3 Random Pokemon Types To Build a Team...Then We FIGHT!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another challenge versus video chill and play here with the quick gg out here on randomized pokemon sorted shield today we are going to be doing another challenge versus video for you guys here and if you don't know what that is that's where we go into different pokemon games with rules and challenges catching ourselves teams of pokemon and then we battle it out for this challenge me and quick gg are gonna be spinning a wheel that's got all the types of pokemon on it we're gonna spin the wheel and get a type and we're gonna catch two pokemon for that type then we're gonna spin the wheel again and get two more pokemon and so on until we have a full team of six so quick gg you're gonna have three different types of pokemon that you spin from the wheel if you spin the same type that you got before on the last spin just respin it we're not gonna count that so you have three different types of pokemon and you're gonna catch six total these pokemon will have randomized abilities and move sets according to type ricky ggg are you ready to do this buddy bro i'm standing right here you think i'm not ready to do this i'm ready you're not looking at me you're not looking me in my eyes i'm literally spinning right now how does it look to you and your eyes and actually looks like you it looks like you got the same hat as me looks like my colors are way cooler all right team we've got our wheel here let's pull it up and let's get ourselves a type what is gonna be our first type for the challenge ice type ah not an amazing type dude not an amazing type unless we can get something like glacial lance on a pokemon that is not too good oof okay we need two ice type pokemon let's hop on the bike and try to get this roll in here oh my god rainy day are you kidding me this is disgusting i don't even want to be here pokemon shield has the crazy what was that an icy dragon are you serious an arc dissolved actually that's electric ice even weirder okay well i guess that's pretty good i don't know this is a weird pokemon plus he looks so cold i just want to help him but there we go looks like he's going to get inside the quick ball hopefully he's warm for him in there instead of out here in the rain freezing well that's an arc dissolve for the team overall okay okay arctis our first ice type pokemon let's check it out it's got the ability volt absorb okay interesting yeah super fang ice fang free shock and thunderbolt okay pretty good pretty good two turn move but that's really strong physical which is good for us and stab we will take this we will take that that's nice we don't have skips anyway so i'm glad it's good that's the one thing about this challenge we do not have skips all right looking for another ice type what will we see oh giratina oh i just saw it the glaily no it always lets me down maybe this time it won't but this it always lets me down oh we always have these on the team yikes oh and the quick ball that's our second nice type there we go easy catch at least okay second pokemon time to spin this wheel again all right here's our glaily guys let's see what it has it's got inner focus is that normally wait a minute that seems i don't know i feel like that's something it usually has or am i tripping hold hands moonlight glaciate and steel roller wow that is just not good at all that is not good at all but at least we got glaciate i guess yikes that's pretty pretty bad pretty bad all right team i see chilling plays here but uh we're gonna disregard him we're gonna pull up our wheel and uh let's go ahead and spin it let's see what first type we get can i get a dragon please i would love to oh water no fire types man i didn't want it i would have much rather had water types but you know what let's do this all right let's bike out uh what oh it's deserty out here oh lujaya not a fire type plus it's a legend can't even use it uh let's see let's see a bunch of lugia is out here i know that some people prefer not to call it lujaya some people prefer lugia i do see the comments but i actually read the pokemon dictionary and it actually is pronounced lujaya just saying so you guys are all wrong just saying i'm right you're wrong okay oh a fire type walking in the sky can we even get him down here maybe if i hit him with a whistle yep oh come on down come on down darmantan all right that is a beefy actually a really beefy fire type to start with that's really cool quick balling it up and dude those brows are just so strong dartmouth and i love it and easy critical catch on darmanitan let's see what he's got please be good for the squad all right darmanitan with overgrow powers of grass type moves okay great it's got cross poison fire punch fire fang and flare blitz yo that's a tough dart managem bro who's eyebrows though seriously major rengoku vibes from this guy all right let's go find our second fire type hopefully one just as good and beefy as our first oh my gosh oh my gosh magikarp suffering at least he's got rain to be pouring down on him maybe he just likes the grass maybe he just likes it here go alert i would like it but i can't take it am i the only one that thought when i