I Reincarnated As The Weakest Goblin But Became The God Of This World! | Re Monster

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in this story you meet Canada who unfortunately finds himself in a terrible situation after going on a date with someone who turned out to be crazy as if that wasn't bad enough Canada suffers a fatal outcome with 38 stab wounds however his Misfortune doesn't end there as he is reincarnated in the most Dreadful way possible to make matters worse he wakes up in his new life only to be greeted by an old and unattractive Goblin staring at him confused and unable to comprehend what is happening Canon realizes that he has been reborn as one of them the Elder Goblin decides to give him a new name gow and then surprises him by forcefully feeding him a large and juicy magot for some extra protein since gow is just a baby in this new life he's unable to speak or refuse anything on the second day he awoke to find himself surrounded by an abundance of unattractive green infants it was then that he confronted the harsh reality that he was just as unsightly as they were he gradually accepted the fact that he had passed away and been reborn as a feeble and defenseless baby throughout the day he shed tears over the loss of his once beautiful human countenance by the third day he came to the realization that goblins seem to mature at a much faster rate than humans although it didn't change the fact that he was still bald nevertheless he found suace in the fact that he could now move and communicate once more though not ideal he resolved to make the most of his new life and venture out to confront the world on a fourth day the Goblins now mostly grown gather once again with the Elder he presented them with a platter of maggots informing them that he was no longer going to take care of them as they were freeloaders from now on they had to find the their own food gobr hesitated at the thought of eating magnets willingly but knowing it was pure protein he ate them anyway now on his own he stepped out of the cave into a beautiful world filled with unfamiliar plants and animals another Goblin go Ki followed him feeling scared to be outside for the first time gow reassured him mentioning that it was his first time seeing this place as well despite G Ki not being very smart he was determined to explore Gobo decided to partner with him for a crucial reason he possessed the bulk genetics making him a valuable asset in hunting for food while exploring the forest they stumbled upon a rabbit go instructed Gabi to approach it from the front the rabbit fled but it was all part of the plan goow had positioned himself in a nearby tree ready to strike as soon as the rabbit came close enough he swiftly descended from the tree and swiftly ended the bunny's life with a stick this hunting tactic proved to be highly effective however git's greed surfaced once the bunny was caught prompting goo to remind him of who was in charge after administering a hefty dose of domestic abuse gogu starts preparing the bunny for their dinner he removes the rabbit's horn and upon examining it decides it could make a decent weapon suddenly a notification pops up in his mind leaving him puzzled as the Elder never explained this before he can dwell on it Ki recovers and eagerly awaits his portion of meat goo takes out the meat and Gob Ki gratefully devours it on the fifth day they continue hunting and go Bru successfully uses the rabbit horn as a weapon taking a new horn from the rabbit he gets another message in his mind but he remains uncertain about its meaning as he settles down to enjoy a meal of meat his eyes suddenly light up in blue he learns that he has obtained an escape skill from the rabbit everything clicks into place as he remembers his previous life where he possessed the unique power of absorption that enabled him to potentially absorb the skills of whatever he consumed despite still retaining the absorption ability it appears that all other acquired skills have been reset due to his new physical form it's quite fortunate that he still possesses a skill considering the dangerous monsters lurking in the forest he's content with how things have unfolded so far by the sixth day gobra has already started impressing girls with his remarkable catch one girl in particular was amazed that he and Gob Kiki managed to capture horn rabbits a feet that others have failed at furthermore since she actually has hair confirms that goblins can indeed have follicles unlike gooru and gishi who are bald Gobo asks if she would like to join their hunt the next day and she happily accepts unfortunately their plans are postponed on the 7eventh day due to Heavy Rain with nothing else to do gow decides to explore the storage area a place he has never been to before little did he know he was in for a surprise he stumbled Upon A group of imprisoned human women which confirmed Goblin slayer's long-standing belief in the world determined to ignore the unsettling sight he decided to focus his energy on Crafting a new weapon suddenly the goblin Elder named Gabi approached him intrigued by his unusual determination to survive gow couldn't help but wonder if gow might level up faster than expected surprisingly gow was unaware of the existence of a level system in this world GOI instructed him to tap his forehead revealing the level indicator gogu was astonished to see that the Elder was already at level 86 GOI mentioned that reaching level 100 would allow one to evolve into a higher being however goblins aged rapidly and despite being in his 20s gow appeared much older as he Bid Farewell gow promised to witness the transformation of an evolved hobgoblin when the promising youngsters returned from the village yet something didn't feel right to go Bru the following day the weather was clear so go Bru decided to go hunting with the other two their teamwork was exceptional especially considering they had only been together for a few weeks with Go's support goo played the role of the middle range attacker while GOI took charge as the forward with this formation they managed to secure a large Hall of Meat as gby took a bite she couldn't help but shed tears of joy due to its thickness and juiciness Gow also took a bite and discovered that snake meat taught him several new skills the next day they continued their Hunting Expedition however on the 11th day they made a mistake by venturing into an unknown cave to their surprise they found themselves facing a massive swarm of vampire bats in panic they started running away but the bats were too fast gichi and gooru decided to stay behind and confront the bats initially they