Karazhan TBC Beta Warrior Tank PoV Main Tank Kara Tsw

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don't do solid on heels give us kingdom wisdom and turn right sorry you're pretty yeah otherwise my ear guys you'll see three npcs one sells uh you know gems and just spork what are you oh my god i crashed perk zoom your character in all the way and try and not face the crowd with your camera okay so when you log in immediately look away okay you know what i mean yeah yeah and i also zoomed my camera in all the way in just first person my way like i was like backpedaling strafing to the uh npc okay backpedaling i get yeah okay i get it i think i should be in the healing group no or the spellcaster group with the shaman yeah candia is heroin coming as well or is he leaving or i'm leaving because you're at 10 and to go relatively soon uh oh who's the tenth on perkis he's just stopped right now he's trying to get back he's a warlock or a mage or no okay i think i mean i can sit out if i'm not late no no no no no because i will have to go soon anyways because i need to bring my son to the kindergarten tomorrow morning so don't worry about getting this piece we're gonna struggle with this decursing i mean just without add-ons i'm going to struggle i mean the default rate frame is fine it's killing a mouse over microphone massive micro default rate frame be fun and you can also communicate on discord i literally just dc again like i had zero time to react like what is yours it's just the crash how do i solve that so let me just pull some stuff with nine people yeah let's do it yeah you can do that not enough rage i'm glad i've got a throwing weapon my god i need to unbind spacebar because i i i'm flying if i jump uh these guys do a fear so fear ward and tremor totems please what is a three-minute cooldown now yeah yep holy heart that thing did no damage uh shackle cross please i'll take it let's start off slowly sorry okay shackling had to bind it it's in a consecration sam can we please let it get shackled okay breaking shackle can you expel stealing by the way per uh riddle which the buff the spectroscope going to get fears here so be careful this is spread out yes he does a charge on a random raid member and then if a we fear so if you spread for the charge you won't get feared also people are blessing me yeah you're gonna compensate okay we just do not spread out why why are we stacking do we have a range member who's confident and they can be marked as the range camp okay kill skull when the charger has died please it's only the charger that fears the stallions are much less important the stable hands cast a healing touch and also do a hot we're home boys we're home do people have enough water to drink something after every pound tread frances if you need water oh my god i don't see target of target you have to enable it oh my god that's so [ __ ] bad at that it's not enabled automatically how many players do you think use it i mean please no you hope how many players do you think all right okay sam pick up uh moon please i have it can we try and have c sears uh towards the front of the raid please oh yeah oh did you get someone first kick brooke's dad's mom and then reinvite him because finding a character i'm not sure i think as well like lower it with some legs wait have you seen my normal graphics settings what the [ __ ] did you miss no i press spacebar and i can fly so it reset them up okay why can you fly i can't fly yeah i made my character when they enabled the flying could you real quick tell me where target target is nope don't know uh interfaces in combat target of target top option in combat settings thank you so much do you want me to curse the record thank you frank he's only been doing because of rick all this time like use elements there we go i take him less damage than i thought it would be yeah i mean this is easier than heroics and it's meant to be that way bosses drop badges in patch 2.4 nothing to heal there's nothing going on 2.3 okay well that's good that's good yeah well maybe not but like one legit use like a [ __ ] off the other hand do we have three healers yeah we can maybe have one of them be spark no let's not do anything that involves leaving the road at this stage it's painful enough getting everyone in francis literally afk i mean oh that's a big back here good i mean it's easy to heal no one's dropped below 19 hp so far we should be okay see it goes where pixie oh no oh so um that's a nice just no i think this story confirmed but um the taunt of paladins is automatically targeted target that's just how the spell works you you taunt a mob and it takes three targets that are attacking uh that mob's target right oh well i kind of remember from retail tbc that you had to have it but i mean i like that change if it uh you can crank shut their attack speed bonus buff is there something useful to know please cc circle boost are people familiar with achievement first boss nope uh what are you playing priest uh just hug the range camp you might want to run in just follow your arcanus my mark arcanus blue you put so much trust in me i know remember why i rolled this [ __ ] class on a private server before it's ultimate chill you don't have to work for your threats just do your little buttons you know living the life meanwhile wires on 800 apm i need to lower the sound because i can't hear you whining that's maybe that's a goal yeah uh it's boss time next so get fully buffed use your flasks use your food get a manna potion early hopefully we have enough mana potions so just stand on blue that's it yeah and do your job uh healing yep okay uh we're gonna uh you're gonna tank the humanoid and face them away because of the cleave okay uh yes uh i'll call for when you stop damage um people over aggroing is basically the only way that we can die on this fight so just don't do anything for the first 10 seconds and any time there's a threat reset i'll call it don't do any damage for the next 10 seconds i'll call one to do damage is everyone ready how do you want the mds do this except trade no i'm look what i wrote to you do you want us to stand behind him stand behind stand behind we don't have the best shot okay rusk md chester this movement is so like get ready to pick up the ad sam just save your mana and your judgement or whatever yeah i'll just judge wisdom on the bus oh well people get one shot here if this isn't picked up stay attack skull everybody in the raid attack skull um that's threat stop damage everybody in the raid for 10 seconds if your dpser do not touch your keyboard for 10 seconds 5 4 3 2 1 dps's continue doing damage please because and karen decurse the tank as a priority please do not have your raid frame the defensive road frames have it don't you have a flight no i have it then there's your yeah i can wait okay i can enable after this i turn them off because of the crashes when the boss when your target is removed and the bus despawns stop damage for another 10 seconds please do you want an md then thanks guys welcome back thank you bro yes stop damage baby tucks mdtv all done with damage the only way we possibly wipe is due to over threat i'm getting shield slam parries so be careful weakness i've read this pretty good now okay can we hug the boss please everyone hug his tail because thanks you're up to 30 now hacking back holy [ __ ] dude thank you we doing it boys you want to have nanopuffs yup trade francis it looks so much better than on the private server what i find weird about this guy though you don't see a red circle on the bottom you know i was scared yeah he transitioned twice into this final phase also the hunter pets are attacking in front can you recall them back and then push them back thank you that works he transitioned i still slammed and opened up on him and then he transitioned again it seemed like the like the two man was still on the ground while he was on the horse should we report book i mean i i i'll report at the end i think he curses please thank you 100 [Music] we're gonna how long did it take people to get in we're going to kill and get the repair sam are you ready yes um when we run over to the mob marked circle you are going to stand on the right hand side of the uh room where circle is because there is a pack on the left and there's a small chance you pull the pack on the left if you do not when running to circle run to him standing on the right so you can follow tsw after this pack dies to see what i mean i kept that aggro dad yeah that was really nice okay i uh switch it square and follow square hugging the right hand side just to make sure you don't pull anything okay we don't have the wrap okay nevermind we don't have the raptor okay uh this next room is notorious for having multiple packs being pulled at once so i'll teach you bro no worries just be patient and don't do not aoe immediately please where's my second blessing man can i pull this uh thank you no no skeleton i think there's a boss that does the same damage as some of these maps we'll find out yeah putting a non-let you pack just lost it that's lovely um if you're running up to do melee make sure that you are not uh in line of sight of any of these mobs use these pillars to your advantage pulling square go ahead i'll think uh i'll pull an off tank pack with it yes if this is endless there'd be elites in this aft this other pack kill square please everybody single target and then aoe just play it super safe imagine you've got world buffs guys okay i wish it's too late i'm cool and we will be pulling the [ __ ] back you can't stop us from seeding no actually try to seed uh as you normally would just i kind of want to observe threats also we pulled a lot from downstairs the red feels really nice like i mean i'm also a great player okay pre-heal cheers to you free heal chance to be pre-healed chase-to-be this is the only sort of packs with the scouts that hurt here so indeed you have to focus here with these valets hit hard they're only hitting before you're literally not taking any damage that's weird though they should be cursive right then you detect one big hit to begin with like one big hit and then nothing after uh packing coming oh yeah step back please it's likely not to beat you yo stop sitting that way [Music] um if you are warlocks and you're not used to it um just be mindful that if you don't have a paladin or if sam is i don't know out of mana seeding like that wipes us if it's the warrior tanking just in case it's also weird they died yeah i'm gonna pull the skeleton from the left uh yes okay i'm curious when people will find out uh please stack on top of um star try to soak the thing he does on the tank stand i think i think my spiders you know from down below i think how what what spiders from below guys i think oh the the what was happening with the hunter pat it's my yeah [Music] but i think so it's fun let's just make sure that everyone is out of combat when this pack dies yes so and yeah what happened was i was standing on the pillar like this pillar here and then my pet [ __ ] up okay i need to drink salvation is anybody in combat okay i was in combat then let's proceed on north dale this would have been a wipe wait did we not have salvation before please heal i bopped you that's why i had to rebless without salvation or paladin's supposed to have mana issues in this expansion because like yes i mean you will have like on bosses and stuff you will still have many issues i mean on these fights you want right like this you won't notice anything they're like 10 minutes 10 minute boss fights right please run up everyone you will have chain to change your mana potions and still run everyone stand on square please and drink if you need to drink like a boar uh no i don't trust you sorry there is a patrol that could pull particularly yeah yeah you're fine to pull just if you don't have your camera right um position you cannot see if there's a patrol so we line of sight and then we airway now we aoe can we find out how hard i'm logging is anyone else logging i'm not no let's pull the pack on the right actually another table back yes table again make sure there's no skeleton back on the lost position please and aoe what you want is three to four seconds of all the mobs on the consecration before aoe if you don't know and also what you need to care for is to um not too early swap around the corner because that kind of [ __ ] it up stack on top of the skeleton when it's reached the tanks please sam can you hammer justice uh yes it might stand out resistant i can't follow sam's chest do you want without because of weakness or with can we do one skeleton while it's stunning i just want to see what you want to see how much damage it deals right because [Music] md cross to sam rusk skull to tsw incoming uh at 50 percent you need to spam the tank so we kill skull uh skull first a fifty percent nuke tsw yeah so max frank heal tears to be big absorb shield everything hey good job now go across and then get ready to spam sound thing yes very underwhelming i'm gonna take that skeleton which is max rank guys let's