Kang Dynasty, The Good Version - Full Story

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King Dynasty the movie That was supposed to be the Pinnacle of phase four and five of the MCU doesn't look like it's going to be happening or at least you'll be getting massive changes but you may be wondering what is the King Dynasty storyline well right here at Comic storian I'm going to tell you about the story in which a giant space Captain America fought against a giant space King this is the King Dynasty and you have found yourself at the comic story and channel where I put together various videos all featuring your favorite comic books you in a dramatic fashion the point of this is to show you what Comics exists in the world of comic books and what you can get at your local comic book store and after we do a bunch of these videos to make them easier to find we do these our full story series I hope you guys enjoy Kang Dynasty from the 1990s aboard his massive ship orbiting the blue orb of Earth Kang stares down at the planet his son at his side as he explains the battle plan for finally Conquering the world he explains to his son the the Scarlet Centurion what is most important about conquering a world is controlling the battlefield if you are attacking you must have easier access to the enemy than he has to you in short you must have The High Ground he declares with a smile finally turning away from his view of Earth ordering his son to the transport chamber Our Moment is at hand and if the Avengers should involve themselves they will not withstand us meanwhile over at The Avengers mansion warbird otherwise known as Carol Danvers is testing her new abilities trying to learn her limits after losing her access to the cosmic energy that gave her her powers recently she fights against robots in the training exercise that Hank Pim has developed for her finally absorbing enough energy to destroy them Color Me impressed and that's probably still not your limit Carol Hank tells her over the Cals and she thanks him for the help and the heads up out of the chamber when he's alone Hank suddenly doubles over in pain not fair the other one got this Pro he was the fake he gasps as he falls over to the ground meanwhile over in Arizona Wonderman and Wanda maximoff are riding horses through the desert discussing Simon's recent return from the dead and trying to decide what comes next he tells her that the charity Foundation that he started has asked him to take a more active role which would mean that he has to move to Los Angeles do you want to come with me he asks her and Wanda is shocked not sure if she should move across the country I understand you don't have to take the offer Simon tells her but Wanda shakes her head telling him that he needs to do this and they'll figure everything else out later meanwhile over in Siberia a team of Avengers have been called in to help a team of Russian scientists and superheroes who are investigating a radiation signature they arrive at the coordinates but find nothing and the comms come to life showing the scientists trying to call for help with explosions ripping apart behind them before the screen goes black Captain America rushes towards the combat vehicle's ramp or ordering the rest of the team to grab their radiation suits as they prepare for a fight we've got to get down there fast he shouts to the team and suddenly the alarms begin to blare inside of the Avengers Mansion alerting the rest of the team to a disturbance at the United Nations building over at the UN there's a tunnel of light and the Scarlet Centurion makes his appearance to the world hear me people of this era I am Scarlet Centurion and I have come to you as an Envoy from one greater than you could ever dream of becoming make way and prepare to welcome him the Scarlet Centurion cries and the guards raise their weapons as the Centurion grows angry back off now or you face The Avengers wasp shouts as the team arrives Tony trying to reason with the villain but the Centurion lashes out with his power staff forcing everyone to LEAP out of the way Iron Man and warbird leaping at him but Centurion grabs Tony by the face as he swats warber aside that's when Goliath is there punching Centurion and knocking Tony Clear Vision rushes in trying to phas through the villain's chest to stop him but Centurion laughs as he explains that his energy field stops the vision and shocks him away you're good Scarlet Centurion but we've got your measure now wasp shouts as she Zips in beginning to blast him in the face the rest of the team leaping into helper trying to hold the Centurion still but he proves too strong throwing them all away as he prepares to fire from his energy staff again that's when War bird flies in hitting him with several energy blast you seem awfully fond of an oversized toothpick the one that you're waving around so let's see what happens if I absorb the power and clean it off she shouts as she grabs his staff the energy beginning to leech into her but Centurion merely Smiles you are magnificent your Defiance your determination your beauty I have never seen anything like it he says to her with Carol's eyes widening as she thinks that she recognizes the voice of Marcus a man who was responsible for terrible things in her life not long ago go but the rest of the team is there slamming into the Centurion finally knocking him to the ground and that's when a bright light fills the sky and a booming voice calls out cease Kang shouts appearing on his floating command chair my son seems to have overstepped his bounds Avengers forgive him Kang tells them looking around at those gathered beneath him nevertheless he did come here on a peaceful Mission as my Emissary and he has been treated terribly this is unex acceptable he says to them telling the Avengers that the rules of diplomacy means that his son has been treated discourteously you have no idea the power that you face Avengers but you will you will learn he says as he smiles holding up a remote in space his ship opens fire on the UN building destroying it in one powerful blast The Avengers look in shock as the building is crumbling around them the team rushing at Kang you monster I swear to you k K and the name of the good men and women that you just murdered was begins to state but Kang waves her away telling her to save her outrage he pushes another button and the rubble begins to Glow bubbles of energy rising out of the destruction with everyone who had been inside completely protected I have killed no one he tells them standing before the Avengers explaining that he was merely demonstrating his power and he has come to save Earth I have seen what is in store for you Avengers and the world that you know is doomed the only hope that you have the only man who could save you all stands before you he tells them meanwhile the rest of the Avengers have found the surviving scientist in Siberia who informs them that their superheroes have been missing for several hours another explosion then rips through the distance and Captain America urges his team forward back over at the UN Kang orders The Avengers to stand down I did not come to fight I came to talk so turn your attention to my Omni screen as I reveal to you your future the heroes look in shock as the view of the future appears Tony's armor is destroyed Spider-Man's mask torn nearby the city is in Ruins around them and strange glowing skeletons are floating through the air Kang warns them that the creatures will come from the East that they are the Living Dead radioactive Soldiers with a poisonous touch the world will fall quickly and all will be transformed before the creatures becoming part of their singular mind forming a great latis of work that covers the earth Humanity at least as we know it is dead the images begin to shift on screen and Kang continues it is possible that this fate can be avoided if unlikely but even if Humanity survives the threat will you be prepared for thoughts that look Beyond the Horizon what have you no defense against because you do not even know that it is there another image appears of an overly industrialized Earth the skies choked with smog as powerful corporations hunt down those that challenge them another shift in the image and the destruction of the moon has been caused by an environmental disaster a Global Winter the remnants of humanity are fighting a NeverEnding War another shift an invasion from the planet Mars with Earth's remaining Heroes fighting against a giant three-legged Mech that has been sent to destroy them Ragnarok the undead rise driven by the god known as kathon a solar flare that burns up the world a mutant rise up led by Magneto who Enslaved the world more alien attacks ancient gods returning from space monsters Androids riots cataclysm the images begin to shift faster and faster showing those gathered the numerous ways the Earth will eventually fall it could be any of these or a thousand more and mark my words men of this Century these are not projections I am a time traveler I've seen them all with my own eyes he says as he turns to them telling them that the times ahead will be treacherous but he can save them gu them guide you from this to a glorious Destiny in the stars but a US military adviser steps forward telling Kang that they will not listen to him since he attacked them that his offer of help will be rejected and he holds up his phone telling Kang that they have used this to lock onto his ship fire he orders his men and missiles launched from the earth clearing the atmosphere destroying his ship in a large ball of fire but Kang only smiles starting back to his screen showing them as the fire clears showing that his ship is unharmed you misunderstand my purpose here this is not an offer of assistance but a declaration of war I intend to conquer Earth in order to save it I will of course extend you the opportunity to surrender he tells them and he smiles as he tells them what will happen next he tells them that he will take France and Germany first and as America argues over whether they should Aid the foreign countries Europe will fall within 3 weeks and the rest of the world shortly after the heroes of Earth will go through re-education and the rest of Humanity's most able-bodied will