Kadence Theme Tutorial (Free Version) - Using Starter Templates by Kadence

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hey how's it going alex here from ideaspot today we have a cadence theme tutorial for wordpress so we're going to design this complete website during this tutorial so we're going to start with a cadence starter template to get us started we're going to learn how to design sections and blocks in cadence we are going to design a contact page with a contact form that works and sends emails and we're also going to set up a blog page with our blog posts in there as well so if all this sounds interesting then keep watching [Music] so starting with a blank wordpress install let's head to our dashboard and we are going to upload the cadence theme here so appearance and themes and we want to upload the theme so we want to find a copy of this cadence theme so let's head over to the cadence website we want to go to products and themes let's head over to the cadence theme we want to view the details there and click free download and we go down here no thanks i just want to download the theme zip so there we go that will download and we'll get our download down here so you can get that from cadencewp.com i'll put that link in the description anyway so let's get on with the tutorial so back on our dashboard under upload theme we're going to choose that zip file that we just downloaded there we go and install that one that will take a second to install when that's done click activate so there we go we've got a message new theme activated next step we're going to need a couple cadence plugins so under plugins and add new search for starter templates by cadence wp so we're going to want starter templates by cadence wp install and activate that one we also want gutenberg blocks by cadence blocks page builder features so both of these make this tutorial super super easy so install and activate both of those i'm going to go ahead and do that so uh starter templates are active now let's go back and activate the blocks for cadence as well so we've got our blocks activated now too so next step under appearance now we've got our starter templates in our appearance menu so let's click that one and we've got all our cadence starter templates so this is a fairly new plugin and there's only five templates so far hopefully they're going to add some more but i really love agency and software as a service is pretty cool as well but let's go with agency this is a super clean modern looking template so templates like this really do tend to convert well they're very clean and simple to use let's go ahead and import that one and click start importing that should only take a second then we can click finish view your site so here we go we've imported this demo site so straight away what i like here besides being a super clean and modern looking design you've got a transparent heading we've got a blog page which is already pre-formatted ready to go we've got our blog posts here the blog posts themselves have a pretty nice template already so that looks good very easy to get started and the contact page has a contact form embedded in there and that's part of the cadence blocks plugins this is included with our starter template so it's all ready to go so let's get started on customizing this website so let's head back to the home page and i think what we'll start with is our header and our footer so let's click on customize so here we are in our theme customizer now we've got shortcuts to our logo and our menu here let's start with our logo so let's click on that one now because we're using a transparent header we've got a light logo and we've got our regular logo here so we're going to need two i've designed two already let's remove this one and let's put our blue idea spot logo here so let's upload that logo so let's click upload files we're gonna select files here's some images and some logos that i've already made so let's go ahead and upload these ones there we go let's wait for those to upload so i've just made a few different colored light bulbs and uploaded a few stock images for this demonstration so i've got these light bulbs all i did to make those was just go to logomaker.com and chose one of these light bulbs and change the colors and i've got three different things so nothing fancy here let's go with the blue one for our regular logo let's select that one we're going to skip cropping and just leave it like that and from here we can click publish you'll notice the logo hasn't actually changed because this is the transparent logo there are two different logos like i said before so let's go back here and click transparent header and we want a different logo for the transparent header we need a light one and a colored one so they can have good contrast on the different backgrounds so let's remove that one and let's select our white light bulb that we made on logo maker so there we go so let's go ahead and click publish and let's head back to that logo option again now there are a few different ways of displaying it we can just have the logo by itself we can have the logo and the title or we can have the logo in the tagline and there are different little options on how you want to display it so just choose the one that suits yourself i'm going to go with logo and title i might just change my title to ideaspot like that and then call it a wordpress tutorials perhaps so there we go it seems good next thing we can do here is upload a site icon as well that is the little icon that goes in our tab so we've got this is a default one we can remove that one and change it to a light bulb just make sure you've got a square version of your logo so we can skip cropping and there we go we've got our little light bulb in our tab now as well so let's hit publish all right now back to our logo again we want to go to design and we want to change that site title and font so for this font i might go with maybe later there we go and we can choose a style so we can choose the weight that we want we can have it quite bold or i might go with 700 for now let's see and we want to change that color as well so let's go with just go with white there we go let's hit publish now if you need some inspiration for fonts just head to fonts.google.com and you can scroll through and find them in order of trending or most popular and you can see what looks good so lato is quite popular at the moment roboto