go good find not playing tauren in tvc no let it down like let it hit you honestly okay oh well holy [ __ ] you're getting [ __ ] nuked is he supposed to do damage like no only when you take the debuff kind of i'll take the right to get the debuff a lot of armor right all armor correct yes yes brittle bank okay he's got the debuff there's nothing here now no no it takes a second debuff so let's loss and pull some more tables so they don't start casting uh before and they don't reach all the things you know that's annoying i both do arcane yeah i just want you to try sam can you up to your sw see if you get rid of the debuff oh it's unclear sorry okay i'll pull the left table go back and get lost again back on square please the typhoon i'd want to watch where's here watching on the stream might be in bed with his pajamas on these die way too quickly that i'm used to yeah we can maybe up the tempo slightly i think i think this is this is the same relay well maurice is a difficult boss and i wouldn't have pulled yet because my debuffs not ended yet but can we try to play with the wreck instead i mean nobody's directly down start and no one like even noticed so you shouldn't be right is that fantastic uh yes not on the bus though yeah okay actually taking damage actually getting mana back pog oh maybe we need to re-blessing francis your shackling star make sure it is shackled the whole time because it will cast a mana burn and that'll [ __ ] us quite hard okay um cheers to you i will take square and i will take skull sam you've got cross and triangle okay cross and trying the two on the right uh triangle has a shield wall he's a warrior very weak mob cross is a paladin she will bubble herself and holy light skull is extremely deadly he has a whirlwind and you will die if you are in whirlwind range of skull thankfully we have no melee so this should not be a problem but if threat is a problem you need to spread out if skull is in the raid okay so on the pole i want rusk to md moroso tsw and baby tux to md i want triangle on you sam and you can pick up class uh yeah sure that's fine i'm gonna pick up both actually okay to the right and you move from rose to me okay got ten second cooldown md yes is that fine i'm gonna tank them towards here um on the right and you dragged my rose into my consecration yeah well i need to kill skull yeah i don't want skull to be near you you tanking three mobs plus a whirlwind okay we can stop damage i just shackle star in here all right that's it i'm gonna enable a threat meter as well yeah yeah franciscan what's the threat meter called maybe you can focus if you have details you can just it has a built-in threat meter called tiny fruit wheel and then go to plug-ins raid yep there's a tiny threat oh could you please link details um francis or bob you might want to do another stamina on thanks check yourself in there it's three minutes it's going to run out check this out please i can't paraphrase to other groups details is linked in beta rates yeah i'm not gonna my details doesn't work yes let's let's just try to uh so cross and triangle to uh mean so triangle is doing to me i'm picking up across myself yeah yep got it okay uh can we get a shackle pool please i need to drink now okay when you're ready you can definitely prayer other groups in classic yeah i think you can you just thought you definitely you definitely can but you definitely can't in this difficult time but you can't i would think definitely can on classic but you definitely can't in this it's tempting but you can't try the swap group do it and then swap it back yeah it works on my own group i'm going to check on that everyone ready here we go yeah yeah we're ready and francis is ugly i'm coming i'm pulling i need a shackle don't stand near skull or you will die star is shackled don't break it everyone kill a skull shackle's broken recharging team consecrate i think across away from star cross is dispelling star uh start on um maurice sam all right she's not arranging yes if both hunters use md i'm focused solely on my race i can i can tank uh triangle if it fades off you oh it's on me nice yeah we're gonna i'm gonna struggle getting threat level i'm taunting triangle oh you get it back now that's very fine so we just swap when the shield walls did you pop the growth off baby i can please keep the shackle up you should literally starting cuts as soon as it breaks uh you can cast a new one when it's 50 percent duration just get it did you say sam you can or can't you can yes oh by hunters with hunters mark you can still see the boss can you attack them could you do that like actually could you know if that was possible no okay no i don't think it was possible i couldn't see him like in the game you mean probably on the map but it's too hard to tell but judy is actually here as a prop pilot and you kind of want the garage because you keep getting healed in mana bag no no i'm talking about off baby tucks are you kidding me how soft and red i'll try yeah yeah that worked i did i didn't mean on yourself yeah i don't see him on the map either so he's completely missable immune to disarm mom i'm tanking the boss pocket watch please oh that's nobody that's me i don't like healing boobs i'm i'm taking those other plate yeah i'm a [ __ ] did you just ninja those i tried oh you tried what the [ __ ] are they tradable it's it's past my bedtime i didn't win uh let me see actually are they trading no why do i have megalomania is that like a there's your trinket you've got a killing blow oh okay that's uh a-wing too early there guys yeah the warrior initiating the pull the consecration wasn't down for three seconds yo thank you yeah i wish i could be more pretty uh uh proactive no why did you decurse me if you need mana just stay at the back out of combat and drink the cursed curse of wreck uh francis yeah i'm drinking are you ready is that boss supposed to do more damage by the way this morning [Music] okay pulling a bigger one just to see if i can take it are we winning the beta range by the way sam please hey we're talking hey we talked about i have i have pre pre-casting heals but he's taking no damage i don't know i wouldn't risk this sound it's just dusting right this is fine though i think this is worth testing because you literally took no damage at the start i don't know oh yeah i mean i didn't have threats in the start kind of actually to be clear nobody is taking any damage none of this is even slightly scary i mean i feel like playing dps then i feel like we're playing molten core right now yeah like it's it's safe for the molten core does spawk go elemental i mean i think i think yes to be honest give it a try or francisco shadow whatever by the way is harrison in the game yeah yeah have you been using it uh it's a little [ __ ] uh can everyone hug the wall where square is please there's a patrol on the left which we could pull he's patrolling now in fact he's marked with star would and we're going to line of sight on square standard square wait for the three sets of consecrations just call for lost when you want it yes try and stay somewhat hugging the wall just because of the patrol okay we can push forward i mean we were crashing anyway right so it's not like we could lose on square again let's not worry about others let's just do our own thing yeah yeah yeah literally doesn't matter what sort of do it without wiping we're going for world first note we're going for undying no one's digest right world first beta cringe top execution that's coming to me can you take it some execution top execution like like [Music] us healers are gonna eat our words when people start dropping yeah it's funny you two are the ones saying this is so easy and you haven't done the hard hard passes in this okay like if you don't care i have one no but um regardless though this feels easier it should have yeah this is just gbc minus this does feel easier easier than in this but i mean when i when we played then this it only felt like there was a few bosses that were actually like i mean these mobs felt a lot harder than endless yeah everything you've heard harder wrong i mean the thing is what boys just stay back stay back training weights right like yeah they can unlock it through power i should be a bit more forward with my comps there but um preferably we stay in that alleyway we're gonna pull the patrol okay sam took some damn there man it's [ __ ] annoying you'll come i don't know what you guys are healing yeah yep that's like literally making this somewhat annoying about this just look at my hands when they glow i'm healing i love that voice i don't actually just you're banishing circle and francis you're shackling moon is anything i said yes did i not check image francis for the shackle yes okay let's lost these to bring them forward that's one of the quickest losses i've seen well we have hope it's not because they're not spell badged bro they take no damage and then you stun them as well you little [ __ ] of course i stun them that's plus healing for me now you get something wait what you get something to heal now here it comes i'm stunning it's so preventing damage does it what a healer supposed to oh i mean yeah but i don't pray for feeding my group dude you can use set focus that's the best yeah focus exists that's nice you can even cast out focus um allegedly here we should test if these mobs while they cast their 0.5 second cast if we can stun them then they don't do the ball that's the question and then it would be similar so yeah so which one do you want them to done this one oh well yeah that cast what is this one you mean this goal actually every one of them have a kind of thing they do okay well i'm gonna stun the skull when you tell them to okay okay it's off cooldown now and as long as it's stunnable the cast will be interrupted i think we know the answer got it so it works and let's see if she casts afterwards she does not so that's absolutely something you want to do i'll stand the skull when the tress cast let's see if this boomer dark in game i'm not the boomer dead what the [ __ ] virginia is he's consumed off irl bro i distracted you you didn't if you want to prove you're not a boomer jump in the consecrate when the repentance is cast on this next boss he has a blessing of sacrifice bro he doesn't care okay uh tactics for this boss you want to spread out around the room use all 365 degrees or 360 degrees kw and stand between the pillars so position yourself by first hugging the wall so you don't pull the boss and then when the boss is pulled you walk between the pillars so that you are in line of sight of one another do not go too far forward so that we are out of line of sight of one another or in line of sight so you're in line of sight so you can be healed okay yeah you want to be in line outside of the healers there's considered as in cg you have a holy fire thing that can chain it's kind of the same thing here yeah the boss has a chain lightning effect it does more damage more people it attacks so i want to be in line of sight of you guys but out of line of sight the boss no no just in line of sight of everything yes max range from the boss but in line of sight important though for um uh francis and julius kind of take one side each so you can dispel the delta um holy fire because that does usually a lot of damage i'll go right you can i'll go left it has a chain that uh multiplies damage like okay i think it's ready and the boss does two casts holy whatever don't care about that and a very quick one half second cast repentance that will ccu for like 10 seconds so if you can jump into the consecration when you see a half second cast but if you get hit by the consecration it doesn't matter because i don't expect a big damage okay are we all good everyone ready yeah let's go i miss your engineering perks not getting dispelled hello i just felt yes that's the idea so that's why the healers want to get close uh here again baby tucks you kind of want to prevent what your pet is doing right now like go back and then attack again blessing of sacrifice on the boss rank one if you can if you have it done i think you keep keep it up yeah because you take a bit of damage then it breaks down i have it on tsw oh okay see yeah that's fine i just didn't see you breaking ready to jump into the consecration for the quick cast next one might be repentance there you go should have jumped [Music] oh neck drops you were you didn't call for lust again so i forgot about it it's fine oh pogba john the gloves sam are you playing tank and the other raids oh don't mean just you won't kill no no i think you should take a mirror okay joy park all right we're actually using these characters in the rage as well presumably i guess um now i want to play hard i mean why wouldn't you it's gonna have better gear than the preset unless they update it um can you give me wisdom by the way you i have this blessing of sanctuary i know i need to give you a small one which i need to put on my bars right now bro what did you say oh yeah yeah yeah wait i need to go loot this [ __ ] [ __ ] i guess