Kanye Eats 🅿️AWG | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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i was walking my dog in the snow yesterday he pulled me i slipped and fell on my ass and i almost called y'all moved us to miami again in that moment bro it's going to happen he just pulled real quick and i was on a metal grate that was a little bit slanted and he pulled and i was like hold on now poop and i just slipped i landed on my hip and i was like we're moving to miami i would have been so you actually hit the ground yeah like that's not my dog's big bro these [ __ ] amish people lie it ain't that big oh you bought it from a dutch i bought it from a dutch and they don't got no [ __ ] scales to weigh them son the scales is electric brother that's the problem they was just guessing it was just holding butter turns and the dog yeah i think it's about 15 20 maybe he's gonna be one tenth of a stone yeah what's that you don't know because you gave away your dogs too early to walk them no wait i had a small cute dog that stayed small oh yeah my dog was supposed to stay small too man how is that too much trouble you have to walk them like four or five times a day as a [ __ ] spaniel they need to get all the energy out or they tear up your health why would you get a cocker spaniel i mean it was cute that's a cat bro you don't have to walk them that much yes you do just don't feed them bro if you don't it's [ __ ] up why did you feed your dog so much that's why your dog got so big i did because i didn't want a little bitch-ass dog and then i got a big dog and i realized that the little bitch-ass one was a lot more easier yeah he would have fell yeah yeah yeah he said he was dragging me down the goddamn street i didn't feel like mary poppins my dog come back that's it and then just yanks right yeah it's not my dog my dog takes me yeah it's not good all right shall we start the podcast my boys yes okay what's up everybody um oh don't do this mark what i'm just putting it up there just to get it just in case smart don't do this just in case oh jesus christ actually yeah all right all right we're gonna we're gonna start the podcast we gotta start the podcast with the craziest story i've ever heard there is a how old is this woman can we start the podcast with that they're going to act like i didn't put them on the p and now here's some real [ __ ] here's some real [ __ ] you're going to act like i didn't put y'all on to p i hit the group chat right yeah and i what did i say what was that y'all pushing p yeah you said that he said what yeah he's i said what is what does the p emoji mean because i couldn't find the p emoji i couldn't find it i couldn't find it he had to find it because your boy i just put the letter p into the emoji thing one piece it didn't work it didn't work so i then i took the the the juice square and i put the juice square and the p next to it that was close right and i thought that that was pretty good right that was the first blue square i've ever posted got it back and then and then finally shifty told me how to get that p but i've been pushing p from the jump i don't know about emojis i ain't no dork i'm out here pushing p bro you not p that's something you not yo you b dog yeah you might be mad beat uh it's you you're bad bro come on that's your sounds quarter i even wore the long pants so y'all can't hate in the comments wait can you explain what pm's like those are the long pants [ __ ] you all your pants long they don't say it short no i know that's what i'm saying look uh what does p mean p is player bro that's what it's about it's not playing or not you don't gotta explain nothing to this man he don't get he been he might be gotta explain a [ __ ] dressed like betty white come on r.i.p episodes in a row and no one talked about it he wore the beanie back to back [ __ ] welcome to zoom he's looking at us product tag is facing the cameras is facing right into that super water hit that super bowl same way that the ap is on that left side you always got to keep the watch on the left it's [Laughter] irs [ __ ] you okay iris is not p that's some [ __ ] there's nothing iris not p okay can we talk about uh this girl right here who's pre uh can we talk about this pre right here this is the craziest story i don't know who sent this to the group was it you i i sent this one i would never which is very concerning son basically there's a girl she's a whole 30 year old woman oh my special people i gotta stay on top of that all my special things he got a lgbt but with retards a different type of retards okay so you this girl is in her 30s yeah right she's 30s oh i don't know we need to find exactly what she's about to explain to us ready oh wait yeah doing normal little girl things with my fun crazy family i have no clue because you're supposed to sit up i am saying but the truth is i'm not a little girl what i'm a woman what a 22 year old woman stuck in the body of an eight-year-old we can't have children at the bar okay plus yeah so basically she had brain cancer when she was young and they had to do chemo in order to get it out and it [ __ ] up her pituitary gland so she didn't really grow but she's smart like an adult right it's legally an adult but looks like an eight-year-old girl yep okay it kind of similar to the has bullet thing but i think hasbro looks more uh midgety she just looks like a girl yeah right like what do you mean who's having yeah this hezbollah is that guy he's uh he's uh he's related to uh khabib okay okay okay and he's like a [ __ ] but he looks like he's really young he looks like she's really baby or does he just i think he's hezbollah nurmagomedov or is that just a popular last name i don't think they got a few last names i don't think it's a common last name nurmagomedov bro i've never been to dagestan there might be a lot of them with the same last name it's like sing it might be like that yeah there's a lot of singing not [ __ ] venkata ramen you know what i mean you say it like that normal name over there bro long ass south indian last name yes i never met somebody that had two of them like i never met two people with that last name not related i have a friend named that's you making our point no i had a friend named akshay yeah venkatara but that long ass last time i never met another human being with that name okay so you're saying they are related i'm saying no yeah yeah i'm saying they all really he's saying could be a common last name i'm saying no okay anyway can we get back to what's happening not even the right name is magomedov [Laughter] when you fully grow you get the nern that [ __ ] only gets half you gonna make his little ass pronounce that whole thing that's a good point okay basically he looks like a toddler that's not him stop it y'all are getting too distracted there's people trying to pay attention stop derailing okay so this girl is eight years old okay go back to the girl the girl is eight years old in her body she's 22 years old in real life okay and she said she has a tough time dating she said it's horribly uncomfortable and she goes on blind dates obviously that's a [ __ ] up thing to do blind dates absolutely if you look like that you can't meet a grown ass man at a bar son that's super disrespectful no that's on her he looks crazy i mean she got to give him the heads up what if she gives him the heads up that's what i'm saying a blind date is no heads up no no but like describe what she looks like but you don't picture it who is the person that's like oh i got the girl for you what do you think of me yeah you're like hey i got the girl for you this eight-year-old looking ass [ __ ] son everybody who dated ariana grande is the same [ __ ] so low-key low-key that's that's kind of facts it's a little concerning ariana grande she do look about fourteen she looks like this yeah yeah like with a lot of makeup and that kind of stuff maybe you could look at it and go okay this is an adult this is a child absolutely like anybody go and she says that she's like yo i know the people who are into me because i'm a child yeah but low-key isn't that the cure like not for her not for her but then again maybe it's someone who's you know does she want someone who's into her sexually low-key treatment don't you want somebody who wants you yes it might be true love's kisses what you're saying what does that mean it's like from disney like you have to get kids by your true love and her true love is a pedophile and then that's what will make her grow up it's the best that's what you're saying i know what i'm saying it's the best like it's actually people go oh it's not the best for her it is the best for her she wants a grown-up that is into the way she looks she'll always look like a kid so if she's into a grown-up that likes the way she looks that's a pedophile even if he says he's not he is you can't like that and not be into kids she's a child but a pedophile also wants a kid because of the way they act she's like vegan so she's pedophile yeah but she's gonna have to pretend to be she's gonna be on teen yeah yeah yeah what's she gonna pretend to be a little kid what do you mean pretend like she gotta put on some [ __ ] jellies she gotta like watch cartoons and do you speak she was just cartoons no no you think she's at home watching succession she was wrong she was smoking weed she was smoking weed little kids smoke weed to go to thailand loser you never been to thailand no come on things with my friends that kid was like nine years old smoking cigarettes yeah people smoke cigarettes bro you gotta get back in these streets bro straight to thailand you gotta get back in these streets they're smoking [ __ ] cigarettes out here at young ages all i'm trying to say is this girl's [ __ ] she's so [ __ ] bro like literally if you're a dude that's into of age women a normal dude even if you loved her as a friend there's no way you're sexually attracted no chance ever there's no way ever she literally cannot have sex with a person who isn't a pedophile yeah because if you were able to have sex with her you're a pedophile you could be bi you could be like pedophile and not you know you're just into anything yes yeah yeah are there those people it's got to be right if you could be into guys and girls can you be into kids and adults probably guys infamous tour updates west coast edition oxnard sold out sacramento we got tickets only a few left literally like a row left you can go get those uh braya california sold out coachella california we have tickets for you go get those real quick we're coming out there to coachella and then san jose we had to get rid of the sunday uh show but we're still there for uh friday and saturday make sure you go get those uh we got a bunch more dates that are up available on my website the andrews.com go get those tickets we got plenty more akash what you got yo january through 29th i'm coming to the comedy vault in batavia illinois february 3rd through 5th i'm going to be in richmond virginia at the sandman comedy club now cali we got a run coming so you better bring your ass through you keep asking for it it's coming february 20th i'm going to be at levity live in oxnard february 23rd i'm gonna be at the improv in irvine february 24th i'm gonna be at the improv in ontario and february 25th i'm gonna be in la hollywood proper at dynasty typewriter and of course you know we got the vancouver playhouse march 11th march 18th through 20th san antonio lol comedy club and the big one the theater we're finally doing it y'all only shutting me down i'll give a [ __ ] april 22nd and 23rd the royal theater in toronto go to akashing.com for tickets now let's get back to the show all right guys some of y'all are [ __ ] in winter and you're not doing it right okay if you're [ __ ] in winter you're keeping the socks on it's too cold in the apartment to not have socks on now if you got the socks on you don't have no traction and that's cause you're not wearing the right socks you got to get some clap cleats baby that's right we spoke about them in this podcast we talked to the owner of clap cleats we said we need to collab on something to make sure that cheeks are getting beat in the right way during winter okay or if you just want to beat them because your feet get cold sometimes maybe your girl gets a little cold you don't want her slip sliding everywhere okay clap cleats are for you take your sexual performance to the next level hit it out of the park every single time when you're using the clap cleats okay traction to the action better motion for the ocean this is what it's all about their material is lighter and more breathable than cotton and will feel like you have new skin on your feet i'm telling you they even got the five toe design all right so if you went to feet you still get to see them digits five toe design is fitted to your shoe size and stays put so you can put in that work if you're ready to take your sex to the next level okay and keep your toes warm in the process tell your girl to keep your toes warm in the process make sure you go to clapcleeds.com use the promo code flagrant at checkout and you can get 20 off your first purchase and you can check out the clap cleats version 2. they also got the valentine's day edition the saint patty's get lucky edition go check them out just remember to use flagrant at checkout for 20 off your first purchase now let's get back to the show so what do you do with something like this is it illegal to date her yeah it should be illegal i i know it sounds [ __ ] up but it should bro why not why