first played this game that this tower was gonna get used for something like it was gonna have some kind of story or something behind it but it literally is just the ruins are just here and there's nothing there's just nothing to do here it just is what it is it's just me by the way i see an incineroar i gotta get that actually this isn't an incineroar this is a i forget what this is called heat more a heat more something or i knew it the anteater fire type pokemon with trace oh interesting okay quick ballin the heat more join on the squad our second fire type now so that's our second fire type we got to get uh we got to spin the wheel again now all right heat more with trace as its ability it's got snap trap techno blast that's so weird does that even work if we're not holding a drive mind blown in sacred fire kind of disgusting there sacrifice is an awesome move mind blown in case we need to go all out i guess uh pretty wild there heat more all right decent one there decent one all right let me get out of this grass and we're gonna spin this wheel again and get another type to encounter okay i want to get out of the grass and then spin this wheel again okay i think we're safe underneath this tree right here let's pull up the wheel come on give us i don't know i don't even know what i want bug type no well i didn't know what i wanted but i definitely know what i didn't want and bug type is that i did not want that fully evolved bug types no legends there is not many that i would like not even gonna lie guys actually heracross would be a great choice if we could see it i gotta get out of this rain dude this is just gross not a big fan of this dude this is two different areas that are just rainy i don't even know oh what was that volcarona oh okay you know what i totally forgot about this one this is actually a good bug if we're lucky enough to get like quiver dance and stuff on this this could be actually disgusting guys let's throw a quick ball at it that's our first bug tight we need one more there we go that's a decent one volcarona okay guys here's our first bug out of the two we need for the team got anticipation so the pokemon can sense the opposing pokemon's dangerous moved oh wow we got breaking swipe sacred fire mystical fire teleport that's really weird wow teleport's useless physical fire is special and lowers the target special attack that's pretty cool sacred fire does burn but we are not very high on the physical attack side of things i don't know and it's not a guaranteed burn i don't know that's pretty good i guess ah could have been better it could have been better and there's our next bug right there wow i literally or beetle ah this thing might i don't even know wait a minute i think it's okay actually yeah this thing actually has 505 base stat total that's not bad really good special day and regular d and okay special attack not that amazing as long as we get good moves like at least i don't know bug buzz we could be okay that's our fourth pokemon too it's time to spin the wheel again hopefully oh man i don't like our team so far i don't even know what i want now okay we got the orb beetle here it's got honey gather that's terrible and does not help us die strike that's really good torment worry seed and play nice oh man play nice might be useful i guess maybe scisstrike could be good or i mean is the only thing we have really and torment might be i don't know dude that's so weird we don't have any ops i don't like that we don't have any ops right now all right here it goes let's spin it up what are we gonna get what are we gonna get a rock type weird all right two rock types need to be found uh i really don't like rock types most of the time they're always so slow they're so weak honestly like sp wait wait wait wait oh it's an ultra beast the jellyfish is an ultra beast rock poison type weird weird weird it's so hazy here bro i can't see anything right north lake let's see what we got going on over here any rock types for the homies any rock types no no oh como oh would be cool but it's a fighting dragon taros no rocks really maybe they're on the water they could be basking in the oh sharpino get away from me oh i hate seeing sharpies bro they just come at you they just come at you i'm seeing a lot of pokemons but i'm not seeing any rock type pokemons oh there's a rock type in the air but it's legendary terracian oh oh oh wait wait wait was that a carbine right here right here i barely saw it no wait a second yeah yeah is car being fully evolved diane sees the fully evolved form i'm tripping oh can't catch this wait a second no no no no no i'm wrong again carbink actually is fully evolved wow it is weird i don't know how this pokemon works but you know what we're catching it it's just super defensive uh just stay in the ball buddy the jewel pokemon it's a rock fairy type right carbink was captured maybe you got some good moves for the team right carbing with the abilities mummy contact uh with the pokemon changes ability to mummy okay roll out that's actually huge bro sludge stone edge and aromatic mist yo yo roll out we might actually have to do it guys we don't actually have to do it so if that works dude i don't think he can one shot this thing