How to build a sales page with Thinkific (Livestream)

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hello everybody good morning why am i talking like a robot i'm calling calling i'm calling you from the from from vancouver canada and i'm testing a new tool by the way if you don't know me you should know me by now because you should have gotten an email with my name on it my name is miguel and i am the founder of grumo and in this class i'm going to teach you how to create a sales space for your online course using a tool called thinkific and this was the most requested topic i sent a poll and there was a couple of options the second most voted option was how to create a mobile app without coding so i'll be doing a live stream with that maybe next week so i just want to make sure that you guys can hear me because um i don't know if this has been is working because i'm using a new tool by logitech called melon melon and this is the first time i use it so i don't know if it does work because logitech approached me to do a review of this streaming tool and i thought hey why don't i do a class using this tool which broadcasts live video to several platforms at the same time so right now this stream should should be appearing on youtube on facebook if you're part of the group and on twitch so let me see if i can see any uh comments here i'm gonna type something on youtube hello okay isabel markley from maine okay so the really cool thing about this is that i can see the comments from people on facebook and youtube from the melon app which is really good okay tina anton so yeah why don't you say hi and where you where you are uh coming from and uh also yeah from barcelona enjoyability business training nuria from barcelona all right fantastic this is really good so it is so it does work okay i got twitch oh look at that twitch is here too so this is really amazing technology okay facebook no facebook messages right now but i can see hi from vancouver great place better because you're here all right well thanks for showing up to this livestream the first time i do in many many years i think i've only done a couple of my mainstream live streams the first one was maybe five years ago so you came here to learn how to build a sales page using thinkific which is my favorite tool which the headquarters of thinkific are in vancouver too because vancouver is such an amazing city we also have great startups uh thinkific just raised 20 million dollars so they're gonna be here for a while and um during the pandemic they grew exponentially i think they tripled their business uh so their makeup editor is teachable teachable got acquired also recently by a big company from brazil called hot mart so those are the two main competitors thinkific and and teachable now i've been using the teach thinkific for the last five years and i'm very happy with them and they've improved a lot as you're going to see in this little class the ability to build courses and really beautiful landing pages is uh it's mind-blowing really because before back in the day you will have to program this manually it would take you months and spend a lot of money and really in one hour i'm going to show you how to create a sales page uh so i'm using this tool right now and i'm going to see if i can switch screens because i don't know exactly what i'm doing here let's see if we can switch screens boom so you should be seeing the the thinkific user interface and here i'm going to show you what we're going to build today which is going to be a course that i plan to create in the future where i'll teach you how to build mobile apps without coding so this is just a sample course uh and you can see here i'm going to scroll so you can see all the different parts and this is the sales page right so what we're going to do is build this from scratch all right and a good sales pitch is going to have enough information for somebody to say okay this is the this is the right course for me it has the right content i can trust the the instructor it's the right price there is a 30-day certain 30-day satisfaction satisfaction guarantee frequently asked questions and a call to action so all these parts right in fact uh when i click out of uh when i go here boom you can see all the different sections that we're going to be building here right and i'm going to show you in a second how to get to this screen i'm just going to i'm just showing you the final the final product so you know exactly where we're aiming towards right so we have here all the sections on the left hand side we have the banner some social proof the description a video the curriculum the instructor's bio there's going to be testimonials a call to action the 30-day guarantee which is here you can see right there 30-day guarantee a free frequently add questions and finally a call to action you should always end your sales pages with a call to action right because that's the la the the next logical step you want people to take is to click on the buy button all right okay so this is where we're going to be building okay let me just look at the chat because i'm multitasking here and i'm very bad at multitasking so i gotta look at my other screen to see if there's anybody saying anything and we have here i am viewing through youtube in edmonton canada uh that's ios training solutions and andy rodriguez ola miguel hola andy and paul gallifort good day grumo so i'm assuming you're from australia isn't that what they say there good day i was in australia a couple years ago which i really enjoyed and let me see on uh facebook okay all right so let's do this i'm assuming all of you either have a course or are planning to create a course on thinkific and you want to learn how to create a beautiful sales page uh more more comments here perfect okay so let's do it are you guys ready we're going to build a