The Most POWERFUL Mutant in Marvel

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I have been looking for a reason to remaster the story of Matthew Malloy the most powerful mutant in the history of Marvel this is Charles Xavier's last will in Testament what this does is this picks up in Charleston South Carolina a year before the present day at the time this story is being written where you have Matthew Malloy and his wife now of course they're arguing with each other the fact that he's on his computer all the time and so on and so forth in the middle of the conversation she's eradicated on the spot and the reason why is because this takes place during the scroll invasion of Earth in secret Invasion but in the midst of this attack a shield Helicarrier shows up and it basically destroys the scroll that was going to kill Matthew Malloy here's the kicker about all of this yes it's actually happening no this is not Matthew Malloy altering reality but you will see just how powerful this guy is because what it does is it switches over to Jennifer Walter shehulk and one of the few useful moments that she has in Marvel Comics where she receives the last will and testament of Professor X and so what you do following that is you switch over to Matthew Malloy a year later in the present day and Matthew is making his way through Newberry South Carolina and he ends up coming across Alana who was his wife's sister but the trauma of seeing his wife die has one left Matthew Malloy in a state of depression if we're being honest right PTSD on some level most likely but also the inability to cope with his powers now we'll answer the question question why we'd never seen his powers before but what happens is that when Alana starts poking and prodding trying to get him to talk about the loss of his wife and how it's affecting him and so on the guy lashes out and obliterates the entire town in the blink of an eye and so following that you switch to Jennifer Walters who shows up to the X-Men technically to the Gan grade school for gifted youngsters and says we need all the X-Men here now the reason why is because this story takes place after two major arcs in Marvel Comics regarding the X-Men the first was Avengers versus X-men which we have covered and the second is Schism which we also covered and in fact I'll make like a little mini playlist that has a link to both the videos and any other videos that we mention in this video it'll be in that playlist for you to check at the end of this video so it's a lot of mentions of the word video Avengers versus X-men the big takeaway with regards to this story is that was the story where Cyclops killed Professor X hence the reason why we have his last whe in Testament why it is that he's dead Schism was also a story in the X-Men comics where there was a rift between Cyclops and wolverin on how things should be handled by the X-Men cyclops had become more and more militant very similar to like the old school Magneto from like the 1980s in Marvel Comics right by any means necessary wol rain was a lot softer and so Schism was the story arc where they basically split the X-Men that Cyclops took off to the old Weapon X compound up in Canada and he had his X-Men team and then Wolverine renamed the Xavier school for gifted youngsters to the Gan gry school for gifted youngsters which is here and so switching back to Matthew Malloy here for a second one thing to know is that with Newberry basically wiped off the map this draws eyes right specifically it draws the eyes of Maria Hill kind of an important thing to know here is yes Maria Hill is dead in the Marvel Cinematic Universe a lot of you guys know that from Secret invasion in Marvel Comics you had Nick f y who was the director of shield for the longest time eventually Nick Fury basically takes off you eventually have Iron Man who becomes the new director of shield and the events leading up to Marvel's Civil War event and then after secret Invasion he's replaced by Norman Osborne where you get dark rain and then once Norman Osborne gets the boot Maria Hill takes over so that's why she's the current director of Shield at the time the story is being written which came out around 2013 but she approaches this guy right she's like my name is Maria Hill the commander of Shield do you know what that is do you understand me and he's like yes and she's like who am I speaking to you and he's just kind of like you're a robot and she's like no I'm a human and I'm talking through a robot and all that kind of stuff but when she ask him what his name is he says Matthew Malloy and she's like did you create this situation and he's like what in the world are you talking about she's like did you make this mess and so a lot of what's happening right now Shield doesn't grasp they don't know who this guy is they don't know where he came from even Matthew Malloy doesn't understand what's going on he doesn't understand this power that he has he doesn't really even understand that he did all of this right the guy's just totally I wouldn't say oblivious but just no clue what's going on that's why he's panicking he's saying things like what's happening and Maria Hills like I need you to calm down you're not in trouble I just want to talk and he's like did I kill all these people there were people here like what happened to everybody and she's like have you ever done anything like this before and he's like what did I do right like what's happening to me and that's what Maria Hill is like this guy's out of control and she orders her soldiers move in now these Shield guys come in and Matthew Malloy FL annihilates these guys right off the bat and so Maria Hill is just like okay right like all video surveillance and everything is gone nothing in nothing out and Matthew's just like what am