight spell power per stack up to 10 stacks right tldr on private servers we could stack it with hellfire um because it needs to do damage to make a stack um however we don't i don't think it's gonna work there's comments saying it didn't work in 2007 so i'm not sure about that that's why there's an asterisk next to it uh configuration also from now on known as conflag use only if you need to move and don't need to livetap this also only if you're expecting to it you must have mla up to use it because and it consumes that emulate charge okay do not use this on cooldown if you're the spec if you are the baller spec that runs uh mp mo es and queen flag please don't use this on cooldown i see too many people do it only use it if you're moving and also if you just put up an emulate and then you're moving don't use it bro if you've got 12 seconds on your emulate don't you know what put it in light up keep pumping if i'm possibly can it makes you move and i do not need to life tap and this and and the mia has 230 seconds left can flag it instead or expand instead of shadow bolt if you're a fire destro or blocked out of your magic or lock down your shadow spells simple enough this does more damage if emily is on the target next one is so far this is a slow cast and costs a soul star to cast a spell typically never used unless you're a fire industrial and you can cast it pre-pool and have faith that you won't rip off the tank raid of fire can literally be taken off your action bars for pve content all right dark pack this is affliction spell only use it when you would otherwise life tap and when imp is not casting life tap gives you mana in exchange for your health use when you need mana but make sure to not get too low and die there's a lot of mechanics where you can tap tap tap and also you get multi shot or something and you die right i suggest keeping a rank 300 bars as well just in case you need mana but can't afford a max for life max ranked lifetap here this is used frequently in raids as cc cursor wreck will override the fear if one starts to run into another pack as you guys saw earlier how terror is another fear however it is an aoe fear that's not used too often expect except occasionally on trash packs really helpful in five man though next up is deathcoil which is one of my favorite abilities this is an instant cast three second horrify that heals you for the damage dealt use this when you need hp and have to move can also be used as a former cc a lot of the times on trash packs can interrupt you can interrupt like you know channels and casts and stuff demon armor is no longer used or replaced by fel armor which by the way increases your healing taken by 20 and your spell power by 100 the only armor you'll ever use in raid you can talent to make this even stronger called demon aegis or whatever it's called it'll make follower even stronger soul shatter this is an amazing ability and one of your favorite things what this does is it literally cuts your threat in half by everything every target around you in 50 yards all your thought is cut in half it's your new favorite spell it's one of the reasons why we pump so hard hailstone this is another potion use it when healing is focused on other people ritual souls this is your uh a soul well put the soil down raid members can click this for your health stone has 10 health stones in it so you you click this two other people click it a green soul comes down it lasts five minutes it spits out tens of hellstones ritual summoning the same thing as this discovery summons people next up is feldom reduces summon time for your next demon by 5.5 seconds and the mana cost by 50 this is very useful for demo demo analogy if your pet dies but also you for destroy you have you actually have fell down as well okay so that's very big deal if you if your pet dies you pick it up if you are destroyed and you die and you get battle res you can just instantly fill them another pet out instead of having to wait the whole like you know 5.56 seconds for it okay also fire destroy when you're switching between single target aoe you'll use a feldum lastly amplify curse says deflection only increases the base damage agony are doomed by 50 or the slow of exhaustion occurs by 20 percent last place of spells is shadow fury this is destro only this is aoe damage plus a stun for two seconds 20 seconds cd used mainly for destroy nightfall build or dungeon cleaving next up is the slave demon there are a few demons that can be mind controlled in the raid also used to keep control the infernal you summon with inferno and hydra and the felhound and like heike molgar gruel's lair and a couple other trash packs soul link is demonology only this transfers 20 of the damage taken and pass it to your demon it also increases the damage you and your pet deal by five percent also makes you extremely tanky drain still only used for shards use only rank 1 since you only need to use it for shards do not include this in your rotation ever during mana never using pve banish this is just like your fear this is one of your primary cc's used in raid banishing a demon or elemental will