sales page on thinkific okay so let me get out of the site builder because there's some steps you have to do before you build the sales page all right so now we are on thinkific's main user interface here let me just go here to courses all right so the first thing you need in order to create a sales space is obviously you need to have a course created if you don't have a course already created you cannot create the sales page all right very important to know all right so let's assume you've already created your course in my case i have a course here which is called build mobile apps and i created a copy the copy is where we're going to build the landing the sales piece from scratch the other one already has it okay so first step you need a course now the second thing you're going to do is go to a place that it says design your site okay and here's where the magic happens under design your site please take technical stuff slowly all right i'll try i try to uh not go too fast but i have good news for you the video gets recorded automatically on youtube and on facebook which means you can play it back as many times as you need to huh in order hold on let me try something here let me try this uh okay now you should see both me and the page that i'm sharing so when i'm talking to you you can see me here this is really cool about this software okay so what i'm going to say is that if i go too fast don't worry because you can always play back this video on youtube or on facebook as many times as you want to you can even slow it down so i speak slower or faster i usually watch videos at twice the speed which drives my wife nuts uh and i i don't know i just you get used to listening to things twice a speech which i think is not really good because then when you speak to people you're like man can you speak faster because i'm used to for people to speak faster when i listen to podcasts and audiobooks and all of that anyways you can watch this tutorial later as many times as you want so i'm gonna go pretty fast but don't worry you can re-watch the video okay i'm gonna turn myself off all right okay so you're going to go to site builder so under design your site here i'm going to click on site builder okay boom sorry now you're going to go to the first thing you have to do is choose so go to designer site choose a theme library so go to your theme library because now this did you're going to select first the theme of your school remember your thinkific account is a place where you can upload multiple courses right now we're going to just work we're going to work with a single course but what you're actually have is a school right and then under your school you're going you can upload multiple courses so what you're going to select here is your theme for your overall school which will also be applied to your courses as well so i'm at the theme library right now and thinkific gives you three themes to choose from for free one is called empire you have vogue and then vision and each theme has several styles so right now i'm using empire and you have four different styles if you click on them you can see the different styles here right okay so i'm just going through the different styles right now i'm using the empire theme with the hollow style okay but you also have a vogue and vision so if you go to vogue view details we can see we have manhattan classic i like classic a lot i will change the color a little bit you can customize the the themes too which you're going to see right now so if you don't like the main highlight colors you can also change those as well and the fonts too but this gives you an idea more or less what it would look like you can scroll down to see a sample size page as well right so they've spent a lot of money hiring really good designers now i know this because uh a couple of years ago i spoke with greg smith the founder and ceo of thinkific and he told me at that time they hire uh they spent incredible amount of money to hire a design studio to create these beautiful themes for you right okay so like i said the first thing you're going to do is go to theme library and select one of the themes now to let's say that you want to install a different theme you have to click on the theme go to uh [Music] to the theme let's say it's you want to pick vogue you're gonna pick a style and then you have to say install if you don't click on install then obviously it's not going to be available for you okay so i've already done that for the empire theme i've gone to the entire theme i clicked on view details and then i said install so this is the first step what is the second first you need to have to create it have you need the course and second you choose the theme for your online school all right so once you've done that now we can start customizing the sales page okay at any given moment and any given moment sorry andrew if you haven't got any sales well maybe you can get some sales now after redoing the sales page so you can at any given moment click on the preview your website to see how your website looks okay all right so we've picked a theme now we're going to create the sales page to do that you just click on site builder all right site builder i'm going to click on site builder and here you can start designing your school and your courses remember there are two different things the school is where you're going to be uploading your courses and your courses obviously are your courses but you can design them independently now i'm going to show you a trick later on if you only have one course you don't really want people to land on the school page and see only one course so what you're gonna do is redirect your main school domain name to your course so basically your school becomes your single course and that's very easy to do if you if you only have one course you should definitely do that but