Carnage Reigns, Carnage's Revenge On Miles - Full Story

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Miles Morales needs his own symbiot villain and today that villain is going to be Carnage Cletus Cassidy AKA Carnage has been going through a crazy transformation himself eventually learning to control Iron Man's Tech and use it to become the ultimate carnage he then went back to New York City to get revenge on the one spider person that was able to resist him during the king in Black event Miles Morales but Miles Morales has also been dealing with the cape Killers a group of government controlled super villains sent out to stop superheroes they deem to be problems that brings us to the Carnage reings event in today's video this is comic story and I take comic books and turn them into audio dramas the point is so that you know what to add to your collection Inc Carnage Reigns is one of my more recent favorite Miles Morales story lines if you guys enjoy longer form videos such as this check out our full story Channel where they're getting uploaded more frequently and more often this actually came out a few months ago over there anyway I hope you guys enjoy let's get into Carnage Rings a few cop cars gather around the corner diner with the sergeant on the scene quickly calling in for backup I don't give a crap about the traffic that's what Sirens are for we've got Cletus Cassidy in there send every team you've got she says into a radio someone looks up into the sky and shouts as Spider-Man swings down landing on the roof but miles has faced Cletus before memories of when he was overtaken by the madman during the absolute Carnage event fill his mind going dark give myself a fighting chance he thinks to himself as he goes invisible his camouflage hopefully protecting him from a surprise attack he begins to sneak through the halls of the building unaware of the twisting walls behind him that show Carnage's face outside a SWAT van screeches to a halt in front of the diner an agent GAO gets out she motions to her men who are packing extremely heavy Firepower I want everyone looking the part out there guys slick professional and above all lethal she calls to her men as she takes charge of the scene ordering Sergeant Amed to push her people back as the hulking villain steps out of the van inside miles is sneaking through the Shadows into the diner but he stops suddenly as the lights come on and he sees several people sitting and eating the cook looks up in annoyance I'm trying to run a business here would you mind getting your PA prints off of my ceiling he growls miles drops to the floor confused as to what is going on but he is called over to the corner where a bespectacled man sits I hope you don't mind and took the liberty of ordering for you I'm Ken the man says and emotions to miles to sit hey Ken uh you mind telling me what's going on here miles asks sitting down pushing away the plate of French toast that he has offered I'm afraid Mr Cassidy didn't share the particulars of his plan with me Ken tells him but miles can't sense Cassidy getting out of the booth behind him Cassidy's jaw elongates as he opens his vicious mouth mouth wide you smell different than the other bug less tragic let's see what we can do to fix that Cassidy suddenly growls as he lunches forward biting into mil shoulder miles screams as he feels the jagged teeth biting deep into his flesh meanwhile outside GAO turns to the villain as he gets out of the van are you ready to go to work scorpion yeah I'll watch your team six agent go but I'm telling you I mean for one re reason and one reason only and that's to put an end to Cletus Cassidy back inside miles shoots a web into Carnage's face grabbing a hold of him throwing him over his shoulder Carnage snars ripping the webbing clear will you raised in a bond miles didn't anybody ever tell you that it's rude to come between a man and his M miles tries to LEAP away but Carnage's tendrils lash out slamming him through a wall miles is shocked as he looks up at Carnage's new suit which basically looks like he threw up all over Iron Man struggling to his feet miles turns his head as a cook tries to get his attention bro you got to help my name's Dominic the cook hisses miles moves quickly grabbing Dominic pulling the man to safety meanwhile in the diner kandon motions to the hole in the wall you're not letting him leave are you is that a part of the plan and Cletus Just Smiles I'm not letting him leave I'm baiting the hook Cletus tells him as he turns his head sensing agent ga's team entering the building ah I do believe another course has arrived Cletus says as he licks his lips the team pushes through the entryway weapons up and ready but someone is Whispering to them from all around he's here the pointman shouts as Cletus seemingly Springs off of the walls his symbient growing around them it pulls away their weapons stabbing and slashing across them the team tries to hit him with Sonic weapons but it just pushes Cletus back gunfire continues to erupt from the team as scorpion comes rushing in hi am Mac