The Tragic Downfall of Kamijou Touma

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he no longer had the will to live the magic God ofus had stolen everything from him she had brought happiness to the six billion people on Earth without him even existing the boy could not bear that the people he knew no longer remembered him he stood at the edge of the building ready to take the final step to his death this is the story that broke cijo tur's heart magic God ofus had destroyed the world cou termanu and trapped him in nothingness because of his special right hand imagine breaker it could destroy almost any Supernatural power even Miracles and fate itself acting as the reference points of the entire world it was the one Lifeline TOA had to returning back to his reality but oftenest wanted to use it for herself in order to restore her own world that had been lost and forgotten as killing Toma would be a pain as the magin breaker will be lost and may reappear at any point in history therefore she did what all old arranged blonde genderb Odin which godamn mommies do mentally destroy a twinky Asian teenager oftenest exposed Toma to many different phases all of reality overlapping the universe where she could basically change and do whatever she wanted she could warp the minds of the world's population by changing their perspective via her magic she could even bring the dead back to life alter Concepts and laws and bring about a completely different world in an instant the title of magic God isn't a joke the first world known as the alpha phase made everyone believe that Toma was wanted terrorist with him essentially being on FBI's most wanted his parents disowned him on worldwide news and his classmates including Alami and Fuko tried to kill him even his Lolly teacher joined in and unexpectedly stabbed him with a knife while it all sounds a bit silly this had a profound impact on Toma he had no idea what was going on as he was being hunted down and was in utter shock at how his family and friends were treating him and yet it wasn't enough to break him mentally the purpose of this phase was to show that no one actually saw TOA for who he was all ofus did was alter their perspective and yet everyone went against him without trying to understand who he is inside ironically this is exactly how ofus feels about herself as she was judged by others and treated as a wanted criminal she also suggests that everyone Toma knows does the exact same thing in his world meaning they all think they understand TOA due to his actions and conduct of being the hero and helping others without taking the time to truly understand who he is inside and to be fair to ofus she does have a point TOA lost his memory and no longer remembered who he truly was forcing him to forge his own identity of what he saw as the best person possible who could help those in need the countless people he saved mostly girls can't truly comprehend the Enigma that is kamou Toma or at least the new person he is now since Toma is essentially a brand new person merely an identity he created himself after his memories were destroyed so how could anyone else even his family and friends truly relate to that ofus then shifted the world to the beta phase forcing TOA to witness another person replace him without being able to act this impostor was called kamou TOA and yet looked nothing like him except this wasn't really a fake version of him as this was the real Tomer in his Dimension at least his classmates treated him like normal with the typical silly antics with his idiotic perverted best friends Alami and Suchi mikardo maharu then he attempted to reason with index the glut non roommates of his about food next he fell into an awkward situation with the kakawa sisters and lastly being threatened to be blown into space by his suere friend Misa Mikoto all of it was the typical Misfortune ridden interactions that Turman would deal on a daily basis and yet the T we are familiar with was nothing more than an NPC in the back of the class watching another dude steal a title of main character from him this was created by ofus to prove that toa's relationships and identity are entirely superficial the only reason why he was able to gather such connections is because he can save others when anyone else could have achieved the same result this has an even deeper meaning as TOA forged his own identity of who kamijo Tomo was after losing his memories of his past self meaning anyone could construct the same personality of who he is meant to be effectively making them TOA literally anyone can have his identity and be TOA according to ofus if you Gaslight yourself hard enough however our TOA rejects the idea that he can't coexist with the other version of him just because this world's version of him created new bonds with his friends and loved ones doesn't mean that Arta can't just start again and build relationships from scratch athus then showed him a photograph telling him to pick out who he was amongst the classmates but too was unable to recognize the faces he saw this was all altered by aanus in order to trick TOA into believing he was someone else by essentially destroying the concept of tur's identity inside his brain Jesus this is some crazy ass brainwashing but he didn't pick out anyone and simply exclaimed he is cou TOA saying ofus could create whatever false evidence she wanted to screw with his head disappointed by this result ofus then punished him with the most horrendous things that you couldn't even possibly imagine the magic god subjugated TOA to countless realities and worlds each designed to break his spirit with everyone acting as their own unique version of Hell in many of them he experienced horrendous physical pain including his body decomposing while still alive and another one where his flesh was distributed and eaten by cannibals with oftenest changing the phase billions of times so she will not lose imagine breaker tur's mentality now began to crack as the concept of time lost all meaning his heart had been Torn to Pieces but miraculously he had not lost his sanity yet as it would take one more world for him to truly break tman then awoke to the Omega phase with him now sitting on a bench in a very normal Park and everything seemed peaceful but soon