Journal Collage Process using Magazine Cut Outs ♡ Maremi's Small Art ♡

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how many of you remember this kailash we made this collage or quite some time ago i cut out from magazines and you absolutely enjoyed it and loved it and many of you have asked me pretty recently to go back to college inc to photograph some magazine elements and i was thinking yes actually i didn't do it for quite some time maybe it will be something nice for a change and this one was just done on the cardboard cornflakes box you can do collage art journaling mixed-media on any surface you wish you don't have to do it on anything specific no don't believe that you can do anything you wish however you wish and what I'm showing kids on these suggestions so today I'm gonna work in my mm journal book although it's like a sketchbook more I love the fact that it's kind of creamy not white and I found some elements at this time I'm not sure if we're gonna have any face because some of you suggested that maybe it would be nice to skip the face idea the head because it's quite common thing in college ink and I actually tried to be courageous and create a collage without a face and I was thinking okay maybe I'm not gonna do a face as such but maybe I will draw a face maybe not a collage from magazine face but maybe I can do some some drawing basically some sketching of a face so we will see what I'm gonna do now is I will first cut some of those beautiful elements that I found in the magazines I'm sure that and there is plenty of you that is collecting those magazines and maybe even titles words and you have some stash if not and start building your stash so I'm going to fuzzy got some of those and I'm going to come back to you sue person I have my birdies for secret and I thought maybe I can start thinking before acrostic at the rest start thinking for some sort of background already and I started to look for some papers and I just came across this kind of wall you know which could be pretty nice I think could be pretty nice so I may just use that wall here and also I have some nice vintage looking papers and some old book pages so I'm gonna use those and what I will do I'm gonna use just a pretty thick just ordinary glue what you can use if you can use decoupage glue you can use gel medium matte or gloss even you could use a very thick gel medium if you have because you can just work faster added less and it will work pretty good as a glue as your adhesive as well so whatever you have whatever you have at home use that I love using Pritt stick I love using my ordinary regular glue I don't know why I well I do how many times I've said it's their laziness probably I don't have to dip my brush in the glue wash my brush and mind my brushes I can just go easy and okay maybe they're pretty thick is not gonna last forever and hold it forever but I'm not planning to hang my projects in any gallery that they should last hundred years because no I don't so I'm not worried how good or how how long they will last basically now I'm gonna just play with I'm just thinking to take different glue for this one because I believe that this one is purple and this is very very delicate here not that specific and I'm afraid that it would the color would go through I think I think it would so I'm gonna use different pretty stick now they're white glue cuz the purple I think would go through I believe okay so they could patch blue or gel medium or any glue really look what you have around your your studios and stuff like that so work your magic that way so I'm playing now with little pieces with colors and with papers and all different textures of papers like this is book this is magazine this is scrapbook paper so as you can tell you can really play with anything you wish there's no such a thing as rule LD collage as such well they're always some sort of rules but I like to kind of go against the trend or thinking of what others think what's best or what's good or what should be done no you can always do your way however you feel like and yeah so as you can tell I'm playing with my papers and it's nice to mix and match different papers different thickness of papers and different colors and just nice I like that vintage mixed with some regular cardstock okay I like what I see at the moment so what would be nice to do we prepare our surface for some sort of collage work basically and that would be taking a brush this time taking your to clear just on white gesso maybe clear gel first oh you could actually use a clear gel as your adhesive as well easily so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just grab some transparent just saw and I'm gonna just go over my papers my whole book my entire spread to prepare my page for any sort of medium work so if I be adding paint if I will be adding sprays if I be adding crayons or anything of your liking I had to color your project preparing your page is pretty pretty good idea so your color will spread nicely it's not gonna go through your pages this is a great sealer and it just will it work its magic can be a big big big help to you guys so that's what I'm and while this will be drying I'm gonna keep on fussing I think I will definitely add my my birthdays because they look pretty cute and I think they will match nicely the background because when I saw the bird is I thought hmm maybe a garden maybe a wall exactly so kind of when you when I looked at my pages and my fascicles I looked around what do I have that would match maybe nicely but of course it doesn't have too much much as in it could be a total abstract and all so no worries there and I've bit of white just so I'm going to add I think but just a little bit really really really really a little bit just to kind of blend in and their feet their papers kind of like make this all happy family something like that you don't have to do it it's only kind of many people do it I do it sometimes if I remember but nothing with the consequences it's not it's not a that you have to do it no it's just more of a kind of giving it a touch of you know a unifying the the pieces the page is kind of together and given a