if we need this or what let's try this i don't think we should skip okay try it no we actually have a good comp to try to do it um spork what you're gonna do is drop um grounding totem right now and when you see it um used um you're gonna drop one again okay pretty much uncle though we're not okay let's go i guess there's not okay i just wanna try okay let's go yeah let's go wait i'm not even there just get ready to grounding very quickly hi please baby tucks can you just consistently md sound please correct thank you and rusk you on chesterbee let's get into the habit of doing it when it's scary trash i don't know what's going on oh there we go they finally did ow yeah i was trying to intervene oh it's the ice team you want to ground i think uh building threat was better the only constant ones do you want to just go back again yeah generally here you kind of want to stay back we pull it back to you guys if yeah or something incoming uh they fixed the flying thing on the way to them thank you you should probably reload it works now oh i don't have threats on [ __ ] you resisted every spell of me sorry yeah i know this is what happens but you resisted everything what i did francine's experiencing yeah this priest life yeah it's gonna happen couldn't two just taunt there no they're immune to that a lot of things are taught to me every boss is taunting me is the default at least like that was something that caught me off guard with classic like you can taunt virtually every boss it's like what the [ __ ] did you use fade francis i didn't have any threat how'd you die please follow square we're going to skip the patrol follow square we drink up later follow square hug the wall everyone hug the right hand side please there are mobs in the middle of the room you will pull them if you do not hug the right hand side that number seems like a tank issue [Music] um everybody stay down here yeah in this room just drink up we're gonna pull mobs down does anybody have some more water for me i can trade you francis has a million water thank you these mobs are taunt immune please be careful kill skull dispel the spells uh yeah thank you steadlight double line pro deeps [ __ ] it i'm going to buff them actually i want to see how much it does if they die you might die though because they do an aoe explosion if they're buffed that might be enough if everyone's flashing move it pull it out we saw how much it did with mine without the light and it'll do 50 extra yeah it's true it's not that bad stay back don't don't run son sam's not in loss yeah he's coming he's coming don't worry please kill the stage hand first sam's kind of freaking me out everything francis that's why we kill the station first oh i should have uh the blessing of freedom by myself and these mobs are immune and sam was tanking them the whole time stop attacking if if that thing happens you can't be like classic where every mob is comfortable like this we said well it's fine it's a learning thing but um there julius i think for you um having a your finger on blessing of freedom would be nice there you want to see is it on you yeah because i was netted and i couldn't get out of the holy thing not to like blame me for that but because that was not no just tell me what just you can tell me before the pack as well if you need like something i didn't realize uh up front honestly because usually it doesn't matter but usually i also don't tank three together but these wee's uh threat was like a boomer you know i'm kidding it's like a warrior oh dude does somebody have oils i don't know they weren't on the vendors right yeah oh they weren't move up there yeah i could use some buffs on some tonks then stop moving on up uh refreshing elixirs can you rebuff me with those someplace uh yes you're gonna die to aggro though knowing you on the bus though it only lasts for two minutes though right is it details you guys are using for threat yes why do you want to stop damage so arcane nurse can stack the spell stealable buff maybe we need performance yeah the question what is the which mob is one that does this leave is it called uh it might be the performance performer the staging constantly errors with details enabled yep same i don't know are you using the tpc version yeah you gotta use it to receive what [Music] some people are just standing in it this one you can arrange it uh follow square and we uh pull the boss and then drink all rage you're playing a warlock first [Music] maybe oh let's see what we get oh yeah francis uh if you played on the private services you would have noticed that priest constantly died for um bob could you do an inner focus uh stand up buff on me well you can [ __ ] that way you can you can buff that way so without losing mana so that's why oh my god you can also drink immediately afterwards in your focus which set to link it in oh red riding hood uh beta rates the details if that's what you're looking for actually from have everyone stuck on square and then if he targets you you run this way around the room and hug the walls okay so everyone stack on circle do you do threat or do me i do don't you want to see no because it [ __ ] us both over because neither of us get you don't get damaged getting manner back and i don't get rage does everyone understand the boss will target you and turn you into a little red riding hood and then you run around the room in this direction where the square's going it's really fun oh it's not riding hood no what the [ __ ] um okay this dorothy doesn't have a aggro table so you're so deep yes if you don't know what to do kill dorothy somebody somebody needs to spell the right guy instead who do i tin head pick no no add you to head you do strongman you pick up straw man and you pick up the dog okay but uh apparently it's working with the fire damage that's really nice keep it up with uh fire damage yeah straw man somebody needs to do the fire damage and keep on doing it okay you need to hit him twice at first big hills on tsw base yeah you're fine you're fine yeah i think you need to do something with uh tina no slower yeah yeah he needs to take damage to get rusty to walk slower could you please keep yes when he uh takes fire damage he kind of gets dazed like a dragon's breath if that's something you're familiar to you you retail boomer you that's dbc's yeah i'm not playing retail yeah noted a retail gamer how did i think hunter is so easy does the macro work uh the macro [ __ ] i use my own macro and it's even better i just press one button and then use my coupons and that's all i do park oh no it's kind of hard guys focus holy [ __ ] yeah this is intense left focus oh kite it he does a very big cleave that's very scary guys don't panic rain on avoid the cyclone please are there two cyclones is it just a visual thing it looks like two it looks like four you can get cyclone for fun to be honest try to keep the light spread so you don't get chain lightning i know that's annoying with the cyclone but that's kind of what the game plan is i mean we should be spread anyway surface cycle doesn't go in one direction does it actually follow somebody yeah it looks like it's let's go cyclone as usual tell me something i don't know oh follow square that wand is amazing instance focus bogus looks like red shoulders for me move up one to raccoon it's very easy uh these elites the phranthopists are immune to taunts please be advised and apparently they also mana burn are these one of those mobs like in classic that they're supposed to do cast something but they never cast that they they did they just did constantly they also drop a little like a big man over gold with the inflation it's not a logo six silver 13 copper holy what you kind of want to do here normally is single target the philanthropist then away but mostly it doesn't seem like it matters sorry uh i'm trying to get this off why don't dude yeah the only island we've been talking about so much damage you're doing i'm logging so you'll see at the end of the road no no it's just thread that is anyone else vlogging no i didn't start logging because i was afraid to [ __ ] with my game move up i pulled just play passive i can shout yeah good passive i you're not a warrior do you have enough mana pot sam uh not enough i have three left i i clicked the fender more but it just lacks the [ __ ] out yeah like i had the same shoe okay dude blaming the vendor nice [ __ ] try yeah patrol move back good uh totems well then am i able to stun the philanthropist no that's not the other ads you can spend though yeah i've played a shaman before this guy's shaman got x dude who is oh that's perk right no what's monday spork is morocco i don't think i've played with you before probably not but the sign that you just pulled away your totems is like you're inspired you know look square [ __ ] the corner okay for heaters next few mobs in a kind of cone of gold that hurts so be where are you for the healing face best hunter zt okay well no i'm not top path i didn't say top passer big hills please on sam these i'm taunting me moms line of sight please stay to the right or something hug the right hand side we're friendly look at the right hand side [Music] i need wisdom because again it just dropped off yeah moving on i wish we had pally power so we could all just see how are people for time i think i can go up to the end i'll [Music] can we um no you don't want the flask it's worse than uh the alexis okay maybe not for him though on this chain who's the first kid uh no i did not know but i did before so it has not been the case is a 50 healing and 30 and 10 30 spirit does everyone have enough mana potions this is a 10 minute fight with intense healing okay this is a long fight don't stand in the charred earth which is a circle of lava essentially that spawns under a player's feet so you can loosely spread uh stand on either side of the room so either be on the edge of the balcony on the left or against the wall on the right ideally and to make sure if you're a healer that you're not losing the tank on these corners of the wall during air phase when the boss flies into the sky nothing matters besides staying alive we do need to kill the adds but we will have so much time on buffed servers you have plenty of time to kill the ads what you don't want to have happen is people a wing from the start and getting themselves killed we have like 60 seconds to kill mobs we can easily kill in 30. we just wait 10 15 seconds make sure that threat is established and then we spend 30 seconds killing and then we still spend 15 seconds twiddling our thumbs waiting for the boss to come down i cannot stress how important it is not to over aggro the ads during the air phase did we go do you have any stamp uh gems left hey okay you'll have to do with this thing there's also a fear he does a tail whip and a breath as you might expect you can max range we should have one healer always max range so maybe francis uh just stand at max range of the heel and when the whole raid gets feared you won't get feared okay do you want me to stand or do you want me to stand just on this side like we've got karen you can be a mark so just a hug circle if you don't know what you're doing i'm just restarting my client okay i think you want to basically stand near circle but um on either side of the uh the balcony that we're stood on either stand at the edge of the balcony or against the wall just so that when a child earth spawns on you there's still a space to one side giving us a pathway when the boss flies up at every 25 that's the air phase and then we'll get like six to eight ad spawn that need to be tanked the ads have an aura which deals damage so you do not want to stand near the aura what i suggest we do is we have we stack so let's imagine the boss is 75 hp the boss has just flown up into the sky we are waiting for the ads to spawn we all stack on square we have one ad spawn it gets tanked two ad spawns it gets tanked and then let's say we're stacking on the tanks and the tanks are star after the second ad spawns everybody who is not a tank runs about this distance away from the ads so you're out of the range of the aura but not so you're very far away from the ads because the boss has an additional mechanic which he'll just throw [ __ ] on you and you'll die if you're too far away from the boss so the sweet spot is not too far away because the boss will attack you and not too close because the skeleton adds have an aura aoe okay yeah i mean you'll get a visual cue as well right when the where the skeleton will spawn when it's about to spawn right yeah there's like rocks falling yeah yeah so we stack for two adds and then when the third one comes or when the second one has spawned uh move out and you can uh follow circle for that um raid leading style it probably would be best to communicate the way you do with saffron blocks one two and then you need to know then you know you need to move away but it's also good that you kind of see what's happening how much damage does this aura do a lot if you're stood near five mobs sure do you want fire or devo you need to so