Does Accelerator Easily Beat the Level 5s? VS Battle

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what would happen if the strongest of all level 5 espers forts all the others at once accelerator is one of the main characters of A Certain Magical Index a series in which seven psychic ability users known as espa's stand above 2 million other lower ranked students while accelerator is regarded as the strongest and even claims he shouldn't even be lumped in with his other level 5 counterparts would they be able to defeat him with the power of friendship or is it too much of a one-way Road Massacre firstly if we take current accelerator from the light novels I think it will be Overkill like come on his new OP power up with the tree of clonov and platinum Wings just completely outclass his competition like with the invisible Vector Spears which can nullify regen like they did to neptus how the hell are any other level fives me deal with that and that's not even putting his Vector shield into the equation where he can passively reflect any attack that has both Direction and magnitude so to make things a bit more fair for the other level fives we will restrict accelerator to Black or White Wings only at the very Max which are considered his next strongest forms from base while his opponents will be allowed to be at their strongest however there is another elephant in the room that I must address which is shokoho and no I'm not calling her an elephant because she gets made fun of for having access body fat while she is usually regarded as the weaker of the little fives her power known as mental out is a huge problem as it allows her to control the minds of her victims by pointing a TV remote at them due to accelerator being ranked number one and having reputation of being unbeatable by all the espers in the city somewhere which are stupid enough to try and fight him you'd think there is no way that the Mind Control power from a weaker esper will be able to affect him then what the [ __ ] is this mental art can affect accelerator apparently from this statement in a novel then that's dumb as [ __ ] maybe shoko now deserves the title of number one hold on a sec I think because of the ridiculous connotations that this statement implies that there has to be a catch to it as mental out has been shown to work on espers like Tomah and soguita it may not actually be a surprise as Tomah can actually negate its effects by touching his head with imagine breaker or with sogita he can simply use his willpower to break out of it I think there is perhaps a similar case with accelerator maybe it initially works on him but due to the power revolving around the flow of moisture and bioelectricity in the brain accelerator can simply use his power to go against it and snap out of it or maybe it just works automatically since accelerator's reflection is passive I mean it's not a foolproof way to justify it but that makes the most sense to me at least otherwise it's just gonna be super dumb if shook ho is just gonna mind control accelerator off the bats and GG No Cap we win like not only is that not fair but it makes no sense either otherwise the only chance accelerator would have to win is if he Blitz choco immediately before she's even able to react and points her emote well considering she's teaming up with the other level fives who have much better speed and reactions than her that likely won't be possible the biggest dilemony of level thighs face is getting past that pesky Shield as if they can't do that then accelerator is pretty much invulnerable however in his base form it seems to have a time limit of approximately 30 minutes so I guess timing him out is a potential option for victory unless you whips out the wings but we'll talk about that later let's look at each level five and see if they can actually harm accelerator sogeta's power is mysterious but he's not really shown anything that doesn't appear to have vectors mine is his guts Obsession I guess even though his powers don't seem to have any logic to them they still physically should have vectors interestingly sogita can copy other esper Powers if he understands the theory behind them or considering the psychic abilities that are capable of bypassing accelerator's Shield tend to be very complicated I don't see sokita winning from this route him being reliant on strong physical attacks like amazing punch will only work against him and the over level fives as the huge explosions will simply be sent back towards our team which could make him detrimental to his level 5 colleagues if he keeps charging to attack accelerator without a strategy next the mysterious number six I harder ETSU they were pretty much confirmed to have no offensive power of their own so they are definitely not scratching accelerator shokoho I've already touched upon but yeah over the mental out she's pretty useless and doesn't have anything else and is physically trash then we have mugino and listen I'm not saying mugino is weak far from it just that her meltdowner ability is pretty linear as it just fires green beams of Doom that atomize their victims I mean that sounds impressive on paper the problem is though accelerator can definitely reflect these easily I'd go far as to say mugano might be the least useful level 5 in this fight since if he is crazy enough to fire her beams at accelerator he's just gonna use their attributes to ignore durability against the level fives which could be a huge problem orb next is misaka you'd think considering she got absolutely humiliated by accelerator in railgon s that she'd be even more of a fodder than ihanna and mugino combined in this fight surprisingly Shima actually have a few tricks upper sleeve which might help defeating the ultimate boss more possible firstly since we are using post headshot accelerator who has access to the musical network via his choker which then allows him to access his special Wings this might give misaka a chance there's a theory that due to her incredible hacking skill and ability to interfere with electronics she would be able to intercept accelerators electrode which he is completely reliant on so not only use his powers but also to do basic actions like walking and talking and if it's not active regardless if the battery is on or not he probably wouldn't be able to use the wings too otherwise she can actually break down oxygen into ozone and accelerator himself confirmed he needs oxygen to breathe just like any other human this isn't a concrete counter either though as he would likely be able to hold his breath and move quickly to a position where the air is normal lastly she does have her AAA or anti-art attachment which does borrow a portion of alistair's magic however it's unclear if this would allow the projectiles of the AAA to ignore accelerator's Shield certainly if it was alistair's spiritual tripping Spell accelerator will be screwed but we don't know if musica has enough of that magic for it to bypass that pesky una reverse card now we are on to Big CAC whose Dark Matter was initially capable of penetrating the reflection while accelerators gigabrade adapted to this strange substance which follows an unknown set of physical laws so now he can manipulate dark matter if he comes into contact with it therefore kahina's only chance of beating accelerator Shield is via stalling as in his Dark Matter form kokina doesn't have human weaknesses of getting tired hungry or aging and he can create an unlimited amount of Dark Matter clones and can be generate fully as long as a single atom of the white substance remains sus therefore big CAC is arguably the the key level 5 on the team highly surprising since he's ranked just one below accelerator now let's talk about accelerators