happen all the time make sure you slot rank one and two and you switch between the two frequently health funnel you'll pay at the cost of your own health used as af and demo to keep demon demons alive if you're not getting healed detective visibility allows you to see invisible moms rarely used shadow board absorbed shadow damage great to use while farming mobs to do shadow damage or anything damaging raid anything that does shadow damage i almost use this on cooldown all right kill rocks summons an idu control useful for safely pulling certain packs or building aoe threat for a paladin you life tap and he heals while the mobs run to you thus he will get the aggro demonic sacrifices that demo talent but only used if you are destroy either fire or shadow if farming as destroyed can stack the voidwalker for sustain lastly create firestone this conjures with plus 30 fire damage one not used much past e5 we made it past the spells guys next onto the cool parts the demons this sexy emperor used only if affliction or if your fire destroyer you demonic sacrifice it voidwalker emergency sack for shield shield also helps to provide pushback okay succubus one of their main abilities right here unless you're fired destroy if shadow does show you your demon on you demonic sacrifice your succubus right okay for 50 shadow damage you also use her as demonology for the md ruin build and also as fire dash or where you're a-wing under aoe capital sacrificer bill hunter used when tanking illidan and black temple and twins and sunwell plateau also can be used as emergency spell lock and then lastly the demon is felguard only used if you're a running felguard demonology build consumables we got a lot of them guys flask appear death 80 spell power for two hours your main flash use it all the time loss of supreme power 70 spell power for two hours the cheaper flash typically used for raids on super farm or if you're just a cheap bastard brilliant wizard oil 36 spell power and 14 crit rating the oil you will use to coat your weapons superior wizard oil a superior wizard this is a 42 spell power another option for oils typically only use affliction even more specifically only if running the unstable affliction build dash drop potions destruction potions 2 spell crit and 120 spell power for 15 seconds one of your main potions use this on cooldown with your other cooldowns when you do not need to use a mana potion gibberish bits increase for pet strength spirit by 20 used by demo for killing or use by demo for buffing pets stacks with scrolls dark runes and demonic runes they are the same thing they do the same amount of health and everything except for the dark ones are boe demonics are a bop and you got to farm them darker's boe restores man at the cost of your health nice to have in raids so you don't have to live tap it's not on gcd this is very good for seeding and stuff like that poached bluefish 23 spell power and 20 spirit your food buff black and basically exact same food buff but a different food and there's also another one called crunchy serpent that i didn't put in here i forgot but it's the exact same thing again but i was suggested looking up all those in oceans because they are always always price different scrolls can be used for rare occasions of not having a major shadow piece in your raid uh you have strength addresses scrolls can use on your felgar your succubus your spirit scrolls for yourself and you know sam scrolls if you don't have it flame caps increase your fire damage by 80 for one minute three minutes cd share cds with dark and demonic runes this is a powerful consumable for fire distro only super mana potions this is your only other main potion you situationally if you need mana and if there is limited movement on the fight not a lot of time to tap superhero potion this is your healing potion use this when um yeah when you need healing next reaction potion this is not used ever except for during kale thaws when you get the toy on you and last thing is visibility post and this is used for skips um you know i can't tell you guys when to skip but if you do skip that's what you're gonna use big thing on this not lesser invisibility potions by the way oh they have to be invisibly potions to do the skips you can't use lusters all right let's talk about some gems man first off is the meta gym chaotic skyfire diamond this is the only gym you're gonna use the entire game for your meta don't worry about anything else so how gems work is you have you have i guess there's different releases for gyms you have the gyms out there out right now before t6 then you have some gyms that are out after t6 and then you actually have some gems like these haste gyms that even come out a little bit after that so just to keep it easy right now we don't have any of these right here so i'm gonna hide them okay this is where we're at if you're watching this afterwards then just you'll see it right now for example what we have a metal gem in here you need to connect two blues which are really easy to get because you have these glowing night sliders to do that and then you put eight hit if you need eight hit in