it's gonna be tough stone edge also that's big to have guys not bad for carbine man i'm getting lucky with these moves today that's so big that's so big and we see another rock right here a giga chad i mean a gigalith gigolith uh the big rock pokemon i mean standard rock type i guess slow strong attack stats tanky but low special defense and special attack like the rest of them all right just like that the critical capture takes gigoloth is it gonna be better than the carbine i don't think it can be unless it has rollout which also be giant all right giggleth here with gr sap sipper boost the attack type attacks that if hit by a grass type move instead of taking damage guys that is insane that is insane to have that means if he has if he hits us with a grass type move it might be over let's see we got baneful bunker wide guard sandstorm and toxic what wow that's actually so weird that's so weird guys but that is our gigalith uh i guess i guess ah that's so weird so all right giggleth on the team come on dude no more bugs no more ice we need something decent here fire types oh okay fire types cool i'm down for that all right fire types this could be nice please let me get a charizard um blaziken's a good choice oh my god it's raining everywhere today this is disgusting and annoying ooh chandelure for a ghost i oh tarzardian finally finally we got a chance to get the guy and look i know he's quad weak to rock but as long as squishy doesn't have that we're good we're good we're actually catching the dude charizard and we'd love to see that let's hit it with a quick one it'll definitely join us it'll definitely join us what the okay it's because he doesn't like quick balls that's why oh my flash cannon that's a pretty good move that's a pretty good move to see i like it okay there we go dude that literally took like 10 balls charizard what's wrong with you you don't want to join the chill homies what the what the what the what the oh well you have no choice okay guys we got the charizard in it was tough to catch forever but we got it got the ability klutz can't use held items that's okay oh air slash really nice flash cannon detect and horn drill oh that's pretty good no fire moves but which is kind of unfortunate that's okay at least got air slash for the stab good special move and also horn jill if we need to go for the last ditch effort not bad charizard welcome in one more fire type to get we're done with the team what are we gonna see guys i'm curious oh entei that's a legend we can't use it we can't use it i really would like a chandeleur now that i think about it because it would be really cool to have that ghost typing added to the team for the switch up i definitely don't want anything like actually now that i think about it like arcanine or heat more because they're just straight up one type but like some variety here but we gotta take the first one we see so let's just keep our eyes peeled any fire types here any fire types here i am searching diligently team for the fire type we're not seeing it cannot seem to see a fire oh hey there's a fire type darmanitan the flaming eyebrow guy he looks like kind of like a wrestler this is a pretty strong pokemon um physical attacker which is scary we'll see hopefully we got like flare blitz and that'll be really good i should have thrown a quick ball oh no well this could be our final pokemon or well it is our final pokemon if it joins us right here there we go wow okay come on stay inside the ball durmanitan oh you're a jerk okay he's asleep this should be the one oh yeah oh yeah there we go the final member for the children play squad darmanitan let's check it out guys and we'll do a full team recap and uh we'll see how we do in this fight okay guys let's take a look at darmanitan it's got the ability dry skin oh my deuces oh no no restores hp in the rain or when hit by a water type oh guys that oh that could that is crazy reduces hp and harsh sunlight and increasing the damage from fire types that's okay because we are fire types we already resist that literally wow water type which is super effective against us is gonna heal us dude that is gonna be disgusting we have no special attack though we have a lot of speed and attack let's hope we have what we need heat wave no that's not it ice fang at least that's physical bullet seeds physical and sleep talk in case we get cheesed that's pretty good it's not amazing but we'll take it that's our fire monkey all right let's go ahead and take a look at the rest of the team we got arc desalt here with super fang ice fang free shock thunderbolt and the ability holt absorbs we got galali here with hold hands moonlight glaciate steel roller and the ability einer focus then we got volcarona with breaking swipe thicker fire mystical fire teleport and the ability anticipation then we got ore beetle with side strike torment worry seed plane ice and the ability honey gather and then finally the charizardian with air slash flash cannon detect orange drill and the ability klutz let me know guys in the comments who you think's going to win this is a weird team got the charizard and we got a pretty good team around it so that's pretty good i'll see you guys in the fight okay now i got to spin