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[Music] um [Music] all right here we go guys quick video update of the k24 civic uh today we're going to be installing our k20 oil pump kit and should let our engine perform a little bit better so what i wanted to show you guys uh these are the two parts that we were waiting on last and then we got our tensioning arm and then while i was at it i went ahead and added this piece to it which is the rrc crank pulley here's a part number for that so just real quick guys just want to show you guys the inside of the head i know i've shown it before but for those that haven't seen it just showing you guys real quick how clean the engine was when i got it from the shop that i got it from which is jdm west coast real good people over there real good quality and just really happy with this engine all right so now that we got our valve cover off what i'm gonna do is take our side cover off because this is what's just gonna be the best way for um transition over into everything we need to do so when we flip the engine upside down we can start working on our oil pump all right guys so here's what the side inside of the engine looks like and as you guys can see this thing still looks real fresh these guides even this top guide still looks very close to new that's why in a way it kind of hurts to um take apart these engines when you get them so fresh because everything's still so clean and and new that they'll hold up just a little bit so to answer everyone's question that asked me did i do the type s oil pump no i didn't do it for this reason because look how fresh this engine looks and this thing could have probably ran strong for who knows how long and um for your for the money i paid a lot more for the parts than i did for the actual engine so it's just not worth it when you're going just stock performance as far as like reliable and not doing too much of uh too much on the engine so [Music] that's my take on it guys you guys can do the type s oil pump but if you're gonna keep it safe and you're just gonna keep it daily driver where you're just having fun um this is the way i would have kept it but because the car became more than just a street car i'm gonna go ahead and continue to work on the engine so uh i'm gonna flip this bad boy upside down get this oil pan out get all this uh heavy stuff with this oversized oil pump out of there and show you guys the upgrade all right so there she is boys all taken apart you guys can see how everything works so now that pretty much the hard part is over we have the piece that we need to get out of here all right guys so we got it all fully disassembled at least everything we have to take off so now what i'm going to go ahead and do is we got to get this oil plug out of there so we got to get this out of there and then we're going to plug it with our new bolt and a little bit of honda bond i just want to show you guys how clean this puppy is real fresh engine still has a new color on the aluminum as you guys can see so i'm gonna go ahead finish this up and show you guys the rest all right guys so real quick and simple the way i take this oil plug out is i get a wood screw screw this thing in just a few times not too crazy let's see here and there it is guys real simple got a little bit of trash picked up off the ground but you guys got to get this piece out of there very important okay so now that we got our bolt uh nice and secure here with a little bit of silicone we're gonna go ahead and install our baffle or windows tray what ever you guys like to call it and for some of you guys that didn't watch the first video there's a part number also uh k power does include the uh bolts you need here's the part number nine pounds of torque and you want to go ahead and go crisscross and there it is go ahead and take this bad boy out of there set this down right here really careful and then we're gonna go ahead and install it with our oil pump chain here's the part number and make sure guys it has to be in this little pinkish wrapper if it's not in this wrapper it's not an authentic part all right so also let me show you guys again real quick my oil pump already came pre-cut for a k24 so if you guys want the same thing you guys can go over to k-power and get yourself one of these already uh pre-cut so what you want to do is you want to put your chain on your oil pump like so and then you want to do it uh one piece because you don't want to have to go back if you do the oil pump first there's no way of getting the chain on there and there you guys go oil pump installed uh k-power does include the bolts you guys will need for your oil pump because there is three different sizes on them all right so what you guys want to do with these these are 22 pounds and then this little guy back here is only 12 pounds done shouldn't let you turn anymore soon as that click is there i always like to double check so this little guy back here is only 12 pounds all right guys so now what you want to do is add your uh oil pump chain guide here's your part number and you guys will need to use your old uh whatever you guys want to call it bolt screw whatever from your old one so make sure you guys hold on to that alright so same thing nine pounds on these little guys here done and done all right guys same thing with your oil pump chain tensioner this is gonna be nine pounds of torque done i always like to double check make sure you guys got that smooth click without any extra turns and you are good all right so now we're gonna remove our top guide i'm gonna go ahead and lock our cams because i'm gonna go ahead and replace our cam gear for our new one here's a part number for your tool this tool actually works quite lovely this is real simple just uh what i do is my impact gun hold the cam and real simple and get our new uh 50 degree this is only 25 degree cam gear here's a part number if you guys didn't catch the other video so here she is boys brand new 50 degree cam gear all right so we're gonna go ahead and put this 50 uh cam gear on there locks into place put our existing bolt right back in same position tighten it up with my gun okay now what we're gonna do is we're gonna tighten her down to 83 pounds is what he's asking for and we do have our lock tool already in place which is going gonna hold it for us to be able to tighten this bad boy down that's it done all right guys so first we're gonna do the uh regular sliding guide you guys will have to use your existing bolts so you guys want to hold on to everything that you're taking off of your engine all right guys so for your tensioner arm you guys want to do 16 pounds of torque there done these are nine pounds down there down there done there all right so now that we got our timing chain on there sitting on both cam gears in between the