can't midget's data damn there you go damn now you're gonna have peter dinklage with his full ass beard walking around with his daughter yeah and then making out with her yeah but that's a best case scenario [ __ ] peter she don't look midgeted that might be a good point if you have a dwarf person making out with her you'd be lightly like she don't got the weird chicken arms and [ __ ] like that like you didn't even have to say weird but weird is the most offensive part i mean she and it's so accurate that it's hard to notice what i'm saying okay yeah the weirdest part is what i'll stand against all right you can't say it weird but why is it what is weird what is weird what is weird is just not normal yeah right and is it normal that you look at someone's arms you want to dip them in some honey mustard is that is that weird or is that normal what if there's a dwarf listening right now we love dwarfs i'll let them sit on my lap listen to the whole episode not her but we can't acknowledge there's some [ __ ] is weird and some [ __ ] isn't son she is she is methadone for pedophiles yes that's what she is yes it's not the exact thing that they want but it's gonna settle the urge yeah yeah yeah it's a gateway to you like you know what i like her mentality she's a mature woman maybe i can go to a grown-up version of this there you go she oh wow first step of rehab oh wow they could start by having sex with her and then realize that they actually enjoy a grown woman 100 ah she's the gateway drug to not being a pedophile no more exactly god put her on a planet for a reason step one of rehab yeah cough up that coochie shorty let's save some kids no we can save kids this way 100 right yes or no well i don't know i don't know what i don't know i think al had a good point what's al's point i don't know what pedophiles are into are they into the body of a kid or they're into the psyche [ __ ] act like you don't know this [ __ ] over here you know exactly what they was into bro you spent some time in that van as a kid looking for your ass around orlando mad [ __ ] amber alerts going out now they want you to act like a child what's creepier though this or a 22 year old woman that's actually eight-year-old son you don't think what we roll with the 22 woman's 22 year old body i don't know what you just said i get what you say you know that hypothetical when you can have sex with your girlfriend eight-year-old that has a 22 year old body yeah 22 year old they got an eight-year-old's body yeah yeah anything that looks young anything that looks young you can't do uh even if they got the brain of a eight-year-old how much difference y'all never slept with one dummy yeah i've never said with one dummy just saying [ __ ] you just want to give him a [ __ ] coloring book you know what i mean like you're 28 but you might as well be a kid yeah yeah how much how much changes what other information you got you know spell you know what i mean it's not until you old that you appreciate you know the fine art that is a woman's brain you know what i mean and y'all are y'all are [ __ ] up y'all supposed to be married men we married men out here we got wives you know what i'm saying is what it is we all fake it why she can't fake act like a kid a little bit we've been faking my girl got her [ __ ] wisdom teeth taken out i've been faking for a goddamn week how was that you got to take care of her this weekend right man that [ __ ] is for the birds bro yo taking care sucks yeah right oh that's rough what do you mean she needed you and you were able to be there i was i actually liked taking care yeah you got to you got to be here uh her rock in that time you know i was i was her rock i did all that [ __ ] i killed that [ __ ] boy yeah did you and she started taking vans a little bit what do you mean that's that's that's once they started taking advantage a little bit that's how i know he didn't take that great kick i gave it 24 hours i gave it 24. there's a window it's like after a few days it's like yo you ain't better yet yeah it's like come on yo what are we doing you got no problem yelling at me mouth don't hurt then right like let's go what do we got to do here just take some perks that's it yeah did they give her the perks at the end of the video i took all them shits i was like we out here we're gonna have some what do we do with this girl gotta feed her gotta feed girl she's gonna make her theater to the molester does she have a child's metabolism whatever the [ __ ] she want to don't gain weight yeah probably most likely no most likely just bound to a life of celibacy is she allowed to get only fans or should that be illegal too oh that's a good question holy freak from asking the question holy [ __ ] that's a brilliant business plan yeah is it or is it not great why do you associate the only thing something assuming why or a pedophile and a foot fetish yeah you don't think so no chance dog come on they might they might yeah i think they could oh my god that's an incredible question she should legally be able to do an only fans but it'd be absolutely terrifying bro yeah this girl could be a [ __ ] superstar though she could be a billionaire she might be able to she got her own but she could be big she put out music 1-800 cars for kids what is that is it because it's not nice all right all right i know all the producers cast your cars 1 800 cash for cars no it's not no it's cars for kids with a case anyway all right boys let's let's talk about it we don't know listen we're not scientists which brings us to our next conversation yes they're coming after the king again bro again they coming after the [ __ ] king rogan uh did a conversation he had a conversation with josh zepps you guys know josh's episode i don't know him i just know this conversation right and he was uh he was a journalist he used to write for the huffington post uh i guess and then he went and moved back to australia and then he started working for abc which is i think uh australian broadcasting uh corporation or something like that and i think he's been on rogan a bunch of times and they had a discussion on whether the vaccine uh causes myocardosis carditis yeah and um basically rogan would say yo the vaccine is causing myocarditis you know we shouldn't be giving this thing to people this is [ __ ] up etc and then he was like well kovid also causes it and causes it even more at a higher rate at a higher rate and i think myocardia is essentially like an uh inflamed heart and heart at the heart yeah and people are really concerned because there's been uh larger than average number of soccer players that have been developing these heart problems and yeah it happens i think in males between a certain age i want to say 12 and 17 but typically males like so if you're looking out for your male listeners right that's a thing 100 so uh obviously people are gonna put things together you know you're like oh [ __ ] all these soccer players got vaccinated now they're dropping like flies it's the vaccine that's taking them down but it could also be coveted causing some myocarditis or it could have nothing to do with it etc so the guy proves rogan wrong rogan i think was very graceful on twitter about it and he was like yo if i'm gonna be made to look done by anybody i'm glad it's my friend josh zepps i love him he's awesome and in the clip he's like oh i thought i've read another study that he does post but he's like i thought i read another study that said that's not the case but he he's like okay he's willing to admit the podcast all right i might be wrong he doesn't like argue he doesn't shout him down he's okay fair enough causes a big stir yeah internet goes wild um and then all of a sudden these these people come together and i say people because everybody's listing them as doctors but it turns out not all of them are even doctors 270 different scientists doctors doctors scientists health professionals has all turned into 270 doctors yeah and they're not even like phds no some do just have doctorates somebody cleans the [ __ ] hospital right it's just 270 random people that are coming together and be like hey spotify you need to do something and then they don't say what they want them to do oh no they do they don't they don't well say they say what do they ask they want some kind of policy against not against it just notifies people of misinformation so they don't tell them what to do that seems like a pretty reasonable thing though it doesn't seem like the craziest like i think they people here's what i think i think that's not the craziest ask i think some of the stuff they say like his beliefs are dangerous or whatever that's too much i don't think it's crazy to say hey we don't want taking off spotify just notify people when there could be misinformation have a policy in place who decides what information is true it's about if i would have to lean on their own people and i guess that could be messy there's a lot of gray area there i don't necessarily have a problem with that what's weird to me is everybody jumping on rogan and now he has kind of come to represent the right wing he's the new trump bro the corporate the corporate media needs someone to ship yes and that's what's crazy because if he's your right right-wing trump guy he endorsed bernie to win like i want bernie to win in 2020. in that podcast he's talking to the josh guy yeah he's having like a very liberal approach like how to help cities he's like yo we have all this money to spend on wars abroad why are we spending that money to like help these little cities that are dealing with increased like crime and like homelessness like where's all this money that we can invest in them very little it's a super liberal point you're not saying is the new trump literally you're saying no they're treating them right yeah they're acting like they're the same person he said positioning i'm sorry and positioning specifically on the right because that's what the left needs to do yes if they're like hey this guy's reasonable he's in the middle then there's nothing to push back they have to push the right as dangerous yeah because they are incompetent on the left you know what i mean yeah and i'm not saying there's no dangerous people in the right but joe ain't right he said that he said barack obama is the best president i've seen in my lifetime and he wants michelle obama to run and hope she wins in 2024. so what about this guy is so right-wing and and sure he's also got conservative beliefs as well that's like every [ __ ] human being right so it's like but the thing that's interesting about this is i think this is all corporate media uh corporate media uh hit piece and i think that they have to make him radioactive because they're not really asking for anything like if you look at those doctors like why aren't those doctors asking the same thing from cnn and fox news like why don't you ask cnn and fox news to talk about the information they're putting out there yeah because a lot of that [ __ ] ends up being uh misinformation or fake or we didn't get it right and we didn't know exactly what these things were joe is literally interviewing people who he believes have interesting things to say on the podcast those people say those things he can't control what those people said yeah like now greg did he control them coming on his platform or not but who does he call he calls those 370 doctors first and goes hey can i have this person come on the podcast and he talks for 16 hours a week he's gonna get some [ __ ] wrong yeah it's amazing every [ __ ] loser has a podcast but none of you give any grace to the guy who podcasts at the highest level and does the most hours of any person who gets the [ __ ] wrong that's that's why i think this is a hit piece because you're not keeping that same energy with the news 100 is a hit piece i agree with you right completely so it's like who's really behind it who benefits the most from this and i think it's okay to be wrong but we all kind of conveniently forget that they were telling us early on mass don't help and now it's mass mass mass double mass triple mass fine it's okay to be wrong yeah but if rogan is wrong it can't be [ __ ] he's the devil he's all that's wrong in the world the news got the [ __ ] wrong fauci got the [ __ ] wrong so people get [ __ ] wrong that's okay he actually very quickly was like oh maybe i'm wrong within the same [ __ ] video clip you play he admits i might be wrong like the news didn't do that for weeks yeah we're walking around without mass early in covert because they don't help only n95 helps now all of them help now we're two now we're three it's like y'all are getting [ __ ] wrong we're all learning about this stuff he gonna do the same thing but he's not a scientist he's a guy he's a stand-up comic with a platform yeah that's it yeah it's it's tricky man it's really annoying and i imagine that it's so funny because if they got him kicked off spotify which is not what they're asking they're asking for them to i guess have some sort of policy that lets you know if it's misinformation yeah which is very tricky because the people in control of that policy literally control truth and that is a very dicey thing especially on a conversation platform yeah i mean like like rogan brought up an article like a study that more or less kind of points to what he was saying yeah and there's conflicting studies like there is with science in general yeah so he brought up his study and someone else brought up a different study and like it's not for them necessarily to figure it out but