is obviously really popular that's google's favorite montserrat is not a bad choice that's what was the default so you can totally leave it on that if you like but let's go with lato for that heading now you'll notice there's a globe in that swatch there now this theme actually gives us global color swatches so let's have a look at that feature because this is one of the coolest features in this theme so let's head back to our menu let's go to general and let's go to colors so we actually have a global palette that we can work with here so this is our default palette one and we can actually make two other custom palettes so let's give this a feature a go and see what it's like so let's start with palette 2. now what we want to do is have a primary color and then we have four shades of text and three shades of background so let's get started if you don't know anything about making a palette like me you can actually just go to mycolor.space and we can generate a palette so you just choose a starting primary color i've got this nice blue that i've chosen but you can just click here you can enter any code you like for a primary starting color whatever you like really but i'm going to start with that one because that's the color of my light bulb that i made earlier and we're going to click generate and this will create a whole bunch of different uh complementary palettes so i like to scroll down to the bottom and there are some ones that are based on basic shades so these are going to be really cool in terms of having background colors and accent colors so i think our original light bulb color i'm going to use that as our main accent color there we go and i want this darker blue to be our main background color that is the accent one and accent two so i like having that one a little bit darker and then when you mouse over something it lightens up a little bit so i'll go with those two now the third one is your main text so that can be a really dark blue or even a black so i actually like having black as my main text color so let's go with the black for now here we can set transparency as well so if you want a little bit of transparency that's cool as well but let's go with solid black for our main text and then for the next one you've got the strong text like not as strong as the strongest text but maybe a dark dark blue would be good here so let's actually grab that dark blue for this one pop that in there and let's just darken it up a bit so it's a very deep dark blue so that's pretty cool and then we've got like a medium text color so let's go with again let's go with that same color blue but let's just not darken it up quite so much so let's go with that and then we've got like a subtle text as well so let's go what would be a nice subtle text let's go again let's just keep doing the same method put that dark one in and just make a subtle text with a light blue and then we've got these background colors so the last one is basically going to be white so let's just set that to white there we go all f's is white and let's go the next one let's go with this one it's pretty close to white that's another kind of background and the next one can be probably this one so that can be like a nice um shadow type color in the theme so that looks pretty cool for our palette let's publish that one so that's palette is basically saved now so we can actually flip between palettes and see like it's a nice subtle difference you can play around with that and make different palettes and you can change your design just in one click so that saves heaps of time compared to most themes i really enjoy having these palette features so let's go with palette 2 let's hit publish and let's keep working the other thing you can do here is global typography so like we said before it's set to montserrat and we've got our system default as our base font you can like make that a helvetica ariel for example i like using system default because that loads really fast but for our headings i like to use something a bit more stylized so they've used montserrat i use lato for that so i'm going to use loto again so let's go with that there we go so that's changed all of our headings to lato so very very easy to switch all your fonts with just a simple click there and then you can actually customize it further for example h3 is set to roboto condensed we might want to have that as later as well or just inherit from our theme so let's just do that and it's going to inherit the later from the heading family there so let's go ahead and publish but generally using just one or maybe just two different heading fonts is all you need i'm just going to go with that one later font for this demonstration now i've noticed my headings are title case but my actual logo title is all caps i'd actually prefer this to be title case as well so let's click that logo let's go back to the design and let's change the title font there we need to go to size and we need to change that to there's title case there there's all caps there and there's lowercase so let's go with title case looks good and we want to change that font color to our global color of white that looks pretty cool and let's play around with the weight so we've got regular we've got italic we've got 900 we've got 700 i actually kind of just like regular sometimes less is more there we go let's publish okay next step let's look at our menu here let's hit that pencil we've got our primary navigation design again we've got our navigation font i'd like that to be later so let's go with lato there we go hit publish now there's loads of things we can do with our header in this cadence theme you'll see down here we have actually three rows on the header the top row the main row and the bottom row the main row is what we see here you can actually add things above and below i like to keep things fairly clean with the one row for this demonstration but you can play around with this yourself what i might do is show you how to add a few things to this main row so let's click back and let's look at the header and let's see we've got available items here so you can add buttons social icons custom html even a search icon so let's pop that search icon in here and we can pop that next to our menu you can have it on either side we can basically drag things around you can have it next to the logo for example um in the middle you can pop it over here next to the logo but it doesn't look good