Kamijou Touma All Abilities & Forms Explained

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today we are gonna go through all of toma's powers and forms because despite being a level zero esper he isn't exactly a normal high school boy as he claims to be everyone knows turmer for his mysterious power imagine breaker located within his right hand with the ability to negate supernatural powers whether they are scientific or magical in nature and also the source of his misfortune while turmer is technically classified as an esper his imaginbreaker isn't an espy power nor is it a magical base power either it falls into an unknown category of power which is one of the reasons why imagine breaker is so mysterious if you are curious about the true nature of imagine breaker i recommend you check out this video about its origins but if you are more interested in its practical effects then stick around instead imagine breaker is a pretty self-explanatory ability toma has a special rights hand if it touches an espy power or magic it will be nullified however it does have some limitations for example if you burn an object using magic and then toma then touches that object it won't be able to turn back to its original state it's not like crazy diamond from jojo despite this turmoil was able to revive himigami even though she had been killed via the order of orioles izzard's reality warping magic oz magna likely because she was still under the influence of the spell rather than a consequence of the spell if that makes sense also against magic that regenerates faster than it is to nullify such as style magnus's inaccentus or index's dragon's breath turmer cannot fully negate it but can hold it back momentarily furthermore against attacks imbued with telesmo the magical energy which angels use turmeric can have a hard time negating it such as turmer's fact versus vyama of the right where he could not fully negate the attacks but was forced to push them aside instead while imagine breaker is certainly very powerful and has negated some world destroying spells in both the anime and the novels it definitely has weaknesses and limitations even against supernatural abilities otherwise the obvious counter to imagine breaker is clearly gone from persona as there is no negating that one other interesting thing about magic breaker is that it can also destroy spiritual items special magical objects that usually operate under the concept of idol theory imagine breaker can also negate supernatural energies and beings however their form must primarily be made of either aim energy like kazakhiri or magical energy such as archangel gabriel it doesn't work against flesh and blood beings such as the physical bodies of certain demons or even dragons as technically those are classed as physical entities despite being supernatural creatures speaking of dragons let's talk about the multiple dragons within his right arm as magic breakers true nature is that of a seal which contains many weird and wonderful things we got a glimpse in the deep blood arc where izard severed thomas arm which then unleashed a beast known as the dragon king upon him it's stated specialise in decursing and psychological attacks even destroying the memories of those it bites without causing physical damage and this is what happened to izzard as his memories were completely white and he essentially became a new person how ironic that tomer of all people possesses this power to remove memories and the magic breaker is even able to regenerate after being severed with toma's entire right arm being restored in fact each dragon was revealed to have a unique set of abilities by the railgun editor on twitter similar to the dragon king the blind dragon is also stated to have powerful psychological effects in this case the dragon is noted to cause those nearby to be overcome with terror and confusion the one-eyed kerber dragon is stated to be a water dragon that can summon rainstorms additionally its fangs carry the undiluted concept of poison so those it bites are either killed or subjected to a fate worse than death i'll leave that for your imagination the four-eyed dragon is stated to possess multiple i powers including illusion and hypnotism powers that can blur the line between dream and reality it is also stated to be a singer with a beautiful voice that can shatter objects i wonder if his voice is as good as idol accelerator and this apparently can even destroy shadow metal which is a mysterious substance that appeared after the dragons made their debut in railgun t now we have the corpse flame dragon an undead fire dragon covered in red flames erupting from its bones this dragon is stated to damage things using an energy drain that apparently burns life force itself next we have the ice crystal dragon it is stated to be capable of breathing ice and being as tough and solid as the planet itself we also have the spearhead dragon a yellow dragon with a large spear-like horn it is stated to be capable of releasing lightning from its body and firing lasers from its mouth and last but not least the angel dragon which also has multiple abilities it can project a light from the cross on its forehead and an object directly hit by the cross of light will be turned into salt causing it to quickly crumble additionally the feathers of its wings also possess special powers those stabbed with one are brainwashed as if hypnotized and turned into mindless puppets faithfully following any orders given to them by the user however they are unable to think for themselves while under the effects of the feathers the common attributes all dragons share is their ability to consume supernatural energy as they managed to eat the black ball misaka was creating that was going to destroy all of academy city now we have thomas precognition which isn't a supernatural ability as such it's more of an instinct he has developed via his experience in fighting opponents and muscle memory which allows him to anticipate incoming attacks although part of it is from imagine breaker which can attract attacks to it luckily for you guys there is an old video on my channel explaining the finer details of this so i recommend you check it out next is the invisible thing which is another power sealed within turmeric that notably appeared versus fiama of the right in world war iii where mysterious unknown presence emerged from his right arm after fiama severed imagine breaker and absorbed it into the holy right the invisible thing was capable of nullifying fiamma's strikes in his one above god form which could easily wipe out a planet and even more surprisingly it had some form of conscience as tomo was able to communicate with it and even tell it to back down as he wanted to be in control in the fight also if you haven't already subscribe for more toma and toaru videos because there's a hell of a lot of them on the channel which you should check out now i'm going to talk about