were overwhelmed but garu utilized the evil eye skill he had acquired freezing all the bats in place with the bats and Buble eyes they were able to eliminate them all afterward they even resorted to eating the corpses of the bats go Bru acquires new abilities after consuming the bat meat such as echolocation Vamp up vilia and covid-19 while feasting like royalty the other goblins who were struggling to hunt due to their lack of intelligence observed them that evening they tried to vent their frustrations on goo blaming him for their own shortcomings If Only They put in the same effort in hunting they wouldn't be hungry however they underestimate go Bru's abilities as he can sense their approach he retaliated against them unintentionally causing the death of one of the Goblins due to a miscalculation in his Venom skill usage despite this he remained indifferent as he was determined to impart a lesson for their attempted assassination however Go's arrival and her retaliation for their attack on her beloved Gobo even made Gobo pity them the following day they set out once again for their Hunting Expedition this time of the plan Ambush an unsuspecting orc as the orc mindlessly went about his own business they cleverly threw a rock striking it in the eye and temporarily blinding it seizing the opportunity G Ki swiftly charged forward however the orc retaliated knocking him back with its pickaxe but just as the orc thought at the upper hand its fingers were crushed by another well- aimed Rock undeterred they continued their assault strategically targeting the orc's kneecaps with a club to render them useless finally gow delivered the finishing blows repeatedly stabbing the orc in the head with the orc defeated they celebrated their Victory and indulged in its meat realizing they had an AB abundance of leftovers go Bru made the decision to bring it all back to their cave as he had something in mind once they had gathered all the excess meat go gathered the attention of the broke and starving goblins he generously announced that they were welcome to Feast on as much meat as they desired after some initial hesitation all the Goblins Dro to their knees one by one eagerly devouring go Bru's mouthwatering meat as he observes them gooru reflects on how he would have never helped others like this in his previous life perhaps being reincarnated as trans transformed more than just his physical form later that night when everyone has fallen asleep gooru lies down attempting to do the same however a persistent modification in his mind keeps playing it informs him that he has surpassed the level requirement and will soon evolve into a hog Goblin exhausted gobu pays little attention to it the following morning something peculiar occurs as gobu awakens and realizes he looks different confused by his altered appearance overnight he resembles his former self before reincarnation and most importantly he is no longer bald goab kitchi and Gabi seem to have experienced the same transformation but Gabi is enjoying the new appearance of her friends the Elder arrives to investigate the commotion and is astonished to discover that both goo and go Ki have evolved despite being only 2 weeks old goichi grabs go Bru's attention and proposes a test to determine their new F strength however hunting alone won't satisfy goichi So He suggests a fight with gobra himself excited by The Challenge gooru agrees and they Venture into the forest to be in their match the two engagement a boxing match and go Kiki is noticeably stronger than before however he still lacks the necessary combat skills to defeat go who effortlessly Dodges a punch and sweeps his legs out from under him gab Kishi concedes defeat and commends goo for his Incredible strength however gooru also acknowledges gabi's power stating that he is stronger than anyone else present suddenly gogu hears distant wolf noises and senses impending danger he quickly summons God who was hiding nearby and instructs her to retrieve the crossbow they had prepared earlier as they will soon require it as the Wolves chased a group of rabbits down the hill and successfully caught their prey they then turned their attention to an unsuspecting orc the orc tried to escape but the Wolves were Relentless in their Pursuit eventually they caught up to the orc and tore it to Pieces goo and giki witnessed the scene and saw an opportunity to test their strength against the wolves go Bru signaled to godi to start firing the crossbow at the Wolves once the leader fell go and Gob kichi joined forces to defeat the rest of the pack with their leader gone the Wolves teamwork crumbled and they were quickly defeated only the leader wolf remained standing but it two fell to their combined efforts go brow then approached the Fallen wolf and gained new skills by taking a bite including a leadership skill Grio brings the remaining dead wolves back to the cave and announces to the other goblins that they are now free to Feast on the meat however he also expects them to start catching their own food from now on the Goblins lacking confidence in their hunting abilities all meal down and plead with goo to teach them how to hunt goo agrees to train them in hunting techniques and even offers to teach them how to make weapons if they need them this gesture earns him the admiration and support of everyone solidifying his position as the leader of the Goblins while go Bru acknowledges that his leadership skills may have played a part what truly matters to him is his determination to guide his comrades he's committed to working hard continuously learning new skills and pursuing his ultimate goal 4 days later gow reflects on how much his comrades still have to learn they are putting in a lot of effort in their training gow is surprised when he accidentally stumbles upon Gabi on day 17 all the human women who were held captive tragically took their own lives Gobo holds a quiet memorial for them with GOI fast forward to day 24 go Bru is busy training the other goblins in the meantime he has been consuming every formidable enemy he encounters acquiring new abilities along the way suddenly another group of goblins starts approaching go bro is ready to defend everyone but Gabi intervenes and reveals that they are their Raiders gobu is taken a to learn that they are also the fathers of his generation of goblins the Raiders have captured another group of human women and the malevolent goblins are pleased since their previous captives took their own lives it appears that Goblin DNA is incredibly potent as even when mixed with other species it still results in Goblin Offspring gooru understands the natural urge to