Just START ! Art Journal for Beginners (5 supplies only) #1 ♡ Maremi's Small Art ♡

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how about if we limit ourselves to five products only we have some papers we have some crayons just so we have some black pen we have some white pen and that's it one two three four five a book to use brush and spatula scissors which I wouldn't count really as such let's see let's put them aside so really technically we have one two three four five things only five to use what we have to not feel overwhelmed to not waste too much time of choosing to not craft too long to just simply enjoy it and to start I do believe that we often in the fear of looking at our supplies and getting overwhelmed so what to choose and where to begin I don't know there's so many things so I thought today why don't we just simply grab some book it could be journal book it could be all the book it could be recycle the book anything you have it could be a piece of paper as well it doesn't matter as long as you're gonna start so get some tools maybe the same as I have really simple and some kind of color palette I have Browns black red pinkish white so it's like a reddish let's call it warm palette I have some magazine old book pages that's it nothing more guys nothing less I really wish you to start I really wish you to begin with something simple because I really wish it to begin this is it this is the thing often times we just forget to to craft because we feel that we need a lot of time we feel that we need a lot of supplies we need a lot of talent which in fact none of that is true you don't need a lot to be creative you don't need everything or the most expensive things out there you don't need to be talented you need to be creative and fill urge for crafting you need to have a little bit of time and a willingness to just enjoy some creative process so today's project is about that I'm gonna do a little bit of collage a little bit of dueling I'm gonna do something I'm pretty not to show what I'm gonna do actually I'm gonna just begin with simple pepper page just to add it's it's a piece of page from it's a page a piece from a book like a dictionary book so very and I have a glue yes I didn't count that in but let's call it it's a tool not supply is such so I'm gonna stick it upside down I just like the interest of it that it's upside down I like the fact that it's ripped keep it like that make it interesting make it a little bit different and you know step out of your comfort zone the ways you would usually use things how about if we just have this here how about here move around your pieces have a look what about if I'm gonna grab this actually old music notes maybe this would be nice how about if I have it even more why not what about if I'm gonna try to see for my composition here and there here and there look it's not about perfection it's not about rushing here today it's not about making masterpiece it's about to just start to just begin just just start your art journaling journey your collagen journey your art journal whatever it takes and it depends what you have around you what speaks to you the most that kind of tools you can get out and just enjoy what you have around I really wish it to I have a magazine I don't have many materials because we don't find newspapers really what we do is we basically read on the internet online so I don't have many things I didn't have magazines like that let me see if I can use any thing from here because magazine is such a great thing that not only it's cheap because it's free a lot of times or you can buy it cheaply but it's a lot of color in there isn't it it's a it's an interesting oh that would be nice to have it there but it's not in that scheme how about if I'm able to find coloring in all right lips not so much bad yes maybe I'm able to find some sort of reddish color as my as my crayons are I just wish it to get what you have around you and just start with something just begin with something the worst what can happen is you just not gonna like it you will waste a little bit of your time not too much of your supplies no because the paint in a tube it's taken ages to it for it to finish and you have tons of things around you I'm short and old so it's so hard to decide isn't I had this pretty and I lost it somewhere in the middle of plain looking and lips not so much let's just not lips not the same no no no no no no no no no I'm gonna oh I like that how about this how about this and this time I will take my source oh this Brown actually I like more maybe I'm gonna have my bigger scissors so we have right away a colored color palette with some numbers why not I don't need maybe the names for it but numbers why not it's just an interest isn't it so we can put it there how about if we put it there as well or or where or somewhere however whatever speaks to you you know I'm gonna clue it down the right the way actually cuz maybe I will change my mind and I really wish you to just go for it and don't ask questions don't feel intimidated I'm here to show you and prove you you don't need much all you have to do is just begin with some kind of supplies whatever you have around you I didn't pick anything fancy as you can tell I've tried to be really limit and simple so we're gonna go for something else for something else I don't know what good we have here more I like the gray color somehow speaks to me oh we have this gorgeous red as well what could we do with that red we can just have it somewhere oh I love this actually not ready for this wine color and I hope you don't mind lady that I'm not really gonna use you as in in the collage smell of the whole catalogue is so lovely so nice nicely it's just so nice to actually oh I love it I love it sure why not um I love the smell of the whole catalogue okay let's just glue it down somewhere how about here one on top of another one super isn't it mm-hmm that's okay accidents are happy accidents these are enough mistakes someone smarter than me said that so make your accidents happy accidents and just you know take take some kind of learning curve from it and not