the beginning of the game you need a hit and then you slowly go down to here as you lose hit you're slowly transferring to failed nobles as you lose more hit off your gear i remove all the hit off my gear first and then after all my hit is off my gear and i didn't need to replace my gyms i'm moving right into the room and living okay now what happens with besides the hastings the haste ones what happens with t6 is it's literal literal upgrades literal direct upgrade look at these these are direct upgrades these are literally eight hit ten hit you see what i mean nine 12. so just upgrade to what you need do you have one is five hits six spell damage for it you see what i mean they just turn into each other and down the road just as the haste ones come up and this will replace your glowing night's eye you have the haste ones replacing everything you know okay enchants okay for head and you're gonna use the glyph of power which is shatar revered this is 22 spell damage and 14 hit rating there's nothing else you need to use besides that cloak there's nothing you need to use besides this there's a fire rest cloak if you're fire tanking but i wouldn't worry about it this teaches this just two percent threat on all your mandatory shoulder and chance a little spicy you have three to choose from you have squires alders and the power to scourge just from next okay sapphire to be expected to be specific sorry the staff and chan is best but by a small margin unless affliction in which case aldor is based alder is slightly better than scratch as well however i know most of us are scribers for bludgeon racers spell power is the only thing you need to put on them don't worry about anything 15 spell power just put them on there and pump pants only one you should put on there is room expel thread do not do the mystic spells thread no one cares about mystic cell's spell threat okay that's cheap don't be that cheap unless they're like at all or something but uh onto the boots this is the boots this only one that i put in my boots is the boar speed this gives you a little stamina from speed and then the weapon is you have major spell power you have soul frost and you have sun fire major spell fire major spell power is just a budget enchant and also i ran major spell power for a while that was because i was going back and forth between frost and fire but unless you if you're not running back and forth from frosted fire then you pick up soul frost if you're okay to put it simply put up sunfire if you're fire destro other than that put up soul frost um gloves you have two different gloves you have major spell power and spell strike so use spell strike early for the hit and then after that you want to swap to major spell power pretty much right away right so going to t5 you should already have the major spell power on and then uh the chest only chess enchant worth missioning for pve six the stats speaking of stats let's get some stats break down huh priority the most important stat for all three specs is hit you want to get hit cap asap 202 rating is a spell head cap 164 if you have an ellie shaman in a group and 152 if you have an ali shaman and a drainage due to their racial called inspiration in your group after hit cap is achieved start stockpiling spell power haste comes into play t6 but for now don't worry about that so for now before t6 your priority is hit spell power and then crit after t6 is going to be hit haste spell power crit that changes tbc removes the percentage-based effects on gear for and crit and instead uses a system of rating so a certain amount of rating equals one percent any cost of gear that had a percentage instead receives an amount of rating that gives that percentage at 60. example nels tier is two percent spell hitting classic but it's 16 spell hit rating in tbc that's two percent spell hit at 60 but only 1.27 hit at 70. and just so you guys know one percent crit is 22.08 crit rating one percent haste is 15.76 haste trading and one percent spell hit is 12.62 and just decide on reflection because they do they are a little bit different for stats so before six percent hit you want to go hit spell power haste and then crit right after six percent you want hit e it hit becomes the same as spell power which is greater than hastening crit okay after six percent hit and with enough gear to be af ruin it's hit hey spell power crit just like a destroy would be no if affliction just worry about hit cap not as hard to achieve since you have suppression and then just stack as much spell power as you can your dots cannot crit and haste does not benefit benefit or not so it does not affect the speed of your ticks but will lower your gdcd still all righty next is some pvp gear that you use while raiding yes i know oh my god pvp gear whatever am i gonna do well the good news is they're usually bracers and necks which are you know not that much honor this is just honor that's just you going one weekend to get them in honor okay now season two braces are best right now until you have large bracers after that season three bracelets are best until you can craft or require braces and nibble thought