The Interplanetary Wars - Lore and Theory

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when most think about halo they think of spartan 117 the master chief tearing through hordes of aliens and saving the galaxy the human covenant war unsurprisingly makes up a significant portion of the narrative that has thus far been told in the halo universe halo infinite is due for release in full this year and the suggested storyline seems to be moving forward with the banished a mercenary organization of alien species most of which we are familiar with due to their previous involvement with the covenant but many often forget that the vast majority of the story we have experienced started in the final year of the human covenant war in 2552 and up to 2558 at the latest at least as far as the games are concerned but there is a rich history of narrative in the books that cover events as far back as 25 11. halo also shares a common history with our real world by definition you exist in one form or another in the halo universe back in 2021 so the next big question is is there any law on what happens from now the year 2021 up to the events we've seen in halo in short yes yes there is the information available about this period of time can be found in the rise of humanity in the book halo mythos the halo encyclopedia and halopedia so let's take a look just what happens between now and the beginning of the human covenant war in 2525 [Music] [Music] so after eons spent trapped on their homeworld due to the forced devolution at the hands of the foreigners 20th century humanity finally escaped earth's atmosphere once again to ascend into the inky depths of space the first modern humans traveled to the lower reaches of earth's orbit in 1961 and then in 1969 humans set foot on luna for the first time in a millennia other bodies in the soul system followed throughout the 21st and 22nd century by 2080 earth's nations had put together joint efforts to colonize luna mars and a handful of other sites in the system including various asteroids despite the daunting technological challenge of embedding sustainable populations on these worlds new scientific innovations eventually made it a reality and the interplanetary colonies saw growth and prosperity during these early years wars on earth shattered the power of old nation states even as virulent new philosophies spread among the solar colonies not everyone embraced relative peace under the aegis of the united nations and new factions with militant ideologies exacerbated political and economical fracture lines to the breaking point in the mid 22nd century two militant movements emerged among earth's colonies dramatically altering the political landscape the emergence of both was due in part to overpopulation and unrest on earth itself those belonging to the first originating in mars's mining city of oynotria were known as the koslovics they were named for the minor turned activist vladimir koslov and his family the neo-communist koslovic minors rallied against what they saw as financial exploitation by the corporations which dominated the colony they looked back on the soviet union of the 20th century with nostalgia and romanticized state control over industry seeking the elimination of corporate and capitalist influence from societal structures after the violent takeover of three major mining facilities the koslovics were deemed terrorists by the united nations their ideas however gained momentum across mars and rural parts of luna among people who felt government-sponsored companies were violating colonists rights though the koslovics did have some supporters on earth they operated primarily on orbital facilities the aforementioned colonies and parts of the jovian system the other hostile ideology embodied by the frieden movement grew out of the major city of catreos on europa and received backing from a group of corporate interests in the unified german republic which had become frequent targets of koslovic workers crusades though the word freedom in german means peace the neo-fascist freedoms formed largely in response to cosmic elements in the jovian colonies and quickly turned to violence in 2158 freedoms targeted a united nations embassy in the european city of thinea and leveled the structure with military-grade explosives as with the koslovics the united nations branded them terrorists as well and then promptly dispatched un colonial advisors to io another jovian moon there the un advisers were tasked with helping to organize police efforts in the years that followed few colonists remained neutral as both the friedens and the koslovic spread their influence among humanity's interplanetary colonies with the united nations lacking the military capability to prevent such actions in an open act of rebellion against the united nations the freedoms attacked the colonial advisors on io in 2160. the attack on the cloning advisors led to three months of fighting between the koslovic's and frieden's forces from march to june 2160 sparking the jovian moons campaign the campaign would be fought among jupiter's moons the united nations attempted to pacify the situation but with no success to strengthen their efforts the united nations called upon national governments of earth to utilize their own militaries and aid in the campaign the distributed nature of their forces led to disorder amongst the ranks of the earth militaries