Kaiju Parasite Gives His Power To Useless Man And He Becomes Strongest Kaiju Monster | Kaiju No 8

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the story unfolds with a peaceful city under attack by a monstrous creature called aaju the entire city is alerted to the emergency and directed to saf the areas is kaju is enormous and reeks Havoc causing massive destruction thankfully the Defense Force swiftly arrives and begins to engage the creature opening fire on it as the scene unfolds onlookers eagerly anticipate which division of the Defense Force will come to the city's rescue it turns out to be the third division and they waste no time in launching their attack on the Kaiju among them is a courageous girl who wields a powerful Cannon using its immense strength to pierce through the Kaiju and ultimately end its life our protagonist Kafka is left in awe of the sheer size of the monster with his body parts scattered everywhere Kafka informs his group that they will undoubtedly have to work over time to clean up the aftermath the nearby citizens cheer for the third division recognizing their successful Mission without any casualties as the heroes walk away from the defeated monster CFA walks towards it this is because his job begins after the battle is over he and his group are responsible for the tasks that go unnoticed and unappreciated by others they have the responsibility of dismantling the defeated Kaiju and disposing of them Kaka fulfills this Duty by extracting a sample of the monster and storing it in a drone their role may not be as glamorous as battling the beast but is a unique kind of battle in its own way this is exemplified when caka notices someone handling something they shouldn't and it results in an explosion causing injury to someone fortunately kfka has experienced similar SAR injuries before so he handles the situation adeptly these individuals have a tremendous amount of work ahead of them and Kaka element how the bosses expect them to clean up the Colossal mess within just one week suddenly cafa is informed that he will be relocated to a different area due to stack shortage and he is taken a back upon learning that you will be assigned to the intestines CFA is reluctantly dragged away while the others discuss the Dreadful conditions of the intestines upon arriving at his new assignment Kafka instantly loses his appetite due to the unpleasantness of the surroundings however being a diligent worker Kaka perseveres through his discomfort to complete the task that night Kaka returns home exhausted and does his best to eliminate the lingering smell from work a news report airs about division 3 and their 27-year-old Captain named Mina it's amazing how she not only became the captain but also managed to defeat hundreds of Kaiju looking back it's clear that she and Kafka were good friends and she was quite emotional when they made a promise to eliminate the caou together Mana has become incredibly popular and famous and even talks of her becoming a candidate for commander of the Defense Force cafei can't help but wonder how he ended up on the opposite side of things but he tries not to dwell on it as it's too disheartening he reminds himself that cleaning is an important job that helps people and he's grateful to be able to enjoy his favorite foods and have a Content apartment Kaka believes that should be enough and simply goes to sleep the next morning when Kaka arrives at work he's introduced to a new part-time student named ichaka who is determined to join the Defense Force kaka's College mentions that he had the same dream as Kaa but he eventually gave up and became an experienced employee of the cleaning company icha is curious about why Kaka gave up so kakat explains that he realized his abilities were limited he tried his best but there was always someone better than him despite this CFA tries to maintain a positive attitude however aaka is serious and firmly states that he will never give up for any reason he cannot comprehend kaka's logic and has no desire to understand it either so he simply goes to change initially everyone thought that they would get along well due to their shared dream but CFA is furious because he knows that there was no way to answer the kid's question without appearing miserable this situation forces cfet to reflect and wonder if quitting is really that terrible eventually they all had to work and discuss the plan for the day they determine which section should be preserved for research and which should be discarded isika is in charge of the intestines CFA is pleased with the kid's positive attitude but he is dismayed to learn that you will also be working on intestines for the second consecutive day he is informed that it's because he excels at handling intestines so Kaka vows to prove his skills the supervisor mentions kaka's tendency to complain yet acknowledges his hard work if he get past the exam he could have been a great Defense Force officer later Cafe is amused to see that aao was disgusted by the intestine task but he struggles to keep himself from getting sick just then Kaka notices that the kid didn't bring much food and icha rudely comments that he has a poor appetite however Kaka offers him a vitamin drink he insists that icha consumes a generous amount of food and drinks to ensure he can make it through the work day Kaka also suggests using no plugs but ichola declines however cfea persists claiming that it will be beneficial as the work day comes to an end one group leaves first after completing the cleaning process Kafka is relieved to see that the most challenging part of the cleanup is likely finished surprisingly ioa approaches cfat and kfat assumes he wants a rematch from their previous