good to see you back on your feet pal Cletus says with a smile and Matt tries to hit him with his tail but Cletus appears behind him slashing him across the face know our feelings about a last Hussle right don't they say that to forgiving is Define Cletus asks Mack Roars in Anger his ta lashing around until he realizes that he's all alone he looks up to see Ken sitting in a nearby chair watching the fight huh thought Cassidy didn't leave any survivors Max says but Ken explains that he isn't a Survivor that he was once a serial killer that believed himself to be an artist but he realized that Cletus was the true artist he's about to paint his Masterpiece Mr gargan I'd urge you to run but he's already here Ken says drawing Max attention as Carnage is sneaking up behind him meanwhile miles is leading Dominic to the roof in the floor beneath him he hears the gunfire and Max eventual screams in in pain they continue to move forward with Miles kicking in the door to the roof come on we got to go this way he leads Dominic to the edge blood still dripping from his wounded shoulder and he tells Dominic that they're going to have to jump to the Next Room trust me mil says holding out his hand which Dominic reaches for but Dominic's hand suddenly twists into the carage symbient Y you insist he says with a smile slamming miles into the ground miles struggles up in shock Cassidy he gasps as Dominic shifts into the red-headed psychopath miles shoots his webs dragging Cassidy to the ground but another has appeared slashing him across the back hey miles you ever feel like you're out of your depth he says with Glee but miles refuses to give up trying to punch out but Carnage catches the blow opening his mouth wide to finish off miles Peter I'm sorry I tried miles thinks to himself knowing that he has reached his end but scorpion is there slamming Cletus away with his tail good off of him you freak Mac snars and he turns helping miles up you did real good but you got to tap out now Mac tells him and miles is simply confused why are you helping me he asks and Max Smiles honestly I wasn't planning on I thought you were the other Spider-Man but he suddenly gasps as blood begins to spill out of his mouth as Carnage's tendril stabbed through his stomach Carnage lifts him into the air more tendril stabbing through him good I'm sorry it's all on you scorp gasps as miles struggles up electrical energy crackling in his hand you don't know when to quit do you Carnage asks with Glee but miles leaps forward slamming his Venom strike into the power core in Carnage's Center Sparks begin to fly as Carnage screams in pain dropping scorpion what have you done kid I'm going to get you for this peel you good and slow he Bellows and on the streets below everyone looks up as the building suddenly explodes outward everything Tumbl around them as miles and Mac drop to the ground the building is crumbling covering them in debris and after a few moments miles looks up is everyone okay are we good he asks Scorpion and Mac growls on him explaining that there isn't a web and they aren't working together he looks up as the debris begins to shift around him wait what's that sound he asks and Miles rushes forward pushing scorpion away catching the building as it continues to fall apart he gasps trying to hold it up scorpion my guy don't think I can hold an entire building forever open to your pitches right about now miles yells as more debris begins to push down on them the ground begins to fill up with water all right I got an idea scorpion says swishing his tail back and forth the tail then lashes out grabbing miles pulling him free of the debris before it can squash him thanks man you had me go in there for a minute miles tells Mac that they need some help on this one and the two begin to pick their way through the destroyed building arguing over what they should do they eventually come across an EMT who's trapped beneath the rubble but Mac moves stopping miles are you stupid or something Cassidy already got us with one symbiot with aoo I'm not taking No chances on not being another cetus freak clone the miles stands in the way insisting that they need to help everyone that they can meanwhile topside agent GAO is staring at the massive crater that was created by the building exploding she sigh knowing that they can't allow Carnage to escape and continue to kill she rubs the bridge of her nose every second that we waste is another potential body that Cassidy catches she says and reaches for her phone tapping a button send them in back in the crater Mac finally agreed to not killing the woman and with a growl he turns continuing to go through the rubble the woman thanks Spider-Man for saving her and they get back to work trying to dig it out they find another Survivor this one a member of agent gal's team and Max step forward to attack the person again but miles again holds up his hands dude we've been over this Mac quickly agrees this time and the trio continue to help getting the debris off of the agent water is pouring steadily down on them now with Miles aware that