reproduce but he's not comfortable with the current situation he insists on taking care of the human women himself himself which angers the Raiders gow's Goblin peers are prepared to support him causing a rift between the two factions suddenly two Goblin girls Nam Hobs and Hab intervene to urge both sides to avoid a civil war these clever goles propose a solution the leaders of both Generations should battle and the Victor will determine The Village's future the Raider aims to teach gobu a lesson and gooru accepts the challenge using a mysterious string go Bru swiftly wins the fight leaving the others baffled he reveals that the string is a natural ability that he possesses he contemplates the fact that his ability to produce spider silk was acquired after consuming a demon spider the girls are astounded to discover that someone like him was born during their absence and gow proudly declares himself as the new leader of the village he inquires if anyone opposes his new position but no one dares to challenge him go brow then informs the humans that he has instructed everyone to refrain from harming them he assures them that he won't cause any harm either and Promises to find a way to send them back to a human Village the girls Ponder if they will be required to contribute in any way and it is revealed that goo's actions were not entirely selfless he desires the knowledge possessed by the humans goow proceedes to ask them some questions and discovers that these girls were part of a traveling business when they were attacked by the Goblins all the men were killed and only these five girls survived on the 28th day gow was surprised to see one of the girls looking happy he realized that they hadn't completely moved on but were just trying to stay positive to make things easier goo decided to cook for them hoping it would to help two of the girls were sisters who were also cooks and tailor the one wearing glasses was an alchemist the absent-minded girl was an appraiser and a Smith and the redhead was a rookie Warrior gooru planned to include her in their training later on he trained everyone rigorously and pushed them hard even insulting them when they grew tired in the following days he focused on group exercises instead of hunting and made sure to instill the new rules he had set for the group on a rainy 31st day gobu and Gob Kiki engaged in an intense sparring that left everyone in awe later that night gow sensed a group of goblins planning to defy his rule regarding human women swiftly he sliced through one of the goblins and restrained the rest reminding them of the rules he had set when one of the Goblins dared to talk back gilu punished him accordingly feeling remorseful gow apologized to the women comforting the red head as she cried in his Embrace just then the other goblins arrived and gow instructed Gob Kiki to escort the restrained goblins outside additionally he had GOI gather the remaining goblins to witness what he was about to do outside gobu used these captured goblins as an example sending a message to the others go brow enforces the village Rules by punishing them severely ensuring everyone understands after delivering a strong message gobu dismisses them although Hopkin faced the harshest punishment and tragically passed away the next day gow stopped short of taking their lives on day 32 gow's team showcases their exceptional teamwork by defeating a tryhorn horse despite the challenge gow gains new abilities including triy burst which enables him to strike three times with one blow that evening the redhead seeks comfort in go Bru's bed showing signs of Trauma from the previous night goo consoles her and allows her to stay the night however upon Awakening gobu discovers that GOI has also joined their group on that same day they also come to realize that the female Goblin named Gabby has evolved into a hog Goblin as well in general things have been progressing quite smoothly GOI takes charge of the range unit while gishi leaves the Armed Forces hobet handles the mobility oriented force and Gabby has assumed the role of rear support which involves taking care of various tasks Hobs on the other hand acts as the captain of their Mage Force although she is currently the only Mage in their Village for the remainder of the day gobu delegates the training responsibilities to the captain so that he can Venture deep into the forest to hunt a variety of prey during this time Gobo experiments with some demise magic and is astonished by its immense power effortlessly obliterating one of the formidable torns with a single attack gobr had a sudden realization that the magic had made him too confident as he ventured into the northern Forest there he stumbled Upon A peculiar area drenched in blood triggering a memory of Go's warning to all the Goblins GOI had cautioned them against entering the Northern Forest under any circumstances as it was home to a fearsome Crimson monster known as the red bear now standing face to face with the monster gow witnessed how effortlessly tore through a treehorn whose armor had previously seemed impenetrable as the red bear approached gow admitted that a regular person would likely attempt to flee gow is far from ordinary he is determined to face challenges headon and discover his hidden potential he decides to utilize all the weapons at his disposal starting the phase 1 demise magic meanwhile back in the village goig grows anxious as gobra has been missing for quite some time concern spreads among the villagers as they realize no one has seen him either as Gobo faces off against the red bear he has taken a back when the bear sacrifices its right arm to counter his demise spell the bear launches a Relentless assault and Gobo realizes that the armor he obtained from the tryhorn may not be enough to Shield him with no choice but to take the offensive gow aims for the Bear's head to his surprise his weapon fails to penetrate the Bear's skull and he is sent flying by the Bear's powerful Counterattack gobra tries to regain control of the situation but the bear breaks free and unleashes a devastating fire breath attack the forest is a blaze with fire and goo needs to tend to his wounds the unexpected attack from a fire Brea bear catches him off guard despite the danger Herber knows he must be willing to endure some damage in order to emerge Victorious as he launches another attack he Shields himself from the fiery breath the bear proves to be resilient but Gober cleverly turns the tables by using the fire breath against the Beast piercing it through the mouth although pleased with this strategy gobu is taken back when the bear retaliates forcing him