Kajabi vs Thinkific vs Teachable (+ Which is BEST!)

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what is up guys my name is bree and in this video i'm going to be comparing kajabi thinkific and teachable and breaking those down and recommending which one is best for you based on where exactly you're at in your business and what features you need as a course creator choosing your course hosting platform is one of the very first decisions you make as a new course creator and it is an important one because picking the right course hosting platform for your specific needs can be the difference between hours and hours of frustration and overwhelm and stress and having your course creation process become a complete breeze i'll be the first to admit there are a lot of course hosting platforms out there to choose from there's a lot of great options so it can be really difficult to choose the right one and before we go any further i just want you to know that it is not a one-size-fits-all situation there's a specific course hosting platform i would recommend for certain kinds of course creators and another one for people at different levels so during this video we're going to go through a couple of questions that you need to answer and based on your answers to those questions i'm going to recommend a different course hosting platform depending on your answers i want to make this as easy as possible for you to choose the right course hosting platform get all signed up so you can move on with actually creating that course getting it out there and selling it to make a steady income there are a couple things you do need to be clear on before we dive in first of all what features do you need to run a successful course hosting business and related to this is a core sourcing platform the only expense you're going to have the answer depends let me show you in scenario number one you are a course creator who's doing this as a hobby or to bring in a little bit of side income in addition to whatever else you do to make money to support yourself so if this is just a hobby or a side hustle for you then you don't necessarily need more than just a course hosting platform you can get by with just a course hosting platform and you don't need all the extra bells and whistles for marketing and all of the other fancy features that a more serious course creator would need but if you're building a course to replace a full-time income or you want to even build it to a six or even seven figure business then you're gonna need more than just the basic course hosting features i've personally been running various course based businesses for the last five years and my experience to be successful at it you need six specific features first of all is a website second course hosting third email marketing fourth landing pages and sales pages fifth payment processing options and number six webinars these are the big essential pieces you're gonna need in place if you want to run a successful course-based business that brings inconsistent monthly revenue on autopilot so no matter what course platform you choose i would look to make sure you have access to all of these features whether that's through that platform or through other softwares and other tools available online so let me just grab my computer and we can do a price comparison and future comparison of the three platforms right off the bat you'll notice that kajabi is a bit of an outlier compared to the other two and that is for good reason so if you look at these three options teachable and thinkific are dedicated course hosting platforms whereas kajabi is an all-in-one you get a lot of extra features and a lot of extra tools for that higher price tag so let's jump in and look at kajabi first and then we'll go on and compare them to the other two the lowest plan and the plan that i recommend you get started with is the kajabi basic plan for 119 per month now for each of these platforms i'm going to recommend a specific plan based on the features i think you're going to need and really appreciate as a course creator so with kajabi the basic plan is good enough that is exactly what i use in my own course business on kajabi's basic plan you get three courses or products included but if you want to add in more courses you can upgrade to a higher plan so the growth plan for 159 a month lets you have up to 15 courses there are no transaction fees other than your regular credit card fees which i believe are usually something around 2.9 which is pretty standard across all of these platforms and the features you get on this plan are not only course hosting but a website builder you can build your entire website on kajabi you have unlimited landing pages and sales pages with a visual page builder you don't have to know a lick of code to pull any of this off you get checkouts payment processing email marketing webinars and you can do multiple pricing options so that means pay in full subscriptions payment plans you name it when you sign up with kajabi you basically get everything you need to run your entire course based business from one place so you don't need to pay for other softwares or services to cover the important features we talked about before it's all included here as i mentioned before the six features i think you need to run a successful course-based business are a website course hosting email marketing sales pages landing pages webinars and multiple payment options so that is all included in here so that is why the price is so much higher on kajabi compared to the basic plans on teachable and thinkific is because it is an all-in-one it has all of those extra tools that you don't need to pay extra for but that in a nutshell is kajabi so let's move on to teachable now the plan i recommend on teachable is the teachable pro for 99 per month now i do recommend the pro plan over the basic plan which is only 29 a month but there's a good reason for that and it's because on the pro plan teachable has no transaction fees and you get access to a couple of extra features so on teachable's basic plan they do charge an extra five percent transaction fee on top of the regular credit card processing fees that you'd get on kajabi or anything else so let me break that down for you as soon as you're making say you're making fifteen hundred dollars per month at that point five