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hi this is jalapenist today even though normally I talk about audio I wanted to talk about kyber AI [Music] if you've seen that new Linkin Park video or maybe there's some other examples it's um it's motion AI so we're mid-journey and Dolly we're kind of singular images uh kyber AI kind of stitches together a bunch of images kind of like mid-journey-ish images and can create videos you can use that for corporate videos you can use it for music videos um you know whatever and what you have to do essentially is uh give it a prompt like a text prompt of what you'd like to see and then a um an example and then it will generate um some footage based off that so the web page to go to is kyber.ai there's some pricing tiers so there's the free tier I tried the free tier it takes a long time to generate footage although it's worthwhile to check out if you want to see if it's worth your time and there is a like a watermark but it's what I saw at the time I used it was the water Watermark was like a a border around it then you can move up to the Pro Plan they have monthly billing which is 15 American per month and that gives you a thousand credits for a thousand seconds which works out to you know 15 16 minutes of footage depending on if you upscale the footage Etc and the credits roll over every month and if you want to go on a yearly building that's ten dollars per month the thing I find a little aware about the yearly billing is it says 120 build annually for 10 000 credits or ten thousand seconds of video per year that sounds like it's 10 months of of seconds so I'm not sure if that's a mistake on the third part there's a also I get a quote option if you want to do long form videos Etc but I have a feeling most people are going to live in the free or in the Pro Plan um so let's just jump into kyber AI I'm going to show you kind of a video example of some of the stuff I was doing here so I was doing some short footage but then I was also doing some longer form videos so you know here's an example of some footage that turned out pretty good essentially I used a Bosch image and you can see actually if I pause it you can see the exact image that I supplied it and then I said a bird creature eats his son with flower faces in the style of Bosch Art Nouveau oil painting So sort of like a Saturn kind of idea but with that bird with what I was trying to going for um and this is what it spit out so not entirely successful um you have that Art Nouveau kind of style with the woman in the background I assume uh that image there is kind of the Sun and then this is the bird creature um but uh essentially it's a matter of supplying prompts to it and then a an image and then seeing what we can generate I did do some longer form stuff as well so maybe we can take a look at that um so here I gave kind of I just wanted to create sort of a music video um I said cyberpunk motorcycle chase inspired by Kira in Neo Tokyo racist stream through the streets with light streaking behind them a few crashes with massive explosions close-ups on a few face Racers faces as the race continues one hits a car and flies in the air buildings explode One racer stops to a halt to pan out on a cyberpunk metropolis of neo-tokyo skyline so here I had tried a video before and that one was actually successful but this is sort of where I want to show sort of what the faults can be here um so it in this video I'll just turn on the audio there so I supplied it some audio um and I find that the audio is actually pretty successful in um uh getting the image to move so you can hear it kind of following that that kick drum but I did find that um you know if you're just gonna throw a three or four minute track that it can become kind of Meandering um whereas the first video I had done is actually kind of successful with it but this one I found you know it's cool but it kind of suffers from that typical kind of AI um uh problem that I find with a lot of this footage which is um it just looks like it's AI mid-journey stuff and and um what I'm hoping to do with kyber AI is to kind of break it out of that um appearance and look um and you can kind of see the tricks that that it plays here so you know it's generating images like my journey kind of one image at a time and then fading uh in between these images so you know we're not at 24 frames per second or something this is probably like I don't know eight frames per second or maybe 10 where it's generating an image and then and then Fading Into the new image so um to save on processing but um you know on a higher budget um you know say if you were going for that custom plan maybe that that's possible like that Linkin Park video looks pretty amazing um and uh What uh kyber has said is that um you may have more success by kind of doing a five or eight second trial of something and then um you know in traditional music videos or traditional uh videos um uh you're gonna have quick quick edits anyway so my next approach is going to be kind of combining uh clips of footage to see kind of what we get here um so yeah uh this was you know an attempt at like a two and a half minute video just to see what it would do I mean it's pretty cool it's pretty amazing that it does it on such a a quick timeline and really you're just applying it with an image and then uh and some text but I'll go into kind of how I've been doing these so up here we'll give you the amount of credits that you have you have a thousand credits per month I'm at 471 currently there's also the upscaling so actually maybe I'll show you that so um you can download the video um or upscale it so if you download the video native it's going to give you 