I like what in the world is going on here and so this is where we start getting answers because once all the X-Men are brought together by Jennifer Walters and so on and so forth that a kind of hologram is presented to everybody where Xavier is just like okay so basically I'm dead if you're seeing this I don't really know how I died but most likely Cyclops killed me because that guy's been a dick for like the last few years kind of saw it coming but he kind of intros things by talking about you know you guys really really love me and adore me and what I'm about to tell you is going to be going to sound really really shady but like bear with me here and he talks about with using cerebra right the device that he uses to detect mutants across the world he says one day while the original X-Men were out on a mission I was using cerebro to to attempt to keep tabs on Magneto and other such concerns when a very unique signature appeared something I had not seen before it was most definitely a mutant signature but there was something different something more powerful at first I was worried that the machine was broken that I had basically misused it but it wasn't and I had not it was the largest mutant power signature cerebro had ever registered now this is something that I want you to keep in the back of your head when he says this because his recollection of all this this is long before the events of like House of M Scarlet witch with the life force altering reality on a universal scale and so on and so forth and even affecting the Multiverse which is something we found out in the old X-Men Legacy Comics when she basically took away 98% of the mutant populations powers that affected the Multiverse kind of a cool little tidbit for you guys keep this in the back of your head because later on we will get the comparison of Matthew malloy's power and Scarlet Witch's power after the events of House of M and that's when it's really going to blow your mind but he says I was immediately filled with such hope such a thrill of Discovery but then suddenly a wave of panic washed over me I couldn't breathe right what if like Magneto had got his hands on this guy or used it already because back then Magneto was like exceedingly militant and any Mutant that he could find that was powerful enough that it could instill fear in humanity he would go after without fail and so what Xavier says is he says one would think that I would be used to the fact that so many emerging mutants were so young but this one was so powerful and so young he seemed so ordinary his name was Matthew Malloy and he was 8 years old and so what ends up happening here is Xavier shows up to speak with Matthew Malloy and to talk with Matthew Malloy as his actual self but one of the things he sees is that Matthew Mallo is playing with Dinosaurs but what Matthew starts doing is he brings brings the dinosaurs to life and they start playing with each other and what ends up happening is Matthew's power begins to run a muuk right Matthew as an 8-year-old kid doesn't fully grasp what he's doing and that's why he says stuff like this is a grudge match this is for everything right and like as they're fighting each other the entirety of the house just kind of gets blown to pieces or at least severely damaged Xavier's knocked out of his wheelchair the whole nine yards and he even says if not for my Mutant Powers I would have died right there and he says authorities arrived but I was able to mentally manipulate them into fleeing the scene before they were accidentally hurt or killed but I was unable to enter the boy's mind I was unable to psychically suggest anything to him I was unable to make him sleep or paralyze him or any of the other ways my specific abilities are able to stop such chaos so even at 8 years old this kid's ability to alter and control reality is on such a level that arguably the most powerful telepath in the world could do nothing against this kid and he says every time I tried the boy would almost on Instinct on reflex erupt with this destructive power it was not concussive it was not Elemental it was something different as if the world around him were being turned inside out and pushed outward the best thing I could do was convince his mind that I was no longer there and even that made made the young boy agitated and suspicious he knew something was wrong I was at an impass and so what in effect was going on is that at 8 years old this kid who has the ability to control and alter the very fabric of the universe itself is doing it subconsciously and it's terrifying to Professor Xavier because he says if the world found out that there was an uncontrollable mutant of such horrific capabilities our chances of finding peace within the human world would be impossible and so without understanding what he was I could not help him control these abilities and so what Xavier ended up doing is he basically manifested himself in the form of a young boy and that as this young kid he would talk to Matthew Malloy he would spend time with Matthew Malloy he learned that at 8 years old Matthew had accidentally killed his parents they were yelling at him about something and he just willed them out of existence he doesn't really understand what it was that he did he doesn't grasp the reality of what he had done but that's what had happened nonetheless and so you get this moment where Xavier really starts to understand just how dangerous this kid is that because of his age because of his power there is no bringing and reeling this kid in and teaching him how to use his abilities so Xavier does the only thing he can do he says it goes against everything I believe as an educator Ator as a doctor as a mutant and as a man but I use my powers to slowly and carefully take away his ability to access his