um sam which of you is doing wisdom sam is doing it sam can you do wisdom on the shaman uh yes katie you're supposed to stand in that spot when the the fear is going off then you max arrange it when's the figure about every 45 seconds oh what the [ __ ] he's here guys okay yeah the walls hug the walls guys don't stand in the middle just in the middle and watch the ground below you in this face but not much else rusk you're standing in [ __ ] i moved yeah that's very a very big circle compared to what it was in english are you max range kitty no just i'd like to confirm that you can outrange the fear again you're going to pull through please man apart aggressively guys it's a very long fight you will use three or four mana parts 5k behind i'll um salvation you instead of wisdom every time the boss lands it is a threat reset please be advised jump over sam [ __ ] it so how often is this fear supposed to be square square square square come close to the right there's one two let's go and you can want them if you are this is when i would waste on how is this damage healers feels yeah hunters get closer you're getting this extra mechanic come closer to the boss come closer to the boss it's not just a hunter assist entire raid yeah the horror boss is miles away yeah yeah um during air phase he goes to the middle of the um the balcony so he was miles away from us because he flies to the center of the balcony oh so we need to kind of move with him there yeah you need to yes we need some more yes i'll just wipe it down i guess yeah we can definitely two shot this that's the only other mechanic and then it's just rinse and repeat so i still don't understand the mechanics so the boss flew up into the air phase and remember i said he has an extra mechanic if he's too if we're too far away from him so there's a sweet spot we want to be far enough away from the ads that we out range so go to the back door side where the pings are sorry if you can see just to be jumping just follow come to the back door yeah um i'm resigning oh okay that's fine well it's no time to go to the back door anyway so the ads have like a 30-yard aura or so that deals damage and when there are five mobs up that damage becomes significant so you want to be far enough away from the ads that you don't die to that aura um the boss um has an extra mechanic if you're more than i don't know 50 or whatever yards away from the boss and he will just throw rain of fire or something on you and they're the the barrage of circular flame things that were thrown at the raid the thing that we weren't expecting is when the boss goes into his flight his air phase at 75 percent he went to the middle of the room instead of directly above us so we so this section of the uh this uh balcony that we're stood on is a massive like doughnut shape almost and we summoned him and tanked him here at the start of the donut what we want to do is tank him halfway around the donut don't enter the back door oh is it hard or all right no the door's locked and we don't we don't have the rep to like no one has the key remember oh so you need to go back to shot and teleport in oh yeah oh did that that didn't work before because you had to come after the boss lands there it just does that rinse and repeat three seconds just hold on a second uh karen can you make a chat portal and get people in yeah okay everyone follow circle sorry julius what's up when the boss um lands after that it just does that on repeat every time it's a threat reset it's exactly the same except the boss is less hp sure yeah someone doesn't work okay so let's uh stand where we want to be pulling anyway they just come with square so you can't even swap yourself into a group and prep them by the way if you leave the group everyone loses the buff that seems like a bug well but you're gonna have to half out we can't summon you and uh if you miss the portal well i'm walking isn't that fun how are you walking right yeah oh that's gonna take a long time oh sorry for creeping can you summon while inside though yeah maybe yes that should be okay it says no you did when i cast it looks okay i'm getting unknown units well oh try something risk yeah would work because it's because you have you you don't require the key once you're already in the raid you do require the key to be summoned outside from outside in if we don't wipe at this attempt i think we just plow through the remaining bosses we should finish this range and see everything yeah yeah but if we get stuck on this because this is long fight and if we're just you know we've seen it all and we can just progress on it might be fast for you guys to hearthstone and take the topper oh actually that makes you walk doesn't it oh yeah yeah we have to run what what actually happened here then so we we were too far away from the bus basically the boss moves to the no i mean like how do we have two people who aren't here oh they weren't rest they ran the back door they couldn't enter because they don't have the key so they rest outside could not enter so what they've done i hope is they've gone through one of arkans's portals to chat and now they've taken the teleporter in chat to teleport here summon some google and now we can't no it says unknown unit we summoned one person otw would you better have me have a constant blessing of sacrifice light no might i mean oh i mean light's good actually yeah isn't it kings from judaism like for me it's not that good when you've only got one pound no light light is a it's a bit trash to be honest 580 from holy smells you only have one get healers probably no that's from holy land you don't do all the lights yeah i do but not i'm not spamming holy lights yeah but still i think that's still the best i mean my man i wasn't going to finish because if the talent changes yeah usually holy light is what you do and if you're not and if you're like that healing is not necessary you just cancel cast and just like prep it for 90 if the tank is 100 health you cancel or you have an attack bar of the boss we're not going to wipe the blessings let's uh make sure we're ready and pull sorry to cut you off is it he didn't do a single fear does it have a castle it should do yes what at least one point five seconds minimum easy trimmer and if is if it's tremor pulses so i'm not sure if you can and it might be on the server thick of when you get mana when you're drinking for example not so much on when you put it down should we pull i think we'll come and stand back try to get into decisions guys entirely good what is phase one position it's um when they're in the little camps left and right uh warlock seeds careful with um casting and buffing in this phase because i had aggro when i was doing that hey phandra do you want this mba or okay did apes kill nightbane let's see how much direct this lost i think this is nice yeah i'm not taking damage from here okay so the animation is like bigger yeah the animation's a lot bigger than that's a nice welcome change because on every private server before it was different yeah but the animation was oh there's fear fear you the fear cast is longer than my [ __ ] dick mate i arranged it i mean you have a tuner uh stack see where the boss is come square and moved with the boss we should be very safe here so run back to the totems or the salwell when we have two ads okay go on go away and do not plague the ants no no spock uh do any of the hunters have misdirection 10 seconds yeah uh whoever said yeah get rid of md when he lands he might fear as soon as he lands so get ready don't forget the monopod aggressively here and watch the cleave and do not pull aggro there is a threat reset that was over agree please watch out for the cleave and adjust and a tail swipe right wrong i cannot emphasize don't even heal when he's landing either please remember he's moved now so air base is a bit different so we'll have to march forward and sprint to the middle of the platform when he flies that was a breath if that was a fear i'd have been there today i wasn't looking she was looking at the pet stood in the things um if you're gonna swap between weakness and wreck please tell me are you out here okay close to another airfare soon they get ready to sprint to where we were before the boss landed please fear incoming before arcane stand in the fire sprint computer print come to square come to square i need to get closer there's one there's two don't ever know her please that is very dangerous don't go too far away wait you can shut the ball they take magic damage you can hit the can we test hitting the bus as well please this damage is really [ __ ] easy on me can we just hit the bus yes attack the boss i can do full damage on the boss uh baby tucks do you have md mm-hmm can everyone stop damage on the boss because it is a threat reset don't do any healing either and we're going to get baby tucks md here i'll just prepare for a fear straight away okay you rotated them a little bit to your right this way so the tail it doesn't go to us yes thank you kelly should be magic beauty right in that it doesn't matter yeah they are yes it doesn't matter for another it's a long answer so i don't want to answer it sorry spork i'm going to put you in group um two ain't gonna drop your monotone you can do it now all right it's down that was needed for julius julius if you want you can hit the boss and i need to be cleansing actually all right you can swap me back it's so much okay and we got a re-roll horde for that we'll take him hey like that it is hug square hug square this is our last air phase please play the safest you've played any of the air phases can we hit the bus you can i don't know what you're doing arcane that's the second thing it's probably fine because he is the one doing it so it's probably fine because he knows but spelling this dot that's three thousand damage over yeah yeah you can definitely it doesn't really make it obvious yeah you reapply it without responsibility [Music] like i'm doing nothing in this fight i'm dispelling it now i just didn't do damage stop damage stop healing uh russell okay you got the md rusk thank you watch the tail adjust this move francis i told people to click offer news that is creation yeah francis is a griefer true heroism i can move you spork don't do it yeah yeah just wait a second do it now it's too late it's already done group one's gone okay sorry it's probably best on warlocks but it's not bad on the hunters either actually shield please thank you right you don't even need to i'm i'm so ahead of the curve with what i shielded you before you asked oh i'm asking for the boss to drop shield yeah well assuming that that was a joke that was a very good joke oh we've got the boots there oh that just never dropped upgrade for tank follow square those boots are nice for red parliament what are you doing yeah i'm joining for tanking there don't forget your badges i won't equip them like you're not going to play right no no it's just a joke i don't care about this look anyone have the chest how the hunters do they want the chest needed on it okay chris these mobs hit very hard we're now in like the second half of uh cara so just be a little bit more mindful don't expect it to be a cake walk if you thought the first half was these mobs need to be de-cursed um honest at least and they do like a funnel cone again so we can try sure after this mob just follow square and hug the wall on the left-hand side oh yeah it's both taking the cone of coal isn't ideal um the mob patrols so no i pulled it you lost through the doorway thank you so this is the mob we were trying to skip by hugging the wall on the left so what did this mob do other than just do damage to you a curse reducing your chance to hit by 50 it's physical only i think unless a caster can tell me otherwise or does one of them do physical one do cast it i actually i'm trying to escape here the rest can just heal me well that's me dude mobs are so easy sounds online uh do you curse me please just keep pushing aggressively up there's a lot of loss because we're going up don't stand in front of these mobs because the frontal cone does a quite large right damage this is pretty much type as meme press w i mean i'm just trying to get in front of you so the holes in the floor just don't drop through them uh julius here they do the frontal corner cold so you don't want to exactly be in front of me but i know what you mean it's a good tactic to you to do but i don't want to be left behind the dps meter does work yeah we're trying johnny we started much later speakers we'll catch him though johnny we don't want to know the one that i love yeah i do arcane you're assuming that these guys are my mates uh left side yep come into the room and pre-spread did you love that spread what did these mobs do spread out they do a debuff that does nature arcane damage and it does like five ticks and it progressively ticks harder and harder so you pre-spread because your character will be arcane explosioning so you see julius explosion yeah yeah i see it he did some [ __ ] on the damage right there you have to be tough the last tick is 200 400. 