percent of all your sales is already seventy five dollars so that plus the twenty nine dollars is already a hundred and four dollars which is more than the pro plan so if you are making any regular sales of your course it just makes sense to go with the teachable pro plan from the beginning because you're gonna end up paying more for a cheaper plan in the long run with that five percent transaction fee so on the teachable pro plan you get unlimited courses you aren't limited to how many courses you can create so for this price tag the features you get are your basic course hosting your basic page builder so that means you can build a sales page for your course as well as some basic pages say for your privacy policy your refund policy and all of that you also get checkouts and payment processing as well as basic emails so this isn't a full-on email marketing program you can basically send up automated emails when somebody signs up for your course but it isn't a full featured thing like the one inkajabi as i mentioned this is basically just a dedicated course hosting platform they have a few little features to help you get that up and running but you will need extra tools if you are taking this seriously to run that business and sell your course all right moving on to option number three and that is thinkific and with thinkific i recommend the pro plan for 79 per month just like with teachable i recommend thinkifics pro plan over their basic plan and their basic plan is only 39 per month because there are a few features lacking in the basic plan so the main reason we want to go with the pro plan is because you want to be able to add payment plans and subscription pricing to your offers on the basic plan you can only offer one-time payments and adding payment plans is really important to make your course more accessible to a wider selection of your audience and it it just helps getting those sales in the door much easier when you have various options to compare with on the thinkific pro plan you get unlimited courses as well and no transaction fees the features you get with thinkific pro you get your basic course hosting your basic page builder your checkouts your payment processing and the basic emails so with both teachable and thinkific you would be paying for other tools if you want to have the same suite of essential features that you would get on kajabi's basic plan so to give you an idea of what that would cost so what you're going to be paying on top of your teachable or your thinkific subscription here's what that's going to cost for all of the same features with teachable and thinkific you cannot host your entire website so you're gonna need a website as well so a website on squarespace runs at twelve dollars per month for email marketing to have the full capabilities to a market and send emails to your list and to make sales convertkit starts at 29 a month for up to a thousand subscribers for your sales pages and landing pages leadpages starts at 27 per month they have a really nice visual page builder i've used it before i use them for years and they're great for making high converting landing pages and lastly for webinars crowdcast runs at 29 per month of course if you're not doing webinars every month you can pay for that in the months that you are running webinars and pause it in between but if you're adding that all together the total of those extras for those extra features that aren't included in teachable and aren't included in thinkific runs at 97 a month for all of those features and i just want to remind you that all of these features all of these things are necessary if you are serious about this if you are wanting to replace your full-time income or run a six or seven figure course-based business if this is just a hobby it's just a side thing you don't have to worry about all that you can play around with it and simply go with teachable or thinkific and just pay that just get your course hosted and up there and out there and you can worry about the rest later but for those that are really serious about this i do want to tally up a true cost of each of these platforms that includes all of the different features and all the extra costs you're going to have to pay in order to have everything you need to run that course-based business and generate consistent income so here are the true costs of each of these platforms the true cost of kajabi is 119 dollars per month you literally don't need anything else you have all of the tools and all of the features you need right inside this all-in-one platform for teachable it is 196 dollars per month that's that 99 pro plan plus the 97 extra per month for all of the software's listed above thinkific is 176 dollars per month that is the 79 pro plan plus 97 dollars for all the softwares listed above so i know price is often one of the first concerns of new course creators when they're considering a course hosting platform but breaking this down this way if you are serious about this the price can be a bit deceiving so you actually end up paying more for using teachable or thinkific in the long run if you are using all of these essential features which i think you do need as a course creator and i do want to remind you guys that course hosting is a bit of an investment but it is a no-brainer if you think about it in the long term so if your course can help you bring in five thousand dollars a month what is a hundred and twenty dollars a month for your course hosting that's nothing right it's a no-brainer to pay a hundred and nineteen dollars a month to make five thousand dollars a month it's just it wouldn't make sense not to do it when it's helping you make so much more but it really depends on what your goals are with your course so my recommendations here we go i recommend kajabi for you if you are a serious course creator you plan on using your course to build a consistent stream of income to replace a full-time job or to build a six or seven figure business in order to stop trading hours for dollars and actually make a living doing what you love kajabi also makes the most sense if you're planning on using email marketing webinars lead magnets and all of these super essential marketing strategies in your business to sell your course if you're not planning on doing that then kajabi is a bit overkill you don't need all those