be conscripted into Kang's Army he will build up the planet's defense creating an army great enough to defend the planet and send it into space conquering all of those that they come across you will never succeed the world will unite against you the Secretary General shouts and Kang looks at an amusement will it General he asks explaining that the world governments will try to stop him but he has already begun to spread his message across the planet that he is offering the rest of the world the ability to become a star spanning Empire talk all you wish the world will fight the Secretary General shouts but Kang merely laughs explaining that his offer has gone out that the forces from Atlantis have already begun to attack the coast an army of deviants is already begun to arise the war is well underway my armies have yet to fire a shot and I expect you become busy for some time so I will take my leave now to make my own preparations for the coming invasion of Europe he says as he looks around warning the others that if he is fired upon he will order his ship to fire again and this time I will not be protecting those in the blast and with that he and the Scarlet Centurion begin to float away and the military has begun to surround them and order them to stand down how good that you understand he says with an evil smile but before he disappears he turns it back to the Avengers reminding them of the dangers that he warned them look to the east Avengers because it has already begun he calls out as he goes over in Siberia The Avengers are pushing forward through a strange and twisted landscape here Captain America shouts as he finds a Survivor a Russian hero known as Darkstar he has returned Captain America he has taken them she gasps at him and C asks who has returned but the team is suddenly bathed in a green light as something appears before them and they all look up in shock as the presence appears flanked by Green glowing skeletons yes it is I and I bring with me a new dawn and the blessings of a new kind of Life blessings I will share with the entire world the radioactive monsters charge forward attacking the Avengers strike Avengers strike hard and sure Thor Bellows as he fires lightning at these monsters we must Force these unnatural creatures back lest they overwhelm us and the world fire star keeps blasting away but the monsters quickly overwhelm her luckily quick silver is there pulling her clear of the danger and he looks to his friends aware that they are having little effect on the creatures there must be some anti-radiation foam back at the sentury stations on the borders of this hellish place maybe they'll have an effect he shouts at his comrades as he races away meanwhile over at Prince Edward Island Canada a group of Avengers are fighting against the Barbarian hordes of Atlantis who are aided by a massive monster the others fight against the hordes while Jack of Hearts and Wanda square off against a beast the monster flashing out knocking Jack to the ground blasted where's Hank we could really use the strength of Goliath right about now Wanda shouts and Hank suddenly comes flying in on a floating disc now dressed as yellow jacket here I come to save the day he sings with a big smile hitting the Beast so they biod disrupt your blast but it has no effect and the monster smacks him out of the sky as the battle rages on the Atlantean usurper known as ATA watches from a distance standing next to his mage who controls the monster Tor with a magical orb meanwhile over in China She-Hulk Black Widow warbird silverclaw and vision fight against the Deviant armies aiding the Chinese Army it doesn't take long before the deviants are beaten and they flee back to their underground layers back over in Siberia the team is now armed with anti-radiation foam guns they seem to be holding off the radiation monsters fight carefully don't waste the foam it's the only weapon that we have Captain America shouts to his team but the guns suddenly explode now now useless the green light appearing again you still live Avengers The Presence asks them floating before them flanked by Starlight his wife when I left I thought my followers would have disposed of you far sooner than this he says and Captain America steps forward we want to talk presence if you've mutilated these people unwillingly you've got hostile intentions he begins but the presence merely waves his hand and a blast of energy rips through the Avengers back over in Canada Triathlon figured out where oranda and his Mage are at he leaps across the water grabbing a hold of the orb that controls the monster known as torque mind if I borrow this thanks he jokes as he flips away the monster suddenly becoming docile again what is this what is tor doing the monster growls and Jack of Hearts flies forward I'll tell you what you're doing now is taking a nice refreshing dip he shouts as he punches the monster across the face knocking him into the water the battle quickly ends with the Avengers cening inside of a military tent trying to figure out their next move Janet asks why Hank would appear in his Yellow Jacket costume I just felt like it and things worked out he tells her with a smile but suddenly he clutches his stomach moving towards the entrance to the tent the wars across the Earth continue with Kang and his son a watching from their ship in orbit the Avengers have changed they are more suited for a global crisis Kang notes still they have much to cope with he says with a wave of his hand as his screens now show him the various battlefields throughout the world with Scarlet Centurion questioning his father about his tactics wondering why they don't just attack with their armies questioning whether their tactics are honorable honorable make no mistake Marcus honor is a man's greatest possession but honor is personal war is fought through the surrogates otherwise it is merely a duel Kang teaches him explaining to his son that if they attack with their armies then the Earth would unite against them but to allow them to fight among themselves and weaken themselves is the overall goal meanwhile over in China of the ground begins to Quake beneath the team of Heroes again and with it giving out beneath them it causes them to Tumble into a vast Cavern and Carol raises her hand creating an energy glow that illuminates the armies of the deviants around them yes humans you are in my domain now so let us see how well you fare against us this time their leader says with a smile back over in Canada Janet is called into the tent by the soldiers and they found Hank passed out on the ground Janet grabs him staring in shock as his hand begins to fade from existence back over in Siberia fire star begins to awaken surprised to find nobody nearby I'm alive but what I felt the radiation on that level it should have been more than enough to she begins to say to herself but the smoke begins to clear revealing Thor nearby good the Mad man's lightning could not affect me the others must be around here as well Thor says his fire star runs to him but out of the smoke comes a glowing hand and the radiation creature that was once captain America grabs a hold of Thor lifting him into the air no it cannot be Thor shouts aboard his ship Kang continues to watch bursting out laughing at his Conquest I must admit there is such a joy in a campaign so successful beneath the Earth Carol steps forward pointing at the hordes of deviants who leads this rabble I name you a coward hiding behind weapons and bodyguards coward and worse I name you unfit to lead she shouts shehulk looks at her in shock what are you doing she Whispers and Carol shakes her head and glances at her sh she hisses pointing her finger challenging the leader to single combat for the right to lead I am Deus a woman cannot challenge for leadership nor a human he laughs at her but she calls him a coward causing the other deviants to look at him in doubt and Deus finally nods very well you shall battle my designated Champion as my right as leader and when you fall all you shall become my body slave bringing cheers from his army in the Deviant part revealing a large slug-like creature oh great what is he 9 ft tall this may not be as easy as I'd hoped for Carol Whispers to herself meanwhile back in Siberia Thor and Firebird continue to fight blasting the radiation monsters that were once their friends Thor grabs the former Black Knight throwing him into the ground but Quicksilver is suddenly there rapidly punching him across the face and staggering the god Zounds Quicksilver strength has been greatly magnified and his touch Burns Thor says as he wipes the blood from his mouth and begins to whirl his hammer creating a wind blast that tosses the monsters away he then turns as Captain America leaps at him but Thor reaches out grabbing a hold of his shield fight this Captain assert thine indomitable will and break free of this unseemingly thraldom Firebird turns to him as she continues to blast away you have to forget cap Thor that's his body but his mind is still dead she shouts but the anger begins to boil up in Thor as he raises his hammer up over his head lightning cracking through the skies blow winds roll clouds storms of the Earth and Sky Thor God of Thunder commands thee he says as he takes his hammer in both hands this man this hero he should not have died like this and by my hammer he shall be Avenged but back aboard his ship Kang continues to watch all of the conflicts below and on it goes the old dance with a few words they rise at each other's throats he says with a smile and he turns as Scarlet Centurion enters the room telling him that the first recruits from Earth have arrived to swear allegiance to him Kang nods he floats out into the room looking around those that have gathered he points to one demanding to know why he should have be qualified to join Kang's Army the man seems confused but quickly begins to list off his qualifications but the man is interrupted as a whirlwind enters the room casting the others away with gusts of wind he laughs at Kang telling him about his power and demanding that he be made General well then I have your first assignment General Kang says as he pushes a button on his floating chair and with a blast of energy Whirlwind suddenly disappears