obviously i kind of like it over there in the corner so and the other thing you can do is put a woocommerce cart now if you install woocommerce woocommerce will pop up here so if you haven't hit subscribe to ideaspot yet hit subscribe because i'm gonna make a cadence woocommerce tutorial for my next video so hit subscribe and come back later for that one now one thing i'd like is a bit of a hover effect when i hover on that menu so let's head back to our header design and let's look at the transparent header what i'd like to change is the transparent header design so we've got navigation colors here active color hover color and initial colors so what we want to change is that hover color let's make a nice subtle light accent of blue there so when we go over the color we can see it changes to blue so that makes it a bit more user friendly i think so let's hit publish there's obviously loads more we can do with that header but sometimes i think when you're learning it's best to stick closely to the starter template design and just tweak it a little bit to your liking so let's go down to our footer and let's click that footer so from here we can click the general and we can actually change that copyright message down here the only thing i really want to do with this is just remove that cadence wordpress branding and just have copyright 2020 idea spot so copyright year site title that's all i want i'm just going to delete that part out hit publish i'm quite happy with that but you can customize that however you like there's a few more things you can look at but i think for this demo this is totally fine so back on our home page we can see we've got our logo we've got our title we've got our hover color one thing i might do is actually change the active color for that home so if we're on the home page maybe we want that to show up a bit darker so let's go back to our customizer again let's go back to our header here we go back to our design on our we want to do this on our transparent header and the design i'd like that uh active color to be a darker color so maybe let's make it a navy blue there we go that looks spot on so if we're on the home page we know we're on the homepage because it's darker and then we can hover and we can head say we're on the blog the blog is darker so i think that works pretty well so now our header and footer looks pretty much ready we are ready to start editing some content here so let's edit the page so this is the standard gutenberg editor in wordpress now this is wordpress 5.5 and things are much much better than they used to be i've got to say so this is the first time i've actually kind of enjoyed using gutenberg compared to using elementor i still think elementor is a little bit nicer but this is quite enjoyable now so let's get started so we've got a basic blue background here with a bit of a divider at the bottom there so let's click on this section here and let's change these background settings so let's click on background settings we can actually make a background image here so let's go with we're going to make this a idea spot training website so let's go with this picture of people training select that one and we need to change the background overlay settings here as well so at the moment we've got 100 blue overlay so we just need to change this 100 value to something a bit lower and get that image showing through a little bit there so i think 80 is probably pretty good we actually have a gradient happening here so there's one color a darker blue on here and a lighter blue over there so we can actually accentuate that a little bit if we want that darker one to say be a really dark blue and the other one to be a lighter blue we can really get that effect going a bit more i might use these colors again we can change that and get that effect however we want but feel free to play around with that you can get some really cool graphics using gradients in here the next step is really just changing content now changing content is very trivial you just click on things and you can delete them and change them so let's just change that to idea spot tutorials and rather than saying wordpress advertising seo let's call it wordpress education and training so that looks pretty cool and these buttons we can link those to other parts of our site so we can actually just type a url or search for a page on our site so say i wanted to link to the contact page i just start typing contact in there let's hit enter same with this learn more we could link that to say the services page and there we go let's hit update one thing i noticed is the permalinks are set to page id numbers i always like to have the page name as my permalink so let's go back to our dashboard and fix that so back in our dashboard under settings and permalinks make sure you've got post name this will set the plain permalink when i set this word page press site up so let's go with post name and click save see now on our page when we hover the menu we can see in the bottom corner we've actually got about services and contact as the page permalink name so let's go back to the editor and there we go let's fix those up i'm gonna go with the contact there we go it's better and let's go with services awesome here update i should explain why briefly post name is always better because you've got keywords in there rather than a number so when google spiders through your website they can actually get information about your website and that's better for your search engine optimization you'll just rank better having keywords in the url rather than that little number code so definitely do that so that's our first section done let's move on to the next one this looks like a fairly simple uh two column uh row layout here so they've got an interesting blob sort of picture here we can actually replace that with one of our own images so let's look at our media library and replace it with her for example but that doesn't look as good as the original design so i'm going to undo that one and i'm going to show you how to make one of these blob images so i'm going to head over to canva.com if you haven't used this definitely check this out on canva.com i've set up a new page 1000 by 1000 size image this is completely free to use all we do is go to elements and we want something called a frame so let's see all the frames what we want to use is a kind of a blob shape so you can choose any of these blob shapes