BEGINNERS ART JOURNAL PROCESS- How to start an art journal page?- Mixed Media Art Journaling

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[Music] hi everyone its Karen here and welcome back to my channel today I'm going to be creating an art journal page and I'll explain in a second about all these products I just want to mention that I am doing video with no voiceover or fast forwarding just because I really don't have time to edit anything and I read last time I edited a video it took me three hours and I really don't have those three hours and I'm really behind on videos and I wanted to put something some content on my channel so I'm going to get started but sorry about that it's maybe I don't know how long it will take I will cut off like the drying times and things like that but everything will be like regular speed no no fast forwarding or anything like that I'm gonna be working with my jaw goes water color journal this is a really cool thing that I got right now entry activation I mean the owner from joggle gave it to me because I thought it was just amazing and you can definitely buy it at her store at Joe Joe's comma listed below of course what's nice about this first of all it's really thick it's watercolor paper thick watercolor paper paper and the nice thing is it has these like wheels that you can easily take the page that you're working on you can easily take it out and work on it and then put it back together and because it doesn't have front or back you can just continue working like I could use these two pages like the covers and make covers I can make two covers this way so it that works perfectly so all I do is take two pages and they're easily put back after it's a great system so that way you don't have to work with anything bulky inside of it so that's the first thing so I'm going to arrange these beside me and then I'm going to use a really cool stencil also from doggles this is called wood cuts and I will list that one as well I just love this pattern I think it's so so neat so I'm going to use this stencil and I want to try to use as many new things as possible although supposedly these books are actually not new from Java they have lots of different shapes so you can like purchase any shape you want in terms of those books and it's a really great like innovative idea and I really like that I actually did a video on all the like a haul on all the products that I got from them at creative ation that she was gracious enough to give me and I'm really excited about that one and I you I will link that below or above whichever way so you can see what I mean along with new products I want to use this new plaster paste from art basics from prima finn aware art basics and this is the new product from sin and it's really really nice it's basically very like plastic feel it has that plastic feel and I'm going to create I'm gonna just use it I'm literally winging it I don't even know what I'm really gonna be creating and this is usually how I start my projects I know more or less what formulas to use together but most of the time I'm just winging it so this is what's going to happen today so I'm going to take some of this and it's really really thick actually you know what I decided I'm gonna use instead of the silicone brush because it's so thick that I think it would work better if I use a palette knife just because it's it's made out of metal the palette knife is made out of metal so it can like scoop it up easier okay so this kind of acts like a modeling piece but it's a little bit thicker and you can actually sand that if you really want to I don't think I'm gonna do that today but I just just want to get just gonna use it because it's new and I really have fun doing it it's pretty smooth it's actually smoother I think than the modelling paste I'm looking now because I've used it but differently I just applied it roughly on a page but I actually when I apply it through a stencil I can ease easily smooth out the all they're like little bumps which I'm not usually able to do with a modeling paste I always get some kind of line when I use it so I'm not going to cover everything I only want to cover partial at this paper partially oops hold on it's stuck this is the great thing you see in the background this is Ken Oliver Matt as you can see it's a cling mat so enough so it sticks so what's nice about it is that this stencil it once it clings to the mat it doesn't move which is really nice and especially because it's bigger it actually didn't move and you saw me struggling trying to room to actually lift it up it's because it clings to the actual mattock line the mat is non slippery and it's really easy to clean I had a huge mess this morning on this mat and it's all clean now as you can see so it's a great mat I've really recommended if you don't have a new mat I really really love it now I'm going to add this oh and the mat and I will link that as well in case you want to purchase that as well I like giving everybody that the ability to be able to purchase and sometimes people ask me where'd you get that and it's actually listed below but they don't notice so I'm telling you it's listed below in the description area of the video all you have to do is just press on the little arrow underneath the title and you will see all the different products that I use today in case you want to like browse them purchase them putting on your wish list whichever way and I list to certain stores depending on where it's available so if some of these are from goggles but some things if they're not available at joggle says older scrap or calm or to amazon so there we go I'm going to take this off and this I'm going to avoid drying on screen because if there's just no point of you seeing me drawing one thing I want to mention about the paste it's a really thick and it's nice it gives a really nice 3d effect and you're going to see it soon once I add the other products I'm going to clean this mat let this dry and come back in a few minutes okay so this is finally dry it took only a few minutes by the time I finished cleaning my stencil and cleaning my area and everything it was pretty