Kajabi vs. Thinkific: Which Course Builder Should You Use? | Complete Review & Walkthrough

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if you're looking to create and sell online courses kajabi and thinkific are two great platforms but which one is right for your business we're gonna find out in this video hey guys ross erosion founder and ceo of tricycle creative a digital and content marketing agency and if you're looking for more digital marketing and business growth videos consider subscribing to our channel so to do this correctly i have come up with eight different judging categories for thinkific and kajabi and they are pricing course creation assessments communications sales analytics site builder and support [Music] so we're gonna start at pricing because i can appreciate that that is a well an obvious place to start when it comes to how much am i going to have to pay monthly or annually but the kajabi and thinkific are not necessarily apples to apples they're pretty damn close but i do want to present this to you as close i guess two apples to apples as possible so let's bring up the pricing for kajabi and thinkific when we look at kajabi now i'm going to talk more about this throughout the video kajabi has some added different features that think if it does not so that is kind of important to kind of put an asterisk about this pricing but i i'm also going to break this down they both offer annual and monthly plans but to keep these things kind of on the same terms let's just look at their monthly plans and here's why even though i'm walking you through both of these platforms you obviously may still want to kick the tires a little and paying for an entire year's worth might be way too much of a commitment you probably will want to start monthly now on kajabi when you look at these monthly plans it starts with the basic for 149 a month where you get three products and a product is a course or uh like a downloadable or something like that three pipelines unlimited landing pages marketing emails thousand contacts now again this is important note because kajabi does have this integrated email system which we'll talk about more a little bit later now they also have this growth plan the 199. that's the one i was on 15 products so that would be 15 courses 15 pipelines unlimited landing pages so on and so forth we're going to talk more about these again throughout i'm bringing this to you just at a high level here's the one thing i'm going to bring up about the kajabi platform i do not think that a 14-day trial is enough with kajabi because they have so many kind of extra functions and part of it's also because it's not necessarily as intuitive i feel like they should extend this to a 30-day trial because 14 days particularly if you're an entrepreneur solopreneur who's doing this as kind of a side part of your business 14 days just wasn't enough for me to fully understand everything about the kajabi platform and that's saying a lot because i'm a tinkerer i tinker like hell and again in between creating the courses editing the video like looking at all the functions i needed more than 14-day trial now if we flip over to thinkific and again we're going to make this an equal playing field we're going to look at monthly theirs you'll notice are significantly lower and here's what i really like about they have a free they have a free version and and this is fantastic because it'll give you the opportunity to test drive just like they say thinkific's core feature set for free and the free includes three courses which is equal to the 149 that kajabi is asking over here so three courses unlimited students quizzes surveys hosting content again we're going to get into these a little bit more then you have your basic for 49 a month 99 and then the major big guy here 4.99 now yes the free may not have all the features but i really really love that they have a free version because you are gonna need time to go in and get used to how these platforms work so i currently use the pro for mine but even on the free i'm sorry on the basic version unlimited courses and students that's not offered anywhere in any of these kajabi platforms i was just blown away by that that there's no unlimited here but your second level in on thinkific you get unlimited courses in students so big difference huge difference actually when it comes to kajabi versus thinkific pricing pricing point goes to thinkific hey guys before we keep going are you finding this video helpful if so hit that like button [Music] if you're looking at thinkific versus kajabi it's because you're looking to launch courses for your business so now what i want to dive into is the actual course creation experience if you will so we're going to start with kajabi and uh let's start with kajabi sorry here we go now s even vernacular wise it took me a second to figure out but like products that's your courses so i'm going to this is what i just created test we'll click into that it gives you kind of these default settings and and you just for so we're using the right verbage here these course introduction these would be like chapters and then underneath it these would be like lessons okay now here's one thing about kajabi when it even gives you these defaults let's click into just this first lesson right here you have two options you can do a video or you can do an assessment or you could just keep it as text inside of here but you only have these two options when it comes to the media if you will that you want to attach now conversely when we come over to thinkific flagship i'll just call this test okay if i click into again same deal we have chapter one chapter two but let's do add lesson look at all of these different options it gives you video you can do a quiz to be fair that's what assessment is in kajabi multimedia you can do just as a text you can do a survey you can do a pdf this would be a downloadable type thing you can do audio only download you can put a presentation up there brilliant exam does require a uh like a brilliant account so it's just a more advanced exam type you can create an assignment so if you are going to do a course or a lesson and you want to give someone kind of homework that would be an assignment and then they have a live which is in beta and that gets driven through zoom which as you can see here if we hover over it you need to connect zoom before you add this lesson so looking at all of these options when you create a lesson inside of thinkific versus kajabi it's definitely advantage thinkific pricing point thinkific [Music] when you're creating a course you're going to want to create assessments or quizzes tests for the people who are going through your course they can even be super simple true or false one question two question but it does help to add that extra level of engagement and even understanding of whatever it is that you are teaching showing presenting so now what i want to do is take a second and walk you