Kang already has power the Conqueror says to those that have gathered around him what I seek is obedience ability and discipline I will not tolerate anything less he shouts but back down on Earth Carol hits the Deviant known as Gloom with an energy blast but the blast merely goes through his gooey body the Deviant laughs reaching out grabbing her pulling her close as she begins to get sucked into his body now you will feel the Embrace of glum he Bellows and over in Siberia Thor and Firebird continue forward as Thor's storms are creating a path through the green monsters finally having them land in front of presence in Starlight strike storm clouds let these fou beings feel thy wrath for Thor would speak to their Master undisturbed he Bellows into the wind the presence doesn't seem overly impressed with it arthor you have great power Pretender to godhood but I am the presence I am power personified if you cannot be transformed you will be slain he says shooting a blast of energy at the God but Thor holds up his mighty Hammer blocking the blow and beginning to absorb the energy I think not presence I am Thor and thou shalt judge for thyself whether I am pretending he shouts stepping forward beginning to absorb the energy from the present's body thou Hast used thy power badly and thou shalt use it no more Thor says and the presence begins to wither before their eyes but back down beneath the Earth Carol has been sucked inside a gloom's body inside she sees nothing but Darkness but she can sense something she reaches her hand out finding a Shard of a crystal within the Deviant that acts as its only organ the crystal shatters in her hand and Gloom falls to the ground releasing her from his grasp Carol quickly catches her breath struggling to her feat so your deviant nness what's it going to be surrender or a complete betrayal of what passes for your code of honor in front of your men she finally acts dual plus but back over in Siberia Thor continues to absorb the energy with the presence falling to the ground but Starlight calls out asking him to stump please don't kill him I share his power perhaps I can drain it from your comrades restore them she says and Thor agrees stopping his assault but he questions why she would save the a monster just as I share his power I share his curse our lethal power prevents us from associating long with others without him I would be alone she says that she cradles the presence Thor looks at them perhaps woman thou wouldest be better off that way time passes and Thor and Firebirds stand by while scientists continue to work on their friends making sure that they're okay after being returned to normal and beneath the Earth Carol now sits on her new Throne watching as the deviants follow her orders and disarm themselves they all check in with Janet vany who puts in a word with the US government telling them The Avengers are ready to fight back against Kang Secretary General thanks are hanging up the line turning to his coworker as they both walk out of the room they'll be here and I hope that they come up with a way to end Kang's threat swiftly and cleanly because I don't mind saying I don't like the backup plan he says as they walk into the next room staring up at rows of Sentinels being prepared his army cheers his name as Kang raises a glass to them Marcus standing nearby and Kang turning to him one day they will Roar for you my son he says gesturing to those below them you Marcus have proven yourself an able Warrior a fine commander and have earned the respect and devotion of the men as my chief Lieutenant you have done well it is good to have a family a Crown Prince Kang tells him and Marcus looks at his father and my mother Noble sire does that make her the Empress he asks but Kang turns away waving off his son's questions reminding him that his mother was chosen from the finest breeding stock within the Empire but it was Kang who brought his son into the past onto the secluded world to be trained he puts his hands on his son's shoulder do not think too much of women my son they are a distraction and a weakness good to serve as soldiers or mothers but little more always remember the genes that formed you only gave you potential it is what a man accomplishes that sets him AP part your mother is your past Marcus and the past is over it is the future that should concern you he says as he looks at the screens of Earth ordering his son to depart and prepare The Invasion force on Earth Captain America the WASP firebird and Thor are meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Captain America informs them that even though the team has taken a beating recently they will be prepared to assault Kang's Fortress the general NS informing them that the Allied Forces have begun preparing their defenses in France where Kang said that he would first attack but without knowing the nature of the attack they can't prepare properly the fact that half of the world is in an uprising and a rioting in the name of Kang isn't helping the situation and having the world governments fight against their own when they should be preparing the talks continue but Thor is the one who finally stands up excusing himself from the discussion and walking out of the room with Firebird rushing after him meanwhile over at Avengers Mansion jackob Harts steps out of the machine is nullifying his powers allowing him to act as a human for a short period of time while on Earth Triathlon greets him at the room door asking if he's ready to head out for the evening reminding him of the lovely girls that they will be meeting with but before they can head out into the town they're stopped by warbird and vision the pair explaining that they are concerned by the Triune understanding a religious group that has supposedly built a spacecraft that is powered psionically through prayer Justice and firar are already undercover in the group but War Bird believes that they need more experience wait hold the phone I know you think the TU is some sort of cult but remember I'm a member I believe in its principles and I don't think that this is right Triathlon says as he jumps up but warbird explains to him that she doesn't think that they are evil but that they seem to be suspicious that she'd rather be safe than sorry I'm saying let's find the truth whatever it is Triathlon she tells him meanwhile over in Washington Thor stands upon a rooftop overlooking the city as the Sun is setting Firebird appears behind him asking what is wrong and Thor turns to her explaining that he believed that he could act as a hero and not get attached to the humans the humans who live in the blink of an eye compared to his immortality but after what happened with the presence he feels that he's becoming too attached to those that he calls his friends but Firebird shakes her head that she doesn't think that this is actually a bad thing you cannot understand Thor tells her and she looks at him as they both begin to watch the sunset maybe not but I'd like to show you that you're wrong can I have until will we defeat Kang to change your mind she asks Thor back at The Avengers Mansion Vision finally informs them that he believes that he is best suited to infiltrate the church using his Newfound emotions to tell them that he seeks guidance and with the argument settled the rest of the heroes head out for the night with Carol and vision deciding to join them meanwhile cap and wasp are still in their meeting with the general finally informing them that if the Avengers can't defeat Kang the military will go with their second option and he Taps a button and the screen shows the rose of Sentinels that are still being worked on you can't be serious General wasp asks as cap struggles out of his chair still wounded from the fight with the presents and he reminds them that the last time that the Sentinels were activated they turned against their creators the First Flight of the Sentinels will be ready in 96 hours the general tells them in a look of determination settles on Cap's face 96 hours if that's all you're going to give us General will take it we'll find a way to take Kang down the room suddenly begins to rumble and all around Washington DC D see an earthquake rips through the city outside vast walls rip from the ground as strange alien defenses encircle it an aid rushes into the meeting warning the general about the walls and how it's happening to all of the major cities throughout the us could this be Kang Janet asks turning to cap but the screens in the meeting room flicker in a new image appears a man sitting on a throne flanked by strange creatures not seen on this Earth hardly my dear the man laughs able to hear Janet's words it is I who fortified the cities of North America and I who will repel Kang from our Fair Planet I am of course the master of the world and all who live on it are my subjects and thus under my protection now and forever more he declares with a smile the war has begun drop pods descending from the orbit unleashing Kang's forces upon the world the defenses of France have met the assault aided by their allies and the mighty forces of of the Avengers meanwhile over in Washington Black Knight and Carol are changing the perimeter of the new walls that surround the city trying to gain some understanding and how they work but as a drop pod descends from the space one of the towers opens to reveal a heavy Cannon which blasts the Pod out of the sky warbird AKA Carol gets on the comms to Janet at The Avengers Mansion informing her that the Master's weapons are impressive and able to stop King but what's he after and why the story about protection and why so many cities Janet wonders and she size as Jarvis walks in pointing out that perhaps it was merely a stroke of luck but Janet shakes her head informing him that the mayors of all of the major cities have been kidnapped some sort of creature has arrived from a tube in the ground putting a mask on the mayor's face and disappearing back into the tunnel luckily Stingray was in boson when that M was attacked and followed the creature into the tunnel it led them out to the Sea where the creature took off at an amazing rate time passes and a Quinn jet arrives in Washington picking up Carol mid-flight she drops on board greeting Quicksilver