Just Getting a Normal Snack at 4 a.m.

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hey guys we're going to turn back inside snowmoor roblox and today we're playing this game called get a snack at 4 a.m i don't know i just saw it on roblox i had a lot of likes surprisingly i don't know we're just we're gonna play we're gonna see what this is about you know we're getting a snack at 4 4am let's play all right welcome karina omg okay it's me you're self-conscious okay hey what's up i'm interrupting your sleep to say that you are starving you appear to be waking up due to your starvation okay you honestly can't sleep in this condition so i advise you to get a late night snack just try to be sneaky about it okay sneaky is my thing all right anyway you're waking up i'll see you soon thank you all right we're getting a second 4 a.m super normal blurry all right there we go that is terrifying okay it is 4 am uh we have a creepy teddy bear under the bed objective get a snack at 4am thanks i was unaware that that was my objective this thing is so creepy what even how to play get a snack at 4am click item to pick it up get different endings okay this is the garbage i just trash can i don't that's cash okay i don't wanna dr i don't wanna throw that away no i need to keep that can i open these statue collection i don't have anything good one bro i'm going to laugh cool all right we're going all right uh that's uh weird uh i appreciate the painting it's very nice i feel like this is our war game but this is not a war game this is literally not a horror game um robux yes please we need that uh that's to leave i'm gonna we got so much cash here this is the carpet i was unaware thank you for that chips for noobs i got chips thanks for 1 million visitors we got a minecraft cake yay all right how to make a good breakfast eggs we got to make a breakfast this this is a strange looking fridge inventory full oh i gotta eat this yummy yummy yummy yummy how long is it gonna take me to eat this oh wait what i was gonna i wanted to make eggs where do i get the eggs i've had more money i got an orange wait what have you done oh no i touched an annoying orange oh no i was kicked out of the game no they literally kicked me out of the game the orange is literally so annoying obviously okay i'm gonna have to just join the game again okay okay guys we are now back inside the bedroom uh we're not gonna touch the orange we are not objective get a snack at 4am got it we're gonna go this way now got more money you just so much money laying around this year uh hey dude father figure what this is a strange looking bathroom wake up no i don't i'm gonna take your money first okay hey dude no stop what this is so annoying i got it hasn't even been a minute it has not even been a full minute and i already got kicked out again oh my gosh okay we are back in the bedroom we're back all right don't wake up at that don't touch the orange oh my god orange statue i picked up the orange that's pretty cool i don't have a dad's statue that's upsetting but okay i'm just gonna collect all the money there's money in the bathroom so i'm going to collect that i don't i kind of want to pick up the toothpaste and eat it i think that's an option that honestly it might be but i don't want to die again like that's so annoying wait the paintings have changed oh oh my gosh it's snowing outside got money everywhere too okay hey dude i can't turn the tv on all right carpet got it don't touch orange all right we're gonna get all the money i want to leave the house i'm pretty there's like lots of stuff outside so i want to leave the house place item i don't have any items where did you get the eggs that's chips for noobs obviously oh maybe you have to go buy eggs obviously that one makes more sense we got a little among this character and we got a little surprise okay oh that's me duh obviously all right [Music] okay i'm outside oh wait oh i thought that was a cut scene i thought it was a cut scene and it now okay this is slightly confusing sewer do i go in i don't think so [Music] do i not wear a jacket or anything i just like how to pop outside open 24 hours i love the car it's pretty nice selling left money outside their way item i don't have anything to throw away i'm collecting money this this place server doesn't have a plan of changing well okay feed me sodas no insert soda i don't have any sodas to feed you i just want your money all right hi welcome to the generic convenience store we are open 24 hours got it cool place an item and talk to me to purchase it can i steal it is that an option i don't know i don't really want to try it to be honest out of order due to being too cold that makes sense you got money lying around here don't mind if i just like take it we got eggs no long solid toothpaste in orange juice due to the amount of people buying and consuming them both oh i need to get the eggs oh yeah what is this thing or i don't want to pick it up i'm not picking it up i kind of want to but i can't i got one singular egg you didn't place anything i i i i i tried to i'm sorry there's there we go oh that's f i have to press f sorry all right you sure you'll want to buy this egg it'll cost you 25 bucks for a singular egg you know what i'm rich it's fine i got 87 bucks okay purchase egg thanks that's cool can i buy this thing pikachu or pick up orange juice i want you some more money here i forgot uh i think i'm just gonna leave thanks dude oh that car scared me for a second this guy likes creepy i'm not gonna lie what's that animal crossing character um okay can i i can't walk outside this area