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thank you for helping me to reach 50 000 subscribers and I hope that you enjoyed this long awaited and highly requested video on one of my favorite characters within all of anime and manga the character of Ichigo Kurosaki is the source of a lot of controversy and disagreement mainly stemming from the few labels that have been permanently glued onto his character deeming him to be not as compelling as his other Shonen contemporaries and even going as far as to say that he is poly written one thing that you will undoubtedly have noticed if you have stuck around on my channel long enough is that Tita Kubo is not a terrible writer so why is it that ichigo's name gets dragged around as an example of how bleach failed as a story Ichigo is commonly critiqued for not having an easily identifiable goal as a character but does this mean that he does not undergo a significant character Arc which takes him from point A to point B it is also claimed that Ichigo is a reactionary character responding to stimuli and not initiating action to move the story along like an active protagonist would Ichigo is also labeled as a character who has his powers and ability handed to him I've even heard people refer to him as a bland one-dimensional character dubbing him with the derogatory term Mary Sue a term which is used to describe a character who lacks any weaknesses and is able to unrealistically overcome their adversaries with ease in comparison to Side characters who may otherwise struggle if the same threat was presented to them bleach also gets a lot of criticism from fans who drop the series believing that after Ichigo had defeated Eisen the story had nowhere left to go completely undermining the significance of the forebrink arc and ignoring the long-awaited revelations that Ichigo receives during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc the final Arc explains the true reasoning behind the death of ichigo's mother and the explanation of ichigo's powers and abilities while also resolving the conflict between the Shinigami and Quincy which was first mentioned by Rukia as early as chapter 46 so with all of these criticisms listed I will be aiming to give my opinion on each one of these talking points the purpose of this video is to explain why Ichigo is one of the most unique protagonists to appear within the pages of Shonen jump and why I believe him to be a very well written character who many of us can relate to so let's begin this daunting task of disproving the common misconceptions applied to the character of Ichigo Kurosaki oh foreign foreign than by starting off with your thoughts and opinions on Ichigo on Twitter and on my YouTube Community tab I asked all of you why do you believe that Ichigo is a well-written character having had close to 300 responses here are some of the key reasons behind why the protagonist of bleach resonated with fans of the series the most commonly cited reason behind Ichigo being well written is because of his relatability to us since he is an average teenager living in the 21st century he is seen to be dealing with issues similar to our own like maintaining his friendships school grades his home life while also struggling with the added responsibility of being a substitute Shinigami this makes his struggles as a teenager that much more admirable since he conceals his double life from everybody around him leading them to not always understand why Ichigo is often absent or neglecting his personal life one example of this is in chapter 239 when is childhood friend tusky has had enough of Ichigo playing dumb when she questions him about the whereabouts of Orihime after she is taken to where tatsuki even reveals to Ichigo that she has seen him in his Shinigami shiyak show and is aware that he is lying to her but Ichigo struggles to tell his loved ones about his double life due to the fear of them being targeted by his enemies even though he doesn't want to he has to continue this facade for what he believes is the greater God even if it means that he hurts their feelings by telling them that it is none of that business like he does to tatsuki this is one of the purposefully written flaws that exist within ichigo's character which stems from the lie that he tells himself I will go into this later on in the video but as for this instance it highlights the very relatable struggle that Ichigo has with balancing the various different plates that he is spinning that comprise of his life as a whole now he may not have to deal with Hollows or irankas but we too have many aspects of Our Lives that we are all balancing at the same time for example studying for multiple School subjects maintaining friendships and sharing a home with family who may or may not understand what you are going through at one point or another we have felt that our own struggles have aligned with those of ichigos hence why there is such a large sentiment of relatability felt for his character as a whole in fact I would be lying if I said I didn't relate to Ichigo one of the moments that I always think back to is when he had been betrayed by ginjou during the fall bring Arc he had his newly acquired fullbring powers taken away from him these Powers had symbolized his Newfound hope to protect his loved ones once more after being powerless for 17 months seeing Ichigo desperately plead with the Enemy to return his powers back to him made me think back to my own experiences and how I had gone through such lows and moments of hopelessness later when Rukia arrives and tells Ichigo that despair is not enough to stop you it felt like she was saying that to me and this is credited to the undeniable relatability that Ichigo has you can empathize with their struggles and appreciate the lengths that he goes through in order to fulfill his want to protect his loved ones another relatable aspect to Ichigo is his struggle to find out who he is like us he struggles with finding himself for Ichigo this manifests with his difficulty to actually identify the origin of his powers this all ultimately holds him back from actualizing his full potential since he rejects aspects of his powers like the nature of his hollow abilities similarly there may be aspects of ourselves or our own lives that we are in direct opposition to ultimately this may be our own downfall if we never learn to accept these parts of ourselves and learn to live with the negative experiences that have shaped us into who we are today Ichigo may not like that he has hollow abilities but he has to accept this part of himself because they are a crucial aspect of his powers through neglecting his hollow abilities he has disadvantaged himself and this was demonstrated during the aranka arc when he had repeatedly rejected this side of himself resulting in his hollow side fighting back for Supremacy a lot of people also commented on the fact that Ichigo doesn't have a wild or out there goal that he wants to achieve this was praised by many of you stating that it results in each girl coming across as more of a believable character to follow when compared to other Shonen protagonists it is not a bad thing to have no direction in certain parts of your life it is entirely natural and very common to not know what you want do or achieve and Ichigo also embodies this in his normal life for example at the start of the full Brink Arc he isn't afraid to admit that he doesn't know what he wants to do after school I will talk more about ichigo's motives and desires when I discuss how his character is written from a screenwriting perspective later on but this is an example of how his lack of a crazy goal AIDS in the relatability of his character the next most common Praise of Ichigo that I noticed is that he is a realistic character which helps him appear more mature than other Shonen protagonists this maturity is widely accepted to originate from his childhood trauma which was the death of his mother and his inability to protect her this is a defining moment for Ichigo shaping his character for most of the series until he is forced to accept the truth of what happened to his mother the day that she died Ichigo does not have an unrealistic optimistic attitude he isn't always full of Hope like a typical bright-eyed protagonist he has seen and been close to death from an early age and it gives him an air of seriousness but most of the series he doesn't trust Orihime Shadow uru with being capable of fighting on their own as they constantly remind him to trust in them too and that he is not alone Ichigo has a problem with whitening too much responsibility on his own shoulders and then feeling entirely responsible when it all goes wrong this is a result of being fueled by tragedy Ichigo is driven by the desire to never let what happened to his mother happen again to any of his loved ones he had to grow up at a very young age after the death of his mother an Irreplaceable void formed in his family he had desired to get stronger from a younger age trying to overcome his feelings of powerlessness that he believes led to the death of his mother he feels responsible for her death because he wasn't strong enough to protect himself and consequently her Ichigo did things like joining a dojo and getting into fights with dogs in order to fight for those who were unable to fight for themselves his maturity led him to these decisions and the motive behind them is completely believable and realistic would you rarely be able to say that his character is realistic if he later went on to reveal that he wants to be the king of all Shinigami or a captain of the gote 13. of course not these are ridiculous goals and desires for a character that my opinion follows a more complicated premise than just having a goal to reach a number one position the maturity and realism of Ichigo often leads to him being misunderstood initially after gaining his powers Ichigo didn't want the responsibility of having to protect everybody he only wanted to protect his close circle of people and this was enough for him this in a way was a subversion to what a typical Shonen protagonist would have done typically the bright-eyed Shonen protagonist would have accepted their role and fulfilled their responsibility but Ichigo on the other hand puts up a fight and behaves like a typical teenager maybe it is too real for some people and it doesn't provide that sense of escapism that most seek from fictional stories based on all of your responses ichigo's realism and seriousness is definitely a key reason for his appeal the last point I want to mention that everybody seemed to be in unanimous agreement about is ichigo's Will to protect this having been brought up in almost every comment left on my Twitter and YouTube Community tab within his mean exterior is a compassionate call which manifests through his desire to protect as many people as as two hands can handle even before the death of his mother Ichigo had joined a dojo with the desire to protect his two sisters so we know that this wasn't entirely brought about by the death of his mother it was something that was always a driving factor for Ichigo ever since he was a child he has no desire to become the strongest or seek recognition from others his is a very modest selfless desire which in my opinion is very admirable when Ichigo is partaking in battle typical tropes like if I fail now I will never reach my goal are not utilized instead Ichigo focuses on the suffering of those around him and how they will be impacted if he does not succeed in defeating his opponent this is why he fought against byakia in order to stop Rukia from suffering this is also the reason behind him fighting against ukiora you will note that Ichigo did not attack ukiora during the Hue comundo Arc until he was told by ukiora that he had brought Orihime to Los noches and that made it appear to be a traitor to the soul society and her friends Ichigo solidifies his resolve to protect his loved ones several times throughout the story most notably during the soul Society Arc where he proves is resolve by rescuing Rukia he even tells renji during their battle that he isn't fighting because he wants to win he is fighting because he has to win the stakes are too high for him to falter the life of Rukia is on the line and him failing to protect her has several consequences for his character Ichigo was given the power to protect by rookia something that he had desired his entire life the existence of the very person who took away the Reign from his life is now being threatened will Ichigo stand by and just let her be killed because she gave her powers to him or will he utilize his Shinigami powers and not allow a repeat of what had happened to his mother Ichigo is not a powerless child anymore and it is for this reason that he values Rookie's sacrifice she had given him the only thing that he truly desired she may not know how much this had meant for him but he demonstrates what she means to him by infiltrating the soul society and fighting for her sake and in the end even rescuing her as we can see Ichigo had demonstrated his unwavering desire to protect his loved ones from the very beginning of the series and it is for this reason that this attribute is remembered so fondly by all of us Ichigo doesn't have a specific ambition but this doesn't mean that he is uninteresting to follow as a protagonist you all have responded with so many loving and positive accounts of how Ichigo affected you personally and why you think he is well written and that alone is a testament to the Legacy that has been left behind by our orange head protagonist we can all agree that Ichigo is a down-to-earth character who had to deal with considerable internal conflict in order to grow as a person dealing with his internal problems give him the strength to defeat adversaries like Eisen who had tried to take the Throne of God and even yuhabakh who had wanted to rid the world of the concept of death Ichigo as a whole showed us what it means to overcome issues that we as humans face constantly throughout our lives problems of depression anxiety and feeling inadequate it is great to have stories of characters who want to be the best that they can be or be more than what they were destined to be but in a world saturated with such Tales it is humbling to read about a character like Ichigo who simply desires to hold on to and protect the very few things that give his life meaning and purpose ichigo's character like I have mentioned underwent an undeniable double change from the very first chapter to the last however identifying what exactly changed leads to a lot of confusion and debate with some people even concluding that Ichigo did not undergo any substantial character growth or meaningful change this leads me and others to believe that he is a very misunderstood character whose wants needs false and past have been overlooked by the majority of the anime fandom who write off bleach as a weak story Ichigo comes across as a moody teenager but underneath this misleading first impression dwells an individual who cares deeply for others but struggles to express this because of his own deep-rooted flaws one thing that he does not struggle to express is his will and desire to protect despite others doubts of how impossible it is to infiltrate the soul Society or to defeat Eisen he never pays attention to the naysayers Ichigo creates his own path and does the unthinkable but often we never get to appreciate the toll that this takes on a character however through Ichigo we get a very realistic depiction of what it feels like to have doubts and fears when coming up against overwhelming odds people may not agree with this but I find it a strength to see Ichigo falter I for one want to see him do some introspection and reaffirm his resolve because that for me is realistic and true to life you don't overcome problems in the real world because of the power of friendship in the real world you gathered the strength to get up and face adversity through identifying your weaknesses so that you can strengthen them for the most part you will always have to take this first step on your own and later you may have support from friends and family members but they won't be there to tell you what you can only find out for yourself similar to how Orihime uru and Chad never interfere with ichigo's inner World they support him after he comes to his own realizations and decides what he has to do himself so I have hinted at a lot of things and I've probably answered some of your questions already but now I want to go in depth into specific areas of his character which are critiqued I want to give my researched opinion on them based on common screenwriting techniques and storytelling mechanics let's once and for all resolve the misunderstandings and get a clear image of how Kubo had decided to write his protagonist so the first point I want to discuss is this claimed that Ichigo is a reactionary character and because of this he is poorly written and uninteresting to follow the opposite of a reactive character is one that is proactive a character who takes charge of the story as opposed to reacting to the events that occur around them proactive protagonists are often defined as having clearly defined goals that the story centers itself around as we collectively cheer for the proactive character because it is likable to follow someone with ambition since this is a relatable quality to possess people like to follow someone who strives to be more than what they are hence why Underdog stories are so beloved this is exactly why stories like Naruto and one piece have found success on longevity this is a successful formula for storytelling especially when the plot is highly character driven the downfall for character-driven stories like these are that they would struggle to tell the same story without the protagonist and their goal being present if we are not following the protagonist or if they are no longer present then what interest will we have in the other plot points or Side characters since character-driven stories heavily rely on the proactive protagonist again I want to reiterate there is nothing wrong with this stories are complex and in my opinion there is no right or wrong way of doing things as long as you are making a conscious effort to tell you a good story the issue that I do have is with the reductionist perspective of some Shonen anime and manga fans who are so used to character-driven stories told in this particular manner that they set them up as a template for all other anime manga to Aspire to be like your character has no goal while he must be boring and reactionary Ichigo doesn't Aspire towards anything while Kubo must be a terrible writer I think takes like this are void of any real assessment and Analysis in fact they are outright lazy dare I say they don't know how to think for themselves and are just repeating what they heard from a YouTube video or a Reddit hot take a misconception that people who have no idea about screenwriting or storytelling often cite is that a protagonist without a goal is a bad protagonist the problem with this is that you are assuming that a goal is the only interesting thing that we should be following a character for there is more to a character Arc than witnessing the successful completion of their clearly defined a goal in addition to this a character who is void of a goal can still make proactive decisions within a plot just because they don't have a goal doesn't mean that they automatically become reactionary generally protagonists are reactive most of the time but demonstrate proactive decision making through their responses to situations and the subsequent actions that they take and how these actions and reactions end up having an impact on the world around them now answer this for me if Ichigo is indeed reactive or passive all of the time then what is absence be felt upon the world well if he was reactive or passive then Rukia would be dead each goes in a hollow would have assumed control over his being ukiora would have killed Orihime Eisen would have taken over the soul King Ginger would have struggled to recruit Ichigo into execution and so on and so forth yes Ichigo has no clearly defined goal but no this does not make him reactionary and poorly written because his actions as a protagonist directly affect the world that Ichigo resides within believing that things are happening to him and that he has no control over them only serves to prove how little attention you have been in pain to the story of bleach the problem that we have is that bleach is often compared to Naruto and one piece since it is a part of the Shonen Jump big three one piece a Naruto feature protagonist with clearly defined goals and are recognized as being proactive protagonists but because bleach tries to tell a different type of story to one piece of Naruto people find the issues when attempting to compare bleach to them they attribute their own lack of understanding of the story by describing bleach as being poly written since it doesn't follow the template laid out by one piece of Naruto assuming that having a protagonist who wants to be the king or top of something is the only successful formula for telling a Shonen story completely overlooking series like YuYu Hakusho or JoJo's part 4 which also features protagonists with no clearly defined goals but they are still enjoyable to follow despite yusuke or josuke not having a goal I still rooted for them to win with YuYu Hakusho I took interest in the story which simulative bleach was about the protagonist learning to understand the identity and overcoming their own internal struggles the appeal of a character with a goal on why it is always recommended to write a character with a well-defined goal is to make them come across as likable and relatable however right at the start of the video we established that Ichigo being relatable is one of his most recognizable qualities that he's praised for possessing as a protagonist the claims of Ichigo being reactionary and passive failed to realize that he is in fact likable and relatable however for this to be possible he has to be more than just a reactionary poly written protagonist people who lazily analyze the protagonist on such simple ideas like proactive and reactive decision making overlooks so many other elements which make up a good story let's look at character versus plot and try to understand why Ichigo works as a protagonist despite the fact that he doesn't have a defined goal all great stories juggle a fine balance between character and plot the external conflict which affects a character is derived from the plot without the external conflict the character that we follow will have no reason to change adding to this without a character's internal conflict this renders the plot meaningless so we can establish that both lot and character have to exist synergistically in order to create an impactful Story the plot or external conflict is all about what happens while the internal conflict or in other words the story explains why it matters the internal conflict is established by Kubo in the first chapter one of the first things that we learn about Ichigo is that he is a well-defined desire to protect his loved ones this is what gives meaning to the plot since protecting his loved ones is ichigo's established internal conflict ichigo's desire to protect his loved ones drives his motive to gain the power to protect them and subsequently strengthen his abilities in order to deal with the external conflict that arises via the plot ichigo's motive to gain the power to protect had manifested in several forms whether if this was him joining a dojo as a child accepting Rookie's Powers training with urahara to activate his own Shinigami powers or joining execution to learn how to utilize his full-bring abilities his motevo agency to gain power gave meaning to the plot that was occurring Ichigo wasn't just ideally letting things happen to him the agency of a character is defined by a character's ability to make decisions that affect the story being told we know that before any external conflict fell upon each go he wanted to be stronger so that he could protect his sisters his character was motivated by wanting to have more power so that he could use it for good a good plot or external conflict is usually created from the words and actions of the protagonist this means that ichigo's desire and agency should be put to the test well after he accepts rukia's Shinigami Powers he immediately has to prove his desire to protect not only his loved ones but anybody who is affected by Hollows now his desire to protect is not just limited to the people that he knows but to as many people as his two hands can handle he accepts and honors the responsibility that is attached to these newly acquired Powers it is assumed that Ichigo has a lack of agency but I have proven that the decisions that Ichigo makes directly impact the story without Ichigo karakura town will be littered with Hollows rookia wouldn't have been saved the soul Society wouldn't have a large debt of gratitude towards Ichigo for defeating Eisen each actions resulted in him being recognized by the sole Society who were once his enemies he is integral to the resolution of the major conflicts that occur within bleach he takes an active role in participating in battles that don't involve him and even disobeys orders from the soul society and goes to Wickham window in order to rescue Orihime with all of this stated it is very hard for me to buy this idea that Ichigo has no control over its own life when most of the decisions that he makes he does so in defiance choosing to face off against overwhelming odds and Desiring to put the safety of his friends and family before his own this nuanced Outlook debunks this notion that the plot is simply happening to him and ichigo's character is reduced to being reactionary bleach is also a character-driven story and there are several ways to tackle this type of story most Shonen fans are used to character-driven stories where the protagonists must accomplish a goal that is larger than themselves since we are so accustomed to these types of stories it is understandably jarring when you're presented with a protagonist like Ichigo who is written with a different destination in mind bleach focuses on the internal conflict or story of Ichigo while the plot tries his best to derail him and strike doubt powerlessness and hopelessness into his character Arc before going into his character OG let's go over how Ichigo is written as a protagonist understandably he is the most important character to feature within bleach and Kubo makes a lot of excellent decisions in respect to how he writes his main character which in turn leads to him finding success with the story that he is trying to tell as the foundational character of Bleach Ichigo was written with several elements in mind which lead to him becoming a strong protagonist the first and most important of which are the beliefs that Ichigo holds these are the moral philosophical and ethical ideas that he has adopted bleach being a long-running story results in Ichigo holding more than one of these beliefs but let's focus on the most important character-defining belief that he holds Ichigo believes that it is his sole responsibility to protect his loved ones this stems from his belief that he is responsible for the death of his mother prior to this he had just wanted to protect his loved ones but after the death of his mother and his inability to do anything to prevent it it resulted in him feeling a deep sense of powerlessness and regret he felt regret for something that wasn't in his control blaming himself for not being strong enough as the reason behind his mother's untimely demise this leads to Ichigo manifesting the flaws of his character through rejecting help from his loved ones and burdening himself entirely with protecting everybody around him even if they have demonstrated that they are strong enough to take care of themselves this is because Ichigo doesn't want a repeat of what had happened to his mother who would try to protect herself on Ichigo but had been killed in the process of doing so this is both his fear and his flaw that he must learn to overcome this belief is the core of who Ichigo is and Kubo does an excellent job of conveying this to us during the battle with the grand Fisher very early on in the series and this explains why we are all very familiar with ichigo's desire to protect others this belief defines Ichigo and we see it challenged several times throughout the story without a strong belief your character will fail to have a want which consequently results in no meaningful story having taken place the beliefs of the protagonist at the core of any story this needs to be firmly established in order to create a great story featuring dynamic characters in addition to having well-defined beliefs a well-written protagonist will also have a strong want that leads them to taking action if Ichigo had no wants then the story of bleach would fail there is no story without the protagonist wanting something and taking action in order to get it the want of Ichigo is based upon his beliefs an intent his belief defines his want the story of bleach has found success thanks to Ichigo adhering to the screenwriting principles he takes action to fulfill his want which results in a meaningful story being told Ichigo wants to gain power in order to protect his loved ones he goes through extreme lengths in order to gain the power to protect for example during his training with urahara to unlock his own Shinigami Powers he desired power desperately so that he could go to the soul Society to rescue Rukia he wanted the power to protect so badly that the consequences of not Awakening his power would have transformed him into a hollow this is another quality of a well-written protagonist that each girl possesses Ichigo desires to fulfill his want so badly that he would destroy or be destroyed in order to attain his goal a well-written character must also have something at stake for Ichigo this was his sanity as he was battling against his inner Hollow in order to retain control over his powers his principles would not allow him to accept help from anyone even from his own inner Hollow after he had awakened his own Shinigami Powers his inner Hollow was activated at the same time and thus began the battle for Supremacy and the stakes were set following this Ichigo had the safety and well-being of his friends and family at stage during the fall bring Arc he wanted to gain the power to protect again so that he could once again protect his loved ones after being powerless for 17 months and lastly during the Thousand-Year blood War argh Ichigo had to accept the truth about how his mother had died and his connection to the enemy of the Ark as he also has Quincy blood flowing through his veins only after coming to Thames with his identity and understanding the real cause of his mother's death Ichigo was able to face the overwhelming odds which were you Buck threatening to destroy the soul King and removing the concept of death from reality these are several examples of stakes that Ichigo was up against while simultaneously Desiring to fulfill his want the character of an individual is demonstrated through the choices that they make Under Pressure the decisions that a character makes Under Pressure reveals their true nature if Ichigo was just taking action without any consequences then we would not care about the outcome nor his journey the fact that there are stakes and consequences gives meaning to ichigo's actions if Ichigo had no clearly defined want then there would be no story nothing would matter adding to this a character does not need to have a grandiose want or a goal like becoming the king of the Pirates orokage or the number one hero not every story has to be about the protagonist becoming the best in the world instead what really matters is how important the want is to the beliefs of the protagonist Ichigo wants to gain the power to protect Because he believes that it is his responsibility to protect others his beliefs and wants are interchangeable and synergistic which adds further significance to the foundations of his character Ichigo realized that after Rukia was taken back to the soul society that everybody in karakura town had forgotten about Rukia aside from his close friends Orihime Chad and uriu who would notice or even care if Rukia was executed by rescuing her he isn't going to be saving the world but instead he is going to be saving an individual who brought meaning to his world by granting him the power that he so desperately desired when his family were being attacked by the hollow fishbone D because of ichigo's beliefs rescuing rookia matters a great deal to him and it is for this reason that we are invested in ichigo's Journey to save her these Stakes eventually become greater with the appearance of Eisen and Johor Bach who threatened to destroy existence thus Warrington Ichigo to gain the strength to protect a reality as a whole and not just his close circle of family and friends he learns the responsibility that is attached with acquiring power understanding that he must use these abilities to protect as many people as possible even if he doesn't know them extra wrong protagonist will take action that changes and impacts the story we can see several instances where Ichigo taking action has resulted in a shift in the course of the story when Eisen had the upper hand in fake karakura Town ichigo's intervention was pivotal to turning the tide of the battle and it was thanks to his actions that led to eisen's defeat another example is the invasion of the Soul society which is attributed to Ichigo taking action it was because of his want to protect rookia that led us to enjoy the conflict between the Invaders and the gote 13. contrastingly not all of the events that impact the story need to be caused by the protagonist Ichigo did not cause the Espada to invade the world of the living Eisen did he did not initiate the counter-attack against Eisen the soul Society did also he did not cause the Quincy to invade the soul Society yuhobach did for the majority of the time the situations that arise are not caused by Ichigo but rather they are happening to him or affecting people that he cares about what matters is how Ichigo reacts to these situations this creates the conflict which keeps us invested in the story he takes action in response to these events so that he can get what he wants which is obviously to protect his loved ones Ichigo demonstrates throughout bleach that he can carry the burden of the conflict as he puts up a fight and takes action against the antagonistic forces constantly proving that he has conviction and enough stamina to see his fights through to their conclusion even when all hope seems to be lost Ichigo is able to overcome his Despair and his conviction to fulfill his want leads him to overcoming the different conflicts that I presented to him he takes more action than people are willing to give him credit for mostly because they have a difficult time interpreting a story that doesn't fit their expectations of a conventional Shonen story bleach works because our protagonist Ichigo has a well-defined want backed up by strong beliefs he is willing to fight for these beliefs even when up against impossible odds and frankly he keeps us engaged with following his story as we cheer for him to succeed I have seen people claim that Ichigo does not undergo any change as a character but as I'm about to explain Ichigo is a dynamic character he undergoes a change Arc of his own which keeps us captivated and engaged until the resolution of his character Arc we have discussed the external and internal conflict as well as ichigo's beliefs and wants however these concepts are only effective when they are matched with dynamic character writing which fleshes out these wants and needs what a character wants and needs can be explained by the lie that they believe in as well as the ghosts from their past not all protagonists need to undergo change rather you have to ask yourself do they need to change or do the characters around the protagonist need to change from what we have discussed about Ichigo it should be obvious that he needs to undergo change within bleach ichigo's beliefs are changed through his character Arc even within different story arcs we see him undergo some form of minor change but by the end of the story a significant change does occur if he did not have any change then you would have a story with no meaning or Stakes to prevent this from happening the beliefs of the protagonist must result in winning or alternatively he must change his beliefs in order to Triumph Ichigo undergoes change when he realizes that he wasn't responsible for his mother's death and that it isn't solely His responsibility to protect his loved ones he doesn't have to continue burdening himself and hurting himself in the pursuit for more power by working together and trusting his loved ones he realizes that he is much stronger fighting with them rather than fighting on his own the change of beliefs is demonstrated during the final battle with johar bark to understand his change Arc we have to understand what makes Ichigo a dynamic character through discussing his wants and needs most people have accepted that ichigo's goal is to protect his loved ones while there is some truth to this there is a lot more to it than just that let's break down this idea of a character's goal into proper screenwriting Concepts starting with the want of a character the want is a character's visible goal this is what usually makes up the plot of our story which I described earlier on as being external consequently the want is also external and we as an audience should be well aware of what a character wants the want of a character is in direct opposition to the external forces of antagonism that appear within the story in Bleach Ichigo is put under pressure by antagonist forces which overwhelm him and threatened to endanger the people that he cares about Ichigo initially wants power so that he can protect his loved ones but soon realizes he has to grow stronger in order to challenge the antagonistic forces that continue to appear these antagonistic forces serve to test ichigo's resolve and his conviction by pressuring him we are left to wonder now that he has the power can he actualize his external want Ichigo fought against the odds several times and failed he lost against renji byakya Eisen ukiara Grim Zhao and even johabak in some instances he failed on more than one occasion against these opponents however Ichigo continued to fight despite being outmatched he trained and grew stronger despite being defeated at the same time he was facing other pressures like his inner Hollow consuming his Consciousness and his feelings of helplessness after Orihime was injured by Yami and Rukia was hit by grimjo he had felt responsible for them getting hurt because he was unable to protect them these feelings of helplessness were further emphasized during the fall bring arc when he had no power and this is when he was further this away from his wand since the beginning of the series Ichigo must overcome these feelings of powerlessness his fear of his inner Hollow and at the same time fight off the antagonistic forces if he desires to fulfill his want having strong opposition to a character's want creates drama you will struggle to create a dramatic story with a character who doesn't want anything we have established that the plot follows the external want of the character in this case ichigo's want to protect let's now look at another fundamental concept for creating a character which is their need so after having understood the reasoning behind ichigo's want why is it important for a character to even want something in order to better understand his want we need to look at his need the need is something that the character must discover about themselves or the world around them so that they can become complete or whole for most of the story a character will spend their time pursuing their external goal which is what they want however a story on a deeper level is about the growth of a character from subconsciously to consciously recognizing and pursuing their inner goal which is the thing that they need meaning that the want is external while the need is internal this was talked about earlier on when I brought up the points about internal and external conflict they arise thanks to the wants and needs of characters once opposed by external antagonistic forces while needs are opposed by something that comes from within the character it is their own beliefs that hold them back from realizing the truth and becoming a more balanced version of themselves Ichigo knows what he wants but his need is much more complicated each girl rejects his inner Hollow and he blames himself for his mother's death he feels powerless despite having power he has doubt about his own abilities and feels responsible for carrying the burden of protecting everyone and he even lies to himself during the forbing arc that he doesn't miss rookie and the Soul society when in fact he does Ichigo has power but his beliefs hold him back from fulfilling the true potential of his latent abilities he is a protector who doesn't trust the source of his power nor does he trust the people that he is protecting to fight for themselves by this point we should be able to deduce that the want drives the plot while the need drives the theme of the story The need is the emotional drive or the theme of the story that the author is trying to convey to us we can see through ichigo's character Arc that the theme of bleach is the acceptance of death this is portrayed to us through how Ichigo accepts the death of his mother and that he wasn't responsible for it he uses his acceptance of death to defeat the final villain of the story he wanted to rid reality of the concept of death thanks to bleach being a long-running story it results in it conveying to as multiple themes one significant theme is the idea of accepting and believing in yourself as Ichigo believes in himself and accepts the origin of his abilities no longer rejecting his inner Hollow by the end of the story The want of a character results in the action battles and rivalries it is the Journey of the character or the fun of the story while the need results in as being emotionally invested in the character and their story The need is hinted at immediately at the start of the story when we see Ichigo and his family and immediately notice the absence of his mother it is quickly elaborated upon that she had died and we are pulled in and begin to feel the emotions of the protagonist what it must have felt like to lose the Center of Your World at such a young age this is why I formed my connection to ichigo's character even before I realized that he is very relatable and leads a similar school and home life to my own ichigo's want is unique to him he wants to protect his loved ones but to do this he wants to gain more power the need that is conveyed to us through stories is usually a universal concept ichigo's need to accept himself and the trauma of his past is a universal concept that we can all get behind it is a heartfelt theme that we resonate with in need of bleach's protagonist connects us to the plot and makes us care for the main character the need of a character can be further understood and better appreciated after knowing the lie that the character believes the lie that the character believes stops them from achieving what they need to become whole or complete in Bleach ichigo's lie is that he believes he is responsible for his mother's death so it is his duty to protect his family and his friends while not accepting help from them or trusting them to look after themselves because he is afraid of losing them the fear that they may die like his mother did is always driving him to continue believing in this lie that he was responsible for her death due to his powerlessness this lie also manifests through his fear and rejection of his inner Hollow which is an integral aspect of his inherited abilities this fear limits him from actualizing his full potential he refuses to accept help from my Hollow considering his mother was killed by a hollow for a character to undergo a positive change that have to start the story by lacking something in their life Ichigo started the story without power this is what he was Desiring yet lacking as he gains power he realizes that he will need more power but for this to happen it is necessary for Ichigo to change he needs to accept himself and overcome his past to reach his full potential until he does this he will remain incomplete Ichigo must undergo internal change he will not accomplish his need by simply focusing on his external want to protect his loved ones he will fail at this if he does not undergo this pivotal internal change the need of a character can only be fulfilled by them learning the truth in stories where the protagonist undergoes a positive change the truth or need is hidden from them it will attempt to solve their problems by chasing after the thing that they want but it is in vain as this will not resolve their internal problem the inner conflict of Ichigo is all about a silent war that is taking place between his want and his need the want of a character is a side effect of what is missing within the character this means that the want and need are closely linked to each other what a character wants can change Ichigo has different immediate ones within each Arc while he is working towards his ultimate wand of course ichigo's ultimate want is to protect but his immediate want constantly changes for example during the substitution nigami Arc he wants to protect karakura town from Hollows during the soul Society Arc he wants to rescue Rukia during the iranka arc he has several ones firstly to overcome the fear of his hollow and then to rescue Rukia and lastly his want to defeat Eisen during the fall bring Arc he wants to regain his powers and lastly in the final Arc he wants to protect the soul Society from the Quincy all of these immediate wants work towards his ultimate want which is to protect Ichigo is confronted with multiple forces of antagonism and they saved to alter his immediate want however this does not change the need of ichigo's character which usually Remains the Same from the beginning to the end of the story ichigo's need is to realize that he isn't responsible for his mother's death he does so after he learns about the truth everything but the rain reveals a past where we find out about the origin of ichigo's parents the flashback also serves to explain the origin of his inner Hollow and the culprit who is responsible for the death of his mother the need to change and learn the truth is hinted to Ichigo early on in the story via his inner Hollow who constantly taunts him and reveals to him that he is his true zombato stating that he is zangatsu when he enters watsonimaya's domain to restore his broken zambakto he is deemed unfit to wield his zonpok though because he has yet to reconcile with his past for the upcoming final battle against the man who is responsible for his mother's death he cannot gain more power and grow stronger without resolving his inner conflict he has to learn the truth and actualize his need if he wants to defeat johobak he has to accept that his mother was attacked by the hollow white which he had inherited from her the hollow had fused with his Shinigami powers that he inherited from his father thus becoming his true zambakto he also has to accept that he was not responsible for his mother's death was he had casted ashwaalin that night which had robbed the masaki over Quincy powers and made her vulnerable to attack from the grand Fisher masaki had died protecting her son and she would not want him to resent himself and to feel guilt for something that wasn't his fault when he learns of the truth Ichigo realizes that he has been burdening himself with protecting everybody when he should have trusted in them and believed in them as much as they believed in him now that we know about what a character wants and needs what is it about a character that makes us engage with them to write an engaging character we the audience need to be interested in their struggle to the point that we want to know what will happen next to them one way for us to begin caring about a character is to give that character likable qualities like how Ichigo is caring and compassionate we like that he brings flowers to pay respect to the spirit of a little girl we admire his love for his friend friends and family and we can see through his harsh exterior revealing his kind-hearted nature in addition to this we admire his resolve to follow through with what he sets out to do even if the odds appear to be stacked against him what you have to realize is that a character isn't engaging or admirable just because we see them do nice things engagement comes from seeing a part of ourselves in that character this is defined as empathy we empathize with Ichigo because of how relatable he is how often we can see a part of ourselves in him whether if this is him overcoming despair or realistically giving in to despair Ichigo isn't overly optimistic and cheerful he is that angsty misunderstood teenager that we all were at one point in our lives for us to empathize with Ichigo we have to care about him and understand him one way for us to empathize with the character is to attach the audience to aspects of a character that they can relate to or wish that they could be like Ichigo appears to always be in a mood with a constant scowl on his face even if he isn't actually feeling angry or bad tempered his double life as a substitute Shinigami appears to be an outlet for each you go to express his care and his desire to protect his loved ones while he maintains his tough guy act in his day-to-day life this is really easy to empathize with since some of us including myself struggle with showing how much we care about others but would love an opportunity to express it during the early portions of bleach when his friends and family didn't know that Ichigo had powers we could relate to ichigo's desire to protect his loved ones but also deciding to keep it a secret from them Ichigo fighting for his friends and family is admirable and it is indeed something we all wish that we could do since it's a way for us to prove ourselves to the people that we care about the most especially if you feel misunderstood by your loved ones and want to demonstrate to them that you do care about them we all want to be accepted and understood by the people around us Ichigo 2 desires this but his biggest problem is that he feels responsible for taking his mother away from his sisters and his father he feels that because of him they are now having to suffer with this void in their life his own mind has led him to believe that he is misunderstood by his family when in actual fact they're cared deeply for him and don't hold him responsible for masaki's death the trauma guilt and powerlessness that Ichigo feels combined to form a rich character backstory that gives the opportunity for Ichigo to change in a positive way Ichigo is nuanced and relatable thanks to the excellent writing that we can get behind and empathize with we feel empathy because we see a troubled teenager residing in a world like our own he struggles and fails like us but what we love is that he never gives up and Kubo conveys this aspect of his character in a more realistic manner than others Shonen series people complain that Ichigo gets beat down or he is constantly losing but this is what makes his growth feel natural and earned through introspection and overcoming spheres doubts and anxiety he returns to the battlefield stronger than ever we know how it feels like to try our best at something but still fail this is why we admire ichigo's response to his failures by going through intense life-threatening training he constantly pursues greater power to fulfill his desire he endures pain but conceals it he burdens himself and fights for the sake of others Ichigo behaves very selflessly he gains power and fights for others and this in my opinion is a welcomed breath of fresh air since we are saturated with stories of protagonists fighting for their own goal or personal fulfillment you can only empathize with the character once you understand why they do what they do in the case of Ichigo it is very simple we know his motive for action and we can understand how his childhood trauma has been carried forward into his adolescent years feeling empathy leads us to follow the protagonist through to the end we want them to resolve their issues or become their flaws and come to terms with their past so that they can ultimately accept themselves for who they are so I have just described a character Arc and this is what we follow stories for it is the change that occurs from one spiritual emotional or intellectual place to another witnessing a character Arc is the whole point of fictional stories because humanity is constantly undergoing spiritual emotional and intellectual change it explains how Humanity has come so far character arcs are a vital aspect of a well-written story serving to explain why the plot has been created the conflict tension and structure of a story are all aligned upon how characters are written and how they change from the beginning to the end of the story Ichigo undergoes a positive change Arc this is where the character Begins the story with believing a lie the character then encounters the truth and lastly the character overcomes the Lie by finding and accepting the truth because bleach is a long-running story it results in Ichigo believing in several lies thus resulting in him encountering several truths which I covered earlier on in most Stories the character will struggle to find and accept the truth until the very end of the story and this appears to be the case for Ichigo as he struggles until the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc where he finds and accepts the truth leading to the change in his character the whole point of a positive change Arc is for the character to undergo a change from believing a lie to finding the truth when this change occurs it doesn't mean that the character is a perfect person now it just means that they have overcome the lie that they believed at the start of the story resulting in them becoming a more balanced or complete version of themselves it doesn't mean that they cannot fall back to feeling a human emotion like despair momentarily and this is what most people criticize Ichigo 4 referring to how he had felt hopeless during his battle against Johor Buck he had come to realize that his opponent was unbeatable and it led him to feel momentary hopelessness and there is nothing wrong with this it doesn't mean that Ichigo has regressed he is once again demonstrating his very relatable human qualities he isn't an optimist high in his own Supply if his growth as a character is critiqued for moments like this then it highlights to me that people don't even know what criteria to base the growth of a character on Ichigo at this point has undergone a positive change Arc him feeling despair does not undo the change that has occurred this is an opportunity for us to appreciate how Ichigo will overcome adversity after accepting the truth it's an opportunity to appreciate the change that has occurred indeed ichigo's hopelessness is