3k damage 3k that's not too bad don't double the damage on the predator 6k damage it's like 200 400 800. just russell move away from risk risk move away from others can you check our machine take it one more time 32 was lastic preferably actually standing all on one place and then one guy moves away but yeah that seems a lot better that's the ideal situation um please stand back here dps should not move forward here we always bring it back to here here you kill the big one first it's a mana shield um [Music] so he'll die when his mana thing so viper sting is nice warlock should just do damage i think increase mana burn these no they just keep healing because the healing is quite necessary here and then they stand in this cloud to get mana back and also try to ninja mob these little balls because they're primal bananas do you hunters have scorpid sting on your balance yeah find it oh i do have it i thought you mean hi t-dubs hi oh i thought he died so these are supposed to do a lot of damage or freaking yeah i mean i can't kind of think after the initial damage they put up a mana shield so i do no threat on this mob so healing aggro can be very high on these mobs preferably you also want to stand in line out of line of sight of these little worms so my consecration hits and actually like keep straps yeah i'm hearing reports that there are three um sparks on the creator fight what oh only like not three and at the same time i guess yes three at the same time yes so a lot of guilds have been uh stuck on this business if he teleports he's not dead if who teleports uh you can come into the room now guys but uh standing on the start we're gonna lost to where square is now um says this is the boss everyone's been wiping on can everyone make that macro tar or target if you want to type extra letters for no reason uh astral flare so make a macro and then whatever your make a new steady shot macro or a new shadowbot macro or whatever because you're going to basically want to hit that all the time because um he has two phases one where he is he has reduced damage by like 95 it's basically not worth anybody dealing damage to the boss just keep debuffs up if they're useful um otherwise you do everything you have on a spark if if all the sparks are dead good job we're killing the sparks efficiently but don't bother casting a new spell on the creator step back please don't bother melee swinging the boss even because you want your melee swing your cast bar to be ready as soon as the spark occurs uh the boss runs out of mana when he does he'll do an evocation increasing his damage taken by a hundred percent so you're dealing double damage when he has no mana okay so you're basically helping that's shotting we might get sparks up when he evocates so when he evocates we might get three sparks if we do um get sparks when it evocates we want to kill the sparks first so the priority is sparks first always and then yes the spark is a natural flare it just looks like a spark of energy right but should what i mean is that like should i just pop my healing cooldowns to keep everyone alive or is there like not a lot of damage going on and i can help with that well it's a constant phase so they spawn like seven or something so it's like you can't just pop cool down and be done with it you know we probably will get uh it's like 15 seconds of damage i don't know the the flares oh no how long is the extra damage phase no the flare phase is about two minutes and then the evocation phase is about let's say 20 to 30 i don't know it's 20 seconds of evocation okay sure i get wisdom again something for you julius it's probably concentration aura yeah the flares do like a chain lightning [ __ ] that knocks your cast bar a lot so ideally um we have hunters or someone tank them if possible oh the boss also does a hurtful bolt hateful strike so the second on aggro will take an additional hit from the boss so just identify who that is and they'll needing extra healing obviously and if you are taking the hateful strike you want to be stood at the back of the raid because you don't want the sparks to be on you dealing damage whilst you're 10 hp because you're taking the hateful strike people in chat are saying why pink so just really play it safe just uh let's also have a pre-spread setup so we know where to stand i think um depending on how good the first attempt is we might just go straight away with two heal uh two healing it so we have more damage to kill the sparks if we get overwhelmed with lack of damage like the goal sorry i need one more person left side left i it's a light spread in like a u-form around the boss right yes it can even be like a horseshoe a little bit with you wrapping back around okay so let's say that star is the boss you can position right now yes in like a sort of you form and i will stand here to the side i can stand here yes that's great um it's 10 yards right um yeah probably karen um spork you would actually coming that's nice you could actually go okay stand in the middle there um because you can do frost joke to get the initial threat on a spark don't deal damage please okay you can go um don't worry about damage now there's no spark just now kill the spark everyone on the side across all range dps spam do not attack the boss spam your magnets you oh okay the the boss actually takes damage um kill the fireflies kill all of them the boss doesn't have his um reduced damage aura so he takes full damage just down sparks so spork is the one getting like the hateful kind of thing right okay yes as long as can you second threat [Music] spawk just make sure you're away from these sparks okay okay and anybody else if you can identify that you're now second on threat and taking the sparks that's taking the hatefuls run to the back of the room i'm not doing much on um i think i should uh try to get hay falls okay get ready to do damage on the bus kill kill the spark kill the flare kill the flare kill the flare and then boss no don't bloodlust we'll use it on the next evocate can you put wisdom please sam sam for me yeah yeah trying to get my nose class now only use micro kill the flash yeah i'm getting hateful that's good kill the flares please i'm tanking the flares it's not a good idea for the tank to be tanking the flowers yeah everyone on the flares we wipe if we have two waves of flares at the same time uh sam you need to are you taking this flare no like if there's a clear on me i can die i know but it's not working two second on threat sorry my threat really i'm just making sure um me getting aggro of the players do we need to have someone mark a skull on a flare kill kill the flares everyone on flares again mana potion aggressively i i've been doing that i'm gonna be doing soon can i um i think i can um lay enhance you to this just spam your [ __ ] out kill the flares i'm gonna do it now you're doing great guys no worries i still have my lay on hands why not put those in one minute just should have burned the players as well there's a flare on the bus new flash this might be the last evocate so we're close to the end just play it safe kill the flares our wipe condition is we don't kill the flares they enhancing just the balloon flies on die yeah we're running out of damage why are you still hitting the boss when there's a player alive are people seriously not attacking the flare yeah i saw two people hitting the boss instead of the flame well i'm hitting it so i could keep uh hateful aggro two dps players i mean okay you need to be on flares now we do need to mark skull by the way let's see someone with assists please moscow i have to make sure no one does yeah that's fine um i think at fifteen percent he's soft enrages and we don't get any more flares but keep killing fires keep hitting flares francis you have mana but soon no 40 seconds i just used mine but i'm going to keep on flares we're starting to drop behind okay go boss ignore these players go boss go boss okay click clear the flares clear the flowers clear the flares we've we've faced him we have no more flares if these players die we win there's shield wall uh cheers to the shield we'll hit other people kill these players you have something sam shield has ended uh what do you mean something anything to heal yourself i have mana i'm fine i'm not gonna take damage anymore it's good kill the last player i do actually uh yeah i'll heal myself don't worry about me yeah i want to make sure to stop doing yeah that's good good call oh it's rank one though my god i'm not too bad we are gamers we also you guys can tell did you guys even use your um health stones we can check the logs seriously guys that's a nice job like i'm impressed um karen are you going to be mage tanking uh hiking mugger do you want that stuff okay pass the staff for karen please oh it's tradable as well okay oh yeah they're they're tradable everything's tradable basically we have prior information it's not fair but asthma gold apparently is on the trash in the next room um so we're definitely not gamers does anyone want the gloves it's your cat i mean they're not very good and i've got better ones i mean you just take them don't know the other one like you said it's francis john i mean they're not terrible are they i don't know how they compare to him everyone pass on the [ __ ] staff hello let's get anyway wait you guys are actually getting back to judges just yeah what the [ __ ] yeah you haven't been listening run forward and drink manner that's hopefully nothing can we do a quick quick rebuff so we don't forget we buff at the trash we don't we buff at the corpse particularly [Music] he's [ __ ] dead would you like looting the boss or something yeah the justice guys well they're really good where you want to pull this patrol we're going left side died okay left right really around the corner everyone fully square around the corner i guarantee you can you explain what these mobs do please if you look in the chat they will do like a yell depending on their yell like if they do an s at the end that means they're doing a spell reflect if they're doing like a p or an m it means melee or physical at the moment they do towards spell yeah can you put up the damage just kill the flares when they spawn and get ready to kite sam when they do the fist kill the flare what does this mean the flare will explode if we don't kill it so you have to kill it let's pull this patrol yes i body pulled it because i had nothing well i might need those i can't just do scuff demo shots so the next pack with the big the small elements that we know and the worms physical you are solely on the worms and because they're immune to spell damage okay i'm gonna play the worms are immune to spell damage so all hunters only tap the worms here please could you like we're gonna be here for 20 minutes if we don't kill them with hunters so on the previous stretch she said that something comes in the chat window so i'm reading yes so those mobs should have done a an emote in chat and they should have been reflecting a certain type of damage i guess they're not doing it they didn't do a reflect at all that i observed at least um we can dispel this by the way dispel this off yeah but from spell damage dealers you don't really have to are you sure you don't want me to dispel it off yourself are you tanking the mobs oh from me yes i'm just saying from like a warlock or a mage yeah yeah i'm just looking at the tanks you shouldn't okay if you could try to have you have it for more threat first consecration i'm already wearing a flask of fortress so i should be fine on everything and if i'm not then dps need to jump from now on we'll also um have these books you can hover over that with your mouse and see if you can loot it or not i love how you say java yeah hoovercraft right i don't know what that means what's that oh what does what do the books do um it's a buff depending on what kind of book it is but either you have an ally helping you heal or a guy like taking you less damage or deal more damage that's kind of the sure you lose it if you die though is it good so like if you were to find a book you should try to give it to someone else which is not good for you right yes absolutely yes again here physical please even uh spellcaster you just hit with your your uh weapon i'll pick this guy's up oh this it's the initial damage yeah it's probably because all my spells hit at the same time there or something and that's why i don't know it's like i've noticed in this that whenever whenever a mob hits you the first time you take like a big chunk and then nothing happens afterwards yep so is it thrash maybe it could be thrash like that happens in classic as well right careful with threat here telling me how to tank sam i'm just helping you like you're helping me yeah it's better to say it and not preferably here especially on tvc launch this is where we could save a lot of time by skipping a bunch of mobs like we alive it's doing a uh spell reflect that's why maybe sam's taking big damage yeah yeah just stop attacking is it does the consecration tick do it uh