wrestling match instead icho expresses gratitude for kaka's assistance throughout the day before leaving ichika mentions that the Defense Force has raised its age limit to 33 years old although ichika acknowledges it's not his concern he notices a tinge of sadness in kaka's expression when discussing the Defense Force earlier ichika offers to quit but Kaka appreciates him and acknowledges that ichikawa is actually a better person than he thought despite ichika's attempt to maintain his tough Persona he is reminded by a monster attacking him Kaka saves him in the nick of time but ichikawa is left in a critical condition shocked by the appearance of the monster ichikawa is called the yoju and kfka must once again save him from being eliminated Kafka urges ichika to run for help but he refuses to leave kaka's side reminding ichikawa of his duty to join the Defense Force Kaka insists that he must leave in order to survive reluctantly ichaka finally leaves as Kaka leavs the terrifying monster through the streets narrowly avoiding its attacks he then takes a brief Break by dashing into a narrow building and dashing crashes through a glass panel another glance reveals that both Kaka and Mina have lost their schools and homes Kaka despised the Kaiju solely because they prevented him from completing his Pokémon game Mana felt disappointed upon realizing that this was his sole concern but Kafka maintained a positive outlook however Mana felt sadness as a cat named moiko passed away they grew serious as they observed the extensive destruction caused by the Kaiju and simultaneously made a declaration to join the Defense Force initially they mock each other for this audacious idea due to their young age but eventually they decide to have a competition to determine who can become the coolest officer caka firmly believes that they could achieve this and Proclaim that they would eradicate all the Caillou together Upon returning to the present Kaka realizes that things have taken a terrible turn the Monstrous creatures are relentlessly demolishing buildings in their pursuit of him determined to fight back CFA decides to Target the monster's legs however his efforts prove futile as the creature swiftly retaliates leaving CFE questioning how everything ended up this way in excruciating pain Kaka screams as the monster mercilessly Stomps on him rendering him immobile with a broken leg hopeless and on the brink of being consumed kaka's despair is interrupted by ichaka who arrives just in the nick of time to rescue him despite calling ichika and idiot he explains that he had already alerted the Defense Force Kaka berates himself for foolishly returning but ichika reminds him that if he had abandoned Kafka he would never have the chance to become a Defense Force officer in that moment Kafka is flooded with memories of receiving a rejection letter from the Defense Force shattering his dreams he curses his own worthlessness as ichola valiantly battles the monster kaka's anger intensifies realizing that he hasn't changed at all kaka's frustration boiled over as he watched helplessly while his friends cat was in danger and now he found himself unable to protect the new kid at work just as icha was about to be taken out by the Beast CF that L out a scream of Rage but in a surprising turn of events the monster was suddenly obliterated leaving both men stunned a female voice announced that the target had been eliminated and catha was amazed to see Mina and the third division members arrive on the scene while some of her team tended to the wounded Mina led the others in searching for more yojo catho was badly injured and unresponsive but he couldn't help but admire Mina's incredible skills as he lay in the Yokohama hospital that night you realized that Mina had surpassed him in ways he could never imagine feeling alone Kaka was startled to find ichika by his side ichika pointed out that if Kaka hadn't intervened he would have been killed and to kaka's surprise ichaka even called him cool sparking thoughts of the competition between him and Mina to be the top officer hiaa believes that Kaka should pursue a career as an officer but he emphasizes that the decision ultimately lies with Kaka himself in a moment of realization Kaka finally breaks free from his negative mindset and questions how long he had been ignoring the truth he expresses gratitude towards iala and acknowledges that he is genuinely a good person while Kaka still believes that giving up is not not necessarily a bad thing he understands the importance of being honest with himself with Newfound confidence he boldly proclaims that he will once again strive to become a Defense Force officer however his heroic declaration is abruptly interrupted when he is startled to see a monster hovering above him the creature claims to have found him and forcefully enters kaka's mouth concern ichika wonders if kka is all right but it is evident that he is struggling for breath and thrashing about icha goes to check on him only to be shocked by the sight of a monster A's bed Kaka casually glances at iala and then at his reflection the shock eventually sinks in so Kaka tries to reassure ichaa to stay calm and that it's really him ichiko manages to calm down but suddenly an old man shows up to call the Defense Force the guys start to panic imagining what the Defense Force might do to the kaju in the midst of chaos ichika urges Kaka to run later Kaka instructs minina on how to immobilize the kaju with her taking notes on attacking the legs and tying it up despite being scared Kaka assures Mina that he will be there for her when the time comes in the present Mina reflects on how that promise was a lie just then Mina receives news of a Kaiju sighting