much dry just heat set it a little bit you can let it air dry but I'm very impatient and for the stakes of this video which for you looks only like one second because it's just an extreme of the video but for me took like a few minutes really literally two three minutes at the most and it was it's totally dry and now I'm gonna add some color I am NOT going to add any just so sometimes I add just so but I really want that watercolor texture to be in the background so I'm not gonna be add any clear or white gesso and I'm just going to try and adding the mermaid marker so let's see how it goes I'm really excited I have these I've have had these and I've used them before in one video only and I did another art journal but truthfully I haven't used them too much and I'm really excited to use them again I'm gonna take my favorite colors so which is I think I love this combo and that's the great so get some purple as well and we'll see we might add other colors I'm not sure so if you have never used these markers it takes a few seconds to figure out what you have to do you see this little yellow band here I didn't realize that you need to remove that and I had to go back and read the instructions the first time I did it so once you remove this there is a little thing inside here that pokes a hole and lets the ink flow once you put it back together so oh you heard it clicks and then you end up with a perfect marker so I'm gonna do that to all of them I'm also going to have a little water bottle beside me this is just water it's one of the dollar store I mean it's really it's been used a lot and I'm going to start applying and all you have to do is basically squeeze at the bottom squeeze the little squeeze the little thing here so let's see let's move this a little bit to the side and I just want to let the ink flow inside this once the ink is there and there you go you see how it's coming down it comes down and then Wow look how beautiful it's a really nice intense color so beautiful so what I'm going to do you see how intense the color is so what I do is it want to add a little bit of water to just let this drip a little bit I really like the intensity of their her colors and I like cleaning things after so I just don't want to see I can even use what's on the wipe and just mix it a little bit more so this is good I'm going to now add a little bit of this this is Styron color what was this one it's called how she has cool names gets called a mermaid markers Byron Bay must be something oops it's the same thing I have to first oops I may have to add some yellow on through this as well so what I like doing is I like when I use it wear it whenever I use watercolors or sprays or anything like that I like using different colors that they won't just blend together you see how it blends so nicely one with the other looks beautiful oh I really like that I think there's too much over here I'm going to dab that out and I'm going to make a little bit of them but I'm actually not going to lift it up I wanted to kind of pull in here because that looks really nice I'm going to press now this is called the seaweed algae oops oopsie leaking only when I press too hard and I want to get it the lighter color here but I also want to get some of the light color over here oh I love that look how beautiful that is Wow I think I'm going to add a little bit of the yellow orange yellow I think it will mix really nicely with these I am definitely using my favorite colors I find that well this one I've already used for another project which I will link below so you see how I've used it before I could also wash the tips after if I really want to and you could definitely dry up before so I think I'm gonna do that I'm going to dry this and I'm going to use my heat tool because once it's dry you can add a second layer so I want it to kind of pool here and it takes a few minutes for it to dry it takes a few minutes for this amount of water to dry so I'm going to dry this off screen there we go all the way okay there we go and I will get back to it in a little while and you can see the beautiful pattern I really love this it actually looks like an ocean even though this is wood cuts I'm not sure why they're called it looks tan ocean to me because of the colors so I'm going to dry this up and I'm going to add a little bit more yellow then once it's dry just showing you what i'm using i'm using the ranger key tool because it diffuses the heat better but you could use any type of heat tool for this okay now that it's fully dry i can actually go ahead and add the yellow against so the reason why you should dry it is because the yellow is so light that it's actually mixing with in creating like a brownish color this is not only so much a yellow like it's more of like a goldish orange color but it still looks really really nice when you add it here it kind of brightens everything so I'm just adding it in certain places I could even again spray a little bit to kind of let it blend in and that's it I mean this is my one side of the background and then I'm going to do the same thing on the other side but start on this side so what I'm doing is kind of balancing the two sides so I have the heaviest color here in this corner and I'm going to have the heaviest color in this corner so it's a good way of balancing an art journal especially a two-page art journal it's a it's a good way of using two corners you could use two sides you can do up and down it all depends how you like it and you can play around with the composition it's up to you and you don't have to do it exactly how I do it and this time what I'm going to do is I'm going to let it run to the other page I should have done this here as well and I might have to just extend this as well I like it when they kind of blend together and I could have done it at the same time but I just didn't I don't know why but there you go so there it is so you could another way of doing it is you could first spray everything and then add the color because look how beautifully they blend right so you could just add the color after which looks amazing wow these colors are so intense I really really love that