Kaleesh (Grevious) Species COMPLETE Breakdown - History, Bio, Culture | Star Wars Species

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my father's bones lay cast aside his face adorns a mantle no kalish could call him god now what's up meta nerds this video will be a complete breakdown of the kalish species in both canon and legends a people that would be most known through the cyborg general of the cis but first let's thank this video's sponsor swagbucks it's actually really cool to work with them since i did use swagbucks to make some extra money back in college in the form of paypal gift cards the way it works is that brands and advertisers want you to check out their stuff and so swagbucks organizes all these different offers and for just watching videos playing video games taking surveys or even just buying stuff online they'll pay you for it you can get an extra five dollar bonus just for signing up and taking your first survey on their site you can see just how many sb points you get for each offer and then hop into the rewards tab to see how much you can redeem it for i prefer the xbox and playstation gift cards and of course the visa and paypal it really is that easy so head down to the description to start making money today thank you swagbucks for sponsoring this and for all the money back from college and let's go ahead back to the cliche species and we'll start by heading to their home world of kali located at grid coordinates j7 in wild space their neighbors were a bug species called the yamri hailing from the planet huck and they were just off the hyper lanes that contained munilist the headquarters of the intergalactic banking clan and the worlds in trala and jameis which would become major shipwrights of the first order the kalish species would evolve in this mostly temperate jungle covered world a planet that was also dotted in some arctic regions and deserts with large seas and incredibly wide and long rivers these sentient reptiles would have skin colors and hues of red orange and yellow and would have these flat elongated faces which are often compared to bats with their flat nose and large ears that flared out their eyes were always yellow and out of their jawline grew these four tusks the size of which could vary greatly across individuals while they also had five toes on each foot and hands that had two thumbs and two fingers despite being reptiles and covered in tough scales which were great for defense the females sported long black or brown hair this may seem odd but hair feathers and scales are all made up of the same stuff like keratin so it appears that the kaleesh biology has produced this unique combo of scales and hair which also has some parallels in the classification known as repto mammals which the tauntauns belong to who are actually lizards covered in a thick fur there's also the rhodian species which are reptiles where males have no hair just these spikes while the females could have these thick mohawks of hair this is a good time to point out that there is no evidence that there is any direct genetic manipulation by the ricotta like we saw with the zabrak and twilak but as some coruscanti biologists believe it may be proof of the galactic scale of experimentation by the celestials the legendary ancient forerunners of the galaxy that shaped the stars and created intelligent life and planted them across the stars explaining these curious connections between species separated by thousands of light years and why there are so many different humanoid species now we can assume that with these ears their sense of hearing was excellent though their vision may be weak because when grievous was put into a cyborg body they placed surgical implants in his eyes they of course developed their own language but they also communicated through pheromones especially in mate selection which was quite numerous over their lifetime as all the various tribes on kali would practice polygamy form of polygamy where a male would have multiple wives grievous for example would take 10 wives and father 30 children in his short life in his full organic form he also noticed that their legs are plantar grade like humans not digitalgrade like grievous's cyborg form a change that required areas of his brain to be surgically altered to control this metal body more easily your average clich would stand 1.6 to 1.8 meters tall or 5 ft 7 inches which makes them similar to humans and also with a similar lifespan to many other humanoids being around 80 years both things that were more evidence towards the celestials creating all humanoids over the millennia the kaleesh would emerge to dominate their environment hunting the muumuu boars and careful not to fall prey to the crabac both creatures whose bones would be kept and ritually consecrated by the shamans to imbue special powers these bones worn all over the body while the skull was attached to the face these are so important to the kalish that outsiders almost never saw one without a mask and we can infer that this likely also worked as a rite of passage to adulthood and the leader would go through an extension of this ceremony which was the transition from adult to the lord of the tribe a ritual that was witnessed firsthand by darth malgus saying these kalish are warlike ritualistic people in my brief time on kali i observed the ritual by which they chose their war leader war and religion was everything to the kalish with there never being any form of unified global government just countless tribes engaged in war with their neighbors though each tribe did have