they are going to be completely submerged soon he glances around finding a massive seain all right I got our way out of here he insists on Mac breaking the water man filling it up with even more water so that they can use the pressure to get them out of the crater faster with it you got some Stones kid I'll give you that Max shouts and they all shooted up into the air using the rush of water from the sewer M to rapidly fill the space and they all land on the streets above a gal moves forward quickly ordering the police to arrest Spider-Man oh come on man miles snaps as electric cuffs are slapped on him how many times do I got to save the day before you're going to give me a break he asks and he turns to Mac hoping the criminal will stick up for him actually ma'am I think we could use this run he did good back there building going boom wasn't on account of him it was all Cassidy ma tells her meanwhile the EMTs are trying to take a look at agent Scott the other Survivor but the agent suddenly transformed forms Before Their Eyes Bacon's back on the menu boys cage snarls as he rushes to finish off the captured miles Cassidy could duplicate himself now agent gal asks in Surprise miles rushes forward breaking out of his own cuffs it's more like he can possess folks miles shouts and as he's about to fight with Carnage again a blast of energy and arrows hit the symbiot Dropping It To The Ground miles is confused looking back at the newest members of agent gal's team sorry where are manners let me introduce new y's newest anti-vigilante task force the cap Killers Taskmaster tells him motioning to his team of Electro in hightail hi you kid long time no stab the team then quickly moves forward defeating the symbia Dropping It To The Ground agent GAO turns to her team explaining what Miles said about Cassidy taking over various individuals and creating possessed clones and she ends it with explaining that that's why Spider-Man is going to be joining them miles tries to argue but gal looks at him here's your options kid my Cape Killers can cart you off off to jail or you can be their little symbiot Whisperer and I'll consider it time served now where is Cassidy hiding but far below the city in the symbiot hive known as the Spire Cassidy is sitting upon a throne looking at Kenneth what's the point of that stunt a little slight of hand Spider-Man couldn't help but come to the rescue and while he was distracted we were able to slip away unpursued to do what hide Li our wounds no Spider-Man is going to pay but first whatever he did was messing with my suit I got to sort it out and when I do this Whole Town's going to remember what it's like to have Carnage's claws at its throat not long ago Kenneth Neely had a will of his own anyone who knew Ken would know that he was a monster a murderer but even he didn't know true evil until he swam into the red wake of a creature known as Carnage for weeks now he's been goated and coaxed AC cross the universe while the Beast gored its way to godhood eventually even he realized that its Ascension could mean the end of everything even blessed Slaughter so he sought out one force in the universe capable of stopping Carnage cus Cassidy a serial killer who also happens to be Carnage's former host but there was something different about Cletus he was using his new other a hybrid of a symbiot dragon in the old iron Man's suit so Ken provoked him in hop that a taste for mass murder might bring back his old self however for Cletus he wasn't in any shape to do what Kenna wanted or rather suggested since no one controls Cletus cidy recently even with his iron symbiot Cletus had a run in with Miles Morales and the zap that Miles gave him well it sort of fried the Iron Man Tech inside like literally fried a hole into cletus's chest the smell was Indescribable but for a second Cletus was connected he was inside the wires he once thought being connected to the hive would allow him to remake the World In His Image but he was wrong that's why Ken is going to help him with a few upgrades a short while later in the Stark unlimited building in Greenwich Village scientists are getting to work salvaging Old Iron Man suits when there's a sudden explosion at the front entrance as the security dir guard on duty is thrown through the door Cletus follows behind telling everyone my name is Cletus classid and this is my rather lackluster hype man Ken now which one of you is going to take me to Tony Stark one of the scientists says that Mr Stark is no longer running the company Mr hang is now the new owner Cletus tells him well I have a bit of a problem seems the old ticker inside of me isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing the scientist takes a closer look at the opening in Cletus his chest is that Repulsor Tech I couldn't tell you all I know is that it's busted and it stings like hell can you fix it the scientist tells him of course not but before he could even finish explaining why Cletus releases a blast melting the scientist's face Cletus then turns to everyone else look no need to get jumpy but I did