so oh and it looks completely different than the other one I don't know why I guess I should have done them at the same time when I'm going to add the other colors and that sure kind of blend everything so it doesn't have to be perfect or exact this is a our Journal it is not a perfection it's just for you to experiment so does it have to be perfect nope it has to be how you like it so I'm going to dry it again okay so the same thing there's too much of the darker colors here so I'm going to dry it and then I'm going to add the the yellow and yes definitely I have to I have to say that my pages behind I'm just getting some wipes the pages behind are getting tainted and stained from the drips from the watercolor but I am going to put white gesso and I could do another page on the other side so it's pretty easy to do so I don't have to don't worry about it if they get stained every art journal is that's part of the process I'm just going to dab the edges a little bit there we go I really really like that so I'm going to dry this as well so here we go and I love the fact that it's watercolor paper so it really takes the watercolor markers and really nicely so I'm really excited about that Wow now I'm going to add the yellow on to this side of the page just because I need some of that yellow to kind of bring it in tie to tie it all in and make this a little bit more greenish in the background so the blue will mix with the yellow and will look really nice one suggestion that I have for you if you want to watch this video all the way till the end and I'm going to slow for you because I am definitely going at like not a high speed you could fast forward this video on YouTube there is an option where the statics underneath the video you can just go ahead and put it on a one-and-a-half time or two times and I'll just be talking a little bit faster and it's quite easy to follow yeah but at least you'll see everything faster and you can still watch it till the end so I don't want to tell you to do that if you don't want to but I'm just saying that if this is too slow for you and sometimes it could be that you don't have to do that you can just watch it and like in YouTube a little bit a little bit faster oh look how much water it is I want to put a little bit of this green hold on and if I have too much I can always so could you see what I mean about the other side so as you can see it's stained on the other side but that's okay I will manage and I'm going to get this to just swipe and I could definitely make another page with all this extra liquid but I'm just not going to because I don't have an idea right now sorry that's just my wipes okay so I'm going to let this dry again because I really love how this turned out and I'm going to show you another trick once I'm able to have it all fully fully dry so it's basically just doing a lot of tips and techniques for our journaling especially if you love watercolors or anything like you could do this easily with water cause it doesn't have to be these markers it's up to you you can apply the same rules you see would you you would be using a paintbrush and you could use things like the watercolor confections or any type of watercolor what I like about these mermaid markers are they're very intense and the color is really strong they're highly pigmented so that's basically what it is I'm going to try this really really well it will take probably about five minutes but that's okay I want to have it well dried really well so I can add I mean so I could do the next step so it's finally fully dried and I'm going to use my wipe to bring that nice stenciled paste into this to the surface basically but I wanted to say that if you don't like it when it's warped like this this paper works because it's it's because it takes water and the watercolor paper just basically warps itself out but you could definitely flatten it by running it through a die cutting machine a big shot or something like that just put the two pages together in between a sheet of paper and just run it with nothing no die-cuts nor anything in between the machine and it will flatten it out perfectly for this technique you want to be able to show these designs a little bit better but you want to be careful not to remove too much of that ink so I lightly run it above the surface of the stenciled area so I only removes the watercolor from the area where it's raised so it only kind of touches the top and that makes it look like bring that really nice stencil stencil design into the surface here you can see it as well I'm going to do it here and you will probably see this better because this is a little bit dark it was a little bit darker so I'm just grabbing it and you don't have to rub too hard it will remove it anyways and it will look really really nice if you do use Jess above the stenciled area even clear gesso it will remove it even more because gesso resists it so that's it this is my background so far and I'm going to add some embellishments onto it not too much I have these really cool embellishments from JA goals and I want to show you because I really think this is a huge fun solution for any type of our journaling so let me see where I put them so juggles has these die-cuts there actually look like chipboard because they're a pretty thick but they're actually made of the same watercolor paper material as this it was just laser-cut out of thick watercolor paper and there's lots of different designs this is part of that video that I was mentioning earlier where I went ahead and showed all the materials that I have gotten at reactivation and you can use any of these for any type of project how cool are these I think I'm gonna take a butterfly today and the nice thing about these is that you there's first of all a few on a sheet in there and they're very inexpensive and there's so many different designs and I think that's really cool because you could want to use this part once you use this you could also use the other play the negative part as a stencil for spraying as a mask more to say not a stencil and you can still use this part it's pretty thick I can't like it's hard to see but it's