a similar structure and reverence for their shamans who did things like the consecration of materials just mentioned but also dream interpretation rights for death and birth and the maintenance of holy sites the most sacred site being shrupak a place that would protect the bodies of the kaleesh so that they could live on in the afterlife and then there were sites like abesmi an island monolith in the genua sea that was believed by all the shamans across the planet to be the site from which the gods ascended into heaven kalee shamans from all over the world would maintain an altar for worship to what might have originally been an alien race that ceded populations across the galaxy these gods may be how the celestials were remembered over the eons if so they certainly weren't the last aliens to set down on kali by the 3600s bby different groups were making landings on this wild space world and recruiting the toughest of these reptilians into their ranks many kalish finding a place as mercenaries and working with the hutts or as assistants to bounty hunters all admired their proud warrior ways and their refusal to remove their skull mask was known long before some of the mandalorian groups that would have a similar relationship to their helmet though this also created an insult to call them bone lizards and at least to wookies their smell was horrendous with bodar saying quote i fought the bone lizards before their smell was worse than their bite most kalish would choose not to fight for the sith empire in part due to their overall anti-alien sentiments but also for their use of slave labor a trade that was just starting to take an interest on kali seeing these hardy people as perfect for exploitation when a kalish slave did exhibit force abilities like zelik they were attached to a sith lord to be trained as an apprentice while razer and says orogon did gain their own titles of sith lord and on the jedi side there was sin taikan who was able to conceptualize his warrior instincts as being in service of the light and seeing his life overall as a new sort of shaman using his connection with the spiritual side and to nature to focus what he wanted to study from the sciences of these off-worlders eventually using this all to come up with ways to save ecosystems ravaged by the galactic scale wars taking the head on the restoration of taurus among many other worlds but with these off-worlders also came some new weapons to fight each other with and their endless tribal rivalries most common was the use of the zerka arms outland rifles alongside the leg sword and shoney spear and then the first of the republic abuses would occur in 65 bby the bethavrians were allies but not a member world of the republic and tensions to secede were bubbling up in this decade on many worlds which would ultimately explode in the formation of the cis and the resulting clone war but this 43 years before the battle of geonosis the republic was trying to use covert means to keep hold of power and sent military instructors to provide the kaleesh with falsified information which made it seem like the bathavirians were about to strike khali these republic instructors helped to train and supply a proxy military force to attack the secessionists and kaiman jaishilal's grandmother was actually involved in a strike team alongside jedi knights what makes this action by the republic even worse is their inaction throughout the hook war there's no defined start date for this war as it was a gradual increase in the huck raids on kali over numerous generations that would see millions of kaleesh captured and sold into slavery kaimun jai shalal would become a nightmare to the bug invaders being the greatest warrior of the time but then became unstoppable when he met his lover runduru lij kumar she was a great warrior from one of the rare arctic regions known as gridanju and she believed herself to be a descendant of the gods while she law was certain that he was on the path to ascending to godhood when they fought together they were able to prove so effective against the technologically superior bugs that they were able to unify the kalish people to a greater degree than ever before calling on the kolpravas a great band of tribes to give him command of the azashra the greatest warriors from across the planet when they captured the slaver ships and took the fight to the hawk colony worlds they were able to destroy entire cities and populations as they closed in on the bug's homeworld the republic decided that now was the time to intervene as the yamri had powerful friends in the senate and could not let this fighting come to home shall who at this point had taken the name grievous was painted as a violent monster on a warpath when the reality was that his species was standing up to the slavers that had terrorized them for decades the jedi would aid republic forces and finally push grievous and his zazatra back to kali this loss was followed by one of the most horrific decisions in republic history as the warlord narrative helped the yomri's friends in the senate pass embargoes on kali which stopped all off-world trade leading to widespread poverty and starvation grievous was utterly defeated but surprisingly the banking clan said that they could make all of these problems disappear if grievous would lead their debt-collecting droid army they would not only open trade but actively promote it this war lord and vanquisher of slavers accepted this deal with the munes and in this odd way he did save his people grievous was beloved and respected by all of the tribes on kali