features but if you do this is the option that makes the most sense this is also the best option if branding is really important to you now i didn't talk about this before i kind of forgot to be honest but with kajabi with their page builder they give you a lot more freedom to get things looking the way you want to really brand your website brand your course portal brand your sales pages and everything to get it exactly the way you want i really find the page builder in teachable is much more limited as is the one in thinkific and you can't quite get exactly what you want if there's a specific look you're going for and this is also the best option if you want to simplify your business and have all of your tools in one place this has honestly made things super easy for me to keep on top of everything in my business because it's all in one spot i handle i can handle my email marketing my courses my website it's all there it's all in one place and i know my way around and it saves a lot of time jumping between all of these different tools that i was using before so for me personally kajabi has made managing my business a complete breeze and to me it is 100 worth the price so if you have decided to go with kajabi and you want to give it a try you can take it out for a little test drive with a 14 day free trial at the link in the description below but hold up that's not the end i did mention at the beginning that it is not a one size fits all solution so kajabi is not for everybody so my second recommendation is to choose teachable or thinkific if you're doing this as a hobby you're just testing the waters or this is just a simple little side hustle to play around with and maybe make a bit of extra money if it is not the main focus of your business on what you're doing then yeah teachable and thinkific are great platforms for that i've used teachable myself i was with them for a number of years and they are great platforms to get started on if you are just testing things out or doing this for fun both of these options are also really good if you are still a serious course for eater but you've got everything else you've got all your extra tools set up somewhere else so maybe you'll have a website on wordpress maybe you have your email list already on convertkit you have your webinar tools set up to run somewhere else and you already have all of those pieces of the puzzle in place and you don't plan on changing that so for that reason this is great for course creators who already have their systems established teachable and thinkific are also the way to go if budget is really really important for you and you don't need all the bells and whistles so you are completely happy getting by with the minimum so if you want to give teachable or thinkific a try i've got links in the description below you can get started with that they're really quite similar so take a look at the designs of the courses and the sales pages that can be done and teachable and thinkific and pick the one that you like the look and feel of because they basically fill the same role they basically have very similar features and the customizability is less than it is with kajabi so pick the one that has the look and feel that you want to go with one last important thing to mention is that if you do want to get started for free thinkific does have a free plan so if you want to go in get your toes wet see what it's all about and play around for free without making any kind of commitment to a monthly plan then thinkific is definitely the way to go their free plan is quite limited you don't have access to a lot of the features you've got on their paid plans but again if this is just something to go check out or something to get started while you figure out what course you're making then think of it is a great place to start all right so did you make your decision at this point you should know exactly what platform you're going with you can go sign up get started start a free trial and start building out your course but maybe you don't have a course just yet maybe you know you want to create a course but you don't know what course to create or you're having trouble figuring out how you're going to create it launch it and sell it so you can actually start bringing in that consistent monthly revenue if that's the case i can totally help you don't have to do it on your own and i've got the perfect thing to help you get there so i'm hosting an exclusive free training called course idea to consistent profit in this training you'll learn my simple step-by-step process to create launch and scale your online course-based business in 90 days flat and all of this without relying on paid ads and without having a huge audience you don't need to be an established internet personality to succeed with this so click the link in the description below and grab your spot again this is a hundred percent free and i drop some of my best knowledge bombs in this training i don't want you to mess out i want to help you make your course a reality and get that out into the world so you can start generating some income and helping people with the beautiful knowledge you have in your head and that is it for this video so thank you guys so much for watching i truly appreciate all of your support it truly it really means so much to me um so if you like this video toss me a like hit that subscribe button and share it with a friend who could also benefit from what i teach in these videos is there something i miss talking about in this video if there is drop me a comment below i'll get back to you asap and we can chat about that and maybe i could even make a video on that topic in the future otherwise if you are ready to take your course course-based business to the next level check out one of these videos next and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Brie Kirbyson
Views: 1,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinkific vs teachable vs kajabi, thinkific review, teachable review, kajabi review, kajabi, thinkific, teachable, kajabi vs thinkific, thinkific vs teachable, thinkific vs kajabi, create an online course, best course platform, best course software, best course hosting, course creators, online courses, brie kirbyson
Id: 4ehaOpdWWsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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