okay so i'm just gonna not know what uh eliza isabel is doing over there okay that's okay whatever anyway i got my egg okay what do i got to do cook egg on stove place egg on plate place orange juice i i forgot to buy orange i should have bought the orange juice wait do i have to go back i'm just gonna go back later okay place egg how do i cook it i got an egg how do i cook it oh how do i know when it's cooked i turned it off is it cooked i don't think it is i'm gonna cook it again is it going to make a noise or is it just going to burn because if it burns i'm going to be really sad i mean i do have a spare bag of chips over there so it's not the end of the world but i kind of really wanted to do the egg what if i stand on it do i die i don't really want to try it to be honest all right oh i got the egg i got egg all right place egg on plates i now gotta go buy orange juice this is so annoying i should have bought it while i was there but i didn't all right i gotta go quickly run back to the convenience store and buy the orange juice i'll under some more money here i always need more money all right let's go go go go also i kind of want to buy soda just to see what happens when i feed it to the vending machine or maybe i don't want to see i don't know i don't want i don't know maybe i don't want to see hey dude there you go this orange juice is 30 bucks dude this is days about accidents uh that's good no you have zero accident days that's okay um bye wait can i also buy this i can only take out one thing at a time that is very much annoying okay so i wouldn't have been able to buy the orange juice while i was there anyway so whatever i guess all right that's slightly annoying i wonder how i get into sewer is that just like to annoy me or something i don't know all right we finished yay enjoy there's happy music perfect breakfast yay i got the perfect breakfast ending oh and i got kicked out all right that's that's that's cool i want to try out different endings i want to see like because there's a lot more endings obviously so i want to i want to see what else happens okay we're back all right we're back we got the breakfast perfect breakfast uh statue reward awesome next thing i want to do is i want to see what happens to the toothpaste one because you can pick it up and i don't know what happens when you pick it up there's the father figure i love how they put their bigger and also he's wearing a shirt that says that so i don't forget [Music] i got colgate do i gotta get orange juice and like brush my teeth and drink orange juice like is that what i gotta do or something i don't know do i eat this oh i i'm eating it that's something uh whoops i'm dead now ending toothpaste got it all right got kicked out now so that happened okay don't consume this toothpaste yeah i i i'll remember that we're back we're back baby we are once again back all right objective get a snack at 4 a.m we got the toothpaste statue there's a lick there's a lot of statues you can get so i want to get them all i want to get them all every single one uh next up we got throw away something okay i'm gonna hello i threw a boxy cola what happened to it i don't know all right we got chips yummy yummy yummy all right i'm gonna eat this then all right yummy objective go back to bed i'm on it i want to see what happens like what happens oh my gosh father trigger no father figure i could hear you opening and eating the chips please oh my god please very spare me chips i got kicked out of the game dad got mad oh my god stop this is so funny this is such a funny game hello we are back we're back we're back everyone all right next chips we got the chip statue all right we still got more to go we still got more all right what how what else have i not tried yet i don't know do i eat the carpet uh what about the candle i'm not sure uh what if i eat the soda there's a head in there dad do not wake up [Music] yum nothing happened okay so that was kind of pointless oh no okay okay i got i'm gonna get money then because i want to buy soda and then feed it to the uh thing what's it the the machine remember i gotta do that also i want to see what happened to isabel like she's just kind of chilling over there i don't know i don't know what she's on about but she's doing something okay i want to get the money okay there we go hey i got boxy cola i don't know why i drank that first one that was now i have to spend money on this yes yeah yeah i get it shut up like please let me buy this already time left until break what happens if he's i'm here and he's like on his break like what do i do like what's gonna happen i kinda wanna know i wanna go into the employees only area five bucks that is an expensive soda okay sure i'll buy it though whatever thank you [Music] can you let me in i'm gonna come back in 30 uh 300 seconds hey all right oh my god i gotta insert eights that's kind of annoying i gotta insert eight okay some so i get something if i answer it because like i don't know okay it's fine oh my god there's not very many this might not work out okay oh just no place which bro 50 bucks for what for literally what okay fine i'll buy it whatever see if i care some expensive soda i gotta get this money my man all right there you go that's two there you go oh oh my god don't just shh stop all right and this blocks the coil that's five bucks yeah i'm buying it i know it's expensive but i gotta buy it i should have picked up more money at the house because i'm gonna run out damn okay there we go that's three that makes three oh if he goes to his break he's gonna leave the door open and i get to go in