through and show you the differences between assessments on both kajabi and thinkific so when we look at kajabi when you create a new and here i'll show you this create a new in this case again it's called post which again seems a little counterintuitive but we're going to say post oh let's say you want to make this a quiz okay you click into it and you say oh i want to make this an assessment wait what this was so freaking confusing to me that when you create assessment you don't actually create it in here to create an assessment you have to go to people assessments then what you do is you create a new assessment in here and then connect it to that lesson this is kind of the the i would say the flaw that is constant throughout kajabi is the i'd say user interface but also how things connect and where you find them is not intuitive it i again am a tinkerer and it took me time to figure out where the hell to find some of this stuff now conversely if we come over here to thinkific let me click out of this and let's say add new lesson and i want to do a quiz i'm going to call this quiz 1 hit enter look into it and boom right inside of here i'm creating my quiz so it's a lot more intuitive unless i want to add a question okay now what kind of question and kajabi has the same thing when you make it so you could say one or more multiple choice that kind of thing so i could say this is the first question choice one answer and i would say this is the correct answer assessments point thinkific [Music] so at the beginning when i was talking about pricing i mentioned that thinkific and kajabi aren't necessarily apple to apples they're pretty close and when it comes to communications this is where they split off and have major differences kajabi is kind of a all-in-one tool so inside of kajabi you can also do all of your email marketing they are an email service provider otherwise called an esp so what that brings with it when you do courses inside of kajabi it adds this really really great granular level of targeting when it comes to your communications and let me show you how so this is a again just a a template lesson but if i scroll down you see this automation right here now what's really cool since kajabi is your esp again your email service provider you can set up conditions that when this again this calls it a post this lesson is completed that you can fire off an email to them right when they finish it this is super cool i love this about kajabi this granular level of control with communication so this could be something where when someone completes a lesson when they complete a quiz you can send them a meet an email immediately and say congratulations great job that kind of thing i love that about kajabi now unfortunately that does not exist inside of thinkific thinkific does not have a email component to it and this is where it might be a big deal breaker for you if you do not have an existing what's called esp or you are not cut from the tinkerer cloth going with kajabi to be the all-in-one solution may be the answer for you because with thinkific what you need to do is you need to connect another email service one that probably you would have to pay for to set up these automated emails or these drip emails so you need to connect another service that again you have to pay for now in my experience i bought thinkific and at the same time bought active campaign and i could was able to buy both of those for less than the cost of kajabi an active campaign does a ton more with email than kajabi's email system does but again it's going to require a certain level of tinkering of understanding how to connect these systems and you know yourself better than anyone if that doesn't sound like you it might be worth the extra cost to go with kajabi to be the one stop shop communication point kajabi [Music] when it comes to sales promotions and tools this is where these programs are pretty much the same they offer the ability to sell courses individually you can bundle them together so if you have similar courses on the same topic or related topics you can bundle them together and sell them for a discounted price if the other than you know as opposed if you're going to buy them individually you can add coupons you can add affiliates so that's a great tool on both kajabi and thinkific that you can add someone's email and information and give them a unique url and if someone buys it from there it can automatically tell you how much you can pay that person right if you want to have an affiliate code and say hey if you sell this through your website i'll give you 10 of your sales now the one thing that i did like in thinkific ever so small but again not enough i think to really say oh it's that much better is that they give this kind of like sales widget functionality so you can create a little sales widget box that you can then add the html code on your website so again it's kind of a small deal not enough for me to say oh thinkific is head and shoulders above kajabi when it comes to sales they're pretty much on equal footing when it comes to the sales tools sales tools it's a tie [Music] i don't know about you but i love analytics i love data and with digital marketing you know sometimes it's like drinking from a fire hose but when it comes to launching courses if you're doing this with kajabi or thinkific you're going to want to have data to understand what's working what's not working where maybe you know they're hiccups in particular courses or sales and again this is a situation where thinkific really brings it they do a fantastic job of giving you this really in-depth data now you'll see here it's in beta mode and we're looking at sample data right here but it gives you this okay on revenue this great kind of chart as far as sales it'll you can also look at individual orders so how these came in what this looks like which courses are responsible for you know you can segment it down by product and type and coupons you can look at your actual enrollment so in some cases you have free courses so that would count towards enrollments versus maybe sales or orders you can take a look at that and this is what i really love about thinkific is this student engagement now again i recognize and appreciate we're looking at dummy data but this is really i love this how long on average how many days does it take someone to complete this can help inform an email campaign a drip campaign maybe you you know want to implement this as part of a coaching program you're going to want to know on average how long are people taking to complete this course you know what percentage of them complete the course this is something where you have a ton of people who sign up and they never complete it well you're going to want to kind of encourage them along the way understanding that then looking at statistics on the lessons what are they interacting with their engagement their reviews i mean the attempts versus how many completed versus