silver claw and yellow jacket and the screen flickers with Janet appearing before her team she explains to them that they are being sent to stingray's Recon signal to look into the master further this is an Espionage Mission Carol you've got the experience so you're in charge Black Knight traced the control signal to the ring walls North matching stingray's locator signal we need you to infiltrate the Master's base and either convince him to put his armaments at our service or take control of them she tells them Carol nods in her agreement and Begins the mission turning to another screen where Captain America is informing her that his team is almost ready and is prepared to begin their assault on Kang's orbital base meanwhile vision and Triathlon have arrived at the understandings compound the head priest is giving them a tour And discussing vision's issues but the tour is suddenly interrupted as one of the acolytes runs forward Lord Trant the great threat the triple evil it's coming sensitives have registered their arrival in the solar system and it will reach Earth within days he shouts but over at the Master's base of operations Stingray has followed one of the Master's creatures through their tunnels arriving in the Master's audience chamber he slips inside patching his coms through to Janet good Stingray don't approach him this backup on the way in the meantime Scout the area and find out as much as you can Janet tells him in Stingray looks out at the audience chamber where the master has encased the mayors that he has captured G afternoon ladies and gentlemen in the interest of repelling Kang I have instructions for you he begins and he explains to them that he has decided to ignore the federal governments since they've become quite useless and instead we'll be focusing on the local governments he informs them that he has secretly been running the world for some time but he has had to make himself known so that he could defend the United States from Kang's attack he will allow him to cause destruction across the rest of the world calling Humanity to a more reasonable number the result will will be a better world a scared World perhaps needing centuries to recover but what of it I am Immortal I have time he tells them and the officials begin to shout at him calling him insane but the master waves this off telling them that they will be fitted for his control technology and returned to your offices with instructions and enough control discs to recruit others into my new world order and rather than keep you in suspense I inform you now the process is quite painful aboard Kang's ship though the Scarlet Centurion sits before his console watching the war raging far beneath him with the data informing him that everything is going according to plan he shifts his gaze and the screens are instead filled with images of warbird and her various fights across the planet the door behind him slides open and Marcus hits a button allowing the screens to go blank good day my son I saw your combat exercise tapes this morning fine work Kang says as he fits his helmet over his head and Marcus nods as he stands informing his father of their success but Kang waves him off pressing a button and images of warbird fill their screens again I think I know what you are truly itchy for eh he says with a smile do not waste your time with thoughts of women now son time to have any woman that you choose after the victory is won eh he says and Marcus just tells his father Yes meanwhile Carol AKA warbird has led her team into the Master's base slipping quietly through the vast corridors but they stop short as the screens descend from the ceiling revealing the Master's laughing face did you really think that you could hide from me Avengers in my own base an extension of my very self he asks roaring suddenly coming from the hallways and the Avengers look up to see the Master's alien wolves rushing towards them The Avengers quickly leap into battle with Carol hitting them with energy blast while Quicksilver darts among them silver claw transforming into a massive beike creature to attack them and yellow jacket leaping in and punching them in the face whoa mama what big teeth you have he jokes as he shrinks down to avoid their bites but Carol realizes that the Avengers can't defeat these creatures she orders her teammates to keep moving and that she'll hold the monsters back okay just don't get eaten Janet has been so ticked with us Hank shouts at her as he leads the others away and warbird turns back to the rampaging Monsters energy crackling in their hands all right creatures you want P me you're going to have to make it through a few t of scrap metal first she shouts as she fires a blast at the ceiling Bringing Down the corridors around her she breathes easy for a moment but the Master's laughing face appears behind her very resourceful warbird you have styed my PEX wolves but my base is vast woman do you think that the small part that you all occupy now can't be sacrificed in a moment's notice he asks and Carol's eyes go wide at the words and the base explodes around her at the military base over in Washington cap and the others are ready with Photon returning from orbit where she's been testing the demole shields I couldn't analyze the force field it's just too far beyond anything that I can visualize I did however manage to absorb a bit of it she says putting what she absorbs into a container for Tony to analyze cap nods but motions for his team to board their spacecraft we can't do that Tony our time's running short everyone aboard the ship he'll have to send us the test results when we reach orbit cap tells his friend as everyone gets on the spaceship an image of Kang appears before them this is an automatic notice my base's exterior Shields have been tampered with and I have traced the culprit to this location repercussions will be Swift and thorough Kang says before disappearing the heroes have no choice they board their ship and they blast into orbit cap what he said I don't think he's bluffing Jack of Hearts reminds the team leader and Camp NS I know but the world's counting on us we have no choice so we fight and we win there's no other options but back over with Carol she finally opens up her eyes snow and wind whirling around her and she looks up seeing a pack of PEX wolves closing in on her one reaches down to sniffer and she Springs to her feet using her energy to lash out at them and knock them away but her blasts aren't powerful enough and she realizes that her body was using her energy stores to keep her alive in extreme cold she stumbles away managing to LEAP into the air and fly into a nearby cave where the creatures can't find her a bright light appears behind her and Carol turns to see the Scarlet Centurion floating on an Aeros skiff are you okay my lady warbird he asks she whirls on the man remembering everything that happened to her at the hands of Marcus the things that he put her through they were terrible they were ungodly and she lashes out with her energy destroying his flying disc you won't find me easy prey this time monster I Know Who You Are and what you are and by Hala you won't get away with this she screams but Marcus has no time to reply as she hammers him with blows knocking him away and he whirls his energy staff into the ground knocking them apart peace I did not come here to attack Carol begins to breathe heavily and Marcus looks at her commending her for the Swift attack not only did you destroy my Aros skiff but my Armor's Communications as well it'll be some time before my armor can self-repair enough for me to contact the ship ship and arrange for retrieval but Carol is still prepared to fight demanding to know why Marcus came here we're enemies she reminds him and he nods removing his helmet informing her that he finds her most alluring I have been hopelessly enchanted with you ever since I first laid eyes on you at the United Nations Plaza he explains and I came here to offer my assistance he offers her his energy staff allowing her to drain the energy from it and replenish herself but Carol refuses believing that it might give him mind control abilities like the past Marcus had with her I do not understand Marcus says clearly confused he lights a fire between them trying to explain to Carol that he means no harm and some time passes as they sit by the fire in silence until finally Marcus speaks I have accessed my father's intelligence files on you my lady and I believe I know that Marcus of which you speak I am not that person I have an actual mother and a different upbringing I know what happened to you but I live my life by a code of honor that was taught to me by my father I'm not sure Kang is the noble Warrior that you think he is and I can't take the risk that you're lying Marcus agrees but still promises to Aid her leading her deeper into the cave where they discover part of the Master's base is protruding out of the ground Marcus aims his energy staff at the ground breaking through the ice and snow to reveal a hatch inward with that the two of them drop inside discovering that they are in some sort of lab with Str strange creatures floating inside stasis Chambers halt where you are Intruders the guards suddenly shout aiming their energy weapons at the pair and Marcus turns pushing his staff towards Carol telling her to power up for the fight but she still refuses blast it if you won't reti yourself I will Marcus shouts turning back to the guards using his staff and armor to block the plasma Bolts from their weapons Carol has no choice leaping over the wounded man's head lashing out at the guards dropping them with several punches and kicks she then grabs one of their weapons cracking it and charging herself up slightly and with the fight one she rushes to the Fallen Centurion are you all right she asks and he nods telling her that he will heal but truly even without power you are Majestic he coughs but a blast suddenly rips past them as one of the Fallen guards gets a shot Off the Wall shatters revealing a sucking wind that pulls everything into the room and the Centurion is about to fall into the prison but he jams his staff into into the destroyed wall stopping himself looking down he sees some sort of creature a mass of