the death toll among all sides was substantial the jovian moons campaign was one of the bloodiest conflicts that had ever taken place within the sol system the conflict served to strengthen the anti-government an anti-corporate sentiment growing among colonists the campaign led to mass militarization among earth's nations many of which sponsored colonies within the system as they began fighting proxy wars off planet with the campaign's end conflict within the solar system ceased for several months with some speculating that the worst had passed however a series of bombings in february 2162 would spark the rainforest wars a 19-month conflict that spread across south america and reignited violence throughout the sol system the jovian moons campaign would be remembered as the conflict that would foreshadow the impending interplanetary war in 2162 following the jovian moons campaign armed conflict ripped through south america as koslovic freedom and un forces clashed over ideological differences additional guerrilla attacks took place across earth on military and non-military targets along with several concurrent off-planet skirmishes in the latter stages of the wars neo-friedenist emerged as an offshoot of the freedom movement willing to negotiate with the united nations their disagreements with the mainline freedoms led to the battle of delambre on luna in which the two factions engaged one another the rainforest wars also sparked additional conflicts off-planet such as the mars campaign three months later the conflict brought a great deal of suffering to the people of earth and caused an enormous famine the wars inspired some of the 22nd century's most famous literature a soldier's tale rainforest wars was written about this event by jeremiah mendes and was considered a military classic in the 26th century this book is a favorite of cpo franklin mendes two of admiral preston cole's great grandfathers on his mother's side served in the rainforest wars one did not survive the other captain oliver franks received the bronze star in november 2163 the frieden suffered a critical loss as their leader naja milka was assassinated on her way to a command center in the european city of pelagon this enraged the freedoms and in december they retaliated with nearly all the military assets at their disposal a large-scale campaign against argya planitia the hub of cost-living activity thanks largely to its shipbuilding plants on mars obliterated the city within hours more fighting occurred during the weeks that followed as koslovic's scattered into the city's outskirts by january 2164 the conflicts historically known as the interplanetary wars had officially begun the aforementioned composite u.n force which would later be called the united nations space command was deployed to the martian territory's most combat intensive area in july the resulting battle on mars lasted two full years as the united nations bombed koslovic remnants stamping out any martian opposition it was this campaign that not only made it the first successful un strike against koslovic forces but were also the first extraterrestrial deployments of unsc marines as well thanks to the marine success actions that favored large contingents of ground assaults and shipboarding maneuvers became part of the un forces standard strategy from that point onward despite the vast death toll there was little concern on earth about the ethics of the strikes most felt that they were justified as a way to prevent the violence from spreading to their own soil recruitment drives and propaganda tactics strongly bolstered the unsc during this time the interplanetary war was in many ways the culmination of a pattern of massive buildups exhibited by un-sponsored military forces which had preceded it although the koslovic suffered extensive losses in the early parts of the martian assault they continued to thrive on luna and at isolated points on earth in august 2167 however vladimir koslov and his family were killed in a bombing near lake autolycus on luna while the unsc denied involvement many believe that the freedoms were not capable of carrying out such an attack whatever the cause this act severed the head of the koslovic movement despite some difficulty on the unsc's part europa io ganyme and callisto all saw large-scale invasions by the unsc marine corps resulting in the destruction of hundreds of freedom bases and weapon caches the last of the freedoms fought savagely under oscar bauer nephew of najamilka but by mid-2169 little remained of their movement the uns he defeated koslovic and freedom forces on earth and then methodically eradicated their remnants throughout the system in a series of bushfire conflicts before long the vast vestiges of both were apprehended by the unsc the united nations penned the callisto treaty a ceasefire agreement born out of fear and simple practicality that gave the unsc complete military and police jurisdiction in all colonial territories the treaty was signed by representatives of all three factions in march 2170 on the jovian moon of callisto basing its core ethos on a strategy that hearkened back to the united states of america the technocrats in the un used its increased power to effectively take charge of earth's remaining national governments the unsc became the single organizing independent force in control of the combined military hierarchy of humanity with this