Kadence Dynamic Content is Coming! - Is it Better than Stackable?

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i just got hold of the early beta version of the cadence blocks that includes the dynamic content function this is all thanks to adam from wp crafter so adam if you're watching this thank you stackable blogs has already claimed number one when it comes to dynamic content but number one being the first on the market it has nothing to do with the quality i've already created a video on that which is right here but don't go there yet i've left a link in the description as well now it is really the race to number two a lot of gutenberg blog plugins have put dynamic content as their coming soon feature and it seems cadence blocks could very well be the second on the market and probably the best yet but right now it is still in the beta version but i would say it is concrete enough to be in the live version so this is the first look into the cadence blocks dynamic content i've been waiting for this for far too long and if you are still using the free cadence blocks the dynamic content is going to give you another good reason to get the cadence blocks pro and if you decide to do that i hope we can use this link anyway before we get started i hope you can smash that thumbs up button for the youtube algorithm it means a lot to me and thank you so much if you have done that you definitely want to stick around to the end because i'm going to show you a cool and awesome way to use the cadence dynamic content if you're selling products on your website so let's go hey this is jack and if this is your first time watching a video from my channel i share a lot of wordpress tips and tutorials as well as affiliate marketing content so if you want to learn any of these topics then subscribe to the channel and hit the bell notification my only goal is to share with you ways to save lots of money for your online business using wordpress i don't use page builders and size speed is my main focus and if you're running an online business and you're paying hundreds of dollars to make your website work subscribe and you'll become a money-saving expert for your online business anyway before we get started i need to explain to you what dynamic content is and its common usage because without doing that what is the purpose of watching this video right [Music] now every website on the internet will have a database if you are writing content and you save it it will be stored on the database as a draft and when you publish the content it will be stored in the database as live then for example if you are selling products on your website your customers will have entered some personal information like the name address credit card details etc that information will be stored on the database as well so basically whatever that is happening on your website will be stored on your site's database now for example if you are designing the customer account page of your website and you have hundreds of customers do you create hundreds of pages on your website for each customer no right if you do that you will need to key in all the variables like the name the product details everything they bought and whatever one by one and that's called static content if you use dynamic content all you need to do is to create one page on your website and using some codes you draw each individual customer's information from the database and display it on that page the process of drawing out information from the database to be displayed on your webpage it's called displaying dynamic content you wouldn't need to care much about this because woocommerce has created a platform to help you draw that information from your database but that's the general idea next we need to talk about custom views to easily understand custom fields it is basically a field that you create so that you can insert content to be stored on the database so that you can use it later on i've actually done an example on this in another video about stackable i'll leave a link in the description if you want to check that out to make this easy dynamic content relies on the data that has been stored on your site's database it is not plugged out of thin air if there is nothing in your database there is nothing for you to display simple as that so with that let's take a look at a side-by-side comparison between the dynamic content of stackable and cadence i've installed both the stackable pro as well as the early beta of the cadence blocks and when you write some tags on your wordpress editor you'll have these options the one that looks like a globe is from stackable and the one that looks like three cylinders are from cadence blocks now again this is an early beta version of cadence blocks it is not released to the public yet i think it could be released by next week but for some of you who are watching this video a little later it could have already been released [Music] the stackable dynamic content looks like this they are called dynamic views and to start with you need to select a source to draw information from you can draw information from the current post from other posts the site in general or the latest post basically when you are doing this you are trying to draw information from the source you have selected and you want to display it on the page that you are working on when you select the current post as your source you can draw the post title url and all this from the current post honestly i don't see a need for you to draw information from a current post because you are working on it but what i think is useful is when you are designing templates for your website i'll show you an example in a while but for now let's move on so these are the contents you can draw from the current post we have the post information the author information the comment the featured image now this is not displaying the