need to make an example out of one of you now are the rest of you going to fix me up or what the rest tell him that they can't Tony never shared the specs to any of his suits they wouldn't even know where to begin on repairing whatever he has become Cletus looks across at the scientist well if you don't know you know what they say if you can't repair replace he points to one of the iron Sentinels and tells them to put that in him a little while later all of the nanotech is being implemented into cletus's body and he tells Ken to keep an eye to make sure that they don't do anything to him when he goes under Ken informs him that he has no weapons in one hand so Cletus tells him it's time to repay his loyalty before Ken could even realize what's going on Cletus begins to infect Ken with parts of his symbiot reaching out and taking pieces of Old Iron Man suits and grafting them on to Ken Ken looks at his hand as well as his newly formed one and then realizes that he's not in control of his own body control you never had any now just relax and let o Cletus Take the Wheel because the only person I trust to look after my own interests is myself but at that moment Ken is struck as a green Blur whizzes by the blur suddenly stops before Cletus and hightail says Whoa a big monster or a little monster whose ass am I going to kick first with hi Tail's attention on Cletus Ken touches the ground beginning to spread the symbiot out to grab hi tail holding her in place long enough for him to shoot her in the back Ken begins to laugh but before he could do anything worse Taskmaster attacks him and Ken screams out in pain he then goes back to laughing as he regrows another hand I'm just playing and he punches Taskmaster into the ground but before he could finish off Taskmaster his hand is pulled back by webbing as miles swings in with the rest of the cape Killers he kicks him asking why are there always more of you and Cletus reaches out telling the scientist to hurry but he also grabs miles Isn't it past your bedtime Electro shocks Ken I'm going to cook you out of that thing and Ken begins to grab more Iron Man pieces trapping her inside of them causing her attack to deflect back on herself scorpion arrives yelling I don't care how many mini mes you got lined up I'll go through them all Cletus Ken then asks how many holes does he have to put in him before you get the message scorpion spins back with his tail launching Ken out of the building and then Cletus gets back up pulling some of the equipment off while miles swings in to try and deliver another Venom blast like before the one that shut down Cletus but Cletus releases a blast of energy knocking miles away did you really think that would work again kid right now I can feel myself inside of the building inside of the city buzzing in the wires the back door to everything so many new Meat Puppets to play with Miles looks at the scientist asking what did you do and the scientist explained that they isolated the old Escape backbone so that he couldn't infect any other carriers but he can still reach so many people miles asks if they just put Cletus online and the scientist says not just online Cletus is in the building's learning neural network from here he can spread out through Tony Stark's Escape system every host every wire you saw what he did with a barely functional suit he was turning people into lethal puppets now he's going to do the same thing to the whole city and then Carnage Will Rain the first thing that Cletus did when connecting to the city was decide that he needs more recruits so he reaches out to Liz Alan and her son Stan picks it up he begins to talk to Stan asking if he wants to hear a secret and when Stan puts the phone to his ear cleus Whispers something suddenly Stan's eyes turn red and he grabs a knife from the Block meanwhile Liz is enjoying her bath with her headphones on oblivious to what is happening as Stan quietly sneaks in raising up the knife but before he could bring it down Normie catches him and Cletus talks through the phone hey if it isn't Nori o born the goblin child himself or are you Red Goblin now Normie asks what did Cletus do and Cletus explains why did you have a look at the phone and see I'll tell you a little secret the most epic secret in the whole wide world but as Normie grabs the phone Rascal the symbiot that is attached to the young child begins to panic shouting no no no no no Batman Batman cetus says a is that a little sliver of me I can smell it in that adorable symbiot cocktail you got going on how very interesting suddenly there's an explosion outside and Normy asks what was it Cletus tells him that he wished that he had just listened to his secret it's how I've been making so many friends Normie outside Normie can see the cape Killers fighting off the infected people of the city as well as the infected just fighting amongst themselves but while scorpion finds himself moments away from being ripped to shreds agent GA saves him at the last second telling him that they need to move scorpion gets back up asking how batter thinks she