a single authority came into existence called the united earth government this would be the seat of power and governance for all of earth's colonies henceforth the united earth government was constituted as humanity's governing body by the un in the immediate wake of the conflict in 2170 with the unsc serving as its subordinate military branch the aftermath of the interplanetary war left the united earth government with a different threat overpopulation and a massive military with no enemy to fight the post-war period saw massive growths in population on earth and her colonies as well as increasing famine among the popular spread from the rainforest wars these situations threatened to destabilize the economy however in april 2291 a team of researchers physicists and mathematicians led by doctors wallace fujikawa and tobias fleming shaw saw the invention of the shore fujikawa translight engine a device that allowed ships to travel into slipstream space to traverse interstellar distances in proportionally short amounts of time in 2310 the united earth government unveiled their first line of colony ships designed to bring rigorously tested highly qualified colonists and military personnel to settle nearby worlds in theory only the best qualified citizens and soldiers were allowed to colonize humanity's newest colonies leading to the formation of the inner colonies it was at this time that the colonial administration authority was established by the united earth government as an agency tasked with the governing of human colonies and the direction of further colonization efforts the colonial military administration was formed alongside the caa to serve as the military body responsible for protecting the uag's extrasolar colonies while the united nations space command largely kept their operations confined to the sol system the colonial administration authority proceeded to spend the upcoming decades preparing and organizing for the inevitable exodus that would occur the domus diaspora officially began on january the 1st 2362 when the odyssey caa first reverie and a fleet of nearly 100 other colony ships were launched from mooring platforms orbiting luna to colonize the epsilon arrhythmia system despite early successes for the first decades of the domus diaspora colonization efforts faced significant challenges in marshalling political and economical support the epsilon eridney system home to an improbably high number of worlds within the habitable zone of the system's host star became a prime candidate for colonization efforts and succeeded in bringing more attention to colonization efforts the first colonies formed in the domus diaspora were established on verdant worlds and above resource-rich moons as early terraforming efforts resulted in lengthy processes depending on the conditions of the world already habitable worlds however rare were preferred by the united earth government expansion effort habitable worlds that could be quickly reached through slip space soon housed sprawling cities and orbital factories connected through trade and the influence of massive interstellar corporations these colonization successes and improvements in slipspace navigation spurred further exploration increasingly distant from seoul for a time much of the united earth government's resources were directed towards further colonial expansion by 2390 the inner colonies were formally established consisting of 210 worlds in various stages of terraforming the population burden across human space had largely stabilized in the domus diaspora in subsequent years the inner colonies exponentially grew and prospered drawing in investment and building infrastructure extensive enough to become self-sufficient and send their surpluses back to earth meanwhile smaller colonies and outposts of the greater human civilization spread ever outward along slip space routes from this developed and tightly controlled zone to become the outer colonies by the beginning of the 25th century humanity had colonized over 800 colonies existing on planets moons asteroids mining facilities and relay stations the inner colonies consisted of strong densely populated worlds located close to earth via slip space ranging from prominent military and commercial centers such as reach and tribute to comparatively small economies such as actium ballast cairo leighton miradin and new carthage many of the outer colonies served as agricultural or mining worlds providing resources for the inner colonies and industrial outer colonies like meridian the inner colonies became the political and economical center for the united earth government as they began to rely on the outer colonies for natural resources meanwhile the united nations space command began to expand its domain to the inner colonies making earth and reach the centers of its power while pushing the colonial military administration to the outer colonies despite the prosperity and unprecedented growth and development humanity experienced during this time tensions soon rose on some of the more remote colonies that saw independence from the united earth government from 2475 to 2483 a number of civilian uprisings occurred throughout human space the colonial military administration responded swiftly and severely though the organization's heavy-handed tactics only serve to increase resistance soon many citizens on outer colonies and even the inner colonies began