we want to maximize that sort of size there and let's move it around so it's in the middle there we go and now we can just grab a photo you can upload photos or you can use these stock images totally up to you and go ahead and drop in whatever you like to put in there so let's just pop that girl in there for example that's all there is to it so back on our page i'm going to replace this one with one i've made earlier so in my media library i already uploaded this one of the idea spot sign so there we go we've got the idea spot sign in that nice blob fits the design nicely let's click update now changing text and buttons we've covered that already so i'm not going to do that again what i might do next is these dividers so there are dividers on this heading and on this section here let's have a look at this one so dividers we've got bottom and top the top one is this angle and the bottom one is also that kind of angle so we can change that to whatever we'd like so there's a few options in there you've got curves you've got angles and things so totally up to you i might change that top one to an angle like that for example so that looks pretty cool um let's change this one as well while we're at it so dividers and the bottom one we can change that to a bit of a down arrow type thing as well so have a play around there's a little bit of a shading on it i think that's quite nice let's click update and go with that so totally up to you on these dividers and let's go through and see what else there is so you will notice on these starter templates these info box blocks get used quite often now changing the text is fairly simple changing the icons here we just need to go to media settings on that block and you've got your icon down there we can say remove that one and replace it with any of these 81 different icons that they've got to choose from here so totally up to you let's just go with something like this cloud for example and go through and edit those how you want now if these blocks don't suit what your content is about all you have to do is just go ahead we can remove the whole block and i think rather than trying to play around and edit things too much it's much easier to just make a new block let's add one after let's add a row layout here you can actually search for the row layer or if the relay is already there you can go ahead and click it now what we want to do we want to use the pre-built library you can build things from scratch but i think when you're starting out you'll get much more pleasant and quick results by using the pre-built library so rather than trying to edit the starter template and force it to look like the way you want you can easily just add sections in that suit your content and just go with one of these prebuilt layouts so you can just scroll through here and find something that you like the look of and just pop that in so let's go with this one very simple split content type box and let's go with that again we can just change that text we've got a button down there we can change that button and we've got our image here we can just replace that image so let's go with that little training seminar perhaps so that looks pretty cool the only thing i might do is add a bit more spacing between them so the easiest way to get to these sort of sections is you can look down the bottom left you've got the row layout column and image so let's look at the row layout so here we've got our padding and marger and our gutter the gutter is no gutter so we can have like a wider gutter or a wider gutter so it looks a little bit more well spaced maybe wide looks wider i like that one and then maybe if we didn't want that heading or that button we could just remove those as well so we could remove that block click that button and remove that block as well so nice and simple little block there let's uh let's continue on with our project so rather than fighting against the design and trying to shoehorn it into your vision it's much much easier just to remove the things that you don't want and add in the things that you do want so this is all pretty cool actually quite like quite like this simple blue block down here the other thing you can do is just uh make a copy go ahead say i wanted that blue block in here let's add one afterwards um there we go and we can just paste that in there we go so i've got that blue in there i might add some spacing below that so let's go back to that block we want to we want to add one after and all we want to add there is a spacer there we go that looks pretty cool hit update so if we wanted to we could go ahead and add a background image with a blue gradient overlay the same as we did on the top if we wanted to so you know how to do that you know how to work with the template and you know how to add in new templates as well so we've really got all the skills we need to edit and work on this page so quite quite simple to do i really don't mind using it now that there's all these blocks and pre-built designs to work with i think it is quite a smooth workflow one other thing i'll briefly touch on is copying sections from one page to another so quite like this top section that we made on the home page let's say we wanted to move this over to the contact page as well so let's just edit the home page and let's edit the contact page at the same time here and let's just select this top section and copy head over to our contact page let's select this top section and let's create a new section before and then just go ahead and paste that in there we go then all we have to do is remove the previous top section and then i just want to change that so it says contact rather than id spot tutorials so let's grab these blocks that we don't want and just remove them this one and this one and then just change this text so it says contact there we go hit update so after refreshing our contact page we can see we've got a duplicate of this top section design on the contact page so this is a really quick way of duplicating designs that you've liked on previous sections onto other pages as well so save a lot of work doing it this way for our next section let's work on the blog now this is a little bit different because everything on the blog page is handled through the customizer rather than the editor so let's hit customize on here so there's not a lot of work to do here the cadence theme covers a title section and our blog post section and the footer