this wheel again guys let's go ahead and do it the wheel is up and we're gonna get our last typing right here what will it be what will it be not a fire or a rock no ground are you serious bro we're so weak to water we're so weak to water guys oh we're gonna be so weak to water guys it's actually painful out week we are gonna be the water all right two groundy ones whoa eternity's just popped up there he's too close for me to even render let's get away from that uh a whale lord no couple of those uh any groundy ones uh explodes oh the crowd the groudon bro the king of the ground types can't catch because it's legendary xerneas no oh okay a flygon hg over here let's see what it can do for us quick balioli in this uh flygon please have the good moves a dragon is kind of giant like this is one of the best ground types you could have got guys so big now at least it's not weak to water that's good holding a master ball what i'll take that all right flag on with the ability sandville boost invasive innocent sandstorm okay okay that's actually huge for gigalith on the combo and it's a ground type sleep powder dragon dance electrifying scale shot oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my gosh oh my sleep powder dragon ass cheese skill shot maniac kind of a weird kind of a weird weird move set actually but but we take it we have to take it flag on wow so weird there that is so weird and we got one more pokemon to catch guys one more ground type to get what are we gonna get what could it be lolan executes bro those things are so funny looking to me oh what's up with these legends everywhere bro okay what's over here on this side of the wall oh yeah oh guard chomp would be big no way we can get a guard chomp as well no way at all oh okay and we found it guys we found it a mama sweeney the big beefy one dude the mammoth pokemon mamma swan ground ice type not bad typings we got here really not bad typings quick ball catch him please don't make it hard on me no he made it hard on me all right mama swine captured and hopefully you're good hope you're good for the team all right mama swine is the last catch guys so we're gonna go over this then to a team recap namaste has scrappy can hit ghost type moves with normal and fighting type moves uh okay it's got cut powdered snow ice punch and stomping tantrum not too bad there really not ice punch is kind of a big move to have stomach tantrum is not too bad they're both all right not crazy op but both pretty good actually all right and now let's go over the rest of the team with darmanite who's got overgrow cross poison fire punch firefang flare blitz heat moore who's got trace snap trap technoblast mind blown sacred fire carbine who's got mummy roll out sludge stone edge aromatic mist gigolith who's got sap sipper painful bunker wide guard sandstorm toxic so weird there flygon has got sandvale sleep powder dragon dance electrify and scale shot and that's the squad guys pretty decent if i say so myself guys pretty decent um hopefully children play doesn't have an op team and we got a good fight going let's do this and it's that time again buddy i got a new profile pic it's that time whoa how you liking it all out i like it i like it you know some things just never should change hmm all right well here we go with our manitoba oh the beatles they're manitanial you ever heard who i wanted to see buddy that's not who i wanted to see buddy you understand actually yeah you're right it's probably not who you wanted to see now i'm looking at it um um [Music] you better play nice what are you doing what did you do to me yeah oh yeah yeah yeah is that it that's what i did now let's do this oh fire i'm gonna punch you with some fire actually yeah let's go ahead and just get rid of this beetle oh wow what a big burn please tell me it's a physical move whatever you're doing no strike them up it's a special move that does physical damage nice we'll take that well sometimes you gotta take ow that's okay that's okay with me that's okay with me oh what you're gonna do next buddy oh um everybody's got choices everybody's got you gonna get punched in the dome i'm gonna get punched in my big head my big lady bug head gosh dang it beetle head bro it's a beetle big beetle head bro it's an orbital okay well darmanitan shaking ready for the next fight i don't care about him their manchester's beefy one bro i love dominican actually no congratulations yeah he's been coming through lately bro he's been coming through lately i think he's just i think he's he's kind of underrated as a pokemon kind of looks really cool like the more more i see him the more i look at him uh he's got a cool guy he's got different forms you know what now that i think more about the forms less cool he doesn't need all his forms i think og darmanitan looks cool i and i i'm sorry buddy i know you're talking and you're saying words but i'm trying to figure out what it is i am doing go ahead and figure it all out buddy i'm just gonna do this what you doing the volco the vulcan that's an annoying bug actually yeah i'm pretty decent i'm pretty decent it's actually an annoying bug oh wow this is actually perfect what you're gonna do break them down breaking swipe huh yup interesting