and it wasn't long before they would have to cry out to their hero once more the huk had returned and seemingly out of spite they desecrated holy burial sites these bugs found ways to not only terrorize them in this world but were now attacking kalish in the afterlife he abandoned the banker army rushing home to gather his zasra receive a blessing by the shaman and take the war to the slavers one last time but the sith were always plotting they worked with sand hill and pagula lesser to trap grievous into a life of servitude imprisoning him in a cyborg body with surgical precision the general's men were eliminated the best warriors of all the kalish and he was left clinging on to life sith sorcery and geonosian surgery created a being that would be consumed with destroying the republic and jedi his hatred for the huck replaced and focused towards the force wielders and their allies when grievous died on utapau in 19by his people were certain that he had become a god being added to the pantheon and worshiped across his home world a few years later a former razara named bentilli sanskar was able to coordinate a strike on the yamri on the planet open clearing the bugs out he helped establish the first permanent kaleesh colony but it wouldn't be long before they were challenged by alien invaders this time it was the humans of the empire same republic under new management as far as scare was concerned and when they came to inform him that the kalish would owe tribute to the empire a new war was ignited that would last for 10 years to stop these wild space rebels the emperor deployed then captain thrawn he was eager to study this mysterious race but the chiss who is known to have the greatest mind in the galaxy was stumped by kalish culture he admitted to not being able to understand their art or stories and so finally he went with a complete planetary bombardment being okay with losing this culture to history and brought about enough destruction that the war came to an abrupt hull scarar himself was captured however and when he was brought before the triumphant chiss he actually praised the imp for the ruthlessly efficient use of his amazing high-tech weaponry having no hard feelings about the slaughter of his people since they all died as warriors greater weapons winning the day not sneaky bombs planted in ships or running to allies to invoke political and economic pressure when palpatine met kaar he was impressed with the kalisha spirit and gave him command of an imperial army he and thrawn would be a few of the non-humans to serve in powerful roles in the empire though he would meet an unceremonious death at the hands of chewbacca when the wookie threw a gun mountain to the galicia ship which caused it to explode but during this imperial era khalid did retain most of its autonomy with the kolk provis coming under the command of a female that was said to be grievous lover kumar reincarnated the last time we see the kalish are with this stormtrooper during the second imperial civil war under darth crate and with the pirate's side on ethano he is said to be a kalish and you can even see some similarities with the design of the mask and the fact that he never takes it off but right here we can transition into our cool stuff and behind the scenes facts as canon kalish depictions are unnecessarily off starting with the hands they seem to have a human-like forefinger and one thumb hand not the two fingers and two thumbs while they are also described as digitaed though no depiction shows that and almost everything about the lore is the same even grievous backstory so i don't get what's up with these odd changes one oddness that was not added but was actually kept from legends is that it's said that their organs are quote extremely flammable which i just think is a weird way to justify grievous bursting into flames i think it's just a simpler and better explanation being that it was just a unique chemical soup in his synth sac speaking of which i wasn't sure how to work this in but here's a look at grievous organs which we see when he has an experience with the force itself in a canon comic legends also has some issues with the depiction of kalish over the decades with them first being introduced in comics from the 80s but the way they look they might as well be a different species though their behavior and history otherwise is the same it wouldn't be for a few decades later until the star wars clone wars animated series that we first saw grievous and then further details on his species were provided in the new essential guide to alien species the atlas and essential guide to warfare so that's it for the kalish species thanks for watching if you liked it please hit that like button and comment something that you learned or something that you still want to learn about all that helps to 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Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 33,858
Rating: 4.9647484 out of 5
Keywords: kaleesh star wars, kaleesh language, grevious, grievous, grievous species, general grievous species, kaleesh species, star wars species, star wars lore, star wars aliens, star wars races, twilek, tusken raiders, chiss, togruta, jawa, hutt, kaleesh history, star wars species guide, star wars species explained, star wars species quiz, metanerdz species, grievous original, grievous original form, grievous original body, grievous original species, rodian, kaminoan, ewok, sith, jedi, kaleesh
Id: Q_5Oy65pZhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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