tells him that Cassidy's Consciousness seems to be contained in the old Stark Escape Network so he's largely confined to New York at that moment G's phone rings and when she answers it a voice asks what is she still doing in the building it turns out that it's the new owner of the building Mr hang and he begins to argue asking why she's even there but she just kind of hangs up on him telling him that she needs to deal with Cletus but as she's about to hang up hang explains that that's actually why he called he's delivering heavy ordinance to the A area that Cassidy has taken over and he strongly advises that she and her team move elsewhere when that happens back on the streets the infected are getting ready to strike down someone when Normie interjects stomping it telling everyone that they need to go home one of the infected yells that they are home welcome to the cetus Cassidy show where participation is mandatory but at that moment something slams into the car next to Normie and Miles gets up all right tonight officially sucks and I've decided not to participate Normie ask if miles is okay and Miles climbs out asking who Normie is seeing that he's in his red Goblin outfit Normie says that he's still working on it miles laughs H are we all so are we fighting or uh and then a voice calls out asking if he's seeing double or do spider people grow on trees Ken stands up blasting the both of them quickly trying to figure out what to do miles holds up his hands looking at Normie can you do the thing Normie asks him the web stuff yeah pretty sure cool let's hang the laundry out the dry the two spin their webs with Ken rocketing himself forward just in time to be clotheslined by the thread for a moment Ken wakes up telling them that they need to get him out of here cuz Cassidy is in his head it's a Normy walks over really dude we got to get him out of here but before miles could tell him not to Cletus begins to take back over Ken don't mind Ken he's just a little salty over having his body jacked miles then jumps onto the back of Ken ripping off the iron man mask and just as the symbiot is giving away a spike shoots out stabbing miles in the arm Cletus laughs as the symbiot retakes Ken that's much better your old face plate tasted like tin foil he activates the thrusters bringing him and miles into the sky miles begins to web his legs to the ground to slow the process but Cletus spins his head around opening his mouth you silly goose I was going to finish you off quick but not anymore at that moment Cletus is stopped as the symbient is suddenly Stripped Away he looks down to see Normie as red Goblin holding on to him absorbing the Carnage symbiot back at Stark unlimited Cletus begins to shout no no no no the little offshoot and the cosplay Spider-Man just threw me out of my old damn meat puppet nobody takes my stuff nobody normany and Miles watch as the infected become more aggressive against the heroes and anti-heroes are trying to protect them but that is until there's a CR that shakes the ground knocking everyone away Normie Shields his eyes from the bright light asking are we being rescued and Miles tells him I really hope that's the Avengers but as they look up they see two iron Sentinels yeah no that's not the Avengers Spider-Man with everything going on Cletus takes a moment to reexamine his own situation he's busy trying to make new friends the stabby kind but the Osborne kid who's wearing warmed up leftovers can absorb symbiot matter he's out there with the Morales kid who Hur him and now they're both stuck talking to themselves in an empty lab because they don't know how to be alone but they do this every time they feel small right they multiply but that also makes them predictable makes them vulnerable Perhaps it is why Carnage always loses the exote says that that's interesting are you proposing a change in tactics Cletus codyy Cletus tells him oh not at all perhaps we're thinking too small we're trying to reach Millions why not reach trillions all of these old Iron Man armors we could use them to build a bigger mirror the extrem beote looks at him I understand I might just have the thing back outside Normie and miles are holding off what they can of the infected while the Sentinels attempt to Corral people telling them that they need to go home Norman yells in frustrations that he barely made a dent in those things and they keep coming they need to find the main guy for him to absorb Taskmaster looks at the child you you realize you're talking about Cletus Cassidy right forgive me for saying you're not looking too hot right now kid up in the tower the iron Sentinels begin to fire their payloads into Cletus cidy but Cletus grabs a hold of one of them beginning to crush it you know I really hate fighting robots just straight up hate it because you can't die as Cletus is occupied miles swings up taking Normie as close as they can to Cassidy as for the iron Sentinels hang sits back laughing stating that he did it he managed to shut down and take over Cassidy's nasty little signal he's been kicked out of the wires isolated