dot we're going to go ahead and add our timing tensioner make sure you guys keep your old bolts as well okay so these guys also nine pounds it's actually 8.7 but can't go wrong at right at nine pounds make sure everything's nice and snug double check your dots and tying this guy up by hand now we're going to torque it down nine pounds again and done and one more double check there we go and there we go nine pounds now what you want to do make sure everything's nice and where it needs to be and then you want to pull your pin now once you guys pull that pin you guys want to make sure you add a little bit more tension and what i like to do is take a pry bar and then go right in between here right here and the arm you don't want to pull on it too hard just very snug and you guys will hear that click let me see so that's two clicks you guys want to make it as nice and tight as possible and there it is three clicks this is what i heard my guy ghost boy um in one of his videos where he was doing timing once you do your timing tensioner you want to go at least three clicks and i did pay attention to that when he said it he's been around k series he's been a building k series a lot longer than i have um as far as like on the race side so he knows what he's talking about so i'm gonna take his advice on the three clicks down here on the tensioner our top guide there's your part number all right guys real simple on the last uh step to timing you want to tighten this at the very end all right guys so that's pretty much it i'm not sure if i showed you guys the torque spec on this one but it's uh 16 pounds of torque on the last uh guide so um that's pretty much it i'm gonna turn it one time see how it feels how it sounds and we should be good to go all right guys so we pretty much have everything done with uh the oil pump assembly so now that i did that i went ahead and cleaned off my surfaces i didn't want to bore you guys so i just went ahead and kind of skipped through that and put some time into getting into all these edges as best as possible and then what i did was wipe everything down you guys want to make sure you do a good job on the surfaces because this is what's going to seal your oil and after you seal this you don't want to have to go back because once it's in the car it just it's a pain to really uh clean this stuff up and redo it so um also cleaned up my oil pan real good so what i'm gonna do is go ahead and install uh the cover so that you want to do the cover first then your oil pan from the bottom and then at the end do the valve cover and that'll be pretty much it so just real quick i'll show you how i do my edges was first i scraped it with a razor real nice and clean and got as much as i could off of it and you guys want to grab all the pieces by hand so nothing falls in between your chain and then what i did after using the uh razor i used this wire wheel at the very end i just kind of took it and then hit it with the wire wheel the wire wheel pretty much cleaned off the oil pan by itself it helped me a lot makes it real easy real simple so you guys want to make sure maybe get one of these just to make it a little bit smoother i'm going to go ahead and add our uh honda bond around our edges and what you want to do is go around the outside of it and then stay on the outside of it here around the bolt this side all right so here we go guys we installed our side cover and all it does is um takes nine pounds per bolt just make sure you guys crisscross it and when you guys install this side cover start with the two top ones that way you know you have it lined up and don't press in on the silicone so once you guys have this lined up then you start tightening your bolts hand tight in a x pattern and let it squeeze itself in place that way you guys don't get too much squeezing action going there try to do it as clean as possible don't add too much just kind of what is asking for and um seals right up so now i'm gonna go ahead flip this thing over and do our oil pan i've already torqued down all the bolts uh these also are about um it's 8.7 pounds i just do 9 pounds most guys do just hand tight i just that's just the way i do it doesn't hurt it so nine pounds on every single bolt so what i do first is you want to just screw them down by hand or with a ratchet just real snug and then snug them in a x pattern and then once they're snug x pattern then you start to torque down in an x pattern as well because you want the oil pan to sit as even as possible as it's going down and as is making the seal with the silicone so i always want to make sure all your surfaces are clean and on the oil pan you guys don't want to over use silicone because you don't want it to end up on the other side of the oil pan and then end up inside of your engine so i'm going to go ahead and put our pulley on and then our valve cover and we should be done with the type s oil pump swap all right guys so we added the valve cover and that's pretty much the last piece to putting your engine back together as far as uh sealing it um same thing valve cover takes nine pounds of torque on all the bolts and that's pretty much it as far as sealing your engine and being ready to go so what i'm going to do to my now is i'm going to add our new coil packs we're going to add our new pulley and then we're going to be adding our new oil filter and i'll be showing you guys that what i'm going to be using all right so there she is boys all done added our new coil packs added our new rrc crank pulley um i chose this pulley because it is a honda pulley and it comes off of the type r honda civic in japan and it matches here's the part number if any of you guys are interested it matches our rrc intake manifold as well so we got a few rrc parts going on here we do have the rdx injectors so this whole swap is just pretty much based on using stock factory honda parts and then see what we can get this motor to do in this chassis so finally that we have the type s oil pump we're gonna be tuning the car i'm gonna be putting my transmission back on here i am gonna do a little bit of a custom gearing but the gears that i'm using are all factory honda gears so later on in the future i'll share what i did with the transmission but for now this is pretty much it uh we're trying to get a stock k24 engine into this 99 honda civic and see what we can get it to do at the track so pretty soon we're going to go take it to get tuned and yeah that's pretty much it this is the s2000 oil filter part number if i haven't shared it with you guys before and that's pretty much it guys comment subscribe and let me know what you guys think you
Channel: Oem Worx
Views: 8,227
Rating: 4.9536681 out of 5
Id: 29hmKDCAmNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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