at Yokohama hospital and boldly declares that she will take care of it she prepares to dispatch with her officers to eliminate the kiju looking back it's clear that Mina teased Kafka for his promise to stand by her when she was scared kfka felt embarrassed and asked her not to share what he said surprisingly Mina was thankful and reassured him that as long as they were together there was nothing to fear fast forward forward to the present Mina has gathered her team and they are getting ready to confront the kaju at the hospital an alarm blares across the city warning everyone to seek shelter at the hospital chaos ensues as the old man is terrified of Kafka ichikawa believes they can resolve the situation if Kaka Simply Smiles but his smile only frightens the old man further kaffer tries to help but accidentally causes destruction with his strength as they realize the Kaiju threat they decide to retreat confident that the Defense Force will handle the situation KFA attemp to escape through the window only to once again shock himself as the light he touches destroys an entire wall he wonders what is happening to his body but there is no time to think as people around him start to panic the two men jump out the window but caka propels himself much farther than he anticipated ichika tries to comprehend the situation questioning if the Kaiju is truly Kafka he asks Kafka if he is really himself but kafa is unsure as his body spirals out of control ichika Ponders if this transformation is a unique ability of kaka's but Kaka is clueless suddenly a parasite extends from kaka's mouth and consumes a bird fortunately Kaka reverts back only to reveal that trouble is brewing ichika wonders what terrifying event will happen next but kfka simply states that he needs to use the restroom ichiko advises him to hold it but Kaka is unable to feeling embarrassed for not being able to control himself as an adult ichiko mentions that Kaka doesn't appear to have the correct body parts to urinate leaving him wondering where it will come out from surprisingly Kafka ends up urinating from his nipples much to their shock despite feeling embarrassed ichika reassures Kafka that there are more pressing matters to focus on Kaka questions if he can still enlist in the Defense Force in his current state but ichika highlights that he is the type of individual the Defense Force eradicates it is unlikely they will accept him opting to eliminate him instead Kaka becomes more serious as he realizes the gravity of the situation unfortunately the timing couldn't be worse as he had just made the decision to catch up with Mina they are about to enter a restricted area where there will be no one around aaka senses something approaching it's not the Defense Force though as it seems to be coming from underground suddenly an explosion rocks another part of the city and the Defense Force receives a report that another kaju has appeared Kafka can tell that it's the same type that attacked them before shoa points out that they had already summoned the alarms because of Kafka so he hopes that there won't be any casualties with the Defense Force occupied by the new Kaiju it's the perfect opportunity for kafa and Mina to hide meanwhile elsewhere in the city a girl sobs as her mother becomes trapped and they are discovered by the kaju the mother pleads with her daughter to escape but it's too late as the kaju is on the verge of devouring her however just at that moment Kaka appears and delivers an incredibly Mighty punch to the kaju Kaka is amazed once again by his own strength and rushes to check on the frightened girl he reminds himself to smile but unfortunately it only makes her more scared Kaka rescues the unconscious mother and ichola assures everyone that she will be all right as the kiji returns Kaka instructs them to leave the area curious about his plan ioa asks what he intends to do Kaka reveals that he's going to attempt to punch the kaju with all his might he starts a countdown feeling his body surge with power and finally unleashes the forceful punch the monster is completely obliterated by this strike causing its body parts to scatter in all directions and his blood to shower down from above kakka is still in disbelief in his Incredible strength while eiko is certain that such a powerful punch could never be used on a human Kaka reassures them that they can now safely go to the hospital but he himself appears more fearsome than ever he informs the girl that the Defense Force will arrive soon so he must leave however the girl stops him and expresses her gratitude this act of gratitude reminds CF of when Mena thanked him and he envisions a future or he fights alongside her ichika desires for them to flee before they are discovered but kafa asserts that he will not give up CFA once again Reveals His human side and declares that he must go and support Mina shortly after the Defense Force arrives bewildered by the obliterated Kaiju Mana asks the young girl to share everything with her but the girl is terrified at the mere thought of it Mina reassures her and Promises to eliminate all the Kaiju on her behalf however the girl becomes worri for a different reason and Mina is taken aack when the girl asks her to promise not to harm the benevolent kaju the girl clarifies that is the one that saved her mother but Mina struggles to comprehend the girl's words 3 months later a news report surfaces disclosing that the Defense Force has assigned a code name to the mysterious kaju they possess a sketch of it based on witness accounts and have labeled it as kaju number eight the colleagues of kaka's cleaning company speculate that the Kaiju is likely deceased as ex Shaka arrives at work thoughts about Kaka being the