and what comes next is elimination Cletus crushes The sentent Sentinel too late screaming whoever you are I will tear out your tendons and make your carcass dance on Broadway across from him in the shadows miles tells scorpion that they need a distraction and Scorpion tells him H you need a punching back don't you fine scorpion throws himself into the middle of it all calling out to Cassidy giving nor the time that he needs to try and absorb the extremo to Carnage but as he does he begins to see something feels something he feels the ocean of Cruelty there's no end to it and Normie can't do this it's too much for him to take Normie collapses and Miles tells scorpion that the kid is down and not getting up we got a bail scorpion as they try Cletus looks back up uh-uh you don't get to run from this you ruined a perfectly good evening meanwhile back over in New Jersey a man size I knew today was today what have shaved for this cleetus Cassidy back to spooking the natives using my freaking suit to do it no this time I'm not letting it slide this time you're going to answer for your crimes Cletus Tony begins to assemble his suit and he tells boss to go ahead and lock up I'm on my way boss tells him confirmed query and Tony tells him I need a stick a really big stick back in Manhattan Cletus finishes with his upgrades deciding to stretch his wings as he flies over the city telling them I'm starting to feel like my old self again the more you make me bleed the better I become while miles and Scorpion get back towards the ground Taskmaster and Electro take their shot as Taskmaster lets lose three explosive arrows that try to give the other two some cover Cletus turns his attention to them telling them that was pretty cute that you think that that would work Taskmaster asks Electra if she can pick up some speed and she tells him sure just got to let go of some dead weight and she lets go of Taskmaster after dropping him she flies towards miles telling him that GAO told her that they have similar electric powers miles tries to argue against using it with her but she finally convinces him so he funnels his Venom blast into Electra to charge her up and then she turns releasing it into one giant blast the shot hits Cletus dead Odd as everyone waits to see if it was effective and then they see Cletus peering through the smoke if you wanted my attention you sure as heck Happ now suddenly red tendrils shoot out slashing and cutting into miles and Electro splitting them apart and flinging them across the city hight tail catches Electro while Taskmaster stands up that's what you get for dropping me but now it's time to see if this little rocket that I stole from the dusty old Stark building can help with cletus's back turned Taskmaster fires the RPG not even knowing what he's firing because he just picked up a random weapon and Cletus turns back swatting it away hey shooting a guy in the back is low even for you Taskmaster that's why I prefer to stab him the rocket then rickochet is flying into a nearby building and people begin to scream for help as hiil pushes Taskmaster out of the way telling him you just brought down the whole building miles swings in to help with what he can but hiil runs up to him I talk fast so listen I toss you catch do it people are then being tossed out of the building as miles creates webbing all over to catch the survivors once they done miles takes a deep breath laughing wow okay you say bolt I see you and hiel says this does not make us friends and that's when Miles High tail and Scorpion attempt to do what they can but with every inch that they make against Carnage cetus takes a mile he begins laughing the chase is part of the fun hell it's all of the fun he whips a tail at hight tail but miles jumps in the way taking the hit asking if she's okay Cletus tells him I wouldn't be worrying about her kid at that moment something pops up on gal's Radars and a voice comes over the comms I'm not one to ease drop but my ears just wouldn't stop burning Tony Stark flies in with his Iron Man suit firing a Sonic disruptor to keep Cletus away looking down hey Spidey looks like you got yourselves a little cage problem once everyone is clear Tony turns his Focus back to Cletus and his attitude changes from playful to serious I had a long time to repare for this after you ran off with my tech you steal the extreme beote and you turn it into this monstrosity who better to slay the evil dragon than a knight in titanium armor he jumps in with an electric spear stabbing Cletus in the mouth allowing his suit the time to start transferring power he then tells everyone to clear the way he wants Cassidy to feel this and as soon as he finishes charging he releases all of that stored energy straight into Cletus as the smoke clears everyone can see the smoldering remains of what Cletus was Miles asks did we win hight tail tells him to just take the win but at that moment there's a loud clang as Tony Slams on the ground behind them miles asks if he's okay and Tony explains he needs a little of that zappy trick from the Venom to get