How to Make Junk Journal out of an Old Book!! (Part 1) Step by Step DIY Tutorial for Beginners!

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hi everybody this is Pam at the paper outpost and are you ready to gut a book and repurpose this book cover into some magic of your own in your own very own junk journal let's get to it this is a fun and easy process and I would like to say that if you're new to junk journaling this is an awesome place to start because the cover is already made it's already done people there's no work no sweat no nothing the only thing you have to do is get the guts of the book out now I thought I had no books but I found this book and I thought AHA I am going to cuz I have already got it all my books that I'm going to use but I found this one in the garage College Algebra mm-hmm and I remember picking this one up from the st. Vincent de Paul thrift store in our town for some reason they carry a lot of really old books and it's an awesome resource if you have one in your town check it out because the other bookstores I don't see really old books but this store lots of really old books and you can go to the antique stores but you're gonna pay a lot more from the really old books but if you go to the thrift stores the price comes way down okay so just a little note there but I thought this okay when I originally found this book why did you buy this book pan why did you buy this book other than it being a you know mass hoarding process of accumulating book pages this book was from 1939 and it had all these really neat mathematical formulas in here and I thought they would be amazing to use as tags or collage and things like that so really what I was after was the guts of the book so I knew that when I brought this home I was gonna get her and in a very gentle way now it's not like gutting animals it's not like gutting fish this is no it's not mercy gutting it's uh I want to use the stuff inside and if I try and taro page by page it's gonna be a mess it's better for me to get the whole text block out okay so what another cool thing I love this about this book look at that pie-ya anybody remember Pie yeah there it is somebody wrote it down somebody probably actually knew what to do with pi there you go very important okay so this little gizmo this was a freebie bonus bonus okay I can draw a little shapes with that very nice okay so the whole concept line isn't maybe I'm gonna back out a little bit back out and show you my entire mess here yes I think there okay there we go there's the mess all right that's reality folks that's reality okay so this may be a several parter because I'd like to make this journal with you and I'm gonna put this in my how to make the actual journals playlist okay so you know where to find it and that will be linked below every video how to make the actual journals or at least the more recent videos that will be there I have to figure out how to get it into all of them well that's another day okay so this one what we're gonna do very simple here you stand it up and you're gonna hold back its wings like that okay you're gonna see the gap you see the gap you want the gap because that's gonna give you the space when you're cutting with your craft knife to go down down here and not cut your spine if you want to keep the spine integrity intact you don't want to cut any of this truth be told every time I do this probably 75 to 80% of the time I end up nicking this back here going right through and don't worry about that if that happens you can still save it there's ways to save it and I'll show you those ways and you'll also have to test the just the integrity of the book cover once it's been removed to see if it's strong enough to do what you want to do and I'll show you ways to strengthen that they're very easy and I think you're gonna like them okay so what we do is we hold the book up right we hold the wings back okay now what you're doing is you're going you don't want to just come in randomly willy-nilly just go because that's not going to go well trust me you want to see I'm give me c-clip might let me zoom it in so you can really see so you just split this one part then we'll go back up okay see okay you see that this paper in front that's the or inside cover attached to the book alright and then you have the the actual book cover here the blue thing yeah okay where you want to go you want to go here close to your text block okay this whole text block this is the the text block and you want to cut down shallow you don't want to go deep okay so let's let's try it together we have two sides to play with and if I screwed up I can show you how to fix it okay as I do I do screw it up a lot okay alright and would be very careful this is a sharp instrument be very careful while you're doing this okay make sure you have your glasses on and go slow yeah and there's a netting back there you're actually cutting okay I actually did it without cutting it today and this is just paper I mean if you feel these things on the inside it's just like that thick looks like a cardboard paper that's it so they're not very strong the spines on these books these floating spine books okay especially the old books you're gonna want to do the same thing on this side very gingerly they have a little bit more leeway here because you got the first half out so you don't have to deal with that wing might even be better to go from the inside yeah so that okay I'm going to try that that way I'm not going towards the spine where can you see you can see okay I'm not going towards the spine but I'm just cutting this paper that the paper I'm cutting is what is attached to the front cover or the