Misaka Mikoto ALL Abilities & Forms Explained

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misaka Makoto is famous for being the railgun an advanced military weapon in the form of an anime girl who loves frogs no wonder she's so popular in France remember they're just jokes but did you know misaka has many different applications of her electromaster ability and a variety of forms for those of you who are unfamiliar misaka is the main protagonist of a certain scientific railgun and one of the main heroines of A Certain Magical Index and is one of the most popular light novel characters of all time she is one of the seven level five Vespers in Academy City and as such she's technically limited to just one power on paper that being the power to manipulate electricity that sounds pretty simple and not exactly the most original ability in anime But ultimately it is the creative applications of this one power that give her a wide variety of abilities inspired by real life physics not only can country discharge bolts of electricity but misaka's body is constantly projecting electromagnetic waves which act as her own passive radar when the waves hit an object around her this is just one of many creative features of her esper power this also extends to an electromagnetic barrier which covers her entire body and can block out shokohama saki's mind-controlling mental outability as misaka can control her bioelectricity to stop it misaka can also control her bioelectricity to boost her physical attributes such as speed and strength this power is known as Rampage dress and is the esper power of hokaze junko the second in command of shokuho's clique as hokaze is also an electromaster of sorts she taught misaka how to apply her ability to use Rampage dress although misaka isn't a huge fan of the ability as a slight mistake in boosting her physical attributes like this could result in injury and since she's the strongest electromaster she could apply too much power which would end up damaging her nervous system also since the ability involves controlling the flow of power within the body it reminded Massacre of accelerator likely referencing his blood flow reversal an application of his vector control ability which he used to kill a musica clone while Makoto was watching therefore musica is apprehensive to use it because of these two factors however she used it after being hit to jump forward and land on a wall but she failed to control it in this instance and as a result she dislocated her thigh we also saw misaka use it in the anime as revealed by the editor of the railgun manga where misaka dropped in front of the Moon while fighting seika in real gun T there might be other instances but these two other ones confirmed so far let's talk more in detail about musica's electricity her maximum output is 1 billion volts which is the same as natural lightning speaking of that musica can also in influence from the clouds and summon real lightning directly from the sky one of misaka's most common attacks is her Lightning Spear although despite the name of this attack it is created via her own electricity rather than natural lightning musica herself is also immune to electrical attacks which should be obvious since she would probably electrocute herself whenever she tried to use her power she can also use her electricity to break down other electrical powers like she did in the railgun manga and she can also use it to manipulate the air around her such as creating ozone from oxygen and can also influence the composition and flow of air she can also create plasma by ionizing metal however she hasn't shown anything on the scale of what accelerator created in the railgun Manga and Anime where he made a giant plasma ball the size of Academy City and it's not really clear yet if misaka can rival this level of Power with plasma there is one application of his power you likely have no idea about unless you've read railgun ss1 as this hasn't appeared in the anime and likely never will let's face it I have more chance of winning the lottery than liberal Art City ever getting an anime adaptation but in this story misaka is able to create water wings from water vapor that was released from the ocean from the attacks that occurred prior she used the static electricity between the particles to gather and manipulate the water vapor into wings and she used her electrical power to induce electrolysis obtaining hydrogen and oxygen to use as fuel with these Wings she was able to fly for a short period of time and destroyed missiles Michigan's electricity can also repel electron-based attacks such as mugunoshizori's meltdowner which fires electron particles which causes a disintegrating effect upon contact with surfaces and she's also highly Adept at hacking various pieces of technology or disrupting electronic signals causing an EMP effect another core component of misaka's ability is her magnetism being able to magnetize nearby metallic objects or surfaces around her although if the metal is Rusted she cannot magnetize it misaka likes to use her magnetism to manipulate iron sand and molding it into a chainsaw with each bit of sand vibrating so fast that it will cut nearly anything if it comes into contact with it with enough iron sand at her disposal she was even able to create an iron sand Kaiju as big as a skyscraper it was even able to use a huge railgun from its hand she was also able to create an iron Sun tsunami which he used to take out an entire Russian military base in World War III if you can't remember the scene in the anime don't worry because it was never included mizuka also uses her magnetism to be able to stick to surfaces and actually swing from building to building due to the metal components present in most structures so yes misaka is basically the love child of Electro and Spider-Man musica can also create different kinds of electromagnetic waves including microwaves so not only is she a