Karazhan Guide TBC | 10 Things I Learned After 10 Runs

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[Music] greetings everyone and welcome to the 10 things i learned after 10 karazhan runs number 10 as you saw in the intro everyone needs to stack on this trash the spectral chargers will charge the furthest person that's more than 10 yards away from him and every single karazhan rage you join whether it's your guilds or a pug inevitably someone's going to point out that ranged dps and healers need to stack so save yourself the trouble maybe look like you know what you're doing and try to stack they also have a fear ability that's cast after a successful charge but i'll go over each mob's abilities in detail on my how to take cares and trash that you can find in the video description below additionally once you get to adam and it's useful to know that he has two phases and in phase one there's two separate targets so if you're a dps in the group you can monitor your threat meter and if it's looking like you're going to pull thread on the main target to begin with you can tap target and dps adamant himself typically i don't think this is the correct strategy and swapping to the humanoid during phase one might cause further threat issues because the main tank isn't focusing his threat on it but this strategy is nice to have in your back pocket number nine after tanking a few cares and runs on the beta i noticed that the dps kept pulling trash off me in the ballroom and the ghost whenever i would line a site the mobs and it was brought to my attention how the threat table actually works so typically the tank will have initial threat on the mob and dps or healers won't aggro the mob if they stay under 130 on the threat meter so you can surpass the tank by 29 and still not pull aggro that is if you're more than 10 yards away from said mob if your melee dps or warlocks in this instance are fighting within 10 yards of the mob it only takes 110 percent to pull aggro off the tank so even a warlock seating from 20 yards away and you're at 115 threat and then you move within 10 yards of the mob the mob will instantly swap aggro to the warlock this is useful for both dps and tanks to understand just so that dps you can be mindful of where you're standing and tanks consequently should try to avoid tanking the mobs at choke points where your healers and dps might be cornered number eight look out for pets the trash in this room between morrows and maiden can be painful and i would imagine most groups will likely skip the four elites accompanied with a retainer who might control someone in the group and the skip is going to look something like this and as a paladin tank you'll want to pull these normal mobs back to a safe position i like to deadzone the casters in the group and then get them to move with me but be mindful if you leave them some of the casters where they stand a warlock or hunter pet is inevitably gonna run in uh target them and unintentionally pull an additional elite pack which will probably lead to a wipe so hunters and warlocks look out for your pets number seven this might be one of the most useful tips i've heard and i don't see many other groups using the strategy on maiden groups wipe on this boss for three reasons too many people are stacked and get one shot by chain lightning paladins or priests don't decurse or the entire raid is stunned by repentance for eight seconds and the tank doesn't drag made into the healers to break them out of their stun most groups wipe on this for the third reason but this can easily be countered if everyone in your group has one simple item their pvp trinket believe it or not the trinket actually breaks you out of maiden stun maiden dies so quickly that you only have one repentance phase and with a pvp trinket it makes this boss a breeze so get in those bgs and purchase your trinket pro tip skip this trash mob every single run and get to the top of the leaderboards on dungeoncleeve.com [Music] yo he just he just did that jump one shot someone's been practicing that jump speed speed running strats man speed running strats gaming dude number five the curator don't pass this part of the carpet curator has an unbelievably long aggro range and will pull anything past his carpet a good rule of thumb is to stay behind the halfway mark of this carpet to ensure you don't wipe your raid i've seen both totems and hunter and warlock pets pull the boss by being past this part of the carpet as well so shamans be mindful of your totems don't die next time thank you tommy heal me dude uh there's a guy legit oh [Music] the hands are on fire you should put the house on it everybody move up hey you should put the house on it like i'm talking rolling 98 put it all on black hey even pull it back for the back on the carpet okay you can't lose no we number four whatever you do don't skip this trash i've ran 15 karazhans in the beta and 14 of those 15 runs we wiped multiple times on this trash trying to skip it and save a few minutes the one run that we didn't wipe we cleared 90 percent of it and don't get me wrong a coordinated group on the same page can skip this trash if you're all in comms luckily you only have 10 people who need to complete the task instead of 40 but it never fails someone always pulls number three shade of iran's shield dude i hate this boss the only thing you can control here is your attitude go to your happy place this might be the most tilting boss in the dungeon shade of iran he can be a complex boss he doesn't need to be but your shamans your rogues on kick assignments might make it more difficult than he needs to be we found out that locking him out of all three of his schools of magic arcane frost and fire made him melee the highest person on threat which was typically a warlock or a mage and contrary to popular belief shade of iran does have a threat table and when you have a clothing prio on heels over the multiple hunters standing in shades blizzard and wiping you may have to endure the longest run back into the instance over and over and over again if your top dps doesn't get nuked by his 12 000 flame breath someone always moves on flame wreath tilting you until your next raid lockout buckle in get to your happy place shade of iran will disband many pugs in tbc's lifetime number two let's talk a little chess only losers wipe on the chessboard right don't tell me we like that there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way that's how you do it boys just to clarify you should never wipe on chest it's like the easiest thing in the whole world now without going into detail on warcraft logs and trying to figure out how johnny got a 99 parse on chess event last week typically what you want to do is rush the opposing king with everything you've got i'm not sure if this is working as intended but for pieces like the king you can jump over pieces directly in front of you if the next space is open this allows you to get your highest dps to the king quicker and in the chess event even faster so also if your group's trolling and you make it to the phase where medivh cheats and puts fire on the board be aware that pieces take damage from one space away from the fire as well as on top of its visual effect number one evade spots now for the final boss in karazhan we've got the prince early on in tbc before healers have better gear and dps are able to get prince malkazar out of the face too quicker to help the tank survive you may wipe a few times in phase two and even after the raids on farm a few unlucky infernals will wipe even the most experienced raiders and lead to a painful death run unless you're in a vague spot god gamer andy like tommy salami ten seconds and we don't attack at all yo he knocked me back onto this thing no no [Applause] [Music] that's right you can reset prince by standing on the structure near the door and evading him more terrain abuse if it's not mages breaking the meta and instance content raid groups will be able to cheese accidental butt pulls or unlucky boss mechanics to save a few minutes in the overall morale of the group hopefully we see blizzard break or fix all the evade spots and padding abuse in the game to create a more real experience but until that day have fun springing on top of bookcases scaling those walls or jumping on top of ledges you just might be the hero in your raid that week thank you all for watching my 10 things i learned in karazhan after 10 runs don't forget to like the video and subscribe and if you'd like to follow along my tbc journey you can do so with twitch.tv for days if you're interested in prop paladin content i recommend you check out the pali bible series as well for gold farming videos and tanking advice cheers
Channel: Graysfordays
Views: 12,903
Rating: 4.7547894 out of 5
Keywords: paladin gold farming, tbc palading gold, prot paladin, protection, leveling, boosting, dungeon boosting, aoe paladin, arlaeus, tedj, frostadamus, shield twisting, totem twisting, seal twisting, kharazan tbc, kharazan guide, kharazan boss guide
Id: NwzY0MYXxL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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