spoilers from here on out from the light novels so if you don't want to be spoiled i recommend you click off this video right now the invisible thing appeared yet again in a baggage city arc but this time it was easily crushed by offenus and a similar situation happened again in new testament 18 where iwas was able to crush it too noting that it had actually increased in power since world war iii therefore it can be implied that either from a magi breaker being destroyed or the use of a magic breaker may increase the power of what is within turmeric's arm or at least weakens the seal which is what happened in new testament 22 which i will discuss very soon while it's not an ability or power per se i want to briefly mention the experience terma gained while fighting offense billions of times in new testament nine since tomah has lived for way longer than any normal human ever ward and with most of that time spent trying to compete with a god it could be argued that termer is a much more competent fighter post new testament 9 than before it although most of his rounds with awfulness ended up with him getting instantly killed nevertheless he was able to adapt to the attacks of a magic god at full power even if he did lose in the end this should improve his ability to adapt in fights and also counter attacks with more finesse or at least that's what i think it was even stated that tomah has a very high tolerance to pay in thanks to this experience of being exposed to the infinite hells that offenus tormented him with as when style tortured toma in the tower of london he noted his newfound tolerance to pain now let's discuss the fish eggs from new testament 22 which only came about after imagine breaker was destroyed by koronzon's magic flaming sword spell after it regenerated alistair noted something very worrying within turmer was nearing its limit which proved to be true during turmoil's second confrontation with karon's on after her soul or metaphysical energy form was separated from her physical body by accelerator turmeric's arm had been severed by koranzon after she hijacked the aaa or anti-art attachment which then caused imagine breaker to reach its limit what appeared to be giant fish eggs emerged from a magic breaker and destroyed the metaphysical form of quran's on and tore apart the temple on the royal yacht britannia and split the ship in two and apparently you would need enough force to destroy the world even to do that no one really knows what the fish eggs are do they contain the dragons or something else we did see something quite unexpected emerge afterwards instead later in the novels a doppelganger of turmeric emerged to the fandom known as kamijo no turmer or knt for short basically knt is a manipulative version of turmer who sees himself as the real deal and he has all of terma's memories even the ones he lost of shokaho and before he met index knt stole a magic breaker for himself which then gives the original termer access to a form known as dragon shell where he is able to turn into a dragon but seemingly not as powerful as the dragons we are familiar with as this dragon form was actually injured by throwing knives and forks at them yep just normal things you'd find on a dinner table contrary to this the shell part of the dragon is quite durable as it can also endure a railgun blast in this form turmeric can also briefly move as fast as a saint in short intervals and obviously he can fly too but he cannot breathe fire like normal dragons can and turmoil was actually also able to trade his dragon form with knt once thomas stole back in madrid breaker as only one person can wield imagine breaker at once finally the last form or ability or power on this list which is also my favorite so far toma's saint-germain form saint-germain is basically like a virus that is spread via swallowing pills containing it which turns the user into part of the collective identity that is the legendary magician saint germain anna springle forced turmer to swallow a buffed version of the pill which was slowly killing toma as espers aren't allowed to use magic as this is a magical pill but imagine breaker was trying to keep him alive negating some of the effects of the pill anyway turmeric communicated with the saint germain inside him coming to an agreement as they partnered together to take on anna and iwas this form gave turmer the ability to use magic yes toma used magic how crazy is that to believe saint-germain's magic is basically carbon magic for specifically creating diamond structures such as shields and pillars utilizing them in both offense and defense turmeric and satan germain were also able to switch places in the sense of being able to switch who was controlling turmeric's body but only saint-germain could use diamond magic while only toma could use imagine breaker so their teamwork was essential to defeating anna sprengel and iwas but i know what you're thinking how could toma as an expert use magic surely he wouldn't be able to sustain such a form as technically it is forbidden for espers to use magic as they suffer internal damage if they do it like with motoharu but motoharu has auto rebirth as his expert ability which allows him to regenerate his cells over time well termer indeed was coughing up blood due to internal damage but saint-germain was also reinforcing turmeric's body with a diamond exoskeleton which was helping keep turmeric alive momentarily despite the crazy amount of damage toma was doing to himself however once saint-germain left homer's body he was treated by heaven canceller the frogface doctor and eventually brought back to health if saint germain did decide to stay in turma's body and choose not to sacrifice himself then toma indeed would have died killing them both but saint germain decided to let terma live what a nice guy so that's all of toma's power so far no doubt we will learn more about the dragons and the invisible thing and more because basically turmeric has an entire demon zoo in his arm let me know which form or power of turmer is your favorite down below in the comments and remember you can actually vote for future videos on my patreon link in the description anyway thanks for watching and i'll see you all next time bye bye
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 318,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Magical Index, Index, To Aru, Kamijou Touma, Misaka Mikoto, Accelerator, Invisible Thing, Sogiita Gunha, Light Novel, Toaru, Railgun, Toaru Majutsu no Index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Daihaseisai, Arc, Kamijou no Touma, Fiamma of the Right, Othinus, New Testament, Railgun T, Season 3, Theory, Manga, Fight, Dragon Strike, Right Hand, Right Arm, Dragon Shell, Aiwass, Battle, Vs, St Germain, Reaction, True Power, Berserk, Explained, Imagine Breaker, NT
Id: gPUDYKRqr4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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