tentacles and eyes gaping mouths full of sharp teeth and Carol suddenly lets go flipping through the air grabbing the centurion's staff making sure that he doesn't fall into the monster's hungry Jaws she manages to pull him free and Marcus uses his weapon to seal up the crack in the prison there was something like that in the alpha flight report it's supposed to be dead but I'm betting that it's a genetic papy of all of the Master's pets Carol gasps in shock and Marcus turns to her thanking her for her help he holds up his weapon and reminds her that she touched it and he didn't attack he didn't try to take control of her mind the Carol turns away I I don't know how could I how could I know for sure what I feel is what I feel how could I ever she says quietly but the conversation is interrupted by Carol's Cs and an image appears of her teammates and she smiles warbird good to see your face we're safe at least for the moment we managed to hook back up some of the damaged sectors and we're ready to tackle the bad guys you in Hank asks her she nods and sends her coordinates to him then punches a wall grabbing a power line and juicing herself up Marcus is finally able to call for transport as he boards another Aros skiff and he turns back to her promising that if there is a way that he can help without betraying his father she merely has to ask she watches him as he flies away meanwhile in the vastness of space aboard the Avengers deep space monitoring station quazar and living lightning look up as the alarms begin to sound and the screens show a large pyramid-like structure entering the Galaxy quazar Taps some buttons on his console sending word of the incoming object to the Avengers back to Earth but the message doesn't come through and the screen flashes that a priority Avengers mission is currently underway quazar and the living lightning have no choice they fly outside of their station trying to follow behind the flo floating pyramid but to their astonishment it begins to pick up speed meanwhile over in Earth's orbit Captain America's team has now begun their assault on Kang's ship firing energy a blast out of their hands while Camp provides strafing runs in the spacecraft but the blast seems to have little effect inside of the spaceship Wanda turns back to Camp letting him know that she can't drop the shields with her chaos magic since she can't seem to grasp its frequency cap Banks the ship again keep at it Wanda we can't let for a second if we fail to break through he tells her don't even say that cap we'll do it we have to she shouts back at him meanwhile Carol and her team are sneaking through the vents of the Master's base with Quicksilver questioning how they haven't been found yet and what they are unaware of is the Scarlet Centurion has been using Kang's technology to mask their bio signatures the war continues on the ground with Thor and Firebird continuing to fight alongside the armies of Earth in their battle against kangs forces at the understandings compound the religious leaders are preparing to take off in their spacecraft with vision and Triathlon trying to stop them if it draws too much power if it works at all it could hurt all of your followers Vision tried to explain to Mr Trant but the man holds out his hands explaining to them that if the trieval is not stopped it will destroy all life on Earth we have hidden nothing Triathlon we even knew the Avengers had sent spies to infiltrate our ranks and did nothing to prevent it preferring that you discover that there is nothing to fear he says motioning to just and firear in the group of acolytes he motions to the ship asking the heroes to join them in their mission the ship begins to take off as the acolytes on the ground prey and as it rises higher and higher they begin to scream in pain clutching their heads as they fall to the ground Triathlon tries to tell Trant to head back down to help the people calm yourself Triathlon our medical staff is doing what it can the acolytes have done what is necessary he says before turning back to the pilot stay on course Vasquez many have given much of themselves to see us this far to honor them we must not stop now but back in space while this religious group is trying to control the Earth The Avengers are trying to stop Kang with the Centurion allowing the ship's automated defenses to protect the ship while he continues to monitor Carol and her team in their assault against the master how goes it Marcus Kang asks as enters the room with Marcus quickly shutting off the device that is monitoring Carol daners the battle goes well father the attackers are hopeless nothing the automated defense modules can't handle but Kang looks at the screens and he comments that his son should have been paying closer attention because versatile as they are automatic defense modules cannot anticipate everything and it looks as if the Avengers have just broken through our Shields not the desired result wouldn't you say Kang comments and Marcus tries to apologize but King waves his hand do not conern yourself over much after all it is a minor lapse and easily fixed he says as he presses a button and an energy beam shoots out of their base grabbing a hold of the Avengers spacecraft and their Flyers far down below at the world's leaders the general is apologizing to Jenna for what he must do and he orders the launch of the Sentinels into space lifting off 75 of the large robots begin to hurdle themselves towards Kang station meanwhile Carol and her team have finally reached the Master's throne room and he laughs as the heroes break off fighting against his PEX wolves as Carol leaps to meet him in one-on-one combat his sword swings back and forth slashing into Carol's skin as she attempts to block it but back over in space Kang appears before the captured Avengers his smiling face mocking them good afternoon Avengers my sensors inform me that there is a flight of Sentinels on the way I wouldn't have thought you so foolish he reminds them that he is a time traveler and that he has lived throughout many ages and I have quite an influence over Dawning Industries specifically the robotics industry down below them Carol takes another Blow from the master sword you are bound by The Avengers policy against lethal force and I am not I feel I should offer you a chance to surrender honorably he says with another laugh but Carol suddenly stands blasting a portion of the floor away yeah that's why you're wrong you're expecting us to act like nice superheroes but the world's at war and that means the rules have changed she takes a piece of stratel and stabs it through the Master's stomach everyone turns in shock at what she's done as the master tumbles to the floor but back out in space Kang raises his hand and the Sentinels stop their oncoming assault awaiting for his word of command I really would not have thought this of you Avengers Kang says again the image leans Over The Avengers ship still trapped in a beam of energy I must remind you I did say that if I over my Force forces were engaged other than on the field of battle there would be retribution and I am a man of my word you have attacked my command center thus I will obliterate yours with that the image of Kang turns and begins to stride towards the Earth the army of sentiel following him as an afterthought he turns back firing a beam of energy at The Avengers destroying their ship and as he turns to continue his assault on Earth the bodies of The Avengers float helplessly throughout space back over at The Avengers Mansion Janet vany looks at her control console and realizes that few of the Avengers are left and something large is incoming she puts out a call to Thor and Firebird and the two Heroes step through a portal prepared to fight hoping that they will be enough they won't be the hollow construct of Kang strides towards the Earth appearing over DC with his army of controlled Sentinels behind him the military launches their Counterattack but the Sentinels blast them out out of the sky and then they turn their weapons on the master Shield that has been placed over the city with the defense laser striking some of them but Kang merely points the first blast from the ship cuts through the shield the second turns the city into a crater Thor and Firebird and wasp have arrived launching their attack against the Sentinels and the president is taken from the White House as the people try to flee the city the battle raging far over their heads but they can't get past the Master's walls trapped as destruction is raining down upon them Wonderman then arrives cutting a path through the Sentinel Kang raises his hands over his head shooting a powerful beam into the city that crumbles the buildings around it Thor attempts to stop him but merely passes through the hard light construct wasp Whispers in his ear asking him to leave the battle and he nods flying down to the president and opening up a portal with mu allowing the president to escape to safety he looks at his friends ordering wasp and Firebird to also escape and now alone Thor and Wonderman continue their assault but something new drops towards the planet a ball of green energy that cracks into the City and at a blink of an eye every person within its radius is killed skin melted from their bones Thor and Wonderman struggled to their feet shocked by the death around them and Thor stumbles out onto the city streets falling to his knees as the dark rain has now beun to fall on them screaming in and rage that is echoing throughout this dead City it's the next day that Kang Smiles as he stands on his floating platform over the city that used to be DC the leaders of the Free World stand before him prepared to sign their surrender but he weighs them away motioning for wasp the leader of the Avengers to be the first to give in to his demands but out in Space the pyramid is still moving forward you see it was long in the past that the god sealed way the darkness of of their universe but something managed to slip away a pyramid which managed to Break Forth into our universe to travel the Stars Captain America and the other Avengers are regaining Consciousness inside of quazar energy bubble and the hero explains that he and living lightning managed to save them before their air G out