now that we're in the site builder you're going to select the course for which you want to create the sales space okay and in this case i have two courses one is the one that i've already created so this one let me just click on this one this one already is completed okay so this sales page is the one that we're going to replicate with all these different sections okay so i created a copy of the course so we can start from scratch and basically rebuild this same page okay so that's what we're going to do i'm going to click on the copy of the course which is a blank sales page all right and you can see there's nothing so we have to start from scratch the first thing you're going to do is create a banner so we're going to click here by the way everything you can add it's in here all these possible sections you can add are under sections and thinkific provides you with a lot of different comments sections that are found on sales pages so we're going to use a few of these to recreate the sales page okay and what i'm going to do also is share you a link with the actual sales final sales page because after this you're going to be probably oh i want to replicate this but what i'm going to do is here on the chat there is a link to the final sales page so you can see what it looks like okay perfect okay so let's start from scratch the first part of our sales page is the banner okay so you just start typing here banner and click on banner boom the banner has been added but obviously it doesn't look the way we want to but we can worry about that later what i would recommend just add all the sections first okay so we have the banner then we're going to add what are we going to add social proof we're gonna have some social proof here social proof social proof logos okay if you work with any brands in the past this is where you would add the logos so we have the social proof logos added let's add the next section which is the description of the course so that would be text and media boom all right so right now these are just blank sections i'm just adding the sections first and then we're going to customize the sections all right then we're going to add a video let's say video boom boom boom you see how fast this is i'm just creating a sales page so fast the next thing i'm going to add is the curriculum so boom and now we have the curriculum added we can see it here this this is already populated so you don't really have to edit it because if you have your course created these are the sections and so the chapters and lessons inside your course and you can preview how how that will would look all right the next section is instructors so this is going to be your instructor bio instructors okay all right i'm looking at the chat so if you guys have any questions let me know and i'll try to look at your question just remember i noticed there is a delay about almost one minute from where from when i speak and you hear what i'm saying if there's actually a minute of delay okay so the next section is going to be testimonials okay and the final section is going to be a call to action right let's do uh text with cta call to action text with cpa call to action all right now this is what a traditional sales page would look like would have this different section so you what you're trying to do we're not going to go into the psychology of copywriting and how to create good copy but in essence what we're trying to do is answer a few questions from from your potential buyers right the first question is is this course the right course for me so you have there has to be a description then you're trying to build trust and okay and it's like can i trust that you're the right person to teach me this and this is where the social proof comes in and you can use the social proof is going to come through three different items one is maybe logos of the year of companies you work with the second one is going to be your bio which is going to go here and the third thing is going to be a social proof so testimonials but i would think these are the elements that provide the highest amount of trust and if your page doesn't have them you're going to lower the chances of converting visitors into buyers right people want to know that you're the right person to teach this right and of course you have to answer the other question which is what are you going to teach me right and you have that in the curriculum and in the description here that we're going to create right now okay so we have our scaffolding so the bare bones uh sales page and now all you have to do is click save always so i'm going to click save here and in theory people could start visiting this landing page already okay now the next step is to start adding the content so let's start adding content okay another thing i want to mention here is that at any given point you can rearrange this section so let's say that you want the social proof logos lower below the description of the course you just go like this and now they've been rearranged right so you can do that for any section just remember to click save every time you do a change it reminds you here but if you don't do that i've made a mistake before where i get out of the site builder and don't click save and then all my work was lost so getting to the habit of clicking save every time you make a change all right cool i'm assuming that everything is working and you guys can hear me so if i can uh have some body saying uh yes i can hear you because like i i said i'm testing this tool for the first time all right so uh i'll just be looking at the chat to make sure that everybody can hear yes okay perfect all right everything fine yes thank you thank you guys for commenting perfect okay uh-huh all right yes loud and clear all right perfect think thanks to thanks guys that helps me a lot okay so all good 2x speed not working 2x speed