short-lived as he quickly snaps out of it and defeats yuhobach he demonstrates that he can trust renji to fight alongside him and to execute her plan to defeat the enemy something that he wouldn't have done in the past as the lie that he believed would have made him feel like burdening himself with all of the responsibility and not accepting help from others during a battle earlier I spoke briefly about the theme of a story and how bleach has several themes that it tries to convey through its plot a theme that often comes up when speaking about Ichigo is this concept of shattering fate I have mentioned several times in this video that Ichigo has had to overcome Unstoppable obstacles but this is slightly different it is the idea to challenge predetermined Destiny this idea of shattering fate is so prevalent amongst fans they often theorize and attribute it as the true ability of ichiko zambakto to discuss this idea of shattering fate further we need to discuss some special side chapters we learn more about ichigo's feelings from two special prequel chapters that taitikubo had published at the end of volume 23. the first is titled side a the sand and the second side B the Rotator in these chapters we get to see the events that led up to Ichigo and Rukia meeting side the sand is about Ichigo while side B the Rotator is about Rukia let's first speak about side a and understand ichigo's feelings prior to him becoming a substitute foreign foreign foreign these prequel chapters revealed a brief glimpse into Ichigo and rukia's life just before the events of the first chapter while also delivering to us a poem about fate these chapters reveal their feelings bringing a much needed Clarity to that frame of mind leading up to their Fateful Encounter side a the sand follows an average day in the life of Ichigo at the end of a school day his friends tried to talk to him about a TV show but he has a disinterested expression that is until he senses something has happened this is when the poem begins as Ichigo leaves School in a hurry he arrives at his destination to discover spots of blood on the ground as an elderly Spirit tells Ichigo that the boy is gone Ichigo can do nothing but to helplessly agree with the old man he says to himself that he can see ghosts he can touch them and even speak to them but this is all that he can do for them sometimes they disappear without warning like the spirit of this little boy that Ichigo had wanted to give a toy airplane to he says that he doesn't know what happens to them but sometimes they leave behind spots of blood that only he can see and there is always this lingering smell of fear he then admits to himself that no matter how strong he may get he is unable to protect them the defeated expression on ichigo's face should convey to you how much this means to him without any words you can tell that he is deeply impacted by the loss of this boy realizing that he is powerless and could do nothing for the boy cuts his heart by Cold Steel Ichigo leaves the toy with the boy was last seen as we later see him encounter the spirit of a little girl he Comforts her and reassures her telling her not to cry and promises that he will be back to visit her again and this is a brief breakdown of the events that occur within this chapter let's now look at the poem which helps us to understand ichigo's problem and how fate is heavily involved in it the poem is written From ichigo's perspective and it begins with the world changes it turns each time it touches the Sun and the Moon it takes a new shape this is in reference to how with each rotation of the earth passing of a day into night and vice versa the world we reside within changes we are powerless to stop the world from dating and cannot stop these changes from occurring this powerlessness is spoken about in the next verse the only thing that does not change is my powerlessness this beautifully complements the first verse and emphasizes ichigo's desperation for wanting to grasp Fate by his hands and steer it in his Direction the poem concludes with the following verses it's turning if fate is a gear and we are the Sun that falls between those gears then there is nothing that we can do so I wish for strength if I cannot protect them from the gears of Fate then give me a strong blade and enough strength to shatter fate this final verse metaphorically describes our position in the world since our lives consist of being pulled into the direction of fate and destiny we have little control over what happens to us and this is exactly like the sand that is crushed between the rotating gears we are powerless to stop the gears and are taken in the direction that the gears are rotating towards Ichigo has seen how cruel fate can be and it is for this reason that he wishes for the strength to not just protect his loved ones from fate but to shatter it completely the follow-up to this is called side B the Rotator which follows rookia prior to her arrival in the world of the living equally as short as side a in this chapter we learned that rookia has been assigned to a fast solo mission in the world of the living she will leave this whole society for a month and be assigned to a five mile in diameter area centered around karakura town ukitake explains to her that this Mission shouldn't be too difficult for her before she leaves we learned that renji has been promoted to the lieutenant of the sixth division but he wishes to share the news with rookie once she has returned from her assignment while Rukia is leaving for the word of the living the second half of the poem is told to us referencing the first poem it reveals to us the perspective of Shinigami who have power and what they think about fate it's turning if fate is a gear then we are the ones that make it 10. we believe that the crushing gears are Guided by an infallible power this second poem answers the first and has a different Outlook and even outcome from the first the first poem focuses on ichigo's powerlessness and his desire for power while this speaks of the Shinigami who have power the Shinigami has stated to control the rotation of the gears hence why side B is titled the Rotator in reference to Rukia and side a is titled the sand in reference to Ichigo because of the power that the Shinigami have they are described as being incapable of making mistakes or being wrong rookia steps forward as if the answer ichigo's wish for power she gives Ichigo control over fate when she transfers her powers to him thanks to Rukia he was able to know what it feels like to fight against fate he was no longer powerless and he immediately intervened when his family was threatened by a hollow as if he is writing the wrongs of the past his powerlessness stopped him from saving his mother as well as the counter spirits that he encounters but can do nothing to protect them their crushing Gears of Fate were broken by Ichigo as his wish to receive a blade strong enough to shatter fate was fulfilled thus fighting against fate and destiny becomes an intrinsic theme which always resurfaces within the pages of bleach we see the idea of Fate brought up during ichigo's battles against byakya ukiara Eisen and even yuhobach as long as he is wielding his blade he is able to protect the weak and resist against the crushing Gears of Fate so now that we know the significance of what it meant for Ichigo to gain the power to protect let's now explain the powers that he obtains since there is a lot of confusion regarding ichigo's powers under different forms that he takes during the series some of this widespread confusion about ichigo's Powers is understandable since most people didn't read the Manga after the conclusion of the anime and missed out on key Revelations regarding ichigo's character the Thousand Year Boudoir Arc reveals that Ichigo is a hybrid being he is a human who has inherited Shinigami Hollow and Quincy abilities we understand why this is the case during the everything but the rain flashback which occurs during the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc during this flashback we learn about these circumstances behind the musaki and ishin meeting and why ishin had to give up his life as a captain of the gote 13 in order to save masaki so why is it that I'm talking about ichigo's Powers While most people online believe that his powers were handed to him and he did nothing to earn them and another misconception is that Ichigo wins thanks to unexplained power-ups what's important to understand about Ichigo is that he has incredible latent potential and this is credited to his parents in everything but the rain we learned that ishin is a captain of the gote 13 and he is a member of one of the four Great noble families within the soul society called the Sheba clan in chapter 162 when Ichigo activates his Bankai biakya is surprised by this unexpected development as he states that only the most experienced Shinigami can perform Bankai as it's the final stage of the zombac doe adding that even within the four Great noble families who are born with Incredible spiritual pressure only one in several Generations will ever attain the level of Bankai during this chapter biakya doesn't understand the source of ichigo's power as he claims that Ichigo is still using his Shinigami powers that he had borrowed from Rukia as well as this he states that Ichigo is not from Noble lineage when we know that both of these things are not true as I am about to explain Ichigo had lost Shinigami powers that were given to him by Rukia when biakya had attacked him and taken Rukia back to the soul society and for the second Point Ichigo does have Noble lineage as he is a descendant of the shiba Clan hence why he resembles rukia's former Lieutenant kainshiba during everything but the rain we learned that ichigo's mother was attacked by a hollow called White this hollow had become a part of masaki thanks to the help of urahara ishin was able to save masaki by giving up his Shinigami powers and becoming a human he had tethered his life to masaki's life he had done so in order to sub Duty Hollow which was trying to take control of her being his life was Tethered to masaki until the birth of her eldest child Ichigo this is because the hollow white was passed on from masaki to Ichigo after he was born this now leads us perfectly into chapter 1 of bleach where Ichigo has no abilities or powers that is until he encounters Rukia and borrows her Shinigami Powers becoming the substitute Shinigami now what you have to understand about this form is that these are none of ichigo's abilities it is like a temporary form but Kubo does hint at the incredible crucial pressure which lays dominant within Ichigo through the size of the zombac door which even Rukia comments on a typical zambakto is nowhere near the size of Ichigo zambakto in a substitute Shinigami form arukia also comments that it was because of Ichigo coming into contact with the spirit of a little girl that his spiritual pressure began to be released it was so intense that it was preventing Rukia from even sensing nearby Hollows and this is why she wasn't able to sense the hollow fishbone D approaching their location another instance within the first chapter where Ichigo demonstrates his incredible spiritual pressure is when rookia binds him with a keto spell she is pretty confident that Ichigo won't be able to break out of it but because of his dominant spiritual pressure and his desire to protect his family he breaks free from the KIRO spell with ease of course the powers that he obtains from Rookie are very short-lived as after byakya attacks him in chapter 56 he reveals that even if Ichigo manages to survive the attack he will no longer have the borrowed Shinigami powers that he obtained from rookia in chapter 59 while Ichigo trains through the urahara he reaffirms this as he States that biakya had provide the source of Ichigo spiritual energy up until this point urihara's intention is to restore ichigo's spiritual energy that was taken away from him by biakya after removing his Spirit from his body he intends to teach Ichigo how to control his Spirit body since this is the first time that his Spirit has left his body without becoming a Shinigami after Ichigo gets used to being in a spiritual body and is able to move and breathe without any trouble murahara states that he has successfully recovered his spiritual pressure now as early on as this training which occurs within the first Arc of the series you can see that these powers are not handed to Ichigo he is having to work hard to obtain his own Shinigami Powers while he trains with urahara at the end of chapter 60 ichigo's Soul chain is severed as he explains that ichigo's Soul chain is going to be devoured until it reaches his chest at which point he will become a hollow urahara explains that the only way for Ichigo not to become a hollow is to become a Shinigami but he has to do this within a strict time limit urahara's second lesson is about Ichigo regaining his Shinigami powers and it is at this point in chapter 63 that Ichigo is plunged into his inner world and is first introduced to all manzangetsu Ichigo has a time limit of three days until the encroachment turns him into a hollow his inner world is composed of several skyscrapers and the only inhabitant appears to be old man zangetsu Ichigo questioned who he is but in chapter 63 he appears to be surprised that each God doesn't know his identity he States His Name by saying it's me but his name appears to be purposefully blacked out and this is an excellent foreshadowing if you're a member of kubo's official fan club that he is currently running then you will know that one of the members of the royal guard called ichibe had intervened here and that it blacked out the true identity of Oman zangetsu in the next panel you even see a confused Ichigo who didn't manage to hear what he had said Oman zangatsu states that in the world that he resides within there is nobody who knows him better than Ichigo during his first visit within his inner world even Oldman zangatu reveals to Ichigo that the Shinigami powers that byakya had removed from him were only those that were given to him by Rukia but oduman zangatsu states that byakya was callous because he overlooked the fact that that Ichigo has Shinigami Powers dominant within him he further elaborates that when Ichigo had borrowed rukia's Shinigami Powers they had awakened his own at the time when byakya had attacked him and had removed Rookie's powers from his being ichigo's own Shinigami Powers were laying dormant within his soul and it is now in chapter 63 that oddban zangatsu tells Ichigo to find the Shinigami Powers ichigo's inner world is crumbling as his body on the outside is slowly transforming into a hollow the skyscrapers around him are crumbling into small boxes as on manzangetsu states that is Shinigami Powers lay within one of the boxes if Ichigo was unable to find his Shinigami Powers before all of his inner World crumbles then he will become a hollow Ichigo is able to find the cracked box which contains the hilt of a zombato he has successfully found his own Shinigami Powers as odd man zangatsu appears to be pleased stating that hopefully next time his name will reach ichigo's ears in chapter 64 when it appears that ichigo's body is about to be transformed into a hollow he emerges from the Dustin Rubble wearing a black Shinigami shihaka show but the only only difference is that he is Dawning a Hollow Mask Ichigo immediately shatters and removes the Hollow Mask revealing that he hasn't become hollow-fied you can see that at this point Ichigo has activated his Shinigami Powers but there is a Twist what is the source of this Hollow mask and why was it Formed we get some answers to these questions when Ichigo once again enters his inner world when he is battling against kimpachi between chapters 109 to 112 but before Ichigo had entered into his inner world again the Hollow mask that had first appeared when he activated his Shinigami powers kept reappearing especially on areas of his body where he was going to be fatally wounded it was like the mask was protecting him from being attacked one such instance was during his battle against renji when renji uses his zampakto to strike Ichigo near his heart after the battle when hanataro is healing Ichigo he discovers the Hollow Mask over ichigo's heart in chapter 100. this now leads to Ichigo entering his inner world for the second time and this occurs when he is stabbed in the chest by kimpachi Orban zangatsu who we later learn is the manifestation of ichigo's Quincy Powers had used blutvin to seal ichigo's wound to prevent it from bleeding when these Quincy Powers were manifested Ichigo was pulled into his inner world for the second time and this is why he meets Hollow Ichigo for the first time during this visit to his inner world he is deemed unworthy to wield his zambakto zangetsu instead he is given a nameless sambakto called an asuki to wield on his own zambakto zangetsu is wielded by an individual wearing a white Shinigami shihakasho we learned that this inverted version of Ichigo is called Hollow Ichigo when Ichigo questioned who he is hollow Ichigo refers to him as his partner during this second instance where he enters his inner world it's a test to see if Ichigo is worthy of wielding zangatsu once more Ichigo realizes just how powerful his unboxed always when it is utilized properly the spiritual pressure that is emanating from zangatsu is so intense that it is burning up the air around it he feels like the Nimble zambakto that he is wielding is like a stick in comparison to his own zambakto Holo Ichigo is condescending and insults Ichigo he is surprised that Ichigo was able to be injured so much by Kim Apache despite the fact that he's holding such a powerful zambakto Hollow Ichigo questions him by asking is it possible to become friends with somebody just by knowing their name because that's basically what Ichigo is doing here he is calling out to zangatu without trying to bring out zangatsu's true power or trying to understand him his zambakto is capable of so much more but Hollow Ichigo tells him that he will only be able to tap into this power if he opens his heart up to zangatsu more Hollow Ichigo continues to scold him as he tells him that he doesn't care about his sambok doe and that Ichigo is only focused on training himself and not his zambakto and this is where Ichigo realizes that he never tried to get to know zangetsu zambakto are not just soulless blades they are alive during this encounter Ichigo realizes that he was no different to kimpachi who was fighting without knowing the name of his zambak doe the only thing that Ichigo knows about is zampark though is its name when Hollow Ichigo is about to strike him again Ichigo says to himself that he wants to make the effort to learn about zangatsumor in this inner monologue he pleads with his unbox doe as he refers to it as his Priceless assistant begging zanga to let him fight with him once more with determined eyes as Hollow Ichigo strikes their Blade swap as Ichigo is once again holding zangetsu while Hollow Ichigo is now holding the asuchi it appears that zangetsu has given Ichigo another chance he is grateful as he finally learns what it means to form a connection with your zambak doe more than just blindly calling out his name and expecting a zambakto to be there for him when Ichigo leaves his inner world at the beginning of chapter 112 Hollow Ichigo tells Audubon zangetsu to train each go well and he will assist him in any way that he can considering that Ichigo is the king of this world before leaving Hollow Ichigo does warn that his powers will become his eventually and this is where Audubon zangetsu has an inner monologue as he states that he hates the rain within ichigo's inner World it also Reigns when he's upset the skies become gray and cloudy when he is sad it rains Audubon zangetsu cannot stand it he questions if Ichigo can truly grasp the terror of being reigned upon in a lonely world zangatsu desires to hold back the rain and in order to do this he will give Ichigo everything that he has as long as Ichigo trusts in Audubon zangatsu then he will not allow him to be upset and thus no rain will fall into his inner World auduan zangatsu states that he is no longer fighting alone when Ichigo stands up to battle against kempachi once more kimpachi notes that the bleeding from the wounds that he had inflicted has stopped and this is credited to the Quincy powers that ordman zangatsu had manifested by using blutfin he was able to stop the bleeding but we only learn about this much later on in the series during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc through this battle there's a very important foreshadowing as you can see that ordman zangetsu is supporting Ichigo by using his Quincy Powers so how is it that zangetsu is supporting Ichigo where we find this out in chapter 113 as both kimpachi and Ichigo unleash their riyatsu for a final strike we see odman zagatsu appear behind Ichigo and it's a very common misconception that we were all led to believe at this point but Ichigo asks old manzanetsu to lend him his strength we were led to believe that Orban zangatu was Landing Ichigo this riyatsu when in actual fact it was Hollow Ichigo whose true identity and we only learned this in the Thousand Year budwah Arc but in chapter 113 there's an accident foreshadowing when kimpachi's riyatsu is Unleashed it forms the shape of a skull while ichigo's released ryatsu takes the form of a Hollow Mask which indicates that he is being supported by zangetsu or in other words Hollow Ichigo this is so subtle and so easily overlooked especially if you have not read the Manga after the end of the anime moments like this cannot be appreciated until you know the payoff that Kubo was building towards there is additional foreshadowing that occurs during ichigo's training with the Wizards where he enters his inner World once more and Hollow Ichigo refers to himself as zangetsu and of course reading these chapters as they were being published is incredibly confusing and you only really get to know the full picture after having read chapters 540-542 but I will elaborate upon this as I continue to break down the origin and source of ichigo's powers after Ichigo fails to save Rukia he is rescued by yuruichi and thus begins his bunkai training in chapter 127. odoman to materializes in the real world and assists Ichigo to learn Bankai in chapter 143 we see a glimpse of how intense ichigo's Bankai training truly was and it really cast doubt into this notion that Ichigo has his powers and abilities handed to him he's trying his utmost best with a time limit of three days to learn Bankai otherwise he will not be able to save Rukia completely bloodied he persists with his training and eventually does achieve Bankai while Ichigo battles against byakya and is about to receive the final blow ichigo's body is taken over by his inner Hollow it manifests through forming a mask on his face you can see that when ichigo's position as the king of his inner world is being questioned and when he is allowing himself to become close to death his inner Hollow intervenes he is able to fight off his inner Hollow and regain control of his body in chapter 166 but going into the aranka arc this is where Ichigo begins to struggle with his inner Hollow his inner Hollow has had enough of him trying to reason with his enemies after the battle against byakya Ichigo can hear the hollow calling out to him the influence of his inner Hollow is ground borrowing more and more and Ichigo doesn't know how to stop it when Ichigo battles against the Army in chapter 193 his inner Hollow interrupts and begins to take over his body but he only serves as a distracting Interruption because Ichigo ultimately rejects help from his inner Hollow and this results in him losing the battle against the Army in chapter 196 Ichigo tries to gain his confidence Again by fighting a hollow but his inner Hollow tries to take over once more which results in him being attacked by the hollow and then in chapter 211 when he is fighting against grinja and is losing he is forced to use one of hollow ichigo's techniques the black Jessica tencho after having done this the influence from his inner Hollow grows further as you can see in chapter 212 that one of ichigo's eyes have turned completely black left with no other choice Ichigo is forced to go to the Wizards and requests that help in order to control his inner Hollow and this is where Ichigo enters into his inner world for the third time and this occurs between chapters 216-22. the Wizards are trying to teach Ichigo how to hollify and control his hollow abilities the explained to Ichigo that he is going to be horrified but he must resist it instead of being consumed by his hollow he needs to consume the hollow instead time and time again when Ichigo is going into training there are consequences and Stakes for not successfully completing the training through entering into his inner world he is having to earn the powers that he has they're not simply being given to him this is why or man zangatsu and Hollow Ichigo exist in the first place in order to assess if Ichigo is even worthy of having power at the end of chapter 217 Ichigo once again meets us in a hollow who refers to him as the king in chapter 218 Ichigo asks where is zangetsu his inner Hollow responds by referring to himself as zangetsu and it appears that he too is holding a zambok doe which appears to be a white copy of zangetsu they both clash as the battle between the two of them begins Ichigo repeatedly asks his inner Hollow what he has done with zangetsu but Hollow Ichigo continues to refer to himself as zangetsu and this for me is the best foreshadowing because Hollow Ichigo is not lying to him he is in fact his zombac door spirit zangetsu it is Ichigo who is unable to realize this this is the truth that is presented to him that he is unable to learn until the Thousand Year blood walk both of them end up activating bangkai at the same time as his inner Hollow reveals that he had learned Bankai at the same time that Ichigo did but it is evident that Hollow Ichigo is able to utilize Bankai far more effectively than Ichigo his inner Hollow reveals to him that he isn't good enough to use Bankai telling him to give up his inner Hollow grabs hold of his zombokto as it begins to turn white and disintegrate after Hollow Ichigo delivers a speech about the king of the horse and reveals to him the importance of Killer Instinct and it is this that he is lacking he is disgusted that Ichigo fights with his head and he tries to reason with his opponents he states that this is like fighting with a sheathed blade Hollow Ichigo bluntly tells him that he will never be the horse to a King that is weaker than him this is because Ichigo will only lead them to defeat and end up dying he simply tells him that if Ichigo is weaker than him then he will crush him and become the king himself Ichigo only ends up regaining control once he affirms his reason for fighting after he speaks way in a manifestation of kimpachi Ichigo realizes that he craves power it is here that it is deduced that Ichigo instinctively seeks battle because it's the only way for him to gain more power and only if he is able to gain more power is he able to continue to protect those people that he loves his reason for battle is reaffirmed as he is made to understand what it means to fight instinctively regaining control of zangetsu he attacks is in a hollow before his inner Hollow leaves he wants Ichigo that if he gets himself killed then he will return since the position of King and horse is interchangeable we know that this is a forewarning for ichigo's transformation into the vastod while he's fighting against ukiara are used to always be confused by this training I understood that Ichigo had to learn how to fight instinctively but it felt like there was still something missing that is until I went back and re-read chapter 541 and understood that when Ichigo had acquired his Bankai he was unable to control or handle his unbox power and thus Ottoman zangatsu and his inner Hollow had planned for a way to teach Ichigo how to properly utilize his Bankai and this was through making him learn about kill their Instinct and what it means to mercilessly take down your opponent ichigo's inner Hollow is his true slumberto Spirit after all and in chapter 541 Audubon zangetsu who is revealed to be a younger version of yuhobach and the representation of ichigo's inner Quincy Powers states that whenever he had to teach Ichigo how to use his zambakto he had the help of his inner Hollow which confirms that Hollow Ichigo was indeed zangatsu confirming that he was telling the truth in chapter 220 when he told Ichigo Daria zangatsu in chapter 408 we learned that Ichigo has to learn the final gatsukatencho and the only way for him to do this is to enter into his inner world for default time once again like always Ichigo has a time limit to learn this ability as ishin tells him that he can only give him three months of training time he tells Ichigo that he must make zangetsu tell him what the final gatsuka tensho is Ichigo takes up a meditative position called jinzan this allows him to communicate with his zambakto and enter into his inner world every other time he has been forced into his inner world but this is the first time that he is entering into it out of his own will he arrives in his inner world to discover that it is completely submerged in water because he has entered into his inner world with his bunkai for the first time he is greeted by an individual called tensazangatsu this individual appears to be very hostile as he charges towards Ichigo to attack him Ichigo blocks a strike from tensa zangetsu as his father who is observing Ichigo meditates states that the final getskatencho is a technique that no zambaktor would want to teach to his user tensazangatsu refuses to teach Ichigo the final gatsuka tencho as he states that he doesn't care what happens to the things that Ichigo wants to protect reminding Ichigo that the things that he wants to protect are not the same as the things that tenza zangetsu wants to protect he refers ichigo's attention over to his inner world how it differs from its usual appearance the tall skyscrapers are replaced by small building structures that are completely submerged underwater gone are the skyscrapers that towered into the heavens filled with hope they have been replaced by a replica of karakura town once Ichigo had started to feel sadness and despair the rain began to pour upon his inner a world and it was not too long before this Tiny Town was submerged completely underwater this has happened because Ichigo has lost hope and has stopped moving forward 10 times I can get to assist Ichigo by pulling out the root of his despair ichigo's inner Hollow appears and he resembles his vastodoriform that he had transformed into against ukiora we begin to understand that Ichigo is afraid of this form he is terrified of how he had lost control of his body and had even injured one of his friends Ichigo had assumed that he had gotten rid of his inner Hollow the last time that he had encountered him but Hollow Ichigo reminds him that if he wants to stay in control then he has to try not to die after ukiara had pretty much killed Ichigo his inner Hollow was left with no choice but to manifest thus once more making Ichigo feel like he has no control over his abilities and feeling afraid that he is going to be taken over by a monster in order to help each girl overcome his despair tenseu merges with his inner Hollow asub reveals that the two of them make up his power tensazangetsu represents his Quincy Powers while his inner Hollow represents his Shinigami and Hollow abilities in chapter 400 and 20 we see that quite some time has passed since the battle between merge tensile zangetsu and Ichigo began Ichigo thinks to himself why has he not been defeated yet their power is that unequal merge tensor zagatsu is clearly stronger than him if he really had no intention of teaching Ichigo then he could have stopped this fight a long time ago if you followed the story then you know that Ichigo can feel the emotions that are emanating from his opponent zambakto he feels loneliness emanating from merged tensazangatsu's blade it is here that he realizes what he has to do he lets go with zambakto and he allows tensazangetsu to run his blade through his body this results in 10 000 to congratulating him as he states that the final getsca tencho can only be taught once Ichigo accepts tenza zangetsu's blade and it is for this reason that he feels no pain after it pierces his body because he will not be able to feel pain from that which he is accepted and that which has always been a part of him he wonders why tensazetsu is crying as he reveals that that which he had wanted to protect was him yes he is in his eyes because he knows what it means for Ichigo to have power and he knows how hard he worked in all to get stronger and to obtain more power he is well aware of ichigo's desire to protect and how he will feel once he becomes powerless he wanted to protect Ichigo when not teaching in this technique by using the final Jessica tencho Ichigo would lose his Shinigami Powers despite all of this growth he will return to being that powerless child who was unable to protect his mother that night he knows how much pain that Ichigo will feel not being able to protect the people that he loves constantly reminded of the one that he couldn't protect and now he is thrown back into that position of powerlessness this difficulty that Ichigo has dealing with powerlessness manifests during the fall bring Arc this occurs 17 months after the defeat of Eisen and we learned that Ichigo has been powerless for this entire time during the full bring Arc despite having lost his Shinigami Powers Ichigo still has considerable strength for a human being in this Arc we know that ichigo's friends are being targeted by an unknown figure and it is for this reason that Ichigo contacts the group called execution and requests help from genjokugo in order to teach him how to utilize his own full-bring abilities when these newly acquired full-bring abilities are stolen by ginjou kugo Ichigo falls into despair but that is until he has pierced through the chest by a reishi sword which we learned that all of the members of the gote 13 had pulled their reishi into in order to return ichigo's powers back to him as a token for their appreciation for Ichigo after he had defeated Eisen rookia who had given him the power to protect in the first chapter symbolically returns to restart ichigo's Shinigami abilities he emerges with a brand new Shinigami shihakusho with the full bring markings on his body prior to this Arc ichigo's Hollow abilities didn't translate into fullbring so they always manifested through a Hollow Mask but during the fall bring arc when Ichigo had called upon his hollow abilities and created his own fullbring his hollow abilities were able to become a part of his body and after his Shinigami abilities were restored they were able to merge with his hollow abilities that he had channeled into his fullbring this explains why Ichigo no longer manifests Hollow masks after the fulbring arc since his hollow abilities are now merged with his Shinigami Powers this reaffirms what tenza zangetsu had told him earlier that is hollow and shinjang me powers have always been one after the fall bring Arc they have finally become one the only thing left for Ichigo to do is to combine his Quincy abilities with his newly merged fullbring and Shinigami Powers when Ichigo heads to the soul King's Palace in order to reforge his zambakto he is told by uemaya to fight against the asuchi as he needs one of them to submit to his will and to become the base to form his new zambak do upon in chapter 527 when it becomes evident after three days that Ichigo is unable to defeat an asuki he is sent back to the human world by iwatsunimaya just like most of the other instances where Ichigo undergoes training he had a time limit after three days but in all of this time he wasn't chosen by an asuji he tells Ichigo that without a zampark though he is no longer a Shinigami he tells him to never return back to the soul society and transports him back to the human world Ichigo can only reforge zambakto once he has learned the truth about his past and how it has been possible that he has been able to survive this long without having a nasuchi he needs to understand who has been helping him up until this point after Ichigo learns about how his parents had met and that his mother was a Quincy he returns to oatsunimaya's domain in chapter 538 when he arrives all of the asuji kneel before him willing to accept Ichigo when he touches the hand of one of the isuji it changes form it begins to resemble ichigo's inner Hollow and this further emphasizes that each goes inner Hollow was indeed his zombac Spirit zangetsu nimaya then offers to re-forge Ichigo zambakto personally but he tells him at the end of chapter 539 to brace himself because he will be bidding farewell to zangatsu while reforging his zombok though he speaks to Ichigo and questions if he has figured it out yet if he understands the reason behind wise asuji had turned white the moment that he had touched it he questions if Ichigo had thought that this asuji resembles his inner Hollow nemaya then goes on to confirm that the asuji is indeed the hollow that is inside of him in chapter 540 Ichigo finally learns that his inner Hollow was a zambakto this whole time he explains that he had inherited the hollow called White from his mother and it had merged with his Shinigami powers that he had inherited from his father and this had become his zombuck doll this then leads each good question Who on Earth was odwan zangatsudan nemaya tells him that this individual has been pretending to be Ichigo zambakto this whole time Ichigo then is taken into his inner world where he confronts odoman zangetsu nimaya tells him that this individual is not zangetsu but rather he resembles somebody that he has seen up close recently wetsunimaya reveals that Audubon zangatsu resembles yuhobach stating that he does not represent ichigo's Shinigami Powers but rather he is a representation of ichigo's Quincy powers and it is for this reason that the person that is standing before him is you have back from a thousand years ago it is the manifestation of his Quincy abilities this whole time we were led to believe that he was zangatsu when this couldn't be further from the truth in chapter 541 Ichigo converts jungak he reveals to him that he is not zangetsu telling him that he is the source of his Quincy powers in a way he is your buck and he is a newer bug when Ichigo questions if he is his enemy or his ally he reveals that he is neither he also reveals to Ichigo that the only lie that he told him was his name everything else has been the truth when he had wanted to teach Ichigo about how to handle his zambakto he had called upon the help of hollow Ichigo when he couldn't handle the power of His zambakto or when he was on the verge of losing his life the person that had saved his life was not young johobak but rather his inner Hollow we learned that the representation of his Quincy Powers did not want him to become a Shinigami and it is for this reason that young buck had suppressed ichigo's Powers he had done this in order to keep Ichigo away from danger and conflict through suppressing his powers that were not yet mature young yuhabak had become the center of ichigo's power if Ichigo had become a Shinigami then he would have been dragged into battle he would have been hurt and he would have suffered this would have led to Ichigo feeling upset on thus causing rain to fall upon his inner world and if this was to happen then Young Buck had decided that he would have killed Ichigo himself he would have killed Ichigo if he became a Shinigami this is what he had thought but when he had seen Ichigo had chosen the path of a Shinigami he had seen how he had made the most out of this opportunity through pain and suffering Ichigo had ultimately strengthened him himself and he had traveled down that path of his own free will and when Young Buck had witnessed Ichigo growing stronger he had felt his heart wavering so instead of preventing Ichigo from becoming a Shinigami he had decided to assist Ichigo if you recall back to chapter 112 young johobak states that he will help each go in any way as long as no rain falls upon his inner World Young Buck states that he is stepping away as he releases the limits that he placed upon ichigo's Powers he states that what Ichigo has been using up until this point is just a fragment of his power that he could not contain he says that now Ichigo can fight with his own power he reveals to him his true zambakto the real zangetsu the real form of zangetsu is revealed to be two distinctive blades the shorter blade representing his Quincy Powers while the longer Blade with a hole resembling a Hollows hole representing his Shinigami and Hollow Powers I don't blame people for being confused about ichigo's Powers since it requires you to really piece together all of the moments that Ichigo enters into his inner world and to bring together all of the hints and the foreshadowing that Kubota puts into the story but hopefully this section in this video should summarize and explain to you how ichigo's Powers work and how they are not just handed to him he goes through intense training and overcomes personal struggle to achieve most of these power-ups if you want to understand more about ichigo's Powers especially from the perspective of his inner Hollow then definitely go and check out my Hollow Ichigo character analysis in that video I break down everything that you need to know about Hollow Ichigo covering every time that he appears within the story and to wrap up my thoughts on ichigo's character I still believe him to be one of the best characters to feature within Sean and jump through his relatability determination and the desires that he has they set his character apart from the typical Shonen protagonist there are still a lot of talking points regarding ichigo's character and the things that I haven't mentioned in this video have been brought up by a video that James Hansen has done over on his channel his 51 minute video on Ichigo kurosaki's character development does an excellent job of covering how Ichigo embodies this idea of the mitama this is a term derived from Shinto Buddhism and the mitame refers to the soul of a dead person it theorizes that the human Spirit consists of four souls and James Hansen's video does an excellent job of applying these Shinto beliefs to the story of bleach as he explains that ichigo's human Shinigami Hollow and Quincy hybrid nature is an example of the mitama so check that video out as an addition to this one as it covers a lot of topics that I haven't gone into and when it comes to breaking down ichigo's involvement within each story arc I recommend you go and check out my bleach ruined reputation documentary the breakdown and Analysis of the story arcs that I do within that video are heavily centered around ichigo's character I go over his past and his involvement within each story arc and it really helps to paint a picture of the character Arc and the journey that Ichigo goes through so if you want a fresher and a reminder of all of the story events that Ichigo takes part in then definitely watch the bleach ruined reputation video and lastly I hand over the discussion to all of you did you enjoy this video and did it teach you anything new about Ichigo and after watching this video did your thoughts about his character change at all I would love to hear your thoughts on Ichigo Kurosaki so definitely leave a comment under the video and continue the discussion and lastly I want to thank you for helping the channel reach 50 000 subscribers and I hope that you accept this video as a token of my appreciation the character of Orihime inoue is the source of a lot of conflict within the bleach Community some fans interpret a character to be useless While others do see the value in our character the way that I'm going to approach this analysis is through a neutral perspective and I'm going to give just my thoughts on her character and before even beginning the video I want to say that I don't think that a character is useless I think that Orihime plays a specific role within the story and she succeeds at it all the while the portrayal of a character is consistent she awakens her powers early on in the story and they grow stronger with each successive Arc despite knowing that she could always rely on Ichigo this didn't stop her from becoming strong and independent this Reliance that she had on Ichigo never became dependent because she was always cultivating on growing her own power so much so to the point that she was happy in the final Arc that she could fight alongside Ichigo when they went to confront yuhobach in chapter to 672 if you pay attention to orihime's character during the fall break Arc then you will know that prior to that up she was aware that Ichigo was burdening himself with the responsibility of protecting everybody around him but because Ichigo no longer had his powers in The forbing Arc she had taken up the responsibility of protecting him and ensuring that he wasn't burdened with concerning for the safety of his friends as cruel as it may have been this is why they didn't tell Ichigo about tsukushima during the forbing arc I felt like it was her opportunity to tell Ichigo that I can protect you too helping him to realize that he can rely on them as much as they rely on him in this way you can see that ichigon or he may have both fought for each other and this is why when they fight together in the final Arc it is so satisfactory Orihime was one of the first characters that Kubo designed she even appeared in the pilot chapter for Bleach which was published soon after kubo's previous serialization zombie powder because she appears Within Chapter 0 we get a lot of hints about a character in particular her feelings for Ichigo which are well established even before the release of the first chapter of bleach so going into the story after having read the pilot chapter he you know how Orihime feels about him this is why I'm going to mention chapter 0 later on in the video piecing together the early concept behind origami's character in hopes that we can better understand the final rendition of a character which appears within the Bleach Manga so with the introduction over let's begin my analysis of Orihime inoe being one of the First characters introduced to us she makes her debut appearance in Chapter 2 of the manga and in episode 2 of the anime Orihime is a teenager who is the same age as Ichigo they are even taught in the same class in school you'll notice that similar to the protagonist she has orange hair she also wears two sky blue colored hair pins we later find out that these hairpins are integral for the powers that Orihime develops later on orihime's appearance changes throughout the course of the story as she matures most notably she goes through several different hairstyles and thankfully she is one of the characters that we see in the Final Chapter helping us to understand just how far she has come from her appearance alone one thing to note in chapter 686 is that she is still wearing her hairpins we learn more about these happens through the backstory of orihime's character which I will go into after we discuss some points of about her personality Orihime is very friendly and caring she has a active imagination which leads to her having a strange sense of humor her optimistic attitude gives her a lot of inner motivation which helps to drive a character throughout the lows that she experiences within the story Orihime lives alone after having lost her parents and her brother at a young age this results in her being very independent in chapter 35 we see that she is also very academic despite how clueless she sometimes comes across as she is ranked within the top three students of her class year having performed exceptionally well in her first semester final exams Orihime has a strong connection to our protagonist Ichigo she is very perceptive to his emotional and mental state resulting in her being one of the first people to notice if ichigo's mood is off or if something is bothering him Orihime has always had feelings for Ichigo which explains why she was always flustered whenever Ichigo would approach her or speak to her at the beginning of the series in chapter 237 when ukiara gives her the option to only say goodbye to one person before leaving with her she decides to go and visit Ichigo during this farewell she confesses that her feelings are developed into something a lot stronger as she confesses that she has fallen in love with him her connection with Ichigo leads her to recognize his scent from Far distances which is demonstrated in chapter 14. her attachment and sensitivity to ichigo's feelings is emphasized Within Chapter 462 even while being manipulated by tsukushima she is still devastated after seeing Ichigo crying tsukushima manipulates her into having feelings for him but despite this she is saddened after seeing Ichigo crying this site made her feel a deep sense of pain despite being manipulated to turn against Ichigo she was relieved after seeing Ichigo in his forbing attire no longer crying even after her memories were altered her feelings for Ichigo did not disappear and this shows just how strong the bond is between the two of them before we go into the history of orihime's character which is explained within the Bleach Manga let's talk about her appearance within the pilot chapter the pilot chapter also known as a one shot was created by titekubo to see if there was any interest in the bleat series prior to it being serialized because of the pilot chapter being well received it led to the weekly serialization of bleach this pilot chapter reveals the early concept designs of the series that we would all come to Grand love this one shot does have some similarities to the early chapters of bleach but there are some notable differences like how Rukia shrinks in size after giving her powers to Ichigo or how Hollows don't wear masks the most notable change from the pilot chapter to the series is that Orihime Dives within the pilot chapter the story revolves around Ichigo gaining Shinigami powers and is alerted to the death of one of his classmates who is revealed to be Orihime oruhime's backstory slightly differs here instead of her brother having died it is her father Rukia identifies that orihime's father has become a hollow and it is revealed that he has killed her by pushing her down a flight of stairs he does so so that Orihime could stay with him forever similar to how her backstory is told within the early chapters of bleach Orihime had forgotten to pray for her father after growing older making new friends this pilot chapter hints at the connection between Ichigo and Orihime there are even comical mentions of the feelings that they may or may not have for each other when Ichigo first sees her as a Shinigami a small-sized rookia pretends to be Ichigo as she tries to embarrass him by professing his undying loafer Orihime at the end of the pilot chapter Orihime assists to Ichigo in order to defeat her father she tries to play off her feelings for Ichigo by saying that she likes him as a classmate they both agreed that if Orihime were to return as a human again and if they were to meet then they would love to talk to each other again she heads off to the soul society and the pilot chapter ends now that we know the early concept of a character let's Now cover the backstory that is told within the actual manga in chapter 6 we learned that Orihime was born when her older brother was 15 years old he had treated him more like a daughter than his sister this was because orihime's parents were abusive in chapter 6 we learned that her parents were such monsters that they would silence the cries of a baby with beatings when Orihime was three years old her brother had taken her and fled from their parents home he was afraid that if he didn't her parents would have eventually killed her through neglect similar to each ghost she was bullied in school because of her orange hair color in chapter 6 we learned that orihime's older brother had gifted her with a pair of hairpins but she never really liked them she had gotten into an argument with her brother over these happens Orihime didn't speak to him the entire night the next morning he had left to go to work however he had died on his way to work not returning to Orihime ever since the death of her brother Orihime had prayed for him daily she had even started to wear the hairpins that were gifted to her that she initially had disliked but a year after he had died or he may had made friends with tatsuki as her life was moving on she had started to pray for her brother less and less once she had enrolled into high school and had met Ichigo and developed feelings for him she stopped praying for her brother entirely Ichigo had started to preoccupy her mind before she left school and after she had returned from school in her mind she wanted to demonstrate to her brother that she has moved on and that she is happier now no longer mourning his loss the brother who had always protected her no longer needed to worry about her in chapter 450 we learned that after the death of orihime's brother she was financially supported by a distant relative she had taken care of orihime's living expenses so long as she continues to maintain her grades in school this now be leads us to orihime's first appearance within the manga in chapter 2. our first impression of her is while she sat in school daydreaming tatsuki snaps her out of her daydreaming and teases her about her fascination with Ichigo she wonders what's so special about him and Orihime states that it's because he is funny drawing parallels to the pilot chapter Orihime is almost killed in chapter 3 where she narrowly avoids being hit by a car Orihime later approaches Ichigo and Rukia and we learned that she has a very quirky personality she tells them that she is going to prepare dinner by putting together ingredients that don't sound like they'd go well together her an appetizing dinner aside Ichigo notes says that Orihime has been injured she states that she was run over by a car the night before apparently this has been a regular occurrence but rookia suspects that there is something more to orihime's injuries after observing the markings on her leg that same night Orihime invites tatsuki over as she reveals more about her feelings for Ichigo while tatsuki gives her advice on how to win over ichigo's heart her teddy bear falls on the floor upon a closer inspection the stuffed animal seems to have a tear across its face which is seeping blood Orihime and tatsuki are then attacked by the hollow acid wire who ends up removing orihime's soul from her body during this version of events her chain of Fate is still attached to her body so she doesn't immediately die like Hindi pilot chapter she is then forced to watch the hollow attack tatsuki as she is left confused wondering why she can see herself on the floor one thing to note here before Ichigo arrives Orihime attempts to protect tatsuki telling her to run for her life but tatsuki cannot hear or see Orihime or the hollow when acid wire is about to attack Orihime Ichigo arrives just in time to protect her and it is in