back cover okay that's what I'm cutting okay close up okay I'm in the picture alright holding breath going slow put angle your knife towards your text block that's gonna help prevent you from cutting anything you didn't have you didn't want to sometimes when I've gone fast down I gosht I end up cutting into the spine and things like that so you don't want to do that let me back out so you can see one earth what's going on here okay so it's gutted look at no blood no blood at all yep and for those of you who are queasy about cutting up books you shouldn't know watched zeliha okay I used to be queasy in the beginning and some of the really old books I I really have our time with anything from the 1800s if it's already falling apart then I don't feel so bad because I know it's just falling apart and I'm actually salvaging it or saving it but these these 1900 books I'm okay I can I've come down the mountain and I've you know it's alright now I can sleep at night I know some of you can't okay it's okay watch me do it and that's okay alright so that wasn't too hard right we have our text block all nice and all loosey-goosey and we'll just put that aside cuz we're not gonna be using that anymore in this project we're gonna be making a new journal okay so what we have are two amazing covers we have a very strong front cover and a very strong back cover that's already decorated if you want to just leave it on natural and use the book that you see here you can do that you can cover it with fabric I showed you how to do that in my first series five-part series on how to make a journal and but this one I think we're going to we're not going to cover this I just want to show you how to reinforce this spine and go ahead and put your signatures in and we're going to use this cover as if we're going to actually use this cover now remember even though I'm going to use this cover and maybe I'm not going to wrap it in fabric or something there's still 101 million things I could do with this cover and in other words maybe I'm not that thrilled about College Algebra the fourth edition and maybe I want to put a design on the front I want to put some layers or some pockets or you know whatever you want and you can decorate the spine you can even decorate the back so you're not limited to what is on your cover and also this book it probably has I want to say it's almost yeah it is a fabric style material so there is technically fabric on the book already so it has a nice base that's what I'm trying to say it has a nice base to work off of but let's go ahead and reinforce the spine and before I showed you that you can also use duct tape and you can use packing tape and I use now tie back tape because it's a super strong tape I put a link below this it's by DuPont it used to be a lot more expensive and it's come down to like 15 16 bucks for a roll so it's not that bad and you know it's I've been using it for like three or four years so maybe mine was a double roll or something I remember paying around 25 for it and I'm still using it using it and using it you don't really go through it that fast but it's a very strong tape and when you put it down you put it down like you're not going to have much leeway to to move it once it's down so just you know do it and just live with that choice okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make the the spine stronger and I'm just gonna put some tape on it that's pretty much it there's the rocket science whatever tape you use I've heard some people say that they didn't have that much luck with duct tape I've had luck with duct tape and I haven't had a problem of it coming off but some some people have said they have but I have not had that experience so it could be the quality of the tape or the weather the amount of humidity in your environment or perhaps what it's sticking to like let's say you have a shiny surface it's sticking to or a waxy surface or something like that where it's not gonna hear as well that might might I don't know that might be the problem I have no idea okay so we are going okay super sticky tape super sticky tape okay Oh super sticky tape okay I need up to cut it with all right okay okay let's try there usually get one cut in it and it cuts easy at that point I'm going to put the nice straight piece at the top just to make my life easier turn this here I'm gonna put it right about there I'm putting it down the center as much as I can and I'm putting it in there now I want to tell you using the Tyvek tape this pretty much cures all evils and if I would have gone through the spine as I was cutting down and if my knife went right through the spine just putting this tie-back tape here will heal a lot of that so if you just have a little tiny tear or something like that and you don't want to lose your spine because you love the name of the book or something you can just know that with the Tyvek tape it's good to go and this is going to give your strength to you book your spine it's gonna be super strong super strong you're gonna be super happy all right no no it's gonna cut the tail off you don't need all of you I like to cut it above the bottom because you don't want tie back tape showing and you know this stuff don't have to put blue writing on it but sometimes it's hard to cover because it's a very bold blue and you need something quite dense to hide the word Tyvek so just know that you want to cut a little above the bottom of your book and glue it a little lower than the top of your book okay now now now now okay there's about let's put in honestly we don't really need more than this because this book is constructed well but I'm just gonna put in a couple more just