season three neck will be missed until you get kt neck season four neck if you still don't have kt neck or bg neck season two weapon is bis t5 and season three weapon well see i think it's miss t5 i would say abyss or on par because of the hit i don't want to argue about that but yeah you know that's my objective and a season three weapon is best before tempest of chaos or zardoo tier sets get spicy our tear sets are probably the dopest looking tear sets in the game right starting with tier four um tier four is an amazing looking set we already passed year four but i'm going to show pay it's respect because that fat ass two piece that we love so much right your shadow damage spells have a chance to grant you 143 spell damn we don't need to talk about it we already know about it man oh man oh look how good they look you love to see it all right man look at this bro it's sad because t5 looks the best man we don't even use d5 i mean you can get you can get some value out of g5 oh i guess we should talk about these huh so tier four guys tier four is really good the two set is the best increase your shadow damage or fire damage force that it's all right force that allowed you to uh i highly doubt about doing it anymore before step back and when it was live it allowed you to keep up corruption your corruption in your rotation so it's pretty cool let's spice it up a little bit um tier five is the best looking one in the world it's the most iconic looking thing it's trash though so the force that is garbage goes up based damages trash it was already researched the two set is really good for demonology though not doesn't mean much for anything else and then uh tier six look at that tier six each time you're questioned an emulate deals damage it heals you with garbage but the four set increase your damage for your shot able and incinerate by six percent is absolutely massive so you know what i mean early game t4 you're looking to get two set out of it t5 it doesn't matter unless for demo you get two set and tier vi you went for steady immediately professions we got a lot of professions here to talk about man starting with the beginning of the game professions which is frozen shadow weave spell fire spell strike so professions are a very big deal for warlocks they're a ginormous deal for warlocks remember earlier i said early game warlocks have professions they don't have gear you don't have any gear what's it called you don't have any competition for gear because you have these this is a very powerful set of gear that you make depending on you know spell fire is obviously fire spells so this is if you were your fire desk show and then froze the shadow of a shadow so that's gonna leave your shadow and then specifics a little bit of both if you're both right so early game you're pretty much immediately going to get most of these right you know i only spell strike set bonus actually requires tailoring right so these are actually boe these are good starter ones obviously you can replace hood kind of quick for a meta gym but if you're looking to start the game like you're starting late and you're looking to put some gear on and make you pump right away it's going to be this stuff right here all this you can go if you're you know shadow pick up all these pick up these start looking for rays and you'll you'll immediately see some damage going up right away okay if you're fire you're getting these right away as well fire these last a while to put it in perspective how long these pieces last i'm still wearing spell striking the t6 i'm still uh you can still wear frozen saturday boots but i've replaced them and you're still wearing spell fire robe and gloves for a while to be honest you won't spill fire robes gloves and belt for a while and eventually once you get a robe you'll replace robe and belt but you're still wearing gloves so you kind of get it for a while you know what i mean as for the spell strike pants the set bonus is really nice it's a two-piece that gives you 92 spell power um the hood was never really worn because the metal gem was actually out but uh like i said if you're catching up it's not bad to get it so these are some more powerful items that you can look forward to in the future if you are tailoring all these items can act as best and slot depending on your gear setup at the time so t5 for blasting t6 for nimbles and then of course sunfire robe and hand wraps are some of the best items in the game if it's only obtained if you're tailoring and only in the last raid of tbc which is called sunwell plateau or swp and also it's worth mentioning that you must be tailored to use network nets which are used by many guilds on mini bosses right or one lady of ash i'm pretty sure it'll be used on many bosses in the future it's just just just a list of all this is just to showcase how powerful like i said these are best items when they're live current too so these are like it's just so powerful to have those taylor you know some more professions is engineering destructive horror goggles are kind of the main one of the main reasons why people call engineering you can craft these goggles