there that is something i want to see happen all right i shouldn't have uh i shouldn't have drank that for soda i should have brought it here that's so stupid um what's my issue what happens if i just leave like i kind of want to see what happens but also i work so hard already put them as many citizens like i'll see after i finish this ending or if this is even an ending at all this is my last of the kind of cheap sodas yes i know i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it it's fine just like shh all right yeah okay there we go now i don't have enough money for the witch brew and i don't know where to get more soda i got five in there where do i get more there's more which brew but like i don't wanna oh there's three witch brew here and then i needed a one in the house oh that's so annoying so dumb okay next next time i won't drink that first soda and i'm gonna get all the money i can i wanna know what happens earth but also right now i gotta wait a little bit because uh this guy's gonna go on this break in about like two minutes two minutes and like 20 seconds so i gotta i gotta chill out a little bit uh collect some money i don't know what this money's gonna do but you know i could collect it and then after after i check out what's in if like if he goes employee only area and leaves the door open after i check that out i'm gonna try walking out this place with something and i'm going to see what happens hmm yeah that's right my man is that more money throw away item i don't want to throw my way i want to collect this there's a doll there it's kind of creepy hello you're not on your break yet what if i pick up something and leave while you're on this break that could happen but like it would be pulling this anyway because i need three more sodas and i only have two i kind of want to steal the orange juice don't do this unless unless it's a video game definitely not a hit oh that i should have read that before i don't think i read that all right so no that's not sweet and orange juice okay yeah so i gotta okay i gotta brush my teeth and drink orange juice but i don't know how to brush my teeth like in the game i kinda wanna pick up the orb i gotta i gotta try that out but i don't know like what happens if i die i've come too far this guy's on his break in like one minute like i just gotta chill out for one full minute this is my car cashier can i take it i don't think i can he isabelle isabella is it her name isabella isabella i forgot anyway you girl girl no so just we can't go there just no i don't think that's anything i think they're just like random they just put cones in the shape of a no and they're like let's just add isabelle because like whatever got 15 seconds buddy i'm gonna close this for you all right eight seven six five four three two one the weighted moment is here [Music] oh okay i thought you were gonna go into an employee's only area but that's cool anyway i'm gonna leave that's okay with you he doesn't really care i think he's fine uh i don't know why i did that that was kind of pointless oh well i waited for literally nothing okay well i'm gonna get touched orb i feel timeless shifting timeline's shifting sorry can i eat it uh i i what do i do the order disappears in your hands what do i do about it [Music] i don't understand what what does the orb do do i go back to the house i'm gonna get the orange juice [Music] i'm not gonna pay for this by the way i'm just leaving sorry my dude okay all right all right all right we're go we're going what's gonna happen to the warp like that was just like a random orb but okay is it gonna be my room or something i don't know kind of nervous now i gotta go brush my teeth well i gotta drink the jordan juice after but like i'm not sure how i'm supposed to brush my teeth uh oh well let's just try it [Music] oh there's a gun here what's the gun [Music] oh my god it's gonna take forever to pick up what i'm not i'm not gonna do it that's gonna take forever how do i oh i didn't uh i didn't really mean to do that yikes my god what dummy hey wait you're here why uh welcome karina omg hi that was quite a remarkable death it was very unfortunate have you heard of the legend drinking orange juice and then putting toothpaste in your mouth is supposed to be very painful to your taste buds yeah you shouldn't try that well i did that so bit too late anyway the sheer amount of pain transported transported you beyond dimensions beyond death so am i just stuck here and that led you here you could say you're in a type of limbo i like to call it the void okay what do i do who exactly am i you ask i didn't ask anything my name is dummy duh you can't see it on top um did you want to know my purpose as well i don't really care that much to be honest you're just chilling eating your hamburger and drinking your milk anyway you see there's a few things you can do in this game if you can tell if you could tell okay if you ever get stuck or confused you can come back here and i'll tell you about these endings oh that's interesting kind of ironic since it may have been confusing to get here in the first place uh-huh yeah it kind of was i'm not gonna lie my dude all right anyway i also kind of need you to get uh get all those endings yeah that's that's my goal that's what i'm trying to do here don't ask why you need to i just wanna i just told you you needed to don't worry i trust you man i trust you i know it sounds like a hassle but you shouldn't take that long it's taking a little bit i'm not gonna lie it's taking a little bit i'll give you your orange juice and toothpaste ending now okay come back