little bit of contrast of whiteness maybe here in the middle I'm gonna add I usually love having my metal part brighter when I do my journals as well this is kind of sticking out so I can help it and blow it again yes so you can use your fingers if you like look you can just blend in nice you're not gonna have strokes then maybe maybe that's something you prefer big gentle kind of be careful cuz we can rip off the papers if they dedicate so I'm gonna leave this to dry I'm gonna keep on fussy cutting my my elements and I'm gonna come back to you in just a second hmm elements are pretty much ready for secrets some of them and I really like that that's a bit of abstract it's just something different not too sure which kind of direction we're going with this but you know what I love what I see I like how random it is how abstract it is and for me that's that's pretty good and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab some brush and I will a brush or maybe my plastic and I'm gonna starts may be adding my mycologist magazine magazines into my plastic arts magazine elements into my page into my project so I think so however it's gonna be it's gonna be nice I know interesting and different and that's what matters to me I really wish for this to be kind of random in a way I wish just to be kind of I don't know original let's say what the beauty of collage is that every single collage is different because we just use elements that may be other crafters don't have because we all have all sorts of different magazines from all over the world with all sorts of themes and subjects in the magazine so it's nice to to see that how every college could be could turn out completely completely different so I love that I love that idea okay so this is what we have now if you ask me what's that I don't know I random i random kind of flower arrangement on my wall so I'm not really bothered with thinking what's that nothing nothing it's just my imagination here I like that my imagination on the wall I love the idea of cops and my birdies and being kind of on top of my cups I don't know what are they gonna survive the coloring part and all um or not but I think I like that yeah to have like my as my kind of eternal bottom and my bird is there now I'm thinking to do a little bit of maybe a little bit of what's the word stenciling like a wall kind of stenciling something like that works on my own me in my head and here are in there as it was plant hmm I think so I think so it will be perfect and this clock vintage o'clock it's nice because we have some again completely out of this world abstract element added to our page what clock has to do with birds so I like that mm-hmm now so this is my my base that I love I love what I see very much indeed um I'm thinking where to add stenciling I wish to add a little bit of stenciling kind of similar idea what I've done here I've done some stenciling here and coloring afterwards as well which was nice so I have a lovely delicate sensors those are actually I don't think I ever showed you those are little birdy stances really really pretty cute size small size delicate and I'm kind of tempted to go for for this look I think so I'm gonna add this and I'm gonna be using a filling filler from actually the smells from little so not modeling paste why not we can just do something else something different this time so a little bit of that filler thing it works like modeling place and I like how white it is let me see no no do you know what before we do that I'm gonna just grab a clear gesso and I'm gonna I'm gonna just go over with my clear gesso on top of my collage pieces so that way I'm gonna kind of protect them from any medium working on and also if there's any anywhere that I haven't opted glue my brush can go underneath it if you can see and glue it back now I hope you create creating with me and I love to hear that many of you is creating maybe even something different you I'm doing a journal collage now and you're doing your own cards but we had to get in the studio which is lovely which is lovely I like to hear that and see your projects while you watch my videos and my silly chitchat now before I forget and some of you are saying to give you a shout out in the video for those who are first to comment you know what I keep on forgetting to do that I don't even know how those things work but anyway it's it's nice that some of you are suggesting something like like this but I do have to say big big big huge massive thank you after your comments after my last video where I assured my fear of having a baby although I had already won 10 years ago it feels like it's a new thing all over again and I'm just like a child in the mist I feel and the last recent days are pretty pretty intense in my head I would imagine I couldn't call it like that so thank you for your words support and encouragement I know we'll be fine but you know if you have been a mom or you planning to be a mom this kind of feelings are there whether we like it or not I think it just it's just there so thank you for for being so understanding and so supportive it really actually meant a lot you know it really did because I I was reading it your stories your shares your ideas your thoughts of your your kind of tips and tricks and well what I could do like a bath or this what could make me feel maybe less stress so I really really really truly appreciate that so thank you really Wow I do feel we have a community here that is just so blessed I'm blessed to have you basically every one of you so thank you again know where we'll be at the I don't know I'm gonna leave that flower will I I don't really have to have to use it isn't it like a fuzzy cut it but it doesn't mean that I'm forced to use it now I'm I just need now to maybe he'd said a little bit this this part just a little bit I dried the page mostly not all of it but most of it and I'm gonna just add some stenciling right now I'm just trying to think where the stenciling could be nice and beneficial for the page and it's not something you can really be sure of I'm gonna be randomly playing I like that oops okay that looks good to me that that does look good to