other strengths since he isn't just a one-trick pony well I recommend watching this video if you want a full run down on how strong accelerator truly is not only can he control the wind create earthquakes and increase his physical speed and strength what makes accelerator so deadly is that he can kill biological humans with just one touch by reversing their blood flow or bioelectricity meaning most other level fives really can't afford to get touched or they are doomed with the only two who could possibly survive this being soguita and kakina while I'm not sure if sogita's regeneration will be enough to revive him after a blood flow reversal maybe it will considering he took a gunshot to the heart like it was nothing meanwhile kikina is entirely made of inorganic Dark Matter meaning it will likely not affect him but accelerator is very good at killing kikina clones quickly regardless what makes it more difficult for accelerator is that for most of his fight versus dark matter kokina is that he had help from mugino to fend off the Clones so with him alone it will certainly make it a lot harder for him to reduce the amounts that Coquina can Mass produce another noteworthy thing about their rematch fights is that accelerator didn't use his wings perhaps saving them as a last resort it is not as though kakina can easily combat the wings as that's what causes defeat in their first fight and when the beetle 05 version of CAC fought a cyborg known as rensser who had access to accelerator's Wings he was defeated by them yet again this time he also had help from Tomer so Wings definitely give accelerator an advantage in natural furthermore they don't even have a time limit unlike the choker and perform all the vector calculations for him while the black wings seem to be reliant on accelerators negative emotions and disappear once he's calmed down in New Testament volume 10 accelerator is shown to be able to use his white Wings seemingly whenever he wants what makes the wings so strong is that they can dissolve matter that comes into contact with them accelerator can launch hundreds of them at once and he can also control vectors at a distance like he did versus kakina without needing to physically touch him and in his Angel form accelerator was also able to nullify a huge amount of magic energy that was going to Nuke the entirety of Eurasia yep in terms of sheer power accelerator is leagues above the feet of his peers well can their teamwork and versatility ability make up for a lack of destructive power on the level 5 team I have somewhat neglected one of the members who could actually have an instrumental role in defeating the number one esper and that is the enigmatic ihanna ETSU the number six is unnamed esper power can only work on others but that might not be a problem ihana can turn someone into an ideal version of themself which sounds perfect on paper considering sogita could have the power that could rival even a magic God if he understood his ability could ihanna certain number seven into a god of guts or even turning any of the other level fives into super buff versions that could be stronger than even accelerator the main issue is that we have not seen ihana's power used everything we know about it is from statements it's far too vague to know how it can actually improve others so while it may seem like this would be a perfect support ability for our level 5 team we don't currently have enough information to know if it will be useful now what are the win conditions for both sides with accelerator he would need to defeat the level fives quickly as if he's forced to play the long game the odds are against him due to the time limit on his choker this would likely mean trying to kill the other level fives first before concentrating all his attention on stopping Coquina sounds pretty simple accelerator should be faster than most other little fives considering he blitzed Salome who could casually react to all of miska's attacks but notably kikina and sogita will be able to compete with his supersonic speed but even if he got to that point how the hell is accelerator gonna stop kakina from endlessly regenerating and spamming fresh owns well during beetle05's fight against rensser he actually struggled to remake his body after being hit with the same black wings which accelerator uses meaning accelerator will have to try and use his black wings to fully envelop one last remaining Dark Matter clone to win as every single atom of it will need destroying that in particular sounds like a very tough task but considering accelerator's supercomputer-esque brain he might have a chance as for our team of level fives things are more complicated fluid teamwork is crucial for them coming out on top against an opponent as strong as accelerator they must win either by finding a way to bypass accelerator's reflection or time him out while not being in winged form to ensure he is vulnerable shokuho should be a distraction if mental out can temporarily work against accelerator she might even make him turn off his electrode which would be an easy win she may also be able to link the minds of the team together sharing their thoughts with one another to make their teamwork way better but if things don't go that smoothly then soguita and misaka will at least be able to distract accelerator enough that kakina will be able to produce an army of clones severely outnumbering the soul level 5. if they play their cards right then I can see accelerator simply tiring out or running out of battery juice and even if he does go white wing form then I don't see him being able to use it forever kokino is so powerful in his Dark Matter form that both accelerator and mugino together were unable to defeat him and he had the upper hand for most of the fights coquina's own power ended up defeating him with tokitsubo's power also allegedly having an influence on it so while it is possible kakina's own Dark Matter Network could overthrow him like in the novels I don't think it would happen simply because to kids about is it involved in this fight I think it would be much harder for accelerator to erase every single atom of dark matter with his wings while also being distracted by the other level fives even if accelerator is strong enough to destroy the planet itself sure he might be able to kill most of the level 5 team but by that point kokino would have expanded his Dark Matter Network to an extent that'll be far too large for the number one to fully eradicate therefore I will have to give his victory surprisingly to the level fives looks like Coquina achieved his dream of becoming the number one after all but yeah as I said at the start of this video we have Platinum wings I don't see the level 5 team standing a chance if you enjoyed this video then make sure you check out my other ones about the level 5 espers on screen right now and if you'd like to see a video about how espers can even get to the rank on level 5 subscribe to the channel and I will make that video for you guys thanks for watching see you all next time
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 15,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toaru Majutsu no Index, Toaru Kagaku no railgun, Toaru Kagaku no accelerator, A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, Anime, Light Novel, Manga, Level 5, Level 6, Esper, Vectors, Vector Manipulation, Reflection, Power, VS, Index IV, Season 4, New Testament, Spoilers, Black Wings, White Wings, Platinum Wings, Last Order, Kamijou Touma, Ability, Misaka Mikoto, Discussion, Analysis, Review, Fight, Imagine Breaker, Dragon, Abilities, toaru, Index
Id: xhM5ajRA6Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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