him back up and moving with that Miles shocks the suit telling him that it's pretty much the last that he has but Tony tells him you keep this up you might make my top five spider people list wait do you really have five of at that moment miles words fade everyone looks back to see the red tendrils stabbing and piercing miles and Cletus tells them you have got to learn to stop turning your back on me but for now I'm done with the small FY I need something bigger to sink my teeth into I need to spread this thing far and wide I need to spread real cage as Cletus begins to lie off miles coughs that was stupid of me so stupid I should have never let my guard down Tony grabs him stay with me kid we can't have you dying that easily hi tail runs over asking if they can fix this Tony tells them that they have good news and bad news bad news is I never went to medical school good news is I'm smart enough to create programs that went for me stay still this is going to stink a lot he reaches down creating a nanotech cast Over the wound miles asks what what is it and Tony explains that the nanite Clusters will help speed up his recovery but what they're creating isn't so much a cast you should probably just call it a suit miles sits up looking at his suit seeing the iron spider outfit now with four extra limbs a short while later miles and Tony are speeding across the city with Miles cheering about how good he feels in the new iron spider suit that Tony gave him he swings through the air hitting the gigantic Dragon monster that Cletus has become with a laser blast from his new spider arms I see you were smart enough to bleed out when I stuck you like a pig Cletus Roars opening his mouth wide firing a blast of energy at the pair of Heroes but Tony leaps out of the way blocking miles from the attack with his energy Shield behind me kid this is the easy part Shields going to hold but I don't know if we're going to stick the landing Tony shouts as they fly through the air slamming into a nearby building a moment passes and the pair struggle to their feet see easy groans grumbling about not wanting to be thrown into any more buildings and he orders their team of Misfits to gather around he orders Scorpion and hightail to cover them while he and Spider-Man are going to hit Carnage hard enough to crack the symbiot Iron Man's suit so that he can use the special em that would fry Carnage's circuits you're playing as crazy as hell you know that right hiel asks him wait does this mean we're real Avengers now scorpion begins to wonder and Tony nods as they turn back to Carnage all right my temporary Avengers time to slay a dragon he shouts as he draws his energy sword and shield make me bleed Stark show me how it's done Cletus Roars with hight tail rushing forward punching the monster in the face she Dodges out of the way as scorpion hits him with another energy blast and Cletus merely shakes off the attacks if you want me you're going to have to earn my blood cetus says before reaching back letting out a massive Roar the ground shakes with the sound and the the heroes are forced back what kind of scream is that hight tail shouts but miles looks behind them as a crowd of symbiot controlled people are rushing through the streets called to their Master guys I don't think that was a scream I think it was a dinner bell miles says as the people Rush forward screaming Carnage's name as they attack the heroes over their head three symbiot controlled Iron Man suits Roar forward and over their heads agent GAO is watching them all from a helicopter with with red Goblin unconscious on the floor but struggling to his feet Cletus is going to tear apart the whole damn City you're up red Goblin little Normie the child within the symbiot nods his head leaping into the city yes ma'am he shouts Kenneth smiling guess our final player is about to take the stage he whispers below them Tony and miles are engaging the Iron Man suits that have been taken over by the extremist virus one of them rushing miles with the helmet flipped up to reveal the symbiot strands come back to us Spider-Man come join our symphony the creature growls in the voice of Cletus close by Scorpion and hightail are fighting against a horde of people controlled by Cletus yo it's getting pretty cramped in here do one of them speed Blitz things hi tail scorpion shouts but she shakes her head explaining that there isn't enough room what Good's a Speedster who can't speed scorpion grumbles but above them red Goblin drops in knocking a crowbar wielding man away Cassidy isn't hurting anyone else red Goblin States Spider-Man suddenly comes flying by them slamming into a truck having been thrown by one of the extremist Iron Man suits Tony lands next to them informing the others that they need the ground cleared they're making the final assault the rest of the heroes clear out enough room for Hil who suddenly leaps into Super Speed knocking out a large number of The Horde you couldn't just do that from the start scorpion says with a smile Tony and Miles leap back to fighting the Iron Man suits miles's