chapter 5 that Orihime first sees Ichigo in his Shinigami attire Ichigo is confused as to why there are two orihime's and how on Earth she can see him this is when acid wire reveals to Ichigo that this is because Orihime has already died after a brief encounter with Ichigo acid wire reveals to Orihime that he is indeed her older brother Rukia reminds Ichigo that if he doesn't stop the hollow soon then it's going to devour orihime's Soul after learning the identity of the hollow Orihime is confused as to why he heard tatsuki and Ichigo he reveals that it's because both of them had tried to take Orihime away from him similar to the pilot chapter Orihime used to pray for her brother every day that is until she had made friends with tatsuki she had started praying for her brother Les then after she had entered high school she had met Ichigo and stopped praying for her brother altogether he was frustrated that when she would come back from school she would only talk about Ichigo he began to realize that he was fading from orihime's heart with each passing day Orihime is conflicted wondering if her brother felt this way then he could have spoken to her instead of hurting her friends the brother that she knew while he was alive would have never done anything like this this statement angers acid wire as he grabs onto Orihime which he is protected by Ichigo while the hollow in Ichigo battle Orihime gets in between the two of them she is bitten by acid wire but she Embraces the hollow she apologizes to her brother explaining how she tried to remain happy because at first all she did was pray but she felt that this was the wrong thing to do she didn't want her brother to look back and see Orihime upset that she is missing him to see the pain that she was feeling after losing him so she decided to hide it from him she spoke to him about all of the things that made her happy so that he wouldn't feel upset about leaving Orihime on her own or he may apologize because she didn't know that this had made him feel lonely her heartfelt apology leads to her brother breaking the Hollow mask and feeling remorseful for his actions Ichigo reminds him of the happen that he had gifted to her and how Orihime wears it every day because it was the first gift that he had ever given to her he realizes that he was so caught up with his own feelings of loneliness that he didn't consider how urihime would have been feeling how much pain or loneliness that she must have been feeling after losing her brother in a moment of Sanity her brother SATs farewell to Orihime and request for Ichigo to send him to the soul Society at the end of this encounter Rukia erases orihime's memories similar to how she had wiped the memories of ichigo's sisters when his family was attacked by the hollow fishbone D but despite her memories being erased because of her encounters with the hollows and the fact that she spends a lot of time with Ichigo it leads to her having an increased sense of spiritual awareness she demonstrates this in chapter 41 when she's the only one who can see the hollow num chandelier who is watching Orihime and her friends from the rooftop of her school she doesn't want to alert the hollow she is aware of its presence she just wants her friends to get to safety so she initially acts like nothing is wrong after she notices that the Apollo is no longer on the rooftop it appears before them it realizes that Orihime can see it desperately trying to tell her friends to run away the hollow attacks them Nom chandelier fires seeds from its forehead which penetrates into his victims these seeds then Sprout Roots allowing the hollow to control the individual through this ability the hollow controls orihime's classmates in order to attack her while Orihime is being attacked tatsuki arrives in order to protect her it is revealed that she too can see the hollow but only as a brief outline at the end of chapter 41 Kubo draws a sketch which acts as a visual metaphor for the scenario that we have just read about it is a sketch of a princess being protected by a fire breathing dragon we can of course see that the princess is Orihime and the dragon represents tatsuki or it could even represent Ichigo who had fought to protect Orihime against acid wire what this sketch symbolizes is orihime's powerlessness she in fact needs somebody to protect her because she has no power of her own tatsuki is by the hollow as Orihime rushes to her Aid it is here that we get a flashback which details how Orihime had been bullied in school because of the color of her hair up until enrolling into school her brother had always described her hair as being beautiful because of its unique color this I'd like to Orihime growing her hair out but in school she had been bullied because of the color of her hair she was harassed to the point that a student had grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting her hair after this instant Orihime had decided to cut the rest so that it didn't look out of shape she couldn't bring herself to tell her brother about what had happened so instead she told him that she felt like having a change of hairstyle it was not too long after this that her brother had passed away and she had begun to feel lonely she became quieter in school and was no longer her cheerful self that is until she had met tatsuki she had picked Orihime up when she was down and had protected her it was thanks to tatsuki being there for her that she was able to grow her hair out again it is here that we learned that orihime's long hair symbolizes the trust that she has in tatsuki and it is for this reason that she's never going to cut it short again after tatsuki is injured by the hollow Orihime resolves to protect her and this is where the ability which stems from orihime's hairpins is activated the end of this chapter is perfectly followed up by another sketch drawn by Kubo which depicts a fallen Dragon being protected by a princess this symbolizes that the princess is no longer powerless she can now protect her Knight her ability shunchan Rika translates to six princess shielding flowers like the name suggests she has six Spirits which live within a happens through these Spirits or Hime is able to form multiple combinations which Grant her the powers to reject events that have taken place she channeled her abilities in order to attack defend or heal this is the first time that her ability has been activated so her spirit's guide her in how to use it these Spirits reveal to Orihime that their job is to protect her they are her power they were awakened in response to orihime's feelings of powerlessness when the hollow fires projectile swords orihimeishi activates an ability called Santan cashun this is one of orihime's signature defensive abilities which repels an opponent's attack it does so by forming a shield in front of her this Shield repels any form of negativity Orihime then activates her healing ability called Sultan kashun in order to heal tatsuki and lastly she uses the fairy called Tsubaki in order to activate an ability called koten zanchu which attacks and defeats the hollow num chandelier in one strike activating the powers proves to be too much for Orihime so she collapses she is then picked up by urahara and taken to a shop along with Chad he explains to them the nature of Hollows and Shinigami but they don't seem to be convinced so uruhara reminds them of the pain and the fear that they were feeling earlier when they encountered the hollows he explains how Ichigo has high spiritual pressure and is a Shinigami he can control his spiritual energy in order to defeat Hollows and it is because of ichigo's immense spiritual energy which has leaked from his body that is affected the people around him in the past Orihime and Chad had encountered Ichigo in his Shinigami form several times and it is because of this their latent abilities were activated urohara then takes both Orihime and chat to where Ichigo is fighting he allows them to have the choice whether if they will Embrace their powers and to fight against Hollows or return back to their ordinary lives but in order to do that urahara has to prove to them that what he a set is true by introducing them to the world that they are about to step foot into and the enemy that they need to fight while Orihime and Chada watching uriu and Ichigo fight against the hollows oruhime reveals that she didn't forget a single detail about her brother transforming into a hollow she had remembered how Ichigo had arrived to protect her it is difficult for both Orihime and Chad to accept what is happening before them to accept this new reality and to use their powers responsibly after rookia is taken back to the soul Society by renji and byakya or he may questions Ichigo as to why nobody else can remember rookia what you can note here is that Orihime waits for Ichigo in order to ask him this question she can tell that he is troubled by something when he Reveals His plan to rescue Rukia after she was taken back to the soul Society or he may supports him but before she does she reminds Ichigo that Rukia had come from the soul Society in the first place everybody that she knows including her friends and her family are all from there what will Ichigo do after he rescues her will they be comfortable with taking rookia away from her loved ones in a strange out of character Mana Orihime questions whether if this is the right right thing to do Ichigo Ponders on this question but she interrupts him by saying of course it is the right thing because she can tell that Ichigo has already made up his mind and that is enough for Orihime to support him prior to Orihime speaking to him Ichigo was thinking to himself how nothing had changed despite rookia having left everybody was acting normal it was like the world didn't notice Rookie's disappearance he even starts to convince himself that this is because Rukia didn't belong here even having doubts whether if he should rescue her he wonders if this is true and it is Orihime who snaps him out of it and reminds him of his resolve to go and save her or ye may wishing Ichigo good luck states that she doesn't want Rukia to die either Orihime brings much needed Clarity to ichigo's mind here after thanking her he begins his training with urahara while Orihime speaks to Chad stating that she has made up her mind she is going to assist Ichigo it reigned during the night that Ichigo was facing off against the grand Fisher during that battle Orihime was with tatsuki who had told her about these circumstances behind the death of ichigo's mother and how losing his mother at such a fragile age had impacted him greatly yet often returned to the river where his mother died it was like he was looking for her he had been walking around the river with a backpack on from morning till night tatsuki describes to Orihime how she couldn't stand to see Ichigo like this in chapter 24 after Orihime leaves tatsuki to return home she thinks about how Ichigo must have felt after losing his mother at the age of nine she recalls back to how she had felt after losing her brother and how she knows the feeling of losing somebody that you're so attached to Orihime knows that after losing a loved one it makes you realize that nothing is for certain in this world after learning about ichigo's circumstance she wonders if what she feels for ichigo's kindness or one-sided sympathy after knowing about ichigo's past he is able to understand him a little better and I feel like this is key to understanding the bond between Orihime and Ichigo how she is able to relate to how he feels and she is able to sense when he is not being himself Orihime may not know the significance of rookia entering into ichigo's world how she was the one who had given him power however despite not knowing this she is not willing to let Ichigo suffer that pain of loss Again by allowing Rukia to be killed after all Rukia was an import important part of his life and she knows that Ichigo would not be able to forgive himself if anything happened to Rukia while he stood by and did nothing because the world didn't notice her disappearance or he may support ichigo's decision to rescue Rukia by beginning her own training under yoruichi shihoin in chapter 62 we see Orihime activate her abilities after she remembers how she felt when she had wanted to protect tatsuki from the hollow she goes through all of these links because she has a desire to get stronger also after Ichigo leaves to train with urahara she says to herself that she doesn't want Ichigo to get hurt but she immediately snaps back and says that she won't let him get hurt this is because Orihime is ichigo's shield and we are going to expand on this idea of Orihime being his shield as we progress through the video and as we see orihime's powers develop the significance of oruhime's bond with tatsuki is emphasized in chapter 68 tatsuki realizes that she's going to be going away for a while and tells her not to go too far away but Orihime reassures her she thinks to herself that she is thankful for tatsuki but she doesn't want her to worry it is because tatsuki has always looked out for her that she feels safe no matter where she goes or he made promises to herself that no matter what happens in the soul Society she will return back to tatsuki Orihime along with udyu Chad Ichigo and yorichi traveled to the soul Society through the dangai one of her first actions after arriving into the soul Society is to heal the gatekeeper jidombo after ginichimaru had injured him and prevented them from entering into the cerate Orihime continues to demonstrate her feelings for Ichigo throughout the beginning of the Soul Society arc when they arrive at the home of kukakushiba and their tastic rate keto cannonballs Ichigo struggles she tries to reassure him and even in chapter 82 we see her sacrifice her own food just so that Ichigo can eat when the group are fired out of kukakushiba's Canon they enter into the cerate they all split up and Orihime ends up Landing with uriu despite her santankashing ability breaking off all she ends up falling unconscious and you'll notice whenever Orihime is sleeping or she is unconscious or daydreaming she's always thinking about Ichigo or dreaming about him she is eventually woken up by uriu as they begin their mission to retrieve Rukia in chapter 91 when the para confronted by a Shinigami only Hime uses her abilities to summon Tsubaki to attack the enemy but Tsubaki is easily defeated an explanation for the weakness of this attack comes from the Shinigami who states that he has never seen an attack like that before an attack which had no murderous intent behind it and this is the first hint that we get that an offensive style is not suited to orihime's personality her enemy even tells her that she is not suited for the battlefield she will not accomplish anything here without a murderous intent this for me foreshadows how urahara had told Orihime not to get involved with the war with Eisen during the eranka arc but I'll talk more about that when we get to discussing that portion of the story but this is when uriu arrives and protects Orihime she is impressed by the results of his training uriu ends up defeating the Shinigami and the two of them disguise themselves with Shinigami uniform however that attempt to blend in with the additionigami is unsuccessful because unknown to them they are being followed by Mayuri kurosuchi the captain of squad 10 in chapter 121 Miri ends up using a group of Shinigami in order to detonate them in front of uriu and urihime but there he may generate a shield in order to protect the two of them when Orihime had first activated their abilities she had to call out a chant in order to summon the spirits but uriu recalls Orihime had been training in order to summon them without chanting her training was of course successful explaining how she was able to quickly react to miri's explosion by creating a shield in the process of protecting herself on uru or he made also protected another Shinigami who was confused as to why Orihime is crying he doesn't understand why she is crying for the dead Shinigami and why on Earth she had saved him Miri becomes interested in orihime's abilities but uru demands that the Shinigami that she saved takes Orihime to safety the two of them eventually get away while uriu stays behind to battle against Mayuri in chapter 128 Orihime and the Shinigami are found by the lieutenant of the 11th division yachiru they are then taken to the squad 11 headquarters for questioning after this Orihime has a very limited and brief involvement within this Arc we next see her in chapter 137 where she is traveling with kimpachi Zaraki as they are heading to the prison are being held after breaking them out they traveled to where Ichigo is battling against byakya after Orihime identifies ichigo's riyatsu in chapter 164 Orihime states that no matter how strong ichigo's spiritual pressure gets this scent of it is the same she recognizes that the spiritual pressure that everybody can feel Across The Stereotype can only belong to Ichigo when udyu says that Ichigo is risking his life to save Rukia the Shinigami who is accompanying them asks them who is Rukia to them why is it that they are doing all of this just for a friend but Orihime states that they are going through all of this effort because she means a lot to Ichigo this is really insightful as Orihime States that urukia had changed ichigo's entire world she is fully aware of what it meant to Ichigo for him to have gained the power to protect she is well aware of the importance that Ichigo has for Rukia in the same chapter when Ichigo and biakya's battle is getting heated uru tells her to step back but she tells him that she's going to stay right here where she can see Ichigo Udi thinks to himself that he knows that Orihime wants to help Ichigo but if she does she's only going to get in his way at this stage the way that Ichigo is even if Orihime did go to help him Ichigo wouldn't want that and Orihime is well aware of this but her feelings for Ichigo are so strong that she has to hold herself back from trying to assist Ichigo so the only thing that Orihime can do right now is to wait she's praying for him and believing that he's going to win URI who is well aware of how Orihime is feeling tells Ichigo that he better not lose otherwise he'll have to answer to him and it is in this chapter where it is stated that Ichigo isn't willing to rely on his friends to fight by his side which explains the conflict that Orihime must be feeling watching Ichigo battle on his own but this only leads her to feeling inadequate that she isn't strong enough to fight by his side this point about not being strong enough to fight beside Ichigo is heavily discussed within the iranka arc and thankfully we do get a resolution to this plot thread at the end of the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc but for now Orihime continues to hold herself back and pray that Ichigo makes it out okay in chapter 167 after Ichigo defeats biakya Orihime expresses how she was worried for Ichigo she apologized him that she couldn't protect him she is appreciative that Ichigo didn't get himself hurt she is grateful to the point of tears that each goes okay in response he thanks her for her concern you can see it's a very sincere moment between the two of them then in chapter 179 we see that Orihime is hitting Ichigo orihime's abilities draws the attention of unohana who is surprised at how effective or hima's healing abilities are his subordinates tell her that the only people that need healing of yakya and Ichigo but unahana states that Ichigo is in safe hands after witnessing Orihime healing him I mean you can infer that orihime's abilities are just as effective as whatever unohana would have done and this is why she doesn't interfere with Orihime hiding Ichigo Orihime may not have the best offensive techniques but she definitely makes up for this through her abilities to both defend and heal at the end of chapter 181 after urukia decides to stay within the soul Society the group leave to return to the world of the living this then leads us to the aranka arc the longest Arc of the series and one where Orihime plays a very significant role and we get to learn learn a lot more about her character when they return back to their normal lives Ichigo senses the presence of a hollow in chapter 183 and rushes off to deal with it Orihime and Chad follow him but he tells them that he could have handled the hollow on his own and it wasn't necessary for them to come he once again demonstrates his reluctance to work alongside his friends but at this point arihime doesn't pay too much attention to it she's just glad that she could have gotten out of class but the next time that we see Orihime concerned is in chapter 189 after he notices that there is something off about ichigo's mood along with Chad she goes to confront Shinji wondering if he knows the reason behind why Ichigo isn't being himself after hyori threatens to kill them but is taken away by Shinji Orihime tries to run after them but Chad tells her to forget it this is because neither of them could catch up to Shinji and Yori because of their powers and even if they did catch up to them they wouldn't be strong enough to face off against them this one exchange sums up the feelings of powerlessness that both Chad andorihime feel during The iranka Arc in chapter 191 we see that chadanorihime are among the first to arrive when he yummy and ukiora make the appearance in the world of the living Chad tells Orihime to leave with tatsuki but she is forced to immediately return after witnessing Chad being easily taken down thanks to Yami who severs his arm into two pieces prior to arriving at the scene Chad had made Orihime promise him that no matter what happens to him she will Rescue all of the survivors and heal them Orihime here realizes that Chad must have known that he wouldn't be strong enough to face off against the enemy when Yami is about to attack her in chapter 192 Orihime demonstrates how much power she has when she is emotionally distressed she summons a shield which protects herself from yami's Attack it is here that Yami inukuro witnessed orihime's healing abilities while she heals Chad's arm ukiara also refers to her abilities as a healing technique but then he corrects himself stating that her powers appear to be manipulating space and time itself concluding that healing will not be the best way to describe or hime's Powers her abilities are unlike anything that he has ever seen before we can assume that it is at this moment that lucura decides to tell Eisen about her abilities meanwhile or he made a guides to single-handedly face off against two of the most strongest opponents that we have seen up until this point her resolve is to buy enough time for Ichigo to get here but she disagrees with herself stating that she cannot always expect Ichigo to come to her rescue through her thoughts in this moment we get to understand why orihimai acts and behaves the way that she does she does not want to burden Ichigo because right now there is something that is troubling him she is unaware of the difficulty that he is having with his inner Hollow but she knows that he is going through something and it is for this reason that she resolves not to trouble Ichigo deciding to deal with Yami nukiara herself Ichigo along with tatsuki saved Orihime when she was younger after losing her brother in their own unique ways they helped her to move on from that pain and to continue her life and in response Orihime wants to do something for Ichigo in return this is why she faces off against Yami and ukiora in the hopes that this may be the only thing that she can do for him Orihime launches an offensive attack by summoning Tsubaki and using the ability koten zanchu while she launches this attack she mentions how she's going to protect tatsuki Chad uriu and Ichigo you can see that in this way she has a a very similar desire to protect just like Ichigo does but as we learned during the soul Society Arc orihime's strengths do not lie within her ability to attack and this is why Yami easily destroys Tsubaki after orihime's abilities proved to not be strong enough ukiora gives Yami the order to kill her and this is where the one that she was worried about so much arrives to protect her Ichigo arrives just in time to stop yami's attack apologizing to her that he took so long in response Ori he may apologizes to Ichigo that it is because of a weakness that both Chad and tatsuki were injured wishing that if she was only stronger but Ichigo reassures her that it isn't her fault after he activates his bunkai did him to defeat the enemy this is the first time that Orihime gets to see ichigo's Bankai up close but she knows that there is something about it that feels different from the time that she has seen it in sokyoku hill during the soul Society Arc she describes that his spiritual pressure feels darker the heavy fearsomeness of his energy is making it difficult for her to even breathe it is like the person who is standing before her is not even Ichigo chapter 193 in my opinion reveals a lot about with each other they both possess a shared desire to protect their loved ones but there is a conflict that occurs and this conflict is manifested within this chapter to summarize it it's Ichigo who feels like he's burdening himself with the responsibility of protecting everybody and it's Orihime who desires to protect her loved ones and to fight alongside Ichigo but the sad reality is that she isn't strong enough and it upsets her that Ichigo even realizes this in chapter 193 after activating his Bankai Ichigo tells Orihime to stand back and you have a panel here which feels like orihime's heart has been broken you see it in the next panel that Kubo draws of orihime's response through her eyes it is like she is crushed all she can do is stand back and pray just like she was doing in the soul Society Arc When I See This panel and I see the concern in her eyes like she's about to cry and her holding her own hand as if she is holding herself back these are very subtle details but they make you symbolize with her Ichigo is doing well in the battle until his hollow tries to take over he tries to suppress his hollow rejecting its help and it is here where he begins to lose the battle against xiaomi after seeing Ichigo get hurt she shouts out his name rushing to help him but he yells for it to stay back her inability to control herself and her desire to protect Ichigo results in her being attacked by Yami if only Ichigo did rely on or hima's abilities she could have assisted him she had proven prior that she could manifest a shield which could defend against the Army's attacks if he had allowed Orihime to be the shield to his sword then maybe the outcome would it have ended like this with Ichigo utterly defeated resenting his inner Hollow further their conflict with Yami nukiara concludes after yoriichi and urahara arrived at a system after yoriichi takes down Yami she rushes to orihime's Aid and it is here that we see the extent of injury that she has sustained after yami's attack with one side of her face being completely covered in blood the anime adaptation of this moment is heavily censored you don't get to appreciate the extent of injury that Orihime has sustained even when yorichi assists Orihime all she is concerned about is whether if Ichigo is okay or not five days after the event Orihime returns to school she is greeted by Ichigo who looks visibly upset a pain him to see Orihime bandaged up and hurt the thing is he is holding himself responsible for the fact that Orihime got hurt because he wasn't strong enough even after the event Orihime tries to reassure Ichigo stating that she should have stayed back like he said and it isn't his fault that she got hurt Ichigo is of course disappointed with himself due to his inability to control this inner Hollow and thus protect his loved ones while Orihime is upset that she cannot help Ichigo to overcome whatever he is feeling in chapter 196 rookia drags Ichigo to apologize to Orihime he promises to her that he'll get stronger so that next time they won't be able to hurt her Orihime is surprised but then she thinks to herself that she is glad that Ichigo is back to his old self before they leave Orihime thanks Rukia for helping Ichigo in his moment of need in chapter 198 we get to appreciate just how human or human's character is portrayed to be as usual she is staring the events of the day in her thoughts to the photo of her late brother telling him that Ichigo had returned back to normal while thinking about Rukia she describes her as being amazing to the extent that it is making her feel envious or jealous this feelings are causing a conflict she is upset that she's feeling like that about her friend Rukia she doesn't want to feel jealous of her she tried to assist each girl but in the end it just made things worse while rookie made it look Easy by saying the right things to Ichigo so that he would stop feeling despair in chapter 199 when rangiku stays over at orihime's she notices that she is feeling upset so she asks her why is it that she is so somber she convinces Orihime to share with her how she is feeling unlike she had said previously she describes how Rukia is amazing she was easily able to Cherry to go up despite the fact that he was upset for so long this moment speaks volumes as to the person that Orihime is even when she is unintentionally feeling a certain way she feels guilt and sadness you can tell that she has no ill will towards anybody and she doesn't enjoy hurting people even if they are her opponents or enemies this is why she describes herself as a bad person to rungiku she had initially just wanted Ichigo to be happy but now that rookia is back and she easily cheered him up she should be happy theoretically but she cries in a vulnerability stating that she is jealous of her rookia is kind she's strong she's so beautiful and it is for those reasons that she loves her and has it as a friend she appreciates the fact that she cheered up Ichigo but why is it that she's feeling this way when Orihime is at school she doesn't feel like this but when she returns home and is alone in the Solitude of her own thoughts these feelings of jealousy crop up Orihime is so self-aware and reflective of her emotions and her actions rangiku Embraces her stating that she is silly for feeling this way because she has no reason to be jealous she reassures her by saying that Ichigo is still very young he can barely stand on his own right now he needs both Orihime and Rukia to be there for him she tells or he made that jealousy isn't a bad thing it's not like these feelings are intentional the fact that Orihime is aware of how she is feeling and she's trying to deal with them that is the biggest thing she's not running away from her feelings she is accepting that her feelings of jealousy exist and that they are there but it is evident that she's not going to let them get the better of her this exchange ends with rangiku telling Orihime that she is a good person when Grim Zhao and his Russian attack Orihime is kept away from the battle by rang who tells it to look after her gigai we then see her in chapter 213 where she is called upon to heal Rukia after Ichigo is unable to protect her from grimjao she watches Ichigo as he appears to be devastated the concern on his face results in her also feeling upset for him after all she is able to relate to the powerlessness that Ichigo must be feeling when Orihime learns about eisen's plans from head captain Yamamoto she is told to relay the information to the other humans in chapter 224 or he may demonstrates that she is able to track down Ichigo at the base of the Wizards despite the fact that it is shielded with a barrier she is able to tell the properties on the makeup of the barrier in order to walk through it the Wizards are surprised by how Orihime managed to bypass the barrier her incredible feat impresses the wizard hatchigan who had created the barrier Orihime was only able to bypass it because the barrier that Hachi had created was very similar to a shunchan Rika ability after Orihime tells Ichigo about eisen's plans he reassures her that he's going to stop Eisen he's going to get stronger after thanking Orihime he gets back training or he may realize is that Ichigo didn't have the time to process everything that she had told him because he is so preoccupied with his training and focused on getting stronger but she knows that whatever eiseness planning doesn't matter because Ichigo knows exactly what he has to do he isn't afraid of Eisen Orihime realizes that ichigo's getting really strong but she states that it isn't the same way as before when the hollow was interrupting his battle against byakya or even his battle against the Army she knows that whatever Ichigo is going through it may not be scary but it isn't Pleasant for him he is struggling right now and it is for this reason that Orihime decides that she's going to get stronger too in chapter 226 your Ichi approaches Orihime stating that she was tasked by urahara to find Orihime in order to bring her to his underground training room after arriving she asks urahara what is it that he wanted to speak to her about he describes how rangiku had arrived earlier to speak to him orahara was made aware about the okan and about how Eisen plans to sacrifice all of the people within karakura town in order to create it he states that the soul society and everybody else has to prepare for all-out War stating that a great deal of blood will be shed and that everybody will need to get stronger this is why Orihime states that her resolve is to also get stronger but urahara tells her that Orihime won't be fighting with them this time he says that Tsubaki was destroyed in battle by Yami the other day he questions if he has been repaired she replies that Tsubaki was broken so badly that she couldn't fix him she doesn't know how to urahara rightfully says that Tsubaki is the only weapon that Orihime possesses he cannot allow her to participate in the battle if Tsubaki is out of commission urahara's concern is that he doesn't want her to get killed Chad argues with urahara that orihime's value is more important than fighting this is because she can protect and heal people but urahara reminds chant that with Captain unohana and the fourth division present there won't be any need for Orihime to be in the battlefield urahara who definitely could have said this in a more nicer tone states that a warrior who cannot fight will only hold them back it's a crushing blow for orhime who had already been questioning her worth on the battlefield in this moment she tries to conceal how she is feeling by thanking gurahara for just bluntly telling her she can understand where he is coming from after saying goodbye she runs away she is constantly being told to stay back by Ichigo she wasn't allowed to assist in the battle against grimjao and his fashion by rangiku and now urahara tells her that she won't be needed on the battlefield she is made to feel effectively useless when she desires to be anything but this we do learn that orohara had an alternative purpose for keeping Orihime away from the battlefield which is so that Eisen isn't alerted to the remarkable abilities that Orihime possesses but we learned that this is already too late as in chapter 227 while he is replaying ukiara's memories he notices Orihime healing chat as he states that she appears to have interesting abilities urahara's concerns were correct but it appears that he has acted too late on them because Eisen has already set his sights on Orihime the following chapter 228 is very orihime-centric as immediately after leaving urohara's place she bumps into Rukia after seeing her she cannot help but to break down and start crying after telling Rukia everything that urahara had said she's states that she feels better after talking with her after all it's probably for the best if she isn't strong enough but Rukia absolutely disagrees stating that Orihime has done her own fair share of fighting up until now she had even gone to the soul society and fought she isn't mad that she was dismissed by urahara Orihime is just sad that she can't fight alongside the rest of them but more importantly than this she doesn't want to be a burden to anybody remembering urahara's words that she's only going to hold them back she states that she definitely doesn't want to hold Ichigo back or anybody else she'd rather be upset than to hold others back but Rukia tells her that it isn't the people who are weak who cause problems in the battlefield it is those who have a weak Spirit she states that during the soul Society Arc Ichigo uru Chad and even herself none of them demonstrated a weak spirit because if any of them had then rukio would not be alive right now Rukia reassures Orihime that there must be some use that urine may have in this battlefield and that she's going to help her find it this encouragement reassures her and just as she starts to feel better hiori arrives and states that the vizard had she wants to speak to her after analyzing her hair clips he begins to understand that these are the source of orihime's powers describing the hair clips to be similar to zombachto he notices that one of the hair clips appears to be damaged they said it bothered Hachi the first time that Orihime had arrived to speak to Ichigo or he may of course reveals that she cannot fix it that Tsubaki is broken but then Hachi offers to fix Tsubaki for her which surprises Orihime similar to us the other wise odds are confused as to why Hachi is helping her but they conclude that it is probably because Orihime has very similar abilities to Hachi oruhime explains a predicament that Tsubaki was broken into so many pieces that she couldn't fix him and it is for this reason that she was told that she cannot join the battle against Eisen Hachi is surprised as he tells arihime that she should have been able to fix Tsubaki since she possesses a very similar ability to his own this highlights that oriime has a need to train and to practice her own abilities further he tells it now that Tsubaki is fixed she should have no trouble in joining the battlefield but what Hachi says next is crucial to understanding Orihime and her abilities and this is something that I think people do forget he advises Orihime not to fight saying that her abilities are not suited for combat especially against the arancas he questions if she still wants to fight to which Orihime replies that she does he tells Orihime that she doesn't fully understand her abilities yet there is a way for her to fight but she must find it herself after Orihime leaves the Visa's base she is greeted by Rukia Rukia follows through with her offer to help Orihime by taking her to the soul society and training with her before Orihime leaves she has an internal monologue as she says that because she is so weak she always tends to Ichigo but this time she says that she's not going to turn to him for help promising that the next time that they see each other she will be able to fight without looking at his back and this is exactly like we have been saying from the beginning of this video Orihime doesn't want to stand back and watch Ichigo fight for her she wants to fight side by side with them this totally destroys the notion that Orihime is some Damsel in Distress like I said previously she wants to be the sword to his shield while Orihime is training with rookia Eisen sets up a third invade of the human world while ukiara is ordered to capture Orihime because their abilities have caught eisen's attention ukitake alerts Rukia and Orihime while they are training about the third invasion of the aranca Rookie of the usual Orihime has to wait for the dangai to be stabilized so that she can make a safe journey back everybody is surprised by the sudden appearance of the yaranka they are unaware that this entire situation has been planned in order to kidnap Orihime after training for a whole month in the soul Society Orihime returns she is reassured that she has gotten strong enough to help now while rushing through the dangai she tells Ichigo and everybody else to hold on as she is on her way but it is here in the Danga where ukiora appears before her he easily takes out the two Shinigami who accompanied Orihime or Hime immediately begins to heal the two of them this further reinforces ukiora's resolve to take Orihime as the injuries that he had left on the Shinigami were catastrophic he is surprised that Orihime is even able to heal them and it is for this reason that he tells her that she's going to come with him he threatens her by saying that if she resists then he's going to kill all of her friends he gives is a no choice there's no room for discussion she no longer has any rights the only way that orihime's friends can be saved is if she complies with the orders ukiara reveals that he is taking her because Eisen wants her powers he has been ordered to bring Orihime back unharmed we see Orihime again in chapter 237 as she is back in her home writing a farewell known to rangiku and hitsugaya we found out that ukiora had given Orihime a bracelet to her which will conceal her presence and the only people who will be able to see her are her uncle this bracelet will also allow her to pass through solid objects he tells her not to take it off as he gives her 12 hours of Mercy saying that before she leaves she has permission to say goodbye to one person or he may Enzo note with the words goodbye Halcyon Days Halcyon meaning a period of time in the past which was an ideal and happy time to live in as Orihime says goodbye to her peaceful days she decides that Ichigo is the person that she wants to Sapphire well to in one of the most memorable moments of the entire series we see Orihime finally confess her true love for Ichigo she attempts to kiss him when she can't do it before leaving she expresses to him that if she would have lived five different lives than in all five of them she would have fallen in love with the same guy she thanks Ichigo and says goodbye before leaving for Hue comundo by leaving she feels that she is doing the right thing and that she is protecting her friends and Ichigo she may have felt that she wasn't any use to Ichigo rather more of a hindrance to him but by doing this act at least it will help Ichigo and in some way repay everything that he has done for her when she arrives in huikamundo she is taken to eisen's throne room in Los noches it is here where her powers are demonstrated as she heals the left arm of grimjo they say that her abilities go Way Beyond just simple healing Eisen describes orihime's abilities to be a rejection or phenomena her powers are able to reject and deny anything that has occurred to her affected subject so in this instance she can reverse the damage that was done to grimja by restoring his arm like it had never been destroyed Eisen states that it is far more than just space or time manipulation her abilities step over the limitations that have been set by the gods meaning that her powers violate the divine Orihime is introduced into the world of the Espada as after healing Grim Zhao he immediately kills Lupi much to her surprise Orihime is given her own room and lost noches but she wonders if she did the right thing by coming to Hue comundo but she reassures herself saying that she has to make them believe that she is useful for them at least until her friends are ready for battle in chapter 247 ukiara informs her that her friends have arrived to rescue her Orihime is surprised to learn about this news butukiora states that it changes nothing because she is one of them now in chapter 249 ukiora recalls this moment hubby it sends little to no hesitation from Orihime when he had told her that her heart now belongs to Eisen even he describes it as being incredibly Brave in chapter 249 Orihime is brought to Eisen when they are left alone he shows the hokyoku the device that made it possible for him to turn Hollows into arankas or to even conceive the thought of creating aoken he says that he has shown at the hokyoku as a symbol of trust and it is orihime's abilities that he needs he needs a power of rejecting phenomenon in auditor system when Orihime is taken back to a room she thinks to herself that she doesn't believe that Eisen shorter the hokyoku because he trusts her there must be an alternative purpose for it but at least now she knows where it is located after coming to Hue comundo now oriime understands the nature of her abilities which is the denial of events the destruction of a phenomenon itself she is grateful for the help that Ichigo and the others have come to rescue her but she is not relying on it as she is determined to make herself useful she has figured out what she has to do in Hue comundo and it is something that only she can do she states that the phenomenon that she has to destroy is the hokyoku that will put a stop to eisen's plans under the suffering of her friends after Chad is defeated ukiora arrives to speak to Orihime questioning whether via sensed his defeat but Orihime refuses to believe that Chatters died but ukiora says that it doesn't make any difference whether if he is alive or dead because everybody who has come to rescue her will die eventually he tries to make her feel despair by telling her that she must have known that this was coming he describes their efforts to rescue her like Lambs rushing to their slot but this is why or hime's attachment to her friends and a bravery shows Once More as she slaps ukiara for his comment he is unfazed by this but you can tell by orihime's reactions that it took everything for her to try and hold herself back until she couldn't anymore when he leaves she is left distraught as she is clutching onto her chest as if the pain or feeling that her friends are being hurt is too much for her to bear in chapter 272 when Orihime is being assaulted by the power of aranco's Dolly and minoli grimja arrives putting a stop to their attack considering that he owes her for healing his arm he has arrived to take Orihime to heal Ichigo after he was defeated by ukiora but before leaving he tells her to heal herself but instead Orihime heals the Arun cars that Grim Zhao had dispatched the very Iran cars that were beating up Orihime not too long ago her act of kindness after they were so cruel to her leaves the Iran cause shocked loli even goes as far as to describing her as a monster but this is just the person that Orihime is she doesn't hold grudges it is difficult for her to even have ill will towards people who have wronged her in chapter 277 when grim brings her to the lifeless body of Ichigo Orihime is shocked grimjao orders her to heal him Orihime does have difficulty healing ichigo's wounds as a tremendous amount of spiritual pressure swirling around it she's finding it difficult to reject ukiora's residual spiritual pressure eventually she is able to break through the riyatsu and to begin healing Ichigo as he starts to show signs of Life they are incredibly relieved to know that he is okay but Orihime is surprised to learn that grimjao only wants her to heal Ichigo so that he can kill him ukiora disrupts their plans as he demands that Orihime is returned to him his presence is making Orihime feel very nervous that is until grimjao has a brief battle with him and uses his ability Kaja negacion sealing him into a closed Dimension he says that this has brought them about two or three hours of time he now demands that Orihime heals Ichigo which he refuses to she's not going to assist Grim Zhao in killing Ichigo she only does so after Ichigo tells her to heal him she even ends up healing Grim jaw at ichigo's request this is the first time that Ichigo and Orihime have been on the battlefield together since they are arrival of ukhiara and Yami at the beginning of the Iran Ichigo reassures her that he's going to win but Orihime looks on desperately as she sees once again the back of Ichigo she had promised that she was going to fight by his side but just like several times before she is told to step back and watch Ichigo fight alone at the beginning of that battle Nell is nervous and upset and worried about Ichigo but Orihime reassures her reminding her that Ichigo said that he'd win he promised them so he will win she tells Nell that they need to have faith in him and wait but as she says this she is clenching a fist it's a subtle detail that's very easy to miss and it highlights that orihime's feelings for Ichigo are making it difficult for her to just stand by and do nothing in chapter 280 grimjao fires a grand Ray sorrow towards the direction of Orihime and now but this is when Ichigo activates his Hollow mask and rushes to protect them or he may immediately senses the change in Ichigo and it's making a heartbeat faster and louder with his Hollow Mask donned Ichigo turns around to look at Orihime but she sees somebody completely different it is like she is looking at a Monster Ichigo notes is that his appearance is disturbing or human but he reassures her not to worry because he's going to end the battle quickly but his words don't reassure or he may in the slightest as she's still concerned when Ichigo once again arrives to protect Orihime from one of rimjao's attacks they have an opportunity to look into each other's eyes she looks on in complete shock and fear an emphasis is placed upon the eyes of Ichigo how the whites of his eyes have turned black this once again makes a heartbeat louder in chapter 283 we get an Insight from Orihime as she tells herself that she can't be afraid of Ichigo but when she thinks back to the eyes that she had seen she feels like Ichigo is turning into something or someone that she doesn't know she can't see her own reflection in his eyes and it reminds her of the monster that her brother had turned into right at the beginning of the series this is an excellent parallel that Kubo draws attention to during this moment Orihime has been through this before at this moment Nell is confused as to how Ichigo is losing despite the fact that he has done this Hollow Mask previously it was like he was invincible when he had won it but now he is getting beaten it is Nell who knows is the conflict within Orihime and she encourages her to cheer Ichigo on asking her what is she afraid of was Ned Orihime who said that Ichigo was a good person Ichigo 2 casts for Orihime a great deal and she explains this to her stating that he only attacked ukiara after learning that he was the one who brought Orihime to Hue comundo Nell rightfully says that Ichigo is still a human being he didn't become a Shinigami or put that Hollow mask on because he wanted to it's because he is fighting for his loved ones and he is in pain right now he is using that power fighting and bleeding so that he can rescue Orihime she asks her if Orihime won't cheer him on then who else will in this moment or Hime thinks that she is right similar to Ichigo Orihime had that desire to protect her friends that is the reason why she came to Hue comundo she had tried to be brave but after ukiora had told her that her friends had come to save her she felt glad but Orihime felt conflicted when she had seen Ichigo wearing that Hollow Mask she was an entirely sure if Ichigo really came to rescue her but after hearing now she feels reassured and despite all of this it shouldn't matter the fact of the matter is Ichigo is fighting right now for her he is enjoying all of this pain for her sake and it is here that Ichigo gets the encouragement that he so desperately needed as she tells him not to die with tears rolling down her face she tells him that he doesn't have to win he doesn't have to keep trying so hard she just doesn't want him to get hurt anymore Orihime is very self-aware of the fact that she is always relying on Ichigo to protect her she had become fearful of Ichigo after noticing that he was becoming a monster in order to fulfill this purpose in order to fight and to gain the strength to protect his loved ones Ichigo was enduring a great deal of pain she had come to the realization that the person she loved was forcing to hurt himself because she was not strong enough to protect him or he make her do nothing to protect Ichigo from this pain that he was enduring she couldn't protect him from becoming a monster and this fear of Ichigo becoming a monster is actualized during his battle against ukiora in chapter 313 Orihime is once again kidnapped by Stark who takes her in front of Eisen who tells her that he is going to leave now to destroy karakura town revealing that the planet kidnapper was a diversion so that the Shinigami would be Lord to Hue comundo thus having fewer numbers to counter-attack Eisen in karakura town ukiara is also revealed to have retained in chapter 315 and is guarding Orihime he attempts to make her feel despair by questioning if she is afraid now that Eisen doesn't want her anymore she's going to die here alone with nobody by her side ukiora wants to know if this frightens her but Orihime says that she isn't afraid because her friends will come and rescue her because her heart is already with them when Orihime had first heard that they had come to save her as she felt happy but at the same time she was upset she had come to Hue comundo so that they wouldn't get hurt so she is questioning why is it that they've gotten themselves In Harm's Way did they not know that Orihime was trying to keep them safe but after Orihime had sensed all of her friends fighting and even some of them collapsing after battling she realized that she was wrong she wanted all of her friends to be safe she came to the realization that her friends must be feeling the same way about her because if any one of her friends had disappeared like she did then she knows that she would go looking for them or he may speak about how six hearts can be as one describing what it feels to care about others and to have your heart in sync with theirs this is where ukiora becomes very confused about the concept of the heart and I go into a lot of discussion about this in my ukiora character analysis video and Dara give his perspective on this conversation as well as how Orihime ultimately teaches ukiara what it means to have a heart so definitely check out the ukiora character analysis video if you want his perspective on these different interactions that he has with Orihime in chapter 341 ukira is about to land a fatal blow to Ichigo that is until Orihime saves him with her Santan cashion prior to doing this Orihime was looking on nervously she was hesitating and ukiora comments on this in chapter 342 questioning why is it that she didn't protect Ichigo from the first strike that ukiara landed on him why is it that she hesitated but Ichigo interrupts saying that it doesn't matter and he thanks Orihime for assisting him but he then advises her to take cover because it's dangerous here in other words saying that he doesn't need her help she's concerned and worried for him but once again must conceal how she is feeling she can't help him so she listens to Ichigo and takes cover but this is where she's ambushed by the two Iran cars from earlier Lolly and minoli they start to torture her and to rip off her clothes Ichigo tries to help her but ukiora keeps getting in his way but when Yami arrives he easily defeats the two Iran cause after killing them he turns his attention to Orihime asking ukiara if he can kill her but then uriu comes to her Aid sending the oversized Iran car crashing down the tower as the battle between Ichigo and ukiora continues