lowering you what no oh yeah no none of this right in my face hole that's still oh i just banged my table but that is too much honestly that's one of my favorites right in my face hole don't really appreciate it it's pretty there's a lot you're doing right now i'm breaking you down buddy with the breaking swipes breaking you down well you do what you got to do buddy how about you do what you got to do and i'm taking dartmouth get out of here dartmouth bring him in the giga oh this guy is crazy actually i'm breaking him down at least i'm gonna break him down oh my he's only attack honestly he's got no special attack i've learned oh he's so good against my team you wouldn't even understand yeah you gotta he's actually so you don't know what he's got you don't know what he's got so how would you know if he's gonna get your teammate buddy you don't really know he's so good i think about it buddy think about it this isn't who's good against your team there's someone else that might be even better buddy i'm just gonna do the best i can no he's good against me rock is good against everything i have buddy there is no debate oh not very effective lower that's special special attack toxic toxicity oh yes yes yes this is called some people like to call this guy giggle wall buddy uh oh because he can't be stopped after he does that to you why is that he's a he's a chad bro he's a chad for sure i i you're scared i mean you do what you gotta do now you do what you gotta do really what are you doing with that guy interesting choice that you did there oh oh yeah you're doing all this oh god you're doing all this all this buddy i'm doing all this buddy oh this is so annoying oh this is so annoying actually let's see what we can do here huh let's see what we can do here bro oh no i don't like it oh why did we swap double swap because i i i don't like what you got bro i don't like the cheese bruh oh it's very cheesy buddy the cheese is for real it is for real you don't even know the worst part yet know the worst part yet you don't even know the worst part yet buddy i am guessing you have heels and stuff god this is annoying no i wish i had heals though i wish i had heals oh this is it's a savage this is fine oh oh what did you think was going to happen oh that was it that is a dangerous move to have actually yeah it is against this kind of guy yeah let's do it we've got to fight you down at least bite down okay it's getting stormy it's getting stormy you're gross you're annoying you're it is awful you're terrible i hate you it is it is buffeted you got buffeted buddy oh my damage is oh my damage damage city bro all my damage damage all my damages all my damages all my damages all my damage nation buddy all my damages all my damages all my damages all my damage oh good withdraw good withdraw all my damages charlazar i got my guy but at this point i can't be happy about it i don't like what's happening you shouldn't it's a gigalith buddy yeah he does what he has to do that's for sure um let's do something give me one shot that is the question oh yes i can yes i can oh critical hit and the critical hit we didn't want to see we think we made it but we'll take it haha critical hillary allen buffet dang it you're not talking i did a lot buddy you got two things toxic i mean that's pretty good yeah yeah it is pretty nasty um [Music] oh buddy you got more in store i got something for you oh this is probably the wrong choice actually i literally just realized it's wrong choice whatever okay [Music] you ever heard the movie called dirty dancing oh god dirty dancing no never heard of it oh god this is the wrong choice i believe he says this guy he's such a deceiver bro it was it was because you're you're a flying dr you're flying fire type i shouldn't use this guy can we dynamics in this video or is it what is it is it my video it is your video okay i say i can you can scale shot oh let's see if we can do something let's see if we can do something with this that's not enough bro i should have danced up more what i need this to work right now only two times to work right now only two times to work right now orange drill no don't hit me with that no oh no my sandstorm i needed that i needed that sandstorm i needed that [Music] oh let's do this let's just do it again oh it's gotta hit all three times now it's gotta hit all three times now it has to not today not today now we have to hit this we have to hit this that's not fair yes that's actually not fair though that's actually not fair though like no even yes wow yes we had to get rid of that bro no we don't understand how bad we had to get rid of that oh gosh buddy uh that guy yeah i am here what is it uh that guy had evasiveness in the in the i hate sandville so he's more invasive in sandstorms oh that's why you didn't even know that wow you actually wait a minute is that an ability i don't know if it's normal if it might be a normal one but it's believe me it's random ability that's crazy dude that's crazy i don't know if it's his regular one or not but that was a nice one to have along with it might be i don't remember that comments no chat live chat all right what are you going to do now do this you got me like i'm feeling all kind of weird