having a conversation i don't see it as dangerous you know this whole thing about like trust the science is just so funny because like like my mom went into a doctor once and said the doctor said you'll never be able to have kids you have a thyroid issue right she didn't trust the science she got a second opinion and the second pain was like no just take these pills you'll have kids everything's fine and now we're bored my mom had a doctor tell her she needed a hysterectomy she didn't need one at all she's about to get her if you just trust the science on one guy a doctor same kind of [ __ ] that'll write this letter i'm gonna get my as a woman i would get my entire uterus taken out when i didn't have to she was fine a [ __ ] hysterectomy is crazy hey you can't have kids crazy yeah you can't just blindly trust everything science says because science gets [ __ ] wrong you should question it i think pushing back completely and saying oh science is all [ __ ] cause they got one thing wrong it's also crazy but it's okay to be a little bit questioning and say i don't know about this yeah science says some of us will like lose our hair and we haven't done that you know i mean a lot of people in here still got their hair yeah and that's science yeah and it looks beautiful the hair looks absolutely gorgeous wait why are you bringing that up do we have a keepsake or something like that i don't know that'd be a good segment all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because i need to make sure that y'all keep your hair okay simple as that keep your hair on your head it is a choice now and you can choose to do it with keeps that's right okay keeps offers a simple stress-free way to keep your hair convenient virtual doctor consultations and medications delivered straight to your door every three months you don't even have to leave your home and this low-cost treatment start at just ten dollars somewhat look at this head of hair okay some of you look at me right now you're like oh i remember back in the geico days he had that hairstyle yes i did same amount of hair why because i've been on this [ __ ] simple as that you want to keep your hair you do it with keeps and if you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss right now go to k-e-e-p-s dot com flagrant to receive your first month of treatment for free that's k-e-e-p-s dot com flagrant to get your first month free k-e-e-p-s dot com slash flagrant get on it guys your boy was going bald too in miami and now my [ __ ] is luxurious looking good baby looking good absolutely love it man you do have a good head of hair now hey hey bro thanks to keeps anyway let's get back to the show yeah go out i think this is a good example of just how we all live in our bubbles yeah because he found uh joe rogan found information that supported his belief yeah and then the doctor or whoever that guy was on malone malone he comes on with information that supports his beliefs and it's like you you can pull up both articles and yeah both say different things so maybe maybe this is like a reason why we shouldn't immediately trust the science dude science constantly disagrees with you and maybe this is why we need to have many more conversations and listen to many conversations before we decide to have one opinion the problem is that human nature we're not looking for information we're looking for confirmation but maybe that's something we have to unlearn right so instead of going hey let's curate every bit of information for all human beings so they can all think the same way about something maybe we should start saying hey go out there and read a bunch of [ __ ] listen to a bunch of [ __ ] experience a bunch of [ __ ] don't let one guy tell you everything about the world the the only thing i would push back is like i do trust the science just in terms of science is about running experiments and figuring [ __ ] out so it's like we run an experiment we figure something out and then oh someone runs another experiment and disproves that so like science is that study where you keep learning and things do change and i think that's what we agree with i think we have an issue with people a who blindly disagree with everything science says because it doesn't fit their ideals or people who blindly agree with everything science says no matter how much it changes how constantly i mean can we just acknowledge like there are [ __ ] out there that have had two vaccine shots yeah a booster yeah i think in israel they got four and the study just came out that that fourth one isn't that great again and still get the virus yeah and they call people who are skeptical of the vaccine stupid yeah hello yeah i mean bare minimum you could go all right maybe you're not stupid it's not at this point you get four shots and you still get the [ __ ] are you calling the guy who didn't get it stupid yeah that's a little bit crazy right you're you're the ignorant one you're the one setting the country like i think the vaccine overall is a good thing i don't blindly i'm not getting a booster yet you know what i mean i'm waiting i'm like just wait [ __ ] science is constantly disproving yourself but really got it i got it i just want to point out i got it that felt weird bro very submissive i almost spit it out second mark said swallow i almost fit that [ __ ] out bro what are um yeah my boys it's it's a tricky one man it's a tricky one i hope we get to a point where we could actually listen to people and don't get me wrong the people that refuse to take the vaccine are also annoying as [ __ ] yeah right like the super anti-vaxxers just like the super trust of science people you're equally [ __ ] the same person yeah you are exactly the same person and you're both really [ __ ] hipsters when you think about it yeah right like you're both trying to uh reject what you believe to be the common culture right right you're both pushing back against something and then you find yourself virtuous because of it you're both [ __ ] annoying but there are people that operate in this middle ground where like yeah we got the vaccine because it was easy for our lives but at the same time we're like man i'm kind of dumb getting vaccines bro unless y'all figure some [ __ ] out we're not gonna worry about it ever again like remember when we got back when we were younger and i don't gotta worry about that [ __ ] i ain't got rickets since right never got like spades or what's the other one oh yo cheat [ __ ] smallpox smallpox polio isn't there another one shingles measles mumps rubella yeah you ain't got nothing rubella i don't even know what rebel is like what is rubella i thought that was the green [ __ ] they put in salads yeah that's arugula yeah yeah point is is uh i think we just i think it's okay to be a little skeptical now what the [ __ ] and go watch you just call it a covet shot like a flu shot we're like i a lot of times it don't work but it could help so get it it's a coveted shot it's not a vaccine it's a shot yeah if you get it it'll be mild it's the covet mids you know what i'm saying like it's not all the way yeah it's not all the way like you're not gonna wear it proudly but like you need a sneaker to do some yard work you gonna get yourself a nice little cove admit i just don't get why all the headlines are saying oh 267 doctors well as if like that's and it's like a significant statistic what is your feeling on it like 267 like in the world that seems like not a lot of doctors in the world i bet there's a lot i bet there's more than 270 doctors who are avidly anti-vaccines 270 they weren't all even doctors yeah but but uh but i think what's interesting with ez is like so you have 270 people that have come together to sign a petition they're not even all doctors just 270 people in order to like get the governor out of there you need like a hundred thousand signatures right and they got that [ __ ] didn't weren't they about to get gavin newsom the [ __ ] out of here like you could only get 270. yeah that's pathetic right and they had to lie and just say doctor because you know if it was like 270 nurses you'd be like get the [ __ ] out of your filipino i'm a professor of biology i you know chemistry take an ass [ __ ] oh you make 60 000 a year okay okay oh i'll bow down to you [ __ ] you bro you want residency somewhere bums yeah yeah [ __ ] find my phd kid the [ __ ] that's a phony doctor that's what that [ __ ] is phd oh phony doctor phd i saw what you did right thank you yeah i think we could get 270 dollars to support anything we need to start getting 270 doctors together for random things we got 270 doctors listening to right now we're going to be we got tajil nayak he's a doctor oh [ __ ] that's good bang we got a couple we could get them all together we could just go support causes i literally yeah let's do that yeah let's do that what should we support what should be the first one shauna ray gets married i was thinking the same thing yeah to say that that wait she should get married to like a regular person or that was my suggestion i thought that would be the only difference very different because i just care about the kids and i'm trying to save the kids i think uh hook her up with chris hanson and i think they do some work oh that's a good point shauna ray chris hamilton how insane is that job dude they just hire like young looking kids to stand in an apartment yeah and then pedophiles that casting director pedophile yeah yeah yeah you look young enough to [ __ ] that's literally what they have to do when they bring the people in right yeah you're above age but you look young enough that a pedophile would [ __ ] you yeah jesus they don't even need that young of a girl they're doing it all online they could just get any person you know what i mean they don't even need a girl there just haven't something that could be a guy the second they walk in the house it's over but the fact that they want the girl is they wanna oh and they go what do i do when the pedophile gets there they go [ __ ] run like leave yeah they always get them running out that house yeah it's terrifying but yeah we're gonna get 270 doctors on it i think we should yeah you know not to always bring up 911. okay but there are 3 000 engineers uncomfortable with wherever this engineers and architects for 911 truth all right oh it's a it's a famous commission trying to get truth about what happened so 3 000 engineers in our 3 000 that's another [ __ ] they're probably software engineers yeah think that this is a good point so what should we do should we should we post misinformation when we're yeah you know talking about 9 11 yeah because we don't know exactly how it happened al do you know how it happened i don't know how you don't yeah come on just say you know you know how it happened i would never say it but all i'm saying is you can get a bunch of experts to sign up to uh support any cause right yeah whether you believe it or not you knew that call is pretty quick though yeah you kind of had that ready to go you've been waiting for this moment there's 5 000 trying to lower the age of consent isn't that crazy in america are they friends they're trying to raise the age of consent i'm just saying there's a lot of groups out there these [ __ ] doctors yeah i don't know but mark knew that's your way to do it more than 9 11 [ __ ] dr gagnon okay give me some other things that doctors who the [ __ ] that's why you can't trust doctors bro you really can't what do they do what do they do what do they do what do they do you told me you went to a doctor one time and just disagreed with him yeah i forgot because he told me i was gonna be 5 10. who's laughing now [ __ ] hey i was supposed to be 5 10. i said i'm going to be six five seven that [ __ ] was dead ass right actually it bothered me my mom was like you should have disagreed with him oh you're right you succumbed to what he said oh i did it to myself literally i believed it he told me i was gonna be 510 i was like i looked him in his face i said i will be six feet two inches tall i have six feet two hundred dollars i could have been five ten i could add three inches right so you could've been six feet you grow as tall as you want to grow wait so why'd you pick something isn't [ __ ] trunk someone said to her your little pituitary gland don't work no more are you gonna be a pedophile's delight they did say that and she just believed it instead of trying to grow every night your boy was trying to grow you did it doug i'm telling you if you say it it will happen this is fact i don't think this is misinformation it's not misinformation i'm proof yeah you're mr information yeah let's go bro you've got you know that's why we assume gender with information bro right why do we do that why you don't believe in it we don't believe in women dog yo misinformation believe all women [Laughter] wasn't there a radio personality photo miss info yeah yeah it was hot 97 i think yeah remember how popular that [ __ ] used to be yeah right and now complete her brand is [ __ ] ruined tmz ruined her [ __ ] bro oh she was on tmz no i'm saying you didn't need her once you got tmz they know everything they got all right oops you got a little eyebrow [ __ ] you're good you're better okay all i'm just saying is doctors man come on y'all y'all are wrong get a better job start podcasting son if what did they do to keep you alive i've seen i've seen lifeguards save more people bruh just by pumping on your chest and kissing your lips yeah like you ain't never seen that [ __ ] once in your life right now i've seen it it happened