stress yourself over that I absolutely log in this I'm loving it and I'm not gonna cover it all I really wish to play with my white space here and there so what's next what I would do next usually I would do probably things differently because I would have my transparent just so and I would have my other tools in hand but now this time because we limit it I'm just gonna go with white color and this white is gonna help me to blend in my collage pages a little bit more so it's not going to feel as rough and it's not going to feel as if it don't have white gesso absolutely you can use you can use white acrylic you can use maybe gelato wide gelato poster paint whatever you have around you guys you know whatever you have around you how is that I think it's coming together nicely actually I brought my camera a little bit closer to you so you may see things a bit better now now I'm gonna play with the pic texture as well so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just since I don't have my let's it them I don't have my um my what you call it ah sorry I don't have my stencils so I can just have you know bit of play here in this way so I'm gonna add a lot of that white just so here happening mm-hmm I think for me this is a little too much oh now it's better this reddish kind of it's slightly broken and I like that now I don't know what I'm doing next but you know I'm gonna just maybe spray things a little bit and see what happens I'm just gonna cut that white and I'm using Stabilo goodies no woody sorry woody three and one let's see what happens here if I just just go with it and just it's white so look obviously not much is gonna happen that's okay I was just checking in oh we have now this color and I'm just gonna be I'm even touching and dirtying my study law and that's okay you know I'm just gonna since it's everything slightly wet I'm gonna see if I can sweat in it even more since its lightly with what I'm happy to just kind of let it happen ink itself now the book of music if you by the way wondering this one is it's this one it's from Artesia and this one is called pres to our sided acid-free natural linen bound for watercolor and mixed-media and it comes in three three like that the link is in the description box if you wish to have a look please do and just so you know its affiliate links which means you pay nothing extra quite opposite I'm getting a little commission from your purchase so thank you very much in advance if you are gonna make some panties are shocking and look at that it's a bracelet that I received today from my friend patty thank you so much I love it we love it cuz Emily got it to Han I got a two and she's we already took it off from her she was like mmm no Hannah no Hana no she knows she she doesn't have her one because it's somewhere I was hidden right away cuz she was she had it on but then she was pulling it anyway look I have told you about those woody pencils in Thai in the separate video how amazing is that soaps not only that this woody now it's beautifully nicely playing with my wet just so and my finger and the water and the watercolor paper so everything so just nicely and it's just lovely I think it's just lovely to keep keep it like that you know to kind of play around and just have have this fun now we have filled those colors would have left our brown sure why not we can go for brown oh maybe even here this this went a little bit maybe different is I wish that's okay what you can do it just go back you know go back or get oh nice I like that now I love that now orchid just so and go go go about it again with the chest so I'm gonna get some of my white chest so now this video I hope it's not gonna be too long I have no idea how long it will be but I really wish to kind of focus on the process not the technique focus on experience focus on trials focus on if there are any that's fine focus on on just loving the better play you know I really wish you to just get dirty just get your supplies out not too many follow please follow what I've done similar things similar product similar color scheme whatever whatever makes you comfortable I'm happy for you to follow up whatever makes it comfortable you know Wow I just think it's beautiful you know I'm gonna go for a little bit of black as well sure and touches of black it's not not bad isn't it so I'm gonna go for touches of black here as well I made spray this a little bit with water a little bit of water a little bit of Woody's now I'm thinking um let me see what I'm thinking I tell you what I'm thinking I'm thinking to kind of see if it's gonna work and not this water I need a full water and I need a sip of my water sorry I'll stop him talking oh no way I cannot believe it oh I have one more one for the road go on oh there we go I was hoping that this is gonna that something happens here hey there we go I love that No so that's it that's all so I hope I need more I need more juice guys I need more juice come on we need more juice here happening so maybe instead of spring directly because I don't want this to be too much of I don't I wouldn't like this to go over my page too much I'm just gonna get some body get some more juicy black a little bit of black here and there and maybe even there and not just add some water like this too much isn't it oh well we'll see what where this is gonna go oh yes there we go you know what I'm do you know what I'm talking about this this distance is the beauty of mixed-media the beauty of art journaling I love it there we go I just love it get your dissolved if you have them if you don't get some pastels and what else you could juice gelatos you could try watercolors whatever you have guys just get them out I love it and now I'm totally afraid to spoil it in any way you know but I have to dry that so let me dry this I'm gonna pause the video Jonah is dry time to do a little bit of the link maybe so I have this football I also made a video separate Philip video about it so have a look and I'm just gonna I think I hear something no I thought I heard Emily maybe I was wrong so I'm gonna just and I'm holding it purposely kind of differently there