though Kang's drones managed to grab Wanda before they could arrive cap nods as he gets to his feet Kang he was going to attack Earth with a flight of Sentinels we've got to but quazar stops him there's another situation cap it might take precedence when the darkness arrived in our universe the universe reacted creating three fragments of light to fight against the sliver of Darkness these fragments were found in time by living creatures who took it upon themselves cap wasn't so sure that they shouldn't return to Earth but quazar convinces him that this threat the pyramid is bigger the discussion is cut short as they look up at an approaching ship the ship of the understanding greetings of Avengers this is Jonathan tramont of the Triune understanding we have several of your comrades aboard and we'll be pleased if you would join us tramont says to them over the comms The Avengers board the ship with cap greeting the others that were saved from Earth he turns div Vision asking the Android to quickly explain the situation it is tramont who speaks as he points to the pyramid as it approaches in brief Captain I believe I can accomplish that in a word as we are coming up on our destination now the threat we speak of is there and Cap's eyes wiing perhaps I do need to know more about this the other Avengers fail camp in on everything that happened with the triun of understanding how they sense spies inside of the religion and everything that happened on the spaceship cap isn't happy about the secrets apologizing to Trant though he expresses his distrust of the man's religion and what he has done to his followers but in the meantime we're here the hands been dealt so let's play it out he says geront nods turning back to his followers that control the ship he explains to the heroes that the pyramid pulses with pure evil and that it may be the greatest danger that the Earth has ever faced it is the triple evil Avengers its coming has been foretold and it must be stopped that is the reason the Triune understanding was created he explains and the team of Heroes float over the pyramid using quazar powers then they approach it and living lightning holds out his hands that's funny I thought this was Machinery but it looks more organic like a hide or a scab in a flash of like the team disappears in the past a hero known as the 3D Man was created when he came in contact with an alien spacecraft one that was powered by one of the fragments of Life his soul was trapped inside his brother who was able to call him forth to fight against the forces of evil but time went on and the brother felt like something was pulling him he left his wife traveling into the mountains and there he found another of the fragments of light that had been created and he was beaten by his guide who claimed cled the fragment for himself and now we go back to the current day we are inside of the pyramid and the heroes are trapped by strange aliens their minds are asleep and they are living perfect lives the ones that they had wished for in the pyramid cap sees himself returning from war living out his life as he had hoped but he fights it his sense of Duty pushing through King he's threatening the earth I don't have time struggling through gritted teeth he breaks free of the control dropping to the floor seeing his friends being freed by him breaking the machine we don't have time for this he shouts but one of the aliens that had them steps forward please blue man there is no need for harshness we are only to Aid you seeking cap glares at them all we need is a way out of here so that we can go back to Earth where we needed he snaps and the alien puts out its hands trying to calm Captain America come on Avengers we'll find the exit ourselves cap says as he turns away Trant begins to argue telling cap that they need to stay but behind cap the aliens begin to morph and shift becoming the creatures of Darkness with large claws blue man I am so sorry but we cannot allow you to depart they snarl and the entire space around them shifts Vision looking around as reality is setting in the entire chamber that we are in the aliens themselves are more Illusions he shouts at the team and the heroes look up in shock as the aliens are swarming around them I think we found geront triple evil but before the aliens could attack them The Avengers feel a strange presence in their minds they see images of the pyramid traveling through the universe radiating Pure Evil and corrupting all that it comes across the aliens were corrupted becoming soldiers and minions of the great evil The Avengers saw all of this in a blink of an eye and so they fought fight bravely Avengers remember that we fight not merely to save a city but all of human civilization tramont shouts as he hits the Swarms so they blast from his holy power the resty of Avengers leap into battle trying to hold the Swarms of corrupted aliens back but as they continue to fight they realize that their attacks seem to be growing weaker and that the aliens are absorbing their energy keep moving everyone swap opponents strike and move on don't fight the same creature twice don't give them a chance to adapt to your skills cap shouts at them as they leap over the heads of more aliens tramont continuing his attack but the walls suddenly come alive reaching for him pinning him in place but he's not done yet calling forth his TR true Powers The Souls of his brothers that were trapped in him long ago Brothers I need thy strength thy power I call you Brothers come to me he shouts as his body glows and his brothers who died long ago arrive he uses the fragment of light that he had stolen from the American in the mountains the one who controlled the spirit of 3D man who had used the fragment to call forth the spirit of his brothers to use them to gain power to prepare for the coming evil and now the spirits of his Brothers are fighting against the alien threat fear not aventer Lord Templar will not permit you to come to harm one of them shouts as he hits the swarm with an energy blast and the fighting continues with Triathlon looking up strange memories filling his mind as he looks at tramont you you hurt me in the mountains from behind he whispers and tront looks at him in shock you remember you remember what the American experienced he gasps you see in the past jamont had gathered followers seeing images of the other fragments of the Champions that had risen powered by another fragment attacking the Great Pyramid only to fail and become corrupted by it but Tramon had continued to gather followers to himself he also had the body of the American that he killed and leeched the energy of the fragment out of the body putting it into a suit a suit that he gave to one of his new acolytes Delroy the man who became a triathlon but it seems as if the two brother's Consciousness was also leeched into the suit and now Delroy remembers what tramont had done all you wanted was power triathon shouts as he knocks aside another alien Trant begins to float into the air proclaiming that everything he has done was for this moment he killed the American he made the suit out of The American's power and body he stole the power and took all of the spirits all to prevent this Alien Invasion I will be the Savior the savior of the entire world he Bellows and what greater reward for my service than dominion over that which I have saved and all who live on it triathon turns away flipping through the fight until he reaches the other Avengers we got more trouble tramont he's got to be stopped too if he wins the world's just as hosed as if Kang wins or the pyramid all three of them are the big bats cap grits his teeth and slugs another alien can't say I'm surprised we'll deal with it the best we can the rest of the heroes turn realizing that TR has continued to grow his power Rippling through the aliens and the heroes begin to hit him with everything that they've got but he continues the attack siphoning the energy from his brother's Spirits killing them now I sense the true prize here it is the pyramid itself suffused with the power of all of those who lost their lives fighting it those Souls were taken by evil I can rest it from the darkness I can become a god myself and all I need is the last power to oppose the darkness he fires a blast at Triathlon who manages to flip out of the way and he continues to avoid Jam's blast until he's finally struck but the blast merely frees The Souls of 3D man and his brother trapped in the suit after the power was leached out of them he continues to flip away but as he rounds a corner he is shocked to discover the alien Champion bonded with another fragment that had attempted to attack the pyramid he is drawn to the fragment reaching out his hand for it no no you can't tramont shouts as he sees what Delroy is doing but Delroy touches the fragment and is bathed in a green light and Rises up as the light dims the first Shard I feel its power feel it resonating with the power that we already carry this is what we were meant to do to bring the shards here to unite them this has always been my purpose our purpose he says to the voice of all three of them tramont looks at him with fear as deloy turns reaching out his hands and drawing the energy of the shards from the religious leader and now with the power of everything Delroy shoots a blast that hits the pyramid itself the others can do little more than look and wonder in the darkness of space Triathlon and the Darkness of the pyramid are now doing battle but it doesn't last long the power of the three fragments burn away the corruption of the darkness and the pyramid becomes inert it is done Triathlon says as it returns to his friends cap nod's asking the hero if they can use the pyramid to return to Earth and fight Kang but vision interrupts them explaining that he can once again receive Transmissions from Earth when we were caught up in that illusion chamber it must have held us far longer than we assumed we have been here for weeks captain and in that time Earth has surrendered to King he tells the shocked faces of those around him Earth Wonderman has been captured brought to a prison Colony outside of Los Angeles and across the planet Kang's forces have stopped what small resistances remained Simon is pushed into