to him in hawaii son i got saved bro yeah what also a dude yeah and then brought me back to life bro you got stunned by jellyfish yeah you need to get rid of the pain no no in all in all seriousness i think we trust doctors too much i mean i'm being serious about that this seems irresponsible why does this seem irresponsible what do you gonna trust a doctor with every single thing they say i do yep come on now i have to how what racially i have to why because i'm indian i can't go against them i believe joe rogan's article justice was written by bene prasad so you know hey that vaccine probably causes myocarditis i mean percentage probably man but that's i believe that article i'm going to disagree with an a i probably know that [ __ ] you get your your workout stuff from a doctor from a doctor yeah oh yeah but he's he's a md or he's a phd [Laughter] his name's a muscle doc bro all right he's a doctor that's all i know he's a chiropractor what a dumbass profession that is [Laughter] wait a minute this is crazy think about all the doctors we don't trust and think about all the people that we do trust right if there's a fire in your building who you call doctor right you call the firemen to come fix that [ __ ] most of the things in your life that you need to get fixed you don't talk to doctors yo you got electrical issues at the house doctor you ain't calling a doctor right [ __ ] didn't even graduate college right that's real think about it hey when we use doctors for uh if your feet hurt but besides telling us some [ __ ] we already know uh what if you're really thirsty and you want a refreshing drink then what dr pepper yeah yeah what's wrong with that he was trying to set me up right now that was good that was good but that was a good lap that was a good lap dr scholes that's another famous dog dr scholl's feet hurt i'm just saying like literal trusting doctors i'm trying to like literally trust the doctor how often do you all go to the doctor daca is so useless americans are like [ __ ] healthcare like actively half of the country is like who needs it right real talk what part of the country are you here half of the country's like we don't need universal healthcare but they still like having healthcare say again they still like having them says who says he's [ __ ] in ranch uh got healthcare i don't know i'm watching yellowstone my whole life is yellow i'm like what are you learning don't trust no doctors kyrie irving nachos and doctors who kyrie irving trusted doctor internet that's it doctor um [ __ ] no black girl stop it he likes flat earth flat earth flat asses that's what that man is into all i'm saying is we we might be overeating doctors you know and i know that this hurts because your people make the best i adamantly disagree that being said are doctors really running the world anymore yo nothing's better when i look over at miles and he's fully on can a doctor prescribe him some [ __ ] adderall or something so we can get through this podcast that's a real self-esteem blow miles drink some caffeine before you come sit down here yawning our [ __ ] face as we're all laughing having a good time yeah we're having a great ass time miles don't believe it and then the one listener is like [Laughter] okay all i'm trying to say is we need to take another look at doctors yeah okay if you have cancer or some [ __ ] what is the doctor's strategy every time a doctor misdiagnoses we should get 270 signatures to that [ __ ] i agree with that also but real talk can we just talk about this if you got some cancer what is the doctor's strategy chemo already put radioactive waste on your body yeah that's a little while yeah that sounds like some [ __ ] that like makes a new cereal son you remember when we said like like what what is this calamity that's happening right now like that's the go-to there's no better no we're gonna look back on that in like 10-15 years and be like radioactive waste you don't even put leeches on people to suck the blood out that's going to be the same [ __ ] that was science being wrong as [ __ ] actually now that might have been right yeah maybe we got to go back to that yeah we might have to go back to leave a hole in somebody with mental issues they just drill into their [ __ ] head yeah that feels like that trust the science give me your skull and a [ __ ] black and decker that's crazy come on bro bone marrow what's that it's quite delicious that no like what is it like come on if there was a doctor in this room right now what would you want to know what would you want i want to know everything what was you asking how do you fix a broken bone you know what did we do wrap it in toilet paper that's your best thing to fix a broken bone still wrap it in paper mache that's all you got you make a paper mache and that's a doctor like i couldn't figure that [ __ ] out too right like hey your finger's broken what should i do don't use it thanks doc you had to go to 12 years of school and figure that out what i'm trying to say is every once in a while [ __ ] who never went to doctor school doctor's school he never went to doctor school pretends to be a doctor and people don't find out for years a long time sometimes they never find out that's a problem there's probably doctors that never got found out that's a problem fake doctors you could just go fake it catch me if you can only got caught cause of fake checks that's a good point he could just been a doctor real talk that's harder the goat dr love that young uh glycation kid that was he had his own practice in florida got he was killing him he was killing literally he wasn't killed and people were living they were surviving they were thriving yeah he was because you get all the information off the internet anyway yeah i'm just trying to say i think i could be a doctor surgery that's a different animal because my hands are shaky i can't i can't you kind of you can shake a little bit i got shaky hands well it depends what you need surgery on my boy dude i mean if you need to get that heart moving this might be a little extra i might get some extra little beats in there come back dancing but for real the surgery thing that's legit but just like the oh you have a cold stuff like how would you diagnose that what a cold yeah i i think you've got it i've been self diagnosing colds for about 15 years you don't know when you got a cold me yeah i've never got a cold oh yeah here we go never been sick how are you defending doctors and years ago yeah miles had enough yeah miles had enough we got a groan out of miles yeah you're talking to the mic grab that [ __ ] like miles hasn't grown like [Laughter] all right guys we'll take a break for a second now to everybody out here got a little e-commerce business pop-in you made it through the holiday rush okay but now is not the time to start slacking on shipping your customers orders okay what you need to do is get hooked up with station listen shipping delays supply shortages holiday demand last year 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gonna do this you know my whole schedule is predicated on being able to be at these events and this could cause serious trauma etc and he's basically out there shaming the family for not allowing him to be at chicago's birthday right and all of a sudden he gets the party allegedly it was uh travis scott yeah uh who allows him to be there yeah always be allowing a little bit more people yeah they're like the birthdays of capacity [Laughter] it really was so too soon yeah uh too soon so so basically we don't know if this is a real story this is kanye drumming up interest this is where things get tricky because kanye is in this um attention uh matrix right now where everything that he's doing is drumming up so much attention yeah and either people are [ __ ] on it or they're celebrating it or they're just curious about it but everything he's doing and i think part of this is like yo i'm riding this wave i'm going to continue this momentum and keep on doing these things i think he's actually trying do they setting up these photo shoots etc so i don't know if this is them really trying to keep kanye out of the party because maybe they think he's having an episode or them really being fouled to kanye and then him using the internet as a shame tool to force them to allow him to be there what do you guys think is there a chance they're all in on it yes the kardashians have that streaming deal so this is what they do every [ __ ] year when they have their show on e whenever the show is not filming all this crazy [ __ ] would happen and then people would watch specifically to see what happened behind the scenes when that crazy [ __ ] went down so you are watching kanye go full bore hey you do that you get your publicity go as wild as you want and however it affects us we'll eat off that too you don't think that's going to be an episode in the streaming show them being like why because i think kim was like no we this was the agreement he wasn't supposed to come to this party we agreed on that beforehand that's not going to be something girls are going to want to see how did kim handle all this i think they could all be in on it if it's a publicity thing i think 100 everybody's cool with it that's interesting that's an even pete you think is in on it oh i don't know if pete is in on it but i don't think i think they're completely like i think they look at pete and they're like that's perfect that's maybe drake is too much whatever two high stakes maybe we can't get drake for whatever reason so who should we get oh let's get this uh this let's get this [ __ ] everybody else already he [ __ ] every famous person for him it's a huge step up why don't we just have kim and him together maybe she has sex a couple times don't have a problem doing that for publicity how much do you think if if your life is dictated by attention how much you think that values into your decision making in terms of the people that you enjoy hanging out with like what i just when as soon as you say that i thought about the jay-z line uh from lost ones where he says fame is the most addictive drug known a man yeah that's that's it so like do you start thinking you actually like people that you don't oh because you're getting fame by being around them probably yeah so so it is possible that they all believe that they are enjoying one another's company because they're getting served by something else right yeah this uh like they don't even know who are you referring to everybody involved there like floyd a b like kim that hangout was the saddest [ __ ] about this whole episode to me yeah but loki yeah yeah floyd and a.b clearly did not want to be there but donna we know that she'll do anything for attention she's been [ __ ] desperate for for 15 years and them two sitting on the couch couches where i got real sad i was like yo y'all don't want to be here so clearly they're just like whispering to each other looking mad [ __ ] you know at a party when you're a kid and you didn't really know anybody and just sitting there it's like that like you don't know how to dance yet so you're just sitting on the couch yeah floyd's like the [ __ ] am i doing at this guy all of them like the attention though floyd likes like i think they both like the attention i think they were both sitting there like why are we here you can still question in that moment why are we here you know what's interesting though like you see a guy like floyd a.b and and kanye all have incredible skills where they could drum up attention with their creativity like they don't need to do the antics like floyd maybe he's retired now so okay he needs to do certain things and then a b obviously with what's going on he can't maybe continue to get the attention from heroic plays on the field yeah but at bare minimum yay can just put out music and people will love it it doesn't have to be a new album it could be another song it could be random cool stuff you can get your attention based on your creativity you don't need to get it based on the antics so i'm just shocked that he resorts to this when he has the ability to do it the kardashians don't have that yeah they mean antics they don't have the creativity that he has so why play this game but here's what you forget madonna has skill also she's an incredibly she is a hall of fame musician does but at a certain point whether we like it or not madonna [ __ ] ran the 80s as a woman yeah but it's not the 80s that's the point once that talent drops off and you can't do the thing that your skill is still got the talent yay does so why is he there and why is he orchestrating all this he puts out two albums that are getting like mid reception yeah he's happy about the reception i don't think it was the same as life of pablo i don't think it's been this you can correct me for sure drake sold more because he's the bigger artist but he feels that people think he had a better album and you know what because he said it probably mark said something interesting to me to me was about um alec baldwin and you were like he probably thinks he's the biggest actor in the world i'm like how could alec baldwin think that and what was your rationale just like every person you meet is like bro you're alec baldwin i love you like you walk into a restaurant everyone's staring at you like you can't go anywhere without being just like the center of attention all these producers like oh alec baldwin's in the movie like you just are the guy in your world yeah and if you already are like a extremely famously successful actor it's hard to discern