me now I'm gonna add it somewhere here as well a little bit just a little bit not too much mm-hmm what about the bit here oh yeah that's what I like doing cuz what to do as well is that this should be pretty much clean cleaned off and that dirty site to be actually used that kind of way as in just touches off modeling paste so it looks more natural than as if everything is so precise the precision in the project sometimes I think kills the projects if I can suggest this sort of way of seeing things so I love that I really love that I think it's beautiful beautiful beautiful so time to dry that too many too much of this pace here but let me grab some and try to and I'm gonna try to maybe add it to some page somewhere somewhere somewhere okay there is some random free page that I started it and never finished so we may as well just touch some paste there why not it's always to have it's always good to have on the sides a paper or a book or journal so we can clean off your stances I'm going to watch that and can get back to you my spread is dry my stance link my mother ink paste is dry so it's time to color it I really love how it looks but with the coloring and outlining and shadowing everything will look completely different I like how abstract that looks already and the coloring will just bring everything to life I hope I have some lovely their watercolors here and those are James Davenport watercolors I like the color scheme because I think it pretty much matches what I have and I like I would like to use the paint the chalk paint because it's nice and pink and I think it will much nicely the flowers so a beautiful nice touch of pink I think I hope and I will try to see whether we can work nicely with the acrylic paint as our coloring coloring medium for stenciling we will see how this works I'm used to sprays I'm used to watercolors not acrylic so much so I think it would be nice to try it so I love the chalky finish of the chalk paint I really hope I really really love that now you can see how nice and thick that is but also I think it would be nice to give it a chance I you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just clean that off here mm-hmm look how creamy that is beautiful I'm gonna close that down and I will spray some water so I'm gonna move I'm gonna make like a like a spray kind of watercolor wish consistency because again as you know there is no such a thing oh it's blurring such a thing as one thing to be used for coloring or for yeah for coloring let's say you can use anything you really can try and just enjoy and use anything oh look so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just grab some paint and try to basically add touches of this dedicate pink in few spots or you can't see here because I have moved my my paint too high too low that's okay I don't need that much painting so I can move that away good I move the project up high for you to see it more or less okay that's better so yes you can use to color you can use anything you wish you have and just don't stress yourself over and over and that you don't have the exact mediums no I wish you to see that you can use anything you have around the house and try to combine and just use what you have there we go so this is our dedicate now now everything is kind of blurry because it's delicate because it's just not as contrast yet like added lots of water because acrylics are drying permanently so I wanted to make sure that our acrylic will move before dries on our page here I like the smell of that actually if anyone asks it's a little birdy chalk paint acrylic paint beautiful beautiful chalky finish so hopefully this will be visible more when it's dry so I'm just adding a delicate touch of those Pink's here and I'm not because it's so watery I'm not really feeling that this is such a acrylic based paint you know I don't feel that and I'm just going over and with the brush and touches of this pink on my creamy background as well trying to kind of make that I don't know joint not joint together kind of like you know they taped a kind of are blending nicely so what I'm gonna do now clean that this off we have our pinky base I'm gonna try this a little bit I often find that you are afraid to mix and match different mediums than you think that you you're not allowed to do it you're allowed to do everything and anything you wish so don't worry about that and I'm thinking thinking what sort of color should I play next and the red seems to be my answer but no actually no no not right no red will be too much I think um unless we do like this a touches of red only like here mm-hmm it's just touches of of it my spread is not fully dry yet as you can imagine it's you know it's only I definitely wish to play with some brown but that will come yeah so this this pink is not fully dry so that's why it's still it's you can still nicely mix and match the mediums together now for now it seems that what is she doing and I have exactly the same feeling as you - trust me I'm no expert Here I am playing with my mediums and totally experimenting and exploring in front of your eyes literally and it's a big pressure when you think about it because I know that you're expecting four before thing to appear good that maybe it won't but I hope I even if it doesn't go there exactly whereas I may be pictured do you know what time but being patient on their project you will actually get the effect that you wish to have okay so we have those nice and brown add Reds Pink's and it nicely matches this so the next color that would be in my eyes nice too ad would be black so I have a little touch of black there and we can try and build some darker color here on our project on top of our pinks and reds and I love that now I love that now it takes time to love the project to fully enjoy it to fully understand it I'm thinking a touch of brown maybe would be nice let me just clear that I'm not finished with black but I think I could do some brown as well as well as the black just a little bit so you can see that even if you don't have sprays like I work with sprays a lot you can work with watercolors you can work with acrylics and try to work your magic