featured image though it's just displaying the url tanks like the https and the link address i honestly don't think this is of any use unless you can display dynamic images but anyway this is the section where all the custom fields are found now these are custom fields that i've created when talking about stackable i've used a plugin called advanced custom view or acf in short to create this custom fuse if you look at my wordpress editor i have this area where i can input all these values that will be displayed on the page template i've created again if you haven't checked that stackable video the link is in the description now when it comes to cadence's dynamic content it is structured a little differently yes you still have all these standard post items you have the archive items the site and the author items but what's different is that the custom fields are nested in the categories so if i click on this post custom view it will ask me where i should source the content and then i can select the custom view i've created with acf i don't know about you but i feel this is more organized and they even have a custom input i don't know how this custom input works right now but my guess is it is going to replace acf because you can create custom fields right here but at this moment i don't see how this can work now something that i've discovered is that cadence's dynamic content will only work if the content is published let me give you an example if you use stackable blogs and you add a dynamic content for example this view this top five benefits benefit one which is this view over here if we put the value of this view as dynamic content it's fetching this because previously it was this we have to update this post before this will be displayed now if we go to cadence blocks and we add the dynamic content from cadence blocks we use the same field let's add dynamic content now this post is already published so you would see the values let me update this and let's view post so you can see this and this basically reflects this now what if i switch this post to draft and then we preview this in a new tab you will see that for the stackable blocks it will still be drawing information from that view but for the cadence blocks this view is left blank this could be a bug or something i don't think it is intended to be this way i feel all content should be present even if it's in draft so the cadence development team may want to take a look at this now let's list all the dynamic fields from both plugins and let's reduce them down to the unique ones so that we have a good look at their functionality by looking at this overview it seems like stackable has more dynamic feels than the cadence blocks but if you take a closer look at this it seems that the stackable blocks provides you with the dynamic auto fuse to customize your auto pages but the missing thing is the profile picture for now it only shows the link and for the cadence blocks there aren't many auto views however for cadence blogs it provides you with a few for you to customize your archive pages such as the category pages and the block row so each block plugin has a different focus but there is one thing that sets the cadence blocks apart and that is the fact that the dynamic content has been incorporated into some of the blocks from cadence let me show you some examples in the advance button by cadence blogs you can add dynamic link to it and in the info card you can insert a dynamic link as well i don't know about you but to me this is huge because i can now design templates and add buttons and info boxes to it let me show you one cool example on what you can do with this dynamic link [Music] now to make this quick i will build on the example i've done with stackable so basically the video on stackable i've created five articles over here and all these five articles are under the category of reviews and over on the right this is how they all look right now as you can see they all have different headers but what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna stick a bottom bar right here that includes a button with a dynamic link so if somebody scrolls down this page they will see a sticky bar at the bottom with a button that links to the affiliate product so for example on this page if i scroll down i want a button here that links to atomic blocks and on a cadence blocks i want a sticky bar at the bottom that links to cadence blocks same goes for publish press generate blocks and stackable and the reason for me doing this is because you know usually if you're on desktop you can have a sticky sidebar but if you're on a mobile the sticky sidebar doesn't work anymore and that's why i chose to have a sticky bottom bar so five different pages promoting five different products how do i do it first let's visit the back end of one of the articles and as you can see here these are advanced custom fields that i've created so now i'm gonna create two new custom fields for each of the review articles let's go to the wordpress dashboard over at the plugins you need to make sure this advanced custom fuse by delicious brains is installed if you don't have this you need to click on add new and over at the search bar search for advanced custom views and this is the one we need so install this and then let's go to custom fuse here let's add new let's give this field group a name let's say that this is bottom bar a flare button let's add few the first field label i will name it as product name and i'll put this as text and there's nothing else i will change and then i'll add new and this second view i will put this as a fleet link so on this field we will insert the affiliate link for each of the products and we'll put this as a link and we'll switch this to link url let's scroll down to the location this location will basically set if this fields will be displayed here so what we need to do