Thinkific vs Teachable: Which Course Builder is Better?

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A while ago I created a free Amazon book ads course and quickly put it on Thinkific as my course creation service however a bit later I saw Mark Dawson self-publishing formula course hosted on Teachable and thought maybe I made a mistake and considering that my subscription is about to run out with Thinkific it was the right time to put a little bit more investigating into it and figure out which one is the best course builder Thinkific or Teachable and to do that best I decided to get a subscription to both that way I put the same course on each and we can get a side-by-side look at how that looks between the two ultimately this is going to take the guesswork out of it so that you can get a clearer picture and figure out which one is the best and yes there clearly is the winner in this one but before we get into that if you'd like to learn more about this sort of thing and find out when my next video comes out be sure to click the little subscription button and the little bell icon to the right and with that let's begin okay let's get started by looking at some of the major things that you should consider when looking at a course builder and that is pricing the course player look the sales page how easy it is to build the course and email integration let's start with pricing Thinkific and teachable both offer four different packages that range from free to premium each package level between Thinkific again Teachable are pretty much the same as the other and they pretty much have the same capabilities in them except for some hidden aspects that are very important all right let's start with the free packages with Teachable's free package you can only have ten students however would think of it you get unlimited Teachable does allow you unlimited courses while Thinkific only allows three but I don't really think that's a big of a deal I mean after all if you have more than three courses you probably should be using the basic package anyways which allows for unlimited courses and finally teachable has an extra processing fee of $1 plus 10% for every sale while think effect does not let's break that down say for example your course costs a hundred dollars and you sell ten of them because of teachables processing fee you'd lose a hundred and ten dollars and only make a total of and $90 while with think if ik you profit the entire $1000 now let's look at the basic package which is probably the package that is best for a majority of you guys watching at first glance it would appear as though teachable takes the cake on this one being that its basic package is $10 a month cheaper but teachable also still charges a $1 plus 5% transaction fee while Thinkific still doesn't charge any transaction fee big difference especially if you want to sell courses or in my case give away a free course and finally the other major difference in packages is that the professional and enterprise level teachable offers more super advanced stuff in addition to what Thinkific does however think if ik offers something called a growth package that you could purchase on top of your package and get those same additions and when I say advanced we're talking things like public API webhooks Brillion exams and advanced segmentation this isn't really a big deal for me because in truth I really don't plan to do or use any of those things nor do I have the people or the team to be able to implement that so I'm gonna give my point to think if ik on this one unless you're like some uber awesome course maker and you're looking to pay $500 a month anyways for a service then maybe you want to look at teachable next let's look at the course player this is basically what your students are going to see when they take your course now like I said in the beginning of this video I started by looking at somebody else's course on teach role and thought oh man maybe I made a mistake at that time this is what my course looked like on Thinkific as compared to Teachable I mean talk about a big difference right it's blaza no branding nada but while I was putting together this review Thinkific came up with a new look for their player and it looks way better as you can see they're pretty similar now however what I like most about Thinkific is that I can put my logo at the top use my brand colors and keep my branding strong you can sort of do that with teachable but not as well also I love the new navigation side of think effect the course is connected like that so I'm gonna give a point to think if ik for this not just because of the logo or the navigation side but also the fact that they continue to improve and add on as they go so um we're not uppered alright next is the sales page and check-out process when it comes to the sales pages Thinkific is much easier to build considering they have some great niche or business sector templates to quickly employ and you can do some customization through CSS and a bit of HTML however Teachable has a lot more advanced features you can unlock with it you can use HTML coding to design your pages however you want basically a bit more flexibility now while I'm not much of an HTML coder and couldn't personally use that aspect of it which is why my landing page doesn't look as good with Teachable but I can see how important it might be to do that especially if you want a legit looking page and Teachable also offers a free master class on building course pages alright let's go ahead and look at the payment processing aspect for how customers see as they go through to purchasing your course with Teachable it's a pretty sharp checkout process that is one step whereas with Thinkific isn't as sharp and requires two steps for the customers to purchase so for the sales page and the checkout process I'm gonna give one point to Teachable all right let's go ahead and check out the course creation process the truth is they're pretty similar to each other they both have a drag-and-drop capability and they were both very intuitive there are however two things I'd like to bring up that is a bit of a difference for each first Thinkific has some great surveys that you can employ to help improve your course over time which is nice and also really important especially if it's a higher priced course and I also prefer their video library because I can react cess previously uploaded videos this is something that I didn't think is really important when I first started using it but over time yeah I've come to love it so therefore I give think if ik a point next is email integration this is the process of connecting your email service to the course builder service that way when somebody purchases that email will get ported right over and you can have it with teachable you only get convertkit and MailChimp whereas with Thinkific you get Convertkit MailChimp Aweber Active Campaign ConstantContact and Infusionsoft now technically if you don't see your email service provider in either of those lists it's still not a problem you can use a third-party software called Zapier which will grab the email from one and bring it over to your email service the only problem with this is sometimes that rings up an extra bill and in most cases going to be $25 a month so because Thinkific has way more email integrations and therefore less of a chance of you having to pay $25 extra a month this point goes to think of it okay so so far think affects winning four to one in the major categories but let's go ahead and look at some of the minor features that while they aren't features that I personally use or think are that important I know a lot of people who think they can be crucial especially for their courses so let's go ahead and list some of the major differences there and see what happens the first is quizzes with teachable you can create simple multiple-choice questions and only give a right or wrong answer indication but with Thinkific you can have questions and answers via text images or video plus some other advanced quiz features so many point to Thinkific next is course reporting Teachable is way better at providing more in-depth reporting on quizzes student activities demographics and video engagement so mini point to Teachable next is surveys this is something I should definitely do more but haven't and think if it has them well Teachable not so much so many point to Thinkific and now mobile accessibility both websites are mobile-friendly so your students can access it through their phone however Teachable actually made a mobile iOS app that makes it kind of cool or easier and also allows them to comment and interact with so one mini point to Teachable all right so let's look at the final score board obviously Thinkific has won this round the truth is for my purposes I'm a big fan of their free and basic plan which I believe is also the plan that is going to be best for the majority of you guys watching with those it will save you money and yet it still provides enough for you to create great courses and getting out to your people the course player also looks way now that they've did those improvements so that totally tipped the scales for me and also I love that they have the email integration because I didn't used to have that ability and I had to pay an extra 25 bucks to Zapier just to be able to get the emails that those who signed up for my free course and yeah that kind of stunk as for the sales page well I'm not as much of an advanced HTML or and I don't have the programmers or anything to really turn it into something special but it is something to consider I still think I can get a great looking sales page with think effects so I'm not too worried about that so in the end I'm definitely gonna be reopen my subscription with think--if ik and continue to move forward with more courses coming out and if you'd like to read more about this review and get into some of the weeds be sure to check my full-blown written review below where you can find the link and with that I'm Dave Chesson of Kindlepreneur signing off Cheers
Channel: Kindlepreneur
Views: 85,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kindlepreneur, Thinkific, Teachable, thinkific vs teachable, teachable vs thinkific, thinkific review, teachable review, thinkific vs teachable review, thinkific teachable, my thinkific review, my teachable review, what is thinkific, what is teachable, is teachable good, is thinkific good, which is better?, Review, Dave review, thinkific review kindlepreneur, teachable review kindlepreneur
Id: a1TAEof6LfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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