he tells uru to protect Orihime with his life when ukiora breaks through the Dome of Los noches and activates his resurrection you can see the concern in the eyes of Orihime in chapter 346 we get a call back to the soul Society Arc similarly how Orihime and uriu were observing Ichigo battling against byakya udyu once again notes the concern on orihime's face in chapter 164 if you remember he had told her to step back but after hearing a resolve to stay and watch Ichigo he realizes that Orihime is waiting and praying that he'll win so in chapter 346 6. instead of asking if she is okay he reassures her by telling her that Ichigo will win similarly he thinks to himself that Ichigo better not lose Udi's confidence in Ichigo at least gives Orihime a faint smile on her face unlike in chapter 164 where after speaking to her she still looked on in concern and this is just one of the many parallels that exist between the Iraq and the Soul Society Arc you could tell how deep placement of characters is intentional as the responses are completely the opposite of the responses that occurred previously these situations may be similar between the two arcs but the outcomes are entirely different and it's the same case when you compare the rescue of Orihime to the rescue of Rukia Rukia was forced to go to this whole society she had no choice in the matter the end goal was to rescue Rukia from being executed whereas in the hueco Munda OG Orihime wanted to be useful so she had willingly left to go to Hue comundo in order to protect their friends while in Los noches she revised a way to disrupt eisen's Plans by using the powers to destroy the hokyoku Orihime wasn't relying on her friends to rescue her whereas in the sole Society are gurukia was concealing her feelings deep down she was relying on them to come or he may had tried to shoulder the burden of protecting everybody but then realized that all of her friends feel the same way about each other they want to protect and help each other Rukia was accepting the fact that she was going to die she only had hope after realizing that Ichigo and the others had invaded into the serote and the last point that I really have to say about how saving Rukia was different to saving Orihime is that the entire soul Society Arc was based around this idea of rescuing Rukia whereas rescuing Orihime was a smaller plot threat which got Ichigo and the others to go to recommundo just as Eisen had planned the entire point of the aranka argh wasn't rescue Orihime it was to put a stop to eisen's plans and it just so happened that Orihime got caught up with his plans and he had used it as a tool to manipulate Ichigo in the soul Society I speak more about how the Hue comundo Aug is an inversion of the Soul Society Arc during my the rise of bleach video so check that out if you want to learn more about how these two arcs are very different to each other despite having similarities Orihime pleads with to take her above the canopy so that they can see what is going on she arrives to witness ukiora holding ichigo's lifeless body with his tail she then looks on in horror as ukiara tells her that the man that she put Oliver hopes on is about to die he fires a Cerro oscurus at Point black range through ichigo's chest we have a rare moment in chapter 349 where we see orihime's character completely panic and loose composure uru distracts okiora giving Orihime enough time to try and attempt to heal Ichigo while healing him she asks herself what should she do we get our internal monologue here where she says that deep down inside she had always thought if Ichigo was around everything would be okay she was reassured that Ichigo would always win but in this moment where it appears that Ichigo has lost she admits that she was blinded by the faith that she had in him repeatedly asking her what should she do she loses all composure the situation is frankly looking Bleak as Ichigo isn't responding to her healing and uru who is vastly outmatched by ukiora is thrown across the battlefield and has had his left hand severed trying to heal Ichigo she doesn't know what to do in her desperation she repeatedly calls out for Ichigo to help her her help causes the inner Hollow within Ichigo to manifest ichigo's hollify the body begins to defend Orihime and uriu in a moment of hopelessness he once again arrives to protect her but like I mentioned before her Reliance on Ichigo to protect her has resulted in him becoming a monster the fear that she had during the battle between Ichigo vs grimja has been actualized and why did this ultimately happen because Orihime wasn't strong enough to fight by his side and to protect him from the pain that he was going through by continually fighting to get stronger after witnessing the immense power of this transformation both uru and urhime are consent for Ichigo they witness him easily defeat ukiara when ichigo's vastador reform attacks uriu or he made them blames herself stating that it is her fault it is because she called out for Ichigo to help her she is almost frustrated with herself as she says that she trained so that this wouldn't happen she had come to wake on Mundo to protect Ichigo so why is it that it has turned out to be like this that she is relying on Ichigo this one internal monologue summarizes orihime's motives for Action during the hurricane window Arc we know that ukiora ultimately puts a stop to ichigo's in a hollow by breaking one of its Hans thus restoring Ichigo back to normal after Ichigo returns to normal and his chest is healed Orihime is incredibly relieved before dying ukiora asks Orihime if she is afraid of him she says that she isn't as she reaches out for his hand but before they can touch ukiora's hand Fades away as it appears that through his interactions with Orihime ukiora has come to understand what it means to have a heart and to no longer feel alone her brave reads come to Hue comundo and the faith that she continuously had in her friends ultimately impacted ukiora's character leaving a lasting impression on him after the battle with ukiara Orihime stays to heal uru's wounds we see her again in chapter 422 after eisen's defeat she is relieved to see that Ichigo is okay one month after this she is in ichigo's room with Rukia udyu and Chad she's present does Ichigo says farewell to Rukia this now leads us to orihime's involvement within the she introduces herself into this Arc in chapter 425 where we see that she still has the same bubbly personality but a very different appearance thanks to her new hairstyle in chapter 427 Orihime says that the past few days she has been feeling something strange about Ichigo This concerns a generally dismissed as she rushes off home for work in chapter 427 she arrives at Kurosaki Clinic to offer Ichigo some leftover bread from work while in his company she takes the opportunity to express her concerns to him asking if something has happened to him recently he says that nothing out of the ordinary has been going on she just thought that maybe he was being followed by someone or that he was in trouble Ichigo continues to deny that nothing is going on despite the fact that it is handed twitched once Orihime had asked him that question but Orihime feels bad for jumping to conclusions and getting worried for no reason but Ichigo does admit that he is glad that or Hime does this in chapter 430 after returning home she admits that Ichigo is hiding something it's a subtle detail that Kubo draws but she noticed that each goes hand twitched when she had asked him if something had happened or if someone was following him later she visits udyu in karakura hospital after hearing that he is being attacked in chapter 430 she sees the visible concern on ichigo's face after uriu refuses to tell him anything about his attacker ichigo's feelings of powerlessness are further emphasized when Ichigo offers to walk Orihime home Ryukin then states that he will take Orihime back when each girl leaves ryuken reveals to Orihime that it appears that Ichigo won't be of much help since he doesn't have any powers he tells Orihime that uriu wasn't attacked by a hollow Nora is Shinigami the residual spiritual pressure left in uriu's wounds led to ryuken concluding that he was attacked by something that he has never come across before he relays everything that he knows to arihime and admits that uriu himself doesn't even know what attacked him and it is for this reason that he didn't want to talk to Orihime or Ichigo about the attack as he didn't know what to say he describes that enemy as being human but they are not Shinigami their powers are similar to Orihime and chance ryuken explains to Orihime that the next person who may be attacked is either Orihime or Chad after this explanation he takes a home after getting concerned for Chad that he has been missing for a few days and hasn't been attending school she visits his home and leaves some bread for him hoping that he feels better and returns to school soon in chapter 438 oriime is confronted by tsukushima and his subordinate tsukishima admits that he was the one who attacked uriu or he may notices that sukhima's bookmark has turned into a sword she fears that tsukushima is going to attack his subordinate and she gets in the way protecting him Orihime bravely states that if tsukushima did indeed attack uru then she cannot let him leave Orihime is attacked by tsukushima Chad and Ichigo who had sensed their disturbance in their spiritual pressure quickly arrived to her aid but she's confused despite the fact that tsukushima had cut her she is left with no wound she had definitely felt the blade Pierce her body but there was no evidence of it despite their concern Orihime reassures both Ichigo and Chad that nothing had happened momentarily she even described tsukushima as being a friend she is confused as to why she referred to tsukushima as a friend despite the fact that she knows that he attacked uriu Orihime in chapter 440 says the cannot tell Ichigo what had happened to her but she says that she's going to text Chad later about the events Orihime doesn't know that Ichigo is about to regain his powers and after everything that had happened in the past she doesn't want to drag Ichigo into another fight because of her and most of all she doesn't want Ichigo to know that she is in danger and it is for this reason that Chad goes along with orihime's lie and reassures Ichigo that nothing is going on Chad agrees that it is too early to involve Ichigo into a fight in chapter 442 she relays everything that had happened to her to chat she admits to him that momentarily it felt like her memories were being altered by tsukushima's abilities in chapter 448 riruka arrives in front of Orihime requesting her help to assist Ichigo with his training Orihime had come to terms with this a long time ago that if Ichigo needs a help or something then she will help him no matter what even if it means that he's going to get hurt and he needs a help to heal him if it's for the sake of him getting stronger then she's going to help reruca taunts Orihime questioning what would happen if Ichigo ended up hurting himself Beyond repair but Orihime adamant says that she will not let that happen no matter how bad his injuries are she's going to heal all of them in chapter 449 Orihime arrives in yukio's full bring her attention is brought towards a heavily injured Ichigo she immediately rushes over to heal him Ichigo didn't want to drag Orihime into this but Chad says that he's going to need a help if he wants to get stronger ginjo starts to get impatient with orihime's healing asking how long is it going to take she says that she needs a little bit more time but Ginger says that he cannot wait Ichigo says that he is good to go but Orihime says that she isn't finished healing ginjo ignores orihime's warnings and rushes towards them to attack this is when Orihime uses a new ability called shiten koshun to protect the two of them when ginjou attacks the barrier it attacks back Orihime states that this Shield is different because it defuses the impact of an attack by exploding at the very moment The Shield is hit this causes the shield to respond by reflecting the attack back to ginjou for the first time Orihime uses her powers to protect Ichigo as she warns ginjo not to attack until she says so Egypt is surprised as she questions when did she get so strong but Orihime tells Ichigo that chadan Orihime were not doing nothing for the 17 months since he had lost his powers they continued to have faith that Ichigo would one day regain his powers so they had decided that they would get stronger both her and Chad once Ichigo had regained their powers they are not going to hold him back they don't want Ichigo to worry about them they want him to focus on regaining his abilities and once he has them back they are hoping to fight alongside him and not just rely on Ichigo to protect them Ichigo realizes this and tanks are ahime you can see that she is really glad that he understands their resolve and their reason for getting stronger in chapter 450 rurukan or Hime sit down with each other she shares her donuts with her after Orihime had desperately been looking at them after questioning her she learns that Orihime had a very difficult childhood outwardly Veruca is very abrupt but you can tell from her facial expressions that she has a lot of sympathy for Orihime she questions her how is it that she can talk about things that have happened to her so frankly with a smile on her face like her abusive parents so how her brother had died when she was young and the fact that she is living alone now Orihime says that she can talk about these things so easily because she has already been saved it is thanks to Ichigo that she can smile Veruca abruptly leaves but tells her that she can eat the rest of her Donuts oruhime is able to understand the subtle complexities of veruca's behavior and thanks her coming to the conclusion that ruruka is a nice person after all when ichigo's eyes are cut by ginjou Orihime rushes towards him trying to heal him but he stops her he tells Orihime that Ichigo had lost his resolved to fight after he had lost his Shinigami powers and he is helping him to get this back Orihime who can no longer watch Ichigo getting beaten by ginjou tries to assist him that is until Yukio places her into a cage after Ichigo finally attains his fullbring she leaves yukiyos for bring along with Ichigo and Chad in chapter 455 when Ichigo arrives at tsukushima's mansion and discovers that all of his friends and family members memories have been altered by him he attempts to attack tsukushima Ichigo is shocked to see chadan Orihime arrive protecting tsukushima Orihime ends up healing sukushima on she asks Ichigo if he has forgotten everything that tsukushima has done for them including saving Rukia and defeating Eisen or he may continues to protect tsukushima and we see her again in chapter 462 Orihime appears to be devastated in this chapter after realizing that Ichigo was crying her feelings for Ichigo are so strong that their leader to feeling confused why is it that despite the fact that she has so many memories of tsukishima why is it that she is getting upset when she sees Ichigo crying why is it that she feels so much pain she rushes towards Ichigo telling him not to cry anymore you can see the relief on her face when she sees that Ichigo is completely okay now and has regained his Shinigami Powers tsukushima once again tries to alter the memories about Orihime and Chad after they begin to realize that all of the Shinigami have arrived to stop ginjou before they start to lose their minds completely urohara and ishin arrive to save them they knocked them out and take them to urahara shop onceukushima has defeated their condition becomes stable in chapter 478 Orihime wakes up alongside ruruka she expresses that they are glad that they found her as it appears that the other four Bringers were not able to be recovered she starts crying at the fact that ruruka is still alive after ruruka learns that tsukushima has been killed she begins to cry the two of them end up crying together as the forbing arc wraps up and arguments kindness has once again left an impression on another character during the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc Orihime accompanies Ichigo Chad urahara and Nell back to Hue comundo to investigate what is going on they discovered that the Iran cars are being attacked by the Quincy they discover a large number of dead aranca Ichigo ends up fighting one of these Stern routers called kilge OPI urahara eventually intervenes and battles the stern Ritter while Ichigo rushes off to the soul Society Orihime Chad and urohara remain within Hui comundo While most of the action of the first half of this Arc occurs in the soul Society we don't see Orihime again until chapter 518 after the conclusion of the first Quincy Invasion urahara reassures Ichigo that Orihime and Chad are safe sometime after this we see Orihime traveling across wikomundo's deserts she arrives at the nigal ruins she is greeted by Chad as she discovers that everybody is there including urahara it appears that urahara has been studying The Medallion left by kilgetopi in chapter 546 we see Orihime training for the second Quincy Invasion Orihime recalls how peaceful it is here in Hue comundo but Chad reminds her that they are training for a battle or he may notes that it is strange for humans to be in quick on Mundo helping the Iran cause they're all working together for the sake of the Soul Society Orihime likes that everybody has put aside their differences for this one common goal to defeat the Quincy she wishes that this piece that she is feeling right now could last forever everybody helping and respecting one another she says that if only people helped each other and respected each other's worlds then maybe these battles would have never started Orihime arrives in the soul Society along with Chad in chapter 586 as she protects Ichigo from one of uriu's attacks she is surprised to see that uru has now sided with the Enemy both chadan or Hime arrived to come Ichigo down after he is angered by uriu's betrayal it upsets her to see Ichigo affected by udiu's actions after Chad snapped some sense into Ichigo Orihime agrees with both Ichigo and Chad that they are going to bring uru back even by force if they have to urahara then interrupts them as he offers to take them all to the soul King's Palace he takes them to the basement of the 12th division where Miri has created a replica of kukakushiba's Canon in chapter 598 they are fired into the soul King's Palace from the Canon Orihime recalls how this reminds her of when they went to rescue Rukia and how Ur you was with them at that time Orihime wonders if he will come back to them but Ichigo reassures her that of course he will they are going to take down yuhobach and at the same time they're going to drag uru back smacking some sense into him ichigo's confidence brings a smile to orihime's face in chapter 613 or Hime and the others arrive at the main Palace of the Soul King it is here that they confront yuhobach after the soul King is severed into two pieces or Hime attempts to heal him but a sultan kishun breaks yuhobach calls her foolish stating that a human's abilities are not enough to bring the soul King back to life it is impossible after an unsuccessful confrontation Orihime in the other are thrown out of the Soul King's Palace as they fall down to the cerate below in chapter 620 Orihime and the others return for a counter-attack thanks to yukio's modified Valley of Screams they discovered that the Quincy have transformed the soul King's Palace into their own Haven called warwald Orihime Chad and Ichigo rushed towards yuhobach's location arriving they discover udyu battling against hashwalt in chapter 660 udyu Reveals His true intentions which were to destroy wirewald and to defeat yuhobach he tells Ichigo chadan Orihime to go to the top of wahawal to kill yuhabakh Orihime is incredibly relieved to know that uru is still on their side and hasn't betrayed them in chapter 661 we learned that Orihime had never believed that uriu would betray them this is why she feels so reassured to the point of tears that he hasn't Chad ends up staying behind a battle against Quincy statues while ichigon Orihime rushed towards yuhobak's throne room in chapter 672 they finally climb up the steps arriving at the throne room they both can feel yuhobach's immense spiritual pressure behind the gate it is here that a significant character defining moment occurs for Orihime as we see the end of a story arc Ichigo tells her that it may be unfair if they battle two against one so he puts her in charge of Defense telling her that he is counting on her it is in this moment that Ichigo stops telling her to stand back and to get to safety just as Orihime had been relying on him he is now relying on her just as we have been talking about throughout the entirety of this video Orihime says it herself finally thinking back to the battle between Ichigo and biakya how she had wanted to help even during the battle between Ichigo and grimjao has she desired to assist him she has finally gained the acceptance that she was seeking she can now finally fight to protect Ichigo just as Ichigo has been fighting to protect her The Sword and the shield have finally become one together they walk into yuhobach's palace yuhobak attacks Ichigo with a dark spiritual energy but or Hime blocks it using one of her Shields Orihime continues to heal ichigo's wounds as he continuously strikes you her back when yo back strikes towards Ichigo in chapter 675 he calls out to her and she summons a shield protect them or he may admit in this moment that she was struggling to keep up with Ichigo she could barely hold on to him to tell him to wait but when Ichigo had slowed down and looked back at her face she felt that Ichigo had a plan she didn't see the face of somebody who had given up hope she had seen Ichigo confident and determined to execute his plan to defeat the opponent in chapter 675 Ichigo undergoes a transformation as his sword turns white Orihime recalls the vastod transformation as she looks on in shock she Witnesses ichigo's Hollow transformation in chapter 676 but she is reassured that Ichigo is still himself Ichigo tells her not to worry recognizing that she is concerned Ichigo then tells her to protect herself from his riyatsu by spreading out her Shield a large explosion erupts as Ichigo charges towards johobak in chapter 678 yuhabak begins to overpower Ichigo when she summons a shield to protect Ichigo from one of his attacks johobak cuts through it as if the shield wasn't there oriime is shock to know that a defensive ability didn't work after Ichigo and Orihime are made to feel despair that she a power of yuhobach he knocks the two of them unconscious and leaves later Rukia and renji arrive to assist Orihime and Ichigo as Orihime tells Rukia about yuhobak's power she is disappointed in herself that she wasn't able to fix Ichigo zambakto as their ability to reject cannot fix something that's been broken in the coming future Orihime apologizes to Ichigo that he could no longer fight but onceukishima arrives and uses his ability book of end on Ichigo she is able to restore ichigo's tensor zangetsu to his original state and with this Ichigo is now able to challenge yuha back once more we don't see Orihime again really in the Thousand-Year Bud War Arc but we do see her in the epilogue of the series in chapter 686 10 years after the defeat of johabak we learned that Orihime has married Ichigo and they have a son called kazui Kurosaki we also learned that she is still able to use all of her abilities as she is using one of her spirit Tsubaki to keep an eye on kazui orihime's constant faith in Ichigo supported him throughout the entirety of the series despite having a difficult past she was able to manifest an ability which defies even the god odds when reality gets too much for her she can reject it Ichigo may have left a lasting impression on her and made it so that she could talk about the difficult things in her life with a smile but she too has left a lasting impression and so many characters including one of the most cruel and cold-blooded villains ukiara she was able to make him feel what it means to have a heart just as her powers have continued to grow from each successive story arc she too as a character has continued to grow from the shy and timid girl that we saw right at the beginning of the story as an empowered character she was able to fight side by side with the protagonist her desire finally fulfilled despite the ending of the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc being rushed this is one aspect of it which I always loved I loved how Kubo concluded each fear that orime had the first of which was a fear of never fighting alongside Ichigo and always seeing his back while she stayed back doing nothing and the second being the fear that Ichigo would lose himself to his hollow both of these fears were resolved in the end Orihime ended up getting the life that she wanted a life where she will never have to say goodbye to those Halcyon Days I think this is a good spot to end this video on Orihime inoue and now we'll hand over the discussion to all of you what did you think about orihime's character did you learn or pick up on any small details about orihime's character that you didn't notice in the past I would love to read your thoughts and your comments on Orihime in this video I'm going to be covering the character who is ichigo's rival as well as his closest Ally of course I'm referring to uru Ishida the title that I've given him is the antithesis this is because the Quincy are the complete opposite of the Shinigami and this is in regards to the way that they deal with Hollows and this is also in reference to the shrift that yuhabaku gives to uru later on in the Thousand Year blood War Arc similar to the videos that I made on chadan Orihime there is a lot to unpack about uriu but there are a few things about this character that stand out from the other characters that I've analyzed up until this point uru is a very complex character in my opinion and within the story of bleach he plays a very specific role unlike any other he was initially introduced as an enemy but then became an ally of Ichigo and the others so without further delay let's begin my character analysis of uriu Ishida uru first appears Within chapter 29 of the manga and in episode 7 of the anime his appearance gives off the feeling that he likes to keep himself to himself with his iconic glasses and his black slick down hair which frames the side of his face you will also notice his blue eyes which complement the fact that he is a Quincy and is very tall and slander build and when it comes to the Quincy uniform it directly contrasts the Eastern design of the Shinigami shihakusho in my opinion the design of the Quincy uniform takes a lot of inspiration from western clothing adding to this idea that uriu is the direct opposite of Ichigo odishinigami uru appears throughout the story of bleach but its most significant appearances occur within the Thousand Year Bud War Arc and when I discussed that portion of the series I'm going to be talking about his connection to yuhabak in particular about how they both share the same shrift of the letter A yuhobach has the almighty while uriu has the antithesis this results in udyu being the only Quincy with the ability to actually counter yohabak similar to UDI grandfather soken Ishida udyu operate on the principle of the pride of the Quincy this is his moral ethical code which leads to him having a very strong sense of justice and it is for this reason that he defends Rukia from renji when they first arrive to take her to the soul society and he spends his time protecting Orihime during the soul Society Arc you will also notice a very particular trait about udyu's character he will only use lethal Force as a last resort now that we are briefly introduced to uru's character let's now go through his past and try to understand the events of his past which have made him into the person that he is during the series we learn during the everything but the rain flashback that uru's father had married Kanai katagiri prior to his first appearance within the actual manga his mother had lost Consciousness on the same day that ichigo's mother had died uriu's mother had then died three months after due to yuhobach performing ashwanen and taking her powers during some flashbacks within the first ARG and the Soul Society Arc we learned that uriu had spent a lot of his time with his grandfather soken Ishida this was because his father ryukan didn't show any passion about it being gay Quincy his reason being that being a Quincy isn't a profitable profession and you could tell that Ryukin didn't have the best relationship with his father soken and it is for this reason that uru doesn't entirely respect his father since he refers to his father by his name uriu's grandfather had told uru that he would one day understand the motives of his father but uru remained disgusted with his father throughout the story and these feelings of resentment were only added when uriu had witnessed his father dissecting the body of his mother in chapter 659 we see uru pleading with his father to stop what he is doing after witnessing the dissection of his mother at such a young age udyu had vowed to never become a doctor in chapter 46 we learned that udyu's grandfather was killed in front of him by Hollows at this time udyu was powerless to do anything about this credited to this situation uru had developed resentment towards Shinigami who didn't arrive in time to save his grandfather a lot of udyu's past comes back to haunt him throughout the series but because of the situations that occur within the story especially during the Thousand-Year Bud War Arc Udu is able to understand his father a bit more because of the situation with the still silver Arrowhead he's able to understand why his mother was being dissected and I'll speak more about this when I talk about uriu's involvement in the Thousand Year Boudoir Arc and why he plays a very significant role in defeating yuhabak udyu's first appearance within the story occurs in chapter 29 but it is very easy to miss between Pages 5 and 6 you can see that a character is also present with Ichigo and the others during a live broadcast of Don kanunji's TV show in karkuro town when Don kananji is about to use his staff to turn a plus into a hollow a mysterious character is seen who is about to intervene that is until Ichigo jumps over the barrier and beats him to it now this individual who's about to stop Duncan inji believe it or not is uriu and it's a small detail that even I missed when I had first read these chapters uru's first formal appearance within the story occurs in chapter 33 why he clearly observes Ichigo in his Shinigami shihak show running down the street as we know ordinary people cannot see Ichigo when he is in his Spirit form but udyu having turned his back and directly witnessed each to go running here Kubo perfectly plays upon the screenwriting concept of show don't tell as you immediately deduce that udyu will play a significant role within the upcoming story Ichigo is continuously alerted to the presence of Hollows but when he arrives at the location that Hollow is already being dealt with behind the scenes we know that uriu is the one who is actually defeating the hollows in chapter 34 uriu introduces himself to Ichigo after they once again arrive at a location and there is no Hollow to be seen buddhu is very condescending and judgmental as he comments on how Ichigo is unable to even sense the presence of a hollow and it is in this chapter that udyu manifests his bow and arrow and eliminates a nearby Hollow with one of his arrowheads he introduces himself as uru Ishida a Quincy but he doesn't forget to mention that he hates Shinigami in chapter 35 we learn that udyu excels in academics as he is the number one student in his first semester final exam scores with other characters like Orihime scarring in third place Chad being 11th and Ichigo being in 23rd Place in this same chapter we find out a bit more about udyu's personality as we observe that he is also good with arts and crafts as he easily fixes another student's ripped up doll Ichigo obviously bothered by uru's prior statement that he hates Shinigami follows udiu home but it doesn't take long for him to notice that he is being followed udyu is able to send ichigo's presence very easily because Ichigo has no control over his own spiritual energy he allows it to overflow and radiate out of him he may as well be announcing his arrival with how little control he has over his spiritual energy uru knows exactly when Ichigo had become a Shinigami and he knows the true identity of Rukia after revealing that he too has the power to kill Hollows he challenges Ichigo to a game in order to determine who is stronger a Quincy or a Shinigami Ichigo agrees to this competition so uriu explains the rules by using Hollow bait stating that Hollows will be attracted towards this location once he breaks the hollow bait he tells Ichigo that whoever defeats the most Hollows within 24 hours will be declared the Victor after learning about what udyu intends to do Ichigo of course protests as he is concerned about the casualties which may occur if Hollows begin to converge within karakura town but uriu tells him that he should stop being concerned for the lives of others if he is truly powerful then he should be able to protect everybody who would use challenge begins Within Chapter 37 as he is the first to gain a point by eliminating a hollow it is too late for uriu to undo what he has done the hollows are already emerging within karakura Town uriu reminds Ichigo that Hollows are attracted towards people with high spiritual energy Ichigo realizes that his family is in danger so he rushes to protect them but udyu knows that ichigo's family aren't the only people who have high spiritual pressure he is determined to [ __ ] Ichigo with his own despair because of his inability to protect everybody udyu is of course referring to Orihime Chad and tatsuki who have all spent considerable time with Ichigo and as a result will attract Hollows towards them udyu wants to prove that Ichigo is unfit to be a Shinigami he lacks the ability and the discipline to take up such a role udyu's hatred for the Shinigami leads to him inadvertently training Ichigo in this instance as you'll see Ichigo is forced out of its Comfort Zone in this scenario and when the situation later becomes out of hand any menosgrande appears the two of them are forced to work together but before this occurs udyu had realized that the situation was getting out of hand in chapter 44 when far more Hollows than he had expected started to appear he had eliminated that many Hollows with his Quincy born arrow that his left hand started to bleed after introducing himself to rookia for the first time he acknowledges that even if Ichigo doesn't have the strength to continue on then he will protect the citizens of karakuritan with his own life udyu wants to prove the strength of the Quincy by allowing an inexperienced Ichigo to become exhausted while he pushes forward while the Shinigami in his presence is forced to stand by and do nothing because as we know from uriu's past he determines the Shinigami to be unreliable and Via this contest he wants to prove this point in chapter 45 when the hollows begin to converge on a crack that's appeared within the sky would you declares that he is the last of the Quincy and charges towards them this is where Ichigo learns that the Quincy were eliminated 200 years ago Rukia explains to Ichigo that the surviving Quincy despised the Shinigami and this hatred was developed when the Quincy were annihilated by the Shinigami all those years ago as urahara explains the Shinigami had no choice but to eliminate the Quincy while Shinigami cleanse and purify Hollows Quincy eradicate Hollows if allowed to continue then they would have caused an imbalance of souls between the soul society and the world of the living it would have resulted in the collapse of the entire universe as it is the duty of the Shinigami to maintain order in the world and to maintain a cracked balance of souls between the two different realities in chapter 46 udiu reveals to Ichigo that he holds no grudge against the Shinigami for their decision to eliminate the Quincy all those years ago he in fact admits that when he had heard the story of the Quincy and the Shinigami yet sided with the Shinigami he had only started to hate the Shinigami once his grandfather was killed in front of him we learned that udyu's grandfather was a very understanding man and he had explained to a very young uriu that despite the Quincy being eradicated it didn't matter about who was right or wrong he explains to udyu that the most important lesson to learn from this is how to never let this happen again he tells him that seeing the sad faces of humans Quincy's or even Shinigami pains him would you reveals that his grandfather who is also his master had taught him to never hate anybody since he was one of the last surviving Quincy he was under constant watch by the Shinigami he had desired for both Quincy and Shinigami to work together it was well known that Shinigami within the soul Society are quite late to respond to Hollows that appear within the real world he had argued that it would be preferable to have some quincies in the real world who could quickly respond to Hollows and to eradicate them quickly before they cause casualties but the Shinigami had continued to dismiss these suggestions telling soken Ishida not to interfere with their work and it is because of their ignorance that soken Ishida ended up dying in the end soken Ishida was killed by five large Hollows and it was evident that he was no match against them would you helplessly watched on as the Shinigami were too late to respond they had arrived two hours after his granddad had started to fight the hollows but so can Ishida had already been dead an hour before their had arrived would you moments that if the sole Society had taken up the philosophy of udyu's grandfather then he would still be alive today if they had only recognized the strength that the quincies have the whole purpose of this exercise was for uru to demonstrate to Ichigo the strength of the quincies something that his grandfather wasn't even able to do and it is for this reason that he is refusing ichigo's help in this battle against the hollows because he is a Shinigami they have very different ways of thinking but once udyu stops talking Ichigo explains to him the true desire of his grandfather he enlightens him that his grandfather's Point wasn't to prove that the Quincy are stronger than the Shinigami so can Ishida had desired for both the Quincy and Shinigami to fight together as a team and Ichigo relays to him that if they don't do this now then they may never get another chance to Ichigo encourages uru to fight alongside with him they are up against overwhelming odds and he prefers if they were fighting back to back this speech convinces uru to work alongside Ichigo to take down the menosgrande that has appeared in chapter 49 Udi notices that ichigo's reactsu is flowing into his bowl this result in him coming up with an idea to take advantage of ichigo's large reactsu odu's plan is to use ichigo's ratsu to fire a large Arrow at the menosgrande but he is shocked to learn that Ichigo has never controlled its spiritual energy so it must always be on full release all the time when the menosgrande begins to charge up a sorrow it is fired in ichigo's Direction and he is able to successfully block the sorrow with his zambak doe thanks to Ichigo repelling the Saro it lands an attack on the menos when the menos Retreats Ichigo declares a victory on that competition but after the encounter with the menos Ichigo collapses with the Integrity of his zambocto going out of control the only way to assist Ichigo is for uru to absorb his ratsu into his bow and to fire it out with the arrows udyu is confident that he can take ichigo's excess spiritual energy and focus it into an arrowhead and fire it off into the sky he resolves to continue doing this until ichigo's spiritual energy stabilizes he begins to sustain injury onto his hand thus firing off the arrowheads while attempting to stabilize ichigo's spiritual energy Ichigo notices that it would use arms getting being tone up and tells him to stop but uru stubbornly continues stating that he hates Shinigami and if Ichigo doesn't survive then how will they have that opportunity to fight each other this compassionate but Reckless attempt to help Ichigo results in Urdu telling him to survive so that he can beat him up one day in this chapter in an internal monologue we see Urdu tell himself to enjoy the pain because if each goes spiritual energy continues to overload like this then his body will be belonged to pieces and if that happens then it will be uriu's fault it was thanks to his recklessness by using the hollow bait that this situation had occurred in an attempt to avenge the death of his grandfather he had been searching for Shinigami for years and when he had finally found Ichigo he had wanted to prove to the Shinigami that he was Superior udyu had known that using the hollow bait would have been dangerous and despite doing all of this udyu was surprised that Ichigo had wanted to join forces with him and to fight the hollows together in the end after this encounter he apologizes to his master as he acknowledges that he never hated the Shinigami his only desire like we have mentioned was for the Shinigami and the Quincy to work together perhaps this entire time udyu was trying to forget his own powerlessness it was because of his powerlessness that he wasn't able to risk his life in order to save his grandfather instead of blaming himself he had been blaming the Shinigami trying to forget the shame that he had felt by just standing by and doing nothing watching as his grandfather had faced off against those five Hollows through helping Ichigo he asks for his grandfather's forgiveness he calls himself a weak student somebody who back then wasn't willing to risk his own life in order to protect his master after stabilizing ichigo's spiritual pressure he collapses to his knees with a very somber expression on his face apologizing and asking for forgiveness for misunderstanding the teachings of his master we then see uru in chapter 52 when he arrives to assist Rukia against renji and byakya when they first arrived to take her back to the soul Society he dislikes that two armed men have confronted one defenseless girl he introduces himself to renji as a classmate arukia who just so happens to hate Shinigami as expected uru doesn't stand much of a chance against renji and is easily defeated after rookia is taken to the soul Society he is treated by urahara but before he leaves urahara's company he tells him to look after Ichigo in chapter 57 udyu admits that he wasn't as strong as he thought he was and he believes that the only person who can save rookie and now is Ichigo he later trains by himself and rejects an offer by Orihime Chad anuriichi to train alongside them he requested train alone because the method of training that he is using cannot be seen by anybody in chapter 61 we see him open up a box which contains the sanray glove within a week uriu Masters the Sunray glove and he joins Ichigo and the others to go and rescue Rukia from the soul Society it seemed highly unlikely that udyu was going to assist them to rescue Rukia but at the last moment he had arrived uriu had gone into hiding and prioritized his training after he had lost to a Shinigami we know that when uriu and the others arrive in the soul Society they are fired into the cerate thanks to kukakushiba's Canon the group ends up being separated but in mid-air chat throws udyu towards orihime's Direction with the intention that uriu will look after Orihime after encountering and defeating a fusionagami they disguise themselves in attire they appear to be wearing 12 division uniforms and are approached by members of the same division who do you suspects that there is something strange by the 12 division members but just as he wants Orihime they self-destruct as we learned that the leader of the 12th division Mayuri kurosuchi had been telling orihimen uriu for a while he had used his own Squad members as bombs to injure The Intruders udyu is disgusted by the captain's actions after he Comforts and reassures Orihime he challenges mayori the captain begins to express interest in turning Orihime into a research subject even attempting to make a deal with uriu in exchange of Orihime uru appears before Mayuri and draws his bow revealing that he is a Quincy this is where Miri reveals that admittedly the Quincy Ari rare species but he had already completed all of his research on the Quincy years ago and he's no longer interested in them while myri knows about the nature of the Quincy uriu on the other hand knows nothing about his opponent leading Mary to comment that it is foolish for udyu to have charged into the soul Society without having studied his enemy after the captain releases his spiritual pressure Udu tells Orihime to run away when Orihime Retreats uriu stands before Mary and protects her despite myri having revealed his ranking as a captain who do you stands before his opponent with no fear or hesitation and this is of course credited to the strong moral and ethical code that uriu leads his life by this battle against Mayuri is one of uriu's most significant moments within the entire story it leads to him losing his powers as well as understanding the true circumstances behind the death of his grandfather and we see an entirely different side to uru's character after reading these portions of the story For the First Time uru's character really did grow on me especially after his first appearance while he was Reckless by using Hollow bait and condescending towards Ichigo however how he demonstrates his Quincy Pride during this battle really redeemed his character Miri explains to uru about how he wants to experiment in Orihime until there is nothing left of her body internally he refers to Miri as a monster like the tactician that he is he tries to devise a plan to take down mayori while he is speaking he has already deduced that the Captain spiritual pressure is strong but it is unstable his aim is to buy enough time for arihime to get away and then find an opportunity to escape himself udyu begins his offensive strategy by firing an arrow towards myri which narrowly misses his head what is evident is that myri has indeed studied the Quincy very well as he is able to identify all of the abilities and techniques that uriu is using in chapter 122 Myriad decides to kill udyu as he activates his shikai with you tries to react to my re-releasing zambakto but he is distracted by nemu who appears in front of him she grabs a hold of him as the captain attacks both udyu and his own assistant in total disbelief he is confused as to why myri would attack his own Lieutenant he is then angered by witnessing the depraved Miri beating up nemu for not following his orders after being cut by Miri shikai Urdu is immobilized Miri then loses interest and tries to leave but udyu tells him to stop the captain comments on how udiyu had felt the sympathy for namu despite the fact that she's his enemy he then comments on the pride of the Quincy he tells uru that the honor of being a Quincy must mean a lot to them since it's the only thing that they speak about before they die he then reveals to ud's sick and twisted research that he had done on the quincies torturing them while they were alive making them kill their own children he had studied the Quincy race until there was nothing left of them he then adds to his prior comment that every single Quincy that he had experimented upon at one point had mentioned about the honor of the Quincy when Miri ordered these Quincy test subjects to do deplorable acts they would respond by saying that Quincy Pride would not allow them to do such a thing when Miri had become the head of the Soul society's research and development Institute the Quincy were already a very rare species this had led to the soil Society monitoring very closely the last few remnants of the Quincy race and it is here that we learned that myri was responsible for ordering the Shinigami to delay in responding to hollow attacks that occurred to Quincy when the Shinigami had arrived and the Quincy had been defeated by the hollow they would take the Quincy sores back to my re where he would tend them into reset subjects he then goes to describe how one of the final Quincy that he had experimented on was a nasty old man he had kept calling out the name of his student Miri then shows a photograph to uru of what was left of this old man after he had concluded his experiments looking at the photograph in the reflection of uru's eyes we can see the bloodied face of soken Ishida udiu's grandfather Miri seems to have difficulty remembering the name of the student at his last Quincy test subject had been continuously repeating but udyu overcomes the paralysis of Mayuri shikai and stands up to reveal the name of that student unlike their many Quincy before him who had died at the hands of Miri hoodoo declares that on his honor as a Quincy he is going to kill Mayuri after learning what had happened to his grandfather he can't let myri get away now his plan was to originally buy enough time for Orihime to get away but then for him to devise a plan to escape himself but now he intends to kill the captain for what he has done in chapter 124 we get a flashback where uriu's father ryuken tells him not to go and see his grandfather he believes that there is no sense in Saving the death Hollows that say shinigami's JUMP he instead advises uru to spend his time trying to save the living ryuken expresses that he is not interested in Quincy's he would prefer if the Quincy's died out with his father's generation in this chapter we learned that uriu had confided in his grandfather and I told him that he wanted to become a powerful Quincy Desiring to protect everybody from Hollows by accomplishing this he hopes that his dad will think that there is some Worth to Quincy's in this same chapter soken Ishida explains to uru that one day he will understand their reasoning for his father's hatred for the Quincy uru then results to using the sanray glove in another flashback udyu's grandfather explains to him that once the Sunray glove is won a Quincy needs to train for 7 days and seven nights resulting in the individual having reached the peak of their Quincy Powers but he warns uru that once the glove has been worn it can never be taken off because if it is taken off then that individual will lose their powers as a Quincy but in order to defeat mayori udiu has no choice but to take the glove off resulting in him transforming into his Quincy final form which causes a vast increase in this Quincy Powers but this comes at a cost after the form wears off then Udi will lose all of his Quincy abilities Miri then activates his bunkai as the two of them have one final Clash to determine the victor of their battle uriu's final attack deals devastating damage to Miri resulting in him liquefying his body in order to escape Miri declares himself as the Victor as he leaves since it's too late for uriu now that he has been poisoned by the captain's Bankai but thankfully nemu is still around and offers Urdu the antidote to the poison she ends up thanking uru she knows that uriu could have killed Mayuri by aiming for his head but he didn't she expresses her gratitude for him not killing her Captain udyu doesn't want to admit that he showed some mercy towards myri but this is a reflection of the person that he is I mentioned at the start of the video that uriu only uses little Force as a final Resort and this point is proven here during this battle even while up against somebody who tortured his grandfather he couldn't bring himself to kill another person after taking the antidote from namu Udi told to get away since the other Shinigami will be closing in on her location while escaping he admits to himself that his time as a Quincy is up he wonders if Orihime is okay in the meantime he heads towards Rookie's location hoping to meet Ichigo and the others there he jokes to himself that at this rate he'll be the first person to save Rukia he knows that it would get on ichigo's nabs if he were to beat him to it but before he can advance further he is confronted by kaname tozen who subdues and captures uru and this is why his involvement in the soul Society Arc really ends for the rest of the arc he has held prisoner and he is later reunited with Orihime in chapter 137. he later accompanies Orihime and the others to watch the battle against ichigon byakya in chapter 182 after leaving the soul Society we see udyu question Ichigo about the device that ukitaki had given him it is revealed that he was given a substitute Shinigami badge an item that Ichigo needs to keep close to him but udyu thinks to himself that this is quite strange he doesn't outright say anything but you can tell that he is questioning the motives of ukitake but he shrugs off his concerns by telling himself that he is is just overthinking it we know that this brief panel where ODU is thinking foreshadows the events that occur within the forbing arc where it is revealed that the substitution army badge is a surveillance device and this was hinted at all the way back in chapter 182 when uru is dropped off home Ichigo tells him that it would be fun to do this again but udyu reminds him of that position stating that he is a Quincy and that the next time they see each other there will be enemies this of course frustrates Ichigo but Orihime reassures him that uriu is just kidding and she likes how he purposefully teases Ichigo like this in chapter 185 we see that udyu is confronted by a menos he tries to use the Quincy equipment at his disposal to try and defeat it but he is unsuccessful and he ends up being saved by his father in chapter 186 we learned that ryuken is indeed a powerful Quincy udyu is surprised to know that his father has Quincy Powers considering that he hates the Quincy ryuken admits to uru that he did indeed try to give up his powers a long time ago but his abilities were far harder to get rid of than Udi used were whether if youkin likes it or not he is the only heir to the powers and skills of the late soken Ishida as it stands he is the last Quincy we learned that he inherited the Quincy cross from soken Ishida after dealing with the menos he tells uru that he wasn't ready to go to the soul society and as a result he ended up losing what little power that he did have where you can admit to him that he can restore his powers if he wants and he is only willing to do this on one condition uduma swear to never involve himself with the Shinigami ever again udyu ends up agreeing to this condition and we see in chapter 226 that he begins his training with his father in a secret underground training facility under karakura Hospital ryuken reveals that the only way to restore somebody's Quincy Powers is to push that individual's mind and body to their very limits while they're in that condition they need to be struck by a Quincy Arrow 19 millimeters to the right of the heart sinoatrial node that is the only way to regain one spiritual Powers once they have been