first Kaiju to ever elude the Defense Force Cross his mind however this also implies that every Defense Force officer in the country is currently on the lookout for him just then their boss clarifies that Kafka and ichikawa have received something in the mail the rest of the group discusses how cill would undergo an annual exam and they always have to uplift his spirits after he receive the results isoa on the other hand opens his own letter and receives congratulations from the others as he successfully cleared the initial round of the Defense Force selection exams while on his way to deliver kaka's letter ichaka can't resist the temptation and checks kaka's results upon seeing the positive news he rushes off with excitement the rest of the guys can tell that this signifies kaka's long awaited success it's his final opportunity to join the Defense Force so everyone is genuinely happy for him finally after putting in immense effort for a considerable period of time Kafka is getting the chance he deserves ichiko excitedly shares the news with Kafka that he passed the first round of exams but his mood quickly changes to frustration when Kaka transforms into his Kaiju form Kaka reverts back without realizing only partially transforming ichaka reminds him that he was on the news and needs to be more cautious they later returned to the hospital and decide to lie about the whole incident ichaka hoped Kafka would be happy about passing but Kafka admits he struggles with the second round ichaka questions if cfet intends to take the next exams with his unusual body kafa reassures him that nobody will notice but he still can't seem to master his transformation ichika mentions that the first round is just a written test and some paperwork but there will be officers everywhere during the second round this poses a real danger as they will immediately eliminate cfut if they discover he is a kaju however CFA firmly declares that he will take the exam no matter what he's been working tirelessly for the past 3 months and this is his last opportunity since he is already 32 years old ichiko shares the same determination and promises that he won't drop out either regardless of what happens to Kafka they both agree that if they are going to do it they will do it as Rivals Kafka casually goes to grab a drink but he struggles to open his water bottle in frustration he unintentionally transforms and destroys the mod with his immense strength witnessing this ichika takes back everything he said earlier the two stop arguing and AOA informs them that the other cleaners will be arriving soon Kafka feels relieved that he made it through the first round and excitedly mentions his upcoming Revenge match in the second round of exams 10 days later they reached the Defense Force tachaka base for the exam ichaka had visited a different base on a field trip before but this one is much larger it shares the area with the self-defense Force Garrison so there are troops everywhere he warns Kafka about the danger of transforming there as he would be eliminated within seconds as other examinees start to arrive Kaka decides it's time to check in despite being early however his attention is diverted by a girl who calls him an old man Kaka mentions that he's only 32 years old but the girl insists that it's old she asks him to move his truck but he argues that there are plenty of other parking spots available however she persists because her lucky number for the day is five Kaka decides he's had enough of her attitude and declares that he will teach her some manners to his surprise she reveals a suit underneath her dress and confidently states that she will move his vehicle herself the onlookers are amazed by her powerful suit as she effortlessly lifts the truck with one hand they are shocked when she casually tosses it aside and kafa points out that it's a company vehicle ichaka is curious about her identity so she introduces herself as kikoru an expert in eliminating kaju she warns them to remember her name and icha stunned when he realizes her last name then focuses her attention back on Kafka sniffing him and pointing out that he smells like a kaju ioa quickly tries to justify their presence by explaining that they work in Kaiju disposal however kakuru is left wondering why Kaiju disposal workers would be here meanwhile Kafka has already retrieved his truck leaving kakuru astonished at how a 30-year-old man could lift something so heavy without hurting his back she assumes he must have his own private suit although he doesn't confirm or deny anything he turns to her and warns her to remember him while they were engrossed in conversation kak's Butler Koro Butler had already taken the parking spot resulting in CFO losing the battle however kakuru is now excited to see what this old man is capable of and can't wait to compete against him in the exam she then leaves with her Butler in security once they are gone Kaka notices icha glaring at him warning him not to use his powers openly again Kaka apologizes explaining that he only transformed the parts of his body that would be hidden by his clothes thinking it would be fine some guards approached to inquire if everything is all right now but strangely they were nowhere to be found when kikoro was tossing kaka's car ichikawa and Kaka both agree that there is no problem so the guards urged them to hurry up and enter the building however just before they go inside itoa warns Kaka that he will expose him completely the next time he transforms like that again Kaka agrees to the terms and the two of them proceed inside however as the exam finally commences Kaka realizes that he is unable to keep up at all despite maintaining his daily training routine for years and