questioning the often draconian measures used by the cma and the unsc to keep colonies in line seeking sovereignty on the behalf of a dozen worlds the newly established sectionist union and people's occupation submitted formal requests to the united earth government demanding independence as three requests were left denied tensions began to rise amongst the outer colonies these tensions eventually erupted into the insurrection a civil war that engulfed numerous colonies as these sentiments spread even some scattered elements of the cma became increasingly sympathetic to the rebels eventually providing them with information funding and equipment the involvement of these sects of the cma with the rebels went public in 2497 leading to the organization's gradual dismantling and its supplantment by the unsc as the primary military force in the colonies in 2491 dr elias carver presented a set of theories known as the kava findings to the unsc high command according to a projection algorithm devised by dr carver social order in the outer colonies would break down completely in the near future to stabilize the colonies carver recommended a swift and extensive military action on the part of the unsc carver's critics asserted that the situation between the core worlds and the outer colonies could be stabilized through diplomacy over enough time however the unsc military adopted the kava findings as their standard model for the years to come and sought to curb any major unrest with military intervention in the same year the unsc resurrected the mothballed orion project creating the first generation of super soldiers designed to surgically remove rebel leadership carver's proposal also informed the creation of the subsequent spartan 2 program although by the time of its creation the predicted scenario was even bleaker an endless apocalyptic civil war between the inner and outer colonies perhaps the most notorious instance of the brutal and heavy-handed approach the unsc and cma took to quelling rebellions in the late 25th century was that of far isle in 2492 in the midst of the rising tensions throughout the colonies far isle was among the first of the colonies to go into full-scale revolt despite their best efforts the unsc were unable to contain the rebellion and as a result they resorted to nuclear weaponry raising the entire colony and leaving no survivors from the populace they subsequently declared code bandersnatch indicating a major radiological or energy based disaster although not usually acknowledged as the inciting incident of the insurrection the destruction of fire isle caused multiple large rebellions elsewhere and was considered a significant factor in motivating the insurrection as a whole far isle remained a driving force for the hatred that many individuals bore for the unsc and ueg even as late as 2553 in staunchly independent colonies such as venezia the callisto incident was a pivotal event which is often considered to have started the insurrection widening the scope of the conflict from occasional disparate colonial rebellions into hostilities on a larger scale the unsc callisto a corvette was captured by the insurrectionists when boarding merchant vessels and all unsc crew aboard it were killed in response the unsc sent a battle group of three destroyers the unsc jericho unsc buenos aires and the unsc las vegas on march the 2nd 2494 the battle group eventually found the callisto in the 26th draconis system all of the ships fired six aries missiles at the renegade destroyer however the callisto managed to avoid destruction by maneuvering behind an asteroid the insurrectionists then detonated a nuke hidden inside the asteroid beforehand launching the debris towards the unsc ships the buenos aires was engulfed in the explosion and destroyed and the other two ships were seriously damaged second lieutenant preston cole as the only living or conscious officer aboard the bridge of the las vegas took control of the vessel he signaled the callisto activating the ship's distress signal and requested medical aid for the wounded when the callisto docked with the las vegas in order to take command of the ship carl detonated the ship's last ares missile which had been planted inside the docking bay critically damaging the callisto carl then bluffed by opening the empty missile silos on his ship and ordered the callisto to surrender and allowed las vegas's ai to take control following the callisto incident the insurrection began to spread to the other systems including the aridness system which became embroiled in a local insurrection in the same year the rebellion was crushed two years later at the cost of four destroyers though the rebels in the system retreated into the asteroid belt and would continue to operate for several decades onward as the fighting spread the outer colonies became a battleground between the unsc navy and the rebels makeshift fleets in 2501 an insurgent captured unsc frigate the bellerophon was pursued for the third time by the unsc gorgon commanded by preston cole into the theta ursay majuris system after a chase and battle in which the bellerophon managed to dodge a mack round using excellent tactics the gorgon was contacted by the bellerophon now renamed the bellicose a short exchange of taunting messages followed and then coal at the bellicose escape after laying traps in five systems over the course of three months cole