doesn't work on live streams i've tried that before because basically you would try to go into the future you cannot go faster than real time on a live stream right so we're uh again let me just get back to where we are we're going to start going through all these sections and editing them now in order to you to do this you have to have prepare your content in advance so obviously you need to know the title of your course you have to have some logos downloaded for social proof you need to have the description so there is some work that you have to do in advance obviously if you have a sales video you have to have that video recorded in advance the course created you have to fill in your instructor's bio etc etc right so you cannot start creating the sales space if you don't have this information first i have it so i'm going to just start filling it up and i don't know if it's necessary for me to show you how to fill up every section because it's pretty simple i mean once you know how to change one section you can change all the other sections and but i'll i'll do as many as we can because i have 35 more minutes okay so let's say we can what we can do in 35 minutes okay the banner so click on the banner and now click on headings and here's where i can change this by default it's grabbing the title of the course and it says copy of a build so if you want to change this you click here so it doesn't add the default name of the course and now you can add your own name all right so here i'm just going to change the heading and then the subheading okay and right now i've changed this so i click save all right so this is now live and working the other thing you can do too is set the alignment i like to have everything by default centered so i click on on alignment and i click centered and now it's center okay we already have a button which is here it says enroll for free okay uh but if you don't want people to enroll for free you would add a button and i'm gonna select a destination a checkout page for a product which is going to be the copy and then i didn't so there you go for the copy of the course i didn't set a pricing so i only can sell it for free but i could select any other landing page or checkout page so just for fun we're going to select the course that is already completed and we're going to select the price for the other course which is 9.99 and then you can change the call to action text to by now for example not buy it no but buy now all right and you can see it refreshes refreshes the page automatically now i'm going to save that and we have our banner created but of course we want to customize the perfect we want to customize the hero image so we're going to go here to hero image and upload an image and if you don't have any images i recommend you go to a site like or where you can get a lot of royalty free stock images and that look really nice i usually type something like laptop or table or desk or office and you'll get some really nice beautiful images so here i'm just going to select an image for example this one okay let me just select an image here i've already created this image boom okay and upload the image and it should change okay there we go so two things about images the first one is that you have to make sure that the image has the right dimensions which it says here recommended what i've seen if you don't use these dimensions is that your image may look distorted right so in this case i've i've already cropped this image to those dimensions so it fits nicely the second thing is that you can make the image darker so the title is easier to read okay so the way you do that you go here to over overlay opacity and you can turn it higher so the title pops out there you go and now it's easier to read right that looks very nice and i click save and boom we have our banner with the buy button so in theory this could be your landing page already just like the title and buy boom if if you've already done a lot of the legwork selling through like emails and even or a webinar sometimes you don't need to have a very long sales page this is important to know my theory is that the sales page the it's if it's very long it's because you didn't do a lot of work in advance selling the course and you'll see this in what i call chorizo landing pages where the page is very very long because they're driving cold traffic directly from let's say facebook ads to a landing page so these are people that have no idea who you are and now you have to be trust in the next interaction so that could take up to 20 30 minutes so what that means is that it's going to take 20 to 30 minutes to consume that sales page which is going to make the sales page tremendously long because you're going you're gonna you're trying to build a trust but if you've already done a lot of the work already your sales page doesn't have to be that long right for example on udemy sales pages are not very long and the reason why is because a lot of the trust is already built by the platform they've been 10 years in business they have tens of thousands of horses etc etc right and of course if you've already sold some courses they'll see your instructor buyer and you have thousands of students and stuff like that so that builds a lot of trust so the sales pitch doesn't have to be tremendously long but so i'm what i'm building right here it would be an average landing page for a course that you're promoting to your existing audience right i wouldn't think this would work very well if you're selling through cold uh so like facebook ads so if you're doing through facebook so if you're promoting your let me just turn my camera around because this is important it's not just about building websites it's about the the strategy behind it which i think is actually more important okay response watch okay so here is in terms of the strategy is