to minimize the damage despite his efforts gow sustains significant injuries from the Bear's powerful assault leading him to acknowledge that this round ends in a draw with his blade lodged in the Bear's mouth at least the creature can no longer unleash its FY breath the formidable bear remains standing posing a grave threat to goo's life with just one more attack goo finds himself in a tough spot but he's determined to make the best of it he Dives back into the fight inflicting some damage on his opponent unsatisfied with the results he boldly declares his intention to Devour the bear however his bold move cost him an arm after grueling battle gow emerges Victorious on day 34 though barely hanging on as he feasts on the bear he gains a slew of new abilities including increased damage and strength overwhelmed he faints only to awaken as a rare obber species having surpassed all expectations despite his fading Consciousness gobu instinctively chooses to evolve on day 35 he continues to Feast on the bear acquiring even more powerful traits he extends his hand towards his knife which appears significantly smaller than it was before to his astonishment gobu realizes that he is transformed into an ogre returning to the Village he is met with Terror from everyone around him as they believe they are under attack they prepare to flee perplex as to why the ogre is grinning at them and they long for gob's presence to protect them fortunately godi recognizes him instead of being Amazed by his Evolution she's furious at him for his prolonged absence in her anger she ends up hurting herself but her anger towards Gobo remains she is saddened by the fact that he lost his arm AR but the others are astounded by his Triumph of the red bear GOI is particularly shocked as she highlights that gobu managed to defeat the master of the Northern woods just one month after his birth everyone has numerous questions for him but gooru is simply grateful that he survived and managed to find his place in his new world later on everyone is still in awe of goo's incredible transformation he grown significantly larger and more powerful go Brown decides to check on the human women but to his surprise [ __ ] and the redhead are following closely behind him for some unknown reason as expected the humans are terrified of his appearance but he manages to calm them down by explaining that it's still him however goby seems upset about something and pinches his leg the blacksmith is disappointed to see that he accidentally destroyed the ex she had made for him but she reveals that she has crafted a new knife using a special Spirit Stone Gobo Praises her for her skill but to his dismay the other girls start pinching him even harder the twins require assistance with their cooking responsibilities so goo expl exps that he will assign a few goblins to Aid them gow is amazed at how quickly they have adapted to being around goblins so he compliments them by saying they would make excellent partners he playfully asks if they would like to be his wives and in response they playfully Call Him A sly dog gow is delighted by their smiles but once again the redhead and GOI become more upset goow then discovers that The Alchemist has created poison initially for self-defense but now that there's a goblin she can trust like gobra she has no me for it gobu lifts her up and admires her smile as well but he can instantly sense the Hostile intentions emanating from the other girls go brra has spent all his time uplifting the girls but now in his Spirit feels drained on Day 36 gogu came to the realization that he could no longer train alongside the others his power had grown to such an extent that even his lightest punches left regular goblins in critical condition even goichi's armor couldn't withstand the force as go healed a nearly dead Goblin he couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with goichi although goichi claimed it was nothing in off to hunt go Bru could sense that something was a Miss in addition to that go Bru noticed that ham and Gabi had started hunting together while the redhead woman trained on her own meanwhile go continued her hobby of mining for Spirit Stones as for gobra himself it was fascinating to see that he could still utilize his missing arm like a slime all thanks to consuming a slime before go brw is concerned about Gob ki's well-being but hopsy mentions that it all depends on Gob kishi's effort they engage in a heated argument while gow wishes hopsy would return his book meanwhile gow reflects on how he finally had a peaceful day on the 37th day go becomes frantic after discovering a small creature and terrible condition go brug tries his best to nurse it back to health but it's losing too much blood consequently he decides to acquire blood producing medicine from The Alchemist fortunately it proves effective and they introduce themselves to the creature they refer to as a carbuncle the carbuncle introduces herself as a returner and shares that she was targeted by humans the gem on her head is an Exquisite material making it worth a staggering 1 billion gold she humbly requests the group to lend her their strength and implores them to eliminate the humans who attacked her go brow being well versed in the carmon's history reveals that their Master a Renown magician named velvet created them to safeguard his secret treasure returner adds that her core was damaged during the attack resulting in a shortened lifespan within the hidden treasure chamber there are legendary class items that velvet amass over his lifetime return returner further explains that her master holds a strong disdain for humans and would rather see the Goblins claim the treasure than the adventurer humans gold confidently announces that they will depart with everything they need the blacksmith girl hands him his new dagger reassuring the scared girls that he will harm the humans his main goal is to make them go away peacefully but he cautions that he may need to resort to force if they refuse to cooperate after making their way through the whole go created they find themselves in the treasure room go Bru realizing that the humans need to be convinced to leave instructs the others to hide he locates the adventurers who are in search of the treasure room but they mistake him for another monster to be defeated they launch an attack only to be surprised when goo detects the presence of their invisible assassin goo explains to them that they are trespassing in someone's home and their actions amount to robbery and murder it becomes evident that they feel no remorse leading Gobo to conclude that they are Beyond Redemption the