it doesn't especially it will explode for big damage yeah it's really that's like seven um we gotta pull in the back tried to pick it up hunters and tsw uh can we not do this please i think france is grooved it's actually karen that's what he does sarah has been to cara a few times what happened arcane was who pulled you karen's cancer oh now karen's blaming the warlock i'm reading karen's comments in karen's uh accent stop bullying me guys you have no warlock pulled what i think sail pulled no we haven't perked up ahead now is the warlock definitely it's okay he couldn't do the [ __ ] jump thank you you're fine you're fine yeah i know it was friends did we get through we have the two best healers on the server in this group and then uh you also have a could the two best healers on this server heal my pet as well oh your pet's done for your pet will enjoy some chain heels okay yeah spark kill there you go i have killed cop you think they have [ __ ] bars for your pen i have i have pet bars now i just turn them on for you a big elemental that we kill first with two little elementals those little elementals we need to stun before they die the avoidance work yeah it wasn't working for a long time so why do you have no idea yes you can also buffs pets you know like that's julius can you stand this one when it's low uh yeah no good job yeah it wasn't undead it was definitely something it's right as well my stance on cooldown for this time let's kill the big one first and then the big mob doesn't do any anything he just does the volley throughout his whole life it's the small ones that do they explode when they die my son is off gold uh on cooldown so you need to stun somebody rush rusk stand the unmarked one yo man wait with damage please stun to not do damage there and recognize that's the tactic wait for the cooldown on this time like we're coming here to do it properly don't do it like that's [ __ ] up well sorry boom i have to drink now let's find your baby single mom you want to almost rotate who sits and drinks by almost i mean you should do that exactly i mean we don't need francis on these bumps half the time just to explode move up now move up now don't even drink move up now yes hunters aspect of the pack help help each other i'm more behind that's uh wait they're misleading this rate what sacrifice we're willing to make yeah that was there these look please just focus sorry if you don't know what to do just slash follow square i mean i'm trying to [ __ ] learn but then perks but you're the one with the broken you're right it was done what did i do we have a rogue in the raid you've been in the raid the whole time how did you die perk sal you take mana uh just to summon francis i was screwing too hot it was seating please tv this week can you wait for a second i'm not playing i actually like this um can you guys get them okay you guys can get themselves killed here with king aoe what did i just leave i can click dude just kill kill rack with if you find one of those healing books can i use one i have one i used it yeah griefing i want to think about francis that's why i died can we just try and consciously keep up it's because we had to summon someone don't jump because they weren't keeping up please okay so the elites are again done we should have ample water so we can just walk and drink walk and drink i heard that you can't take walk i mean i need an add-on to show me the ticks as well which doesn't exist yet i mean isn't this the no batching as well like it's really hard 10 millisecond windows i've tried it do we want to go shave around first and use lust i mean i love to do it around this boss so you move when flamework is car straight no and that's not a joke you want to use when people haven't been to the fight before to be clear do not move when flamework occurs there will be a ring of fire around raid members in the next boss if there is a red ring of fire around you and you move you will wipe the raid again red ring of fire do not move your character do we have like a countdown like we have no way of knowing what's supposed to it wasn't working the one i was using let's do it without because it's good training oh my god it's horrible without all right because then we have no idea when to move just know okay he says what he's doing i think okay so he'll either teleport you to the center of the room if you get teleported to the center of the room you run to a wall asap because he will do an arcane explosion after 10 seconds you need to run to the outside of the room as fast as possible if you get teleported into the middle he can also do a blizzard he'll do one of these by the way he'll like rotate as the fight goes on so it'll either be an arcane explosion where he will teleport you to the center of the room or he'll do a blizzard where there will be like a a blue little cyclone that spawns indicating the center where the blizzard will spawn so you see a little blue cyclone run away from the cyclone it will always go around in a circle around the room so what's really nice is if you just follow the back of the blizzard because then you can just stand and cast for ages before the blizzard works its way around the room to catch up with you if you know what i mean like you're behind it not in front of it everyone good health in the meanwhile spork um could you can we finish tactics first before we start talking if you need to do something whisper okay um also the flame wreath as mentioned before the red ring of fire will spawn under you if it does you do not move because you'll get thrown up into the sky exploding everybody and taking full damage and dying i'm at 40 percent he will summon four elemental adds um depending on how much hp they have the tactic is either to kill them or to fear them banish them we got two warlocks so each warlock is going to banish one each and fear one each so all of the elementals should be cc'd what you don't want to do is transition the boss to 40 hp and then get a arcane explosion or then get a blizzard you want to have a bit of breathing room so that the cc's can go off so you don't have the ads um loose straight away healers at 40 hp if the shack if their banishes and the fears don't go out straight away healers will be tanking the elementals so healers in particular get ready to heal yourselves at 40 hp because you will be tanking the ads they'll do a you know a frost bolt on you yeah also the boss will constantly do um three spells he'll do a frost bolt he'll do a fire blast thing and he'll do an arcane missiles so who do we have in terms of interrupters we've got tsw i can introduce pretty much i'll interrupt the arcane missiles and spawk you can interrupt uh the fire blast wherever it's just say interrupt arcane missiles that's what you not want to do right uh oh yeah on private service that hit hard okay sure so i'll defrost spark do fire in church i'll try and bear in mind i have like no spell hits okay mages can also help out maybe mage i hope everyone else there's a reason why i can't take this uh hellstone so you get teleported to the end of the road and you run to the edge of the room correct and that's it and you don't move when you have a red circle yep and when the blizzard spawns oh also the boss will do a silence if you go near him so it's like a 15-yard silence anywhere around him he'll just always silence you so stay away from boss when you get the ball to the middle to the edge and then don't move yes um also if you don't need to cast and the blizzard spawns you can run through the boss because you'll take a shorter uh distance to get out of the blizzard if you run through the middle of the room but you are susceptible to the silence if you are casting so run through the boss don't cast and then when you're on the opposite side of the blizzard you can resume casting if you know what i mean what you don't want to do is to be chased by the blizzard all the time because then you're not doing anything you want to be sat behind the blizzard or in the middle not casting um there's no threat so you can go boast the wall immediately uh it's it sucks that i don't have better dps gear i'm literally going to be using a sword and [ __ ] okay incoming get in the room the door will shut you did the right idea okay so it's tsw on the fire don't move it's a flame wreath if you have fire stand still completely still do not move at all frost because you said frost initially i didn't know i'll do fire [ __ ] it um healers if you're targeting the boss you can see who's he who he's targeting his spells on so if someone's low hp don't move remember um if the boss if the his target is low hp and he's casting oh blizzard's coming move away it's uh whamping on the map you're zooming in the map whatever just avoid the usually this is the phase where you can flow straight into the blizzard this is usually the place where you walk uh too close to the boss and catch silence so be wary of that it's supposed to move you see no we're silencing him from all three castes oh move from the blizzard no moving it's moving with me i mean the blizzard who is that hunter stay on the outside of the room until he finishes his cast and regime and it's this repeated at forty percent there are ads which will be cc'd this is a fun fight he's dying he's yeah he has very low armor sam can you put spork into group two at 40 please i'll just do it now don't move guys they made you don't need the scorpion sting thing or something yes there's no threat he doesn't really he shouldn't melee i don't have the d-block right even though you guys are it's fine yeah he does melee you got the heads okay use the less spark a bloodlust harrison whatever warlocks you need to be feeling i can't reach terror uh you don't need to oh check out blizzard run through the boss if you need to avoid the blizzard if you get behind the blizzard like if you see square like i see i don't need to move for ages because the blizzard's not going to be on me for ages yeah i thought you can't run but you can't run close to the boss too close to him as long as you're not casting it's fine he will silence you for casting move away from blizzard please turn off the spell magic hello move can we make sure these are feared please don't move do not follow him if somebody well i guess we don't have [ __ ] relief should we just kill them yeah it's low hp like i'm sure i'm killing these who keeps moving the groups yeah don't [ __ ] do that sorry it's commanding shout it's pretty good buff yeah literally griefing heels i'm also giving people lots of hp you killed julius you should warn keep running style yes i don't think changing groups for shouts works anyway it doesn't work in classic it will fade off you when the warrior leaves the route the same way as uh prayers do yep easy boss is this the boss that was it those are meme shoulders that's pretty much shadow strike in uh multicore is boots good uh yes uh now doing can you arrest me oh this is so funny yes i'm sorry i need to game on first wouldn't that happen if you had two l what did you say wasn't dispelled i didn't he changed the routine okay yeah that's my bun i was focusing on the blizzard to be honest that's something i would if i would actually play this character then i would dispel that as a prop pile then i have nothing to do except that you know but yeah right how many bosses left four yeah those are they now they are in quick succession though there's little trash there's just one more uh we can skip a lot of the trash as well we'll do a paladin skip dsw i'd say uh shaymin in group 2 now because i've spelt damage totem for the casters i mean oh you can go into the group t i get apparently kilrec dies in three ticks of consecration or three consecrations i'm not sure but either way like um this should be easy this is going to be using two warlock cd yeah oh yeah absolutely let's let me get mad so what's the strat do we want to kill him a lot or no we'll just have kill wreck killed by aoe and we just need the boss basically everyone's a booker everyone not the boss unless you're a warlock in which case seed and sport get wisdom please send yes yes yes give you one as well [Music] not even a creative blessing feels bad uh yeah sorry i keep every flask if you need to um sporky if you could drop spelt damage totem yeah this group yeah great is everyone ready um similar to the curator fight where the macro was slash target astral flare this is slash target demonic chains or you can just right click it's less important to kill these immediately but you are seeing one of your friends and stopping damage and healing the longer you have them lay in the chains and to agree on karen's positioning we stand between the boss and the green circle right now all of us so all seeds hit the imps and all consecration hits teams as well yeah basically everyone's everyone stacks there okay yeah everyone made avengers okay let's go i think we're ready tried to heal again be ready to kill the shackles super fast shackle yeah yeah yeah hunters should be closer like what you're doing yeah you got five year minimum range now hi pleased to