the for example this sales piece that i'm building right now is like a classical standard sales page so there's not a lot of too much information just enough for somebody to okay yeah this is sounds like for what i'm looking for or what you already explain me explain to me through a series of emails or through a series of videos on youtube or basically a uh warming up sequence through uh through email so by the time they get here what i'm trying to say is that you've already built a lot of trust they have a pretty good idea of who you are and what the course is about so the sales space doesn't have to do so much of the work because you've done that last selling network in advance okay that's going to determine the amount of work you've done in advance is going to determine how complex your sales page needs to be so if you've done zero like work which is what happens when people click on a facebook ad then the sales page has to do all that effort right then you're gonna have to have a humongous landing sales page now i've seen the long sale space outperform short short sales pages most of the time and i've looked at some research and that's usually true even for people that already trust you uh the reason why is because if people already trust you and they have a very long page they usually just click buy they don't even scroll down you know but for those that are on the fence they can keep scrolling down and scrolling down seeing testimonials saying social proof seeing details and bonuses and stuff like that until basically they're like you know what this is the course for me uh so in theory longer sales pages convert better than shorter sales pages but if you already built the trust through a series of emails through your content marketing through webinars then it doesn't have to be that long that's that's what i'm trying to say okay all right so let me just go back to the design in the sales page all right and uh somebody's talking now show the mobile responsive look and watch how terrible it will look fix it actually i did that i've already looked at that in my case it looks it usually looks pretty good right so i'm going to the one of the things is that a lot of your students are going to consume your content via a mobile device so you can click on these three buttons here desktop mobile and full screen and on the mobile you can see what people how the course will look like right right so it actually looks pretty good i've seen sometimes if you put too much stick text in one of the sections it will overflow on top of the next section so it's just a matter of being careful uh with how much text you add per section and my thinkific page looks mobile so it may be your the the uh what do you call the theme that you choose that you chose or the images that you chose or something like that because you can see here and this is not finished it already looks fine everything there's nothing that is overlapping the logos look fine they've been reduced the video this is a in my opinion a very clean good looking mobile page and we haven't done any work yet okay so you may need to may need to do some tweaking there i'm responding to one of the comments in on youtube for those are watching from facebook okay let's go back to desktop and so the next thing would be social proofs if we go here to banner we can hear here the logos and every time you click in one of these sections thanks for the risk okay yeah no problem so here um you can start adding logos i'm just going to add a logo so you can see how simple it is i'm going to upload an image and i already have some logos so i go here and i have logos let's pick walmart okay of course i've already formatted this logo so they look nice okay so they're all gray and they look nice if i go here to this other logo upload image let me pick another logo here right uh you want to make sure that the logos are if you you know i like them to have to be gray all of them so the colors are not distracting now this is more about your ability to have a good eye for design uh so my recommendation is you're gonna use logos make sure that they're all about the same size and that are all grayed out okay you can add as many logos as you want to let's say we want only three logos so then we could simply click on this logo and delete it and i'm gonna click on this logo and delete it as well and now we have three logos okay now you don't want here to say social proof so you can at any moment remove the titles that you don't like right so here i'm just going to go to headings and remove that and now we only see the logos all right nice and clean and beautiful i love it yes so pretty all right okay so now we just did the social proof now we go back okay and we're going to do the description and we're going to do a couple more i'm going to keep going to see how many of this we can do all right so let's go to social proof no let's go to text and media okay this is where you're going to explain what the course is about and let me just go to i already have this text ready to go so i'm just going to copy it and i'm going to go here and i'm going to go boom just paste it there you go so that looks nice save always save something oh so there you go change is detected okay headings text and media here we can find something else yeah all right we can even delete that if we don't need we don't need that [Music] okay great so we have our description save and now it's just a matter of going through every single section and oh let me just go back to here uh oops this is embarrassing no kidding there you go so instead of a melon failing me what's failing me is this let me just try uh refreshing the page for some reason the builder has crashed oh no there it is okay so dude all right let me just go back to here copy yeah no so we're fine build mobile apps okay so yes here we are we got our video bloop