pretty thick and you could decorate it or embellish it any way you like so that's what I'm going to be using here that's it it's just like one butterfly I actually realized that I do want to add a little bit of a darker color to this I should have done that before hmm what about the blue let's see this other dark blue I think this dark blue will be better okay so before I do the butterfly I actually want to add a little bit of dark color here at the edges that's all I think it really makes it look good and it frames everything together so I could have I guess used black but this set doesn't come with the black and I don't want to go ahead and use it something else I do want to finish it up with this so I'm going to just add this a little bit and not too much water just a spritz because I want to make sure that the darkness stays okay I don't want those lines either so let's just add a little bit more okay yeah that looks really good so I should have done this before because then I could make the butterfly look like that as well so all match together hmm okay I really like that so I'm going to do this other side as well I forgot that it's always a good idea to add something a little bit of a darker tone at the edges of your journal it really makes it look framed and it also makes it look really well like it really not really well so I mean it makes it look like it's consistent and the composition is proper I don't know it doesn't even make sense because it's not that it's proper improper it's in our journal but it really helps the composition I don't know how to explain why it does that but it does so oh there's a beautiful blue okay yeah that really helps it a little bit just going to drip this down and I'm going to lift it up to four but you don't want those drips I mean you could have those drips that's part of another type of art journal you can do but I really want it to be even so I didn't want those of drips here okay I like that a lot and I want to add a little bit of water here just because I wanted to mix you can always use the tip of your of like a baby wipe to just like kind of absorb the extra water because you just want the paint I mean the color to stay there but you don't want the water to stay pooled like that unless you have patients drying it and you maybe should use gloves I don't always forget to wear gloves but eventually if ink comes off I'm just very particular about like using my hands I really like that but you don't have to you could use gloves because they sink and it stains probably I'm guessing okay so I'm going to let this dry actually will let it dry above here because I want to work on that butterfly and yeah there we go so the butterfly will be dark like that but not fully dark so what I'm going to do is that I want to add some type of texture onto it place okay so this is another stencil from juggles I could use the same texture that I had used before but I think something different would be nice they have juggles has really nice stencils that are also like a TC size so that's good as well and if I put this like this they will it will actually make the butterfly look like it has stripes so I really like that and I'm going to use that just for the sake of it I'm going to use the same pace so I don't use too many more materials that I have to because I don't like using a lot of materials for our journaling it becomes really expensive and nobody wants to spend a time and show that amount of money so to be able to afford in our journal to make an art journal try to stay within the same amount of products and that helps as well okay so now I'm going to just add this to my butterfly let's see this is a as you see I'm experimenting as I go or that looks really cool how neat is that I really like that okay so I know and don't mind me if I say so a lot I do tend to say that and actually a lot especially when I'm when I'm doing things live I feel like I'm doing it like even technically I'm editing this a little bit and all you have to do is just dry this so they're really easy to dry and yeah that's about it so let me dry this and then we're going to add some color to it to color in this butterfly once it's dry I'm going to use like the yellow first and the reason why is because I want to be able to put the lighter color first it makes more sense because I want a yellowish color to be in the center and I'm going to add a little bit of water here just to kind of mix it all in and then well these would look really good with distress Hawk sightings I just thought of that maybe I'll try that for the next thing okay hold on so I just want a little bit of that yellow and while this is still wet I'm going to attempt to add this only in the edges oh this is a purple one this is not the right one sorry I meant to add the blue just at the edges as it's climbing in kind of like water coloring it because this will kind of frame it all yeah and I guess I have to spray this okay there we go I think I'm going to add a little bit of that turquoise II kind of green I like that as well I guess everything looks kind of the same I don't know if this butterfly will actually show itself up we will try I'm gonna add a little bit more yellow in the center it's kind of and let this dry so I'm going to dry this and then I might add some more but you need to have it dry in order to be able to add more layers so again to add more layers on to this you need to add the second layer once the other one is dry it just makes perfect sense that way so that way you don't get brown I do not like to have brown everywhere because the colors are mixing too much and this butterfly I want it to be darker than than the other stuff I really wanted to stand out and to do that you need to have as I said those layers once this second layer is dry you can go ahead and add as many layers as you want but in order to have that that pattern show you can do go ahead and remove them with with the baby wipe the same way I did before so just want to make this a little bit more even I'm very symmetrical in that sense I like symmetrical things I don't know it's just just me and okay I think I like that butterfly really like so