so it is possible it's not that you have to have this no not true not true maybe it's you know maybe it's easier to work with some things for some people but it's not that you have to have this exact thing no hmm when it's going to be totally finished it will be very interesting to see where we end up with our color scheme you know as you can tell I'm helping out myself with a pair of touches of water and because I'm helping with a lot of touches of water I'm ending up with a little muck in the middle but that's all fine that's all fine now I'm thinking to maybe do a little bit of shadowing Gish brownish kind of thing around my Birds already and my paths so instead of going with my let's say like pencils and stuff we can easily just do a brown touches and nice shadowing go of that just as it is with the brush you know with the brush input of water and just have that interesting I like that I really like that so it's good to experiment as you can tell it really is good to experiment and to try and no it's not gonna be perfect from the first moment but maybe the second goal so keep on trying keep on playing or someone said a nice comment on my after my card-making video recently someone said I know how you work something like this and I love that you keep on adding until you happy and that's exactly it when I was doing carrots I was keep on adding until I was happy and satisfied with the effect same here I'm keep on adding pigment in color until I'm happy and satisfied as you can tell so yeah it's nice - it's nice way of describing how I actually work because it's pretty much true so it's so it's good now we have this pretty much brownish she effect which is lovely and same for here I really think it's nice and we can add more and more shadow on the birdie under the birdie it's a lot of water here so of course things are moving and you know you may feel that it's a very mucky idea where I'm very kind of hard to see where is that going I know it's hard to see for me as well but it goes it's going somewhere and I promise you you will you will like it and I hope you will like it I hope I will like it and love it and all so yes it's a little bit of hearing there experiment type of project but it's good to try it I think it's really important to not be afraid to make a mistake not be afraid to try the new supplies that you have and to even if you are wrong even if things are not going right to not be ashamed of it you know nobody is perfect and nobody's doing perfect things from day one we all learn so I think I've lost a little bit of this reddish color so I'm gonna grab that here and there just a little bit to is to to kind of I don't know make it pink there and now because I haven't cleaned my brush it's nice it's like a brownie reddish pinkish think okay and I will clean my brush now a little bit what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slightly dry this dry dry this so this is pretty much dry but not so much but a little bit a bit dry it's pretty much not so much if that makes any sense so now we're gonna play up play with my black again I love playing with my black and here we go yeah things are going on top of my part as you can probably tell that's okay my birds don't really mind that no I'm yet again out of adding some bit of shadowing here and there now I have to say that it's pretty interesting for me too as well look at the process because as I said I haven't planned much what I'm going to in here except the images that I've chosen and I thought oh maybe a war but it doesn't look like a wall maybe it will so it's really interesting for myself to see how things can actually develop change and and the process is interesting to just really explore and I love that exploration process that I can do it too with you as well which is really really nice it teaches me as well to be brave to really just let go and not being stressed over the final effect even though I know that you're waiting for the final effect to be like wow factor me too but if it's not gonna happen we're gonna have a nice time together here and you know learn from this project for the next one basically and definitely we always I love that part we always learned something regardless I love that part it looks actually like a wall I think yeah maybe I need to work more on this a little bit probably have to go back with a bit of brown and pink so in two seconds I'm gonna do that you see I'm jumping on the page here and there here and there not really knowing what I'm doing it's a little bit of an improvisation I swear it's like what next it's like the feeling for it I have a feeling for it and I'm going for my feeling it's like the instinct of what to do next and stuff like that so yeah I advise you to do that yourself to just have a feeling for things and nuts and just go for it and just keep on doing adding things and stuff I love that part it looks very like like the Wally wall effect kind of thing I love my birds being already a little shadowed which is super nice for it I really like that really really like that and my marks as well so everything comes together nicely slowly but surely slowly but surely so and my robes I said it's a nice abstract if you ask me what is it I have no idea but I love it I really really really like that so grab your magazines whatever you have or start collecting as well magazines you know I know magazines are not cheap and some of you after last video or now I remember so just said that you can get through magazines online if you log in somewhere for let's say updates of something you can have your magazines and I don't know what I was in states it doesn't matter but I'm sure you can try to find out them things about it and they were like you can get them delivered to your door like a sample magazines or things like that so have a look at that subject this have a look because I know that people yourself my friends were suggesting I'm gonna grab that Brown you are suggesting to that that this is the option of getting free magazines so yeah maybe something to look at it for you my friends you know I love your comments always here and I keep on saying that but those comments we learn