foolish humans are astonished that an ogre can speak English so fluently but go Bru assures them that he also possesses a kind heart despite his pleas they stubbornly refuse to listen and continue their assault however gooru effortlessly evades their attacks and once again urges them to leave go Bru noticing that the humans in the backline are heavily relying on high class magic items analyzes the situation however he realizes that their fighting technique is weak and they are overly dependent on level enhancement to increase their strength this doesn't pose much of a challenge for Gobo as he easily defeats them suddenly one Mage celebrates thinking he has successfully taken down gobo to their shock it becomes clear that his attack only angered goo up until now Gobo has spared their lives but he has reached his limit of patience the humans tremble in fear as they realize that their level three magic spell had no effect goow firmly declares that he will no longer be kind gow gestures for the others to strike and they immediately jump into action drawing his blade gow warns the humans about not taking the opportunity to leave earlier later gobu discloses that they took care of the adventurers and consumed them gaining various traits such as assassin High Wizard and enchanter additionally they obtain valuable loot from the highlevel adventurers among them goo discovers a rare ring inside an item storage bag filled with various items which he decides to consume this unique ability allows goo to summon a cheat item box capable of holding an incredible number of items together they make their way to the treasure room where returner expresses her gratitude she mentions that her master of velvet has a special connection with Spirits resulting in an abundance of Spirit Stones in the area returner wishes gow good health before bidding farewell and disappearing in a barsweet moment gow consumes the gem left behind by returner slick giki checks on go who reassures her that she is fine they take a moment of silence to honor returner after which gobu decides to divide the treasure among themselves gobu is Amazed by the capacity of his item box even after storing all the treasure unwilling to leave velvet's body behind gow decides to cremate it revealing a mysterious gaunlet Ohan trying it on garu is astonished as The Gauntlet attaches itself to him becoming his new arm the rest of the group is astonished by what they see and gow demonstrates the capabilities of the item which feels like an extension of his own arm after their departure gobu decides to throw a party to commemorate this successful mission on the 308th day goo evaluates all the treasures they acquired with the blacksmith and discovers that each item is incredibly rare and Powerful by the 39th day gobu reveals that he distributed magical items to the 10 hobgoblins in their party while he himself opted for the Vermilion spear with this Choice along with two other items he selected gooru ma possesses three legendary class artifacts Legendary Class items are second only to fantasm class in terms of Rarity and it is rumored that the wielder can govern entire nations with just one of them later that day they set out to gather ingredients for Bear Soup and go Bru is pleased to see the increasing strength of everyone in the group on the 40th Day go Bru made a decision to step aside and let someone else become the leader of the hob goblins excluding himself additionally he formed a mercenary group on the following day gooru embarked on a quest to encounter new and unfamiliar monsters his first discovery was a golden spider which dropped some intriguing items that appeared to be of value consuming these items granted him the ability to create golden string which he believed could be fashioned into accessories continuing his exploration go came across a group of Red Deer however consuming just one of them did not Grant him any new abilities as he ented further gow stumbled upon a magnificent tree he learned that in this world there existed a species known as dads according to G these alluring creatures enticed males from other intelligent species and used them as sustenance dads were exclusively female and possessed such beauty that men were unable to resist their Allure GoPro is sharing this information because a dryad has suddenly appeared in front of him she seems to be impressed by gab's strong muscles and simply wants to have a conversation Gobo finds it difficult to resist her charm but he knows he must stay strong or she will use him for sustenance he decides to tap into a new ability he has never used before called libido in order to consume the drad after 5 hours as a result Gobo gains a special trait known as drad's blessing even though the drad is still alive she urges Gobo to come back soon to which he casually responds that he will return if he feels like it later on goo takes a refreshing bath in the lake only to find himself surrounded by lizard men he proclaims his invincibility today so go Bru swiftly defeats them and even eliminates another monster on the 42nd day Gober discovers two goblins with a knack for magic they join hopsy platoon right away but her slee grin concerns gobu later gobu learns how to enchant his weapon which seems to bother the blacksmith girl on day 43 Gabi is upset with her son but no one clarifies the reason to him simply advising him to think the red head is equally upset and the twin Cooks appear distressed as they attempt to serve him poison food gow is completely taken a when The Alchemist who is usually very perceptive hasn't noticed the upset girls The Alchemist then shocks gobu by revealing that the reason behind their distress is jealousy they are aware that he went on a date with someone and are shocked to learn about the kiss marks on his neck goow had no clue about any of this and he curses a dryad suspecting that it was done intentionally goo tries to gather his thoughts and figure out his next move but his left astounded when The Alchemist confesses that she feels the same way and kisses him she hopes that he reciprocates her feelings but gobu never expected this from her he contemplates how her actions do bring in happiness but before he can process it all Gabby storms in Furious she demands that Gober treats her in the same manner and all human girls join in to express the same sentiment outside the room go explains that goo has sealed it off so they can focus on some work and gobu gains even more admiration from them after a while gobu senses an approaching presence and discovers that it's a group of noble elves these humans are planning to attack the elves in order to steal