attempted i mean this is awesome awesome i was not expecting this this was such a amazing ad when i moved from kajabi to thinkific now to give equal time if we come over to kajabi nothing like this exists over here nothing it is really kind of a bummer you know if we look at offers you can take a look at this but there's just no data anywhere near equivalent to what think if it gives you from revenue to student engagement to enrollments again thinkific really brings it when it comes to analytics oh one thing i forgot to mention both platforms allow you to tie in google analytics and facebook pixel that is really great because then you can track and even remarket to people who come to your course website pages oh one other thing i forgot you know how i mentioned kajabi was your email platform also it is the one stop shop it provides you email here's the thing that i did not love about kajabi and their email it will not tell you is not able to give you the information on who clicked so it'll tell you who opened it or it'll tell you how many opens you had but it will not tell you who clicked or who opened there is a big big gap in data for your email when you use kajabi i just wanted i was hungry for more information about my inter about people who are getting my emails and like i mentioned i did switch over when i moved to thinkific to active campaign and active campaign gives you tons of more granular data so just something again on my own experience someone who loves data yes it gives you very high level data when it comes to your email but it just doesn't give me everything i wanted when it came to email data analytics point thinkific [Music] when it comes to website building and course building again i'm going to bring up kajabi is slightly different than thinkific kajabi is intended to kind of be this one-stop shop so you can actually create your entire website in kajabi in addition to your courses so if you are someone out there who does not have a website or is not happy with your website or doesn't know how to do a website kajabi has a website builder and then when you create courses it would automatically implement them into that you can create your entire company business website here in addition to your courses a key distinction from the thinkific platform where if we come over to design your site and site builder yes you can create your website but really this is intended to be almost like the website that hosts and manages your courses an ever so slight difference but that's why we're here these platforms are kind of separated at times by ever so slight differences so if you are looking for a one-stop shop if you are looking for a uh a platform to help you create your entire website and then add the courses on maybe courses is all you're doing or it's a coaching program kajabi might scratch that itch and i will say kajabi has a little more granular level of control and i did find their page builder to have a little bit more features than the thinkific page builder site builder point kajabi [Music] customer support is really important when you get started on a platform any platform but particularly a course building platform so when it came to kajabi when i signed up they reached out we set up a kickoff call with an actual human being we did a zoom call we walked through what i wanted to do what i had done this far if there's anything i needed help with if i had any questions it was great it really was having that kickoff meeting was very helpful and it does help you get fast tracked into kajabi thinkific on the other hand did not have that kind of experience there was no kickoff meeting with an actual human i did have some questions and i reached out to support um and i got response maybe a day or two later um so it wasn't as good as kajabi i will also say that with kajabi since you have this kickoff meeting you do kind of have this dedicated customer support person so if you have a question you can email them and they got back to me pretty quick i mean with the same day in most cases um that type of connection to a customer service liaison or support person in thinkific just doesn't exist support point kajabi so let's do a recap and look at our final score card when it comes to pricing i give the edge to thinkific they have cheaper plans they even have that free plan so they get the point course creation this one also goes to thinkific it's the user interface is slightly easier to manipulate and use and you can get things done faster and easier which is the same reason why i give them a point also on assessments now just when you think this is going to be a clean sweep communications that point goes to kajabi remember kajabi is this all-in-one platform which integrates your email into it and you're able to do some granular very specific things inside of kajabi when it comes to communications that you just can't do inside of thinkific even with an integrated esp sales this point goes to both of them i didn't think there was one specific thing that set apart one or the other they're pretty equal here analytics point to thinkific if you remember back that section we have a ton more ton more analytics available on the thinkific platform when it comes to sales revenue and even how your students interact with the courses site builder slight edge ever so slight edge to kajabi again because they offered the tools to create an entire website plus the course websites and i did find their site builder slightly easier to use with a little more functionality and the last piece support that point also goes to kajabi they have a more structured more hands-on level of support when it comes to your f you signing up for the first time so when we do the count here we have thinkific slightly edging out five points to kajabi's four points if you found this video to be informative please give us a like also if you're thinking about going with kajabi or thinkific use the links below in the description full disclosure they may be referral links so if you end up becoming a customer i might get a couple bucks but that really helps to support everything we're doing right here on this youtube channel if you have any questions about thinkific or kajabi drop them below in the comments and if you end up creating a course share it with us at hello tricycle on all the social medias
Channel: Tricycle Creative
Views: 11,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kajabi vs thinkific, kajabi or thinkific, kajabi vs thinkific 2020, thinkific reviews 2020, kajabi review, is kajabi worth it, thinkific review, best platform to create online course, kajabi vs thinkific vs teachable, best online course platform, online course creation tools, online course platforms comparison, kajabi vs teachable vs thinkific, online course platforms, thinkific vs teachable 2020, Online course software, kajabi review 2020
Id: FrE8qMaOx2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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