lost through using the Quincy final form at the end of his training ryuken is disappointed that udyu didn't try to injure him but uru's intention during their training was to immobilize his father not to leave a wound on him this is is once again adding to the idea that uru is very compassionate and merciful and even though he doesn't entirely respect his father he still holds some feeling towards him enough that he wouldn't want to hurt him even in training while training udyu is confronted by urahara in chapter 241 he reveals that Orihime has been abducted by the Espada would you wanting to honor the promise that he has made to his father refuses to assist them since he cannot help the Shinigami or partake in any activities with them he instead suggests that if Orihime needs saving then he can do it by himself urahara then reassures uru that these Soul Society doesn't want anything to do with rescuing Orihime and that Ichigo is going on his own under these circumstances udyu is comfortable with assisting Ichigo while on his way to huecom window he explains to Ichigo and Chad that because Ichigo is a substitute Shinigami it's not like he is working with the soul Society or the other Shinigami Ichigo is in fact disobeying direct orders from the soul society and it is for this reason that udyu feels okay assisting him this loophole prevents him from breaking the promise that he had made to his father upon arriving in Hue comundo they immediat the encountered two Iran cause udio and chat tell Ichigo to step back as they take care of the Iran cars by themselves they easily defeat the Iran cause and can see the castle off in the distance Los noches where Orihime is located later the group is accompanied by Rukia and ranji who disobey orders from the soul Society by deciding to help their friends no matter the cost when they arrive in Los noches the group splits up uriu is of course confronted by the previous Espada siruchi udyu activates an ability called Zale Snyder and easily defeats the pre-run Espada but instead of killing the enemy he spares her in chapter 272 uriu reunites with renji and ends up saving him from being killed by the eight Espada ziloparo the threat of an Espada proves to be too much for walterenji and uriu as they are easily defeated by zardoparo's voodoo doll technique all hope seems to be lost until chapter 298 when they are rescued by Mayuri kurosuchi who arrives to defeat xylopoto during the fake karakorotan ARG URI accompanies Orihime while Ichigo is better than ukiora he arrives in chapter 343 to protect Orihime from the Espada Yami by using a tactical landmine he takes out the ground that yummy is stood on which results in him falling through every floor of Los noches since udyu on his way up the tower had been destroying the pillars that were supporting each floor clearly anticipating that this act would be of some use in the not too distant future what would you lacks in strength and power he makes up for in his Forward Thinking and how he can plan out scenarios in his mind which ultimately lead him to Victory against his enemies udyu later accompany zorihime while Ichigo battles ukiora in chapter 349 after Ichigo is attacked at point-blank range by one of ukiara Saros udyu is forced to intervene into the battle he buys time for Orihime to try and attempt to heal Ichigo ukiora is surprised by uru's sudden action having assumed that he was one of ichigo's most calmest friends that he is because he is calm that he is the composure to fight against ukiora he knows that he has no match against this opponent and it is this calm composure that will allow him not to be overwhelmed by ukiara's immense spiritual pressure and how the odds are stacked against him in this battle during this brief battle udyu is dealt heavy injury this moment is heavily censored within the anime but his left hand is actually severed by ukiora repeatedly he fearlessly charges towards ukiora but he tosses udyu aside that he is nothing of course in chapter 350 ichigo's inner Hollow is awakened as now his vastodore from battles against tukiora in chapter 352 when ichigo's vastador reform attempts to kill ukiora would you stops him stating that there is no need to be merciless and to dismember an already beaten cops since Ichigo has clearly won the battle Ichigo having lost all sense of Reason stabs uriu in the abdomen this form has no hero consideration for even one of ichigo's friends when he prepares to fire Acero towards uriu ukiara appears and stops the sorrow from being fired by cutting off one of ichigo's Hans when Ichigo awakens out of his vastador reform he is devastated to see that he has hurt uriu but uriu is just glad that Ichigo has returned back to normal he smiles despite the immense pain that he must be feeling after the battle against ukiara is over Ichigo of course goes to fake karakura town but udyu stays behind with Orihime so that she can heal his wounds and this pretty much sums up udu's involvement within the aranka arc the next time that we see him is in chapter 422 after the defeat of Eisen he is also present to witness Ichigo saying goodbye to Rukia after having lost his Shinigami Powers 17 months after the defeat of Eisen The forbing Arc begins he has also had a slight change in appearance as its Harry is now mostly slick to the right hand side ever since Ichigo lost his Shinigami Powers udiyu has become the main protector of karakura town defending the citizens from the regular Hollow attacks during this Arc udyu Orihime and Chad behind the scenes were very concerned about Ichigo there came a point where Ichigo had stopped being himself and he had started to have a hard time dealing with the fact that he had lost his shining Army Powers especially when all of his friends and family around him were in danger by a unknown threat and he was powerless to do anything in order to protect them in chapter 427 udyu comments with Orihime that there is a strange presence around Ichigo later that same day he goes to ichigo's house in order to investigate if anything is going on after investigate around karakura town he eventually comes across a strange individual who appears to be walking through the air with you chasing after this silhouetted figure is eventually attacked by this unknown individual in chapter 429 we see udyu lying on the street and a pool of his own blood Ichigo having felt that there is a strange presence and that his friends and family are in danger has his worst fears actualized by udyu actually being hospitalized would you getting hurt was the Catalyst that Ichigo needed in order to seek help from execution in order to activate his forebring abilities this whole time udyu and the others had been trying to look out for Ichigo in chapter 430 we even see uriu scored Ichigo for coming to visit him in the hospital clearly not wanting him to get involved when ryukan enters the room and mentions that udyu was cut down Ichigo asks him what enough happened if udyu couldn't handle the situation on his own then he should have gotten help from the others but he refuses to tell Ichigo anything like I mentioned it is the frustration that nobody is telling Ichigo anything that leads him to seek help from ginjou kugo and his organization execution udyu spends the remainder of time in a hospital bed that is until chapter 458 he arrives to witness Ichigo and ginjou working together to battle against tsukushima upon arriving he tells Ichigo to come to his side but Ichigo believes that he too is being manipulated by tsukushima's abilities he aims his Quincy bow in ichigo's direction as he reveals that the person who had attacked him is the individual who was standing behind Ichigo after having exposed ginjokugo's true intentions he attacks Ichigo tsukishima then attacks udyu as he helplessly watches as ichigo's full bring abilities are taken away from him in chapter 464 when Ichigo has a Shinigami Powers restored and is facing off against kinjokugo uriu arrives revealing that he was healed by Rukia in chapter 470 udyu wants Ichigo that after ginjou had taken ichigo's full bring abilities ichigo's ryatsu had mixed into ginjos meaning that ginjou is now able to use ichigo's abilities but Ichigo doesn't seem to be bothered by this all ginjo taunting him that the soul Society has been using him this entire time who do you Witnesses ginjou trying to apply psychological pressure to Ichigo he believes that Ichigo won't be able to handle what ginjo is telling him but Ichigo appears unfazed as he activates his bunkai revealing that he doesn't care if ukitake was trying to deceive him this covers the extent of uriu's involvement within the fulbring arc this now leads us into the Thousand-Year Bud War Arc which has udyu play a very significant role within the story at the start of the Ark udyu quickly learns that the Quincy have returned after Nell arrives and informs Ichigo and the others that huecon Mundo is being attacked by Quincy they all agree to go to huecom window in order to help her in chapter 486 we see udyu declined the offer to assist Ichigo which is understandable since Udi wouldn't want to fight against his own kind after the first Quincy invasion of the Soul Society in chapter 537 hashwad brings udyu to yuhabakh he is wearing a Sten with a uniform as he is welcomed into yuhobach's Army in chapter 543 in an assembly of the Quincy yuhobach introduces udyu as the last surviving Quincy and appoints him as his future successor this Revelation shocks the sternritters there are argument is that how can somebody that they barely know be given such an honorable position at the end of this chapter euhobach performs a ritual with uriu where he bestows upon him a shrift or in other words a sacred letter udyu is given the same letter as you habakh the letter a in chapter 544 would you questions yuha as to why he was made his successor udyu is right to assume that by doing this yuhabak has caused tension to form between these standard members yuha responds to him by asking him why is it that he is still alive nine years ago when he had performed ashwan in every mixed blooded Quincy was killed aside from uriu he is the only Quincy ever to have survived the ashwanen and this is the reason why yuhobach refers to him as the last survivor udyu possesses a power within him that can even surpass you her box and it is for this reason that he is still alive and has been chosen as the successor in chapter 546 when the second invasion of the Quincy begins on the soul Society udyu arrives along with yuhobach and hashwad his motives are clear and it is confirmed that he has betrayed each girl and the others at admittedly it is strange and very out of character for uru to side with the Enemy we know that he isn't really a die-hard Quincy who believed that the Quince you were right and the Shinigami should be punished for killing them all those years ago he's siding with the Quincy here was always very questionable and doubts about his loyalty to johabaka First caught in the question by hashward in chapter 565. in this chapter hashwad explains to uru that all of the Quincy are connected to yuha and he explains the unique ability that you are has he is able to share a piece of his soul with another Quincy by bestowing a shrift upon them the letter A was engraved into his soul when udyu had drunk the blood of Johor Bach taking a part of him into his own body this of course shocks udyu and this expression confirms the doubts that hashwad had in Urdu as he pins him against the wall and asks if he is having regret now he assumes the real Motif for uru having joined the Quincy was to avenge the death of his mother he tells him that uriu has no way of going back now he is trapped he lost the opportunity to retreat the moment that he joined johobak's Army he explained means that every person that is engraved by johar Bach eventually have their powers returned to him upon dying an individual soul is offered up to you Buck thus making him stronger and resulting in him living for longer this is the only way that he can survive if you hobok were to stop absorbing Souls then he would eventually return to a state where he could no longer see hear or move and it is for this reason that yuhobach will continue his battle against the Shinigami he explains to uru the situation that he is in their lives literally belong to you hobok now they serve to live and die for him in chapter 586 before yuhobach and udyu make their way to the soul King's Palace Ichigo arrives attempting to stop them it is here that he discovers that uriu has sided with the Enemy questioning what he is doing would you tells him to just leave explaining that Ichigo has no chance to stop yuhobach Ichigo angered by uru's supposed betrayal stubbornly remains in place Urdu is forced to attack him by showering multiple Quincy arrows in his Direction udyu ends up turning his back on Ichigo and leaves with hashwad and you are back as they they entered the soul King's Palace symbolizing that he has turned his back on his friends for God after they take out the royal guards in chapter 619 they are once again confronted by Ichigo and his friends who do you protects yuhobach by attacking Ichigo and the others even going as far as to fire an arrow into your ichi's shoulder while yuhobak destroys the soul King udyu threatens Ichigo Chad and arihime ordering them not to move otherwise he will attack them Ichigo of course doesn't listen to his warning and an arrow is fired in his Direction Ichigo tries to reason with Urdu explaining to him that if they don't stop yuhobach then the Soul Society the world of the living and even Hue comundo will disappear but uru states that he is aware of this this further angers Ichigo not only has udyu sided with the Enemy he knows full well the consequences of doing so so Ichigo asks him if he knows the reason as to why they are fighting then why is he not joining them to stop you are back from destroying the world that they know in a very cold manner uriu explains to Ichigo that he has sided with yuhabak because he is a Quincy himself assisted by Gerard Valkyrie udyu throws Ichigo and the others off of the Soul King's Palace it seems that uriu's actions were sufficient enough to convince Gerard that he is one of them now not that it was a very convincing betrayal from the get-go but you can see the fear and worry on uru's face while yuhobach is absorbing the soul King in chapter 659 when udiyu returns to the Palace he is confronted by hashwat he reminds uru that his powers are switched with yuhobach while he is asleep and he reveals that at present he can see into the future he also reveals to udyudi detonation devices that he had planted all around warwald his suspicions of udyu proved to be true he had infiltrated into the Quincy Army in order to sabotage them from the inside they are interrupted when Ichigo chadan Orihime arrive hashwa tells uru to prove that he isn't a traitor by killing Ichigo and the others in this instance this leads to him attacking Ichigo while Ichigo tries to talk some sense into uriu udyu tells him to go back to the world of the living He Reveals His true intentions to each go finally as he states that he is going to stay here and take out waterwalt himself through the detonation devices that he has implanted Ichigo argues that they have to work together in order to defeat yuhabak but uru is Resolute that there is no way to defeat him udyu had purposefully come up with his own plan to take out yuhobach and his army without involving his friends because the devices that he has implanted across Water World can only be activated by uriu's spiritual pressure after hashwall discovers that udyu is indeed a traitor he arrives to stop udiu Ichigo and the others but udyu notes that the powers of the almighty outweed hashwad at the moment due to yuhobach currently being asleep he advises Ichigo to take advantage of this opportunity by climbing the tower and defeating Johor bhagwali is asleep in chapter 661 you truly get to appreciate how far both udyu and ichigo's characters have come their rivalry has blossomed into a strong friendship Udi offers to stay behind and hold back hashwad granting Ichigo the opportunity to confront Johor Bach who do you full of Hope challenges the second in command stating that the power that hashwall possesses is far from Almighty most of their battle occurs off-screen but we do get a follow up as to what is happening in chapter 672 we see that it is now the morning and new Hope's Powers have been returned to him as well as this we see a very bloodied uriu who appears to be losing the battle hashford is glad that it's the morning now since his powers have been returned to him stating that his original abilities are more suited for battles like this since he desires to punish udyu for his traitorous ax in chapter 674 we see udyu knocked to the ground lying in a puddle of his own blood hashwat uses an analogy of a weighing scale and how each of our identities are formed through how we divide right and wrong on this weighing scale the morals and ethics that we choose to lead our life by giver's Form hashwat knows that udyu has done the same but he struggles to identify the form that uriu has taken based on how he has measured the Rights and Wrongs of his life he questions who uriu truly is does he truly desire to risk his life in order to save Humanity would you who gets back on his knees states that he will know who he is once he has defeated yuhobach and his army the purpose of this battle was for uru to buy an enough time for each girl to defeat your back but hashwood is convinced that each goal will fail udiu causes Bluff but hashwall states that the true power of the almighty is not to see the future but it is something much more powerful than that he is willing to reveal this to udyu after he defeats him in chapter 679 tells uru that his ability is called the balance his abilities allow him to give Misfortune to the fortunate and to transfer any Misfortune that would befall upon Him onto his shield but hashwood is forgetting that Udi U2 has a shrift he reveals that his shrift is called antithesis it is able to reverse any events that have already taken place between two designated spots in this instance he was able to reverse the wounds that were inflicted onto him by giving them to hashwad he now understands why yuhobach had taken an interest in uriu since he has an incredible ability he even admits that if udyu has the ability to reverse events that have already taken place then he may well be the only person who can challenge yuhobach here hashwalt's true intentions for facing off against URI you are reveal he had been holding him back so as to prevent an encounter between the two of them hashwall then reverses the good fortune that udyu had received after he had used his antithesis ability The Misfortune that was inflicted on taj Ward is transferred to his shield while udyu is back to square one and covered in the same wounds he is able to transfer the misfortune onto Audio One More Time inflicting him with two lots of injury would you determine to still face off against you habaka begins crawling it appears that hashworld has declared Victory hoarding his sword up in the air above udyu's body he is about to impale him he states that udyu is no different than his foolish friends who cling on to their beliefs in chapter 680 uriu admits that he doesn't mind being called an idiot if it means that yes similarity with Ichigo Orihime Chad Rukia and even renji after all they are the type of people to not think too into situations if they desire to help somebody then they will do it up until this point udyu had believed that he always remains calm carefully making decisions so as to not put himself into danger but in this instance he is happy to be compared to Ichigo and the other he even tells hashwad if he had the choice to be on his own or to be with his friends then he would choose to be with them there is no self-interest or self-conflict no right or wrong the friendship that he shares with Ichigo Chad and Orihime is unconditional this attitude completely angers hashwalt and before he can cut down udyu a blinding beam of light shines down onto him in his final moments hashwall speaks to udyu about how he is glad that he was of some use to you about but before udyu thieves hashwa tells him to transfer his wounds onto his body since it makes no difference because he will die soon he reminds uruyu to place the decisions that he makes onto a balance he tells him that udyu has made the decision to go and help his friends but what use will he be if he is injured this is why hashwad reminds him to balance the decisions that he makes onto a scale reminding him not to make decisions that will lead him to feel regret udyu had decided to battle harshvard he had decided to kill him why is it now that hashwad is laying on the ground that he is feeling pity this is what leads to hashwall telling Guru that he should go and help his friends and to follow through with the decision that he made even if this doesn't change anything the whole point of this is that udyu had made a decision and he should honor this with no regrets similar to how hashwood has no regrets in pledging his allegiance to yuhobach despite his master having sacrificed his most loyal subject hashward still has no regrets because that's the decision that he made so after transferring his wounds udyu rushes off to help Ichigo and the others while on the way he encounters his father an ishin his father Phi is an arrow in his Direction upon examining where the arrow had landed he sees the silver Arrowhead ryuken explains to udyu that all Quincy who are subjected to ashwaalin develop a silver thrombus or a blood clot which forms in the heart and this ultimately results in the Quincy dying the arrowhead that he is giving to uru is made out of that silver and in this panel we see would you realize the reason behind why his father was dissecting his mother it makes sense to him now ryuken tells him that this Arrowhead should be fired by him in chapter 684 while Ichigo is battling against Johor Bach and all hope seems to be lost udyu arrives out of nowhere and fires the still silver Arrowhead through yuhobach's heart we learned that this knowledge was passed on to ryuken from uriu's Grandfather the silver that forms within the heart of a ashwalan victim is called still silver when this silver is mixed with the blood of the individual who activated ashwalen then all of that person's Powers will cease to exist momentarily paralyzed and Powerless thanks to the still silver Arrowhead johobak is defeated by Ichigo this was the last appearance of uru within the Thousand Year budwah Arc and the next time that we see him is in the epilogue in chapter 686. ten years after the defeat of johabakh udyu is now a doctor in chapters 659 during a flashback we get a discussion between Ichigo and uriu where udyu tells Ichigo that he wouldn't want to become a doctor himself due to his own personal reasons which we know were due to him witnessing the dissection of his mother you can assume that udyu had come to understand the reasoning behind his father's actions and it is for this reason that he changes his mind and does become a doctor in the end we see him on his lunch break supporting Chad by watching one of his boxing matches on his phone one issue that I and several other people had with Udu was in regards to the still silver Arrowhead I don't have any issue with the actual concept I just believe that the execution was very rushed so many things happened one after the other during the final moments of the Thousand Year Boudoir Arc immediately after udyu leaves this battle with hashward he meets his father an ishin no proper introduction or explanation is given just that Ryu can hands over these still silver Arrowhead to uriu and we are given a brief explanation about it after yuhabak has it fired through his heart it's just one of the many frustrations that I have with the ending of the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc and one of the things that I am very hopeful for in the anime adaptation which we'll be getting in 2022 hopefully moments that were glanced over and scenes that felt like they were rushed are given the proper context and detail that they deserve within the anime adaptation and I would love to see how udyu becomes understanding of his father and accept the profession that his father had dedicated his life to leading him to change his mind on becoming a doctor we can only assume that he had understood why his father was dissecting his mother we which was the sole reason behind why he didn't want to follow in his Father's Footsteps now the ending of the Thousand-Year Boudoir aside I want to now talk about how udyu embodies this concept of the antithesis there's a very interesting contrast between the characters of yuhabak and uriu especially in regards to the same lettered shrift that they have yuhabak's ability the almighty allows him to become a god while udyu shrift the antithesis is the perfect counter to it now let's compare the origins of both uru and yuhobach as they both seem to share very interesting relationships with their fathers yuhobach refers to himself as the first Quincy he had taken this title from his father the soul King while in contrast udiyu calls himself the last Quincy and later after uriu loses his power ryukan later claims this title for himself and when it comes to their powers there is also a very similar contrast uh back had gained its true abilities after he had stabbed the soul King in the chest thus taking his father's Powers while udyu had gained back his Quincy Powers after he was shot by ryuken in the chest during the Ranka Arc resulting in him regaining his powers in addition to this both udyu and your back had lost their power in very similar circumstances going up against an opponent that was stronger than them yuhobach had lost his abilities a thousand years ago during his battle against Yamamoto while udyu had sacrificed his Quincy Powers by using the Quincy final form during his battle against mayori in the soul Society Arc yuhobach had been trying to avenge the soul king during his battle with Yamamoto while udyu was trying to avenge the death of his grandfather soken Ishida in similar circumstances yuhobach's father was disfigured by the soul Society a lifeless corpse of his former self while udyu's grandfather was experimented upon by Marie until there was nothing left of his body you can say that johabakh had lost against Yamamoto while udyu had won against Mayuri they have these very similar circumstances that occur to both of the characters but udu's outcome is always the antithesis of yuhobach's outcome a thousand years ago when yuhobach had invaded the soul Society he had lost many of his comrades while udyu who had invaded the soul Society with his friends ended up saving the life of Rukia you can also compare and contrast the interactions that udyu has with Ichigo with the interactions that you have bug has with Ichigo and even in these udyu still appears to be the antithesis of yuhobach udyu is first introduced into the story of bleach when he challenges Ichigo while we lassi yuhabak after he is challenged by Ichigo and is defeated by him during that Jewel between Ichigo and uriu udyu drains ichigo's spiritual pressure in order to save his life while in the final battle yuhabak had drained each gospel spiritual pressure in an attempt to kill him that challenge between Ichigo and udyu was never completed because they were interrupted by the appearance of a Manos but Ichigo was able to kill yuhobach because udyu himself had interrupted the battle and the last point that I want to mention is that thanks to Ichigo udyu was able to fulfill the dream of his grandfather that a reality can exist where Shinigami and Quincy can work alongside with each other peacefully and comparatively because of Ichigo yuhabak's dream of an ideal world without death was shattered thus we can poetically conclude that uriu is the perfect opposite to yuhabak the almighty and the antithesis this comparing contrast between juhapak and udyu was done by one of the users over on the bleach subreddit the individual called rivi had posted this excellent comparison between yuhobach and udiu two years ago and I have drawn a lot of the comparisons from this post so if you want a more detailed and in-depth comparison between the two characters then definitely go and check out that post that I'll link in the description and in regards to my final thoughts on uriu's character I believe that he is one of the most complex and well-actualized characters within all of bleach we see proper growth from beginning to end right first he isn't accepting of the Shinigami but then ends up befriending a Shinigami and working alongside with one we see him gain and develop his powers and then ultimately lose them and then go through the struggle of regaining his abilities and throughout the story he remains loyal to his friends and to the ideals of his grandfather the only disappointment that I feel about his character is that we didn't get a proper resolution to the problems that he has with his father at the start of the series soken ishidaha told udyu that one day he would understand why his father has distanced himself with the Quincy of course after to having seen the Thousand Year blood War Arc we can infer some things but nothing is outright stated and no attempt is actually made within the story to resolve the bitterness that udiu has for his father admittedly ryuken did assist udyu in returning his Quincy powers and udyu got to understand that his father hasn't completely distanced himself with being a Quincy but that resentment for his father still remained in the end uru did become a doctor which means that he did eventually mend the relationship with his father it's just that we never got to see it in the actual manga and I'm hoping this is one of the areas that is expanded upon in the anime adaptation of the Thousand-Year blood War Arc so yeah these are my thoughts on the last Quincy udyu Ishida a vital character whom without the final antagonist of the story would not have been defeated by Ichigo after having made it to this point in the video what are your thoughts now on audio are you fascinated by the growth that he undergoes or were there aspects of his character that disappointed you I make these videos with the intention of keeping the discussion surrounding bleach alive so that we can create more of a burst surrounding the series until the anime returns next year so definitely leave a comment under this video and let me know your thoughts on uriu's character I want to know if there are any points about his character you think I glanced over or didn't even mention so definitely continue the discussion of this character in the comments yasatora Sado or alternatively known as Chad he is one of the first human characters that reside within karakura town that I'll be breaking down on my channel Chad is involved from the very beginning of the story to right at the end as one of the First characters were introduced within the story of bleach there is a lot to discuss about him with the general consensus about Chad being that he was very interesting at the start of the story then during the aranka arc despite him having power-ups his character just felt like useless fodder somebody who the enemy could defeat or use as a tool to anger Ichigo and the others which I found was very disappointing despite the fact that he trained alongside renji under urahara supervision after his brief appearance in the huika Munda Arc we don't really see Chad again until the full bring Arc where yeah admittedly he has more of an involvement and his powers are explained to be full bring abilities but once again his character was overshadowed by the appearance of the Shinigami I think Kubo missed the opportunity to showcase on highlight Chad's character more during the fullbring arc I feel like he could have been utilized in so many different ways and then even during the Thousand Year but what are Keys around but he isn't doing anything notable so in this video I'm going to try to understand what happened with Chad's character what were his strengths and what made us have so much hope for this character going into the story and where will we ultimately let down Chad first appears in chapter 7 of the manga and in episode 2 of the anime a teenager who wears the same age as Ichigo he is of half Japanese and Mexican descent you could say that is physical appearance perfectly suits the phrase tall dark and handsome due to his high cheekbones tan skin brown eyes and brown wavy hair Kubo has a talent for drawing very cool characters and Chad is no exception he is a very distinctive and well-designed character his appearance sets him apart from the other inhabitants of karakura town his appearance does change as the series progresses notably after the defeat of Eisen and after that we see an altered appearance during the epilogue of the series while we learned that Chad has become a professional boxer with his appearance resembling that of shunsui kioraku but with shorter hair his tall muscular stature makes him appear as though he is older than his actual age in addition to this he has a tattoo on his left shoulder which has the phrase Love and Death written in Italian he is a very reserved character choosing not to speak much and this causes a lot of frustration from the other characters within the story for example renji was annoyed with Chad not communicating with him while they were battling together in wikimundo because of the backstory that we learn about Chad he never really fights back against any bullies or people who intimidate him he only resorts to fighting if it's to protect someone else when it comes to his friends he is incredibly loyal to them especially when it comes to Ichigo who you could say is one of his closest friends he is not afraid to speak his mind when it comes to assisting his friends we see this during the forbring arc when Ichigo is having trouble manifesting his following abilities he advises Ichigo to remember any feelings of Pride that he had felt while he had Shinigami Powers recalling these memories will make it easier for him to manifest his foreign Powers he chooses to help Ichigo during the full bring Arc because he can no longer bear seeing his friend powerless he knows that Ichigo is silently suffering because he no longer has the power to protect his friends he is well aware of the emotions that his friend is trying to conceal I will definitely talk more about this when I cover Chad's involvement during the fall bring Arc while we learn a lot more about his abilities and thankfully we get to see more of his character during this Arc let's now go through the backstory of Chad's character where he undergoes most of his character development his past is revealed to us in chapter 107. we see that Ichigo had come to Chad's Aid after he had decided not to defend himself as he was getting beaten by a group of thugs we find out that the reason that he didn't fight back was because he had promised to not use his fists for his own sake he had promised his grandfather that he would only fight to protect others his grandfather's name was Oscar Joaquin De La Rose we find out that before Chad had come to Japan he used to live in Mexico with his grandfather the necklace that Chad wears around his neck is more important than him than his own life it is a coin from Mexico and it is on this coin that he had promised his grandfather that he would no longer use his fist to fight for himself it symbolizes the promise that he had made originally Chad was born in Okinawa Japan but he had moved to Mexico later his parents had died when he was very young and he didn't have any other relatives to stay with so we went back to Mexico to live with his grandfather that was back when he was eight years old at this age he was a bully and he was getting into fights all of the time he would use his large stature and the strength that came with it to beat down anybody that he didn't like but eventually his grandfather had showed him the error of his ways and it was thanks to his influence that Chad's character was ultimately reformed from this hooligan who would pick on and Bully others to somebody who would only fight for the sake of protecting the weak when a group of thugs learn about how important this coin is to chat the Ambush and restrain him deciding to beat him up threatening to break this coin that meant more to him than his own life Ichigo eventually comes to his Aid and beats up the thugs while also retrieving the coin for Chad's sake and it is here where A promise is made between Ichigo and Chad he requests for Chad to compromise with him telling him that he won't have to fight back for his own sake in exchange he would only raise his fist in order to protect someone or to fight for someone Ichigo tells him in return He will fight for his sake as long as Chad fights for him this promise between the two of them is sealed by Ichigo telling him that if there is something that Chad wants to protect with his life then Ichigo will also protect it with his own life This Promise was made between the two of them before the beginning of bleach through this flashback you get to understand why Chad fought so persistently during the soul Society Arc to the point where he challenged a captain of the gote 13. despite being so outmatched his loyalty and his duty to fulfilling his promise with Ichigo compels him to attack one of the strongest members of the Soul Society after this point Chad and Ichigo would continue to be involved in fights and brawls together to the point where they were feared and earned the titles of thugs themselves they worked together to fight off a thug who was bullying keigo asano who we now identify as one of ichigo's friends from school we don't really get to see this developed and fleshed Out World of karakura town aside from the first Arc of the story and during the for bring Arc but you could tell that Kubo had created a world in this small town filled with various different characters and stories which I don't think he got to tell within the manga we know this through these Snippets of information that we learned about Ichigo Chad and orihime's past and through these stories that Kegel mizuiro and even tatsuki share about Ichigo I did hear that Kubo did want to expand upon the law of karakura town and to tell more stories involving Ichigo and his friends but he was pressured to continue the story onto the next Arc by his editors unfortunately this robs us of getting further insight into the development of Chad's character since a lot of it occurred before the first chapter of bleach most of his character's growth occurred before the beginning of bleach as we see that his grandfather was a driving factor to the growth of his character if this key individual wasn't in Chad's life then he wouldn't be the person that he is today although the anime version of Chad's backstory does Flash it out slightly more than the manga I still feel it's not enough I would have loved to have spent more time with Chad's grandfather and to have seen the environment that he grew up in only because the personality of Chad stays pretty consistent from the beginning to the end of the story aside from a few emotional outbursts he's rather a stoic and calm character a man of very few words so now that we know why Chad is the way that he is let's go through all of the events that occur surrounding Chad's character within the story trying to pick up on any little details that you may have missed like I mentioned these characters introduced to us in chapter 7 right at the end of the first volume of bleach in this chapter Chad is given a cursed parakeet by his friends it is stated that all of the previous owners of this parakeet had terrible luck and had all died as soon as he is given this parakeet a girder falls from the construction site behind them Chad stops this support beam with his shoulders preventing it from crushing his friends after this monstrous display of strength the parakeet then thanks Chad for saving it telling him that his name is yuichi shibata it appears that the parakeet can comprehend what is going on in its surroundings and can speak like a normal person Chad becomes interested in the parakeets after it asks him what his name is the next day when he meets Ichigo and his friends at school they notice his injuries after he tell tells them that it being fell on him he goes on to reveal a series of unlucky events like he had hurt his hand while shopping after that he had run into a motorcycle it appears that this parakeet is indeed bringing him bad luck he shows the parakeet to Ichigo and his friends Ichigo was immediately alarmed after the parakeet speaks rookia tells Ichigo that there is probably something within that bird but it is harmless like a lonely Soul trapped within the bird's body later that day when Ichigo returns to Kurosaki Clinic he is informed of an accident there was a huge car wreck with four cars involved it is here that we see Chad brought to ichigo's Father's Clinic he removes this shirt to reveal a Sinister mark on his back a bleeding wound in the shape of a hand Ichigo immediately senses something funny about the injury his father assumes that it's a burn and it looks really serious as it is still bleeding Chad on the other hand doesn't take it as seriously and tries to walk it off but collapses he is forced to stay in Kurosaki Clinic overnight while Ichigo and Rukia discuss the Sinister presence they are feeling from the wound of Chad as they both conclude that a hollow must be involved with the injury that chatter sustained the following day Chad doesn't turn up at school which prompts Ichigo to go look for him Chad is in fact hiding within an abandoned warehouse with the cockatiel they are aware that they are being attacked by someone or something hoping that they have outrunned their Sinister presence they unfortunately attacked once again we can see that Chad is protecting the cockatiel from this mysterious presence that Ichigo and Rukia believed to be a hollow he promises to the bird that they are going to make it and that he is going to save its mother too when he runs out he bumps into each girl and Rukia but runs in the opposite direction running away from them in chapter 9 the hollow that has been chasing Chad is revealed as we learn that its name is the shrika Chad returns to assist Rukia after he notices that she is in danger despite the parakeet warning him not to go he rushes to her Aid Chad can't see the hollow but he can still attack it with his fists as he punches it while it's got a hold of Rukia she is surprised but quickly realizes that Chad is just punching in the air hoping to land a lucky shot she recalls that normal humans can't touch Hollows or even Shinigami they are unable to see or hear them but Chad is able to attack Hollow that he can't even see rookia is surprised that Chad has no fear while facing off against an invisible threat when the hollow takes to the air Chad rips off a telephone pole from the ground asking Rukia where the hollow is located so that he can swing the pole towards his Direction attacking it they work together trying to defeat the hollow he is successfully able to slam the hollow down to the ground it appears that the two of them have the upper hand but the hollow questions them as to how it is that he was able to devour The Souls of two Shinigami it is here that we learn of the miniature bombs that Sharika has as they Ambush rookia and Chad forcing them onto the ground in chapter 10 Chad is able to throw these small creatures off of him after the hollow threatens to eat Rukia using his brute strength he is able to punch away at the miniature bombs blindly throwing punches in any direction he forces the hollow to retreat after he frees Rook here she tells him that the hollow has taken to the air she has an idea and asks Chad to throw her into the air towards the shrieker's direction she is unable to close the distance between them as the hollow fires leeches at a Direction they stick to her body it is soon revealed that these leeches are bombs that are triggered by the vibrations of the hollow's tongue they detonate injuring Rukia as the hollow unveils that it is found the cockatiel that Chad was protecting Rukia is forced to fight the hollow alone as it threatens to blow up the bird of Chad moons she withstands the hollow's bombs and runs away enough until Ichigo arrives to a sister while Ichigo is fighting the hollow Chad notices his body unconscious on the floor he is unable to see him in his Shinigami form so fears for the west but rookia reassures him that he is fighting against the monster that was attacking them we learned that the soul that is trapped within the parakeet had witnessed the death of his mother while he was still alive while the shrika was a human he was referred to as a serial killer he traveled around hunting and killing people the mother of yuichi shibata was his final victim he reveals that he had stabbed her repeatedly but despite her injuries she had still tried to run away bleeding because she was trying to protect her child he had chased the boy's mother onto the balcony where he had finally killed her but the boy had grabbed his shoelaces causing the scene real killer to lose balance as he had fallen off the balcony himself the fall had resulted in the serial Killer's death instead of him finishing off the kid yuichi had accidentally killed him and it is for this reason that he has returned as I Hollow seeking to make the boy suffer when he had returned he had sucked the soul out of the boy's body and had placed it into a parakeet he had lied to the boy and stated that if he was able to run away from him for three months then he would bring his mother back to life in chapter 12 Ichigo is finally able to defeat the hollow as the gates of hell open dragging the Shrieker into the Afterlife we learned that it is too late for the boy's soul to be removed from the parakeet and back to his own body as too much time has elapsed and the chain of Fate linking his soul to his body has long been severed Ichigo and Rukia convinced the boy to head over to the soul society as there is every chance that his mother is waiting for him there and that he will be reunited with her before leaving the parakeet thanks Chad for everything but in typical chat style he tells the boy not to mention it before the boy goes over to the soul Society Chad does tell him that when he dies and he goes to the soul Society himself he promises to meet up with him asking if he can carry him around and run around with him one more time to which the boy gladly agrees to Chad Smiles after seeing yuichi agree to his promise from this initial introduction you can see that Chad is a very strange character a silent giant but somebody who has a lot of care for the weak and vulnerable in addition to this he uses his brute strength for good he demonstrates this through how we fearlessly had fought against an enemy that he couldn't see and how he had developed a connection with the sword trapped within the body of the parakeet in chapter 38 Chad alongside urahara and Rukia are able to feel a Sinister presence Chad's fears come to fruition as a hollow called bulbous G appears before him he still isn't able to see the hollow Cleary he can barely make out the outline of the hollow as it appears as shimmering heat waves to him he knows that something is there but it is not visible to him it strikes towards Chad and his friends as he tells them to run away it is apparent that the hollow is after Chad presumably sensing that he has higher than normal spiritual pressure for a human he knows that the hollow is after him so like his encounter with the shrika he decides to lead it to a place where it can't hurt anybody else but unfortunately arriving at his location he finds ichigo's sister playing football with her friends the hollow once again strikes but he protects Karen from the attack also I want to add that the cover of chapter 39 is probably one of my favorite pieces of art drawn by Kubo it is Chad but his pose and appearance reminds me of Bruce Lee with a tiger drawn in Brush Strokes behind him another detail which is easily missed in this art piece is how his right arm appears to be dissolving which is an excellent hint towards his powers which are unveiled in the upcoming chapter Chad is frustrated that he can't see his enemy but he soon learns that Karen is able to see it as clear as day thankfully he is once again paired up with an ally who can direct his strength towards attacking the hollow the two of them run away from the hollow dodging its attacks which had his eventually striked by one of the attacks while protecting Korean when her and her friends are in danger chadra calls a memory with his grandfather who asks him what does he achieve by hurting those who hurt him his grandfather doesn't scold him but makes him understand that he is very strong he was born with all of the things that that people would wish for his grandfather tells Chad that people who are different always get picked on stating that this is just how the world is he tells Chad that he has to learn to be kind he has been given big strong fists and he needs to learn how to use them for God in order to protect Karen and her friends Chad acknowledges the words of his grandfather he realizes that his fists aren't for hurting people they are for protecting himself and others he knows this lesson that his grandfather had taught him using this as his basis he requests for power and His Wish is fulfilled as he is able to successfully strike the hollow when the dust settles we see that Chad's right arm has completely transformed it has been covered in a type of Armor after he has transformed he is now clearly able to see the hollow this transformation gives Chad Incredible strength which suits his stature despite the hollow getting back up and charging towards him he is able to easily subdue the huddle with one strike after the hollow is defeated Chad collapses but he says to himself that the armor around his arm appeared out of nowhere it was emanating a powerful force and it was through this that he was able to see the hollow Chad question where did the armor come from why did the Hollow come from and how was he able to defeat it knowing that there are no answers to any of his questions he's just glad that each ghost sister is safe shortly after this battle orihime's powers are activated elsewhere in karakura town and it is in chapter 44 where their pauser explained to them by urahara Chad had been waiting for Orihime to wake up as urahara had stated that he was going to explain how they got these strange Powers suddenly after she had awoken they don't know who he is but Chad assumes that he is the individual who would save their lives he now asks urahara how did they get these powers and what do they have to do with Ichigo he explains to them about Shinigami and Hollows but they have a difficult time believing him but then he reminds them of all of the hollows that they have encountered up until now he explains that Ichigo is a Shinigami and he has extraordinary spiritual pressure because he isn't able to completely control his spiritual energy this results in it flowing out of him his energy is so concentrated that it can affect the people around Ichigo the same way that it has affected chadan or Hime apparently urahara explains that chadan Orihime have come into contact with Ichigo while he was a Shinigami on several occasions and it is because of coming into contact with Ichigo that their latent abilities were awakened this explains that Orihime and Chad's powers are of a similar nature of course we learn more about their abilities during the forbing arc but this is urahara's brief explanation of what occurred after they learn about their powers urahara then tells them that it is up to them if they want to continue on this path if they are still skeptical he tells them to follow him so that they can see the enemies that they will be facing off against in the future from a distance chadan or Himes see Ichigo facing off against Urdu in chapter 49. this is the first time that the both of them see Ichigo in a Shinigami attire they have been ordered to look and for them to decide what path they will take if they will continue using their powers to assist Ichigo to battle against Hollows or if they will abandon them returning to their normal lives they both struggle with the choice that they have to make but we see in chapter 60 they are approached by Yuri Ichi they learned that Rukia has been taken back to the soul Society to be executed your EG offers to train both Orihime and Chad so that they are well equipped to rescue her in chapter 62 we see Orihime in Chad training attempting to bring out their new powers once more they initially do struggle but yurichi reminds them that people discover their innate abilities when they want to protect something whether if this is loved ones their own status or honor your Ichi reminds them to remember what initially activated their abilities Chad of course recalls that he was trying to protect ichigo's sister but he can barely remember any details of her in order to activate their abilities yorichi asks them why is it that they are going to the soul Society Orihime affirms that it is to protect Ichigo and she immediately activates her abilities after stating this while Chad on the other hand has yet to activate his abilities yorichi once again asks him why is it that he is going to the soul Society in chapter 67 Chad 2 is able to activate his own abilities Chad along with Orihime Ichigo uriu and yorichi go to the soul Society they cross through a gate prepared by urahara as they have to travel through the dangai they are advised to run through this area as quickly as possible hopefully reaching the soul Society at the end of their destination after arriving into the soul society and Ichigo defeats jidumbo who's blocking the entrance into the serote they are prevented from entering by guineichimaru their only option is to find an alternative route into the cerate this is why Chad and the others encounter the inhabitants of rukongai Chad is then reunited with yuichi shibata in chapter 76 the soul of the boy that was trapped within the parakeet that Chad was protecting early on in the series while catching up with the boy Chad discovers that rukonga is a very large place and it is difficult to find any family members there we learned that the boy still hasn't found his mother but Chad reassures him that he will see her again one day while reuniting with the boy he keeps his promise by letting the boy sit on his shoulders while they go wandering around together after regrouping yorichi leads them to kukakushiba who assist the group by firing them from a spirit cannon into the serote it is far from the discrete entry that they were hoping for and on top of this after entering into the serrated group becomes separated after Chad appears to be holding is on with several Shinigami we see him asleep in an abandoned warehouse within the cerate it is here at the start of chapter 102 where we see another flashback involving Chad's character this time we get to see how Chad had first met Ichigo he meets him after a group of thugs beat Ichigo up after assisting him the two of them befriend each other he wonders why is it that the thugs were fighting him Ichigo simply states that it is because he has different colored hair people tend to pick on those who