which we've already done so let's just quickly cover this all we do here is go to blog posts and this is the archive layout and within there you've got the single posts so we'll do the archive first let's look at the design we've got our title section up here it's got that gradient background so we can look at that we can change these colors so i might actually change these to match the color palette that we chose earlier in the video so let's open another customizer and find those colors so i'm just going to go over to another tab and open the customizer again head back to general colors and there's our palette so let's grab the dark blue shall we there we go grab that hex code and i'll put that dark blue in there looks good and the other blue can be perhaps this light blue there we go and let's change that one to match there so that's basically the color palette that we chose earlier the other thing we might do here is change the gradient angle so we've got the angle there we can actually decide how that looks so i might have the dark part in the top or the top right maybe i think that looks pretty decent there we go and i might change the shade of the light blue just slightly shall we so let's just bump that across yeah i think that's a little better cool let's publish there are a few other things we can customize here colors and fonts but let's look at the general section here so there are a few different blog layout options we can work with the main thing you want to look at here is the actual archive layout so at the moment it's on normal you can set that to narrow so it has narrow columns you can set it to full width so it's large columns you can have a sidebar or you can have a right sidebar personally i just like the normal layout i like to leave it as it is and you can have boxed or unboxed so unboxed is like that and boxed is like that so it creates that darker box around the edge and unboxed you've got that white so a little bit of contrast there between the excerpt and the background so i quite like boxed here we can choose our columns one two or three all of them look pretty decent one if you've got a nice big say if it was a photography blog you wanted to concentrate on the actual image of the featured image two is what we had before and three if you're doing more like a magazine style um article style blog so i think two is actually pretty appropriate for most blogs so let's leave it on that one there is one interesting thing you can do when you're using one column because you can have image placement beside and they've got a nice list so that one is probably my second favorite so i like this one and i just also like the standard two column design the other thing i like to change is some of the meta in the blog description there so having looking at this meta we can actually change we can like hide the author we can hide the date we can hide the um the categories by turning their eye off we can actually turn off featured images if you wanted to do that as well but i think this looks pretty decent just having the image the title and the excerpt if you had multiple authors you might want to show author if you were updating very regularly you might want to show the date or maybe just show the last updated date but personally i have to clean it up as much as possible maybe just have the read more and the excerpt and that's about it and while we're here the excerpt can be customized a little bit as well 55 is probably about right you could drop it down a bit more there's 105 and have a look what it looks like to you if you want more or less words there so 25 is quite short i think 55 was probably about right for this layout so let's bump it back up to where it was looks pretty good so you can tweak this however you like the one thing i might add is if you don't want the title to be blocked all you have to do is go back to your pages in the dashboard and just rename blogs so you go to quick edit change the title change the slug and that's all you need to do it'll just copy that title and pop that in the top there next thing we'll do is look at some of the posts so let's open one of the posts and this is the post layout for your blog so let's actually go back here and look at the single post layout so this is our single burst layout so this is all fairly self-explanatory there are two main layouts there is this one that has the title at the top and this one has the title down there so i actually like this one more um we can play around a little bit more here first thing i like to do is clean up the meta a little bit like we did before i like to turn off the author turn off the date you can turn those on or off as your preference next thing we've got a few different post layouts we can work with we've got this wide one again we've got the regular one and a few different options involving sidebars involving right sidebars so i quite kind of like leaving it to this one here and you've got the content style you can have that shaded effect there that's pretty cool or the default version there with the um overlapping uh image there if you don't like the overlapping image effect you've got the featured image position option there so you can have the image just above looks very simple or even below the content there so in between your title and the content you've got your image so up to you they look pretty good to be honest um i thought behind is quite cool depends on what you're doing if you've got text or logos and things it might clip the edges so just play around make sure it works with your design but very simple to do down here we have featured image ratio so this is something that um other themes don't do that well sometimes the image ratio you can customize this to suit so 16 by nine photographs three by two photographs you can just inherit the ratio from the photograph itself so totally up to you i'm going to leave it on default it will automatically crop any images to this ratio anyway so just go with what you feel like it's very very simple to use i really enjoyed having this built into the theme customizer finally we've got a few more options here at the bottom so we can have this previous and next posts so we can actually turn those navigations off if we want we've got related posts down the bottom i think this is pretty cool but you can turn it off if you want um comments on or off you can totally turn those off i like to turn comments off generally