new iron spider armor allowing him to quickly Dodge their attacks and keep them busy enough for Tony to finally hit them with a Sonic Blast that destroys the symbient pieces that were controlling them the armor then falls to the ground empty once again well that was fun while it lasted the Cletus cedy Dragon Carnage says with a smile but it's at that moment that Tony realizes that Cletus is now one with the extremist virus that he has bonded with it and there might be only one way to finally stop this fight over their heads looks up as a piece of the extremist symbient Splats onto the side of their helicopter while gaw is distracted he manages to slip free of his cuffs and he grabs a hold of the symbiot allowing it to bond with his skin with a maniacal laughter he reaches out grabbing a hold of the pilot grabbing the stick and pointing them at the ground you don't understand what's waiting out in the Stars Cletus Cassidy is the only one who can stop the cage symbiot he shouts to GA on the ground miles looks up as a helicopter is now flying through the air GA is thrown clear and Spider-Man leaps up to grab her as the chopper crashes hard into the New York streets Kenneth manages to struggle free of the crash staggering over to Carnage Cletus I got your message I understand my purpose now the Carnage symbiot is waiting out in the Stars Kenneth gasps to his master but Carnage has had enough of the Fanboy reaching down for him knowing that his piece of the symbiot will heal him thanks for the jump Kenneth nearly back to full power Cletus tells him Kenneth is confused by this turn of events but Cletus reaches down stabbing him through the chest internships over Kenneth hope you enjoyed the lessons Cletus laughs as he absorbs the serial killer you always knew it had to end this way Cletus laughs and Tony and miles are there hitting Cletus with everything that they have Tony flying around the monster but a tendril reaches out destroying his Gauntlet enough of those little Stark toys voice Cletus growls but miles leaps at the monster swinging through the air spinning around him he avoids Cid's tendrils as he picks up speed until he leaps into his side knocking him to the ground but Cletus is on his feet quickly his tendrils lashing out at top speed knocking off some of the iron spider arms as he presses his attack it's miles who flips over another attack his fist beginning to Glow with energy this started with a Venom blast so I'm ending it with one miles shouts as he slams his fist into the monster the blast tearing up the street around them smoke filling the air and when it clears Cletus is struggling to his feet that tickled he grunts but miles has done his job he leavs out of the way as Tony sterk comes barreling in Iron Man Now or Never he shouts and Tony slams into Cletus burying himself into the monster attacking his EMP Cletus roars and anger in pain as the EMP rips apart the extremist virus destroying him and as the Smoke Clears miles struggles over to Tony did we do it is Cletus gone Tony nods his body moving stiffly completely fried my suit but I'd say we got him kid the rest of the heroes look around as Cassidy's horde comes back to their senses they're no longer controlled by the madman and Tony explains that he isn't sure if Cassidy will stay gone but he is at least defeated for now you did good out there he tells miles putting his hand on his shoulder I'm still taking the suit back though he says as the iron spider suit is reabsorbed into his armor the duo leave agent gow and her men to clean up the mess of the city with Tony dropping miles off at his apartment there he's greeted by his family he hugs his baby sister and he tells them that everything is going to be all right but back in the city in the shadows of the destruction caused by the battle a pile of reddish goo begins to shift and move for the briefest of moments a face can be seen at its depths and there you have it Carnage Reigns The Miles Morales story line now like I said check out our full story channel for more longer form videos such as this but very soon we'll be doing the full miles maral's full story of his current run of comics in which he's dealt with things such as anxiety and mental depression and stuff like that it's actually a really good storyline and the link to the whole playlist is down below if you can't wait and you want to watch it now but on that note I will leave you be you have yourself a great day
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 16,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carnage, venom let there be carnage, let there be carnage, venom vs carnage, venom, venom: let there be carnage, carnage vs venom, carnage venom, venom carnage, tom hardy, woody harrelson, venom 2, marvel comics, venom let there be carnage trailer reaction, dj carnage, marvel, symbiote, venom let there be carnage reaction, venom let there be carnage reaction trailer, carnage sings a song, carnage umf 2016, dj carnage miami
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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