are you number one or are you number 150 until you're around those other people and you're probably not often around those though if you're working and alec was working yeah especially if you're older or like a b or floyd where your fame isn't going to be instagram fame necessarily yeah like you're not you could look at you know [ __ ] selena gomez has ever been 100 million followers and be like oh yeah but she is she caters to teenagers who are on instagram yeah i'm still really [ __ ] famous my fans aren't on instagram like yeah you can create a world in your mind yeah that you live in so it's very possible yay believes it and drake believes it yeah and that's why they can both be friends because it's like oh i got that [ __ ] yeah interesting so just back to the kardashian thing i do think they didn't invite him to the birthday party or they didn't want him there because kanye is in music-making mode and i know he goes off the medicine when he's in music-making mode right and i think they want to not have him around i think he has a reasonable man i've dealt with people who have mental health issues and like it can get hairy out there bro especially if they're not on the meds and it's it might be selfish for you to not want them there but at the same time like it's your kid's birthday like you don't want to have anxiety that something could go super wrong and be really [ __ ] up so you just kind of remove that situation so you can enjoy that day for the kids you also got a lie in the bed that you made your entire empire and it's an empire has been built on basically taking negative stories and negative publicity and making it positive and using it to your advantage so you've done that that's your only skill and you're really [ __ ] good at it but your only skill is taking negative pr negative [ __ ] that happens to you and then making it monetizable incredibly monetizable and now you got a guy that you signed a deal with the devil and this [ __ ] hey let's if he's really off the meds and bipolar and he's having an episode it's like yo this is what you signed up for in a sense so but the thing is their empire was built on a controlled narrative they control everything that we see and when they got kanye and you've talked about this they elevated to a whole new level like her fame elevated to a whole new level they knew what they were saying if you didn't spend a lot of time with kanye you know he probably got some [ __ ] going on that's on you like that's on you we all thought some [ __ ] is going on you married him i hear what he's saying it is an interesting point it's like you can't just tap out of this [ __ ] whenever you want like if you're in the mafia if you're in a gang you can't just be like oh it's my kid's birthday party so now i'm not responsible for all those [ __ ] things like those things follow you okay yeah right that's just a tough decision though i've seen that go both ways i've seen like family members of mental health issues like get invited to stuff and cause issues i see them like get invited and be totally fine and everything is harmonious i've seen them not get invited and that causes issues so you're basically left with a really difficult decision oh and i completely understand dealing with someone with mental health is tough i've seen it secondhand yeah not first hand but it's tough for sure but it's also when you marry a kanye and this kind of stuff happens in your entire life when this kind of stuff happens you got to know that's what you signed up for i mean she divorced them so now it's like technically yeah that's exactly what andrew was saying you trying to get out the game this is the game you played this entire time you don't just get out like that it's the mafia [ __ ] a mafia guy doesn't just go you know what my kids are in college i'm in my 50s i just want to retire i just want to out to get nabra also if if you use the footage of the divorce and all this stuff for the show yeah if you were planning on using all this stuff for the show and then want to all of a sudden tap out whenever it's convenient for you then i think we're going to call it that's a good point yeah we're going to call hypocrite on that think about like two days prior he just knocked somebody out so allegedly i've seen videos [Music] that's a great point nah that's a great point like if you think that he has the potential to be violent and he's already upset he's saying he's going to do this crazy [ __ ] in songs now like yeah he's charged up i think they have every reason to be concerned oh yeah you have a reason to be concerned i just don't have the empathy for you this is you made this bed now you're lying in it i can't be mad i'm not mad at anybody in this mm-hmm like yay was you however much you guys thrive off crazy [ __ ] yay could go over that yeah you could go crazy this is what it is this is what it is i you can try to not have him at your birthday party he probably gonna make it yeah it's kanye [ __ ] west dawg i'm glad he didn't make it he had literally i could have had a fun time was he swinging his daughter yeah yeah yeah he's a good ass father bro you're trying to break this pain out of a notch i got you yeah all right what else we got we talked about these high schoolers all doing drugs and banging each other oh yeah yeah yeah yeah euphoria why is everyone talking about this i've never seen this show i just started watching it like two weeks ago explain this show to me all right so the show centers around zendaya's character she's great by the way she's great great in spider-man she's great in dune she's just awesome she's very she's very funny and good at being funny in dramatic moments yeah good at the drama i saw that movie on netflix malcolm and marie and i wasn't that impressed but spider-man she's great in this show she's great and she's just like she i think she low-key kind of like this generation's like beyonce we're like this is the girl that everything she does she knocks it out the [ __ ] part that's a good take so this show i wasn't it was too [ __ ] wild for me and it makes me sad to watch but it centers around this girl yeah for sure it centers around this girl high school girl who has a drug addiction mental health issues drug addiction loves taking drugs and she navigates her life in high school around all these other high schoolers who have their own [ __ ] going on so like uh she falls in love with the girl who's trans got the surgery mad young i think born as a boy now as a girl they have a relationship smash they yeah i'm sure they [ __ ] they don't show it but in the [ __ ] first episode when the opening scenes that girl gets [ __ ] by a dude who is a grown man with kids married this is a crime that you watch happen on who who committed the guy the grown-ass man [ __ ] that trans girl she was like 16 years old but did the trans girl say this yeah she signed up she wanted it she they met up it was in a hotel room but said that she was trans i think he knew they they make it pretty clear he knows okay yeah that's wild wild mad drug use like the [ __ ] uh there's like the good looking white kid but he's got his own issues i think they do a great job of telling the story and somehow painting every figure no matter how shitty they are in a somewhat at least somewhat empathetic light like normally you watch a show like this the straight white guy is just a piece of [ __ ] through and through and he's the constant villain and you have no room for empathy for this guy they give you a little room for empathy for this guy you're like oh this guy dealing with some [ __ ] too i guess yeah he's a [ __ ] great actor too that guy is great full ass australian you can't tell at all he has an accent and when he was talking about some of the character [ __ ] i was like oh this is why some actors deserve my respect some because he found the place the way he's talking about it he's like yo he found the empathy for this guy because you got to play a [ __ ] monster yeah and if we can have a shred of empathy then you can play him more three-dimensional yeah and this is to your point hbo kill scripted series [ __ ] they do man and just the best this show is everything that is good about hbo in one show it is raw as [ __ ] is it weird beautiful teenager that's what makes me sad why is it not because this [ __ ] is going on it's so depicted of real life so there's a lot of stuff and we don't have to watch us no but all these people are of age they're not actual teenagers right they're just playing it right so it's like you know that so you could feel you don't feel icky about it i didn't watch kids so i don't i usually stay away from that kind of [ __ ] yeah this one i my wife was watching so i sat down with kids is this a show it was a movie it was a movie about a bunch of [ __ ] up keys in new york right it's basically like rent the straight version yeah like you know teenagers yeah everybody gets aids like that's basically what happens oh it's like skins or some [ __ ] yeah it's like uh this was uh skins is like i think the british version but this was a really popular it took place basically like in my neighborhood like i knew i saw like these kids like skateboarding and that kind of [ __ ] and like um it was it was just like really [ __ ] i mean it was dark it was like really dark look at like teen sexuality and drug use and like partying this is dark dude there are multiple scenes rosario dawson got her uh start in that part i think she was also in rent the movie yeah she was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they came one yeah but it was i mean it's a really fascinating like movie like watch it it's it's [ __ ] up that's how i feel about this it's [ __ ] but it is well done it's like undeniably a well-done show and uh i think one you guys asked does it scare you to have kids and it truly does yeah and not just because the kids are so wild in that like old sense of like oh the world is going to hell yeah it really let me know how out of touch i am with kids like i'm 37 i'm not crazy old but i'm so [ __ ] out of touch with these 17 year olds yeah like gender seems kind of fluid sexuality definitely seems fluid drug use is just a casual thing like just the way you guys see the race is truly not a factor and not in a heavy-handed corny way yep i mean that's good yeah it's cool they don't see race as an issue at all super p yeah it's wow yeah yeah it's like super pee like that's like mad pete all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because i gotta make sure your dick and balls look good and the way that i'm gonna do that is telling you all about manscaped okay now i know you've shaving your balls before you shave your pubes of course we all have we made sure it's good ladies if your man hasn't then you need to pay extra close attention to this that's what i'm talking about the manscape manscape is going to save you so much god damn time it's unbelievable okay if you haven't shaven for months you're both it could be with a regular razor down there for 30 minutes and you got some scissors so you trimming everything down it's absolutely awful you want to avoid it if you have manscaped it's a matter of minutes maybe even seconds and you are out of here simple as that get that lawn mower okay by the way it's not just the things you shave if you get the whole package you're gonna get the lawnmower 4.0 designed to trim hair on the loose skin so you're going to be good they also got the advanced skin safe technology reduces cuts nicks on your delicate nuts okay but but they got the body wash as well beautiful ultra premium body wash perfect addition to your daily grooming routine it's also cologne infused with aloe vera sea salt all the other good stuff so when you want to get your dick and balls right get 20 off of free shipping by going to manscape.com flagrant that's 20 off with free shipping by going to manscape.com flagrant it's the new year no pubes in 2022 with manscape now let's get back to the show and then i thought about like in 20 years when these when i have kids talking about the metaverse and they're just living in this [ __ ] thing i'm gonna look you and be like i have no idea how to help you i have no idea how to guide you through whatever the [ __ ] this is i'm so out of touch and it's only gonna increase exponentially how out of touch i am every year when i have kids who are 16 17 trying to navigate teenage years i'm gonna be like dog i got no clue what you're even saying to me [ __ ] that's overwhelming it is this is actually quite interesting like the juxtaposition but like yellowstone is basically like succession but in uh montana and i think it kind of exposes succession in a lot of ways that uh because um so my biggest issue with succession is just like you're billionaires so you can tap out whenever you want yeah there's no real stakes here right like the second you have a bad day you just take your inheritance and then you leave yeah and they're always like oh my god the world's falling apart just leave yeah you're independently wealthy and so is your family forever yeah so for me after like seven or eight episodes i was like i don't even care about the story it's like you're choosing to be in this yeah you should walk away with a quarter billion dollars you'll be fine bye see you later right so so that that was my issue with succession but yellowstone is kind of similar but just remove the actual cash flow they can't actually tap up tap out because their money is in the land okay right and it's basically a soap opera but it's just [ __ ] great and