so yeah everything is working fine now let's just go to the video and here is where you will have your sales page video which i already created a tutorial if you go to my youtube channel there's a tutorial on how to create high converting sales videos it doesn't have to be that long 90 seconds is enough again the video is going to be as long as as it needs to be so if you didn't build any trust before people landed on the page you're probably gonna have to create a longer video but if you already built that trust the video can be 60 seconds 90 seconds and you would be fine right so here you can either use one of the videos from your existing uh library so a video that you already uploaded to thinkific or a youtube video just click on video you can click on use a video from youtube then paste the video and automatically you will get the video ready to go right so people could the video is there uh you just don't see it but when they click on on it they'll be able to see it but you can change the background image let me just select a different background image here so it looks pretty all the images i'm using i'm using them from so they're royalty free stock images and i'm just gonna go to images and i'm going to pick a nice image here video banner okay uh ideally your face should appear in at least a couple of sections just to build a rapport with your students and the video is the perfect place to build some rapport so they have have a chance to understand what the course is about and to see your personality and your teaching style right a good video can increase con conversions dramatically i know that because i own a animation studio that creates marketing videos so people pay us money to create these videos okay so that's really ready to go size and alignment you can change also the title i would have something like a every section is an opportunity to have a call to action so here i could say watch video right and i should have bait boom and we're good to go fantastic well i want to make sure i'm sharing the screen not my face perfect como estas this place have all the same theme right do you have video how to logo image do you just have them okay so i'm answering questions as well here so i can create a video to show you how to clean images as well but it's pretty straightforward i mean you would need to you have a tool like photoshop but there's other alternatives and what you're going to do is download the page so download the logo remove the background so it's a clean transparent background and then you're going to remove the saturation lower the saturation so there's no colors whatsoever and it becomes it'll be it'll be grayed out it'll be a version of gray and you can tweak it further but that's those are like a couple of steps you just basically remove the background and take the saturation down so then you have the gray version of the logo okay then we have these pages have all the same theme yes once you select a theme for your school all your courses will have the same theme applied but you can customize the sections and the images so although you have the same theme all your landing pages can look pretty different because there's a lot of customization you can do uh on an existing theme all right okay so what is the next section course curriculum instructors bio okay the let me get out you cannot add uh your instructor's bio unless you've created it before okay so we're gonna get out of here i'm gonna show you where you create your instructor bio so if we go here where is it instructors to manage learning content go to instructors you can add several instructors right right now i have this i've created myself here and you can always edit so what's going to appear on the landing page is this information your name and the your bio and the image if you don't have this created in advance you won't be able to add the instructor bios from the site builder okay very important to know this okay so we go back to the site builder and we're going to go and select our course which is the copy of the existing course and we're going to go to instructors and now we can add an instructor bio because i've already created one and i'm gonna choose an instructor in this case there's only one instructor okay and it should appear here the information boom and click save all right and that looks fantastic if you don't want to show your email just click here and your email is taken out save all right it should be out okay and blah blah blah here there's only one instructor so i can get rid of the s hit center and i click save perfect that looks very very nice okay the other thing i want to mention is that i'm using thinkific's free plan okay so to do this you don't need to pay you can create create up to three courses on thinkific for free right so there's not your in terms of how your landing pages can look there is no limitations whether you're using a free plan or a paid plan which is really nice okay then we have social proof testimonials and obviously you should collect this in advance i'm just going to add one so you can see how easy to add a testimonial but i would think minimum you should have at least three testimonials if you don't have testimonials then obviously you cannot put them there but ideally you start collecting testimonials as soon as you can so if you've pre-launched the course to say let's say some small group of people you could give them a discount for the course saying this is you know i'm just launching this course and because you're one of the first persons to try it out i'm gonna give you a 50 discount or whatever it is but in exchange i would love to hear your feedback and if you could provide a testimonial that would be super useful right this is great because you want that feedback of course and second because then you can have at least a couple of testimonies that you can use