he realized this world was far from what was ordinary he saw his former enemy Sher Cromwell smiling with a boy she called Ellis but wait didn't Ellis die many years ago what was going on an a sanctis the orphan was sitting with her parents vento of the front was with her brother who had previously died in a tragic accident kakawa Maria was now with her teacher kihara Kagan who had recently been killed and turned into an Anar a Norse zombie yet he was still alive and well what was this place was it Heaven possibly it was a reality created by aanus where she gave happiness to all and saved everyone giving them the perfect ending they desired there was just one exception and that was TOA himself this was a world where cou Tura did not exist ofus had saved the entirety of mankind with a simple wave of her Lance and the population did not even need Toma for it this made him question what had he been doing this entire time saving as many people as he could he was not a God and could never live up to to the standards ofus had set he saw accelerator the esper who murdered 10,000 clones of Misa now walking beside her as friends instead of bitter enemies living peacefully with the other clones who never died in this reality and then a soccer football rolled up next to him he saw index with style and kanzaki the former friends of index who she had forgotten due to her memories being wiped by the church and yet that sad event never occurred in this world with them now playing together in index asked Tura what's wrong does your stomach hurt tur was holding back his tears no it's nothing I'm fine she then left with her friends since Toma was never supposed to exist in this universe ofus states that toa's very existence here is the threat to the happiness of the 6 billion people on Earth she tells him bring an end to your life there is no other way to protect this world no doubt this was all just psychological manipulation by aess but Tura couldn't help but listen to her words as he despaired before his eyes a noose dropped from the sky including many weapons as ofus was supplying whatever method he desired to end his life he wanted to return to his original world but by doing that he would trample on the perfect Utopia before him T passed many others on his final path happy living their ideal lives as he suffered the most inside he saw index once again who ran straight past him without looking treating him as nothing more than a stranger despite the fact in toa's world she loved him more than anything TOA found the ideal location to end his life he had arrived at the roof of his student dorm building or what should have been his dorm building and he made the final decision to jump but suddenly he heard a voice shout at him from behind it was a clone of mea but not any ordinary clone the girl was being controlled by the will of the entire Misa Network the collective fought entity of all the Clones both dead and alive due to the network spanning both life and death the will managed to retain her memories of tur's world and even recognize who he was and due to being in a strange state that is between life and death she is free from the control of even ofus herself the will then sat with Toma in his dorm room and gave him the therapy session he so desperately needed she told him that ofus had cheated to create this ideal universe and how could be perfect when it has blatant cracks in it with the existence of both Toma and herself and the fact all these people were living their best lives but they had no idea or understanding of the original World if they remembered then perhaps some of them may have rejected this artificial happiness where ofus treated them as nothing more than dolls surely this fake reality isn't as valuable as the authentic world that Toma was familiar with he then vented as Toma let all his emotions out to will as he cried saying it bothers me oftenness bothers him all Tomo wanted was to live a normal life however he always prioritized others instead of himself he did not want to destroy the happiness of others and yet he could not stand what offness had done to the world will asked him why he placed himself below everyone else despite having the biggest savior complex known to man TOA never bothered to save himself he decided he would apologize to everyone who had no idea about this paradise if he ever returned back home that is as TOA left the room the will gave a hopeful smile and said she would see him in the next World toan then with all his willpower chose to reject Utopia or perhaps it is more fitting to call it a dystopia against the odds he would stand up to a god despite being only a human even if he could not bring back his world he would attempt to defeat aess even if that meant destroying the happiness of 6 billion people people because of his own selfish desire Tor truly evolved as a character join this Arc we saw him at his most vulnerable and at his bravest his attempted suicide and his conversation with the will remains one of the most heartfelt and impactful moments in the entire franchise and it's one of the many reasons why nt9 is the fan favorite volume of index and arguably the greatest story in the franchise as a whole happy 10th anniversary to New Testament volume 9 thank you kamachi kazimer for inspiring so many readers with this beautiful Masterpiece which will live forever if you enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe and check out my other videos about the ofest arc here for more content just like this
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 281,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Certain Magical Index, Toaru, To Aru Majutsu no Index, New Testament, Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index, NT9, NT 9, NT10, Index Light Novel, Light Novel, Kamijou Touma, Review, Analysis, Discussion, Othinus vs Touma, Gungnir, Fight, Magic God, A Certain Scientific Railgun, To Aru, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Index IV, Index NT, Season 4, Season IV, Omega Phase, Omega World, Accelerator, Misaka Mikoto, New Testament Volume 9, Nine, LN, Othinus Arc, VS, Reaction, Summary, Imagine Breaker
Id: 6ch5ZAbhoM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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