so you can see what that's like if you're unsure at all about the integrity of your book let's say you're using the packing tape or the duct tape you can put another piece here and another piece here like we did before and I'm just going to quickly do that now okay okay you don't have to go quite as long with these don't take it out too far it looks a little shorter than that don't use your cheese like I am NOT a good idea to use your teeth as my mother I can hear you alright there we go so I'm bringing that over about a half an inch and I'm just putting that down in the spine it grabs very fast no drying time nope none of that okay and here we go over here yeah okay there they're not much longer that don't need it as long it's the first one so it's you don't have to fuss on it as much now I do love the the writing on there but I'm gonna have to lose it because I want to show you this putting down the extra pieces okay there we go all right there we go all right Erin Orion so you just kind of mold it so it takes on the shape of the book and then just get a little test make sure everybody's happy okay and it's very happy okay it's very strong and very happy and you have massive integrity at this point you like the world is your oyster at this point you can go to town and rock this puppy full of stuff now you have a couple choices here and you can do it I'm going to show you I'm going to two ways we're gonna do one way and the first way is the way we did it in the first series of videos where we punched holes in this actual spine and then we had the exposed spine to show you an example of that here is exposed spine we punched through the actual spine and this is an exposed spine so you can do it this way if you don't like that look you can just put a piece of fabric covering that or lace or something like that and you can actually hide that the spine thing is here this is a very strong way to make a book okay this is a very good way to really anchor your pages and well it works well in almost all circumstances it's a it's a good Cardinal way to do it here is plan B and this is the one I primarily use when I don't want my spine strings to be on the back of my book let's say I want just college algebra to show because I'm weird or something okay and I just want this to show so a couple of things you can do here but since I'm using the tape and I need to cover the tape this is what I do okay I'm just grabbing some material this happens to be an old vintage napkin it doesn't have to be an old vintage napkin it can be a an old bedsheet a pillow case something that's thin but strong and that's gonna be your best friend nothing too thick and bulky in here okay nothing too thin and flimsy but we're talking bed sheet thickness okay now this I'm thinking is good because it's the right thickness and it's sort of pretty it has a little design on it but what I don't like about it is that you can kind of see some of the dark blue and that's really not bad on this but I think I'm going to color it so let me just grab my yeah yeah let me just cut out the piece I need first of all so do I want that to stick out across the top no I don't think so okay I'm just gonna cut that off can you see me okay just let me know I'm right here just holler into the phone or the computer I'll hear you oops all right just cut a piece it is a little bigger than the size you think you need I'll lay it down there to kind of get feel how wide should it be wide enough to cover your tape okay that's what you want and you want less material put less tape okay but just make sure you maintain the integrity of your spine because that's gonna be the most important thing all right so let's just do this I'm just gonna cut this longer than I need then I can fudge a fix it later another very technical term all right there we go it's bigger than I need where it where am I starting okay there so I can go way over here and I know I'm good I have others that wasn't even straight that's okay it happens yep okay I'm just doing pinking because I am you don't have to do pinking the little zig-zag stitch here or the cut I'm just happen to be doing that all right so what we got we got a piece that's bigger than what we need which is perfect okay all right so now we're gonna go ahead and just take a peek here okay so I got lots of wiggle room on either side of that so I'm probably gonna chop off some of this because I don't need it that wide so let me go ahead and do that okay I'm following the lines in the fabric that helps guide me for a straightness you can use the rotary cutter you can use regular scissors to cut the fabric doesn't matter all will get the job done now I've got quite a bit of let not actually about half an inch on either side of the tape is plenty you can do a quarter of an inch but I'm feeling very comfortable about that that I have and I want to make sure that wherever this starts it's gonna cover my tape see that at the bottom wherever this starts I want it to cover my tape okay and when you use the Fabri fix to glue this down you're gonna find that it you have a few seconds to move it around a little bit okay so let me just figure out how tall it needs to be all right I'm definitely at the bottom there I got wiggle room so I need to cut okay add that guy okay I'm balling this hoping I'm going straight the nice thing about fabric often is especially a cotton fabric or some then it'll stretch a little bit and you'll get like if you cut it short sometimes you can just peel it a little bit and it'll it'll work okay so right now I've got plenty and I'm good to go but I would like this to be darker just because I just want it to be darker so let me make a