their treasure so they have come to seek the Goblin's assistance although this elf guy has a rather unpleasant attitude they're offering to provide the Goblins village with several months worth of food GOI considers it to be a tempting offer but surprisingly GoPro declines it's not that he doesn't care about the situation he just wants the elf to be more genuine when asking for help the elf guy gets ready to attack goo but with one terrifying glare gobu instills fear into their very souls go then warns him to instruct his hidden archers to the lower their boughs the elves attempt to shoot him but they stand no chance of harming Gobo the elf finally orders them to stop attacking and Gobo explains that he's rejecting the offer simply because he's not in a good mood however since the Goblins also reside in this Forest if the humans are going to cause trouble you wouldn't mind teaming up go brow then astounds everyone by wielding his legendary weapon which has the power to threaten all the elves simultaneously Gobo doesn't fully comprehend how it works but when he stabs something with it he can produce an endless number of Spears that can extend up to 100 m on day 45 Gobo embarks on a hunt chasing down 20 gray slimes consuming their cores grants him a plethora of abilities such as fluid regeneration and auto replication curious about his Newfound power Gobo experiments and discovers that he can create a miniature version of himself from his own blood astonishingly this tiny version shares his senses sparking a brilliant idea in Go's mind on day 46 gobu instructs the girls to craft clothing with his blood and fused in the lining this way the garments can act as transmitters in case they ever find themselves in danger however on day 47 one of goo's men Scouts makes a disheartening Discovery the elves have returned seemingly having not learned their lesson determined to assert his dominance gobu unleashes a mighty Roar from within the cave leaving the elves Frozen in Terror without uttering a single word Gobo emerges and effortlessly captures them the leader of the elves explains that goo's lack of respect wounded his pride resulting in consequences far more severe than death the other elves however Express their apologies for their inability to stop their boss go brra has made a tough decision as their boss is already considered dead but the rest of them will have a chance to survive go brow decides that they will face the Goblins in a simulated fight and only the winning elves will be spared gow's choice is fair as he declares that if they want to survive they must fight with all their might in the end six out of the 23 elves were defeated interestingly all six of them were men but gobu admits to him self that he manipulated the fights because he dislikes seeing women being eliminated go brow then indulges in the losers as snacks gaining even more abilities afterwards gobu reveals to the surviving elves that they are now prisoners they can hope to be set free but gow reminds them that they still have to try to eliminate the Goblins GOI one of the elves finds the idea of Elf prisoners amusing but guu reminds him that there are rules against touching prisoners gji promises to obey his leader but still pleads desperately finally gobu proceeds to administer the final punishment to the leader of the elf unit on the 40th Day we witnessed goab Ki reaching level 100 the following day on day 49 everyone is left in awe as Gob Ki undergos a remarkable transformation into a special variant his dark red color is a result of a blessing from the demigod of flame while his Iron Heart skin is a blessing from the demigod of War goab kitchi reveals that gobra hasn't had a spurring partner since becoming an ogre and GOI was concerned about never catching up to him however go Ki is now different so they decide to spar outside although G Bru still dominates the fight Gob kitchi surprisingly manages to hold his own gobu ultimately emerges as the winner but the match proves to him that goishi truly is his rival that night gobu exhausted from the fight encounters a mysterious figure who apologizes for unknown reasons and presents gobu with a gift as a gesture of Goodwill gooru wakes up the next day with no recollection of what transpired on day 51 gobra pers if gpic's growth has inspired others as they now have four new hob goblins one of them shows potential as a mage while another will become a cleric named Gabi who vows to heal as many people as possible hopsy 2 has evolved into the Lord family as a half spell Lord go Brown notices that the markings on her arms resemble the ones on his body overflowing with Mana hopsy yearns to test her new found strength outside she showcases her immense power with an incredible fire attack and reveals that she can perform at least 20 more of those this is truly remarkable but what's even more surprising is that she is currently only a half spell Lord and is likely to evolve into a full spell Lord in the future Gobo equips her with new gear to match her Evolution and she confidently assures the envious Hobs that she will catch up soon enough go brav has noticed that Evolutions are occurring quite frequently and he suspects that he may be the cause the environment in which a goblin grows up during their first month of Life greatly influences their rate of growth it's amazing to see everyone becoming stronger but gow acknowledges that not everyone in the village is as fortunate on the 52nd day the older generation of goblins expressed their dissatisfaction despite their efforts to keep up be being left behind by the younger goblins surprisingly they have decided to leave the village and gobu shocks them by choosing not to end their lives for betraying him go explains that since they aren't stealing anything it's their own choice to leave what's even more astonishing is that gobu presents them with a Parting Gift a magical knife made of mithil possessing an incredibly sharp edge on the 53rd day gooru comes across a human who had been killed by an orc there seemed to be no hope for him but after gow consumes him he discovers a very intriguing ability he hopes that by using it well it will be a way to honor the guy this ability is known as Monster Tamer that night gow is happier than ever when The Alchemist reveals that she was able to make alcohol on day 54 gow announces that the previous generation of goblins has left the village and he offers to allow anyone else to join them however no one else wants to leave so they have a toast on day 55 the genius gow works on producing ear ings with his blood in them which can serve his communication devices on day 56 gobra finds