engaging in manual labor for his job it seems to have no effect here prior to the exam kka and ioa discussed its format which includes a fitness test followed by a random aptitude test however they were unaware of what the aptitude test would entail so they needed to excel in the fitness exam to compensate for it unfortunately it doesn't seem like an option for Kafka as he is performing terribly he used to be below average before but now with his 30-year-old back he finds himself at the very bottom of the bell curve he considers using his powers to get back in but ultimately decides against it for fairness however once the results are out he deeply regrets his decision to add insult to injury kakor approaches him to boast about outperforming him in the fitness exam triggering a flood of tears down kaka's spine kakor is pleased with kaka's reaction so she confidently walks away despite being at the bottom of the leader board ioa is proud of kikoru for not resorting to cheating using his powers Kaka shares his belief that everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed through their hard work or at least that's what he thought initially however now he regrets not cheating icha tries to console him by explaining that his low ranking is not solely due to his abilities as this year's candidates are exceptionally talented for instance there's haruchi isumo who ranks second and is the top graduate from the prestigious kaju neutralization University additionally AI kagaj turned down a million dooll Sports contract to join the defense first Force most applicants this here come from kaju neutralization universities where they have been training their whole lives for this opportunity among them kakur who graduated from California neutralization University at the age of 16 is the one everyone has high expectations for people have been striving to match her achievements and upon hearing them discuss her accomplishments kakur returns to taunt kfco once again he seizes her shoulders and confesses that he had no idea about her incredible Talent until now however before he can react further her bodyguards swiftly intervene and mercilessly thrash for daring to touch her after koru manages to call them off she assures Kafka that she will continue to surpass him in the second part of the exam this prompts CF a vow that he will make sure to defeat her but deep down he knows he's in for trouble in the next exam as well trying to uplift his spirits itoa mentions that there is still hope for Kaka since the second part of the exam has focused on Kaiju disposal for the past 2 years this conveniently aligns with kaka's strengths as the exam aims to assess candidates knowledge and ability to work in teams ichika also revealed that he chose to become a disposal worker to shed light on the challenges they face hoping to work hard alongside CFA and hoping for a similar exam this year however their hopes are shattered when they encounter Vice Captain hosen at the actual aptitude test who informs them that the test will involve killing live kaju kfka and ichaka were completely taken aback when their entire PL suddenly fell apart the Kaiju spotted all the candidates and charged towards them causing Kaka to panic however since this was just an exam the Defense Force wouldn't put them in any real danger without safety measures in place metal bars prevented the Kaiju from getting through and soldiers were stationed to eliminate any threats surprisingly all the other candidates remained calm except for kafa who fell over in fear of the Kaiju curious Kaaka turned to aawa and asked why they were only supposed to dispose of Kaiju bodies ichiko explained that he never guaranteed that would be the test for this year in fact it had been that way for the past 2 years so it wasn't strange for them to change things up hash reassure them that they didn't need to worry as they would be provided with special suits worn by all Defense Force members icha tried on his suit and it immediately adjusted to fit his body activating the Kaiju muscle fibers within it this made icha feel much stronger than usual these suits were made from organic matter extracted from Kaiju and significantly enhanced the wearer's combat abilities there was no better way to fight against a Kaiju the Konomi operator has started measuring the Unleashed combat power of individuals wearing their suits it all begins with ichola who is currently operating at 8% power isumo on the other hand has a percentage of 18 while the other promising candidates have combat power ranging from 14 to 15 this percentage serves as a measure of how effectively one can utilize the power of their suit however even with extensive training most people can only tap into about 20% of the suit's power normally having a candidate above 10% would be considered lucky but this year they have an impressive lineup of candidates there is a slight disturb when Kor puts on her suit as her combat power is already at an impressive 46% equivalent to that of a Plato tune leader ich call it is feeling a little down because his combat power is only an eight but H reassures him that there's nothing to be ashamed of 8% is actually really good for a first-time user of the suit and as long as he doesn't get a zero he'll be fine hash has never even seen someone get a zero before but that changes immediately as Kaka scores a perfect zero hash finds the whole situation absolutely hilarious so he takes a liking to cafa even though he's probably going to fail the exam anyway cafa is trying his hardest but he just can't seem to get the suit to work for him kakuru is getting frustrated because she knows CFA has some level of skill as he lifted his car in the parking lot she doesn't