darker okay there's a million-in-one ways you can make your material darker and I'm gonna just you know you can use your reinkers if you have these bottles just put a couple drops in the water and put your material in there mush it around and then either blow dryer there let it air dry you can also use if you have these oxides they react with water so that is you can like stamp all over it and then go just put a little bit of water on it and let the water spread and do some cool designs or you can use this is just a mixture of strong coffee and a little bottle and I think I might do that alright so I'm putting material in and actually let me put this in first okay well I'm a huge mess here but oh well whatever okay yeah looks like I put cream in it but I know I didn't all right a little more okay and in we go not worried about coffee staining my fingers like the inks and the dyes would be so it's a a little more user friendly alright let's you kind of want a color we're getting here do we like this do we like this alright let me open it up here and see what we got probably shouldn't be doing this on my book should be doing it somewhere safe okay so that is good so I'm gonna go and squeeze it out and blow-dry it and I'll be right back okay a couple other ways that you can dye this is also if you have any watercolor pencils if you have any watercolors if you have any acrylic paints anything like that put that in a bowl with a little bit of water and just soak your fabric in it and then wring it out really tight and let it air dry completely and so there's 101 million different ways to dye your fabric after blow-drying this my house smelled like a beautiful scent of cheap Walmart coffee and it was just heavenly so remember if you're gonna use coffee don't use the expensive stuff because nobody's drinking this nobody drinking those people they're not drinking it so go off to your like favorite el cheapo store and just buy some instant coffee and just put it in a little bottle and it's at the ready for you I would put maybe a drop or two of alcohol in here and that prevents it from going stagnant or nasty furry things growing inside you're not going to use it all right away okay there we go all right so let's blue this puppy down nothing too hard so far right just blowing the little bits of life away I'm gonna use fabrics for this okay that's this glue all right so we're gonna glue this I'm just gonna put you want to be generous with this glue because you are gluing on to a if you're using the Tyvek type tape you're dealing with a slick shiny surface and you could take a little sanding block our old friend sanding block and you could just do a little roughing on it to give it some tooth but honestly it's not necessary and I never do this I'm just showing it to you because it's here and I'm showing it to you so I've scratched it a little bit that'll give a little more tooth it's not a bad idea I'm not worried about the shininess itself just the adhere ability of the glue to the spine and I've done this technique with many different I've done it with duct tape I've done it with packing tape and I've done it with Tyvek tape and it's all stuck with the fabrics and stuff is amazing okay there we go all right okay and we're using we're using and we're using and or I'm doing the swirly technique this is called the swirly spine technique and gonna put a little on the sides here I know I have to completely cover these so I'm gonna get those down and then I'll come out and figure out the edges later then I know I'm definitely gonna need glue here and depending on your fabric if it's going to show the glue through which is sometimes a bit of a sticky wicket no fun pun intended it's a sticky wicket you might want to use finger tool and come in here and just smooth the ROO yeah there we go and that will help it being so prevent it from being so obvious that the a big wad of glue under there if you leave these little glue streams or glue rivers they will look more obvious and then you just hope that you put out a did you pull out a baby wipe or what are these hand wipes I don't know what's the other word if you don't have babies okay so get a pick a top and a bottom and it's okay that these ruffle you know like a little string ease a little bit because that looks kind of cool okay for the old antiquing oh it does really smell good even for cheap Walmart coffee thank you thank you cheap ballmart coffee love you okay Larry got strings in there not put those there okay all right and we're going down we're going down and I'm sliding it up and I'm putting it in place and I'm checking my top to make sure my top is covered that's the noose important first but if it sticks over the edge I'm not really worried that much about it but I want it not to stick over too much on the sides sticking over the edge here that's kind of cute actually because then you get that little that look you know I mean that's kind of cool and then if you kind of mush these down a little bit you don't get them like all over the place and you can trim those off too all right so now just gonna use your finger to push and then I go up to the sides sideways motion all right now because my fabric was wet it's a little bit longer than it was before so I have scissors and I can cut that so I can use my serrated or my pink hairs in here and just shorten that up a little bit which I will do but I just want to make sure I have my way everybody's in the place where I want to call happy home okay won't take you off now why not all right lift you up here okay now I do like now let me glue your edges down so I know exactly where we are okay well safest to put it on the edge here