that they work perfectly so he makes enough for everyone on day 57 go takes down a treehorn and Gobo tests out his monster Tamer ability that he acquired from the human it works perfectly and the tryhorn becomes their first familiar on day 55 we discover that gooru also has a great familiar the leader of a black wolf pack becomes his pet and bodyguard for the human women on day 59 gobu experiences an incredible shock as the redheaded girl who was initially weak has grown into a powerful Warrior while they are eating go Bru is surprised when she reveals that she has just gotten a new job moments later she showcases her new hunting prowess and Gobo explains that her new job is a shadow soldier she now has to consume monsters regularly or she will perish but it leads to some remarkable growth later gooru learns that humans have been attacking goblins in the forest signaling impending war between them on the 60th day gobu senses Cobalts being pursued by an unknown entity that even his search ability cannot detect when the Cobalts reach the cave they discover that the pursuers are magically animated skeletons GMI archers attempt to shoot them down but their arrows prove ineffective with an overwhelming number of skeletons gichi fears the situation will worsen go Bru's search ability reveals a single powerful Source behind all the skeletons likely the Creator as the others fight the skeletons go bro has a realization when Hobo's attack shows that cutting the skeletons is ineffective but smashing them apart works wonders they all discard their weapons and start bashing their opponents despite their efforts the number of skeletons remains overwhelming prompting goo to decide that he must end the battle he begins a mental countdown as he navigates through the skeleton army finishing 3 seconds ahead of schedule and successfully crushing the monster responsible for creating the skeletons consuming this creature grants him the ability to summon Lower Undead and materialized High tier equipment among other things afterwards the colds Express their apologies for their mistake unintentionally they stumbled upon velvet's treasury which had been invaded by the Goblins earlier and awakened its Guardian the mighty skeleton in a desperate attempt to survive they sought refuge in the cave belonging to goo who had earned the reputation of being the terrifying black ogre now these colds refer to gobu as their lord although he reminds them that he has eliminated many of their kind before despite this they are immensely grateful to him for saving their lives and understand that the strong devouring the weak is simply the law of nature they acknowledge that their fate is now in gober's hands as they owe him their lives Gobo comprehends their gratitude and ensures their wounds are attended to by their cleric as gobu gazes around his cave he amazed at how he has gathered such an intriguing group even though he has no idea how it came to be on the 61st day gobu went hunting with gab Ki and spotted 12 armed human soldiers they Trail them and gooru used his skills to take them down one by one he discovered that the humans were planning to abduct the daughter of the Elvis Chief with a tip off from one of the elves as the chief's daughter returned from from a festival the humans launched their attack overpowering her guards and capturing her gobu couldn't stand by and watch so he rescued the girl and captured one of the humans the next day he found out that the human Army would strike in 20 days after consuming all 12 humans gobu gained new abilities when the elf girl woke up she was frightened of gooru he noticed her unusual wings and tried to reassure her but she panicked fearing the worst after sipping on some soothing tea she finally starts to unwind a little however her M takes a turn for the worst when goow discloses that he couldn't save her guards she immediately places the blame on him accusing him of merely standing by while they were attacked go brra on the other hand defends himself by stating that the human elf conflict is not his concern he further reveals the presence of a trayer among the elves suggesting that she should be more distressed about that overwhelmed with emotion she breaks down into uncontrollable sobs goo advises her to get some rest before they escort her back home later that night goo has to remind the elderly Gan to keep his hands to himself on the 63rd day they accompany the elf back to her Homeland she explains that wings are a characteristic exclusive to High Elves but they usually remain concealed within their bodies they are not intended to be displayed to others but due to her lack of experience they occasionally pop out upon reaching the elf Village gow notices that 25 archers have their sights set on him with Mythril arrow heads fortunately the chief's daughter steps in and reveals that gooru once save her life the chief expresses his gratitude for rescuing his daughter but gobu clarifies that his actions were not driven by Goodwill he seeks a reward and sees this as an opportunity to gauge the chief's judgment as a reward gow receives if fail not a family herum and magical item the daughter is surprised by his willingness to part with it but the chief deems it a small price for her safety goo is content with the exchange and offers to provide information about the human Army's movements in return the elves and goblins establish a friendly relationship with the elves generously providing mythal equipment to the go the chief inquires about a group of missing Elite Fighters but goo feigns ignorance as a gesture of Goodwill the chief gifts gobu some fine liquor prompting go Bru to pledge his assistance whenever needed that night go Bru is Amazed by the delicious Taste of the alcohol on day 64 gooru is surprised to discover that gadm me has evolved into a damper variant and they are joined by eight new hob goblins Gaby's new powers are truly remarkable the god of ice granted her the gift of creating and controlling vast quantities of ice in addition her evil eyes have the ability to Mesmerize enemies causing them to turn against each other goo seems to have a sense of familiarity towards her although he cannot quite place it Gabe has also undergone a transformation now being a half Earth Lord with the power to manipulate the Earth itself she can enhance her physical strength and even use lightning magic to locate precious gems as for Hobs setto she's evolved into a half bloody Lord capable of manipulating blood into deadly weapons interestingly all these evolved goblins bear mysterious tattoo in various locations believed to grant them additional strength gow is