Thinkific vs Podia: Which is better?

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hey guys I'm Dave Justin of kennel preneur and a while ago I did a side-by-side comparison of think if ik purses teachable to major online course creators out there now the problem that was I had a lot of people ask me what I thought about podium and well I hadn't tried that so I got ahold of a podía account and I put my course on podía and in this review we're gonna see side by side what that course looks like as well as the pros and cons to each and in the end you'll find out which one I like the best and in order to do that we're gonna look at things like pricing what they do how the course was added to both what it looks like for students and a whole bunch more but before we get into the comparison if you'd like to see more videos like this be sure to hit the subscribe button as well as the little bell icon to find out when my next video comes out alright that let's go ahead and begin to start off we need to look at what the two are because they're not exactly the same in general think if ik is just an online course platform I mean sure it can do a bit more than that but really it's just meant to be an online course platform to host your courses process payments and offer things to make the process of taking your courses a better experience whereas podía is actually a lot more than just hosting a course platform I mean sure it does all of that but it also allows you to sell digital products like ebooks bundles PDFs and even software and for the authors watching this that easy way to sell your own book through their system is amazing and easy to set up furthermore through podía you can also create online memberships and host webinars ok so I'm gonna stop right there and if you're an online marketer who is going to be doing more than just selling courses but at some point will be hosting webinars or potentially selling digital products because the pricing is going to be really comparable between the two this is probably already your better option so be sure to think about that when you're doing this but in case you're just here for course platforms or you're on the fence let's go ahead and compare the two course platform side-by-side and see which one is the better one now with that let's start with pricing which is usually one of the more important things for most people putting offers to different packages the 39 per month subscription gives you unlimited courses email marketing webinars digital and more it just doesn't include things like memberships a blog off site by a button which is more than enough for most users for $79 you can get everything else included think if ik on the other hand has four different pricing options ranging from free to 499 dollars a month the most popular option is their $99 monthly plan which includes very similar features as podía $79 monthly plan and their $49 monthly plan is very similar to podía $39 monthly plan so as you can see po Diaz plants are cheaper but unlike podía think if ik offers a free version that can be just right for many out there with think of X free version you can host a max of 3 courses and still sell those courses without paying any transaction fees something that teachable didn't do however you can't integrate email with it and there are some limitations out there so if you aren't sure how successful your course will sell you might want to think about this option so in the end podía is actually cheaper but think if it offers a pretty cool free version so for that I'm gonna give them both a point moving on let's go ahead and look at what the course looks like for our students the to offer very similar features students are able to clearly see which lessons they have completed with both of the services and are able to navigate through videos texts or quizzes both offer a clutter-free in modern-looking layout however when it comes to landing pages they're quite different although you are still able to make great-looking landing pages on podía think if ik allows you to choose from different themes and templates so it's easy to find a theme you like and quickly edit the colors and design with their editor with podía you don't have the option to choose from the themes or templates you have to create your pages from scratch however podía does make it simple with their drag-and-drop editor there isn't much of a learning curve and they have tons of examples to look through for inspiration and their customer support is very helpful in answering any questions that you may have so if you'd prefer just a theme then think if it gets the point but if you really want to customize it to make it the way you want then I'm gonna give it to podium and yes I know we think if it there's a lot of things you can do to kind of change it but understand that's shall we say like using them both I see it so much easier to customize with podía then think of it next let's go to building the course podía offers free migration from wherever your content is currently being hosted or saved so you can quickly and easily transfer over all of your courses right to their platform with think if 'ok you can bulk import but as of today they don't have a migration option when it comes to adding lessons to your course think if ik and podía are very similar think if ik does have the option to create surveys exams and assignments however assignments and exams are only included with their pricier package options and a workaround option for surveys with podía could be to use a third party user like Survey Monkey to create a survey for your courses and then upload that link to your course in podía so I'm going to give this point the thinking beyond the course building and course layouts podía and think if ik offer a bit more to its users with both we have email services podía allows for bulk email marketing in both levels of their packages while in order to send bulk emails through think if ik you'd have to purchase the growth package which is $99 a month so I'm gonna give this point to podium another thing that differentiates the two is how they handle European VAT Maus tax one thing I learned when I was doing the think epic versus teachable comparison is that think if ik does not handle VAT Maus tax it will not collect the taxes and nor does it give you the option for it to add the taxes however though the good thing is podía does so if you're making a lot of sales in the European Union or you yourself are in the European Union then I definitely say podía is a absolute must over that of think if ik because of the hardships that it creates so I'm gonna give a point to podía for this and finally like I've mentioned before podía also offers a seven-day-a-week live chat service with either of their plans and their agents were always there ready to answer any of my questions right away they also offer the same feature to any course creators to have inside of their own courses whereas think if ik not so much alright so that's a lot so let's go ahead and read fancy podía offers more than just a course plat it has cheaper prices for the comparative packages it uses an easy to drag-and-drop landing page creator which gives you more customization is better with taxes for European countries has seven-day-a-week live chat support which comes in handy and has bulk email capability now on to think if ik think if ik has a free option that could work but is a limited it has templates for making landing pages has advanced features for courses but we're talking $4.99 level alright so it may sound like like podía wins but not exactly here's my recommendation if you're not sure if your course will succeed and you want to keep your cost low then think ethics free package might just be the one for you however do remember that you'll be limited in what you can do like not being able to bulk email your course takers which is a good tactic for improving the relationship you have with your students and any future sales however if you believe that your course will do well and I mean like sell more than one a month then the cheaper but more robust package of podia over that a-thinkin fix is the best for myself I'm moving everything over to podium I'm doing this because I think the course player is just as good as think if --ax but the price is cheaper furthermore I sell a lot of digital products like my books and so I want to be able to have a very easy way to put on my website and ability for people to purchase my book have podía process it and then send them the digital download I'm not much of a webinar person as many of my followers know but that doesn't mean that I won't ever do like a membership or webinar and so those things could come in handy and since the package is cheaper why not write okay so there you have it there's my comparison of think effect versus podía and as you saw before think if ik beat teachable but in this case to me podía beat think if ik so there you have it i'm dave Chesson of can opener signing off Cheers
Channel: Kindlepreneur
Views: 11,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kindlepreneur, thinkific, podia, thinkific vs podia, what is podia, how to use podia, podia review, thinkific review, thinkific vs podia review, side by side thinkific vs podia, how to use thinkific, course creators, podia course builder, how to host with poida, digital downloads, podia review 2020, thinkific review 2020
Id: 6lDNDrxdH-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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