understand why he keeps acting like he's completely inept just as everyone has their suits on hasha enters the room and announces that the exam will now begin the candidates head out into the training area and hashin explains over the comms that their targets will be one big Kaiju and 32 smaller ones scattered throughout the testing area these Kaiju already caused 15 fatalities but they were captured alive for the purpose of being used as training AIDS the candidates are tasked with killing them using anti- kiju weapons and their actions will be monitored by surveillance drums flying in the sky if at any point they appear to be in danger of dying their suit Shields will be activated and they will be disqualified haa cannot guarantee that all of them will survive the upcoming test however if they are willing to sign a death waiver they are free to be in as the test starts they all eagly rush out into the field with kikoru leading the way thanks to her impressive Mobility she quickly takes down the first Kaiju with a single shot and shows no signs of slowing down on the other hand Kaka is strugling to move due to his zero output making the equipment too heavy for him to handle meanwhile ioa is unsure of what they are supposed to do since neither of them has much Firepower with their suits however haha mentions that Captain Mina is personally observing the exam which motivates Cafe to perform well he turns to ichikawa and explains his theory about the objective of the exam the control room went through the trouble of deploying drones to monitor everyone indicating that they are testing the candidate's ability to adapt to different situations since they lack the necessary Firepower to be damaged dealers they should focus on providing support as they navigate through the streets icha notices a skirmish occurring to their right so they quickly make their way towards it to provide support as they reach cover ichika catches a glimpse of the Kaiju and realizes that they have encountered this type before familiar with its Anatomy icha knows exactly how to defeat it with a burst of Courage they emerge from behind a rock and toss a stun grenade of the kiju exploiting its poor eyesight and exceptional hearing the grenade renders the kaju deaf and an easy target seizing the opportunity choa calls over isumo and instructs them to aim for the Kaiju vulnerable stomach as its skin is weaker there initially doubtful isumo follows kaka's advice as the kju begins to rise again to their surprise isumo successfully shoots a hole through the the Kaiju stomach impressed by kaka's accurate information isumo expresses gratitude for the assistance without wasting any time both Kaka and ichaka continue their mission to find others in need of their expertise having dismantled countless Kaiju they possess extensive knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses making Kafka a valuable asset even without relying on his Kaiju Powers however in the midst of planting their next assist Kafka is caught off guard by a Kaiju that crashes through the Deb and slams him into a wall the control room quickly notices kaka's severe injuries from the impact and sees that the Kaiju is still approaching him hash suggests preparing to deploy kaka's Shield Kaka understands the gravity of the situation and knows that activating the shield would result in his disqualification which he desperately wants to avoid especially Mina watching despite his efforts to get up it seems unlikely that he will escape in time hasha had anticipated that Cafe would be the first to drop out which is unfortunate because he appreciates kaka's sense of humor however before the control room can deploy kaka's Shield that kaju is suddenly defeated by kikoru standing over Kaa she tells him that he doesn't have the luxury of quitting as long as she's still fighting Kaka feels a sense of gratitude towards her until she taunts him and suggests that he should stay put and continue being useless while she finishes off the remaining Kaiju the other candidates are determined not to let her steal all the glory but the truth is she is simply Superior to everyone else making it impossible for them to keep up Kaka also wants to rejoin the battle but he realizes that his leg is completely broken rendering him unable to stand hash connects with him and informs him that the suit has detected his severe injuries and possible internal organ damage kka is faced with a difficult Choice whether to give up or not despite being aware of his lack of talent compared to the other candidates he remains determined to continue however the thought of not being good enough to stand by Mina's side dampens his spirits HOSA proposes that Kaka drop out of the exam for his own well-being even though people may perceive him as foolish for persisting Kaka realizes that the decision to persevere is his own he has chosen not to give up anymore Kaka impressively demonstrates his ability to stand despite his broken leg which astonishes Konomi hasha agrees to let Kaka proceed but warns that he will activate the shield if the situation worsens Kaka advises ichika to continue without him as per their agreement but ioa decides to support him instead Kaka realizes that iaka is the type of person who always lends a helping hand so he gratefully accepts assistance hash finds their interaction amusing as ichika carries Kafka and ichika admits feeling embarrassed but remains determined kaka's broken bones cause him great pain so shakala acts as their legs while Kaka utilizes his knowledge to handle the attacks ha just wants them to hurry up and pass because they provide comedic relief Kaka instructs ioa to follow kikoru and is Amazed by his friend speed kakuru is busy defeating