stand out he tells Chad that he must be able to relate to this since he too stands out in his own way because of his appearance after this very brief encounter the two of them become friends after defeating a Shinigami he gets some information from him about rukia's location it is reassuring to see Chad hold his own that is until shunsui is made aware of his presence while hurrying to the location of Rukia he makes quick work of the Shinigami that come in his way and he credits this thanks to the training that he had with yuriichi at the start he could only punch twice before his body had reached its limit but after his training now he can punch more than 5 times without exhausting himself he eventually bumps into the third seat of the 8th but like the other Shinigami Chad knocks him out with a single punch at the end of chapter 105 it appears that Chad has met his match after he is confronted by the captain of the eighth division shinsuke hiraku this encounter gives us more of an insight into Chad's character we see that he is a good judge of character as he deduces that Chun sui doesn't seem like a bad guy he advises him to step aside preferring not to get into a fight with him shinsui agrees that he also would not want to fight so he tries to convince Chad to retreat or give up but of course because of his promise to Ichigo he can't do this shinsui tells him to sit down and have a drink with him as he tells him that his friends are going to be captured soon enough after Chad learns that his friends may be in danger he tells shunsui to move aside when shunsui refuses to chatify as a punch in his Direction forcing the captain to move out of the way it is evident that chadders underestimated his opponent as shunsui is easily able to dodge his attacks he is made to understand the difference in power between himself and a captain of the gote 13. after this realization settles in shunsui tells him to just give up describing his attack as being impressive but he is not skilled enough for this attack to hit shunsui but Chad refuses to surrender continuing the fight shunsbury realizes that Chad has a limit to the number of punches that he can fire and if he goes beyond this limit then he will be risking his own life in a compassionate manner he tells Chad to stop because frankly he has reached his limit he questions Chad why is it that he is insisting on fighting what is his purpose why did he come to the soul Society Chad is quick in his response to say that he has come to save Rukia shinsui obviously finds this hard to believe because he has only known rookia for a very short period of time is she really worth him risking his life Chad says that it is true that he doesn't know her and if it was up to him he wouldn't probably risk his life for her but the fact that Ichigo wants to save her and at this very moment Ichigo is putting his life on the line then that is enough reason for Chad to join him in his efforts that is the only reason that he needs to assist his friend after he States this shunsui knows that Chad's resolve is not going to waver he honors Chad's firm resolve deeming it to be disrespectful if he continued to try to talk chat out of it shunsui draws his zombakto as chat charges towards him for one final attack during this moment he remembers the promise that he made to Ichigo and that he would fight for his sake that if there is something that Chad wants to protect with his life then Ichigo were protected with his own it is because of this promise that Chad will not back down in a predictable result Chad is easily defeated by shunsui despite being his animations we apologizes to him and I think this is because Chad had conducted himself in a proper manner he gave the option to his opponent to respectfully stand down without fighting he only fought back in opposition once he realized that shunsby was not going to move out of his way most people think of this battle as being a squash match but I think that it's one of the more fascinating encounters within bleach not only because Chad ends up resembling shunsui right at the end of the series but because both of them have a very similar personality type they're quite laid back and easy going but when it comes to loyalty and fulfilling their Duty then there is nothing that stands in the way of their resolve unfortunately with this defeat it signals the end of any significant involvement of Chad within the soul Society Arc as he is taken into the soul Society Detention Center he is eventually reunited with ganju and uru while imprisoned the only option is to wait for them to be saved by Ichigo eventually kimpachi who is accompanied by Orihime rescues Chad and the others after escaping from the Detention Center they traveled to sokyoku hill where they learned that Rukia has already escaped her execution and Ichigo is currently fighting against byakya like I said they don't really get involved in any of the fighting and nothing really notable occurs for Chad or the rest of each close friends after eisen's betrayal Chad stays at the sole Society for another week to rest and recuperate before returning to the human world he is brought back to his home by kisuke urahara now it is during the next Arc where a lot of people have a problem with Chad's character and they state that after the orankar arc his character was pretty much pointless so let's go to what exactly happens to Chad's character joined the aranca and Hue comundo portions of the story in chapter 183 we see that everything is back to normal while in class ichigo's Shinigami badge alerts him to a hollow nearby he leaves to deal with the threat and he is accompanied by Chad and origami May who also assist him after dealing with the hollow Ichigo tells them that he could have handled it by himself they didn't have to cut class to assist him at this point Ichigo is trying to burden the responsibility of protecting his friends by not relying on them and this is something that his friends do in return during the forbing arc and we see Chad heavily participate in this as he along with Orihime refused to tell Ichigo about tsukushima and how he had injured uru this is because Ichigo of course was powerless during the forbring arc but during the aranca arc when new characters are introduced like the vizards and the Iran cause it is chidan Orihime who are made to feel powerless like in chapter 190 when hyori confronts chadanarihime they asked Shinji and hiri what they want with Ichigo but after Yori threatens to kill them Shinji takes it away Orihime tries to chase after them but Chad tells her that it is pointless he makes her aware that she knows as well as he does that their powers aren't enough to catch up to them and even if they were able to they're not strong enough to put up a fight against the wizards they would get killed for sure these are the feelings that mirror the powerlessness that Ichigo was feeling during the fall bring Arc and it only gets worse for Chad's character as he later encounters the espada's Yami unukiora in chapter 191 after sensing an intense spiritual pressure chadanorihime rushed to its location after arriving at the location of this intense spiritual pressure they find the flaw littered with several dead people we see that tatsuki had barely survived she is about to be attacked by Yami that is until Chad arrives to protect her after blocking a kick from the Espada chatting to himself that these enemies are too much for ohema and him to handle he tells arihime to retreat with tatsuki when the Army realizes that Chad isn't the Target that they are after he attacks him leaving him in a critical condition in the Manga version of this encounter we get to see the extent of the injuries that Chad had sustained his armored arm was severed and torn off broken into two parts while in the anime adaptation of this moment it is downplayed as the injuries are not as severe opting to show Chad's armored arm with several deep Cuts in it I say this because the manga really does show you how utterly outmatched Chad was I believe that there are only so many times that you can do this character before we as the audience begin to write them out of the story at this point I think things are still redeemable and we do get some glimmer of hope as Chad is severely affected by the injuries that he has sustained understandably physically but he is also mentally affected by this in chapter 198 we see that he is recovering and healing from his injuries as he is gazing out of the window contemplating in chapter 200 he senses that grimjas fashion have arrived within karakura town he rushes off to assist Ichigo and the others to fight against them but when the arankar deroy rinka arrives his speed overwhelms Chad as he is about to be impaled through the chest but Ichigo stops him Chad realizes that the aranka would have killed him if Ichigo didn't turn up he had desired to fight alongside Ichigo as his equal but it is evident that the enemies that Ichigo is up against are far too powerful for Chad to handle Ichigo once again burdening the responsibility of protecting his friends tells Chad to step back but in an uncharacteristic Outburst Chad insists that he has been healed and he can help him but Ichigo firmly pleads with him to let him handle this this is where Chad remembers his encounter with the Army and how easily he was beaten he quietly agrees to ichigo's request as he reluctantly Runs Away In This Moment Chad is truly powerless he is unable to fulfill his side with the promise that he made with Ichigo he is not strong enough to fight alongside his friend he questions if Ichigo no longer trusts Chad to have his back he questions if there are vast difference in power has resulted in them never being able to fight as a team again he is concerned about his friend but he doesn't have the power to do anything about it this is what prompts Chad to plead with kisuke urahara to train him in chapter 214. he doesn't wallow in pity he proactively decides to get training to become stronger he does not want to be left behind as stronger opponents arriving to challenge his friends while Ichigo is fighting putting his life on the line Chad does not want to stand by and do nothing that isn't the type of character that he is urahara has Chad train with renji while he's using his bunkai during their training ranji understandably has the upper hand but Chad is very persistent and doesn't give up in chapter 239 we see that Chad is also going to accompany uriu and Ichigo to Mundo Ichigo at this point still has a lot of Despair he isn't relying on Chada or you as he says that they are not strong enough to accompany him but Chad demonstrates the fruits of his training by striking Ichigo so that he can feel the difference in his power as the voice of reason he asks Ichigo is this not strong enough for him he tells Ichigo to believe in them advising him not to shoulder the burden of protecting everybody himself he needs to rely on his friends to help him with Ichigo convinced Chad udyu and Ichigo head off to huecon Mundo to rescue Orihime and it is really satisfactory to see that Chad has proven himself that he went through all of the effort to get stronger even the markings on the armor surrounding his arm have changed meaning that his powers must have evolved in some way while he was training with ranji in chapter 243 we see how far chat has come after he proves that he can hold his own by overwhelming the first enemy that he encounters timorazod he is able to easily block the arancas attack and flips his oversized opponent onto the ground the change in appearance of Chad's arm indicates that this is the completed form of visible ability he kills his opponent by utilizing a brand new attack called el director in Spanish it translates to the direct in Japanese it translates to one strike of the giant his shoulders open up and release spiritual energy like the exhaust fumes coming off of a car with this punch he releases a huge blast of spiritual energy this ability is effective for close range and long-range attacks as long range he can fire a concentrated blast of spiritual energy towards his opponent while in close range he can literally blast through his opponents with ease after these initial enemies are defeated the group head towards Los noches believing that that's where Orihime is located at this point I was genuinely impressed with how far chat has come and I feel like his character had redeemed himself from his prior failings meaning at this point he was squashed two times after having emotionally impacted his character he comes back stronger but as the Hue comundo Ugg progresses it is evident that there is a ceiling to the growth that Chad has experienced and he is yet no match with the opponents that he is yet to encounter when the group arrive in Los noches and they split up in the walked path towards five different locations Chad faces off against one of the previous Espada from chapter 259 we can see that the pre-rone Espada is initially overwhelming Chad but once he recovers he transforms his arm into yet another form called the right arm of the giant Chad reveals that this is the true form of his right arm clearly this appears to be the defensive form of his abilities Chad states that the soul of his grandfather flows through his right arm since his right arm symbolizes his defensive Powers you can see that this is a metaphor for the teachings of his grandfather who had taught him to protect others in chapter 260 Chad helps us to understand more about his powers as he States when he had arrived in huecon mundo he felt the power inside him staring this sensation wasn't something that he had felt before not even during his visit to the soul Society but when Chad had come closer and closer to Los noches he felt the power within him stirring and growing stronger after he was attacked by the pre-grown Espada he felt this stirring sensation calmed down he describes these unsettling sensei Nations that his power was undergoing as excitement he says that once he arrived in Los noches it was like his powers were excited like they had come back home the attack from the pre-rone Espada was like a Roth welcoming from an old friend it was like the powers within Chad had remembered where they originated from he had wounded ever since he had attained these abilities why would they not like the abilities of a Shinigami or a Quincy Chad was confused as to the nature of his abilities but he now realizes that the reason that his powers don't resemble a shinigami's or a Quincy's is because they are more like a Hollows once the previous own Espada activates its own true form Chad utilizes the defensive power of His right arm but what he does next completely shocks his opponent as he states that during his training he was able to unlock an offensive ability he once again undergoes a transformation as his left arm changes in a similar way to his right arm his left arm is covered in white with red stripes running down it with a long Spike protruding from his shoulders like the horns of a devil this new transformation is suitably called the left arm of the demon for me this is truly the peak of Chad's character I felt like Kubo wrote this so perfectly that it was very difficult for him to outdo this having so much revealed about Chad's abilities all at once leaves very little to be desired for the future it doesn't take away from how incredibly cool his abilities are we see him demonstrate the new abilities of his left arm in chapter 261. Chad successfully defeats the priver on Espada by utilizing a new ability this ability is called el Muerte in Spanish translating to the death he draws reishi into his fingertips closing his fist and striking the preview on Espada after defeating his opponent Chad spasm and thanks him because if it wasn't for him then he wouldn't have discovered his power and it is for this reason that he is deciding not to kill him then suddenly Chad is confronted by the Espada Neutra Chad can tell that this individual is incredibly strong and it is for this reason that he's not going to stand around and wait for his opponent to strike him he decides to finish off Neutra in one attack after striking Neutra with his new ability the left arm of the devil no try laughs in his face questioning if that is all he's got Chad tries to defend himself from neutra's Attack by using his shield but the attack severs it into two pieces Chad falls to the ground as Ichigo and the other sense that his spiritual pressure has dropped if you're keeping count then this is the third time that Chad's character has been squashed in the series and this occurs immediately after one of Chad's most badass moments these short-lived hype surrounding the true form of his right arm and the newly unveiled left arm of the devil we didn't even have enough time for the novelty of these forms to have worn off before they were rendered completely useless yes Chad did get stronger but he is nowhere near the level of facing off against an Espada and these are the enemies that Ichigo is going to be going up against so when you ask yourself can Chad actually fight side by side with Ichigo fulfilling that promise that they made to each other the short answer to that is simply no and it is really unfortunate because I myself root for Chad's character I want to see him partake in more battles and prove himself worthy of fighting alongside Ichigo before he came to huge Mundo this whole scene occurred where he told Ichigo to trust in him after this moment it just goes to show that Ichigo was wrong and trusting in Chad what did this lead to it led to one of his closest friends that he is actually trying to protect and save from danger being injured it is frustrating because I do believe that there is so much that could be done with Chad's character he has an incredible character design his backstory is compelling and the relationship that he has with the protagonist warrants for him to have more of a significant role within the story but unfortunately this doesn't occur despite Chad going through his own progression and growing his own powers I feel like he only exists in order to anger Ichigo and the others so that they can exact some sort of revenge against the enemy for attacking Chad impressively Chad does get back up and try to counter-attack Neutra but he is ultimately taken out by neutras Russian Chade is later healed by unohana and teams up with renji during the fake karakura Town Arc of course they end up encountering Yami and this is a perfect opportunity for chat to exact some revenge for Yami having attacked him earlier but in a Twist yummy reveals that he isn't one of the weakest Espada instead he is the strongest as his aspired tattoo changes from the number 10 to 0. in chapter 378 after Yami undergoes a transformation we see that he has knocked out Chad thus making this the fourth time that Chad has been squashed by an opponent in the series and this ends Chad's involvement within this story arc we next see him when he is accompanied by Orihime and uriu in chapter 423 where they arrived to see Ichigo bit farewell to Rukia after having lost his powers he will no longer be able to see her Chad plays his most significant role within the story during the fall bring Arc where it is revealed that he is a member of the group called execution in chapter 433 once Chad arrives in execution he discovers ichigoda Ichigo is understandably angered that Chad is affiliated with this group that he knows nothing about and it appears that he's been avoiding Ichigo and the others and hasn't been attending school ginjo explains to Ichigo that the members of execution are gifted each of their mothers were attacked by a hollow while they were in their mother's womb these attacks left traces of the hollow Powers imprinted onto the baby that was yet to be born after being born each of them had developed specific abilities but it is revealed that the execution members were ashamed of them they had been waiting for a Shinigami human hybrid who they could transfer their powers to no longer wanting to be associated with Hollows because of these abilities in chapter 433 we learned that Chad is also a fullbringer he volunteered to relinquish his powers so that Ichigo could regain his being one of his oldest friends Chad tells Ichigo that he may think that he is hiding it but he could no longer stand aside and watch Ichigo ever since he had lost his powers this is because he is hurting Ichigo desires to fight so that he could protect those around him but because he doesn't have the power to fight it is causing him to suffer chat tells Ichigo to not hide how he is feeling because his desire to protect Minx Ichigo who he is I think that this is one of the best qualities about Chad despite being very quiet he speaks his mind and the very little that he does say is significant during this Arc Chatters around observing and assisting Ichigo helping him to gain his full-bring abilities in chapter 435 he is surprised that they have Ichigo training already in ruruka's dollhouse Chad tells him that the best object that he can use to Channel his following abilities is his Shinigami badge when Ichigo struggles to manifest his fullbring powers chat tells him that he needs to find his pride like when he had first used his filming abilities he was only able to use them because of the pride that he had in his heart because of his appearance his tan skin his tall stature Chad was ridiculed for his appearance but despite all of this criticism chatter never lost pride in who he was he was proud of how dark his skin was he's proud that he had Mexican blood within him he had felt this Pride thanks to his grandfather if you recall to the start of this video he had first used his abilities because he was thinking about his grandfather his grandfather had told him to be proud of himself and to use his strength for good he then advises each go to think back to a moment that he felt proud of his Shinigami abilities as soon as he does this his substitute Shinigami badge will respond to his desire and will activate his fall bring Powers at the end of chapter 436 Ichigo ends up manifesting his full-bring abilities thanks to Chad's advice during this Arc the rules are reversed Chad hua's abilities is trying to keep Ichigo out of Danger trying not to get him involved with the battle against tsukushima just like how Ichigo was looking out for chant safety in the Iran Chad along with Orihime and Urdu are trying not to get Ichigo involved in a battle that he can't fight due to his powerlessness after Orihime is attacked by tsukushima Chad and Ichigo rushed to her location but Chad reassures Ichigo saying that nothing happened to Orihime and brushes off his concerns but Ichigo is well aware that they are hiding information from him in chapter 444 Chad confront skinjo and suspects that tsukushima has an ability to alter the memories of those that he cuts he prompts ginjo to tell him more about tsukushima telling him not to hide anything from him but gingyo states that he isn't hiding anything he dismisses Chad's concerns by telling him that tsukushima's full bring is called book of the end it is a sword with extremely high offensive capabilities that can cut anything that it touches at this point he lies to Chad and tells him that it doesn't have any other special abilities but Chad suspects that his fullbring may have evolved since the last time that he had seen it but ginjou tells him that fullbring doesn't change with growth Chad refutes this notion because of his experience with his unforbing abilities which we have seen have gone through a lot of change but gingo explains this was because Chad wasn't able to utilize the full innate abilities of his fullbring when he had first activated it it was only later that Chad could access his following abilities to their fullest potential the other members of execution including tsukushima who is a former member had reached this level with their full-bring abilities a long time ago ginjo continues to dismiss Chad's concerns about tsukushima's memory altering ability asking him if uru's abilities were altered after he was cut by tsukushima however while they are talking tsukushima breaks into the room Chad is finally confronted With the Enemy that has been causing so much distress to Ichigo and his friends Ichigo emerges from his training in a new appearance Chad comments on the growth of ichigo's full bring abilities describing his full-bring powers to be a clad type he Compares this forbing form to his bunkai transformation understanding that when Ichigo had activated his Bankai it was his Shinigami shihakusho and his zampakto that had changed his clothing was a part of his Bankai he describes his Bankai as a type that he is one for Ichigo Ichigo wearing its powers is his true form of his soul bring Ichigo doesn't know who tsukushima is but when he is about to reveal his identity Chad interrupts lunging towards the opponent ginjou advises Chad that it is okay to tell Ichigo about tsukushima now since he has activated this fall bring but Chad is still concerned saying that we don't know how powerful ichigo's forbing abilities are yet they have no idea if you can even control these Powers if Ichigo was to learn that tsukushima had attacked Orihime then it will only distract him but Ichigo overhears this and understands that Chad and the others were only trying to protect him they were concerned about him while watching Ichigo battle tsukushima Chad is surprised by how far Ichigo has come along with his forbing abilities in such a short period of time he has been able to achieve a lot eventually ginjo comes to ichigo's Aid and battles against tsukushima for him Ichigo tries to assist ginjou but Chad tries to tell him not to stating that there is too much of a difference in their power and that he cannot beat tsukushima at the moment but Ichigo refuses to listen to Chad's warning after tsukushima leaves Chad in this the help of Orihime to assist in each goes next phase of his training they will need her healing abilities in order to assist him we then in chapter 449 that Chad was cut by tsukushima Chad is unaware of what tsukushima had done to him similar to how Orihime was cut by him there was no wound after tsukushima had retracted his blade still confused about the attack Chad decides to train himself so that he is ready to face off against tsukushima when he returns in chapter 452 after Ichigo completes his fullbing training Chad leaves yukio's training room along with Ichigo and Orihime when ichiko arrives to confront tsukushima he declares that he is going to kill him but suddenly chadan Orihime arrived to assist tsukushima protecting him from Ichigo both of their memories have been altered by tsukushima as they tell Ichigo that it was thanks to tsukushima that he had defeated Eisen and rescued rookia while Ichigo continues to battle tsukushima Orihime and Chad protect him Chad even goes as far as to hit Ichigo he tells him that this is not the reason why he became stronger he didn't become stronger to fight Ichigo this remains to be the role that Chad plays for the remainder of the fullbring arc having his memories altered by believing that Ichigo is in the wrong for trying to fight against him it does serve as an excellent driving factor to push ichigo's character into further despair but it kind of renders Chad slightly useless it would have been great to see Chad take part in an actual battle during this Arc since he was more involved in it eventually both chadanorihime are knocked out by urahara and ishin after tsukushima is defeated chadan Orihime are brought to urahara shop where their condition becomes more stable as they are no longer influenced by tsukushima's book of end ability and this brings us to the Thousand Year budwah Arc where Chad has even less of a significant appearance he accompanies urahara ichigon Orihime to Hue comundo in order to investigate the disturbances that are occurring there thanks to the Quincy invading it while all of the battling is going on in Hue comundo Chad is just a passive observer in chapter 499 he is injured after kilge returns and tries to attack Orihime he protects her from the sternruiters attack Chad ends up being killed and we next see him in chapter 518 where he is brought into urohar's tent by Orihime still in huecon mundo they contact Ichigo in the soul Society to let him know that he doesn't have to worry about them they are safe urahara gives Ichigo some reassuring words advising him to please do what he has to do for himself he no longer has to continue burdening himself with the responsibility of protecting everybody Chad questions urahara if it was wise for him to tell Ichigo to only think about himself strangely Chad doubts ichigo's conviction and he says that if he does think about himself then he may run away from the situation but urhara calls chance Bluff and tells him that he knows that he doesn't believe in what he just said he reassures any doubts that Chad may have by telling him that if Ichigo truly does what he wants to do then it will always lead him to protecting those that he loves after all Chad has spent much more time with Ichigo and he knows him better than urahara they ultimately should understand and know Ichigo better than anybody I always found it strange how Chad questioned ichigo's conviction here if he was starting to think about himself would he truly run away from the fight did try to believe in these words that he was saying I believe that it is a very strange and out of character comment for chant to have made whenever I go back and read this portion I always believe that it's a line that Kubo had forced chat to Sir in order for us to get UR to speak a bit more about Ichigo I think out of any of the characters within bleach it is Chad who has the most belief and conviction in Ichigo and his abilities in the forbing arc he was only concerned about Ichigo and wanting to protect him because he was powerless during that Arc he wasn't doubting ichigo's abilities he was instead trying to protect him and keep him safe but these comments that he says to urahara are very unwarranted Ichigo Has the strength here he just needs to focus it is like urhara said if Ichigo does things for himself then it will always lead him to protect those that he loves and Chad knows this better than anybody after all he told Ichigo in the full bring Arc that this was the pain that each God was hiding the pain that he didn't have the power to protect those that he loved yeah coming back to my point I just find it strange and I don't think Chad is the character who needed reminding of ichigo's purpose and where his convictions lie in chapter 507 after chadanorihime reunite with Ichigo they see that he is upset about uriu's betrayal after seeing the Hopeless expression on ichigo's face Chad throws him into a building demanding to know what an earth he is doing he reminds each God that both himself and or Hime are also shocked that URI has betrayed them but how will it help their situation if Ichigo continues to fret over it he reminds Ichigo that just because udyu has betrayed them it doesn't change what they have to do they have a purpose and it's to defeat yuhobach and the Quincy Army Chad reminds Ichigo that uriu must have had his reasons for joining their side this little pep talk AIDS each goes morale lifting him back on his feet determined to battle against the Quincy Chad accompanies Ichigo and the others as they Infiltrate The Quincy Palace wahawalt in chapter 656 he does have a brief battle against the sternra to ask him he punches asking but his attack is avoided that Quincy is obviously too strong for Chad to fight against and they are interrupted by yuriichi who takes over as Orihime Chad and Ichigo Rush towards johobak's Direction when they arrive at the palace they discovered that uru is going to battle against hashwalt as he tells them to go up the stairs to confront yuhobach in chapter 661 while climbing the stairs they encounter Quincy statues Chad Province a statue from attacking Ichigo and Orihime he is Left Behind while he tells ichigon Orihime to continue going forward while he deals with the large Quincy statue he ends up being accompanied by ganju as the two of them off-screen battle against the statues and this marks the end of Chad's involvement within the Thousand-Year budwah Arc and as we know we next see him in chapter 686 in the epilogue of the series 10 years after Ichigo had defeated yuhabaku we see that Chad has become a famous boxer Ichigo and the others have all gathered to watch Chad's boxing match as he is competing for the world heavyweight title we only get a brief glimpse of his appearance but we see that he has a scar running down the left side of his face and he has much shorter hair some people have an issue which had having taken up boxing as a career believing that it contradicts the words of his grandfather who had advised Chad to only use his fist to protect those who are weaker than him I believe that those words were told to Chad at a time where he was Reckless he was abusing The Incredible strength that was given to him by bullying those that were weaker than him which I believe doesn't contradict his decision to become a boxer after all his opponents know they are getting themselves in for he is not fighting to hurt or bully his opponents he is boxing in order to gain the title of world heavyweight champion and he isn't doing it for any other reason aside from maybe money and I don't think this contradicts the development of his character and the advice that was given to him by his grandfather now if you remember right at the beginning of the video I did say that I was disappointed in Chad's later involvement in the story I feel like there was a solid Push by Kubo to get Chad's character more involved into the story by giving him a solid power up and this is why I was so disappointed in the Hue comundo Arc where his power-ups had ultimately amounted to nothing this doesn't take away from the fact that he has always been a great Ally to Ichigo I appreciate that his character was focused upon during the fall bring Arc and we actually got an explanation about his abilities I do believe that Chad could have had more of an involvement in ichigo's fullbing training instead of being a bystander commenting on ichigo's training he could have been involved in it it would have been excellent if he learned the ways of the forbringer from Chad himself and what I find even more disappointing is that Chad never had his opportunity to tag team with Ichigo to battle against an opponent I believe that the forbing Arc was a perfect opportunity for this to have occurred imagine if Chad and Ichigo had tag teamed and battled against tsukushima like the good old days when the to fight together in school this would have resolved the concern that Chad had in the aranca arc where he was worried if Ichigo thinks that Chad can no longer fight side by side with him it would have been an excellent opportunity for redeeming Chad's character resolving these feelings of inadequacy that he had because his friend Ichigo had surpassed him in strength resulting in him no longer being able to fulfill his side of the promise that promise where they would each put their lives on the line in order to fight to protect one another and I feel like we never got a proper conclusion which resolved Chad's concerns and his feelings that he felt in the euranca arc even if it was momentarily I would have loved if Ichigo and Chad had teamed up one last time even if it wasn't in the forebrink arc there was ample opportunity for this to have occurred within the Thousand-Year blood War Arc in addition to this the final appearance of Chad during the thousand years was off screen we know that at this point Kubo did Rush the ending of the thousand-yearboard war Arc and that's why we didn't really get to see Chad and ganju team up with each other to battle against the Quincy statues because of these missed opportunities people do believe that Chad was quite useless within the bleach story like he was the Yamcha of the bleach universe but regardless of this I believe that his character was very well written his backstory had perfectly explained the way that his character is his design was incredibly cool and his abilities suited his personality and the backstory that we got to learn about him and his friendship and his bond with Ichigo is unlike any other friendship that I have seen in any other manga and it is for this reason that I do love Chad's character in my opinion there is room for improvement and this is why I'm hopeful when the anime does come back I hope that revisions are made and Chad does end up getting more screen time that he deserves he is one of the most recurring characters that we constantly see within each Arc and I look forward to seeing if any changes or revisions are made to Chad's character within the Thousand yearbook when the anime returns genuinely I didn't think that this video was going to go on for this long but it just goes to show how much I enjoy talking about this character and it is for this reason that I want to Handy discussion over now to you guys I want to know what are your thoughts on Chad's character what are things that you loved about him and what are things that you thought could have been improved upon do you agree with my takes I would love to know your thoughts so definitely leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this video and Chad's character as a whole so I have been really looking forward to doing an analysis on urahara but I wanted to make sure that it was for a subscriber Milestone video kisuke orahara is the laid back calm and collected Genius of the series he has multiple faces that he switches between depending on the situation at hand and should not be underestimated as his Carefree nature is incredibly deceptive there are a couple of phases that his personality transitions through as is exiled from the soul Society changes and shapes his character that we grow to appreciate and even rely upon when the odds are heavily stacked against the Shinigami this video will be adding to my Eisen analysis where I also mentioned urahara several times as the relationship between the two characters is vital to understand their motives for action and why they become the main opposing forces of the series through their differing ideals and philosophies rahara first appears in Chapter 13 of the manga and in episode 6 of the anime our first impression of him is that of a tall pale skinned gray-eyed character who initially helps the characters of the series through supplying them with goods from store creatively called the urahara shop his coat that he wears is an inversion of the captain's code that the Shinigami wear it is black with white diamonds running along the bottom of it this subtle design Choice connects his current life to his past life as a captain when I noticed the inverted design of his coat I immediately felt the significance of urahara being exiled including the effect that this must have had on him I will discuss his Exile later on in the video and how he proves himself worthy of redemption despite having done nothing wrong in the past urahara was always clean-shaved and more presentable than he is now after his Exile he keeps a rough stubble along with his signature hat and clog sandal combo which leads to him being referred to as Mr Hatton clocks the hat that he wears creates a purposeful Shadow over his eyes which initially made me question his nature whether he had any Sinister ulterior motives he has always been mysterious and he remains on the sidelines observing and being aware of any major incident that occurs in the series there are however a few key moments that he does intervene which are so impactful that they leave you desperately wanting to see more like how he arrives to help Ichigo against ukiara in chapter 194 or in chapter 233 when he arrives to help run geeku against the orankar's loopy and wonder wise despite his reliable serious and intelligent nature he is also very cheerful and friendly always coming across as humble and optimistic regardless of how hopeless the situation may be he demonstrates his optimism and commitment to others through how he helps the wise odds after they were deemed to be Monsters by the central 46 during the turn back the pendulum Arc even after the emotional impact of being exiled from this all Society for a crime that he did not commit he still desired to undo eisen's qualification on his comrades working tirelessly to help them this sums up urahara's character despite his calm collected and very eccentric Behavior he is reliable and someone that you can count on this has always made me feel reassured whenever Ichigo and the Soul Society were in danger knowing that urahara was present gave me hope that he would have something up his sleeves to turn the tide of battle into shinigami's favor another fascinating aspect of his character is how his role within each Arc is always changing we see urahara train Ichigo in the substitute Shinigami Arc in the full bring Arc he is working behind the scenes to plan a way to restore ichigo's Powers he is assisting the characters from the sidelines during The aranca Invasion while actively taking part to stop the main antagonist during his battle against Eisen and lastly in the final Arc of the series he does a mixture of all of these roles through how he studies the Quincy he helps to create tools to assist the Shinigami and actively takes part in battle through his encounters with kilge OPI and Askin the various roles that he can adopt and interchange between demonstrates the dynamic nature of his personality and his various strengths this easily makes him one of the most interesting characters to feature within bleach the urahara that we know presently within the timeline of bleach was heavily formed and influenced by his past experiences his prior Life as a captain explains why he was exiled from the soul society and the origin of his century-long Vendetta against sosuke Eisen I will be heavily discussing rohara's life prior to being exiled and then the life that he has Force to adapt to after his Exile so let's begin by looking into his life before his Exile this will explain how the events that occur in his past have an impact on his personality motives and relationships the earliest information that we know about urahara is that he was raised in the home of the noble shihoin family alongside his childhood friends yuriichi and tasai both he and yuruichi joined the gothai 13 at the same time they were both part of the on mitsikido the stealth division with urahara being the head of the stealth division's detention unit he was responsible for the supervision and imprisonment of all criminals within the soul Society the detention unit is also responsible for sealing away individuals who joined the gothai 13 but were deemed to be too dangerous to remain within the organization these individuals are detained within an underground facility called maggots Nest where urahara later recruits Mayuri from in order to form the Shinigami research and development Institute the tasks of the detention unit remain in mystery and concealed from the rest of the public under gotai 13 urahara in charge of this division reveals a darker past where you may have undertaken morally questionable activities for the greater good of the Soul Society we unfortunately don't see how and why he was raised in the shioin mansion and his time as the merciless leader and enforcer of the detention unit these are aspects that Kubo had written about but unfortunately could not include within the manga hopefully in the future we get to learn more about urahara's earlier developmental years which will help to shed more light on his character however we do see urahara be promoted from the on mitskido to the captain of the 12th division during the turn back the pendulum Arc let's now discuss his involvement in the arc that revealed towards the truth behind the wyzad's masks the turnback the pendulum Arc begins 110 years before the present day we see urahara as the newly appointed captain of the 12th division he arrives reluctantly to his own induction ceremony yorichi scolds him reminding him that he is a captain now and he should enter with confidence and not hesitation he is replacing kiryo hikifune as the captain of the 12th division as she was recently promoting it into the royal guard serving the soul King head captain Yamamoto tells the other captains in attendance that the suggestion for urahara to become a Captain was recommended by the leader of the second division which is of course yurichi following her recommendation urahara was inspected for his competency through undergoing the captain's proficiency exam he was assessed by the head captain along with three other captains present as Witnesses They concluded that urahara excelled in demonstrating his abilities and character as a captain and was promptly appointed as the captain of the 12th division on paper he is more than capable of being a captain but his lack of confidence and experience as a leader shows clearly when he introduces himself to his underlings as their new captain they look on with reluctant and concerned Expressions as he states that he guesses that he is their new captain while nervously laughing everyone else is too reluctant to express their opposition but his Lieutenant hiori immediately denounces urahara as their new captain she is confused about how someone who used to be the third seat within the second division could be promoted to such a high rank she she is concerned about how someone who secretly kills people behind their back can be qualified to become their new leader she tries to get approval for disrespectful claims from the other members but they unconvincingly disagree it is clear that everyone initially did not accept urahara or were reluctant to be led by him obviously the prior Captain kiryo hikifune must have left a notable impression on them hiori is confused as to why urahara is not mad at her for badmouthing his prior division but he reaffirms his new role by reminding her that he is now her captain and won't be offended by remarks to a division he no longer belongs to this clearly shows that urihara is not driven by sentimental feelings and attachments to his past he follows what must be done as his duty at the moment is to lead Squad 12 and his patience with Theory demonstrates his commitment to fulfilling this Duty he says that in the morning he came to terms with his new role and adjusted his attitude and would only be angry if someone bad-mouthed the 12th division he is honest and endearing but his efforts are met with further opposition as Yuri is still not willing to accept him in his new role as a leader in the evening urahara is approached by his fellow Captain Shinji who offers him some words of advice he comments on how he is having trouble being accepted into the 12th division Shinji explains why Yuri was so opposed to urahara's promotion telling him that she treated the former captain of squad 12 like a mother the impression that kiryo hikifune has left is making it difficult for urahara to take over from her position he agrees with Shinji that this is exactly the case urahara desires to learn more about his Squad and its members but he is Furman wanting to lead Squad 12 in his own way and not to continue on with the former Captain's way of leading them upon hearing this Shinji offers some sound advice to the newly appointed Captain he says that it is okay to sympathize with his underlings but he should never forsake who he is just to please the subordinates he tells uruhara that he should be himself and if nobody chooses to follow him because of this then maybe he was not cut out to be a captain after all Shinji further remarks that urahara does not appear to be the type to forsake who he is in order to gain the acceptance of others while living he tells him that he only came to give him advice because he reminds him of himself Shinji and urhara do indeed share some common personality traits like how they are both comical but can become incredibly reliable when they are needed even after Shinji leaves he proves how perceptive he is through detecting Eisen eavesdropping on their conversation this highly perceptive trait is another one that he shares with urahara Shinji also comments on a similarity that they both share stating that neither of them would forsake who they are just to please others as they can only lead their underlings in their own specific way he bluntly gives advice to urahara by telling him that he may not be fit to be a captain if nobody wants to follow him this is very similar to the way that urahara also gives blunt advice to others like in chapter 227 when he tells Orihime to stay out of the upcoming battle with the Iran cause as her participation may do more harm than good the following day urohara appears to have taken shinji's advice and redecorates the squad 12 headquarters hiori is still opposed to the new changes but he remains patient and understanding with her suggesting that he wants her accept him gradually and to get to know him she is so reluctant to accept urahara she disrespects him despite his cheerful and understanding approach he makes his first request as a captain when he asks her to accompany him to the underground facility maggot's Nest like I mentioned earlier while he was the third seat of the second division one of his responsibilities was to serve as the warden of maggot's Nest a place that we learn is full of wrongfully convicted individuals urahara explains the purpose of this Detention Facility and proves that there is more to his character than the cheerful and joking outer shell that he portrays himself as it isn't wrong to think that he may Harbor ulterior motives or may be dishonest considering his past he used to be the commanding officer of the management Force his main duty was to imprison and supervise criminals another one of his duties was to locate dangerous individuals who are serving within the gotai 13 and imprisoned them within the underground facility which we know to be maggot's Nest he describes maggot's Nest as a place where the prisoners have done nothing wrong their only crime is their latent potential which the godai 13 deems to be a threat to the organization exactly as urahara describes they are Innocent but they cannot be allowed to roam freely within the soul Society due to their potential to cause trouble hiri rightfully questions the logic of the maggot's nest as it makes no sense to imprison people who have done nothing wrong but urahara asks if she knows anyone who has resigned from the gota 13. he informs it that it is not possible to leave the organization those who take a leave of absence for an extended period of time are considered to be expelled and located in order to be confined within maggot's Nest this is because anyone who qualifies as a member of the gothai 13 is indeed a dangerous individual according to the central 46. they cannot be allowed to roam freely this is why they are imprisoned for attempting to resign I only explain this so that you may understand that urahara was in charge of imprisoning innocent people of course it was for the greater good of the Soul Society he was fulfilling the commands of the central 46 who out of insecurity could not tolerate anyone leaving the gothai 13. it is ironic that it is this very group who later exiled urahara despite all of the morally questionable tasks he must have undertaken for their sake I'll go into more detail about his Exile shortly the motive behind taking his Lieutenant Yuri with him to maggot's Nest was to recruit Mayuri to work for him transforming the dangerous threat into a valuable asset who can work for the gotai 13 providing that a suitable environment is created for him to utilize his talents this environment is offered to Mayuri in the form of the research and development department an organization founded by kisuke urahara one that has not existed before in the history of the gotai 13. he offers Miri to be his assistant director further seeding the deal by saying that if anything happens to urahara then he would automatically take up his responsibilities this explains how he would come to be the captain during the present-day timeline it appears that urahara did indeed fit into his new role as a captain and he leads his division in his own unique way he does so for nine years as we time Skip and see him again during the second half of the arc after the nine year time skip we see urahara along with his subordinates Mayuri and Theory together they approached Shinji and his Lieutenant Eisen who asks urahara if he has heard about the recent deaths that have been discovered in the rukongai district this is the turning point to urahara's Life as a captain as Eisen asks if he knows about the deaths that he is responsible for himself a number of the rukongai citizens have disappeared for unknown reasons during the past month their clothes remained on the ground while their bodies have entirely vanished urahara is informed that the ninth division has been asked to investigate the disappearances soon after this we'd see the somewhat improved bond between urihara and his Lieutenant Yuri who asks him to back her up while she's arguing with Mayuri we are shown that even during his time as a captain urahara was coming up with new inventions and actively taking part in the research and development department that he established based on the information he learned from Shinji earlier about these Souls disappearing as they could no longer maintain their human form he attempts to create a human container which may be able to store the unstable Soul within to prevent it from disintegrating he is attempting to create this container using their exist technology he is then interrupted by a member of the ninth division who has been sent to bring someone from the 12th division to investigate the recently disintegrated Shinigami this request is the Catalyst that leads to urohara and Eisen crossing paths and his subsequent banishment to the world of the living to fulfill this request urahara politely requests for Yuri to investigate and gather samples from the area saying that she is the only one that he can trust she appears to be surprised by his faith in her she does not argue back and feels obliged to listen to urahara after he tells her that he is counting on her this is a significant moment as it burdens him with the well-being of Yuri he is responsible if something happens to her especially considering she is going to investigate a dangerous area just after she departs most of the ninth Division and its Captain kensei are ambushed and taken out the sole Society is alerted to the status of the ninth division they are on high alert after their spiritual pressures begin disappearing urahara shows how much he has grown as a captain over the nine years as he immediately asks if Yuri has left but unfortunately he is too late have prevented her from leaving he feels regret wishing that he had gone himself instead of endangering her by counting on her to assist him he even insinuates that he should have known that it would have been too dangerous to send her alone considering the highly unusual disappearances an unknown nature of the disintegrating Souls while he rushes to a captain's meeting to discuss the emergency situation we see urahara in a rare moment where he has lost his composure because he knows he has little time before Yuri arrives at her destination maybe because he is younger here but the character that we