here when you get all of them okay yeah for sure ending ultra death we got the ultra death ladies and gentlemen and i was kicked out of the game obviously just to top it all off all right guys we are back we are back objective get a snack all right i know what i'm going to do i know i'm i'm i know look at this hi have you seen this uh generate my thoughts whatever i'll remember that's nice hey dad i don't want to wake you up i'm just gonna get your money and leave oh i almost woke him up i don't wanna i don't wanna wake you up my man you could stay you could sit in your bathtub it's fine i'm just gonna get all the money here it's very important do not ask okay very important business i have all right just gotta collect all the money from the fridge obviously gotta get the soda uh i don't think there's any more money around here did i collect it all i think i did all right we're leaving bye bye all right there we go we're going we're going we're going we're going i don't know how much money i'm gonna need but i'm just gonna get it all hello there we go i got you some some uh juice i can't can i can i just put this here place an item here are you good i think he's just tired of me i'm kind of tired of you too man i just wanna you sure want to buy this loxicola will cost you five bucks yes i know just can i buy everything in bulk like that would be so much easier what happens if i walk out of this while he's like still there because i tried it like after he was on his break and nothing happened but i wonder what happens when he's still there i might try that later maybe i might [Music] no i i'm i'm sorry man i'm sorry man i forgot okay i forgot this witch brew is 15 bucks talk to me to purchase i just want to buy i know how much it cost i know you sell expensive soda here i know but i want it anyway i need it i need your expensive soda all right yeah oh i'm sorry i misclicked i'm sorry chill out i'm sorry i'm sorry yes uh thank you all right all right back in all right this boxing hole is five bucks talk to me to purchase thank you all right how many did i give to a machine there's five in there i just need three more three more my man all right there we go come on nice we're going we're going we're almost there we're so close all right we're gonna complete this game we're gonna get all the endings for my dummy dude because he asked me to and i trust him i don't trust him but i'm gonna do it anyway all right there we go come on one more we just we just need one more we just need one more that's it we just need one more [Music] all right yes i know it's expensive just give it to me give it to me all right we got the last soda we got the last one we got the last one okay we're putting it in okay the vending machine seems happy [Music] what did that do don't tell me that did nothing that is so upsetting i did all that work it was for nothing why is this ridge upside down whatever uh i was certain that was going to be an ending what other endings are there uh i don't know can i what if i steal something i got this orange juice oh hey buddy sorry i i can go pay for it i'm sorry did you really just try and steal something when it was obviously in your hands it's time for you to pay the price no i can go back i can go pay for it oh i'm dead ending shoplifting yikes oh no okay was that the last ending please tell me that was the last one i don't know how many there are okay we're back in the game we got another trophy i think there's one more we need to get and there is a vending machine in my room get soda okay cost money what do i get for this i got nothing i i bought a soda and it did nothing okay i don't know whether i need another ending i need one more i think but what is it what is it what's the last ending it's probably the gun it probably is but it's gonna take me it's gonna take me a minute to pick this up so everybody just sit tight okay the next day okay everybody i almost got the gun i almost got it and then it wasn't even real in the first place why did you do that what was the point why is there no toilet roll here what do i do what's the last ending somebody tell me what the last ending is what do i do do i set the house oh probably i set the house on fire maybe that's it okay i gotta leave that on i could drink this and while i wait cool pick up the money obviously there's a random head in there i'm just gonna ignore it like whatever i don't know how it's gonna take hmm it might not even set the house on fire it could it might can i turn them all on would that help i don't know throw item away i don't have any item to throw away there i threw away the chips i don't know what that does is the house setting on fire yet like it's not gonna happen maybe i have to go outside while i leave the stove on maybe i can wait it's working now wait i could get into sewers hello oh hold up there it was that the magic worm don't worry i don't need saving or anything can i come in i kind of like being here actually ha ha okay can can you let me in but i do get hungry and there's i'm thirsty sometimes okay don't tell me you want a soda hey while you're up there could you maybe send me some stuff send me stuff uh like what or probably sodas 10 of them where do i get 10 sodas sewer water is uh yeah right sodas could you like pour them down here ten of them my dough is greedy uh ten sodas maybe you want like water whatever fine i'll get you sodas it's gonna take a long time okay it's gonna take a long time everybody sit tight it's gonna take me a while it's gonna all right can i get more than one i cannot the inventory is so annoying this game is just getting