so he literally put mental blocks in place so Matthew would never have access to his powers and that's not where it stops because what Xavier says is if I'm dead if you're seeing this and I am gone those mental blocks are removed there's nothing to stop this guy from being able to access his power and that's what's so crazy here is there's a kind of flashback moment when Xavier is talking to Matthew and Matthew realizes that Xavier appearing as what is in effect like a a high school kid by this point that it's not actually Xavier right he's able to see through the telepathic illusion that Xavier created and he's like who are you like what's going on here and Xavier literally explains everything he's like at the time that we first met you were eight you were too young your powers were dangerous I put mental blocks in place to effectively shut them down but when he explains the gravity of things Matthew actually says take me out right like kill me right if that's the only thing you feel like can really be done in order to keep me from being a threat to the world then do it and Xavier's just like No And so what the two of them agree to do is for Xavier to full on put mental blocks under Matthew's full cooperation so he can never under any circumstance access his powers he will never know he has powers but again Xavier's dead the mental blocks are gone and what he tells the X-Men is it's only a matter of time before Matthew's powers emerge and because he is in effect oblivious to anything that had previously happened to him in his life as far as he's concerned he's just a guy who woke up one day started doing some crazy stuff and he has no clue what's going on and so switching back over to Maria Hill where she's talking with Shield she's like get the Avengers and they're like The Avengers are all off planet now I think the reason why this takes place if I have my dates lined up correct corly and I'm pretty sure I do this story takes place during Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers run and the first story arc of Avengers world so right now the core Avengers the ones that could actually do anything or potentially do anything they couldn't and you'll see how helpless they would have been in this situation anyway that they're all on Mars dealing with like Abyss X and Hilo a the whole nine yards if you don't know what that means don't worry about it it's not important to this conversation just know there's a reason why they're not here and why they cannot be called in but at the end of the day Cyclops is hesitant about all of this because he sees this whole thing as Xavier being a hypocrite right Xavier whole message was being a mutant is a gift and that kind of stuff and now there's this situation where this kid had Godlike power and would almost be this just Godly figure almost kind of like a true legitimate Messiah among the mutant population and Xavier shuts his powers down now a lot of this just feeds into like the disillusionment that Cyclops had had with Charles Xavier ever since the deadly Genesis storyline in Marvel Comics leading up to Avengers versus X-men again that's just kind of where the disillusionment started but basically Cyclops questions all of this and so picking up with Matthew Malloy one of the things to know is that because this is all new to him he's learning how to use his powers as he's using them and so that's why like even though he annihilated all these Shield soldiers he actually starts the process of resurrecting them from the dead right it's nuts like he kind of brings back for a moment it creeps them out too much and then he ultimately just kind of lets them go but following that Shield brings in Exodus Ben Badu Paris or perie if you want to call him that the idea here is that Exodus is one of the four most powerful telepaths in Marvel Comics if we're just going on a head Cannon hierarchy here I would say Jean Gray with the Phoenix Force Rachel Summers with the Phoenix Force which you'll see Rachel Summers in the story Professor Xavier alongside Emma Frost kind of sharing the number three spot and and then Exodus but again because you have different writers who are writing stories and their own Vision that order shifts around like the changing wind so it's not static right you know it just kind of shifts and changes and and whatnot but understand Exodus is ridiculously powerful when it comes to telepathy but what he does is he kind of forces himself into the mind of Matthew Malloy he figures out what his name is and he figures out he's a mutant he recognizes the name Charles Xavier and then Matthew Malloy is like don't and just shuts down Exodus on the spot cripples him and Fries his brain just like that I mean it's nuts right I mean this is like what he could do to Charles Xavier right just like destroy this guy in an instant right it's just crazy how powerful he is and so what you get is Shield realizing that it's a mutant they end up approaching the X-Men and this is when you get this confirmation because while Shield is trying to find the X-Men Beast is using cerebro to search the world to try to find this kid and he locates him now remember this happens after the events of House of M the Scarlet Witch at the peak of her power right what Beast says is he says X-Men this is Beast again this mutant has awoken and he's more than Omega Level he's more powerful than any Mutant signature we have ever seen before Charles was right this is the one we may not come back from now for those you guys who don't recognize the term Omega Level it is probably something that you will see in X-Men 97 fingers crossed Marvel mutant Powers have a hierarchy that you start with beta level like the lowest level this is like Mystique she can shape shift and look like people but that's about the extent of it