the camp a collar dampening his powers Simon Wanda shouts as she runs forward embracing him I was taken into space they shipped me down here weeks ago she explains and the two begin to work together helping those in the camp as best as they can with Wanda explaining that some of her hex Powers still work believing that the cers can't suppress them because they're magic it's a few days later that some of the prisoners knock a guard from his hover dis stealing it and flying over the wall all right did you you see that way to go guys way to show them Simon shouts but Wanda shakes her head explaining that it won't get them far more guards show up holding up their weapons against the heads of two Innocents attention prisoners surrender immediately and no one will be punished for your actions but yourselves continue your attempt to flee and these prisoners will die in your stead the guards shot but the prisoners continue to run and the two Innocents are shot it doesn't take long for the others to become captured and return to the camp Wanda explains to Simon that it always doubles the number of those who try to escape and she turns away as the rifles go off that night the two of them sit under the stars talking about how shocking the world has become in the last month things will get better Kang will be defeated Simon tells her reminding her that the resistance is out there she leans in close kissing Wonderman they both pull away and she turns and they talk about the relationship how they both have seemingly moved on without even realizing it what we had it's over it's been over for a while but we pretend Ed he tells her with a nod and they both agree neither is mad about it but they know that they'll remain friends and they sit back down under the stars what's important right now is how we're going to get out of here Simon tells her he tells her that she could use her powers to remove his collar and that he could take off with her she shakes her head reminding him what the guards are du to the camp but Simon has an idea the next day Simon rips off Wanda's collar allowing her to use the full might of her magic to knock the guards away Simon breaks through the wall creating a hole for them to Escape through and they fight their way through the guards almost free but the guards appear behind them with two prisoners ordering them to stop Wanda can't allow them to kill Innocents for her and turns back begging them to take her instead but Wonderman turns back demanding the guards face him and him alone and he fights valiantly the guards overwhelm him and beat him down and his beaten body is dragged before an image of Kang who declares that because he had the honor to face his guards alone only he would be executed Wanda is Chained forced to watch as Simon is tied to a post and the guards aim their weapons in open fire when the energy dissipates Simon is no more Wanda cries in anguish falling to her knees in the spot where Simon once stood and the guards begin to gather around her want me to clunk their heads together Simon Whispers in her ear making Wanda smile that won't be necessary Simon but it's nice to hear your voice she tells him it was last night that Simon had come up with the plan a fake escape attempt would buy him the chance to be executed alone and one would use her powers to make sure that a new collar that was put on him wouldn't work allowing him to use his powers to protect himself from the guard's weapons and Wanda to make him invisible but Wanda wouldn't leave the other prisoners and now free Simon escapes to find the remaining resistance in Heroes of the world now far over in Siberia Kang and Marcus watched the battle far below with Kang smiling look at it Marcus their defense is shatter their lines are broken there is nothing left for them to fight it is poetry Kang size but the joy of the moment is destroyed for Kang as one of his servants droids floats to him with dire news of trouble at the Imperial prison strike fiercely Avengers Thou Art almost through Thor shouts as the rest of the Avengers continue to hammer at the walls the wall finally crumbles revealing an imprisoned Janet vany Jan that psycho actually trust you up like a beast of burden he shouts as he races towards her she asks about the other pris visors but Hank hugs her telling her that the rest of the resistance is freeing them but she begins to argue with them don't you see I surrendered on behalf of the Avengers as a group Kang only keeps the kid gloves on as long as the other side plays by his rules if we break the surrender he'll retaliate murder entire cities she shouts at them but Thor swings Muer opening a portal for them to escape We Stand prepared to fight back against the Tyrant King he says motioning her through the portal the Heroes all step through and entering into the Hidden Fortress of of the former master of Earth where the rest of the heroes have gathered to fight back against Kang how many will die if we fail again she asks but the president of the United States steps Out of the Shadows telling her that they have no choice that if there is even the faintest bit of hope they need to try and free the planet and Janet nods you're right Mr President we'll strike back we'll plan the strike for tomorrow tonight I have some calls to make call in a few favors she says meanwhile On the Dark Side of the Moon the rest of the Avengers are still within the pyramid with Triathlon still trying to learn how to use the ship to help them in their fight against Kang Captain America urges him on reminding him that they need to get home as quickly as possible it takes some time but Triathlon manages to figure out how to cloak and get the ship moving again that night the heroes take what time they can for themselves talking with friends and loved ones mentally prepared for the coming War the next day and it's the following morning that Kang stands within his fortress on the Eastern Sea board he broadcasts a message to the entirety of his kingdom people of North America I speak to you now because your Heroes Have betrayed you The Avengers have broken their surrender violated their Oaths invaded Imperial possessions they will be punished and they will be allowed to surrender once more and be executed but not until after two American cities have been destroyed as retribution for their treachery and then every hour that passes without their surrender another city will fall the image of of Kang appears over the cities of Denver and Atlanta and it looks down Denver Atlanta make your peace with your Gods Your Heroes have brought the Aon you he declares as his hands begin to Glow but the forces are spread thin and around the world as more walls rise up attacking Kang and his armies out of the oceans the atlanteans rise attacking the land in Siberia the presence in Starlight lead a new assault using her powers to transform Kang's armies into their own at his Fortress a wall explodes Inward and Kang turns to his son we shall rraw to our base and make our displeasure known from there he says and the two of them board an escape craft and quickly Fly Away Kang looks out the window pondering how The Avengers could have possibly defeated the master of the world gaining access to his technology Marcus doesn't dare a look at his father remembering how he helped Carol Danvers pull that one off I'm not in a position to guess of course you have often praised him as resourceful perhaps it's as simple as that he says as he glances at his father but back at their base Janet is preparing the the next stage of the assault okay people we have a slim chance she says explaining that Hank Black Knight and Stingray will stay in the base to use the Master's Tech to continue to fight Kang's Army while the rest of them will head into space to assault Kang's base but the base begins to shake and Rumble as Kang is now opening fire he appears as an image over the mountains declaring that he can track their signals to get an idea of where they are hiding he's firing blind we've still got a shot Janet shouts and she begins to issue commands telling the others to get ready ready for their assault but far overhead Kang's attack is suddenly interrupted as his ship is shaking violently he turns in shock what in the Eternal void he snaps as he looks out the window to see the pyramid approaching them way to go Triathlon that lets him know that we're here Captain America shouts as Triathlon fires again anger fills Kang as he steps out of his command post ordering Marcus to repair the hologram projector there is no end to these interruptions I'll deal with this personally he snaps entering into his Chambers putting on his hologram suit that allows him to fight as his projections on board the pyramid cap turns the triathlon I've got an idea let me know if the pyramid can do this he says and Kang's image appears in the vastness of space beginning to move forward reaching out for the pyramid but a hand is suddenly put on his massive shoulder now you miserable jacked up little Hitler let's end this a massive Captain America America says as Kang turns to him in shock the heroes of Earth have headed into space readying for the final battle aboard the pyramid Captain America takes a punch and staggers but he is still getting used to fighting with a hollow projection he's better than I remember cap says as he spits out some blood but he turns back knocking Kang aside Marcus is watching as his father is battling against Captain America reporting to him how the battles below are going but the ship is suddenly rocked as Blast from the the Earth slam into Kang's ship but the rest of the Avengers not far behind the image of cap punches Kang hard in the stomach this is where it ends Kang your murderous Invasion your domination of Earth it's over Kang over he snars but Kang punches back telling cap that no matter what the Avengers have lost so fight to the end fight and lose lose your idiotic pyramid your Arctic base and your lives all of it the Avengers continue to hammer the ship trying desperately to get through it Shields while cap continues to fight Kang it's Iron Man Who realizes that the shields are using a shifting energy structure which means that they have to hit it all in one spot with everything that they've got give it too