which are current phase phase two are best installed for all warlocks outside of fire industrial warlocks engineering brings many other things to the table too right that justify its use over many other professions the grenades and zappers are used by a large majority of serious raiders and serious guilds including myself we spam that on cooldown other engineering only items have niche uses as well like rocket boots no much cloaking and parachute cloak name a few and the other one is enchanting this is simply only used to uh enchant your wings the go-to for many warlocks just simply allows you to enchant your rings with 12 spell power granting you a permanent 24 spell power it's also worth mentioning that one of the best ways to get golden tbc is by selling the materials that you get from disenchanting which you need to be enchanting for there are four boston counters that you will need a warlock tank to tank it's not meant to be an in-depth guide to tanking them because we will have a video on each of the four bosses and how to tank them as the warlock but rather just some quick notes on them no this is how much resistance gear we needed on overtune servers leo there is a blind i needed 365 fire resistance 285 for my gear 70 from totem max range oh leo there's the blind is the first one this is in uh sse i needed 365 fire rest however with current servers i went 285 for my gear starting from totem repair aura max range remove blessing of style off yourself with spam steering panes all the warlocks meta you use can tank these all the warlock meta specs can tank with ease here is a link to the video just click that you know i don't know capernaum keltaz advisor and tk no additional resistance gear needed no spec changes just remove buses of salvation spam steering pain just make sure to ask for certain pain back afterwards illidan you have to take a phase for him for shadow demons need 365 shadow resistance 225 from gear 70 from 470 from totem or paliora park your fell hunter out of range in his of his blast remove blessing of salvation and get despairing and get to spamming searing pain nope try to let your haunter die twins because the damage she does is irresistible this does not require fire resistance rather just high amounts of hp 18k plus you must also make sure you do not have shadow resistance during this fight as you must purposely take shadow to reset for your fire stacks if you resist it you might die i have died and you might tips priests shadow pro and wear pvp gear next up we got some warlocks and raid you might think what are you doing ready for your warlock well if you're affliction you typically are the only affliction in raid there's typically only one in there they're only brought for their male addiction which is three percent more on cursive uh elements and then shadow embrace which reduces the physical damage down by five percent that's pretty much all they're in there for they do have very strong multi-cleave very strong seeds very strong multi-targeting all that too okay if your affliction are multi-dating which they should be your rotation looks like curse ua if you're running ua corruption siphon life emulate shadow bolt emily has an asterisk note about emily typically always keep emulate up unless you were having a lot of mana issues okay for your affliction as for demonology you have strong cleave best aoe out of the warlock specs super high single target on t4 and t5 and then lastly you have to worry about pet management so it doesn't die to high damage melee mechanics which is you know the biggest downside of demo um your rotation looks like curse corruption emulate if not wearing a lot of shadow gear or if you have a fire mage and then shuttle destruction and your roll this is the simplest rotation which pretty much spams one button or adds one dot and spam button this is the best single target in t6 you're very competitive in t5 and you have some occasional cc you have to do curse emulate your rotation looks like curse emulate shadow ball or incinerate if you're fired show your note about emulate here if fire dash will keep emulated up full time if shadow dash will only emulate if you're specced into it or fire image the builds start with the affliction build the unstable friction build is more of a popular build at the start of tbc due to suppression giving you much-needed hit and ua boosting your damage however by the time you reach t5 most if not all warlocks will sacrifice unstable affliction for ruin in the destruction tree making your crits hit much harder this is a mandatory talent in my opinion for affliction warlocks at this point in the game on certain fights where the imp won't be one shot by aoe mechanics perhaps with the help of a pre-shield you can go three of three and imp imp and two an imp fireball fire bolt sorry making the imp actually do respectable damage then drop shadow burn intensity destructive reach this also requires an s-brace to work efficiently to give your mat your pet that mana back but under these conditions it helps bridge the gap with destro even in t5 gear except demonology this is my standard demonology build pretty