then you go to someone like Vanessa Carlile copycat not only can she shape shift to look like other people she can copy their powers so she would be like an alpha level mutant potentially bordering on Omega Level depending on Whose power she copies then you have Omega Level mutants and then beyond omega level mutants these are the op Guys these are people who are a fundamental danger to existence itself someone like storm or Iceman Bobby Drake who Could Just Kill All life on Earth people like Franklin Richards the son of Reed Richards from the Fantastic 4 who can alter reality on a universal scale right he's a beyond omega level mutant guys like Magneto or a mega level right this is the kind of power that we're talking about and you can see it on a telepathic telekinetic level people like Rachel Summers which is actually who we pick up with here whose telekinesis is so fine-tuned that she can actually control sand to create Holograms I mean it's just all kinds of stuff right it's all kinds of crazy things that make these characters so powerful but unlike Exodus who forced his way into the mind of Matthew Malloy that what Rachel does is she just kind of observes telepathically and they even ask her like are you getting into this guy's mind she's like absolutely not that's crazy talk that's never going going to happen and so they ask like what is he doing and she's like it looks like he's practicing he's learning how to use his powers right he's learning how to alter the fabric of reality he's learning how to resurrect bodies from the dead how to turn dead bodies into basically animated or reanimated puppets for his own use this kid's powers are on a whole different level nothing is beyond his ability to achieve and so what ends up happening is Rachel sends a telepathic projection of Professor Xavier and the Avengers and the X-Men alongside Doctor Strange to appear to this guy now it also includes a Fantastic Four but basically the entirety of the superhero Community but basically her offering this projection is kind of an attempt to use or Draw on his memory of Xavier and how he perceived him to talk him down calm him down and get him to hand himself in and for the most part she's kind of successful but then he sees through the illusion he's like no Professor Xavier's dead you're not Charles Xavier who are you right and it's just like you need to calm down right you got to chill you got to relax he's like no right and he just like shuts the whole thing down and because he traces her back to a hell carrier this guy waves his hand the Hella carrier snaps in half and crashes down to the ground now again you're seeing low-level reality warping here and you're seeing low-level alterations of things but it gets crazy it gets absolutely Bonkers because with all these guys this Helicarrier Crashing Down Matthew actually starts plucking people out of reality and sending them to different locations effectively to safety and so that's when you pick up with Cyclops who's just like okay so here's the thing we need to just straight up talk to this guy but because Cyclops is very much still exceedingly militant in the sense that he's kind of planning for and at least has been for quite some time creating a military Uprising a mutant Uprising against the human population the mutant Revolution he sees Matthew Malloy as somebody that can further that scheme and so what you get here is you get Cyclops and him talking and the idea here is that Cyclops tries to bring him in he's like read my mind and understand that one you and I have very similar stories and that two I am not a threat in the same way that Matthew is seemingly just woke up one day and had all these powers and these memories are starting to come back so he is recollecting his time with Xavier the mental blocks that were put in place and all that kind of stuff Cyclops shows him you know thaty cs's eyes are portals to a dimension of just raw energy just pure concussive energy and so when he opens his eyes that concussive energy just comes blasting out so the only way for him to control his powers is to wear Ruby quartz glasses or to close his eyes but Charles Xavier showed up and the two of them worked alongside each other they built the X-Men but no matter what the X-Men did they could not find a peaceful coexistence with humans and mutants then he starts going into things like deadly Genesis learning about his secret EX men team that he didn't know existed a brother that he didn't know he had these secrets that Xavier would keep and so he kind of creates this sort of narrative that Cyclops and Matthew Malloy are victims of Professor Xavier and his duplicitous attitude and his duplicitous acts and even then like Cyclops starts to lose control of the situation quite readily because where Matthew Maloy starts freaking out and panicking why he's not a straight villain he feels remorse over the lives that he's taken so he's wrestling with these new found powers he's still struggling with the PTSD of his wife's death he has no clue how to control himself that Sops tells him you're not the first one in which Humanity has feared because of your powers and he points out apocalypse right the ancient Egyptian demigod who was depicted very poorly in the Fox film Jean Gray when she was the dark Phoenix the list goes on and on and on and on and so Cyclops says you can control this empty your mind control you're breathing and where Matthew asks like what are you the response to Cyclops I'm your friend but Matthew Malloy starts to lose control and in the midst of all of this you have Cyclops who realizes there's seemingly nothing that can be done here and so with the help of Ilana Rasputin right the sister of Colossus she uses magic and so on the two of them teleport away but at the end of it all