on your landing page to increase your conversions but the way you add a testimonial is very simple here you have the title which would be like a little headline of what the student says then the author then an image let's just upload an image from a testimonial i think i have here okay these are just stuck images from from pixabay as well actually pexos has better images in terms of people all right and then you will have a testimonial somewhere and then we just paste that this is pretty standard work right and you can paste it and now you have your testimonial like i say you should have at least three testimonials ideally right now we can change the title to just testimonials okay and center it let's see if that works perfect save okay so let's see how everything is looking so far you can always make the screen full screen and we have our banner with a buy button some nice logos a description a video the course curriculum the instructor some testimonials and we have here a call to action right so you could have more call to actions so let's say your page is very very long at any given point you want maybe you want to give people a chance to uh buy the course so let's say you have a very long page you don't want it for them to scroll all the way to the button to be have a chance to buy and i would have at least a couple of call to actions in between testimonials or sections or descriptions or stuff like that right in this case the sales page is not very long so having two call to actions one at the beginning of the banner and one at the very end is all you would need okay so we go back to the desktop view so we can see the site builder menu and now we can go to the testimonial and we can edit it so we can go to the call to action here by default it's not showing a button so you have to make sure you choose a this could point to anywhere your call to action right but ideally if you already you're selling the course it's going to point to a checkout page and then you're going to choose a product right and that will add the button if you don't do that the button won't show up and i change that to buy now and i click save and then on the layout i would make it centered now if you choose i ideally stick to stick to one alignment right now but this is interesting the buy button is not centered there but let me just leave it like that for now and we have here okay now this is because it's a text with cta i see all right okay there's a different type of uh cta uh you can use here which is let me just click here uh takes for visit banner okay yeah you can add buttons on different types of sections so let me just add a different section here it could be just a simple call to action right or image with call to action there are several call to actions let me just click a call to action here add another call to action right so this this this is the one that you would actually want to use not the text with cta okay so let me just go to text with cta and delete that delete and now we have this call to action all right that looks nicer i another thing i like to do is to mix just text with images or text with an image in the background it makes it look nicer so here we have a image we have the video with an image then we have a bunch of text and then at the end we have another image so it makes it uh more visually appealing okay so all we have to do is customize this and join my course or something like that and there you go we can add now the text join my course and then we're going to change the button making sure that it's pointing to a checkout page we're going to select a product it's going to be our course for 199 and we're going to click save okay all right let me just select the destination check out page select product build mobiles without coding and that should work let me upload an image what we have here that we're almost done i mean the other section i would add is a 30-day guarantee you can use that show that as a text simple text section i'm going to show you how to do that right now let me just go to images here and add a nice background for example that one and upload this is mainly for courses yes charles guira asks yes this is specifically i mean you could sell other products but think if it is specifically for courses you could also sell i guess live classes or coaching i've seen people using thinkific to sell coaching in which case you don't really need a curriculum but this could be just a simple landing page with a call to action and some description saying this is what the coaching entitles and then just a big buy button right uh think about this is like kind of like shopify for education so anything that is related to teaching people and then you can use thinkific tools to sell it right okay so that's pretty much it let me just save this let me look at the landing page big and we just created a simple but nice looking landing page that should look pretty good on on mobile as well yeah so we have a mobile friendly landing page sales page with nice logos that you can scroll through with a description with a video with the curriculum that you can also expand or contract like this the instructor's bio who is who is teaching this some testimonials for social proof and finally a call to action where i also mention here that there is a guarantee another section that is very typical is a uh frequently asked questions and i'm gonna show you a trick that i just discovered now that we're almost done but for those that stick to the end they get the best is that if you've already have a section created on a different course you can actually copy it you don't have to start from scratch so let's say that i want to add a frequently asked question but it's pretty much the same for my my courses guess what i can do i click on this button here right and i'm going to select the course from where i want to