whereas I would normally I would normally do this as you imagine but I just I'm gonna be just I'm gonna be kind of like like like not so good in holding it purposely I cannot believe it Lucas is back again so soon are you back seriously already you can't breathe hi he's back no way um then I've done a little bit of just outlined just frame whatever I don't even know what I've done but then let's get a little bit of white out as well and I'm thinking to maybe do a little bit of crazy little delink here oh I love that I love you hello beautiful you are my stain yours this stain is absolutely gorgeous so so that oh this is just amazing I I love all my projects um some projects are just so good family you're gonna hear me praising myself through the whole video and I I didn't praise my herself through the whole video but with this one I'm pretty sure we'll be praising myself now for the next five minutes until we're done and dusted because do you know what it is just so incredible I love it and don't link as well I nearly want to close I'm gonna close my eyes and I'm gonna pretend that I know what I'm doing because I know that they were those squares so I'm just I'm close my eyes are closed ha there we go how beautiful you wouldn't do it without ice clothes so I'm gonna do it once more where I'm gonna do it maybe here I'm gonna close my eyes and what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna do a little bit line like lines and that's it like lines like lines ha awesome ok it looks that we are finished but I wouldn't be myself if I wouldn't be if I wouldn't do a little bit of some kind of splashes so I'm thinking what to do we could just simply look at that Hey wow you are so pretty my page way to another page I love you first page in the new journal why not I'm gonna do the same thing with white because I love work and why not and as you can see this awesome wood-eating Stabilo 3 3 in 1 3 in 1 2 in 1 so it's like a crayon but it's also in this kind it's it's reacting with water but it's also kind of waxy SH and so it's like a gelato that's in it's very interesting to observe this product no no hoodies didn't ask me to tell you this I literally have discovered it through her friends to friends so I had to show you the ones I tested and tested them I was like what no way and it become my favorite and my favorite and also became my what's the word am I'm discovery of 2019 now I know it's finished but I couldn't be I wouldn't be myself if I wouldn't break a rule and do something and I'm gonna add a sticker because I think Escape is such a good word matching this whole page here escape escape from a fierce escape from your everyday things your things that you used to do the way as you always do escape from reality enjoy it here and now yeah escape I just really feel for it so I hope you okay with me to break in that role I surely could write it down by hand but I have my stickers I love using them so why not let's pretend I you didn't see it so five products five things five tools and wow you can be creative can you see that anyone can be if I can be you can be two you know don't be afraid just go for it just just enjoy it try it a little bit of the link here as well Wow come oh well now it would be awesome to date its what date is today let me see because I have no idea for the 9th of January 29th of January 20 I have always this trouble January 20 29 is here I think no 29 will be this see how is that oh yeah I know 29 29 general okay okay I have it I have fine I have it okay I really hope you are art journaling with me Wow what'd you think guys tell me I'm I'm so curious of your opinion how you feel about it five products only limit yourself here and don't actually go for too big surface to work on like this tiny Journal works perfect because it's just so small and yeah and I just love it it reminds me of a small my wine book in a smaller version if you're wondering still it's a teaser little books they sell entry so links is at the end no illegals is under the video and description box and yeah I'm gonna wrap up at that guy's hoping that you'll join me and tell me if this is something you actually like it enjoyed it and if it's actually making you trying because that's the main thing I really would love you to try it and just go for it and enjoy this a little few minutes of freedom few minutes of creativity of letting go of just trying and not not being afraid of wasting materials your time and that you cannot do it because you don't have things look it's a very small amount of tools and I couldn't be more proud of this page so guys thank you so much as always for watching don't forget to share this video maybe on your social media if you think it's good for others to see and giving legs up or down if you can it's also amazing to just let me know what you think and comment always more than welcome I try to read them all as you know and hiding them thank you so much in advance thank you thank you thank you thank you till the next time guys happy crafting get your fight to us tag me on your page on your project I won't there may be we're gonna come up with some new hashtag maybe what could we do five things marry me or something like that I have the hashtag five supplies challenge how is that what you think I think it will work great use five things only limit yourself to five things and just start just create just try it just enjoy the process of creating I'm gonna prop up at that I'm gonna send you hugs and kisses I would love to stay but I have to go to edit the video upload it for you so you can craft with me thank you so much love you loads till the next time bye bye
Channel: Maremi SmallArt
Views: 40,445
Rating: 4.9604092 out of 5
Keywords: maremi's small art, #maremismallart, #5supplieschallenge, art journal challenge, using only 5 art supplies to journal, make a journal page challenge, just start art journal page, art journaling for beginners, how to being art journal page, 5 supplies for art journaling, easy tutorial on art journaling
Id: fo5Q_B5JyJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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