Cyclops teleports back once Matthew Malloy regains his composure right because if he had stayed there he would have just been annihilated in this kind of psychic blast but as the two of them are talking you end up having the arrival of Magneto which is the question that I'm sure a lot of you guys were asking where is this guy now Magneto is far less militant than he used to be he's far less extreme than he used to be and again in a lot of ways Cyclops now is what Magneto used to be or at least at the time the story was written some you know 9 10 years ago but Magneto points out the hypocrisy of Cyclops himself you don't actually want to save this kid or give him a better life you want to use him to instill fear in humanity if you mess with us X-Men Matthew Malloy is going to come and get you right it's the ultimate deterrent and so what ends up happening is because this picture is painted and even his Cyclops pulling out a lot of these realities things that Magneto had done over the years the fact that he's killed innocent people so often he's responsible for the paralysis of Professor Xavier that he doesn't really poison Matthew Malloy against Magneto so much as point out all the flaws of Magneto and say do you really believe this is the kind of guy you want to follow Matthew sides with Cyclops and whisk Magneto away literally sends him off and that's when Magneto has this conversation with this kind of uh these kind of younger mutants who are around there in saying there's nothing to be done for Matthew and if cyclop stays on this current course it will lead to the ruin of all this entire conversation is overheard by Eva Bell also known as Tempest she will become important probably the single most important person as we get to the end of this video but the big caveat to all of this with everything happening Shield's been watching the whole thing go down and they have long since come to the conclusion that Matthew Malloy is too dangerous to be kept around and so as one of the craziest displays of this guy's power Shield fires off all these missiles into their area and kills everybody right like Ilana Rasputin is killed Cyclops is killed and Matthew Malloy is killed and so as the shield agents are making their way through they're analyzing the whole area they're like yep everybody's basically dead right like Matthew Malloy has been neutralized and yada yada yada Matthew Malloy resurrects himself from the dead and it's like did you just try to kill me right and it's just like these guys like have no idea how to process what they're seeing and Matthew Malloy waves his hand these guys are in at on the spot the shields the Helicarrier the whole nine yards it's all destroyed not only that Matthew actually tries to resurrect Cyclops and ilor Rasputin and he's not able to do it he's not able to pull it off now we're not given a definitive answer as to why that's the case seemingly it's tied into his confidence and so on and so forth but he in turn shows up to the Xavier Mansion or really to the gene grade school for Higher Learning and he ends up coming across Emma Frost again probably the third most powerful telepath on the planet she immediately starts lashing out at him because he killed Cyclops and in a moment of panic he destroys Emma Frost like he kills her on the spot like that's it right I mean you guys are noticing there's a lot of a lack of control here when it comes to the sky like people are just being killed off left and right and so what you do is you switch over to Tempest iael who's gone back in time to find Xavier in the very early days because iael has the ability to manipulate time she can stop time she can travel through through time you can do all kinds of stuff with it but the thing here is she grabs Xavier from the younger years and she brings him to the present day and present him to basically the X-Men and between all of them they end up constructing this kind of plant but the bigger event that's going on here is that with Matthew Malloy here and Emma Frost being killed storm Beast these different mutants they all start attacking Matthew Malloy because they see him as a clear and present danger and he kills them all he destroys every single X-Man in existence all of them who are there and this is when you get to what is arguably the most reviled ending to the history of a comic book because Eva Bel takes Professor Xavier back to Matthew malloy's parents when they were supposed to meet and he uses his mind and he makes it so they never meet and then Matthew Malloy is never born and the story ends with that being said guys we're going to bring this to an end I'm not even lying to you that's exactly what happens it's exactly how the story end let just go back and time and stop Matthew from being born and like that's it and everybody's alive because the past has been altered so nobody died and like that's all there is to it it's one of the crappiest endings in the history of Marvel Comics but make sure you guys check out the playlist for the other videos which I promise are better than the ending of this one and I will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 263,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x-men 97, x-men the last will and testament of charles xavior, x-men matthew malloy, x men 97, x men 97 trailer explained, x-men 97 mcu, x-men, the last will and testament of charles xavior, matthew malloy, matthew malloy comics explained, matthew malloy marvel, matthew malloy powers, x-men 97 series, marvel, x-men the animated series, marvel comics, x men, comics, comics explained, x-men '97, marvel explained, xmen, comicsexplained, x-men in the mcu, x-men 2024, comic explained
Id: trXntXE26ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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