had yet to find the captured ship several months later cole was married to lyrine castilla who was also pregnant in june of 2503 eight months after cole's marriage to castilla admiral harold stanforth sent coal a transmission telling him that only uncovered the civilian identity of the captain of the bellicose lyreen castilla spying on coal carl went to confirm this and found that castilla had robbed him of everything leaving only a printout of the exchange they had between the bellicose and the gorgon in january of the next year four destroyers engaged the bellicose in the theta ursa majora system and reported the ship was caught in the gravitational pull of the gas giant and destroyed cole faced a court-martial for conspiring with the enemy and giving castilla knowledge of the unsc slip space upgrades and possible execution however harold stanford stepped in and vouched for him and carl was merely relocated to earth with the desk job the bellicose survived however and remained in the shadows until eventually reappearing with an insurrectionist fleet dealing the covenant a crippling blow in the battle of seif cerpentis in 2513 the unsc initiated operation trebuchet one of the largest operations in unsc history spanning 10 years and costing hundreds of thousands of lives the goal was to root out the insurrectionists and impose order in the outer colonies fighting broke out in the original system particularly aridness 2 and the space around it as rebels supporting the system's breakaway from the unsc built a small navy of civilian craft and attempted to take over the system the disorganized aridness rebels were eventually brought together by colonel robert watts the unsc responded harshly sending a fleet of destroyers and carriers to the system to combat the rebel fleet the resulting battle pitted the unsc against at least 100 smaller rebel craft the unsc forces defeated their rebel counterparts with little difficulty during the battle the rebels were rooted and the remnants of their fleet fled into the asteroid belt to aridness secundus they would eventually establish a fully functional asteroid base and begin conducting raids again by 2525 a ground campaign also began on iridonus ii as units of the ninth marine expeditionary force were sent to the planet in force hoping to capture leaders of the rebel movement and pacify the population one of these units the first battalion of the 21st marine division commanded by lieutenant colonel ponder was involved in a disastrous mission to try and capture a rebel leader the second in command in elysium city which ended in the leader's family being killed and ponder wounded and demoted the fighting eventually spread to the epsilon eridney system by 2524 the fighting involved in operation trebuchet alone had taken over a million lives the majority of which being civilians in that year a marine battalion was posted at the colony world of tribute commanded by lieutenant colonel oboem and supported by the corvette unsc bomb rush and air support from hornets the battalion attempted to put a stop to rebel bomb makers near the city of cashba two special warfare units led by staff sergeants avery johnson and nolan brine were involved in disastrous operations in june brian's team was killed during the hostage situation at a jim dandy restaurant near casper city 38 civilians three marines and two rebels were killed in the bombing brian and johnson were pulled from the system and were later sent to harvest in the year 2525 a spartan 2 team led by john 117 went on a mission to infiltrate and capture rebel leader colonel robert watts the spartans sneaked on board a ship named the laden and once aboard they located cargo that contained luxury items such as sweet william cigars and champagne verifying wats's presence after boarding the rebel base they neutralized the guards in their path and eventually found their way to watts they successfully killed his guards and sedated watts long enough for them to escape using explosives they blasted their way out killing dozens of civilians much to the regret of the team following the covenant attack on harvest and the onset of the human covenant war in 2525 operation trebuchet was put on halt by the unsc the office of naval intelligence section 2 sent emissaries with full disclosure on events at harvest to warn outer colony leaders the unsc made the offer that they would cease hostilities towards insurrectionists if they worked to bolster their planetary defenses and ended their attacks on unsc ships the rebels believed it to be a trap and responded with laughter only to face a harsh dose of reality as the covenant began laying waste to colony after colony as the new threat became apparent many of the rebels seeing that the unc offered the only real protection against the overwhelming covenant force ceased to resist and either submitted to the unsc's control or hid themselves away from both the unsc and the covenant in remote locations such as habitats like the rubble or outer colony worlds many of which were eventually glassed however not all insurrectionists stopped their attacks against the unsc and continued their aggression for years after the beginning of the war with the covenant an unlikely alliance was forged between the spartans and insurrectionists during the battle of alpha corvy ii the two sides having found a common enemy with the covenant as the war progressed