because most of them are just spam unless you get really popular and you get good contributions mostly they aren't really worth having comments but that pretty much wraps it up when you're happy with your options hit publish and your blog is pretty much good to go let's try making a post and see how that comes out so back in our dash under posts all posts let's add a new post and let's just paste in some filler let's call this the idea spot blogging tutorial and the key thing you want to do is make sure you have a category set up so i might call this a design in categories and let's add a featured image so let's grab this one of the class having a tutorial there we go hit publish hit publish again and let's view our post there we go so as we did in our customizer it looks exactly like that we can look at the blog and we can see we've got our featured image it's cropped to that three by two ratio same as all these other images so it's a nice clean looking even grid now the categories are under posts and categories the starter website gave us these categories design marketing and clients we might actually delete them and just make the ones that suit our blog as well so i probably just want to have design and maybe reviews maybe so we could make a new category called reviews the slug will be reviews and no parent category let's just add that new category and i also want to set a default category here so that is under settings and writing and by default it's going to uncategorize let's set that as design and click save there we go so posts categories we can actually just delete the uncategorized thing now now if we don't set a category they'll all automatically go into design so we can see that any post that didn't have a category they're now back in the default category which is designed so quite simple to do so we know how to do page design blogging and the blog layout the one thing that we are left to deal with in this theme is just this little contact form this is quite simple to do as well let's go to edit the page so scrolling down to this contact form this contact form is just part of the cadence blocks plugin so we've got all our form settings here in the right column so we need to scroll down to find the actual action after submit i think this is important we want it to email and the email settings here so this is where to from subject we want to fill these out so for example when someone fills this out i'd like it to be sent to ideaspotclass.gmail.com i want it to be a um contact form submission and the from email is important we want to make sure the domain matches our website so in this case it's uh ideaclass.com so i'll just call that from contact form at ideaclass.com it doesn't need to be anything special just needs to make sure it matches your domain name there and wordpress will send it out from that address so from name i'll just say it's from uh contact form and reply to the email field that's fine you can add ccs and bcc's there but totally optional let's hit update the other thing we can do here is by default you've got a basic spam check but if you want to add google recapture you can totally add a google recapture key there as well very easy to set this up if you haven't done this before just head over to google.com recaptcha go to your admin console get your key and then plug that key in there you can use a version three or version two version two is like find the buses or find the cars version three is invisible but it's got a little badge in the corner so totally up to you but it is cool to have this in the free version of the plugin so i'm not going to do that for now but definitely recommend doing that now our button label we can easily just click on that button label and change it so instead of contact us we can just make it say send for example and the actual fields you can copy them you can add new ones for example if we wanted to just um copy that and have two phone numbers you could do that let's close out of that we can make a new field altogether like here say we wanted to have a change the field settings here we can have that label there customize it how you want so you have anything there or you can just turn that off like it is on the other fields and we might have a field placeholder holder so if you want to have say address you could put that in there so very easy to work with there are a few different kinds of field settings as well you can have if we want to add one i've added two there so you can have text email text area looks like that you can have telephone you can have check boxes and radio boxes lots of different options so pretty good free form builder built into the cadence blocks so very nice little feature let's go with update but from here we're pretty much good to go we've got all the skills to edit pages make sections copy sections we can set up our blog we can set up our posts we've got a contacts page with a contact form that works we can do headers and footers logos whatever so very simple basic page didn't take that long normally i prefer using elementor but i think the progress that wordpress 5.5 has made along with this new cadence theme with cadence blocks and starter templates i think it's almost just as easy as elementor so let me know what you think in the comments are you going to be switching over to this theme and this method of building pages or where you stick to using elementor if that's what you've been using before so very interested to know what you guys think now for comparison i do have a complete astra and elementor tutorial in this video here i do think it's slightly easier to use astra when you're first starting out but i definitely think cadence is almost just as easy so try them both let me know what you think but thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: IdeaSpot
Views: 20,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kadence wp, kadencewp tutorial, kadence starter templates, starter templates by kadence, gutenberg Blocks by Kadence, Kadence blocks, kadence wp theme, kadence wp review, kadence theme woocommerce, kadence theme, Kadence Theme Tutorial, Kadence theme review, kadence forms, kadence blog page, kadence blog posts, customize kadence header, customize kadence footer, best free wordpress themes, best wordpress themes 2020, best wordpress themes
Id: Czr1kR2QmDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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