a group of Kaiju and leaving everyone in her dust ichika informs Kaka to be prepared to support koru once they catch up to her the rest of the group watches as kakuru showcases her skills and they feel disappointed that she doesn't allow them to assist Konami announces that kakor has eliminated the last yoju in the area and is now engaging the hanju kakuru cleverly uses a grenade to provoke the Beast and seizes the opportunity to position herself perfectly for its Annihilation kakuru calmly states that this is the final one as she slowly pulls the trigger causing hosena to smirk as she Fires at the monster Konomi is is taken a as she declares that the hamju has been defeated and the last stage of the exam is complete our boys are shocked as they didn't have a chance to assist and kakar remarks that koru is simply too fast now Konami just needs to retrieve the Drone and call for the Medics to tend to the injured hashan is surprised that the exam ended so quickly despite the lengthy setup time man is impressed by kora's power surpassing what they had heard and hasha is shocked that kakuru was even strong enough to catch Mina's attention it was expected that at least 30 people would drop out but none did and hash assures that it's all thanks to kakuru however this level of performance is to be expected from director Shin's daughter hos is confident that she will become a prominent figure in the Defense Force and a Beacon of Hope for the entire country during the exam kakur had one goal in mind to make her father Proud by showcasing her Perfection on the battlefield as she reflects on her success she decides to have some more fun at kaka's expense however her relaxation is abruptly interrupted when the strange being appears out of nowhere and causes massive damage the entire group is horrified as the Fallen kagu start moving again kakuru determined to protect herself focuses her shield on a single point narrowly saving her heart despite the setback she gathers her strength and prepares to fight back to her surprise the mysterious monster can talk and wonders how she can still move realizing it's a kaju kakor is shocked to discover its intelligence without hesitation she launches an attack but the monster effortlessly strikes her multiple times causing causing her to scream in agony Konomi is shocked to see kaku's vitals dropping and they are all clueless about what's happening to their astonishment they detect live signals from the previously eliminated kaju what's even more shocking is that the revived hanju has an estimated fortitude of 6.4 making it much more powerful than before hen contemplates the daunting task of taking down a kaju of that level realizing that it would require an entire company's effort not many people have the ability to take down that thing quickly but then I tell Konomi to activate all remote shields for the examinees and send back some of the drones hos and I are fortunate enough to be among the few capable of defeating this hanju so we set out the exames are instructed to evacuate but Kor refuses she believes that if she doesn't stop this thing herself many lives will be lost she uses her suit to stop the bleeding and realizes she can still fight just then Koro recalls her father's words urging her to strive for Perfection for their Nation now koru demands Perfection from herself but she is easily knocked aside by the hanu she can barely move but she refuses to give up looking back kakor remembers how proud she was to receive the top grade in her class while the other students parents were there to celebrate with them kakur tried to stay positive knowing her father would be home that day and would surely be pleased with her score however in reality her father didn't show any interest in her top score he believed that celebrating a single success would only lead to failure in the future instead of rejoicing he urged her to focus on her next goal he emphasized the importance of always striving for Perfection not only for the sake of their nation's future but also for the memory of her late mother his words continue to weigh heavily on her driving her to fight back he instilled in her the belief that she should never stop moving forward and never allow anyone to surpass her even with just one arm she refuses to accept defeat as long as she can still move unfortunately she has endured too much damage and is now overwhelmed by unbearable pain just then a drone spots hanju and Konomi is shocked to see that its sever defensive yorgan has regenerated hash becomes deeply concerned as Konomi realizes that is gathering energy for an attack hosha and Mina rush to the site but he's unsure if they will arrive in time the Beast prepares for its immense attack and kikoru comes to the heartbreaking conclusion that she is done for she apologizes to her father for not being perfect and begins to cry however her despair is interrupted when Kaka appears and tells her that she get a great job kakuru is completely taken back when she sees him there unable to comprehend why he would be present and then suddenly they are attacked by the monster to her surprise they remain unharmed and Kaka starts to transform he explains to koru that she did a great job buying time for everyone to evacuate so she can leave the rest of him meanwhile everyone else is evacuating in a panic kagari impresses isumo by using flares to organize the evacuation looking back just a few moments ago Kaka and ichalo were instructed to evacuate and not to return while kakuru fought the revived hanju ichiko was ready to leave but Kaka had already disappeared ichika hoped that cfco wasn't foolish enough to transform as he believed cfco would be instantly eliminated if he did as icha rushes to