know on love is always prepared and rarely is seen to have lost his composure we can tell that there is growth that he has yet to go through when we read through these portions of the story this causes him to frantically Rush from one place to another comparing his decisive actions here to the uncomforted and nervous versions of himself when he was first appointed as a captain demonstrates growth for his character as we see that he earned the respect of his underlings and successfully changed the 12th division so that it fits his style of leadership his feelings of concern for his Lieutenant shows that he has come a long way from being a prison modern who spent his time enforcing strict rules and prisoners he certainly would not have felt consent towards them the same way that he does for hiri when he arrives late to the meeting he is in time for the head captain to announce that five captains will be sent to locate the whereabouts of squad 9. urahara pleads to be chosen to assist but is refused which causes him to uncharacteristically Outburst that his Lieutenant is on her way there she is in danger and needs his help yorichi is the one who reprimands him for his Outburst demanding that he snaps back to his senses she reminds him to have fate in his subordinate because at the moment he is regretting his decision and disrespecting Yuri by assuming she is not capable of following his commands his surprised expression indicates that he has undermined Yuri and her abilities and he has totally stepped out of line during an emergency meeting with all of the captains shunsui notices that urahara is upset and frankly looking exhausted due to this observation He suggests sending his Lieutenant Lisa in place of tessai the commander of the kidokop this is a great moment for shunsui's character which I did not emphasize upon in my analysis of his car character he demonstrates his capacity for care and consideration through this act and uses it to offer Comfort to urahara later he tells urahara not to worry reassuring him that Yuri is strong just like his own Lieutenant Lisa he uses this opportunity to teach him that a captain must have trust and patience in their underlings however despite these acts of reassurance this Arc excels in making you the reader feel uneasy through urahara's apprehension and out of character panicking he is cautious because he is the only person able to come close to understanding the true reason behind the mysterious disappearances of souls he is helpless and made to stay on the sidelines while blindly having faith in Yuri some say that urahara is Shady and knows more than what he lets on and the latter is definitely true for his character especially considering some of his actions like how he secretly place the hokyoku within Rukia as well as not warning Ichigo and the others about Eisen before they left for the soul Society so what is it that urahara knows about the sole disappearances that he isn't telling us here a hollow fight can say begins to attack Yuri and the other nagami who was sent by head captain Yamamoto urahara however not being the type to sit around and do nothing why is a riyatsu concealing cloak and decides to help the others this is contrasted with how Eisen later uses the same concealing cloak to observe his hollow white attacking ishin urahara is discovered by tessai his childhood friend who knows him better than anyone his behavior during the captain's meeting led him to assume that urahara would disobey his orders and go to save his Lieutenant tessai grew up with urahara and yorichi's mansion and must have seen him grow up and go through a wide range of emotions and moments from urahara's developmental years that we are sadly robbed from experiencing in the manga he plans to go to save the Shinigami on his own but tasai adds to the unsettling feeling of this Arc by saying that he can sense an undescribable fear in the air and voluntarily accompanies urahara to save his Lieutenant as we know before urahara arrives everyone who was sent by the soul Society is forcibly horrified against their will or a horror stops Eisen before he can kill the holify test subjects he cuts off eisen's Lieutenant armband and faces him the act of removing his Lieutenant's armband is ironic as it is urahara who has his identity within the soul Society revoked this flashback is the first time that we see urahara confront Eisen who is similar to him while also being ideologically different urahara accepts the status quo of the world Eisen on the other hand chooses to rebel against the vacant god of the world even arrogantly wanting to replace the soul King and rule over reality as a God himself their encounter during that fateful night is very brief yet impactful enough to leave devastating consequences on urahara's life just as we suspected earlier urahara knew exactly what was going on as he crackly deduces that Eisen has been conducting qualification experiments this correct assessment of the current circumstances impresses Eisen as he describes urahara to be the man that he has expected him to be both of them are incredibly powerful intelligent and were born gifted with enough talent to lead them to question the nature of reality they both come to learn the truth behind the soul King and even question the moral structure of the Soul Society urahara is too afraid of the consequences if he goes down the path of progression and change so he chooses to allow the world to be the way that it is this ultimately leads to his Exile which I will now go on to break down after Eisen leaves urahara is left with the aftermath of his Twisted experiments it becomes a priority to deal with Shinji and the others tasai confronts urahara about his knowledge of holification asking if he knows a way to reverse it we learned that he knew of hollification when he was studying how to strengthen the souls of Shinigami he continued to study this topic to the point that he created a device that could destroy the boundary between Hollows and Shinigami this device is indeed the hokyoku urahara tries using the hokyoku he created in order to heal Shinji and the others despite working tirelessly he is unable to reverse what Eisen did to them urahara is disappointed and feels remorse for his comrades as he is not able to undo what was done when urahara and tasaya eventually arrested they are brought in front of the central 46 who conclude this flashback Arc with the most heart-wrenching end to any story that I have ever experienced urahara initially is pretty oblivious about all of this even when his arrest is described as an interrogation he just wonders if he is being suspected of something why would he be worried as he is in the right to think that he has done nothing wrong after urahara reveals where he was last night he is asked if that is where he was conducting his holification experiments the change in expression as he immediately realizes he's being accused of holifying his fellow Shinigami the sole Society who we devoted his life to and worked his way up to a respected position within has betrayed him by accusing him of a crime that he did not commit he pleads for his innocence trying to tell them that it was Lieutenant Eisen but the mere suggestion is comical as Eisen was seen to have not left the serite by multiple Witnesses including a captain rank and this is enough to clear eisen's name of course we know there is kyokasuigetsu he manipulated several Shinigami into believing they saw him the night before it is interesting to compare Eisen zambogdo which Alters people's perceptions but we learned that urahara zambakto literally Alters people's reality through its ability to deconstruct whatever it touches it is a great parallel when you compare how one Alters perception and one Alters reality urahara's guilty verdict is set in stone as it is then revealed that evidence of hollow vacation was found in his research lab his tireless attempts to help his friends are twisted into sickening Frankenstein experiments it tears on my heartstrings when I see the past of my favorite character in the series I'll witness the events which shaped his character into the ever-reliant humble shopkeeper who despite having his Secrets always comes through with a solution to the problems we encountered throughout the series he was eventually found guilty of conducting treasonous research and causing harm to his comrades he is held responsible for the holification of Shinji and the others including his own Lieutenant Yuri whom he already felt so much guilt towards what must he be feeling to know that she was horrified because he sent her out on a mission and he is then accused of hurting her by the system that he chose to accept and devote his life to overnight his world is turned upside down and he has every reason after his exile to go against the soul Society even if it is to clear his own name but urahara on the other hand decides to hide out in the world of the living and Promises to come up with a solution to help his comrades Shinji and the others were described by the central 46 to be no better than Hollows who needed to be disposed of urahara's promise to undo eisen's holification experiments was indeed kept as Shinji and the other wayzads admit that they owe a lot to kisuke without his sacrifice they would have been killed and he would have had to live out his days with that regret while knowing everybody holds him responsible for it if you think about it urahara is the one who saves the soul society as he patiently comes up with the method to capture Eisen after he is defeated by Ichigo he warned the soul Society about Eisen but they chose to ignore him and in the end urahara's patients did indeed pay off for 100 years he remained silent and diligently worked on a way to stop Eisen he remained behind the scenes and maintained his honor and integrity and redeemed himself for a crime that he did not commit urahara didn't try to prove his innocence once he was banished from the soul Society he didn't try to restore his name on credibility he was seen as a traitorous villain as traumatic because this may be he still held his composure and did what had to be done this is why kisuke orahara feels like the behind the scenes hero of the series one who didn't even ask for anything in return despite having everything taken away from him this is incredibly powerful writing which leads to so many threads of discussion I will now continue with analyzing urahara's character after his Exile and how he lived out his days in the world of the living about eight years after his Exile urahara sets up a star in the human world and patiently continues his plans to stop Eisen in chapter 533 we see him bump into ichigo's mother masaki this occurs after she helps ishin fight against the hollow white and was bitten by it she purposely allowed the hollow to bite her in order to close the distance between them and fire a Quincy arrow through its head however her dangerous tactic led to the hollow white becoming a part of her and tainting her pure Quincy blood when urahara accidentally crossed his paths with masaki he immediately senses that she has a hollow presence within her from his expression it is obvious that he knows that this has something to do with Eisen masaki is condition eventually begins to deteriorate as a hollow hole appears on her body urahara offers ishin and ryuken a way to save her his time studying the effects of holification and how to reverse them over all of these years is being put to the test urahara confirms that he has been studying what masaki is going through for close to 100 years he immediately tells ishin and ryuken who he is even admitting that he was banished from the soul Society I believe that losing his connection to the soul Society has really impacted urahara and I'll look at the relationship that he has with the soul Society later on when I discuss how he was forgiven by them and no longer banished urahara tells us an unfortunate consequence of eisen's qualification experiments he reveals that masaki will never be who she once was after his treatment this is an echo to the Wizards who had their entire lives altered their spiritual composition tainted as they were forced to accept a hollow Soul as a part of themselves now the same is happening to masaki but the difference here is that she is a Quincy not a Shinigami the entire purpose of horrification like I have mentioned is to strength strengthen the Soul by pouring a hollow Soul into it this destroys the boundary between the two Souls originally it was devised as a way to strengthen Shinigami but it became apparent that controlling qualification was incredibly difficult if qualification is left untreated it progresses until the two Souls become mixed and the patient becomes an uncontrollable monster that cannot be reasoned with this is of course exactly what happened to Shinji Yuri and the others during the 10 back the pendulum Arc hollification is fatal as it leads to the boundary between the soul and the outside world to be destroyed when this happens the soul self-destructs against its will this process is called Soul suicide this explains why their disappearances during the turn back the pendulum Arc had their clothes but their bodies had disappeared it's because their souls had literally self-destructed leaving behind their clothing and it also explains why the wise ads owe a lot to urahara because he literally saved their lives and prevented them from undergoing Soul suicide and help them to control their Hollow abilities later on during his research over the past 100 years orohara described over the way to prevent Soul suicide this is done by pouring into the soul something that will repel the holification the soul only self-destructs when a soul loses its balance the only way to resolve this is by introducing another foreign element which will tip the scales the other way hence restoring balance to the soul the method urahara used to undo the qualification in the wise odds was by creating a vaccine from a Quincy arrow and a human soul he injected this into them and achieved a 100 success rate in preventing the final fatal symptom of holification the difficulty with masaki is that urahara can only prevent her from dying but he needs a source of conflicting power that will remain by her side until the day that she dies this power needs to be strong enough to prevent her from horrifying and thus keep her as a human this is why ishin volunteers to enter a human gig eye and relinquish his powers so that masaki can be saved urahara explains that Shinigami are the opposite of Quincy and humans are the opposite of Hollows so it is ishin who must help masaki by tipping the skills of her soul the other way to balance it ishin would literally become a living vaccine for masaki this is the only solution that urahara has to this problem once ishin sacrifices his abilities and decides to live an ordinary human life urahara helps him to start up his new life in the world of the living it always fascinates me how he picks up the pieces of eisen's devastating experiments as we know he continues to work behind the scenes to stop Eisen but ends up becoming a pawn in his plans after he decides to place his hokyoku inside Rukia let's now go to the beginning of bleach and understand what exactly urahara was doing and why the series portrayed him as a shady mysterious figure who made us feel doubt if he was on our side in chapter 175 Eisen reveals to us how urahara tried to destroy the hokyoku that he created during this chapter we learned that urahara was the captain of squad 12. this is almost 200 chapters before the turn back the pendulum Arc he had created the hokyoku which Eisen describes as a substance which can remove the barrier between Hollows and Shinigami Eisen credits kisuke urahara as the first person who made a successful breakthrough in regards to qualification the aim of all of this research was to merge the soul of a hollow with a Shinigami in order to attain New Heights and to surpass the limitations of one's potential however urahara deemed the hokyoku to be too dangerous and decided to destroy it but it proved too difficult to destroy the only way he could get rid of it was to place a protective barrier around the hokyoku and to place it into someone else's Soul urahara kept this information from Ichigo and the others and most importantly from Rukia who he had placed his hokyoku into when Eisen had learned that rookia went missing in the world of the living He instinctively knew that urahara was behind it the Gigi guide that urahara had given to Rukia at the start of the series was no ordinary one normal geekai are easily traceable by the soul Society due to being made up of highly concentrated reishi which compensates for the loss of power that Shinigami undergo while in that form the gigai that urahara gave to Rukia contained no reishi so it was untraceable as well as this the user of that gigai would have their Shinigami powers slowly fading away until they would pass a point of no return and would be lost forever so Rukia who had been using this geekai would have had a Shinigami power slowly drained from her in order to transform her into a normal human soul this is the dark side to urahara's character although his intention to destroy the hokyoku was good his execution was very flawed Eisen describes that urahara was not trying to help Rukia he was trying to turn her into a human in order to destroy the hokyoku that he had created this of course did not occur as Rukia was found by renji and byakya and brought back to the soul Society urahara reacts to this turn of events by training Ichigo and recruiting him and his friends to recapture Rukia Ichigo desired to save his friend while urahara the whole time facilitated his desire to prevent the hokyoku from falling into the wrong hands Eisen whoever was one step ahead of him and managed to obtain his hokyoku which was the Catalyst to the whole aranca Arc in chapter 51 urahara in Euro Ichi are aware that there are two Shinigami who have arrived in the world at the living to locate Rukia when Ichigo lands that Rukia has ran way urahara appears with great timing and offers to free his Shinigami form from his body he allows Ichigo to fight renji and biakya so that he could experience firsthand how outmatched he is he reminds him of this when Ichigo impatiently wants to go to the soul Society in chapter 57 urahara offers to send him to the soul Society but only if he trains with him for 10 days when he trains with him we are given so many teasers to the true extent of urahara's power we even see his shikai during these 10 days of training to show how rare it is to see urahara show off his powers we have to wait over 500 chapters after this moment to see his bunkai release after his training is completed he sends Ichigo Orihime Chad and uriu through a senkaimon that he creates so that they could reach the soul Society he tries to touch this senkaimon himself but it rejects his hand proving that he is indeed banished from the soul Society at the end of the Soul Society Arc urahara apologizes for what he did to Rukia and how he did not tell them the truth about what was going on he offers a heartfelt apology and for me clears any doubts of his character being shady or having the ulterior motives he ultimately tried to do the right thing even Ichigo comes to this conclusion requesting that he stops with his apology he isn't angry at what urahara did admitting that he didn't really do anything wrong urahara finds himself in these questionable and tough situations where he has to make a decision unusually he is left with no other option but to do something he would prefer not to do Ichigo says that he wasn't sure of urahara's true intentions but without his help they would not have survived their Encounters in the soul Society we learned that he kept the truth from them because he was afraid that they would change their mind about saving Rukia which angers Ichigo who proves it would not have made a difference to his decision to save her he does ask urahara to apologize to Rukia however as she was impacted the most by urahara's selective truths moving on from this I think it is important now to focus on how urahara's character fits Nietzsche's philosophical concept of the last man I mentioned before about urahara and Eisen sharing a lot of similarities but their approaches to life being entirely different even arguing that they react to the same piece of information in Paul other opposite ways like the truth behind the soul king and the nature of reality which is the backbone of the entire conflict with Eisen orahara is indeed the antithesis to Eisen the conflict that nature describes is that of the uberminch versus the last man in the context of bleach Eisen is the ubermench he realizes how fake reality is and that indeed the God who rules over it is indeed dead but what is his response to this knowledge he did not fall into despair or nihilism he instead transitioned from a man to a Superman which is what the ubermint is described as the knowledge of a lifeless cops ruling over reality gave Eisen the strength to de-throne God and take his position and rule the world based upon his own ideals urahara however complies with the system that is set in place and he has no intention to change anything he can see the consequences of following the path of the ubermench I mean look at all of the mess that urahara has to clean up because of eisen's ambition to stand at the top urahara in his own attempt to understand the nature of the World created the hokyoku which served as the inspiration for Eisen to create his own separately these two devices were flawed but Eisen realized if he merged his hokyoku with urahara's hokyoku then it would truly become complete and it would truly become a wish granting orb which could assist Eisen to reach the top this was urahara's regret his genius resulted in Eisen experimenting with holification although he is not directly responsible for his twisted acts he is indirectly involved through inspiring him to create his own hokyoku the last man cannot bring himself to alter the system he would rather live in a flawed system comfortable with its contradictions and flaws it is incredibly ironic how he was a victim to his own compliance when the very flawed system he decided to not oppose exiled him Eisen indeed took advantage of the flaws of the system on several occasions through getting away with his horrification experiments and pinning the blame on urahara as well as manipulating the soul Society to bring Rukia to him and execute her so that he may get a hold of urahara's hokyoku this is indeed the benefits of being an ubermench they see the flaws of the system but do not comply with them he actively uses these laws against the system that he wishes to overthrow if urahara is the opposite of the ubermench then he should be someone who lacks the will to power to enact any change the last man is described by Nietzsche as someone who is weak willed and does not have the stomach to fight for progress is urahara too soft why is it that he doesn't want to change the world through a morally acceptable way although I don't agree with the notion that urahara is weak willed I do have to say that he is afraid because he is fearful of the consequences of following such a path divisades gin ichimaru ishin masaki and urara himself are a few of the lives that Eisen directly impact and changed forever because of his ambition this path leads to Deaths piling up under his feet as his research and modification of Hollows also led to the death of kainshiba because of the parasitic Hollow that he modified and countless other Shinigami and even his own companions like the Espada tozen and even gin the will to power is something that the hokyoku was constantly assessing when it accepted Eisen and his Ambitions as we know the hokyoku in the end rejected Eisen because he had lost his will to of power after getting so close to finally achieving his desire his loneliness was what made him lose his will to power making him unable to carry out his plans when this occurs his feelings of superiority quickly subside and give way for more human emotions of resentment which is shown by his remarks about urahara when Eisen is rejected by the hokyoku as seal urahara placed within him begins to take effect this is because his power has weakened enough for him to be sealed the Outburst he directs at urahara solidifies their long-standing rivalry and eisen's role as the ubermench his anger stems from urahara's unwillingness to change a broken system A system that is protecting a lifeless corpse one that caused urahara's Exile and ultimately it allowed Eisen to progress to the point that he did because he took advantage of the flaws within the system urahara's response to eisen's curses Show how he is unwilling to change the world he says that the soul King maintains the balance of the Soul Society his presence is what bonds us together and without such a bond the world would crumble his justification for thinking in this way is is that this is just how the world is and this single line confirms that urahara is indeed the last man he patiently waited for a century to defeat the egotistical ubermench of the series in the context of bleach the last man is a patient and understanding individual while the ubermench is an egotistical self-absorbed monster so after eisen's defeat the next vital step for urahara's character is to be forgiven by the soul Society I want to look at what urahara was doing during the fall bring Arc and how some supplementary information from a light novel reveals more about his actions after eisen's defeat we learn a lot about urahara and the events that take place after Eisen was imprisoned during the bleach light novel death saved the strawberry the events of this novel take place five months after eisen's defeat and up until Ichigo begins his powers urahara's name begins to spread throughout the soul society as he was recognized as being instrumental to stopping Eisen he was given permission to sell his items from his store to the soul society as well as this urahara tasai yuriichi and the Wizards were pardoned after Captain Yamamoto spoke with the central 46 it was decided that their actions from 100 years ago were because of eisen's plan they had nothing to do with the incidents that took place so just like that they were once more accepted and recognized by the soul society and pardoned for any wrongdoings later Rukia comes to the world of the living and speaks with urahara during this time she thanks him for everything that he has done how he continued his research for 100 years and without his help it would not have been possible to stop Eisen urahara admits to her that he did not willingly choose to come to the world of the living but he is very much Happy with his current life the purpose behind rookie are coming to visit urahara is because he wants to figure out a way to return ichigo's powers to him he tells rookie that he started to research how to restore his powers immediately after he lost them he says that he remembers the look that each girl had on his face after he used mugetsu and lost his powers he felt responsible that he had to give up so much in order to stop the hokyoku that urahara himself had created he reassures rookie that he will find a way to restore his powers and will contact rookia when he has figured something out a year after this meeting urahara contacts Rukia once more and presents to her a sword that can be used to transfer their Collective riotsu to Ichigo ishin also decided to help urahara after he saw how upset Ichigo was because he could not help uru after he was attacked by tsukushima Asian understood ichigo's feelings of powerlessness and he compared it to his own powerlessness when he could not protect his wife masaki when she was attacked by the grand Fisher urahara continues to explain that the sword is not strong enough to restore ichigo's powers to the level that they were at before for this to happen they need a large amount of ryatsu he asks Rukia to have hers and everyone else's routes who placed into the sword she accepts this task and takes the sword to the soul Society so that she can strengthen it to a point where it can restore Ichigo to his prior state after learning that they are trying to restore ichigo's Powers the head captain summons urahara to bring the sword along with all of the captains and lieutenants to a meeting the head captain says that they were all saved by Ichigo in the past now it is their time to save Ichigo from he orders all of the captains and lieutenants to give their riyatsu into the sword and he will not punish anyone who does so he is overlooking the rules of the Soul Society in order to help Ichigo the novel concludes with a rarely touching moment for urahara which highlights the emotional impact of being accepted by the soul Society for him the head captain orders orahara for the first time in 100 years saying that he must help Ichigo to regain his Shinigami Powers urahara looks at the head captain with confidence in his eyes he wholeheartedly accepts this order imagine being exiled for a century and then being accepted once more he describes the feelings that he was feeling saying that he was drowned by the word exiled for the longest time after the head captain recognized him once more it was like he was finally able to breathe once more it is incredibly emotional and insightful to see this side to urahara revealing how much of an impact being pardoned and accepted back into this whole society had on him rookie also credits urahara with preparing the sword that was used to transfer ichigo's powers back to him once again he provides another solution to a problem we have in the series urahara is a good man he honored the wrongful decision made by the soul Society to Exile him he remained in silence for the longest while he never had an opportunity to challenge the Judgment placed onto him despite the feelings of betrayal he must feel he still helped the soul society and never held them responsible for kicking him out he was mature enough to realize that it was Eisen that he should direct his emotions towards he may not have agreed with the soul society's decision to Exile him but he was not willing to stoop to eisen's level through going against them or bringing shame to them for banishing him he even warned them about Eisen during the turn back the pendulum Arc but they were unwilling to listen to him I remember when urahara was brought to the central 46 and they pinned the blame on him for what Eisen did I had such a lump in my throat and was left feeling speechless especially after knowing how much he does to help the soul Society despite everything he endured they were so disrespectful and cruel to him when they decided to banish him but urahara remained silent and honored that decision until he was finally cleared of any wrongdoing this for me is the sign of an honorable man and one of the many reasons why urahara is my favorite Bleach character the only aspect of urahara's character I've yet to speak about is his involvement during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc he helps the Shinigami by developing a method to recover the Bankai that was stolen by the Quincy he assists the soul Society becoming an integral member during the fight against the Quincy in chapter 598 urahara fires a cannon sending Ichigo and his friends to the Royal Palace he is later approached by hyori who arrives with the other wise odds where ahara tells hiri that he has already sent Ichigo and the others to the Royal Palace which Angus Yuri she is upset as it appears that urahara does not care if Ichigo and the others are killed as long as they slow down the enemy urahara says that it is for the sake of the cerate once again proving that he will do anything to maintain the status quo affirming he is still the last man of the series he does eventually take part in one of his most significant encounters during the series when he fights against the stonewriter Askin after yorichi transforms and fails to defeat Askin he activates his Quincy technique gift Ball deluxe or horror is then forced to battle against asking in his holiform while surrounded by poison from the gift ball while in this form Askin is able to adapt to any changes he may experience while he is exposed to a poison with multiple versions he then activates an ability called Poison area which has multiple interconnected spheres of Light which surround the gift while Deluxe that he activated earlier the purpose of this ability is to enact a barrier that makes it impossible for the people trapped within to escape however it does not stop individuals from entering the area urahara is exposed to the poisonous effects of the gift Ball deluxe this is his handicap during this battle as Askin can alter the concentration of the poison while they fight orahara is sweating and has slower movements Aziz clearly affected by asking's abilities it gets worse after he uses an ability called poison ring this blinds urahara Askin determines that he is too strong to defeat without destroying each of his organs one by one this then eventually forces urhara to activate his Bankai in chapter 664. we learned that his bunkai's ability is to construct whatever it touches which explains how urahara is able to see as his Bankai reconstructed his eyes our skin threatens to increase the poison concentration of his gift board Deluxe as urhara states that he is already struggling to crawl as it is however grimja intervenes thanks to her path that urahara creates guiding him to his location he impales our skin and squeezes his heart and explodes it in his hand urahara reveals more about his character during his final appearance within the Bleach Manga he states that he takes a thousand precautions even if it means that only one of them is successful his method during a war is to prepare for every single possibility because that is the way that urhara is unfortunately we learned that after asking dies the effects of his gift Ball deluxe intensifies it seems that urahara and grimjao don't have the energy to escape Nell on the outside appears to enter the sphere as she was told five possible outcomes of the battle by urahara one of them appears to have happened we have to assume that she saved urahara yuriichi yushiro and Grim Zhao this is all confirmed however during the confirmware World light novels the final appearance of urahara in the manga is him admitting he is pretty much done and is apologetic for leaving the rest to Ichigo and Rukia to handle I find this battle between Askin and urahara really needs more expanding whenever I go back and reread it however I do love the abilities that Askin uses as well as urahara finally activating his Bankai but it all feels so short-lived I do feel that when the anime returns this is one of the battles that will definitely be expanded upon the Thousand-Year blood War Arc is highly entertaining and we see characters interact like urahara and grimjao we learned that he recruits Grim Zhao at the start of the Ark and then is assisted by him towards the end of the arc urahara's behind the scenes resourcefulness helps this whole society especially with restoring the bankers that were stolen time and time again he proves that he is the most Innovative character in the series there are some unanson Mysteries however about his character like how we found out the truth about the soul King and how exactly did he acquire the materials required to create his own hokyoku there are many aspects of his character that are left unanswered especially his early years and his time prior to working under uroichi in the on mitsikido also Howard tassai and urahara allowed to be raised with yorichi in a mansion what makes them worthy to be brought up in a noble home to wrap this video up urahara is the genius of the series without his reassuring presence so many of the problems we encounter would go unresolved he was the former third seat of the second division the commander of the detention unit within the onitsukito the founder of the Soul Society research and development Institute and the former captain of the 12th division but if you were to list these achievements to him he would simply tell you that you are giving him too much credit as these days he is a plain old candy store owner what are your thoughts on kisuke urahara do you love his character as much as I do I can't wait to read your comments and to see your thoughts on his character the Thomas finally come for me to talk about my favorite female character within the entirety of bleach of course I'm talking about yuriichi shihowin in this video I'm going to be covering everything that we need to know about her character breaking down her various different appearances within the Story the relationships that she shares with several characters like urahara or saifon as well as going over her past so that we can understand her current appearances within the story yorichi is one of those characters who undeniably is there for the fan service but this doesn't mean that she lacks characterization or isn't an interesting character to follow hopefully after watching this video you'll better understand the character so without any further delay let's get into the yurichi character analysis yoruichi makes her debut appearance Within chapter 51 of the manga and in episode 15 of the anime you'll notice that she has purple hair that goes down to her waist as well as her eye-catching golden irises of course this wasn't the appearance that we were introduced to her character as she had initially appeared during the first Arc of the story as a cat we were under the impression that yorichi was a male character because of the male voice that came out of the cat and her true identity isn't revealed to us until chapter 116. I think all of us were left jaw-dropped after this sudden reveal but I'll talk more about that as the video continues your Ichi is very intelligent and kind-hearted when it comes to her subordinates she has a lot of knowledge when it comes to the inner workings of the Soul Society this is because she was the former leader of the Soul society's stealth division the unmitsikido as she was also the former captain of the second division of digote 13. yurichi was born into one of the four Great noble families of the Soul Society the shihon clan and very much like Khan Shiba shares a very laid back relaxed personality not taking her position as a noble too seriously during a time as a captain of the gote 13 she had insisted on her subordinates not referring to her as your Ichi Summer she didn't like the honorifics and just wanted to drop all of the formalities there is a lot that we don't know about yorichi's character one of the key things that was never revealed to us about yorichi was her zambakto it has been revealed that she does have a Bankai of her own but we don't see her wearing her zambakto unless it's within a flashback during a time within the soul Society we know that yuriichi prefers hand-to-hand and we know that within the second can't be your own world novel it is revealed that yuruichi does indeed have a proper zambakto despite the fact that it is very strong it zambakto prefers hand-to-hand combat so you're Ichi relying on hakuda and Kido suits not only her own fighting style but it suits her zampark door Spirit also yuriichi often teases and has a lot of playful banter with people who are younger than her we see this with a relationship with Ichigo and we especially see this during the turn back the pendulum Arc as we see her teasing byakyakuchi and being quite laid back and playful with siphon yuruichi is loyal to the cast of characters within the story and their loyalty especially lies to her two childhood friends urahara and tessai and this personality trait of yoroichi is in Striking contrast to the stereotypical view of cats which are that they only care about themselves yorichi does have a lot of cat-like characteristics within her personality most notably her tendency is to be very witty and playful this is a character trait which is often associated with cats and it's not only within her pass personality that she demonstrates these feline characteristics even her powers that she demonstrates throughout the story have a cat-like feel to them most notably her incredible speed and her reflexes which are akin to cat-like reflexes despite it appearing quite often within the story your Ichi is very mysterious well at least to me and I think this further adds to this whole cat aesthetic that Kubo was trying to go for there were a lot of people who were put off with their decisions that Kubo made with a character during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc in particular regarding the transformation that she undergoes into the Thundercat form people deemed it to be a very unnecessarily erotic form there's nothing wrong with fan service but when it's excessive like this I think people don't take to it very well Transformations are usually high points for characters but this Thundercat form is usually regarded as one of yurichi's most lowest moments within the story but I'll talk more about this when I cover her character's appearances within the final Arc of the story for now let's go all the way back in time and discuss yuriichi's past let's try to understand how she had found herself living with urahara and tessai and why she is no longer the head of the unmitskido or the captain of the second division in chapter 159 we learned that yuriichi was born as a princess of the chihowin family by tradition the head of the shihon family leads the on mitskido this very group are the caretakers of the treasured tools and the armaments of the Soul society that have been bestowed to them by gods within the bleach Data Book we learned that the head of the shihoin family is tasked to protect the Imperial Soldier garments they are a powerful spiritual too that is said to have been handed down from the heavens so you can see that your Ichi was born into a family with a lot of responsibility and everything comes full circle for her when she eventually becomes the first female leader of the shihowin family we know that during her child or yorichi was raised within the shihoin Mansion which resides within the serote very little is known about her childhood but through the turn back the pendulum Arc we learned that she had spent it playing with urahara and tessai during their childhood they'd spend their time playing games under the sokiroku hill training space this is an area that urahara had built while they were just children it wasn't long before yurichi had become the leader of the shihoin family and as a result of that she had become the head of the unmeet skido she was the 22nd generation head of the sheroin family becoming the first ever woman to hold this position as your Ichi continued to excel she eventually attained the position of a captain of the gote 13 leading the second division she had eventually United it along with the on meets Guido while she was the commander of the unmitsukito she had taken in saiphon as her own personal bodyguard and this is why soyfon had developed a close bond with yoruichi someone who she had admired since he was just a child she saw a lot of potential within siphon and through seeing her untapped potential yorichi became a mentor to her she had ended up teaching her various different techniques which explains why soyfon fights in a similar manner to yoriichi while she was in the soul Society yorichi had created and crafted many techniques the most significant of which is champo this defensive technique allows an individual to move with a lot of Speed and Agility resulting and then moving faster than the eye can follow the whole point of shampoo or Flash step is how fast an individual can go from one point to another by using the least amount of steps your Ichi is dubbed by the title of flash goddess this is because she is the fastest shampoo user within the entirety of the Soul Society your EG had also taught some of the techniques to biakya which explains some of the impressive Feats of Speed and Agility that byakia demonstrates within the story during the turn back the pendulum Arc we learned that it was thanks to yuriichi that kisuke urahara was considered with the position as the captain of the 12th division he had eventually been assigned as the captain and went on to create the soil society's research and development Institute during this flashback Arc you will notice this Frank and laid-back nature of yoriichi despite her nobility and her holding so many positions and rankings within the soul Society she doesn't let any of this get her head she treats those who are below her as her equals and doesn't pass judgment down on others something that we see contrasted to against saifon who we see has a issue with yorichi recommending urahara to be a captain as she believes him to be undeserving of such a position siphon had even gone to such things as following urohara for an entire day trying to prove that he is lazy and Unworthy of the captain's rank when she is presented with siphon's findings yorichi just laughs them off and you can clearly see that she doesn't take things too seriously this aspect of her personality is accidentally juxtaposed with saiphon's uptight nature you can see that yorichi and urahara have an incredibly close relationship when she is informed that uruhara has entered the Detention Facility that is overseen by the on mitsikido and he had stated that your EG had given him approval to go in there she states that she doesn't remember if urahara had indeed asked her when an on mitsukiro member asks if they should remove urahara she casually tells them not to bother and to allow him to do as he pleases all of this distresses saifon but your Ichi tells it to calm down she trusts urahara and knows that he wouldn't do anything to break her trust and as we know everything was fine in the end as urahara had gone into the Detention Facility in order to recruit mayori into his division as a member of the shihon family yorichi was on good terms with the kuchki family she had regularly visited the kuchki Mansion to play tag with a teenage byakyakuchi the at the time head of the kuchiki family genre kuchki had requested for yorichi to train byakya yuriichi teases a young biakya by stealing his haraban and this one moment is an excellent callback to their encounter during the soul Society Arc which had foreshadowed that these two individuals had known each other in the past when byakya chases yorichi to get his haribon back he utilizes shampo which proves that yorichi had indeed been teaching biakya nine years after urahara had become the captain of the 12th division yurichi is present at a emergency Captain's meeting where she is made aware of The Disappearance of the ninth division Captain kensei along with several other Shinigami when urahara arrives at the Captain's meeting late he pleads with the head captain to allow him to go with the investigation team to see what on Earth has happened with kensei and the others this is because urahara had previously sent his Lieutenant Yori site where the disappearances had occurred the head captain refuses his request to which urahara begins to protest and it is here where you're Ichi out of character scolds urahara she describes his behavior as being pathetic and that he should get a grip of himself because after all he himself had sent yorida he shouldn't lose his composure and insult her efforts he needs to have faith in her we next see yuriichi the following day when urahara and Tessa are arrested and brought forward to the central 46 they were set up by Eisen but they plead for their innocence they were given their sentences for committing crimes against the soul Society but before their sentences can be executed a concealed your Ichi breaks into the building she rescues her childhood friends and takes them to the secret underground training area where they had played together as children she expresses that she is angry at both of them for excluding her from their plans she also tells them that she has brought the eight horrified Shinigami to them and the Prototype gigai that urahara was working on in this moment she demonstrates her loyalty to her friends she leaves the sole Society to go to the world of the living along with tessai and urahara relinquishing her titles as the princess and head of the shahoning clan the captain of the second division and the leader of the unmitsikido she gave all of this up in order to help her friends urahara and tessai this concludes everything that we know about yorichi's past and now takes us to her first appearance within the story in chapter 51 yorichi is revealed within a cat form tessai reveals to Jinta that she is urahara's best friend after rookie is taken back to the soul society and Ichigo begins his training with urahara yorichi ends up offering to train both Orihime and Chad yorichi accompanies them to try and convince uriu to train with them but he refuses to in chapter 61. thanks to the help of yuruichi both chadon Orihime are able to call upon their powers at will she ends up returning to the soul society when she accompanies Ichigo uriu chadan Orihime as they begin their mission to rescue Rukia she acts as their guide through the soul society as she first guides them through their journey in the dungai warning them of the dangers that lie ahead of them and whether if Ichigo is Resolute in his resolve to rescue Rukia knowing everything that we know about yoroichi is interesting following her reactions to the characters encountering captains or various other individuals from the soul society when Ichigo encounters ginich Maru at the gates of the serote she is shocked that Ichigo is willing to fight against a captain as she knows full well that he is no match for one one that plans to enter into the cerate are thwarted by ginichimaru your Ichi results to asking for help from kukakushiba in chapter 78 you can see that kukakushiba and yorichi have a understanding with each other as yorichi explains their situation to her to which he agrees to help them after using her fireworks cannons to break into the Sarita the group end up splitting up yuriichi is hurled away from the group and we don't really see her again until chapter 115. she is running around in a cat form as she is keeping a close eye on how Ichigo and the others are progressing and she makes her appearance when she rescues Ichigo from his battle against kimpachi she takes Ichigo to an underground area where he is resting in chapter 116 after rescuing Ichigo she reveals her true formed to him and she explains how she had carried him here from his battle against kempachi she hands him over a tool that if Ichigo releases his spiritual pressure into it will allow him to fly it's a rare and valuable artifact even for the likes of the Soul society when Ichigo expresses his surprise with your Ichi and questions who on Earth she is they are interrupted by biakya's release of his spiritual pressure Ichigo is worried for ganju on hanataro as he has deduced that they have been confronted by byakya using the device that yorichi had just handed him he rushes to their location when byakya is about to kill Ichigo in chapter 117 yoruichi arrives she wraps a bandage around byakya zambakdo as if to stop him ukitake and byakya immediately recognize her as they refer to her by her name her identity is revealed as the former head of the unmits guido as biakya tells her that it's been a long time as he hasn't seen her for over a century Ichigo tells yorichi to stay out of it because he has to beat byakya twitch your Ichi calls him a fool and impales him through his abdomen ukitake notes that through impaling Ichigo administered a powerful anesthetic right into his organs yorichi demonstrates her incredible agility as she escapes from byakia at one moment it did appear as though byakya had striked yorichi but she was successful in invading him in the end she tells biakya that she will make Ichigo stronger than him within three days this is an excellent interaction between former student and master as the two of them engage in a battle of champo but your Ichi proves that she is still better than him at using this ability that she had invented later in chapter 120 while Ichigo is recovering she explains to him why he was the only person that she had brought back she says that she was only able to outrun biakya because she was carrying one person if she was handicapped by carrying more than one despite his Reckless Act of abruptly leaving her and going to byakya she rescued him because she believes that he has a chance to defeat byakia she ends up reassuring Ichigo that as long as ukitake is that he will not let biakya hurt hanatara or ganju within this same chapter it is yuriichi who explains to Ichigo and to us that a zampakto has to really the first one is called shikai and the second is called Bankai to become a captain of the gote 13 it is necessary that an individual has achieved both zombie releases she goes on to tell Ichigo that every Captain within the gotei 13 apart from kimpachi's Rocky can release mankai she explains that the shape and form that aishikai or Bankai takes are dependent upon the zambakto and its user but generally speaking after learning vankai in individual's power grows 5 to 10 times larger it usually takes 10 years of training in order to master bangkai but yorichi is going to make Ichigo attain it within three days so from chapter 127 ichigo's bunkai training begins she brings spot ichigo's zumbak dosberg zangatsu in order to help him to achieve Bankai yoriichi involves herself in the training by making sure that ichigo's zampakto Spirit remains materialized through this large white doll that she is using after their first day of training is over yorichi reveals to Ichigo that the area that they are training in originally used to be hers and urahara's playground that built it deep underground under the sokyoku in chapter 130 we get a panel which reveals that urahara and niroichi used to train in this area when they had both joined the gote 13. Ichigo finally learns that the two of them used to be Shinigami yorichi goes on to reveal to Ichigo that urahara used to be the previous captain of the 12th Division and he was the first founder of the Soul society's research and development Institute all of this foreshadows all of the events that occur within the turn back the pendulum Arc and as I've already discussed we get a full history of urahara and yuriichi's time within the gote 13 during that flashback throughout ichigo's training your Ichi remains confident that he will learn Bankai even after she learns from renji that rukia's execution has been moved up after ichigo's training is completed she allows Ichigo to borrow that device again which will allow him to fly so that he can make it in time to rescue Rukia in chapter 153 after the sokyoku is destroyed yorichi once again appears as she protects keone from being attacked by saifon using shampo yorichi takes iPhone to an area where they can engage in battle openly they land in a forest and begin hand-to-hand combat immediately siphon taunts your Ichi that it appears that she has lost her touch as she comments on how far the xihowin family has fallen now that yorichi is helping Intruders of the Soul Society yoruichi were taught by saying that she is rather talkative today is she just excited to see her or is this Penta resentment she asks if following in her footsteps is too much of a siphon to handle siphon