cuz you know you're not going to have glue over like glue beyond you're at the edge of your fabric which is very nice okay yeah I'm lucky here it's not really showing that I have glue under the fabric but sometimes you might get a little obvious miss they're not the worst thing in the world will distract their eye with all sorts of prettiness yeah that's what we'll do okay all right here we go coming down the mountain I was coming down a mountain for some reason I guess it's it easier to go up or come down a mountain I thought it was easier to come down a mountain until I climbed a mountain and I was fine and when I came down I hurt my knee not from falling but just because it was weird the way the knee slid forward in the downward trajectory coming down the hill I needed not like downward at all so I found that going up the mountain was easier for me for this gal and this old gal alright here we go can you see it's gonna do a little trim okay they're calling that good yeah okay good yeah I get a little more off there but I'm not gonna fuss on it right now okay look at that away garbage away so pretty much there we are now if you did want to not use if you don't want if you don't like the inside cover of your book you could put a piece of material or fabric or paper some kind of pretty paper down first that was this a size just covering up that and then put your fabric down so you have your decor here but I kind of like the old writing of whoever owned this book before I think there's something very nostalgic about that and the fact that I'm using a a vintage book this was grants book and I think grant would approve that grant is still present in the book Thank You grant and I don't know if you're still with us grant but you know uh you know hats off to you for the pie you know I I'm really I'm very impressed grant okay now we are going to make our signatures next so you just hold phone there and we'll get that started okay so what I'm doing now this is probably gonna flip over very soon to part two so just pre-warning but what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut a piece of cardstock a little thicker than cardstock this is that is like just like thin cardboard sicker than cardstock and I'm actually gonna adhere one more piece to it are you long enough maybe you're not long enough no I need to find another piece hang on okay so I found two long pieces and these are the very thin cardboard I would say cereal box thickness and I'm gonna glue two of those together okay so let's just do that first and I am pretty sure let's do let's use fabrics okay so this is gonna be probably a two or three signature book so you can do cardboard cardboard shiny side to cardboard shiny side the shiny side it doesn't matter but you want to be cognizant of what is going to be looking back at you and because I know that I want to do something to this so it's a little bit decorative I'm going to use the cardboard side up because that's gonna absorb inks and things like that and just make it easier for me to decorate it okay so now what you got to do is figure out how wide this is and yes this does require some measuring so where is my little handy-dandy ruler here so I'm going to look at my spine and when I say I'm measuring my spine I'm measuring from fold to fold okay now now look at this okay you see that you see how the book covers come in further than the folds are out whatever this is this has to house comfortably inside here and not impede these from closing okay so a little narrower narrower is sometimes better but you want to go bigger first and test cut first test cut again test cut again test and you'll find a little happy place so I'm gonna start off with a general measurement of my widest folds here because then I know I'm wide enough and it's just over an inch I would say it's probably an inch I'm gonna go with an inch and see how it goes all right let's glue these together first I'm not gonna route that anymore just a little bit of glue here to get these together I don't want to glue it pretty good actually because you don't want your spine and your signatures coming out but this is very strong silicone glue and it's it's not gonna let that happen if you put on enough it's gonna work okay it happens pretty fast there to sleep done yeah great a little bit when things are that fast okay so now the inch mark I know we're measuring try not to look okay there okay 1 then we need to come down I believe this book is 9 inches by 6 inches my ruler just to be sure why don't we leading you down the garden path oh we could be a little different it's actually about 8 and 8 and 3/4 ish so it's not quite 9 by 5 and 1/4 ish so yeah it's a little smaller than traditional for me so good thing I measured so it doesn't really matter how wide this way because the 5 and 3/4 we're not dealing with that measurement here the only thing we're concerned about is the height so this is the cheater way all right here we go no measuring involved okay that and then we just make a little mark how far we want this to come down don't make it too long a little hair shorter like at the bottom of the cream paper you can't see this that would be helpful okay I'm just putting this on here I'm measuring where I want the top to be and I want the top to be the same height as the top of the cream page or even a little lower that's okay and then the bottom the same level as the bottom of the cream page so you don't want it sticking out below or above okay not below or above your book and there we go all right so let's cut one of these babies magnet magnet magnetic ruler and sticking okay we have no idea where to go here I guess we better measure