the scene he realizes that Cafe is indeed crazy enough to transform as he never hesitates in such situations on the other hand koru is completely astonished by kaka's transformation and cannot comprehend how he could be a kaju Kaka reassures her that he is still himself and pleads with her not to inform the Defense Force just then Koro becomes terrified as the hanu unleashes its immensely powerful attack once again but Kaka effortlessly deflects it Kaka promises to explain everything to her shortly as he only needs one second to eliminate the beast at that moment Konomi detects a mysterious incredibly powerful energy source near the hanju the explosion caused their communication systems to malfunction leaving them without visual contact however they do have a reading on the fortitude of this mysterious Beast which supposedly stands at 9.8 Konomi however refuses to believe it thinking that the explosion must have messed up the measure measurement system hasha agrees stating that if it were true this would be one of the most powerful kuu in history Kafka embracing his immense power apologizes to hanju as time is running out and he must end things with a single punch kakuru watches in awe as kaka's punch obliterates hanju into pieces shock is evident on kaku's face as she Witnesses the scattered body parts of hanju kakat is satisfied with his accomplishment and taunts the monster to try and come back to life to his surprise the monster starts moving again prompting CAA to bega to stop admitting that he was just joking nevertheless the monster is truly defeated leaving kikoru wondering about kaka's true identity Kaka saves her from another attacking yoju and finally reveals his face he assures her that she is now safe but reprimands her for putting herself in such a dangerous situation soon enough Kaka finds himself on the receiving end of ichika's scolding as he arrives Kaka explains that he had initially planned to only transform a part of his body but had to change his plan when he saw the hanu icho continues to scold him but their argument comes to an end when kikoru faints shortly after Mina and haha arrive at the scene unable to Fathom what could have caused such extensive damage to the hanju just then Konomi reports that koru ichaa and kafa have made it out indicating that the evacuation is complete hasha acknowledges kak's Incredible strength but doubts that she could have obliterated the hanju like this Mana points out that there are many things they don't understand between the cayou's resurrection and this explosion Maya then orders an investigation unit to inspect the area while she and haha take care of the remaining yoju haha realizes that this blast is similar to what they witnessed 3 months ago and wonders if there is a connection later we see Kafka back in another hospital where AO explains that kakuru is also receiving treatment and they are utilizing the defense Force's best technology Kaka reflects on the exam which reminded him of the difficulty of competing against extraordinary individuals it served as a reminder to him that pursuing your dreams means there will always be someone out there who excels in the things you hold dear however What mattered most to him was the overwhelming excitement that made him not even care CA was grateful that he decided to retake the exam and he expressed his gratitude to ich aala for the encouragement just then Mana unexpectedly appeared and simply thanked them for taking kikor to safety she left as quickly as she came causing Kaka to almost call out to her however he restrained himself knowing that it wasn't the right time and he preferred to wait until he became an officer to talk to her he felt more confident than ever that this would happen and silently promised himself that she would see meanwhile nearby Kiko had a nightmare about not being perfect for her father she woke up wondering if her father had arrived but it was only hosha he explained that there were no casualties and it was all thanks to her defeating the hanju her Shaka hearing this made him question if she wasn't the one who defeated it remembering kaka's words kikoru confidently declared that she was the one who eliminated the hanu that evening a news report provides a detailed account of what transpired during the exam and reveals that although numerous individuals sustain injuries there were fortunately no fatalities inside a restroom stall we catch a glimpse of the enigmatic and astute kaju e dropping on the news he has taken aack and disheartened to learn that no lives were lost suddenly the phone rings prompting the monster to recall the proper way to answer it as he does so a voice on the other end instructs him to return to work the monster under goes a transformation and swiftly Dawn his uniform revealing a startling Revelation it's a fresh addition to kafka's disposal unit concer lingers among everyone regarding Kafka and ichiko's well-being following the incident at the exam while the new recruit ominously conceals his own metamorphosis that's where this video ends you have to click on the right to see its next part and to see best and recap of my channel you have to click on the left if you like the video like it and subscribe to see more contents of this
Channel: Recap Play
Views: 5,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaiju no 8, kaiju no 8 trailer, kaiju no 8 episode 1, kaiju no 8 reaction, kaiju no 8 fight scene, kaiju no 8 full episode, kaiju no 8 anime, kaiju no 8 ep 4, kaiju no 8 recap, anime recap, anime recaps, aniplot, anicap, recap play, anime, recap, kaiju no 8 episode 2, kaiju no 8 ep 3
Id: H8CI18aVvhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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