goes on to declare that she will execute your Ichi since she had abandoned her position and now she has nowhere left to run your Ichi proves herself by taking out sofon's reinforcements and tells her that she may have abandoned all of her positions but she hasn't abandoned her nickname which is your EGD flashmaster their battle then takes place between chapters 157 to 159 it initially appears that siphon has the upper hand but this is just yurichi who was giving her a false sense of security a siphon goes on to reveal a new technique which combines her kiddo and hakuda she goes on to say that she has never used it in battle before and she has only recently invented it but your itchy interrupts her and tells her that this ability does have a name it's called shanko she ends up using this same technique but a more advanced version of it than soy fun had been she explains the mechanics behind the technique in detail she unleashes the ability and sends a wave of condensed riatsu towards saifon as their battle draws to a conclused siphon becomes frustrated that she wasn't able to surpass your Ichi even after 100 years of training when she continues to attack your EG she effortlessly evades her attacks by the end of their battle we see siphon breakdown completely and start to cry as we see a fragile vulnerable side her character as she asks her former captain and master why she didn't take her with her towards the end of the Soul Society Arc yorichi and saifon are among the first to arrive at sokyoku Hill in order to stop Eisen it is yuriichi who stops Eisen from releasing his zompakto Eisen isn't apprehended for long when a group of gillians appear and they use their negation to Aid Eisen it results in him escaping from the soul society when Ichigo and the others end up leaving the soul Society in chapter 100 182 we once again see yorichi guiding them we nexi yorichi in chapter 194 after the espadas ukiara and Yami arrive yorichi and urahara assist Ichigo in his battle against the Army as she easily takes care of Yami working together both urahara and yorichi are able to protect Orihime in Ichigo while fending off the threat of the two Espada in chapter 195 we see that yorichi is healing both her injured left arm and leg after being attacked by Yami she admits that she should have used a shenko and that she didn't expect the skin of the Arun cast to be so tough she goes on to state that the future battle against Eisen and his army is going to be tougher than they had anticipated we then don't really see yorichi at all until chapter 403 during the fake harukuritan arc when she assists urahara and ishin in their battle against Eisen when the two of them managed to limit eisen's movements yorichi appears she is wearing armor both on her arms and legs as she surprised attacks Eisen from above she manages to attack into his back and continues to unleash a barrage of attacks but it proves to be ineffective against Eisen as he quickly counter attacks yorichi is unable to avoid the full extent of the attack as the armor on her left leg is completely destroyed urihara tells yurichi to prepare for the next attack to which she says that she'll be fine as long as she doesn't use the leg that's currently exposed without armor but Eisen demonstrates his incredible agility by initiating a counter-attack taking your ichibai surprise in chapter 405 we see that she is able to defend herself but it takes a lot out of her together with urahara and Asian they try their best to battle against Eisen but Eisen proves to be too formidable that is until Euro Ichi activates her signature ability shanko and this indeed cracks eisen's outer skin ultimately Eisen is unaffected and in chapter 406 Eisen defeats the trio of yuruichi ishin and urahara and this is the last that we see of yorichi within the fake character Town Arc and when it comes to her involvement within the floor bring Arc she doesn't really involve herself aside from being one of the individuals that each ghost senses that has given their riyatsu to restore his his own and we see him mentioned that yorichi's riyatsu is present in chapter 461. this now takes us to yurichi's involvement within the final Arc of bleach the Thousand-Year blood walk yoriichi makes her appearance in chapter 589 during the second invasion of the Quincy in chapter 598 we see that yorichi accompanies Ichigo Orihime Chad and ganju as they Rush towards the soul King's Palace they end up confronting yuhobach in chapter 613 and we know that she is present when yuhabak manipulates Ichigo into destroying the soul King when ukitake unleashes Mimi Hagi in order to stabilize the soul King yoriichi acts quickly by creating a barrier around the soul King but she is caught off guard by uriu who attacks her shoulder this results in the barrier that she created being shattered which results in the soul King flying towards yuhobach's Direction juhapak catches the soul King but yurichi begins throwing spheres at him she attempts to injure him but then she is attacked by The sternwood herpernida Who ends up putting a stop to yuriichi by whopping and twisting her arm she then has her arm healed by he may as they all worked together to launch a counter-attack against the Quincy when they end up returning to the soul King's Palace they realized that yuhapak has reshaped everything and has turned it into his own London Reich City in chapter 628 we get the Revelation that yorichi has a younger brother he is called yushiroshihomen we learned that after yuriichi had abandoned her post as they had her younger brother had become the head of the shihon family in chapter 656 after the stone writer asking takes out Orihime Chad and Ichigo yorichi arrives in order to assist them she activates her shenko as the battle between the two of them immediately begins she apologizes to the standard and tells him that he's gonna have to let them get through because they are in a rush as she activates her shenko raijin senke she has literally transformed into a god of thunder form with lightning emanating from the strands of her hair she manages to attack the Espada and rescue Orihime as she advises her to heal herself and then each go and Chad so that they can continue moving forward yorichi stays back to battle against the stone retire and is accompanied by her brother in chapter 657. her brother seems really enthusiastic and just wants to help his older sister but from yurichi's reactions it appears that she finds him annoying we quickly learned that Askin had survived yorichi's attack when asking insults yuruichi's raijin senke ability as he punches asking in the face appearing to have injured him as the 23rd head of the shihoin family he proves himself by activating his own shanko ability called Baku and muso which translates into unrivaled explosive flame it appears that he had learned how to use shanko immediately after seeing yorichi use it reluctantly this leads to your Ichi complimenting him but even after being attacked by your Ichi shanko and yoshiro shenko it appears that Askin has survived both attacks Askin reveals that he can control the Fatal dose of a substance through ingesting large amounts of it so in this instance Askin has taken advantage of both yushiro and yurichi's attacks he absorbs enough spiritual pressure from each of them that would result in him being killed and because of this he states he has the upper hand and the two of them can no longer kill him in chapter 658 yorichi is attacked by a gift ball which contains reishi oxygen and nitrogen this results in her becoming weakened and unable to stand up the situation looks hopeless for yuriichi as she sees that a brother is unconscious on the ground but then suddenly urahara arrives and ends up injecting her backside with an immunity strengthening drug the drug quickly takes effect and yoriichi leaps into the air she ends up activating her God of Thunder form but urahara advises her to take on another form but she states that she doesn't want to use that form again yuriichi ends up being punched in the stomach by asking and she ends up falling to the ground urahara then devises a way of forcing yorichi to take on this one that she doesn't want to he does this by showing her a piece of paper which seems to have a hypnotic command on it he has written on this paper that when he flips this page shall be transformed and sure enough after urahara flips this piece of paper your Ichi transforms at the end of chapter 662 and this is the Thundercat form that I spoke about right at the beginning of the video the same one that a lot of people had an issue with in particular because of its unnecessarily erotic and lewd nature we understand that in this form your Ichi is unable to understand what people are saying to her her abilities end up becoming enhanced as she attacks Askin sending him flying he is confused as to how her spiritual pressure can hurt him after all he had already absorbed enough of our spiritual pressure in order to negate any of its effects in this form yorichi is behaving like a cat as urahara states that like a typical cat she is Moody and Incredibly fickle and in this form her spiritual pressure is also constantly changing his spiritual pressure is directly affected by the mood that yuruichi is in urohara reveals that at present your itchy spiritual pressure is changing 48 times per second so it is impossible for asking to develop immunity against it she ends up engulfing the large Stern router with a huge lightning bolt and this ends your ichi's involvement within the Thousand-Year blood War Arc and within this battle because the immuno enhancer that urahara had injected yorichi with only lasted for 5 minutes now that it has expired tired yorichi is back to feeling the effects of asking's gift ball of course urahara continues fighting asking but after the Thousand Year budwah Arc is over we don't really get to know what happens to yuriichi and urahara and this of course is because of the rushed ending of this Arc so unfortunately despite your Ichi appearing within the Thousand-Year blood War Ark surprisingly quite a lot this is the last time that we see her within the entire story I found it incredibly creative when urahara had explained that cats are extremely fickle and it is for this reason that yorichi's ratsu has become extremely fickle also it keeps consistent with this theme of yorichi being a cat not only with their design but in terms of her personality trait and her own powers I think it's an interesting way that Kubo had devised for yoroichi to overcome the immunity that Askin had developed to her reyatsu although I might not completely agree with the design that Kubo went for with this form I do really like the reasoning behind how yuriichi was able to overcome ask him now to wrap up my thoughts on your ichi's character after going over all of her history and breaking down all of her appearances she is still hands down on my favorite female character to feature within bleach not only is she incredibly beautiful but she has a fascinating personality and she has some moments within the story that really made me laugh out loud yoriichi's character is also closely linked to siphon and urahara I've made videos on each of these characters so if you want to know more about your EG then definitely check out those two videos in them I break down and analyze urahara and soifon's character similar to how I did yorichi's here so what are your thoughts on the black cat goddess of thunder the one who held so many titles and positions and had left them all behind for the sake of her friends do you like yoriichi shahon's character as much as I do I would love to hear your thoughts on a character and if there is anything that I failed to mention about her then definitely let me know in the comments on this week's video I'm going to be doing a very highly requested character analysis or none other than ishin Kurosaki or as he was known 20 years ago ishinchiba he is the father of our protagonist Ichigo and once upon a time he used to be a Shinigami who resided within the soul Society hoarding the position of the former captain of the 10th division as well as the head of the noble Sheba Clan everything had changed for the character of ishin when he encountered his Quincy soulmate masaki Kurosaki he had given up his powers and his knife as a Shinigami in order to suppress the hollow that had taken residence within masaki this hollow named white was eventually transferred to their firstborn Ichigo and during the Seoul Society Arc after Ichigo attends Bankai the powers of the inner Hollow grew too much for ishin's powers to suppress this had broken the tide that ishin had to the hollow white thus leading to ishin's Powers returning to him while Ichigo was facing off against byakya and this is the reason why we see ishin immediately after this as a Shinigami in chapter 186 why he faces up against the grand Fisher who has just recently transformed into an aranca now as a character ishin is one of the most mysterious and secretive characters to feature within bleach the truth about his character and his circumstances are unveiled to us gradually as the story progresses now I briefly spoke about the sacrifice that he makes in relation to masaki but there are several other characters who have an important bond with nation of which include ryuken under love hate friendship that they share as well as the friendship that he has with kisuke urahara the man who serves as the ultimate source of help within the story of bleach ishin and urahara had worked together against Eisen during the fake karakura Town Arc as well as working behind the scenes during The fallbring Arc in order to restore ichigo's Powers ishin within the current timeline of the story is working as a medical doctor as he runs a clinic from his own home he shares the same occupation as his Frenemy ryuken it's quite interesting to see the change in Korea from being a Shinigami to a doctor so with the basic premise of his character introduced let's now dive into the specifics of his character and understand how Kubo had mainly utilized this character as a tool of foreshadowing proving that he had planned the story art from the very beginning ishin is one of the First characters who is introduced to us as he makes his debut appearance Within Chapter 1 of the manga and in episode 1 of the anime his appearance is that of a tall middle aged muscular man with his notable spiky black hair and his brown eyes and who could forget his manly facial hair that even Rivals shouldn't be stubble now when ishin takes up his Shinigami form he has a very unique appearance as early as chapter 188 we see that he is wearing a tattered or ripped up Captain's coat over his shoulder it's fashioned in such a way that we are unable to see the actual division number on the cult and it isn't until the everything but the rain flashback Arc that we learned that ishin was leading the 10th division with rangiku as his lieutenant and hitsugaya as his third-seated officer now the best way to describe ishin's character in relation to his children will be full of energy and very goofy he is constantly smiling cracking jokes filling any awkward silences with his loud voice in his own desperate attempt to fill that void of a second parent not wanting his children to feel like they are missing out on anything after the death of masaki this behavior is in stark contrast to his personality as a captain of the gote 13 while he was generally carefree and very lazy passing on his responsibilities to his subordinates and it is for this reason that rangiku is often very upset with him ishin did get very lucky because his third seated officer hitsugay used to do all of the paperwork for him and even in chapter 529 he Praises hitsugaya by stating that he sees the future of the 10th division within him which of course is a nod to hit sagaya being a successor the past of ishin is explained to US during the everything but the rain flashback Arc which takes place between chapters 529 to 537. chronologically it takes place 20 years before the current timeline of bleach it is during this flashback that we learn about how ishin's current circumstances came to be including how he had lost his powers as well as his first encounter with his soon-to-be wife masaki ishin had left for the word of the living to investigate some disappearances that hitagaya had informed him of against the wishes of rangiku and hitsugaya he had gone to investigate alone it is in chapter 530 within the world of the living that he had encountered the hollow white he quickly realizes that this is the creature who is responsible for the Shinigami disappearing over the last few weeks ishin expresses his surprise at the strange appearance of the hollow as it appears to be black in color in addition to this the creature's Hollow Hall appears to be covered also but there is no mistaking it from his spiritual pressure alone ishin confirms that he is facing off against a hollow here while fighting the creature he is being observed by Eisen Ginn and tozen from the onset of their fight ishin appears to be on the defensive as he tries to figure his opponent out he is surprised that this hollow that he is facing off against this fighting like a Shinigami we learned that this encounter between the hollow white and ishin is taking place within karakura town as it appears that ishin has stepped out of his jurisdiction of naruki city and entered karakura town which is under the jurisdiction of squad 13 when ishin activates his shikai and declares that he is going to kill the creature he is cut down from behind by Eisen Eisen conceals himself by using a cloak that insulates spiritual pressure allowing him to blend into the background unnoticed we learned that he had fashioned this clock from the one that urahara had won during the 10 back the pendulum Arc of course thanks to ishin's years of experience he knows that he wasn't cut by the hollow just now immediately realizing that there is a traitor within the gote 13. this individual all is behind this strange creature that he is facing off against at this point the tide of The Battle Turns as ishin's wounds are too deep for him to focus his spiritual pressure in order for him to activate his Bankai Wendy Hollow is about to fire a sorrow at point-blank range towards ishin he is saved by the arrival of masaki wielding a Quincy bow she gets the attention of the hollow she utilizes a very dangerous technique as she allows the hollow to bite her shoulder which gives her a perfect opportunity to fire a arrow right through its head as she Saves ishin by defeating the hollow white but we come to learn later that her actions weren't without consequence in chapter 533 when ishin returns to the soul Society in a captain's meeting he delivers a report of what had happened to the head captain despite his actions being unauthorized ishin's actions had saved the lives of his fellow officers as well as ensuring that any damage to the word of the living was kept to a minimum but during his report ishin didn't mention that he was saved by masaki through their first encounter it is evident that he had taken a liking to her so in a way he had protected her here by not getting her involved on a honor related note during this Captain's meeting you can see several other captains in the background and it's quite fascinating to know about how things were when ishin was a captain as we can see unohana and biakya in the background of one panel as well as seeing Captain's Mayuri and chunsui in another this of course was 20 years ago so I'd imagine not much has changed within the goatee 13. aside from hitsugayo taking up ishin's position later ishin had returned to the world of the living without permission once again he had encountered ryuken and had saved him for my Hollow ryuken blames ishin for what has happened to masaki the hollow white wouldn't be consuming her from the inside if she didn't save him as the two of them argued the one who is well-versed with issues of holification arrives urohara not wanting to waste any time tells the two of them to come with him as he reveals to them the choices that they have when it comes to saving masaki prior to these events we know that urahara had saved the Shinigami who were Hollow fought by Eisen during the turn back the pendulum Arc we know that he wasn't able to completely reverse the holification which is shown through the weiser's wielding Hollow masks and urahara confirms that that this is true for masaki also as in chapter 535 he states that she will never be who she once was he explains that she is undergoing qualification an uncontrollable technology where a hollow soul is poured into a normal Soul thus destroying the boundary that exists between the two of them if left unchecked the hollow will fuse with the subject and the end result will be a monster with no sense of Reason similar to the state of the Shinigami who are holified during the turn back the pendulum Arc the final outcome of holification is the death of the Original Soul as it performs Soul suicide the only way to counter this as urahara States is to pour into that Soul something that will counter the holification urahara had saved the Shinigami who were horrified by Eisen by creating a vaccine that was made out of the light of a Quincy's arrow and a human soul through this method he was able to successfully prevent the sole suicide of all of the Shinigami from the turn back the pendulum Arc but the only way to save masaki who is a Quincy undergoing qualification is to utilize a power that is far stronger than that of a human soul urahara states that a strong conflicting power that will always be by her side must be used and this will prevent her from horrifying until the day that she dies and this is where ishin had sacrificed his Shinigami powers and his soul was encased within a special gigai transforming him into an ordinary human here we learn that Shinigami are the opposite of quincies and humans are the opposite of Hollows oruhara explains that the choice that ishin has to make is heavily unfavorable for him once he is in the gigai he will lose his Shinigami powers and he will never be able to pretend to being a Shinigami again where you can think to himself that there is no way that ishin is going to accept these terms there is nothing positive in it for him the only way to save masaki is to tie ishin's Shinigami powers to her without a second thought ishin accepts these conditions surprisingly to both urahara and ryuken ashin accepts that he is going to stop being a Shinigami and that he has to protect her for the rest of his life he admits that he has doubt but it doesn't matter ultimately ishin owes his life to masaki he is not going to let her die because he has some doubts through this action and you can see that he earns the respect of you can when he enters into masaki's in a world he iconically tells it that he is here to protect her after he saves her ishin had no choice but to remain within the human world and thanks to the help of urahara ishin was able to adjust his life accordingly and thus opened up a clinic so that he could earn a living to support his family after marrying masaki they had three children and the hollow white was transferred to Ichigo and a few years later masaki ended up being killed by the grand Fisher when Ichigo was nine years old this now takes us to the present timeline of the story during the first Arc of the story ishin plays his role as a goofy father but he does take part in a couple of notable events during this Arc the first of which is after Ichigo fails to defeat the grand Fisher in chapter 25 ishin finds Ichigo at masaki's grave they comment on how many years have passed since the death of masaki during this discussion with his son he proves that he isn't as oblivious as he appears to be he reminds Ichigo the masaki is only going to be able to rest in peace if she sees that Ichigo is living his life to his fullest despite having given up smoking we learned that he smokes out of a grave site on the anniversary of a death because musaki had complimented him once that he looked cool while smoking apparently this was the only time that masaki had ever complemented his looks so he smokes in her memory Ichigo is pretty gloomy in this instance as he still feels very responsible for the death of his mother but ishin tells him to cheer up nobody blames Ichigo for the death of masaki it wasn't his fault that she died ashin is even proud of her stating that the woman that he had loved had died while protecting her son ishin reminds Ichigo that masaki had given a life for him so in return Ichigo should live a full life in one of his most memorable quotes he tells Ichigo to live well age well and to go Baldwin and to ensure that he dies after he does and if he can in his final moments to die smiling if Ichigo continues to sulk and blame himself then ishin states he doesn't know how he will be able to face masaki this discussion between Father and Son is one of my favorite moments within bleach and it's one that I haven't spoken much about because I wanted to save it for this video in particular it's a rare moment where we see a very mature side to issue why he isn't joking he reasshalls his son while simultaneously dropping such a memorable quote that I'm sure has stuck with all of us ever since we had first heard it towards the end of The Substitute Shinigami arc when Ichigo states that he is going on a trip during the summer we know that ishin is kind of aware of what he is doing as he hands over to Ichigo a protective charm in his own roundabout way he tells Ichigo to return home safely when he orders him to return this protective Chum back to him when he comes home despite ishin not being able to see Hollows or Ichigo when he is donning his Shinigami attire I'm sure that urahara was probably filling him in on all of the events that were taking place and it's for this reason in particular that he gives Ichigo a protective charm before he goes to the soul society and in this way we can see that a very important parallel exists between ishin and Rukia we know that ishin had decided to lose his Shinigami powers for the sake of masaki while Rukia had accidentally lost their powers to Ichigo Asian had of course abandoned the soul Society for masaki's sake while his son Ichigo goes to the soul Society in order to rescue Rukia it's a very nice parallel that exists between the Ichigo and Rukia and masaki and ishin as we know during the sole Society Arc ishin doesn't have much of our role within the story aside from having his powers returned back to him after Ichigo attains his Bankai and in chapter 182 after Ichigo returns ishin tries to attack him while he is in bed but Ichigo is able to block the attack ishin ends up praising Ichigo thus in a funny way proving that ishin was only attacking Ichigo in order to strengthen him and Ichigo being able to block his father proves that he has come a long way especially after all of the events of the Soul Society Arc this of course takes us to the aranka arc where we first see ishin appear as a Shinigami in a moment that I know left me feeling speechless when I'd first seen it and it's even more impactful when you learn that the first enemy that ishin defeats after gaining his powers back is Grant Fisher the hollow that was responsible for killing his wife and it is in this scene that we learned that ishin is a captain level Shinigami a lot of people believe that Ichigo should have been the one to kill the Grant Fisher but personally I think the one who had fallen in love with masaki was the best choice to Avenger death by killing the hollow that was responsible for it ishin had dealt with the Grant Fisher who was directly responsible for masaki's death while during the Thousand Year Boudoir Ichigo was also able to avenge the death of his mother in his own way by defeating yuhabak who was indirectly responsible for it in chapter 188 urahara appears before ishin after he defeats the grand Fisher in one of the most memorable Encounters of the entire series he asks ishin if he feels better after defeating the grand Fisher he states that he guesses so but the truth is that he was never better because Hollows do what Hollows do the only thing that he regrets over the last 20 years is that he couldn't save masaki that night urahara comments that he hasn't changed a bit and that his son is just like him urahara then states that Justice ishin had predicted divisades have contacted Ichigo revealing that as early as chapter 188 ishin had known about ichigo's inner Hollow they then comment upon how Eisen is utilizing the hokyoku to strengthen the Iran cause and that he is most likely prepared firing for war and that all the parties involved including the Wizards and even the sole Society will be dragged into this battle now ishin doesn't play much of our role during the huecon Mundo Arc aside from at the start of it in chapter 241 where he admits that he hasn't been a good father to Ichigo now ishin has his most significant role within the story during the fake karakuroton Arc where he appears before Ichigo in his Shinigami attire proving that he is a badass Shinigami and not some goofy father one of his best moments in the entire series occurs in chapter 398 when he sends Eisen crashing through several buildings after a flick of his finger during their battle ishin is able to bring Eisen to the very limits of a Shinigami and it is at this point during their fight where Eisen Saul begins to be reformed as he states that the hokyoku has understood eisen's will and is now fulfilling his desire during their fight they are later accompanied by the arrival of urahara both urohara and ishin begin to simultaneously attack Eisen after he transforms they're also accompanied by yuriichi as the three of them work together against Eisen in chapter 405 ishin reveals that he too is able to use the getzig attention but at this point Eisen is too powerful to be affected by such a technique as his riyatsu has now become unreadable Eisen swiftly defeats urahara yuruichi and ishin and leaves for the real karakura town when ishin recovers he shakes some sense into his son as he tells him to open up a senkaimon so that they can follow Eisen In This Moment he reaffirms ichigo's purpose to protect karakura town as he knows of a way to defeat Eisen ishin holds back the currents of the dangai in order for Ichigo to enter into jinzen and to ask zangetsu about the final getskatencho in chapter 409 ishin comments that the final getsca tencho is a technique that their zambakto will not want to teach them as he recalls his own experiences with his own zambakto and Getsu after Ichigo attains the ability he arrives in the real karakura town within the soul Society with an unconscious issue over his shoulder after placing his father underground Ichigo thanks him as he begins his battle against Eisen thus ending ishin's involvement within the fake karakuru Town Arc now during the fall bring Arc ishin's role within the story is very shady in fact it's very similar to how urahara even turns away from Ichigo it's very confusing until you know the purpose behind their actions like in chapter 441 when Ichigo is walking home and he sees ishin stood with urahara and when ishin notices ichigo's presence he tells urohara to move to a place where they can discuss privately in chapter 448 there are more hints as to what ishin and urahara are doing behind the scenes they are in urahara Star as a mysterious figure steps forth from the Shadows this Shinigami appears to be inserting their riyatsu into a large glowing container in chapter 454 we see ishin carrying a glowing sword-like object under the moon knit sky with urahara the reasons behind their vague and pensive nature is explained after Ichigo loses his full-ring abilities when he is stabbed he looks behind to see orahara and ishin and he questions whether if tsukushima is controlling them too but ishin directs him to look at who had stabbed him and gradually as ichigo's Powers return to him he is able to see that Rukia was the one wheel building the sword that had stabbed Ichigo thus returning his powers back to him we then see ishin and urahara knock chadan Orihime unconscious as they begin to have a mental breakdown from tsukushima's abilities after taking them to urahara's store urohara tells ishin to stay behind as he returns to the battlefield as they comment upon Ichigo learning the truth behind the substitute Shinigami title and the badge that he has been carrying now as far as ishin's involvement during the Thousand-Year Bud War Arc is concerned he confronts Ichigo after he is thrown out of the Soul King's Palace we learned that ishin was kept up to date about what is happening within the soul Society by urahara as he deduces that Ichigo was sent back home by the Royal Guards it is here that the everything but the rain flashback Arc takes place where ishin reveals to Ichigo the truth about his Heritage revealing that he is not only a Shinigami but he is also a Quincy Ichigo also here learns the true reason behind the death of masaki and how yuhabak was responsible for it in chapter 537 Ichigo thanks his father for relaying to him the truth about his life thus ending a plot that was established as early as chapter 398 while ishin had first appeared before Ichigo as a Shinigami during the fake karakorotan Arc ishin had stated that Ichigo may have a lot of questions for him but they will have to wait until later but Ichigo had stated that he has no questions to ask him because there must have been a reason why ishin had been so secretive and he must have had a reason for not having Ichigo that he was a Shinigami Ichigo doesn't Force his father to tell him anything here he is confident that ishin will explain to him everything when the time is right when ishin had made his appearance during the fake karakorotan Arc he had actually interrupted Eisen about to reveal to Ichigo everything that he knows about him as he had said to Ichigo that he is a human and a and before he can finish his sentence ancient appears and the sentence that Eisen was about to say is completed during the Thousand-Year Bud War Arc where we learned that Ichigo is a human and a Quincy and it is further cemented this idea that Asian's character is a tool of foreshadowing that Kubo utilizes later ishin and Ryu can do arrive within waherwald at the end of the Thousand Year Bud War Arc they were able to create a portal and travel to waha World thanks to an item that would belonged to udyu's grandfather soken Ishida the two of them unfortunately don't really get involved in any of the combat with ishin's role being limited to accompanying ryuken as he hands over to his son the still silver Arrowhead I think if the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc didn't have such a rushed ending then we would have seen them utilize more of their abilities and even had a chance to see ishin's bunkai but unfortunately this is the only disappointment that I have in relation to ishin's character his lack of involvement during the Thousand-Year Boudoir Arc now the last point that I want to mention is about ishin zambak doe now there was some debate about how ishin knows getsugatensho and how he has the knowledge of the final getsca tencho I'd always theorized that the zampakto and the abilities that Ichigo and his father have are inherited from the shiba Clan thus explaining why their zombies sounds so alike with ishin having ngetsu while Ichigo has zangatsu and so these abilities and techniques are passed down through the shiba Clan ishin is another excellent character written by Kubo he has a perfect character design and his demeanor is very stoic and mysterious this is at its peak during the fall bring Arc but by default he is a very Goofy character especially when he is around his kids and his character is involved in a lot of satisfactory moments especially during the aranca arc when he first appears as a Shinigami and especially during the fake karakorotan Arc where Ichigo learns that his father is more than just this Goofy character ishin similar to Yuri Ichi had abandoned his Noble lineage he had abandoned his position as a captain and he had done all of this for the Quincy that had saved his life so like urohara what did you think about this exiled shirigami do you love ishin's character as much as I do if there are any points that I forgot to mention about his character then definitely leave a comment and let me know but this is everything that I have on ishinchiba or ishin Kurosaki ryuken Ishida is another one of those characters within bleach that we don't see very often but is beloved by a lot of fans of the series we know that he is one of the last pure blooded Quincy's in existence and he is the only son of soken Ishida but we primarily know him as the father of udyu in addition to this ryuken also holds the position of the director of karakura hospital from his few appearances within the story on what we learned from the character of uriu we learned that ryuken has very little interest in his Quincy Heritage and there is a significant quote from chapter 124 which is his first appearance within the story he tells a younger uru that there is no point in Saving the dead because that's a shinigami's job he should instead like himself focus on saving people who are still alive he had told Urdu that he wasn't interested in Quincy and he would rather that the Quincy died out with his father's generation when udyu had questioned ryukan as to why he hates the Quincy so much he had told him because there is no money to be made from being a Quincy of course we learn a lot more about their race through the Thousand-Year blood War Arc which helps us to explain why ryuken may have distanced himself from the traditions of the Quincy so while outwardly ryuken may appear to be cold and dismissive there is more to his character than meets the eye and in this video I want to talk about everything that we know about ryuken Ishida and hopefull by the end of this video you'll know more about his character as well as understanding why he behaves the way that he does so without further delay let's begin my breakdown and Analysis of ryuken like I had mentioned ryuken makes his debut appearance Within Chapter 124 of the manga and in episode 44 of the anime his first appearance is of course a flashback which takes place during urdu's battle against mayori during the soul Society Arc ryuken appears to be middle aged as he looks about the same age as ishin similar to udyu he wears thin frameless glasses and this pretty stylish gray suit and a tie which usually has Quincy crosses on it he is always dress smart because of his profession as a doctor and like I had said in the introduction of this video he is a very cold and dismissive individual and it genuinely appears as though that he hates the fact that he is a Quincy he makes it clear to younger uru that there is no money to be made from being one and he would rather Focus his efforts on saving the living instead of helping the dead ryuken was quite happy not to pass on the traditions of the Quincy to his son preferring that the queen Quincy would become extinct with the death of soken Ishida from what we can gather in chapter 124 he had advised Urdu not to be like his grandfather and the pretty funny contradictory aspect to all of this is that there are Quincy crosses throughout all of ryukin's life like I had said he wears Quincy crosses on his tie we see the crosses littered on the walls and the floors of karakura hospital and through the everything but the rain flashback Arc we learned that a younger ryuken had cared more about the future of the Quincy when he had spoke about masaki wanting to marry him out of happiness because if she is happy then it will be better for the future of the Quincy instead of associating her happiness with having an arranged marriage with him we know that something must have happened between this instance of this young ryuken who appeared to be proud of being a Quincy to the point that we see him in the present timeline of the story where he has a lot of indifference or disdain for the Quincy I believe that ryuken had started to hate the Quincy after the death of his partner Kanai katagiri who is of course udyu's Mother after her death we see that ryuken had performed a surgical procedure on and had dissected her body when udyu had seen this and he was pleading with his father to stop he had become disgusted with the profession of a doctor but at that time Urdu didn't understand the reason as to why ryuken was performing this surgical procedure uru's mother had fallen unconscious on the same day that masaki was killed which was the 17th of June this of course was the date of ashwanen where yuhabak would remove the Quincy powers of all of the impure Quincy udyu's mother would survive for a further three months until she had died after her death ryuken had performed a autopsy on her and we can understand that this autopsy had taken place over a long period of time and we first learned about this in chapter 659 during this procedure ryuken had discovered a silver blood clot within katagiri's heart it was at that point that he understood that this was the cause of her death and I'm pretty sure that he understood that the leader of the Quincy was behind this and it is excellent foreshadowing on kubo's part that he would write into ryukin's character such a disdain for the Quincy and we later learned that this hatred had stemmed from the fact that the leader of the Quincy was responsible for his wife's death we know that ryuken had removed this silver blood clot and had later forged an arrowhead from it and in chapter 682 he hands it to his son so that he can use it against yuhabak in order to immobilize him and throughout his appearances within the story we learned that ryuken has a unique friendship with ishin and it's pretty similar to how their sons converse with each other we see the two of them together in chapter 241 as well as at the end of the Taos near Boudoir arc when they arrived with the Noir world now I want to talk about the pastor ryuken focusing on everything that we learned about him during the everything but the rain flashback in chapter 536 we learned that ryuken had met Kanai katagiri when they were both children we learned that she is a mixed-blooded Quincy and it was her job to protect ryuken who is pure blooded in a way she had devoted her life to him from that moment and she had stayed by his side for the remainder of her life we learned that masaki Kurosaki was taken into the Ishida household so that they could preserve their pure Quincy bloodline it was decided that she would be having an arranged marriage with ryuken in chapter 530 we see ryuken discussing this Prospect with katagiri as he states that musaki wouldn't be happy with marrying him while katagiri responds by commenting upon how kind ryuken is that he is taking it into consideration masaki's feelings she states that it would be good if he wants to marry her out of love but ryuken responds by dismissing this notion as he states that if masaki wasn't happy then she would not have a positive outlook for the future and the future that he is speaking about is not their own personal future but rather the future of the pureblooded Quincy as they are the last of their kind when masaki had sensed that ishin was fighting a hollow she had rushed out to help him but ryuken had tried to stop her he had explained to her the customs of the Quincy which are to wait until a Shinigami dies in battle before the Quincy even think about facing off against a hollow and even then it is preferred if a mixed-blooded Quincy should be sent out to battle rather than a pure blooded one masaki refuses to listen to his reasoning in chapter 533 ryuken would send that masaki had won in a battle against the hollow white but the following chapter ryuken's mother ends up scolding masaki for having broken the Quincy rules and facing off against the hollow on her own ryuken then rushes to category as he realizes that she had told his mother behind his back he questions why she told his mother despite the fact that he had reassured her that nothing had happened to masaki katagiri responds by stating that musaki was injured after the battle with the hollow and if she doesn't receive proper Quincy treatment and there is a chance that the Ishida bloodline could become tainted ryuken doesn't seem to be interested in the Ishida bloodline as he questions why she would do this for just a reason like that she responds by using ryuken's own words against him as she recalls that it was ryuken who had said that his marriage to masaki was for the future of the Quincy musaki then collapses to the ground as a hollow Hall begins to form in a chest carrying her in his arms he rushes out of their home and as he is about to be attacked by a hollow he is rescued by ishin but he starts to blame the Shinigami for being the cause of masaki's car and symptoms but not too long after urahara arrives and explains to the two of them that masaki is undergoing hollification he then explains the only way to save masaki's life which is for ishin to tether his existence to masakis and for him to give up his Shinigami powers where you can obviously doesn't believe urahara as he doesn't want to accept that this is the only way to save her he doesn't believe that ishim would do something as selfless as this to lose so much to let go of his life as a captain of the gote 13 just to save a girl that he had only met a few days ago but after ishin agrees Ryukin is completely surprised at the end of chapter 536 he leaves urahara shop and bumps into katagiri she questions whether if ryuken had left musaki behind with the Shinigami he states that he did he tells her that he no longer has the right to protect the Quincy because he couldn't save masaki while he is devastated and saddened by the current situation katagiri refuses to leave his side as she reminds him that it is her duty to serve him she states that from the day that they had met she had devoted her life to him and that she cannot bear to see Ryukin sad not too long after this incident masaki had left the Ishida household after she had graduated from high school her soul had ended up being mixed with a hollow it appears as though Ryukin was behind the decision of musaki leaving their family in a sense it was like his way of letting go of her we then learned that ryukan had ended up marrying kasagiri and she would give birth to their son uriu now within the present timeline of bleach his first appearance takes place in chapter 186 when udyu is about to be killed by a pair of Hollows he appears to rescue him he scolds udyu for referring to him by his first name instead of calling him dad would you a surprise that ryuken still has the powers of a Quincy after all he despises them he had assumed that he had given up his powers a long time ago but ryuken refers to him as a fool he states that he had chosen his words very carefully he had stated that he was not interested in Quincy's while adding that udyu doesn't have the talent to be a Quincy he states that it is unfortunate that his powers are harder to get rid of than whatever you can is interested or not nothing changes the fact that he is the sole heir to the powers and skills of the late soken Ishida urdu's grandfather who is referred to as the last Quincy where you can holds up soken ishidas Quincy cross as he reveals that it is now in his possession he tells uru that when he went to the soul Society he wasn't strong enough and this is the reason why that he had lost the very little power that he had he then tells uru that he can restore his Quincy Powers but on one condition he must swear to never involve himself with the Shinigami ever again we catch up with ryuken and udyu in chapter 226 where we see the two of them training udyu appears to be battered and beaten as his father is putting him through his Paces he is repeatedly firing arrows in his direction as udyu desperately tries to avoid them when udyu appears to be slowing down his father questions whether if he has reached his limit at this point uriu can barely move his arms and his legs but he is aware that his father's spiritual pressure appears to be weakening also on the onset of their training ryuken had told udiu that Evie continues dodging his arrows he would regain his powers but udiu questions whether if his father was lying to him because if they continue like this then there's no doubt that ryuken is going to kill him when uriu reaches his limit his father fires an arrow right through his chest he explains to Udu that you have to push your mind and body to its right limits and while you are in that condition if you are struck by a Quincy Arrow approximately 19 millimeters to the right of the heart sinoatrial node then you will end up regaining your spiritual powers that were lost while in the Quincy let's steal form in chapter 241 while uduchad and Ichigo are traveling to Hue comundo we get a flashback where we see ryuken stood outside of their training room smoking while he was out udyu was approached by urahara as he tells him that Orihime was kidnapped by the Iran cause when ryuken returns to the training room he discovers a note left by uriu and coincidentally at the same time ishin appears and greets him it is here that we learn that the two of them have a lot of familiarity with each other and have a shared past where you can realize is that ishin has regained his Shinigami Powers ishin questions whether ryuken is going to read the letter that uru had left him but he states that he already knows what it says ishin then teases him by saying that he let Udi go with urahara and purposefully didn't stop them but he tells him to mind his own business after all ryuken had helped Urdu get his Quincy powers back and it is now none of his business what he chooses to do with them he is pretty cold and dismissive here as he states that it doesn't matter whether if he lives or dies and I'm not sure if he's just pretending to be cool because Asian is here but then their exchange ends with a very interesting comment as ishin comments upon his harsh parenting style but ryuken tells him that he is still a better father than he is to which ishin replies that ryuken is right and this is most likely in reference to how Ichigo doesn't know anything about his past including the real reason as to why his mother was killed and the identity of his father as a Shinigami we don't see ryuken again for the remainder of the aranka arc and he makes his next appearance within the full Brink Arc after you is cut down by an unknown assailant when Orihime and Ichigo arrive at karokoro hospital to see uru ryukan appears to be tending to his wounds as he questions whether if uriu should be allowing visitors to come especially if he is going to be irritated by that arrival he is referring to udyu scolding Ichigo for coming to see him throughout this entire hospital visit ryuken appears to be taunting uru it is like he is actually really disgusted at the fact that Udi was cut down at this moment uriu doesn't want Ichigo to get involved with the situation so he is not sharing any information with him despite his father taunting him and stating that sharing information is important where you can end up walking Orihime home and reveals to her that udyu wasn't attacked by a Shinigami or a hollow and he is unsure about the reactsu that he had examined within udyu's wound as it is unlike any that he has ever seen before he genuinely knows nothing else about the individual who had attacked udyu and it is through ryuken's character that we begin to question the true identity or nature of the individual who had attacked udyu as ryuken questions whether if the enemy is even human even going as far as to said that the enemy's power is closer in nature to orihime's enchants rather than asianigamis he wants Orihime that the next possible Target for attack is either Chad or rahime and this pretty much sums up his involvement within the fulbring arc and we already know that he appears within the Thousand Year blood War Arc right towards the end in chapter 674 we see ishin and ryuken use a portal that soken Ishida had once used in order to escape from the Quincy Asian states that he is grateful for ryuken's father for allowing them access to use the portal where you can even agree as he states that this is the first time that he has been grateful for his father's habits ishin then hilariously states that udyu only speaks bad about ryuken because ryuken speaks bad about his own father we of course know the rest of yukin's involvement as in chapter 682 he hands over to uru D still Silva Arrowhead thus concluding ryukin's involvement within the story and to be honest I think that it was such a missed potential especially during the Thousand Years I'd felt like it was ryuken's time to shine and it was really a missed opportunity as we could have seen so much more of him and he could have been so involved with the story especially because the enemy were Quincy it would have also be nice to see soken ishida's role within the Quincy explained further why was it that he had to use a portal to escape from warwald and it was that very portal that ryuken and Ishida would use to assist Ichigo and the others at the end of the arc again all of these questions are left up in the air because of the rushed nature of the conclusion of the Thousand Year World War Arc so much more could have been done with it and genuinely I would love to see ryuken and ishin have more of an involved role within the final Arc but it is adapted into the anime but we're at the point of the video why I want to hand over the discussion to all of you what do you think about the last Quincy ryuken after inheriting this title from his father he had also acquired all of these skills and abilities of soken Ishida he was one of the most mysterious characters within the entirety of the story and in a sense we still don't know much about him so I want to know what were your thoughts about you can do you feel like he had some wasted potential and do you agree with me that it was a missed opportunity not to have him more involved within the final Arc I would love to read all of your comments so definitely continue the discussion after this video and once again thank you for making it to the end and I can't wait to see you in my next Bleach character analysis video if you enjoy my content then you can support my channel through patreon for as little as a dollar a month or even through YouTube by becoming a channel member you will gain access to exclusive Channel perks and a Discord server which I frequently use so become a member of my zero Division and be the first to know about my upcoming videos and once again thank you for sticking around till the end of the video and whatever you contribute will mean a lot to me foreign
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 30,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach anime, bleach brave souls, bleach manga, bleach hell arc, bleach 2022, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach new chapter, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, tybw anime, bleach hell chapter, dbzimran, dbzimran bleach, Ichigo Kurosaki, Orihime Inoue, Uryu Ishida, Yasutora Sado, Kisuke Urahra, Yoruichi Shihoin, Isshin Kursosaki, Ryuken Ishida, bleach thousand year blood war
Id: 6e6KvgkavBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 377min 17sec (22637 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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