is to select post category is equals to reviews because all these articles are under the category of reviews and we're basically done let's publish this and let's go to the post we already have atomic blocks open up so let's open up the rest and now we can see that there are two new fields over here what i want to do is to insert values to these fields so for the product name i'll put this as atomic blocks and for the affiliate link i'll send them to atomic blocks i'm just gonna give you an example you can put in your affiliate link here it really doesn't matter i just wanna show you an example that when you click the button it will go to atomic blocks so let's check this box and add link we're done for atomic blocks let's update this and let's go to cadence let's do the same thing for the rest and we are done we have added values to all the custom fields the next step is let's design the sticky bottom bar so over on pulse we are working on a cadence pro team if you are on teams such as generate press block c or any other teams that allows you to add a fixed hook element this will work as well so under appearance and other cadence we have this elements here i'll click on this i will add new and because i want a sticky bottom bar that is fixed at the bottom i'll click on fixed let's give this a title this title will not appear anywhere this is just for your reference let's say this element is sticky bottom bar let's add a row layout let's select one column row layout and let's give this background a color let's say it is black color and let's add a button let's select advanced button let's give this a name get we want a product name here so let's add this dynamic content you have to click two times for this to appear let's select post custom view and then we'll select product name add dynamic content and then after the dynamic content it will be noun so technically what you're gonna see on each of the pages is going to be get atomic blocks now if you're on the atomic blocks article or get cadence blocks now if you're on a cadence blocks article and then the next important thing is to add a dynamic link so over here let's click on this and then let's enable this let's go to post custom field and under the custom field let's select affiliate link and we are done but now let's beautify this button a little bit we'll give the button a background color of yellow something like this and a border color as well for the text color we'll put this as black and if we hover we want the background color to be black this looks quite decent so we are basically done here the next step we want to do is to tell your website where you want to stick this bottom bar so let's go over to element settings and under placement let's put this as fixed bottom after scroll and then for the display settings let's select single post for the post type let's select group and the taxonomy we'll put this as categories and we'll select the reviews category because all these articles are under the review category so let's update this and as we refresh all these pages if we scroll down we'll see this here let's click this button to see if it brings us to atomic blocks let's do it for the rest while we wait and as you can see five different articles promoting five different affiliate products using one simple template over here personally i think that the cadence dynamic content once it is live is much better than stackable because it already has dynamic links that you can put into buttons and some other blocks i've mentioned it in the stackable video that once you have control over the custom fields dynamic links and images it is going to be very powerful and for cadence you are already in control of two out of the three i have given you one example of what you can do with dynamic links and honestly we are only scratching the surface of what we can do with it what i would like to see in the future for cadence blocks and dynamic content is probably a star rating function for example if i've written a product review post i can easily add a star rating on the review post and from there if i want to display the rating of that product on another page for example i've written a listicle article with many other products i can easily draw this review rating of each of the products through dynamic content and display it on the listicle article that will be a huge asset to us as content creators because we don't need to flip here and there to reference the rating if i happen to update the review post with a different rating the rating on a listing article would change as well other than that i think the cadence development team has done a really good job on this and i'm really excited for you to get your hands on the dynamic content from cadence if you haven't gotten the cadence blocks pro yet and the team i think it's a great time for you to get them you can use my code to get a 10 discount through the link anyway i hope you have enjoyed this video and i would really appreciate if you can smash that thumbs up button for the youtube algorithm and if you think you have more ideas on how to use the dynamic content from cadence blocks feel free to share them in the comment section as well i wish you all the best stay cool and stay safe [Music] you
Channel: Jack Cao
Views: 3,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kadence blocks, kadence blocks gutenberg, kadence blocks dynamic content, kadence blocks - pro extension, kadence blocks demo, kadence blocks pro, kadence blocks tutorial, kadence blocks review, kadence blocks vs stackable, stackable vs kadence, wordpress tutorial for beginners free, dynamic content wordpress, dynamic content gutenberg, dynamic content website, dynamic content kadence blocks, dynamic content kadence, dynamic content kadencewp
Id: 9CIMj-wf3Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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