insurrectionist activity continued to decrease apart from isolated conflicts such as the interactions on mamor and incidents on harmony and reach this was in part due to the common enemy of the covenant and the desperate situation humanity found itself in but also the near total decimation of the outer colonies which had served as the rebels base of operations however the desire for independence continued to linger on many remaining colony worlds using the situation to their advantage entire colonies under insurrectionist control intentionally cut themselves off from the unsc's communications relay network during the war anticipating to resume their operations later on by 2552 insurrectionist activity on reach was still common enough for the unsc to suspect rebel sabotage when a local relay hub went dark although this turned out to be the work of a covenant pre-invasion party instead although insurrectionist activity continued over the human covenant war with the last documented conflict as late as 2537 the high-profile operations and major battles which characterized the early years all but subsided after the beginning of the human covenant war the vast majority of humanity had united under a single banner in order to fight for the survival of the entire species even the united interactionists themselves would fight against the covenant ultimately helping the war effort any engagements between unsc and the rebels following the covenant attack appear to have been relatively low-key often involving covert missions carried out by special operations forces such as spartans as a result the generation that had grown up during the war had no knowledge of the insurrectionist persistence and considered the entire civil war as having occurred long before their time the game's halo reach halo ce halo 2 halo 3 and halo odst cover a period of time of less than a year it's only with halo 4 and halo 5 that cover a duration of time significantly after the end of the human covenant war and aside from these we have huge swathes of books that cover varying time spans in and around these events and it is strikingly easy to forget that there is a massive and rich history and narrative to the halo universe both in and around humanity's rise from now until the 26th century but also well before back into ancient times as covered by the foran saga of books and in game lore established by the terminals so while humanity had been fighting for their sheer survival during the human covenant war it was not the first time that we were pushed to such extremes we risked our own self-annihilation during the interplanetary wars all the way through the insurrection and up to the beginning of the human covenant war and we became teeteringly close to extinction at the hands of the forerunners at the end of the human forum war at least three times now in conflicts against other species or ourselves has humanity barely survived complete and utter extinction and on top of that humanity has barely survived several extinction level events here on earth between 100 000 years ago and now it says something to the fortitude and resilience of our species but we're now on the cusp of entering into yet another conflict with both the created and the banished and while now humanity are in a weakened state we still do have the super soldiers of the spartan program at the forefront of our military force to safeguard us through these troubling times but one has to question how much longer can our luck hold out thanks for watching sticky comments down below i look forward you have to say i want to give a quick shout out to my patrons and youtube members nick the silent cartographer kyle stevens and psyphonic storm my tier zero transcentions brian sebastian red sea darian stalker of the realms falcon x-003 alvin mr fell flaming halo starlight legions lost josh the tg7 cat heard a cam schneidish leon ignizzle and alpha therapy the holders of the mantle my glorious reclaimers my most loyal of metals and all the other patrons and members that have jumped aboard support the channel much love to you guys thanks so much for your support to keeping things happening and helping the development of the channel and future awesomeness in a big way if you like halo or discuss two insane loves of detail hit that subscribe button and the little bell icon so you're told the second a new video hits the shelves be sure to support us on all major social media channels including discord and if you really love the channel consider heading over to patreon and supporting the channel over there or jumping on as a channel member it would mean the world to me and affords you loads of great perks and bonuses and helps working towards something pretty awesome i've got planned in the near future take it easy everyone and find peace in the domain
Channel: Installation00
Views: 388,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Lore, Theory, VLORE, Vlog, Blog, Gaming, Xbox, Spartan, Master, Chief, Master Chief, MJOLNIR, Most, Detailed, Most Detailed Breakdown, Installation00, Installation 00, Installation, 00, Interplanetary, Wars, War, Jovian, Moon, Campaign, Campaigns, Moons, Rainforest, Mars, Domus, Diaspora, Civil Unrest, Rebellion, Insurrection, Insurrectionist, Rebel, Front, Covenant, Trebuchet, Operation
Id: TTfBh_uzUZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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