there's a lot of drawing involved in mixed media and our journaling as you know and it just takes a long time to create something but once you do you kind of fall in love with it to tell you the truth I've attempted a card I mean card-making I do a lot of card making and that I find takes even longer for me so I don't know I kind of debating that all crafts and all art takes a long time so if you really want to make it look good so I'm just going to dab it a little bit and you can see the really nice design now I'm going to bring this back oops this is too dirty you definitely need lots of wipes handy so you could clean up your mess all the time and now I'm trying to figure out where I want to put this butterfly here or here do you think I like it there or I mean you have options oh I like it there better okay so there that's the one so I'm going to try this really really well because once I add the gel medium to stick this on not only it will protect the page but it could kind of move things around because it reacts with water so I really want to heat set this color well before I add the gel medium and glue everything let me heat set this well before I do the next step so this is finally dried and it only took like basically three four minutes and and what I want to say is that I want to make this really really simple a really simple art journal page simple sometimes it's really beautiful as well so don't get caught up and all these crazy art journal pages that people do just do what you love and do it the way you like it I'm going to glue the butterflies soon and then I got this really cool Dena Wakely media collage words from Ranger these are all these really nice quotes and phrases and words so I'm going to pick one create the world you want I like that let's see you are beautiful your infinite your best okay there's so many nice words you are infinite create the world you want okay perfect so that's what I'm going to do so all I'm going to do is basically cut these it's made out of like very thin tissue paper so it looks perfect in the background there we go you can barely see it and then I'm going to disick read the world you want okay how much so there we go so this is basically just tissue paper and this looks perfect here yay I'm really excited about that these are perfect for what I'm looking for because I sometimes print my own out of like paper so this is great I'm going to reuse some soft matte gel medium from Prima and let me move this so they don't get messed up with everything else and I'm going to do that as well hmm I really like that so for this I will use definitely mice silicone brush it's much easier to apply I'm going to go like this and just apply this to the background smooth it out oh this is so crooked it's okay if it's crooked I have this thing that I don't like crooked things let me see oh and it's easily removable ah okay if you don't want to do that then just glue it perfectly the first night there's no perfect I know I know I know but I'm just wanted to Ward's to look straight a little bit so that's why okay that's good you are infinite I like that as well mm-hmm oh no what happened here oops oh so he's really fixed see it moved while I was smoothing it because I'm using my fingers so look you can't even tell that it's tissue paper I just have to strain this bubble here how cool is that so you can't even tell it's tissue paper it's perfect for our journaling and I'm going to put some glue on this as well this one is a little bit thicker so definitely it will definitely take longer to dry okay and I'm I need to put something heavy above it now I want to seal it and you see how some of the the color kind of mixes with the gel that's okay but you want to be careful not to like move that color around where you don't want it so because it's reacts with water it's a water-soluble product it does that right there I got it yay no I just feel like it's missing something here and actually I want it it's a little bit I want it like this okay up you can always remove what you don't want that's a nice thing about it okay there we go so there is my butterfly I'm gonna clean my brush and then I'm going to look for something to put here in the middle I don't know I feel like having something in the middle just to kind of bring it all in oh I know what it is hmmm okay so I cut this one this butterfly came out of the butterflies from Prima it actually is the center of the butterfly I used it for another project and I just have this one left and it's perfect for that yay that's what I wanted I wanted something for the center of the butterfly and I'll link those below so you can if you want to cut just that part out of the butterfly you don't have to but I you just wanted to put this in I will make it a little bit thicker but not too much and that kind of ties in the butterfly a little bit so yeah so this is it this is my art very simple I know I was a bit slow paced because I wasn't fast forwarding this but I really like how it turned out I'm really excited about this one oh wait and I forgot look how easy it is to put this back together into the album into the journal I meant to say so all you do is just click it in and click in the other one and you're done you don't have to do a lot of effort regarding the journal and just watch the links at the end of this video there's links to other videos that are similar to this and also the link to the zoggles video of all the products from creative ation that I actually got so I'm really excited to create more projects with that thank you so much bye [Music]
Channel: Keren Tamir
Views: 92,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixed media, art journal, mixed media art journal, mixed media art, mixed media (visual art form), mixed media tutorial, art, art journaling, art journal page, art journal for beginners, art journal techniques, mixed media process, art journal process, art journal inspiration, tutorial, stamping, crafts, how to, jane davenport, mermaid markers, joggles, prima marketing, finnabair
Id: q9vZ3KymvCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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