together and find out things and many of you have been finding helpful the comments in the comment section because you do suggest for example oh you could have a bowl of cold water next to you so you can put your stencil straight away to it as instead of running to a sink you can just have it lie down next year so it you know things like that or have water next to you using hot glue gun for example so it's nice that we can share our experiences and thoughts so I love that very much indeed okay you know what I'm so afraid that I'm gonna end up with some sort of muck it's absolutely amazing absolutely amazing praise yourself guys it's nothing wrong with it I'm gonna enjoy that and I'm gonna come back to you in two seconds I think we are pretty much done here and look at the shadowing down with watercolors with bit of acrylics as well touches of acrylics I think it's interesting to see that you can really color tanks without having your regular mediums that you used to use like crayons or or sprays in my case I will definitely outline bits and pieces with the pencil in two seconds so let me dry all of that and come back to you in just a second damn damn look what arrived there's more not that many but then there is more your favorites drink that's string as we call it so head off to my Etsy store link is below this video or just Google for marry me small at Etsy and I'm sure it will link it somehow to my store or yes or at the end of this video there will be a little Etsy sign that you can click as well and it will direct you to take it to the shop so there is this string I meant to add few more things but you know I kind of I'm not that I'm not that fast the recent days but anyway this drink is there if it's gonna be sold out its sold out because so many of you was asking and waiting but I will ask my dad to ship more I think to buy more because I think there's 20 maybe or something so not that many yeah but yes it's there in a way it will be there anyway added to the store and I in the meantime and nearly dried it I didn't fully so let me dry this and come back to you everything is dry so time to do some shadowing I have my sharp knife finally I got you sharp nerves for my cell phone for Emily but this time I'm hiding my one ah sharpness and their pencils and now I have a little collection of rubbers so it's not too bad but it was really bad hey with the sharpness and all but now I have it and I even have have a look at this I even have but to them thinks they're rulers because again what I needed it Emily couldn't find any now what I'm using is the graphite pencil before you ask pencil number two that I like using foreshadowing is from is a charcoal pencil they both brand icon they're not expensive it's a pure em what's the word I just bought it because that was in my local store in my office kind of supply store so it's nothing that I have picked I didn't know what I'm picking few years back now because I have them for very long actually so this is charcoal and this is graphite set both from brand icon but again any brand you gonna go for I believe they would do the magic would do the trick guys so I like to use foreshadowing my my pencil so I'm gonna just go with my finger here and there oh it's nice that my my pencil is sharp enough Wow because usually what it wasn't so now it's nice and I'm just rubbing it as you can see with my finger basically trying to make some a bit of shadow shadow a kind of bringing there and bringing this all back to life and kind of giving it a bigger at bigger contrast so we can it will stand out from the page more or less more than less yeah stand out more so I'm just trying to be kind of you know trying to be very much going around the edges going around my around my cut fossa coated elements trying to trying to give them the the edge now with the pencil now you may find that the page will rip off or something so make sure that everything is dry and sealed with the gesso or decoupage glue on top with your with your elements with your fuzzy cutted elements so it's going to be easier and of course if you have like myself a bit of modeling paste on top of your pasta cutter element what's your skin you may if it's you may you may just hurt yourself a little bit with robbing on top of the modeling paste so watch that as well now I'm not going to do much here because honestly I think it looks really nice the way it is so yes I will outline a bit I will give it a contrast because it's nice because there I think we need to collage when you do kind of that kind of collage when you mix and match elements and graphics and pictures and stuff I think it's nice to give it to give this kind of standing out look but again do however you like what's in your mind and what you prefer I think it's nice because it kind of brings it out more and it's lovely especially the main focal point like in this case the birdies and the flower it's nice to have it out now I'm sitting down as you as you know I always create a stand when I create but this time I'm quite tired already so I had to sit down and from sitting down position it looks so that's so different than from when you stand so I I'm gonna have a look in two seconds how I'm doing actually with my shadowing it actually is a different angle of looking at things and you just see it differently funny enough so ah yes I'm really pleased with this page I'm really pleased um because you have been asking for collage for quite some time so I hope you I hope you enjoyed this video with me today and please please do me a huge favor a huge favor sure you share this video on your social media on your Pinterest boards and anywhere so others can see it and of course and recently there has been some YouTube changes regards their watch time regards the people who monetize their videos and it doesn't affect YouTube channels the the ones that are big like I could call my own it's big enough now as you know we have been given their award even the last few weeks from YouTube you could see that video but there's plenty small channels so I suggest you to kind of help them out they have 30 days to bring up their numbers up to speed and bring it up like amount of