like they're fighting for a regression so like progress is coming in to montana people trying to develop things people trying to make it like a a modern city and build you know hotels casinos whatever and they're fighting to maintain the lifestyle that they've grown accustomed to right so it's one of those things where it's like i'm sure juxtaposed to uh euphoria you're like well maybe we need to regress a little bit like [ __ ] a little crazy out here you know i mean i i witnessed this even like when i saw like the next generation after me like my brother's generation and like the even younger than that when i saw those kids start to do drugs that i didn't even touch at that age and do it like as a very normal activity yeah i was like okay something's up here yeah like something is up this is too normal there's no fear about it like i don't know i got it i was like so i don't know something's got to give man another interesting thing they did and i don't think the show is perfect by any stretch but another interesting thing they did this show doesn't happen in new york city it happens in a suburb that they don't name at a high school that's fictitious so it could be anyway so it is it's a suburban life it's not oh new york is so crazy it's yo this is a slice of american life how accurate that is i don't know but as a 37 year old who is out of touch that's what it seems like to me that's how i take it dude we're so out of touch man yeah i was doing a show last night at new york comedy club and i somebody had uh i was talking to somebody he mentioned eric adams and i just asked the crowd right this is new york city this is the city you live this is you know you guys are all like involved right about people and i asked what do you guys think about eric adams and i swear to god i would say 90 of the people in that crowd didn't know who eric adams was really now think about that level of luxury yeah think about that level of security your life is so secure and so protected yeah you don't even have to know who's in charge of the city you live in yeah that's crazy that is you want to talk about privilege but yeah the privilege of waking up everywhere every day not worried that the guy who's in charge of the [ __ ] warlord is going to come down to your business start chopping [ __ ] up you you can check out from politics so much your life will be so unaffected you don't even need to know who's in charge i always said that [ __ ] to me in college like any time like it was like i was in like these classes for like social justice or whatever yeah if you were to ever say like oh i'm actually not political or if you would be like oh i'm not really a political person they'd be like privileged which like it was annoying when they said it but it is true i'm [ __ ] petrified like because he's talking about bringing back slap and frisk and [ __ ] like that like that was a scary to be in new york city knowing any time that would be scary to be black in new york yeah but i mean i made it worse so now it's like it's not just worrying about dudes in the neighborhood i got to worry about police just running up on me and just putting their hands wherever taking a beating yeah like don't take that is wild that is privileged man ignorance is not just bliss ignorance is privilege yeah yeah we are woke dude super lumps we're good guys [Laughter] we are good people but isn't that [ __ ] crazy dude how old is the audience all different ages super diverse all different races new yorkers they're like where they're from i think there are new yorkers probably some people from around town but i think they were mostly new yorkers and it was just like it was i wasn't angry at them because i don't even know eric adams platform so i recognize i'm part of the same [ __ ] yeah but it's just like wow like how convenient and comfortable is that yo here's perfect example this is crazy my boy comes up and he says yo this is two days ago he's like yo you need to tweet this thing out for me you need to post this thing on instagram um this woman who's leaving office put this thing in a bill right before uh she left office that basically said anybody who's living in an artisan residence building in like the soho noho area of new york city this is a notorious artist area of new york city uh you have to be an artist to live in an artist-in-residence business now over a year soho's become so expensive that just the only people that could afford it are rich people etc they've moved in and nobody really says anything it is what it is but this would get them either evicted have to pay these crazy fines and basically reduce the value of their properties like crazy because if you can't find an artist that got millions of dollars to buy it it's worth what people will pay for yeah right so my boy's kind of freaking out and i literally looked at him having researched absolutely none of it and just go and just went man it ain't gonna happen right like i literally just i brushed it aside and my justification for brushing aside was like is too many rich people living in these artists and residence buildings that they're not gonna let eric adams it was his job to veto it he's not gonna let not even let or it's like he knows where his bread is buttered too right you're aware that like the rich people control the government yeah and he's freaking out right he's like oh my god the [ __ ] we gonna do you gotta post on instagram like eric adam's waiting for me to post something on the story so we could like manipulate policy and literally the next day he just vetoed it it just didn't it didn't go down which is true and it does show you who who makes it happen yeah but like how crazy is that that that law could have gotten past and i would have no clue because i'm that removed yeah like that yeah what a [ __ ] life for us we are incredibly lucky we're [ __ ] lucky man i mean i know i'm the white guy saying yeah yeah i'm like i'm the luckiest but it doesn't mean that we're not all lucky right yeah there's an american this also just like being in america you're like all right yeah and that is privilege yeah you go to fact that most of us don't need to know policies is privileged yeah like i don't even know who munition or whatever that motherfucker's name is job mansion whatever his name is the guy charlemagne talks about it every week and i just don't know whatever man yeah the newton is stopping the girl and he's like yeah yeah yeah he's in control of it yeah again i just nod [ __ ] that guy i got no clue what's his name munching house munchkins munch houser no he's the guy who's doing a filibuster i don't even know what that is joe manson manson like maryland the point is my point is like i am tapped out from this politics [ __ ] boy i'm [ __ ] tapped out joe manchin right now he changed this [ __ ] so many times what is his actual name master your mansion m-a-n-s-i-o-n man mnuchin is steve no that's the guy who is in charge of the money who is mctuchen oh that's a stop on the train in jersey okay gotcha yeah yeah that's alder and stop and frisk yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right we got it bro that's when people act all political that's cat bro there's no way you can keep you know in touch with all these [ __ ] things man come on now ain't nobody looked at that spending bill bro someone some people didn't ah some did come on yo imagine you come to work and somebody puts a spending bill on your [ __ ] desk paper yeah what you mean don't read that when you could just get on instagram and post your covet test you think a aoc is really going to read that whole [ __ ] thing oh people read it for her and tell her and then they tell her exactly so no one really knows those guys that read it is what they're saying those my business are they guys bro we definitely can't trust these [ __ ] politicians there was a fire bar in yellowstone where they were like politicians are people that believe that uh they can make decisions for your life better than you can and uh i thought that was fun that's some country ass [ __ ] to say there's some bars in this [ __ ] and it's funny because there's like dudes who aren't that country and they get said the things too that's like wipe them spit off a donkey's ass and those this character would be like i know you're insulting me but i don't know what it means i heard the most southern [ __ ] on tiki wiki that said she's hotter than a fritter i was like that's so [ __ ] something that girl was hotter than a fritter i was like god damn oh i love that [ __ ] boy we need we need to just do it man let's go to montana hey let's go to my on the podcast guys let's move the podcast to montana but then in the winter when that [ __ ] gets cold i'm dressed for it let's go i'm ready yeah this is john we're going on a covered wagon i'm not taking a plan you want to do oregon going out west and then you're going to get rickets yes i am dude and then uh diarrhea gonorrhea gonorrhea what's the one that's more fun no no dysentery dysentery that's the one that [ __ ] died gonorrhea is probably more fun to get the hells yeah you ever had a gonorrhea out no you ever got uh the clap no you're good really the only thing i had was that means he got that [ __ ] [Laughter] getting yeah what'd you get some pills for it i don't know if i got it never got chickenpox [ __ ] trust these doctors don't trust them doctors they're like you wanna get tested it's gonna take uh uh one day for the results or i give you the pills right now and then she'll be gone in one day and i said just giving him goddamn pills nothing take him every week now i can know if you really pee did you get hpv say what hpv do i have hpv do i look like a loser to you bro no actually i don't know because i got the the what's it called the vaccine oh really yeah oh you're all about getting vaccinated because that's for women so i know but i don't get that [ __ ] [ __ ] wait uh did you have symptoms say what did you have symptoms no you get it before you got symptoms no when you were taking the pills for the gonorrhea oh was my pee burning yeah did it hurt when you pee it was warm you think you were he was taking pills and nothing's going on so he waited for the longest yeah i definitely probably got that [ __ ] yeah spicy a little spicy some [ __ ] okay all right [ __ ] burned me bro so dr jordan peterson got into twitter beef with ethan klein either clients from h3h3 productions he's a famous youtuber um he's like now moved more i don't listen to a ton of his content he's moved more into like more of a left kind of space he does a podcast with hassan [ __ ] the twitch streamer oh gotcha he used to do uh like long-form interview stuff and did an interview with jordan peterson a while ago and this is the tweet that he put out on the 14th years ago i interviewed jordan peterson before i was very familiar with his politics he was an interesting guest who i enjoyed sitting with but especially now i can see he's a dangerous gateway to alt-right transphobia and coveted misinfo i've removed both interviews today yo that gateway [ __ ] is what is that everything's a gateway like if i have ice cream is that a gateway to diabetes like for some people it is right and then other people just eat ice cream and it's regular yeah like those people were probably gonna find the alt-rate regardless i don't know if you can say jordan peterson is the guy who did it right i just think that that's super you know what's funny is these same people will laugh at uh marijuana being illegal because everybody say it's a gateway drug they would laugh at that idea what is a gateway drug oh interesting and they'll laugh and look down on those people and then say oh he's a gateway to alt-right bro i was trying to say one that ethan would relate to more you know so they had a back and forth on twitter jordan peterson basically was like hi ethan how are you we had a good conversation i enjoyed meeting you and talking to you what have i said precisely that motivated your actions and your accusation deleting our discussion et cetera and then he's basically like can i have the footage basically considering that i went on your show under the supposition that there would be a conversation that would be public yeah well he said the word supposition he won dawg so anyway he basically ethan klein starts pointing it out he says you said a ban on conversion therapy was moral grandstanding uh he said that he said that uh wait what yo you say you know conversion therapy where a guy is gay and you're like now i got therapy we're gonna make it oh now we can't what if you want to convert to gay should that be legal exactly what if you want to be trans straight trans trans straight conversion therapy should be yeah yeah that's all i'm saying is all of a sudden you can't do these things what if you're dying on a beach in hawaii you just want to get one kiss to save your life what are you going to do how do you do that yeah you want to get one car well you want to get one in what do you do i just want to get one kiss he didn't do cpr bro i saved myself i kicked a reese you were talking about it is really funny he said jordan peterson you believe that you believe in enforced monogamy that you put in a new york times interview and he put like links to all the times that he said these things uh he's enforced monogamy ain't that marriage the [ __ ] is that uh jordan peterson he was enforcing the monogamy that sounds a little wild so far ethan's making some sense i gotta say right he said and then he also conversion therapy is moral grandstanding he's a ban on