real-life military Naval Weapon but also a fully portable microwave seems legit if you'd like to see more index and railgun videos just like this don't forget to subscribe below so you don't miss a future video the signature move of misaka Makoto that needed its own origin story about how she came up with it misaka uses Lorenz force and imagines a set of parallel Rail lines or at least that's how she did it the first time this is all in order to fire a small object from a form or fingers at three times the speed of sound to cause devastating damage misika normally uses arcade coin tokens for her railgun but she's very capable of propelling much larger objects by punching them with the coin she has a max range of about 50 meters but the range and and power depends on what other objects she can use in the light novel we also saw a different variation of the railgun in New Testament 18 but I'll discuss that later in the video so stay tuned as we saw in railgun season 3 and in the manga misaka began her slow transformation into a level six thanks to kihara gensei linking her to the musica network via exterior it is worth noting that none of musica's level 6 shift forms are a full level six as she would have exploded into a supernova the moment she reached this Milestone as she is unable to control it safely therefore her forms are referred to inato aru fandom as 5.1 5.2 and 5.3 and it is worth noting we probably would have saw more forms if she wasn't stopped by Thomas Dragon strike as she continued to evolve like a Pokemon misaka became slowly more inhuman as she progressed her development growing horns a third eye and then her body appearing like a silhouette but with many Stars visible within it along with a Halo above her head according to the notes made about her last forms character design she was slowly becoming more like I was with her appearance basically a scientific angel in her first form musica showed to have her standard abilities of manipulating electricity and magnetism brought to a much greater extent by releasing huge electric blasts magnetizing the rubble of multiple skyscrapers and other structures and creating a large iron sand barrier which stops any incoming attacks in her 5.2 form a mass of light in the shape of a grid appeared as part of Massacre but floating beside her and she was able to propel this to hit sogita while he was off guard now the last form we saw misaka used black and purple lightning to create a wall protecting her while she was creating a huge mass of energy in the shape of a black ball that if released will likely destroy Academy City and much more now let's talk about the store from the index light novel so if you haven't read up to this volume you have been warned misaka acquired a piece of technology in New Testament 15 known as the anti-art attachment or AAA for short which was previously used by kihara nokun and yes he's the best of doggos the AAA basically is an arsenal of different weapons which can attach itself to the user these include guns cannons swords Spears molecular vibration electromagnetic wave emitters catapults lasers and excitation emission rods for them missile pods with Precision guided missiles plasma cannons bunker busting and excavation drills plasma blades liquid weapon turrets with acid sprayers flamethrowers and liquid nitrogen emitters Gatling guns rapid fire cannons a large caliber railgun and a tactical armor-piercing drill thank God that's it it attaches itself to musica's body like a Mecca suit with the large weapons projecting from her back the AAA was designed specifically to kill Immortal beings such as the magic gods but how can it do that when it's just a bunch of man-made weapons that's because it is imbued with a portion of Alice the Crowley's magic and willpower and this connection to Alistair is likely made via the siggles or magical symbols on the AAA which also boosts its power since it does use magic even if indirectly if the user is an esper like misaka she will suffer internal damage and bleeding as a result although these symptoms are not as severe as when motorhara uses magic as he is the one directly doing it therefore misaka can continue using the device without being critically injured or harmed the AAA is also capable of transforming such as into a flight mode and turning into a large motorbike also with the AAA and teaming up Ashoka homosaki the thief Frank level 5 esper they were able to use a combined attack known as the liquid proof railgun while shoko's power mental out is most commonly known to control the minds of others it can certainly be applied in different ways due to how it functions as mental outs works by manipulating fluids or moisture in the brain to get shogoho's desired effects but she can also manipulate fluid on musica's railgun coin as it's fired to cool it down continuously so it doesn't melt mid-air as it normally would in a standard railgun attack due to the liquid expanding as Steam is released the coin continuously accelerates as long as the abilities at play are still active giving it a piercing effect enough to penetrate the windowless building which even accelerator couldn't damage let me know which ability of massacres is your favorite and check out these other videos for their powers and abilities
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 50,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Certain Magical Index, Toaru majutsu no index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator, Theory, Discussion, Light Novel, Anime, Manga, Review, Reaction, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Esper, Level 5, Season Four, Railgun, Index, fight, ability, Shokuhou Misaki, Mugino Shizuri, Sogiita Gunha, Power, Dragon, Dragons, Imagine Breaker, Season 4, Remake, Reboot, Index NT, To Aru, Index IV, VS, Level 6, Powers, Strong, AAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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