much using all the talents that make both you and your demon demons unstoppable there are many variations of this terminology build some choose to put points in destructive reach and intensity instead of in corruption and demonic resilience however that is not suggested since demonic resilience drastically keeps your felguard alive and a faster corruption time also means less more time for you to do other things and also you're not worried about threat the threat reduction here because you're pet you're not worried about the range you're not worth this yeah especially as your gear improves the potentially higher dps builders to remove the point in imp corruption and fail guard and put it into ruin kinky succubus is squishier and does less dps than the fail guard but if you can keep her alive it's the highest parsing spec out there because of abilities like this that gave you ten percent five 5 and then this and everything else destruction builds got a couple here for you guys there are many variations of builds for warlocks but here i'll show you the two main ones as they are the best i've linked another fun destro build above even though it's less meta it's called destroy nightfall this is the first and probably most popular destro build one thing i do know for sure is that this is the most boring spec in the game this build consists of you putting up whatever cursor you're signing crossing your fingers and spamming shadow bolts with the hopes of seeing big crits and big numbers this build also brings some slight survivability with nether protection and soul each this is the other destruction build this build covers both shadow and fire destruction with this build you sacrifice cataclysm which is not saving that much mana anyway it's kind of a talent and survivability from another protection and soul east which kind of aren't needed all the time instead you get imp imp emulate and imbed storm allowing to keep emulate up full time in your rotation in it doing respectable damage the point in can flag is a flex point but suggested as on heavy movement fights can fly gets a lot of value and also there's nowhere else to put this point so it doesn't matter the only difference from the other build that would add the only difference from this and the other build is that you would add emulate and keep it up in your rotation both builds are great and on par with each other i would say on average this build actually does a little bit more damage however the catabild and one has a little bit higher of a ceiling based on rng just whatever flavor you want to go with go with it fire destroyer uses this build taking isp over cataclysm so that for trashes and bosses with significant aoe you can sacrifice the succubus instead and just be shadow add-ons important ones there are a few atoms that can make your life easier if you intend to play warlock while most are just quality of life add-ons there are there's one that is absolutely mandatory and that is a threat meter i personally use tiny threat based off of details that being said i think details is important to help compare your damage compared to other locks to ensure that you are doing what needs to be done weak orders can carry warlocks pretty hard in terms of rating rotation and most importantly dot timers i'm a firm believer that a clean ui is mandatory i used lby but there are many others out there click this link to be taken to my youtube video going over all my addons and ui or click this link to take into a folder containing the add-ons uh you guys can click this if you're watching the video but both of these links will be immediately in the description okay and the videos are on my channel too here's some add-ons that can make your life easier if you choose atlas which is pretty cool you can look at all the loot you'll never get necrosis which i hate this add-on but a lot of people like it it's award it's a warlock quality life add-on dbm which is mandatory in my opinion yells that yells at you to uh you know do mechanics damage meters details or recount don't get recount you bum questy or quest hopper or zygor's or rusted xp any questing add-on i'm not going to tell you which one to get whatever one you want to get bagnon or addy bags this is the best bag add-on in the world i think do not be that guy with the shitty bags okay you're not that guy trust me you're not that guy okay okay you can't be that guy okay next up auctioneer and tsm makes your auction house life way easier and then spell replay which is what people ask me all the time is that little box that comes up that tells you what spells that cast and last year's item rack lets you easily swap out your gear and set up item racks or item gear swaps macros guys last one very important here as our orc zug zug t5 kneels in front of us focus this is a quick and easy way to set a focus target we suggest doing this because it allows you to see the enemy cast bar when you otherwise would not be able too far to see it mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory all right this is a very good macro to pop all your cooldowns you can this is fluctuates ignore these this