all my nerves we got one thanks just now more yeah yeah just no more i shouldn't have through drank that first soda i shouldn't end up drinking that for soda from the vending machine because it's gonna make my life more difficult than it needs to be so like why why did i do that i don't know i'm gonna need to go to stores i'm gonna get some money there you go thanks just ain't more all right yeah doing that oh isabella's there again hi what's up okay guys i got seven sodas this is the seventh one and i officially ran out of sodas from the vending machine from the house now i gotta go all the way to the convenience store so that's slightly annoying because the cashier is like oh wait he's on his break thank god perfect timing that was perfect timing now i don't have to pay for things all right nice nice nice nice i don't want to hold it while he's like there because i don't know what's going to happen i don't want to test it i made it so far i'm not going to ruin it for myself good thing is on this break i mean i still have to walk a little bit farther but uh at least i don't have to wait in line or like wait for him to stop talking so i could pay for the food pay for the soda and leave this is nice nice nice nice all right and after i do this i gotta come back to life again i gotta go get myself some orange juice go eat some more toothpaste and then i see dummy guy again and then that's the end of the game yeah okay all right i just need one more there we go sorry i stole three setters from you but it's fine all right the last one a strange light emerges from the manhole it gives you a bad feeling oh no what is it is it a demon what is it what is it what's this bad feeling oh no this is so annoying do i gotta go back inside the store cause that's that's where i originally found the orb i don't know what do i do [Music] do i get the orb was it the orb [Music] do i eat the orb the orb disappears in your hand wait what happened to the light oh the light still there i just couldn't see it from that far away do i have to interact with it again because i cannot maybe i go to my room please i need something to happen the house still doesn't light on fire yet so obviously that's not what i was supposed to do hey it's almost six i am in here uh anyone hey dad what do i do dad what do i do i don't know what's the last ending oh send me back uh help me i wonder what do i do what do i do do i talk to the cashier maybe he knows my man do you know i'm on break i'm gonna break for an infinite amount of time if you wanted to buy something you should have came earlier okay well he's not going to tell me anything about the break room please somebody wait for him the door is open oh my gosh do not consume in cold temperatures all right walk in freezer we got the carpet obviously ice what are we looking for here this is a vending machine what are we looking for oh no what is this i wanna just tell me what i do not the ice is it this um is it this guy hey how do i get up there i can click on him not sure what that does uh i'm just seeing if i can interact if anything oh i have to push this i think oh no i do not oh tiny little house that's kind of cute what do i do what do i do i'm locked it's locked i'm locked in here hey uh do you want to tell me what's going on oh finally it's ending what's ending freezer oh i got into freezer okay but yeah that makes sense okay all right now i could finally i could finally finish this game all right we're so close we are so close we're almost there all right guys we are back i think we got all the trophies i hope these are there aren't any supposed to be in between here because that would be very annoying i think i have all of them i really hope i do uh what else could there be like what else could there possibly be so i'm gonna i'm gonna get a bunch of money so i can go buy some more orange juice and then get the toothpaste oh something bad is happening [Music] i can't move this is an issue everything is flooding with soda this may or may not be my fault what do i do do i stand on the bench uh what do i do do i hey yeah so the soda may or may not have been flooding the place uh you want to do something about it i'm not actually about to drown but thanks for the sodas don't ask how it started flooding the place it definitely wasn't my fault i didn't give you this much soda where did it come from uh bye i expect you to fix this issue what do i do i'm standing on the bench why is there so much smoke coming out of my chimney you know what i'm just gonna go buy my orange juice uh this makes me feel like there's two more endings what can there be literally what else could there be eat a raw egg i don't even know but honestly we're quite a pickle oh yeah soda and by that i mean we're flooding with soda yeah i don't know how that happened we don't have much time what do we do we can't drive anywhere safe in time so this looks like the employees walking freezer is the only option can i go in we can wait the flood out and people will come to rescue us how will they open the door i wonder so much soda in the way now this door is pretty hefty it'll take me a while to open it uh we haven't used it in a while so the door may be kind of stuck i hope you understand it just just open it just open it right now go just stop talking what do you mean it took you seconds to open yeah it took me seconds to open listen we need tension we can't just have either the freezer and enter the freezer like that don't worry it won't take long i'll just take like 21 seconds we're gonna die before then we're gonna drown in soda yeah we're gonna we're gonna drown