720p but if you want to upscale the video um I have already done that for 4K but you can see that it costs one credit for every five seconds and if you want to do 1080p it's one credit for every 10 seconds so that's why I was saying you know you get about 60 Minutes of footage but if you want to upscale stuff then it brings it down 14 15 minutes of footage depending on how much you're doing and what you're upscaling so let's create a video I'm going to drop an image here I grabbed keeping with that Akira theme let's throw in the famous Canada picture with his motorcycle here and I'm not going to give it any music at this time but you could drop music and I think my Approach is going to be is to edit slices of um of audio here that would kind of coincide with the video that I'm trying to do um and then I'll continue to prompt and I'm going to say um [Music] person walks up to cyber Punk motorbike gets on and zooms away um and uh so something super short and simple um like I said I tried longer prompts and actually kind of the more information that you give it uh the more um you know keywords that you give it the more information is going to be packed into the video but um those trips to try to keep it simple this time so I'm going to choose cinematic here for an example so you can provide it in these art styles with um you know presets but then you can also um you know let's put um um Baraka as an example let's put [Music] um take a I don't know throw something totally different at it you can edit some of these so we can say um man maybe we don't want this Polaroid films to uh just Polaroid film still so you can edit this and create your own but these are kind of um presets that they've given you here the credit cost is based on how many seconds of duration you're doing so let's stick with um you know let's do five seconds we'll do something you know what forget it we'll go a um one feature that I would uh that I wouldn't use is show the initial image in the first frame you're just losing a frame there and then Boomerang plays forward and then backwards that might be good for Instagram but um I'm not going to use that I feel probably when I tested that out it looked like it was generating kind of half the footage and then reversing that so um I don't know maybe I have to test it more but it seems like you're getting like less bang for your buck there and in a video you're not going to do that anyways so I haven't used this down footage so essentially in these camera movement directions you can zoom in zoom out rotate clockwise counterclockwise up down left right and static um static was pretty cool for like a Instagram kind of thing um but it did give the feeling of um uh Morgan of that majority AI thing evolved they have it at six I've tried uh lower to be more stable I found that footage you know even though I'm trying to get rid of that AI kind of feeling I found that a little boring whereas more wild kind of suited me so for this example I'm going to put it at eight but I've cranked it up to 10 and I don't see a massive difference but um but uh these are the only sliders we've got and if you added music you'd see another slider below here and it would say you know how much do you want to match to the music between one and ten I just put that at 10 for that example that you showed that I showed you and it did show um you know it did match up with the music quite well there so I'm going to generate this footage it's going to take a while to do not too too long you'll see there that's experiencing high traffic load on our servers I find generally like five minutes or so it's gonna say preparing your generation and then it's going to go to another screen creating your Masterpiece and you can stay here or you can just go to my video section and from here it's going to take a little bit to generate this and I'll catch you back as soon as this is available so I can show you the output okay and we're back so um this is the output so really reminiscent of the first Acura shot here for whatever reason there's a lot of wings in AI I don't know why I don't want angel wings on on my AI stuff but yeah I don't know hopefully I find a problem but I've tried you know don't you know I've tried to tell it not to do things and it just throws it there anyways so um I mean this is pretty interesting here it would be uh it would be pretty cool if it did we didn't have these Wings there but I mean whatever but that's uh that's the gist of uh kyber AI I think you know the deal is is that it's just about experimentation and uh the further that we get into it um I think the more uh we will look at the prompts funny enough I tried to ask chat gbt like you know give me some prompts and it's like I don't know what kyber AI is I'm not sure you don't um but uh there there is a Discord it doesn't seem to be super active right now but I think over time we're going to find more prompts that are going to be successful here uh and I'm just showing you some other things that I grabbed here that were kind of kind of successful like this was interesting um but uh yeah I'm gonna be working on this more I'll probably come back in another week or two after I've like collected some more footage and hopefully stitched together a video that I can share also if you check out my channel the earlier my earlier video there's one kept as batteries that utilize this kyber Ai and I thought that one was pretty successful so check it out smash like And subscribe and all the YouTube stuff and I'll see you again thanks
Views: 30,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PoA8PlGKzT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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