conversion therapy saying hey man you can't just [ __ ] try to make these gay kids straight that's illegal he's like nah you're morally grandstanding that's why i'm talking about yo george peter's a wild boy what else was he talking about when i talked to him he wasn't talking about none of this [ __ ] yeah we were just talking about michael sarah being a little [ __ ] hey that's the guy that canceled the flagrant university at the end of the day we had to stop the whole series now jordan has misinformation peterson will probably say oh that's a uh decontextualized version of what i meant to say and he's just pulling words that are sounding okay that's your supposition yes i'm supposing over here uh he said you mischaracterized bill c-16 resulting in a surge of transphobia the bill was created to add trans people to a protected group against hate crimes using the wrong pronouns would not get anyone sent to jail uh in fact to this day zero people have gone to jail unlike what you've um coming proposed yeah he's going to be free he's got screenshots to everything using the pronoun um as a person i found you amicable and our conversation was very insightful but i'm just not comfortable being a part of the pipeline leading to takes like this so and then hassan [ __ ] reached out and he was like hey jordan maybe if you want to clarify some of your positions come on our podcast oh now we can get more views on them that's foul this is on [ __ ] well that's a different one though they have a pod they have a show together oh so you know wait a minute so he's willing to do a podcast with them together but not the one that they did that's right well i think now that he's more familiar with his his politics he wants to challenge him on some of the things that he's uh he felt he didn't properly challenge them on the first one yeah so let's run it back that [ __ ] is corny that's a play for publicity yeah you can't do that you just did it over twitter i mean you just did that [ __ ] you didn't know how to challenge those points when he was like yo that conversion [Laughter] easy to yeah we gotta do it in public on a podcast that [ __ ] he's phony well i think he's saying it happened later so he said which is fine just don't grant don't say like hey you're banned you should not be allowed on my platform allow them on your platform and keep them on your platform don't delete the episodes and then have them on and say hey we disagree man [ __ ] i disagree with now they made me banned from the internet maybe it's the comic in me but like when somebody says some crazy [ __ ] like that i want to hear them rationalize it boy that's the only doctor i trust yeah dr umar johnson yeah 100 percent right i'm dr martin luther king yo wasn't a doctor yes he was i said well yeah it was we're talking about doctor's real doctor he was a chiropractor bro he's a [ __ ] doctor doctor woman's a real doctor he's doctor of pan-africanism you know he's surgically removed all the black people from america and take them to africa wait that's what he believes yes i don't know to be honest with you i just try to make them talk to africans about this they might feel away i think you need to get their permission to carve out a little bit of land in africa that [ __ ] is out there we think we've ever done that hey how many white people have ever carved out of the land in africa hey bro this is a refund that's what this is [ __ ] out of here you can tell me i'm not welcome back whoa so all i had to say should you take down episodes or like content that you put out in the past that you don't necessarily think it's your show you could do whatever the [ __ ] you i agree exactly i want to show you what the [ __ ] you want i'm fine with that i think that to be honest like i think he brought up interesting points i'm curious to see what jordan said about that just because i like jordan so i'm probably giving him the benefit of his doubt but objectively i got to say like yo if he doesn't like these things that's his platform he decides what goes on his platform and he decides how much responsibility he has for his listeners you know what i mean like i personally don't think that we have to be responsible every single the person that listens to the podcast i believe people can make their own decisions and should make their own decisions but if he feels like his people are willing to do whatever the [ __ ] they hear on the podcast and that the other things that he says and his beliefs don't have more influence than a guy like jordan peterson then okay do your thing i'm actually not mad at that i'm not mad at taking down i think it's corny to invite him back and like hey come on another episode and then we'll get mad now i'm ready for you yeah yeah yeah and have him back it was a different guy but they shared he's a co-host but yeah the co-host i think would be like no yeah but yo but here's the thing i'm i'm i would like to hear that convo because now they're going to have the discussion about those talking points and you're probably going to hear jordan speak on them in a better more coherent way and it might convince i think no i think that's great i just think don't ban the old episodes and say oh you're dangerous and then bring you back do both or do none no i feel like ban it and then like what if they have a convo it's amazing they're like oh i actually understand your perspective now i want to put those episodes back up and then it makes sense that'd be cool yeah that'd be cool i think i really love that combo i think that that'd be really cool because he knows specifically what he doesn't like about jordan peterson's philosophy and then he gets to hear him out and have him defend it and that's rare yeah i actually really liked it i hope they had that combo jordan seems like just such a smart dude who's so good at debate this guy seems like he might be able to match wits on the opposite side which would be cool because normally a lot of debate is just who's better at arguing if they're both good at arguing i would love to hear them go at this [ __ ] yeah i think we i think we've figured it all out pay-per-view pay-per-view sign it up split the property trailer fight club ethan klein versus jordan peterson yo can i can i ask you about a famous andrew yeah oh yeah yeah not prince andrew anymore just andrew yo isn't that crazy yeah so the former prince andrew has lost all of his titles we found out what you have to do to lose your titles yeah you have to either [ __ ] children or or hit it i think british bankers were unknighted right or i'm pretty sure yeah or marry a black girl or also marry black [ __ ] children or [ __ ] a black person and you're no longer and the black person will get you out faster real talk you [ __ ] one black person adios yeah and then i think princess diana wasn't she [ __ ] a middle eastern yeah dodie and did did she get to be princess diana until she was dead or was she just diana i think she was dying i think they removed the princess forcibly yeah really i guess well if you believe the royal family killed her you know there's a lot of doctors that believe that actually probably i mean it's not the craziest killing the royal family's ever done yeah right like why would it be crazy for us to believe that like wasn't there [ __ ] just beheading people all the goddamn time didn't king henry behead wives he was with yeah yeah that's more understandable what i don't understand is that it was way more understandable which one is the divorce i bet that [ __ ] was easy though he picked that because he didn't want somebody else to go through what he went through he's trying to help out his people he's a king you gotta do what's best for the kingdom you're gonna let that girl go out there marry another person drive them [ __ ] crazy too you ever heard of a job where they protect your flock you ever heard of a job or they fire somebody in the first day to send a message to the rest of the employees yeah that's what he was doing oh [ __ ] i had to do that what did you do that way no i just suspended on my damn farm it was when i was managing a restaurant oh really hey uh hey uh the owner of the restaurant told me that i had to do that really and then that would have the uh the staff did deserve to be fired man i didn't think that was right but he said they'll respect you if you do that and i was like bro we serving pasta here buddy legs i don't need that respect i don't respect me yeah i'm making 15 an hour i'm good you don't respect me that's cool bro can we get this working yeah you're right so yeah he lost his titles and like basically the family came out and said he's going to be defending himself as a private citizen and no longer as a member of the royal family wow he's basically he's guilty he's pretty much his entire idea sorry his whole identity he grew up with is now stripped from him and he's just a regular [ __ ] person all of a sudden yeah which i guess well he gets to keep his um military title oh yeah that's true vice admiral or something like that but that is kind of wild because yeah that is kind of wild man well apparently in 2019 they still don't strip him with his titles they like kind of uh lessen his role somehow i forget exactly how but in 2019 he gave an interview where he refused to apologize for his friendship with jeffrey epstein he apparently showed like he seemed to show no remorse for any of the victims and it was just such a bad interview that like right there you could have been like yo let's do something so here's the one they asked him about the sweating or something yeah [ __ ] was dripping yeah not pete the guy has a this is something interesting about the princess andrew dude though though or what is his name and friends is andrew yeah so andrew so other animals let's call them other andrews do they have last names of york and [ __ ] oh yes of york oh yeah it's of the place yeah right um he ain't even that no more is he i don't know i don't think so anyway the point is is uh with this guy i [ __ ] oh yeah i'm curious what the the age for consent is in great britain in america in most places it's 18 years old it's possible that the girl he slept with i think virginia guffray is the one it's possible she was above the age of consent in the uk right so she was 17 when they had sex that wouldn't be uh what is it called illegal uh statutory rape now if she is a sexual slave and there's all this other stuff going on that's something completely different but the actual act of sex wouldn't technically be illegal in the uk if the age of consent is less than 18 which i believe it might be 16. 16 years old that's an interesting wrinkle to the story because what we know about this story is oh they're having sex with underage girls epstein's island underage girls underage underage under end or underage which us 16 will be underage to us it is but there wouldn't be so does he not get charged for that and if he didn't know if there's no way to prove that like he paid for it if it was as simple as like oh yeah this girl is into you now as he says she said yeah that's if she's the only girl yeah which i think i don't think there's more girls and that's why they're officially going all right we gotta separate ourselves you notice this happens after galen is guilty and after they say that she's gonna uh drop the list of eight john does yeah so she comes out and technically i think she's saying that i'm gonna remove the uh desire to object from their naming yeah i thought it was kind of a half-assed thing yeah so it's not technically like i guess can you explain i don't necessarily understand it completely but like basically if you're in a legal proceeding and there are people in your case that aren't actually being charged but they're technically connected you have a ability to basically object to their name being publicized so you can object to it because your attorneys think that it'll actually precede like the justice procedure or whatever but now she's saying i'm not going to object to that so they could say the names and she's not going to say they weren't there exactly but she's not necessarily going to confirm that they were she's not coming out saying yo this is what it is she's just now instead of john doe it's andrew prince ender of york or whatever the [ __ ] yeah so whatever the names come out and then it's possible that like the actual courts might not publish the names either yo i don't know if they should be able to take away his titles because the titles are what got him to [ __ ] them little girls if he was just andrew right if he was just regular old andrew of york or whatever like that epstein's not connecting with him and then serving him up the underage box right what happened was he was the prince and it's like how can we get involved in that family and potentially incriminate that family so that we could manipulate some things that we need to so that title is what put you in that position you got to take that you're the royal family you got to take that that's prince andrew bro i wonder if they're trying to defend him we take all your titles maybe that helps you in court or something i think it's a pr move for them because he's just pretending protecting themselves but i hear what you're saying like yeah if he's just a guy it doesn't seem as crazy as like the royal family if it's tough to prove he's probably gonna be found not guilty and then he's still living in [ __ ] buckingham palace probably got all the access to whatever he wants does he and you gotta be with that [ __ ] bro because you're andrew in new york i'm