meet you baby i won't be able to hit the chain if i stand close it's down to the side why are we sitting when there's like two wimps yeah let my concentration do the work just a single target okay um change sports okay need to be really fast and change guys work you can um lost now five minutes cooldown oh okay right that's why the reason we go around first is there's more white potential on around and also when you kill iran you can talk to an npc at the entrance of the start of karma where we teleported in to get teleported to shade of iran's room it's very uh so if on the one percent chance we wipe here we can instantly teleport to the side of the dungeon oh my god this is so easy yeah surprisingly but everything just single target the boss kill chain single type the boss just get a load of ads spawning and then kill them like wait until 20 hours and then see like i'm probably killing a lot of them just by consecration i could also come back yeah you can just see it's all second time i'll use consecration as well to help like this imps are joke i thought the this is gonna be really like oh we're gonna wipe a lot too i think it's quest prep for this are they using uh level 60 values kikw you're just used to private servers that are massively overtuned i mean that is the last two i played so i mean that could be but at the same time even if you're a casual gamer like this isn't special if even if you look at it never was it was never particularly hard right the only thing that was hard i was curious okay chain off the boss chain chain oh no chain ends oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] you game [ __ ] you i'm taking the clip from the previous prize 251 dps this is fun so pretty much this is a fun this feels like a fun server when you play with dsw [Music] i'm 2100 jess let's go just the real deal i you can name most of the pieces uh baby tucks please range um look at sam tonks you stay around this region right here range that's village here they do a volley you can have that include healers or yes okay incoming we kill skull first and again max range please sam don't die yeah don't die for it want to try the skip absolutely okay push forward nice seat dude nice seat dude thank you okay we cannot skip this because of the position of the mobs then pull back around the corner please okay let's do this okay back to where we were guys we'll do the exact same pull again how are we doing the world first race the apes started 15 minutes before us yeah they had a handicap that's true a handicap yeah nothing early yeah if you have a handicap you uh you have an advantage right so that's how that works they are so he's saying they all had the cap so they go no i'm not oh okay i mean he's talking golf metaphors come on yeah come on guys we're all boomers here wow can we not seed as aggressively please like these mobs need to be stopped you're losing something i know it was on purpose basically like the skull is the only thing that really does push forward this is where you asperger's back oh we can switch back to your normal groups uh you can drop a totems again again max range at the bottom of the ramp here looks so much cooler feels bad your orc male you don't look perk we need to reroll horde dude do you think all female looks cool yeah i don't know i mean they stand up straight that is [ __ ] cringe dude look at you what the [ __ ] are you that's that's perfect perk irl this orc mail like hunchback like castle shuttles with the mountain of the legacy king you actually grow up grow like this see this that's the spell animation oh you have it as well i've not used it [Music] uh sam you're happy to do this everyone follow square i need to get uh that spell on my borrowers okay everyone basically slash follow square or just manually hang on i'm re-buffing i'm going to do another skip oh yeah if our bane's built to kill the uh night bay netherspite did they do nightbane did they do that spite do not uh renew click it up get him off grief sounds good good okay don't go ahead of square please there's one thing in the back so i need to get that one first do we need aspect of the pack in the other group yes can i hear sam no okay no no no no no no no no no no oh [ __ ] these are taunting me mobs they do a threat drop mechanic and they focus somebody else so uh to bop them or something like cleave do not obviously i don't have line of sight to perk this is the worst positioning for my site imagine uh julius could you check if you have a range too yeah i will i will i'm kidding you also have aspects of the pack careful yeah after the patrol i'll get you does anybody need a repair you can uh do mindset on these shouldn't oh that's target is too high level oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you not train it i did should be fine now let's go i've some reason i had rank two on my bars tbc classic just get well fed and do your buffs during the downtime okay can we get my suits out please on both of the marked mobs can i do multiple ones yeah what yeah do realistically you never watch fast pretty stupid let's see if we can need to get hug together and cleave both so we have threat let's face them together as well and let's not [ __ ] the pants what nice seat dude he said please this is this is [ __ ] tvc right instead of ignite briefing we have just [ __ ] seeds okay tactics sam i go first you go second you take first screen i take second green okay uh blue um [Music] type one and chat if you know how to do the blue beam me and perk though about baby text as well can you explain please i just want to know i want to pull uh okay the blue beam uh increases damage taken but also increases damage dealt um the buff lasts like 50 seconds or something or a minute or something you you get one stack per second during the beam um the red beam means that you're tanking and also gives you a large amount of hp but the more stacks you get the less hp you get but every time you jump into the beam it renews your hp so the tank just dips in and out the red beam and basically doesn't need to be healed the green beam if it reaches the boss heals the boss but also gives you full manner but over time with the stacks it reduces your total mana so the tanks just alternate who's in the red beam and the green beam and we'll just you know do that ourselves so that gets rid of most of the fight and then it's just a blue beam that dps's just want to stand in um and then take in turns to do a little bit more damage there are also void zones that will occur during the first phase um obviously move out of these as melee or range just stand at max range and then if uh avoid zone occurs just walk forward and then continue as if nothing happened um every minute or so he will go into the shadow phase which is like saffron in that there'll be aoe shadow damage going out all the time it's not very significant um he'll do a breath and target a single player if he targets you you stand still and it's the responsibility of other people to walk away from you you can pre-spread 360 around the boss so you have a slim challenge 360 close though right yeah melee yeah 360 melee please please please chill with rap it's a it's a threat reset every phase transition how are we gonna do blue uh beam signs uh we just need four people so first can be baby tucks then perk and then second can be sile and uh karen yeah so karen you're the second blue uh and second position style your second blue first position baby tucks you're immediately now going to be blue and perk you're um immediately after baby tucks um just for people who are not taking a portal they're assigned to please do not run through the beam um it's your responsibility to not run through it also for users in these three locations did you explain the heater thing for green yeah if you want to get full mana just stand and take one tick of green beam yeah it's like move in and move out and then you'll be filming for my boss look at the red is to my right and no one stand between the boss and the red beam or else you'll be tanking the boss i don't see green what oh it didn't see visually what the [ __ ] the beam is hella tall look what oh beam goes to his forehead his back tickles his bum uh baby ducks needs heal yeah yeah blue people take a lot of damage they're basically the people who need to be healed everyone else is easy that was not a good combo can someone take blue bean it's okay now spread out 360 around the boss in mellow range including yours so baby tuck stays still oh don't be max range either if you take the breath you're not gonna be healed you need to be full hp when the breath goes off if he targets you with his nether breath this is where you had to run away from that frontal corner so perks run away from perk okay that was good if you're away from me if you're 80 hp or lower you need to stop and uh health stone if he targets you with a breath if you get targeted by the breath do you do you just do you move it at all or do you just keep it and just health stone if you're 80 hp or lower dude i'd barely see and you said with the green beam you said with the green beam i can just walk into it and get full mana yeah just take one tick and you'll be fine but you have a debuff that lasts quite a while so you can only go into it again not the next phase of beams but the phase after that so every other beam phase you can take a new green beam so this is why the tanks rotate so i started on red now i'm on green and sam's on red and then next time we take every other green every other red okay i just stood in the green beam to test i didn't get any mana back i said yeah me neither oh maybe you need to stay in it and take like two ticks like one to like initiate and one to get the other okay well i'll try that okay but you've got the d buff now if you stay out of it for five seconds you can't go back into it again or yeah i have some i understand that you can't go back i'm um so can i take green next yes oh you've got 50 seconds cool down yeah you take one after the after the cooldown are you manipulating as well yeah francis grieving there's no reason to be far away if your beam spawns on the other side of the map you can't make it in time they see this part of the same place stop damage stop damage he does um adhere to threat until as normal until the red beam spawns watch the black thingies yeah i'm gonna take oh no yeah okay now you still have a few seconds yeah karen's testing it out yeah you have to stand in it for a while to get mana holders okay that's good yo give give some baby come on spider blades uh not a terrible tank weapon mean go for it bro i mean that it's not good for hunters is it no i mean it's better than what we have yeah my one's better than what we have i'll need it and then if kings defender drops you can have it uh follow square oh yeah oh right right i forgot probably oh uh i jumped the wrong way i'm a tbc player by the way and you're declined uh can we mine suit that behind you from some of you already jump down yeah summon is probably easier imagine how bad would be if he wasn't a tbc player hi guys hi do you see me jumping from there no one's looking no one cares wow you are dude look how fast these summons are with no battery uh can you mine tooth please or not uh no i can't he griefs by jumping or not jumping and then pulls without i mean i doubt we could have skipped it i'm making speed that's what i'm doing i think you might be uh more drugs less speed on the right hand side you can repair no need to manner up or buffs we're gonna do a boss that requires nothing so just run my favorite kind of boss so who's going to get the king though i think we should go with the king's indian defense get into the room i'm starting the boss without stopping no no no no wait wait wait come on dude like half the raid just okay okay vancouver's gambit declined let's go all right you're on the wrong side i think i've ever done this before what do i do you judge a character you can do double skip you can do two p you can go two i i immediately tested that as well easily i love it but i'm good here actually actually oh could you just kill [ __ ] or what the [ __ ] yeah [Music] action bar on your right if you're a melee piece just stand on a square next to skull skull is the enemy uh king and triangle is our king i will bloodlust every every cooldown and you'll do big damage if you're stood um within a square of trying to attacks okay i'm layering it does the damage increase work for this warlock you wish you were a wolf now huh just jump over here i move out of this area yo i'm a porn it doesn't even matter dude what a [ __ ] bro i'm chewing who's the orc wolf that's me man we're fighting the [ __ ] i'm fighting the king it literally says orc wolf man what the [ __ ] is an orc wolf bro i'm pumping dude this is the worst why didn't we do something more more interesting right click your frame and dismiss you have entered in instances already in progress i guess we have to accept this guys yep i'm accepting what kings defender [Music] the [ __ ] cheats with cheats everyone master report did please reset the