copy this section i'm going to select which section frequently asked questions and i'm going to click add and guess what i love this this is the best look at that instead of me having to start from scratch i have the frequently asked questions which usually goes just before the last call to action or at the very end okay and this is where you're gonna answer questions like how often the course is updated how much is going to take your refund policy or any other typical questions there should be at least three i think minimum frequently asked questions and that's it now we just learned how to create a sales page on thinkific and we have three minutes to go if you guys have any questions you can put them on the yeah okay and that's it thank you guys hopefully you learned something i think it's pretty straightforward to create a landing page sales page on thinkific another thing you can do also if you don't like the main colors like let's say you want to change the colors of your buttons you can always go to theme settings and click on colors and you can select the change the different colors so let's say here the in the primary button is blue i could make this a different color just click here and make it let's say orange and that should update and now my uh all my buttons are going to be they're going to have a different background right uh that's really neat i really like it and you can also change the typography as well so let's say that you want a different type of a font you can change it as well some changes oh yes good one thanks for reminding me martin moroni thank you so much for asking the question is if you only have one course there's no reason for people to land on your school and just see only a single course you want your course to be your actual school and the way you change that is let me go back all the way back back back back back back back all right so you go to home page here at the beginning when you load site builder you'll see a home page okay click on that and here's you're going to click on redirect okay click on redirect and you're going to select the destination and it's going to be a course page and you're gonna select your course i'm gonna select this course right and you're gonna click save okay so now when people go to your main school url they're not gonna land on here in my school you're going to land on your actual sales page so if you're only selling one course remember to redirect your home page to the sales page of that single course okay hopefully that answers your question okay uh i'm going there's a couple of more questions i'm going to answer right now one what is the link to the sales page i just created is here and the second one do i need my own web page you don't because uh on thinkific you can create basically think if it is your website now unless you're running a blog or you have a company website that is separate from your online school which in my case it happens i you know then you will have you will have to have your company website or your blog hosted on or on hostgator or bluehost and then you have your school on a separate domain which would be in thinkific but if you don't have a website yet the great thing about thinkific is that you also can have custom pages so if you want to have like an about page then you can go to pages and you can go here to where it says custom pages okay and you can add a custom page which could be called the about page okay about page ad okay and now there should be now you can customize you basically you can customize this page and add all the information you want you know you could have here uh some text obviously so you would build your uh custom pages the same way you build your your sales space here right so this will be your about page let me just save this okay and that's how you would do that okay very clear looking forward to more please url blood do i need okay all right guys the hour is up it seems that this tool worked uh melon and if you want to actually some people were they wanted to learn how to live stream as well so the website is called melon i think it's a https melon yeah okay this is the tool i'm using right now to stream to both facebook and twitch and youtube at the same time all right and i'll be doing a review of this tool in the near future i have to do it before the december 25th because that's what i have in the contract just to remind you logitech approached me to review two upcoming products one of them is this streaming software called melon and then a video editor that works on the cloud which is called oslo like the capital of norway so there are two new products that logitech has released and they approached me to do a review for those two products and actually should show my face this is something really cool uh now if you're sticking here around i just want to test a couple of features from this streaming software as well which is that you can add a logo so right now there should be a logo appearing here here there should be a logo appearing there i can add a banner okay and i can add a picker all right and i can change the background as well and then i can switch between uh let me just make this smaller okay there you go so all of this i'm doing directly from this software called melon that's pretty cool yeah okay the logo okay all right guys thanks for thanks so much for coming to this class allowing me to test this tool and hopefully you learned something and i wish you the best and that you get many many students in 2020 all right thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Grumo Media
Views: 3,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a sales page in Thinkific, create course sales page, Thinkific landing page, design sales page Thinkific, sales page tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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