subscribers amount of watch time they have so if you if you have your favorite small channel that you wish to support and help please do so give them a subscribe like click for subscribe watch their videos maybe for longer than usually because they have some time to kind of prove to YouTube that they are you know kind of growing and stuff I'm actually not too even sure why is this happening but anyway that's just something to have it in your mind if you are a YouTube fan and you have your small beautiful channels that you enjoy watching so it doesn't affect as I said channels that are bigger already that have been having larger audience but you never know how things will change so so yes so yes and your shares and your comments always helps out the channel to be kind of visible and noticeable and if you you know if you wish to receive free videos from all sorts of creators on YouTube it's good to support and that way cuz that's the way to support them by watching it by commenting I know that many people don't know about it and that's absolutely fine as well but maybe maybe it's good to just have a little think about it and be reminded about that so yes but anyway I always thank you for your comments in advance I know you will leave me some love and then I can give you love back on my next video I love that so okay let me have a look mmm that looks so yum yum I love that suit you know what we're missing we're missing some white splashes but I'm not gonna do them this time I think and it splashes I think I love what I see but instead of splashes I know what I can do do you know what I can do like we missing as well at the title I think and I think I would love to add my stickers basically I love my stickers I love playing with my stickers and they are in my Etsy store again if you wish to have a look at them let me see what I have here because there is mix-and-match of a I have some I'm not too sure which is which I don't give up to do but anyway I have some so I'm sure we'll find something nice and there is four different thicker sets if you wish and they you just want stickers transparent I think they are nice especially for people who are not too very sure about what title to put those are more of a kind of thoughts and titles that will just lift you up so I love them I'll really love them and let me see what could actually plant your own garden of happiness like I mean that's a nice title and since we have some birds and since we have some flowers that could be pretty nice if I'm if it's not too big already for it for for it to be here but I think I think we could be just fine and now I'll show you a trick how to have a better look of it grab this here and if you use this thing that transparent ish part is kind of disappearing so now that looks much better maybe this word shine or inspire or dream dream or explore I love them all actually so I love them all but maybe this one this thing and just have it somewhere oh maybe on the bird actually of why not why not oops I like you to be straight more or less a little bit straight go back okay dream mm-hmm you can do my Birds oh yes okay I like that actually dream creativity is you did you know that just smile so special so you practice art every day just Brit be strong and lift others hmm too many to choose go and make some ID guys that's the message for you I love messages I love sending you some positive message always yes so this is what we have right now go and make some art my friends that's exactly what I wish to tell you or maybe here actually although it's in the middle of my stance link so it's not that perfect but who said it should be perfect so go and make some art okay I think I'm done here I'm done I'm in love I'm happy satisfied with the spread and yeah I can move on to the next video okay we are done here so this is it our collage fossick art elements with the news from newspaper from magazines I hope it was enjoyable I hope it was filled with some technique that maybe will be helpful for you a little bit of abstract but how pretty you can do it trust me I promise you can do it it's nothing out of your reach and most importantly every College will look different which is amazing so have a look at maybe start collecting paper Fosse cutted elements paper pieces that could go for your next project so I'm gonna wrap up at that finish and send you a huge hug and thanks for your support on my channel and for all the beautiful words that I receive it's it's just really really nice to read them I sit down with my phone and I go and scroll down the comments in the evening on the couch now recently for a relaxation time and give you a heart and you you probably get that notification that might have loved your comment that means I read it because I read it I read more than I'll actually heart it because it's just sometimes faster to read then click click click click but I do read them so thank you again so much yes our little community it's not that little it's a lot of comments to go through but I couldn't be more grateful it's what it's supposed to be YouTube channel it's about community spirit and chats and yeah all of that so grab your old book or some sort of sketchbook grab your magazines and just create just let go just do it you really will enjoy it so I'm gonna show you this one as the last is the last big how different it is so you know there are so many ways you can do things I'm gonna give you the link to this one at the end of the video you can have a look so yeah thank you so much that's it I should really wrap up kissing hogs and tanks and yeah till the next time I hope soon still in one piece I'm still in one piece of my desk with the with a little friend here little Baba is here so yes thank you so much and I'll chat to you which app to use super super soon and bye bye
Channel: Maremi SmallArt
Views: 172,712
Rating: 4.9558973 out of 5
Keywords: collage, collage journal, journal page process, collage process, collage from magazine cut outs, maremi's small art, mixed media collage page, mixed media collage process
Id: OakWQvYMP4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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