anthony yeah new he's from the old york yeah you know we give a [ __ ] about that y'all never go to england and go visit your what's the age consent in new york [ __ ] 18. there you go that's 18 new york is so much better than old york ain't [ __ ] in old york bro yeah they don't have a queens i guess they have one queen but they don't get one queen we got queens technically you know we got multiple queens he got queens yeah we don't play games all right anything else so they stripped his titles they take his money also right like they oh now he doesn't get like a stipend but he's bred it all these [ __ ] yeah like they set them up they give them inheritance they got they're good bro you wanna hit like three feelings no facts let's say three feelings no fast real quick ready leonardo dicaprio went on the best date of all time this is great this is great this is a this is a fake story though right mark that's what people are saying yeah let's choose to believe it's real for now rumor mill but basically they're saying that he rented out entire movie theater with this model that he was dating he's still dave still dating yeah played all the star wars movies and then ran around swinging a lightsaber yep legendary [ __ ] and the story was that she said this was the worst date she's ever been on right and it's a great storyline because it's like all right lady like we don't know you and you got to go on a date with leonardo dicaprio like there's plenty of dates you've gone on that are worse than that you know but it's probably a fake story i think it's from like a satirical website so yeah so it somehow got picked up as being real but if it was real awesome it's dude that's how great that's how much of the [ __ ] goat leo is and how cool he is we probably are never gonna watch another star wars ever and we're like that guy's so cool dude yeah he's doing that on a date what a hero we gotta publish fake date stories yeah that's what it is publicist i don't know where our publicist is yeah we got someone to come out and say all the fake dates we want i feel like that would be oh that's a great good deal yeah i mean still like what would you do what would your ideal fake date be montana so i shut down yeah do you shut down montana whole story with hannah montana bro in montana shut down montana me and miley cyrus we were kicking it and that comes out and then i don't deny it or confirm it that's just what it is yeah could be sick this is good pr what do you think we just got to keep throwing out fake dates yeah that's fire oh [ __ ] okay okay akash what's your fake date son i london is mine for the day that's just my i took that [ __ ] back i shut down london for a day colonized that [ __ ] me and my queen i mean we ran it [ __ ] that's kind of cool yeah yeah got it back al your fake date i think i go the pete davidson route and put the rumor out that i have just a huge dick the crazy me yeah so now everybody has to see it for themselves i just don't want to disappoint anybody that much but by that time it's too late yeah that's true yeah that's a good play we're here now yeah like what are they going to do not do it yeah dove what's your fake date she said yes finally i'm out with gal gadot and i hire some people to actually you know try to stick this up and i defend against you know why that's not believable because you would never dated you that's the only unbelievable part yeah damn it wow but you saved superwoman that would be [ __ ] incredible what was your day you're in hawaii oh yeah wonder woman what's my date yeah i'm in hawaii yeah and drowning he saves his girlfriend myself i saved myself yeah that's bravery but i saved myself you know now i don't know what my fake date is kylene towing you into nazareth oh he's so sick actually i'm terrified yeah it's so weird like the idea of dates has completely changed now that i'm married like i do feel like i should put some more we've spoken about this before but like effort in like i'd like to yeah i'd like to like think of something creative and clever etc but and maybe this is just an excuse but my girl is so particular with things do you guys go through that 100 so it's like i could buy her a gift right yeah but she would be so much happier if i got her something that she wanted yeah even though it wasn't a surprise yeah then if i get her a jacket or some [ __ ] she can wear two or three times she can never [ __ ] that's how you know we bought him too much [ __ ] keep going keep going on bats early aren't oh my god he got me a gucci purse or whatever the [ __ ] yeah now that's not the gucci purse i like yeah why wouldn't you know the gucci purse i like this is a silver chain instead of a gold chain oh my god oh the hardware is important very important that's why it's so hard to buy buy them uh wedding presents can't figure out neither one of us got a wedding present i get to figure it out can you believe it neither one of us got a wedding present because it's pieces what did you get me money yo this is what he did he did the same [ __ ] what because i had the tesla and he paid for it for i don't know two months yeah and he's like that's your gift not a problem wow give me back the money you want the tesla and i'll give you can i can i i can't can i give my gift to mark so can i do you one better should i go i'll give you that money if you give me back the eight hundred dollars that i gave you for a hotel that never happened you told me you were just that you still do not understand i figured this for me you told me you were covered yeah you told me you would come anytime send me the venmo request right now you got it right now right now after wedding gift and the 800 i owe him i'll still be up and i'm gonna get venmo you for tesla okay please do send me the cost you oh speaking of money disputes did logan paul buy fake pokemon cards oh [ __ ] i meant to hit him what's the deal with that he got his money back i'm sure i even know where you are but what an awesome video yeah like just everything about it you're interested yeah it's like getting ripped off even if the whole thing was like orchestrating fake it's like perfect internet vlog yeah it's amazing right and also like built-in interests with pokemon for like years yeah you know that he actually cares about it you add in the original unboxing that he did yeah all the content he's got out of this box of pokemon cards was the real or fake is like no he put music on it too that video is as an arc that's a yeah it's a little film right there can he get his money back dog what a win yeah what a win he made money yeah he made money getting ripped off for three and a half million dollars crazy yeah it'd be nice if he didn't think he was gonna get his money back that would be like the sheer devastation when you look at it and then finding a way like afterwards but [ __ ] three and a half million down to drain but also even if they were fake the amount of money he got from the videos or whatever like probably paid him back whether it was through like the endorsement through bro he got so many views and through like his stock rising like three and a half million mark mark that's all yeah in terms of brand equity i'm gonna say also also three and a half million i feel you're losing confidence yeah that's what those are three and a half billion equity is seven million family wait why because that's seven million tax free well i don't understand seven million dollars you get taxed about fifty percent you're gonna get taxed fifty you've gotta make seven million so buy it for three and a half that's a good point now granted if he's doing videos about it maybe he could make an argument that it's a business expense sure right so maybe he could write off maybe a portion of it or something like that maybe you could write off the whole thing but still that's a lot of money to generate that amount just to be able to pay for it like that's a lot of money to generate yeah yeah just to be able to throw it away and it's not there i would have killed somebody i could kill somebody for that amount of money that's a lot of money real talk still three and a half million dollars you could pay a lot less to have that guy killed a lot less yeah a lot less i could kill you wouldn't kill him no i could you would hire someone i would hire i wouldn't do it myself yeah i would have someone else do that dog you got out hell yeah come on i had my dad do it because he forget oh that's a good point right he couldn't say he's lying he probably would that's a damn [ __ ] i tell him you're gonna forget about this no matter what just shoot that [ __ ] and then you're good he'd probably go there forget what he's supposed to do end up becoming best friends with that [ __ ] i found this gun steal pokemon tell me about that look at this gun i found isn't that cool anyway one more mark and then we gotta we gotta get our guests in man all right you want to talk about uh you want to talk about this japanese woman that got a sperm donor yes yeah so basically she's a japanese woman got a sperm donor found out that the sperm donor wasn't who they said he was and turns out he was actually a chinese dude and now she is uh here's the other interesting thing a refund i guess yeah she gave the kid up for adoption no well here's here's a couple things one the guy wasn't just not japanese and chinese he also went to a much worse school than he said he went to he said he went to like one of the best schools in japan and he there was one other big [ __ ] lie he told i forget what it was but basically he lied about multiple things so can i can i tell and i just ask you guys this this is actually a really good uh thing we think that he's wrong for doing that right because he's misleading her yeah now granted they were trying to have a child and did have a child that's a way bigger investment but we think he's wrong for misleading her right what if a trans person did the same thing would we feel equally the same that they were that wrong for misleading that person what if they are trying to be a trans are we allowed to answer this or or every episode every podcast we've ever done going to get taken down no i mean like i mean like let's say a trans person wasn't uh forthcoming about it i think you should be forced to become trans i think it's crazy to ask and what if they were specifically asked because if nobody asks i understand it's just it is what it is but you lied to me it's [ __ ] up yeah if if you lie to somebody what is the uh recourse right there what did a little duval say it was wow [Laughter] yeah i'm just saying it's an interesting discussion it's like how important like when you have a child with somebody there's an actual physical investment let me give you a different example let's say you had a lot of plastic surgery you didn't tell that person right and they ask you hey what you look like when you're younger where's the blah blah you don't show them and then you have a kid and they find out and i think there's been an example of this before but like should there be some sort of like restitution for that as well you're misleading somebody and then developing a life with them right like that's pretty that's pretty crazy man yeah and those genetics really matter you know why this guy's even more foul though so apparently there's only one sperm donor bank in japan and there's only like 12 sites for insemination so there's a big black market for sperm donation do you know how he got her pregnant sex multiple times so he who he even more felt oh she was just asking for a sperm donor she's asking for a sperm donor but because it's so hard to get there's only one sperm bank in japan yeah there's apparently like ten thousand kids they think have been conceived this way where it's like look i'll pay you you [ __ ] me and then i want your kid wow china really taking over big china really taking nothing at a time yeah this is kind of crazy yeah yeah this is this is wild i don't know man i don't know this is wild but lying from a sperm donor seems crazy yeah i mean in general it's [ __ ] up but i don't think there's any reason they should get in trouble interesting he's suing this she's suing this guy for like two and a half million or something crazy people got no two and a half million dollars [ __ ] nothing and girls for free like come on he just wanted some [ __ ] that's it that's it yeah but isn't it so easy to get in japan like you know i mean they have like a sex issue over there they have a big sex issue like that there's dudes that's willing to fill it up there's dudes willing to fill it up though that's a good point like she's just got to go and throw it out there like i don't need you involved in the life i just want you to fill it up but he could also bang probably mad shake she doesn't have to lie to her try to be a sperm donor no but i think nobody wants to [ __ ] well that's the thing she should have known that he wasn't japanese when he wanted to have sex yeah this is really on how does she not tell a difference a man that wants to have sex i'm saying like people always get mad at us oh you can't tell them she literally banged him like that's not on us oh we need an apology yeah yeah we needed to please try my best i'm not trying to be offensive we need a [ __ ] apology we was right yeah we was right the whole my heart you
Views: 483,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: yszWZ02qnhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 47sec (6407 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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