many variables to deal with too many to adapt to he shouts at them above them Kang grabs Captain America by the throat you see Captain you may be the finest Warrior of the age but Kang is a warrior of all ages he hisses with Glee but Captain America refuses to quit suddenly Kang is is gone and he's shaken free of the projector as his ship takes another hit blast our Shields may be holding but the pounding we're taking is weakening them shaking all of our base he snaps as he pulls himself off the floor Marcus moves to help his father asking whether they should jump through time rebuild their forces and return moments after they left but Kang waves him away no we'll fight The Battle Before us rather than resort to cronal guile time is our campus Marcus not our weapon he reminds him that he is prepared for all of this though he still doesn't know how the Avengers manag to beat the master once again Marcus doesn't even look at his father I'm sure that it'll be a revent sire you will try and fight with him anyway he says finally and Kang pauses for a moment before once again turning to his control as long as I have what matters my strength my skill The Battle Before me as long as I have those and my son beside me then it is all as it should be come Marcus let's show these fools how to wage the war aboard the appam Triathlon turns to Captain America informing him that the souls that have been trapped in the dark ship are begging to be freed though that would mean that they wouldn't have the power for the pyramid any longer can we use their souls as a weapon against their will he asks and Captain America looks away for a moment knowing that they shouldn't but also knowing that they need the power tramont is shocked stop you can't do this you fools Earth lies in the balance you cannot scruple at anything to save it he shouts at them when suddenly his eyes began to glow and he rises out of his cage telling them that he was absorbing more energy to escape they're aliens damn you aliens who cares about their souls he shouts and he explodes out of the pyramid flying towards Kang ship declaring that he will do what needs to be done a laser blast then hits him and with his dying breath he uses the last of his power to blast King's ship destroying its Shield he did it The Shield's down everyone move the front door's open Iron Man shouts to his team as everyone speeds towards Kang's ship The Avengers are within the ship within minutes fighting against Kang's forces using their energy blast to cut a path through it meanwhile Carol is fighting her way through the ship warb bird here wasp I'm open I can take it she quickly finds herself at the ship's power core the Scarlet Centurion stands in her way what are you waiting for do it warbird Jack shouts and Carol nods leaping into the power core feeling the energy swirling around her as she is absorbing it but it proves too much and she begins to struggle finally releasing it allowing the energy to explode through the ship ripping it apart as The Avengers continue their fight we must go Avengers we must abandon the structure lest we be consumed by its death throws Vision shouts to his friends and the heroes quickly move to escape the ship while Kang moves through the destruction where is he I can't abandon him he's got to go got to take his place he mutters and he turns to find Marcus rushing towards him begging his father to get to the Escape pod but Kang shakes his head no you go I'll stay here he says and he tells am Marcus that he is his Heir and that he must take his place as the ruler of the Imperium I am not merely your father but I am also your commander and I am ordering you to escape he says as he pushes his son into one of the pods and hits the controls I have all a man truly needs farewell Marcus bring credit to your father's name he says as the Pod blasts out of the ship the ship continues to explode all around Kang as it plum helmets from the skies Falling Towards the Earth the ship crashes on the earth with the Avengers quickly traveling to its point of impact and Captain America staring at the destruction there were more deaths more blood on our consciences than on his he says as they land the hatch explodes out of the ship and Kang staggers out his armor torn a sword at his hands well come on come and take me if you can Kang surrenders to No Man Captain America nods lefting his shield and stepping forward the others try to join him but Thor stops them this doth be Captain America's battle he tells warbird she turns arguing that they should just beat Kang and ignore honor but Thor shakes his head it'll be Captain America's battle not due to the respect for the foe but because Captain America will do all that is needed Kang Bellows with rage leaping at cap slashing downward with his sword meeting the hero's Shield cap blocks several blows twisting and throwing k over his shoulder and he tosses The Shield knocking the villain's sword out of his hands leaping in for a powerful kick they trade blows back and forth but anger fills Captain America as he thinks of all the Death that Kang has caused and he hits him across the face with the shield following it up with another blow that cracks Kang's helmet the man stagger swaying on his feet well struck Captain you are truly worthy of this great he stammers until finally dropping at Captain America's feet the other Avengers join camp and with the Jack of Hearts asking if they've won cap shakes his head and looks at the destruction that Kang has caused look around Jack nobody won here he says with a heavy heart a Quin jet arrives so that they can take Kang into custody and as they fly over the country The Avengers discuss the long process of rebuilding after the war they finally arrive in New York with Jack getting everyone's attention and pointing out the window because below them the people of New York have gathered in the streets cheering for the heroes that have saved them and finally defeated the Tyrant all around the world the people are being freed from Kang's prison colonies cheering for the heroes that fought for and alongside them the war has finally ended later Kang is sitting quietly in a prison cell he is the only prisoner within this facility far beneath the surface of the Earth yet he is quiet content he built an Empire and won great victories and he is proud that his son will carry on in his dead but a light appears as the wall is cut through next to him greetings father shall we go Marcus asks as he steps through the hole in the wall the warrior Smiles at his father explaining that they have trapped the entire prison with any null feeli that stops time between heartbeats you should not have come Marcus I was content to stay here to allow the events to play out Kang says anger flashing in his eyes as he looks at his son but Marcus tells his father that there is no need the door is open for their escape Kang stares for a moment before standing and leaving with his son and back in the future Kang stands on the deck of his home ship once again Dawning his armor you should not have rescued me Marcus I would have died and my life would have been complete my Legend Eternal you could have become whatever you are to become you are the best of them you'd make your own Legend he says to his son but Marcus still doesn't understand as Kang finally sigh his leading his son to his quarters finally ready to tell him the truth inside of Kang's private quarters Marcus is shocked to find a long line of silvery coffins it's a maum he gasps looking down and is shocked to find that each coffin is filled with a body that looks like Marcus yes conquering this Earth was never really the true aim my son it was my gift to you to my Heir the finale to my Legend the dawn of yours as we triumphed over my greatest foes I thought it would be glorious cuz you were the best of them he explains that Marcus was not his first son nor his 10th that each before him had failed Kang in some way and then there was you but you betrayed me he snars whirling on Marcus he reveals that he knew that Marcus had helped warbird and the Avengers defeat the master and still I would have forgiven you if you had come to me admitted your actions I gave you chances but you lied Marcus tries to apologize to his father but Kang steps forward Marcus Marcus what's done is done All That Remains is going forward he says putting his hand on his son's shoulders I was content to die to let you go on to become your own man your own ruler your own Legend it wouldn't have mattered then many great men began by betraying his father he says drawing a knife from his boot but now now I am here he sigh slipping the blade into Marcus's ribs and stepping back and Kang the Conqueror cannot tolerate a traitor in his Camp not if he is to go on he says coldly Marcus stares at his father in shock as he sinks to his knees words trying to escape his lips but he collapses to the floor dead Kang stares at the cold body of his son knowing that he couldn't tolerate a traitor and the computer Chimes asking if Kang would like to activate the next version of Marcus but Kang reaches out taking Marcus's head into his lap looking down at his still face no not yet he whispers quietly not yet hope you guys enjoyed this full story we decided to put it out we were going to hold this until the movie came out but who knows if that movie's ever going to come out what is your opinions do you think it'll ever exist let me know in the comments 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Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 32,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kang, kang the conqueror, kang dynasty, kang recast, kang the conqueror loki, jonathan majors, he who remains, mcu, avengers kang dynasty, avengers, loki season 2, marvel, jonathan majors kang, kang the conqueror mcu, kang the conqueror marvel, kang the conqueror jonathan majors, kang the conqueror scene, loki kang the conqueror, who is kang the conqueror, loki, kang mcu, marvel cinematic universe, marvel phase 5, marvel studios, marvel comics, kang the conqueror thor
Id: cGuehZw3GZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 49sec (4789 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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