intrigued by their evolution and decides to bestow upon them new names in light of their new found abilities after that we are presented with a chart that ranks the races based on their power surprisingly augu ranks fifth falling behind The Damp peers and the Lords however OBU is aware that the elves will seek their assistance when their battle against the humans commences recognizing the need for more resources auu distributed communication earrings to the new comrades unfortunately the elf girls they have captive refused to wear them as it goes against their cultural norms to Adorn their ears nevertheless auu took the time to persuade them and eventually convince them to join during training utilizing his summoning ability ALU summons skeletons for practical sparring sessions to enhance their performance ALU equipped the skeletons with armor the quality of the armor directly correlates with the strength of the skeleton although the elves face difficulties and lost most of their matches augu remains satisfied as the group's trust and camaraderie continued to grow on the 65th day OBU discovered that by conserving Mana he could summon regular skeletons zombies and other Undead creatures he pondered what they might taste like but soon realized he couldn't consume them however it proved to be excellent for training and gaining experience Unfortunately they would vanish in daylight making them unusable during the day with over 100 members in his group now the Cobalts were at a disadvantage and had to work harder after a battle OBU worried that Gab Fu was consuming too much rotten meat but she believed it was the best option on the 66th day Oru sealed off the cave exit where the skeletons emerged and sent the Cobalts to hunt for more wolf familiars surprisingly they managed to capture 20 wolves quickly on their Journey back they faced a fierce bore which earthy swiftly defeated later the forge girl revealed she had upgraded the axe damage during the battle with the red bear the entire thing underwent a modification using a combination of spirits Stone iron and mithil oy was amazed and the Smith girl revealed that she had transformed into to an elemental Smith on day 67 or jukichi confessed that he had always had a crush on earthy surprisingly ogu already knew so orji sought his help as he was unsure of what to do auru came up with a plan for him asking oruk kichi to do something that night and hoping for good news in the morning that night oraki expressed his feelings to earthy and she seemed to take it well the next morning oraki felt incredibly light on his feet and stronger than ever during a match against AO orishi managed to land more attacks than usual and oo was glad that things went well for his friend it turned out that earthy had spoken to dami about it the day before so oo and dami set the stage for them oriki had become so strong and energetic that oo had to replace himself with a black skeleton in their sparring match after their training Aldo's usual group went hunting and encountered many insect monsters that he had never seen before granting him even more abilities the exoskeleton known as the most interesting of them all completely transformed augu into a superhero likee figure this new exoskeleton is not only extremely durable but also have the ability to repair itself and disperse impacts although AO finds it a bit too flashy for his taste dami thinks it looks cool when omro tries to change back into his old clothes he realizes that his normal clothes were actually used to create the exoskeleton it's a shame since he really liked his outfit made from the red Bear's Pelt bogre discovers that the exoskeleton allows him to register five different forms after some thought he decides to register forms for aerial and sea battles starting with one form from the insects he can now Sprout wings and fly although controlling it proves to be quite challenging and requires practice on day 69 during Heavy Rain the redhead challenges Ogo to spar with her she has been making consistent progress so she has recently been requesting additional training oo then reflects on how she used to resemble a playful puppy but now she appears more like a mature Doberman as for the Smith girl she's been regularly meeting with the elves to collaborate on new weapon ideas she is currently focused on developing a repeating crossbow and the tests have been going so well that odra has encouraged her to move forward with manufacturing them overw then provided her with additional materials and expressed hope that she could create a new weapon for him the chef's sisters have also earned a new title as head chefs Ogo had them attempt to recreate dishes from his previous life such as potato chips following that Ogo had a meeting with The Alchemist regarding the production of magical items The Alchemist reveals a creation made from black skeleton bones a bone nail that possesses the power to freeze anyone struck by it in place the other girls catch ogow embracing The Alchemist but he chooses not to elaborate on what unfolds next on the 70th day a group of elves arriving on behalf of their Chief as they pass by their old comrades U's earrings created a disguise effect making them appear as dark elves the elf kid revealed that humans were making a move and the elves needed oo's help to handle them the chief elf wanted the enemy completely eliminated and price was not an issue however the contra would be void if oow retreated OBU accepted the job but made it clear that it would be on his terms he instructed the kid to give the elf Chief a bracelet for communication with information being a crucial weapon OBU already had his blood minis covering the woods Gathering everyone OBU declared that it was time to put their skills to use they would now be known as the parabella mercenary company a professional force of Fighters everyone embraced the idea chanting Parabellum as they prepared for their first job battle that's where this video ends you have to click on the right to see its next part and to see best and recap of my channel you have to click on the left if you 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Channel: Recap Play
Views: 1,168
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Keywords: re monster, re monster trailer, re monster episode 5, re monster reaction, re monster fight scene, re monster full episode, re monster anime, re monster ep 5, re monster recap, anime recap, anime recaps, aniplot, anicap, recap play, anime, recap, re monster episode 6, re monster ep 6
Id: LB7LwnTaUdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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