right now yeah yeah you feeling all kind of weird you know what i'm saying you should feel a little weird especially when you find out what the secret weapon really is what [Music] i needed it i have what i need you got flash canon horn drill air slash what's your last move on that detect i don't know i'm not going to give you any pointers but no no no no that is that is what you got pretty good pretty good set for this fight [Music] i'm flapping my wings really slow buddy because i'm hurting one hp he needs you to die eat some more oh he just let me get rid of my clutch your klutz okay no wonder you missed i'm gonna go for a big smack on you here with do what you got to do critical bottles give me the critical bottles don't critical me wow wow whoa buddy whoa oh my god i thought i was going to miss for a second bro that would have sucked that would have turned the whole fight around if i missed that right there oh buddy that's a nice ant eater you got there buddy that's a nice ant eater you got there buddy i'm a little upset with how things are going right now yeah that was me a second ago now i'm feeling better about myself i'm feeling better about myself um [Music] i'm listening to the marny theme my bad yeah yeah i'm i'm sitting here and my my anteater you know his nose twitches a little bit when you wait when he waits why it just twitches a little bit like goes it shakes why glaily hey it's me i'm in every video uh and now buddy hey can i one shot at you i can definitely if i'm faster i hope this is enough oh my god like she ate him ups don't be enough somehow oh my god we'll see ya big dog we'll see ya and you don't even know what i have you don't even know what i have buddy i got stuff and choices and options and decisions i just didn't want to show you i just didn't want to show you okay now i'm a little worried don't you have a secret weapon i did but now i just i realize how slow it is well let's see it okay let's just do this you got a couple choices i see let's just do this got a couple of choices i see mm-hmm [Music] i can do what i got to do i'm going for this i'm going for this really glaciate them up how much is that gonna do a little chunkerton oh lowered your speed my speed oh no not my mama swine speed mama swine's actually not that slow okay pretty well not that fast but not that slow did take that like a champ even though it wasn't super effective did i um i'm just gonna do this just do what you gotta do give me the trick because i asked for it nicely please yeah yeah wait that was just a high roll yeah it was that was just a high roll that was just a high roll and this better be a high roll please hp now critical and take him out critical and take him out unfair unfair action take him out right now unfair actually do it dear do it oh i'm so close you're so slow though legs are frozen outer snow that don't miss i don't miss that don't miss that's why i used it well buddy i'm gonna do what i gotta do and i'm gonna do the thing um what what what you gonna do now this i am a bug i'm a i'm a bug i'm a moth okay and what else am i buddy ask me i'm slow mystical you are mystical wow look i'm mystical so mystic what's your secret weapon right well i guess we're gonna see what happens here we're gonna see what happens here i don't think i have what it takes but we're gonna do what i got that's what i like to hear oh a little car bank pink what is that thing what are you uh car bank em ups um i think that thing's just a defensive tank i don't think he can do anything i think i can do what i gotta do if i can do it i am much damaged i am toxic i gotta i don't wanna risk things i'm gonna have to just do this and hope that i never miss mystical fire please never miss oh man oh no i think i know what you're doing i don't like it never miss don't burn don't roll out don't roll out and never don't roll out don't roll that turn and never miss stone edge oh my body that's gonna take you out that's gonna take you out the game that's my body that's actually my body yes that was your body oh no now what body you got next who body you got next who this actually oh this oh this is actually perfect that's what you need arctosaltum ups is exactly what i need actually really the stones may hurt the stones aren't going to hurt i never missed i might wish oh super ones crunch fang mummy him oh no you lost your volts absorb i needed that you dare miss carpent don't you dare miss garbage and now buddy we deal with you accordingly oh do you have what it takes though i got crunchy jaws i got icy fangs buddy can i resist that no don't edge mist there we go take them out there we go please please toxic you're going down buddy that is the end of your life i should have gone for this i should have gone for this because i little ears off buddy your little ears there you go g to the g if you guys enjoyed that one make sure you smash the sub subscribe today guys and watch more versus in the playlist bye bye
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 104,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 Random Pokemon Types To Build a Team...Then We FIGHT!
Id: ubOLs1h_BII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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