fluctuates just put so what it does is it's very useful it just uses your trinkets and then your potion right so it'll use you know icon and then your trinket or you can put flame caps and you use icon destruction flame cap or you can take destruction output manufacturing use icon manufacturing so on and so forth you get it right i like to keep a macro for all my cds with destro pots in it and without it because simply i don't want to always pop destroy pots i don't want to use it all the time right and sometimes i want to use banana potions etc if you're an orc it's suggested that you add slash cast blood free a couple other ones here for health stones make your life easier this simple this macro simply just cast her so well as well as says what rank you are if you're respecting do it not mandatory just kind of helpful when situating uh households raid this one is a macro that use all your headstones but in order starting with your highest one so to use your 202 rank and two inch cooldown you're one of one zero one lastly this is just a simple summon macro whenever you begin to summon anybody let's say who you are summoning in raid or party chat or whatever you have to set up to not mandatory but helpful so two people don't waste time summoning the same people and lastly some tips and tricks there will be a video soon on tips and tricks per raid per boss but for now there's some overall tips and rating tanks in the game in this early sometimes have threat issues specifically if your shadow balls quit right at the start or if you're out gearing the tank if you notice that you're usually pulling or getting too close to tanking threat just start opening with emo and corruption that slow opener usually allows the tank to gather some threat when you get your dmap trinket crusade use rank one hellfire pre-pool to get your stacks to pin so you start the fight max also use rank one hellfire to keep it up during the encounter if you're too far away to the boss this is gonna completely depend on how that trigger works more on that soon um next one wait a few globals before popping your trinkets blood fury desperate pots and so on so your shadow piece can have shadow even full up on the boss never stop casting even if you have it to move and life tap first if you need mana otherwise shadow burner can flag expect agony off targets or even death coil if you need some health just always be casting something when seed spamming occasionally swap targets to split your throat try to stack all your cds whether sp critter haste buffs trinkets potions anything else you have stack and use it with lust unless of course you're wasting a cd by waiting when in doubt drain life it out don't be afraid to drain life if you're low on health sometimes the healers can't get to you yes you lose out on some damage but it's better than dying and hugging the floor soul shatter is very important spell for us than needed in order to properly dps as a warlock this halves your threat on the boss and everything around it it is important that you wait as long as you can as to reduce the most threat possible it is a one percent chance to resist even hit capped so do not wait to use it to actually pull threat whether it's a trash mob or a boss if it's going to die before your next shot about their shadow born orchid flag if you're respect stay in range of your totems i cannot stress this enough the totems are massive 101 spell power another tournament hit crit trimmer totem etc even during hectic boss bulls try to stay in range okay well guys i did it that's it thanks for watching i love you i hope you love me like follow subscribe for more content and you know the twitch is over there banging twitch tv stop square screaming um i would like to do some of these for every class i don't know how i feel about that yet but um yeah i don't know maybe in the comments man let me know if you guys think i should add anything let me let me know i want to know i feel like i'm missing something i feel like there's some information that needs to be said that like is going over my head because i'm so used to it you know what i mean so if you're if you're if you know let me know also let me know how this was man share this to everyone and if you made it this far and you're still watching just know that i really love you because you're actually watching this to listen to what i'm talking about and please follow me if you're not and i love you peace
Channel: Crix
Views: 65,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, WorldOfWarcraft, TheBurningCrusade, TBC, Raid Guide, Raiding, Warlock, Guide, Warlock Tanking, Burning Crusade, The Burning Crusade, BiS, Pre-BiS, Guides, Crix, CrixGaming, Crix Gaming, PvP, Arena, Walkthrough, Classes, Class, Deep Dive, WOW, World of Warcraft, BC, Classic, Help, PvE, Shadow, Changes, Classic WoW, Tanking, Heal, DPS, Damage, Meta, Min/max, Affliction, Destruction, Demonology, Demo, Felguard, FG, Fire, Fire Destruction, SSC, Serpentshrine, Serpentshrine Cavern, FLK, Fathom Lord, boss, boss guide, P2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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