checkpoint no it's boring did we lose i'm just cheating we won but why is that i think someone did a command to like kill it do we just accept that kid oh there we go i it do we get no loser so we've reset it again no there's no no no no that's what we said you spoke to him and you reset it don't speak to the npc oh my god you [ __ ] hey guys right speed run guys speedrun we're going to get 99 pass on this everyone to charge forward everyone's staying mellow range of our our uh triangle although the enemy king is not moving at least actually better if we could it's actually better if we give them space now this is not stock fish that's for sure this is so [ __ ] why is this even the thing bro this is gaming this is the best boss of wow what do you mean perk like we're just nuking a mob like this it's like rushing drink or something that's classic right okay yeah julius follow the king all the pined we're getting such good value out of our lust here i i got griefed by donald trump i can use the damage spell as well that's what i'm saying why is there an elf again yeah there's no skull dude i don't know what to do i'm a simple summoned demon you know you're a simp can't say that word oh she's screaming bro stop griefing yourself hello [ __ ] aoe from boys okay i'm almost there almost there baby tucks come on kill it inviting him i'm being informed i'm informed that on prince at 70 you want to lust or else you'll finish phase two before the lust ends oh my god oh my god what happened do we have to kill all the pieces maybe can one of you boys move i'm trying to aoe here oh do you need to kill every piece no why is the old wolf [Music] stop bullying the work out man oh my god took my spot [ __ ] word we yeah but isn't he isn't the king meant to be standing next to the board that's the only piece that isn't standing here rusk you know i think we're i think we're doing so i think we [ __ ] it up and we can't get loose well regardless we can continue because the gate the door is open for us to continue no we have the id says 10 out of 11 right okay well then we have that report guys i think we should just practice this i think we dismiss and continue let's go you may just kill all the ads let's see let's kill that picture shouldn't make a difference it might be just gonna take oh apparently only one person in uh resists raid could loot the chest so interesting same here let's put it on a three four masterly let's play who who's the leader the rate tsw but i can't if only one it might be perk because park usually does this where he doesn't even realize he has loot i mean why would i have little i don't know just everybody maybe demi slayer has it in group three square can anybody open this chest i cannot oh somebody's looking it's broke it's perk just loot it all and you can trade it literally griefing you can't cut the badges for justice why didn't you just mouse over the chest while in the piece that's a really good head for you francis everyone stay down everyone stay down cheers to be honest you're still silenced dudes we need to move up okay everyone come up there sorry i'm not saying i am i'm silenced i can't i'm not sure when this goes away oh run out and die safely please and do we have a ss no no all right do you have no recovery we can teleport with yeah we need to skip again though which is frustrating you have engineering baby sucks go front door and check the teleport pacifier francis silence tall we still have the [ __ ] debuff baby i can't change my aspect i'm going to run in and kill myself that's also a bug report i hope you're keeping track yeah i'll just watch the vaude and kill myself uh i can't say that on twitter on stream uh i'll just watch the varden report in game all of the bugs in game you'll watch the vod and know yourself okay once you enter talk to skull and take the option to teleport to the library bottom option on skull plus pieces uh says the guardians library yeah the option bottom is the only one that will take you anywhere the others are just rob [ __ ] my book buff is gone what do you mean role play [ __ ] i love this place okay i'm sad look at you we're on our way to the last boss so it's probably a one shot who's down to do it again with some n a pugs afterwards almost 4am where i am so but to be honest like regardless this is should be um trained to be a speedrun when we do it like it's so [ __ ] easy like it seems like all bosses and [ __ ] have lower health than they should have folks still not rest i mean this is the same thing that a lot of private service players said in classic when they did multi-core first time yeah i get it but still like oh god i mean it's underwhelming i'm i'm not i'm saying i'm just underwhelmed a bit like i thought this was going to be more more interesting it's still better right it might make it harder no you don't think they'll make it harder no no absolutely no they can't change anything more but they could reference that yo look at me see you guys uh we need to kind of work for uh wait for perk when he's here or something like what's happening man he's not even rest we don't know where he is okay i'm gonna go right side okay uh stand on test uh square please raid trying to get oh yeah aspects please sorry guys my loading screen oh we have a mob oh what the [ __ ] how they're going for you yeah you left you went left and right yeah you just were not anywhere what did huh you said you got them all right but you went i'm not sure is everyone in a visible position maybe not but we have a warlock that can be rest right are they going for you julius don't worry they're gonna track you know um but just to get me did i miss a mob i don't think so it just reset and came on to us i think it's weird how it can reset though right yeah that's a speedrun that happened in um this happens in in classic so if you bubble right and you go in the mobs just reset to the position sometimes that's what's happening in next round is when we try to do skips with bubbles [ __ ] up it is actually extremely annoying and there's no good explanation for why it happens it's it potentially [ __ ] speed runs as well because the mobs will just pass back and then you can't do anything i have two orc females baby baby tuck some rust tea bagging [Music] if we res scion we can start summoning others can you try doing phone calls am i irritable maybe yeah you actually could beautiful someone in my chat says are we gonna try doing five man cara probably doable even in this gear it's not curator i mean if we have uh a skull mark it's probably doable right can we uh summon the people out here but i get healed yeah i'm on the other side and if julius runs in we can summon him i'm running out of him what are you running out of ammo oh yeah 18 slot quiver it was full and now it's almost empty yes hunter you definitely want more than a quiver's worth where's julia set i'm on the way to the well you can get big equipment okay we need to go up top because we uh skip that mob also if possible warlocks you want to be uh summoning people to the trash not back here but that's just a small thing right now are you guys killing their moms nope make sure you feel hp for the drop style and life's after zero and then you can do it like that as i jump yeah if you like that while falling and gives you yeah i did it i actually got the hp now i healed you well stop lying you want me to start the chest event again we'll be purposeful i need to practice the chess event guys come on can we apply uh consumables please pretend we're pulling the boss right now us i mean this the stress is probably harder than boss okay everyone stay down i will pull a mob down these are taunting me mobs randomly uh yeah md uh cross to sam skull to tsw these mobs do a thrash and they do a bleed cleave so we're not tanking together i mean if we had melee we could attack them like this and we'd be fine i think okay or we can tank like this without any melee but they're supposed to do a big these should be doing a lot especially the bleed at some point kind of stacks up like this yeah it does stack that's fun all right i'll put another mod podge you guys finish off it literally increases damage by a lot okay because this is all you're gonna be doing oh we've killed my bane johnny i buffed it nightbane wasn't any more difficult not sure if both got it no no you've got a single buff pets it's very annoying is that how is this in classic as well yep yes like even the group buff you have to each play individually oh my god usually they're like like especially considered warriors i don't think that was until raph that's a dangerous position to be in there uh okay i think you know that but jesus this mob cannot like this is insanely in front of me but it's really annoying to uh how many times did we write we wiped just now because we were with silence and we couldn't use any spells uh we wiped once on nightbane because knight bain was so far away he was doing his extra mechanic and we didn't notice that he was far away uh when have we wiped besides just now and our first attempt on nightbane nowhere else didn't we have back-to-back wipes on the trash and that was just to death oh yeah we did wipe on the skip just now as well kinda yeah you're ready because this is normally stop preheating please prehim i'm glad that my shield slam does as much threat as your avenging shield i'm very happy to see that as well i mean it's not going to stay for long i mean this guy does have a big preen afraid not that much but i mean you know how easy it is podcast tomorrow before raid time before re tomorrow before beta red could do it kind of depends on girlfriend schedule okay this is a demon do you miss elixirs who needs demon slaying elixirs um please use your book this way to adjust groups a little bit here the streamer how much time dropped do you want to prepare this kind of content nothing that's good if you do the achievement you're more than i think you can drop agility right teaswee i mean i've been twisting the whole time so oh [ __ ] let's twist again uh i already yeah but hunter is in dps group for additional damage um well i think agility totems does more for you right yeah i'm not getting battle shot presumably or you come on come on battle p1 we should do that yeah what are you linking something [Music] one person in particular that we have to body out i was done with my webcam this is like a different camera even i think all right are we good do people know what to do we need to mark someone for okay this is my circle oh did he unmark himself are you not happy to do it here we go just so just wants to access which we'll do massive right there and then we move when what's that solid problem yeah follow circle and um no i was gonna ask for cursive weakness actually because he has a high resistance on demo shot so just because you're witnessing incoming i guess we don't get it no wreck [Music] mds yeah i'll do that thank us yeah yeah don't panic just make sure that you're out of range of 30 yards and don't the money grown or whatever yeah this is terrifying no this is i don't know easy one hp is very uh makes me uncomfortable this is what the [ __ ] yes like no hp uh we should sam can you prep the list it's already in a good position okay i think we wait until 60 to do it because of the increased infernal spawn yes current dc oh instead of karen can you do that sound sorry squats [Music] that's why i died what the [ __ ] is going on it's look at these internals are like so far now this is a very intense healing phase you just want to spam greater heal as a healer as a priest no we just dropping because how did you die i don't understand like i wasn't in feeble then took damage which was not happening because somebody was digging around with the group perk specifically yeah this is the case of where you want to um when somebody calls out one person to do something let that one person do it but it's fine i'm not mad just disappointed see this thunder replies no he lost under so it should be easy what chad i need scorpid sting hunters scorpids thing chat's calling you guys out i mean you used to don't perk weakness oh last sound on cooldown okay phase three you see these axes these white things they will attack one raid member identify who it is and they do a lot of damage maybe you want to send your plan you're on karen right now i just rested you can let carry on learn perks that's mom kill me away am i in healing range talk to me healers you're fine you can dps dps yeah yeah exactly boys julius is assault somewhere he does amplify magic i did not expect that that's interesting i'm not having fun [ __ ] do i not have a healer dps anyway regardless we might still be able to do it with flash flight spam of julius [Music] oh you can trade the chest
Channel: WarriorTSW
Views: 13,378
Rating: 4.52 out of 5
Keywords: tsw, warriortsw, kara, karazhan, tank, protection, warrior, clear, speed, how to, guide, gold
Id: Y4yJ4vrNyos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 45sec (10125 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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