you oh gosh all right we'll take it to the inch there we go all right so go from can you see me yeah they back up too close here okay yeah you can see me okay top mark bottom mark I'm aligning a line a line no I'm going no I need my cutting this is actually I just read on this this is a cutting mat on one side two-sided craft Mets front front side self-healing okay we're gonna see I'm gonna test you you were my gloom at apparently you're now my cutting mat okay all right they're aligned and I'm gonna grab my my sharpie my craft knife being very careful going slow mmm just gonna draw down okay and again lightly draw down not lightly like firm but not crazy pressure okay so that came apart in two swipes very happy all right so all right what I have is this guy's not exactly aligned let's test it for burst and see where we're at see if we need to shave off any more okay so I'm testing know that goes up together very well see he got how did you see that let me show you again taking this and I'm just putting it right in here for the big test arewe I mean the test and the book folds easily very easy to get these together okay let me from there okay now you don't want any resistance there okay that's you don't want that all right okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to cut off that last little piece that I don't need any morning I'm just gonna I'm gonna eyeball it you can round these not round these it's totally style at this point but this isn't is not going to hugely show but it will somewhat show so you want to may to make it attractive so what I like to do at this point is I'm gonna make it attractive okay so this is a great time to pull out stamps and stencils and stuff like that because you can just really give a cool look and yeah that's kind of neat alright so do we have we have this I'll put this here that looks kind of cool and I will bring out I'll be rolled over yet or in the process of rolling going to part two now I imagine okay probably around the 14 mark okay well I think we're there now okay hi welcome to part 2 I'm thinking this is part 2 of using and repurposing an old book book cover to make a journal and alright I am just using good old vintage photo ink to do some do I want to do that first you know what let me do green first for some reason do green first and I'm gonna go over it with the brown but you just basically want to decorate this up of it because it's gonna show you can wrap it with paper I used to do that first with some decorative paper but I wasn't trusting the strength of the paper and the glue to hold my signatures as well as I thought I needed them to hold so I decided just to ink up this thing and use it as the gluing surface are not the gluing the sewing surface itself it would work the other way but it's a little bit more now that you've measured it and it's all perfect if you add a piece of paper to it it's gonna be thicker and then you glued the piece of paper to it and then you realize it's too thick and I've been down that path and I'm using the wrong one we didn't really catch that I I've been down that path and I thought you know what I am just gonna decorate this thing up and make it look really cool the way it is I don't need to wrap more paper around it because it just makes it wider than it needs to be okay okay now I don't know if you saw but these two didn't exactly line up but it's okay but because it's being masked with the inking taking away all evils as you know they evils sneaked in occasionally and we must deal with them they're not evils they're just little little tiny faux paws yeah the handmade aspect of it all right yeah all right so now that I've mixed up my ink covers life will be very interesting from this point on all right there we go there we go all right so that's kind of cool huh and and you're not gonna see much of this but you will see a smidge and I think I'm going to yeah no that's silver hang on yeah found the gold okay so I think I'm just gonna run around the edges of this with some gold gilding paste gilding waxed and that makes the edges look kind of nice so I'm just showing you these little extra fancy trick tips here these are all you know optional and you can if this is your style then great if not you don't have to do this part you could go around with a different color a magic marker watercolor or a paint you could paint these yeah I've painted them before that works well just paint them just grab some acrylic paint from Walmart and just paint them then you could do some stamping on them that looks cute mm-hmm maybe in alignment with the style or theme of your journal if you're doing a nature journal you could put some butterflies or bugs or something like that on there very cool and I'm just gonna like random the random things yeah now it looks like we have something cool metal and fancy in there right yeah we've uh we've upped our game massively by using this gold gilding wax yes there we go all right now I have to rework my baby
Channel: The Paper Outpost
Views: 823,765
Rating: 4.6560736 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal, handmade journal, embellishments, junk journals, handmade journals, vintage journal, handmade books, junk journaling, The Paper Outpost, handmade junk journals, handmade junk journal, journal, ephemera, book pages, using up book pages, book page crafts, easy craft, handmade ephemera, use up scraps, junk journal ideas, tiny tags, journal ideas, Christmas journal, Winter journal, journal flip through, junk journal flip through, paper outpost, mysterious book
Id: gnP0F3KZSts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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