in soda what can i say um uh you could be going all right it's open get in all right we're getting in where's the guy oh here welcome to the walk-in freezer uh it's so cold as i remember yeah then that would make sense to walk in freezer so i don't know how long we have to stay here realistically speaking we're gonna have to be here for a while yeah uh what are we gonna do in the meantime you already know the door gets locked when you enter right yeah there's a dining table there so yeah we're stuck in here until help arrives okay why is there a table up there hey dude do you want to like help out i can click on him but he won't do anything you good i guess uh well wait here then i think he tried to sit down but he like fell i'm sure that the flood has already reached the top of the store by now yeah what do we do in the meantime a flood made a pure soda how did that even happen did not have anything to do with me it wasn't your fault was it no it wasn't it wasn't like all the sodas that i bought it may have been acquaintances but you sure bought a whole lot of sodas from me a while back it was just coincidence i promise you do you have anything else to say to me or like that's it oh so uh how are you uh i'm fine a little cold oh i think we died in the freezer flooded we didn't drown though okay all right i caused a catastrophic disaster that wasn't me that was another guy obviously it was the other guy in the in the sewers wasn't me anyway uh that makes me think that there are still enough there's still one more ending there's still one more yeah there's one more that's upsetting okay okay we are back in all right freeze there was no more wait all right wait there's there's no no extra a trophy why uh do i go talk to the guy now i'm confused i'm gonna get some money i don't know how much orange juice how much orange juice costs i'm just gonna buy it all hey uh he doesn't want to talk to me anymore he's ghosting me that's not cool yeah that's still a no obviously okay thank you oh i didn't notice it said thank you that's so cool place yeah okay got it do i eat a raw egg is that an ending is that a thing no i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry man all right it cost you 30 bucks talk to me again what i didn't think would be that expensive okay sorry i got 31 bucks is that good for you thanks okay all right okay this is cool all right let's go eat some toothpaste and drink some orange juice all right i think what i don't know um this is like such a weird game hey father figure there we go all right got colgate all right eat the toothpaste hey dummy you what hey what's up listen closely to this one do we did we get all done please tell me we got all of them sure you've been told the dangers of fires yeah pretty dangerous don't leave flammable objects around fires especially not inside a house what do we have flammable inside our house perhaps you can try that oh so would you set the house on fire okay thanks dude thank you oh you didn't have to kick me out you did not have to do that wait yeah you don't you didn't have to do that you could just let me back in the game and everything will be fine it will be fine i promise you ah i know what we have flammable bag of chips that's flammable i think so all right all right let's go set the house on fire come on do it do it do it do it do it do it do i gotta go eat a raw egg too or something i feel like i gotta do that is it i don't want to turn it off um maybe the bag of chips is inflammable i doritos are flammable hmm so i get maybe just that isn't bummable i don't know what else do we have a flammable here toothpaste is that flammable i don't even know i can't go back to my room i can't go in there is there a ha oh nevermind yeah chips are vulnerable i started a fire uh alarm's going off house is on fire someone wanna do something about it sewer guy no he doesn't he doesn't really care right do we go to the convenience store this guy loves me you know he loves me oh that's it okay ending house fire yay i got another ending okay what do i do next what's the next ending what's the next one i'm gonna try eating a raw egg i'm gonna see if that does anything if not then i gotta go talk to him with a guy again like it's kind of annoying because i die in the process but i have to you know i gotta all right we're back fire yeah we just there's one more i thought it was kind of like a glitch there was a space in between some of them but no it ain't a glitch all right gotta get some money how much does it cost for an egg i'm not sure there's more money in the in the store so i'll be fine did we drive away with his car oh wait there's another secret no do i have to get all the notes because i found the first one earlier [Music] place an item yeah yeah yeah okay egg all right i'm sorry i'm sorry dude i'm sorry all right 25 bucks for an egg okay yeah okay give me it i got egg i cannot eat it raw i'm just gonna place it down i already bought that yeah but i don't want the egg what do i do what do i do i now own an egg that i do not want interact oh i ate this car i actually i'm gonna catch this car that's so funny what do i do do i go talk to a cashier tell them i egg this car i ate your car do i gotta wait third 300 seconds don't don't tell me that do not tell me i have to wait 300 seconds for you to go see that car okay i'll come back in 300 seconds because like i'm not gonna like that's boring i'm i'll come back all right the break is in seven seconds the guy is just he's sleeping at this point he wants to leave all right there you go bye you can you can go you're this is your break i gotta i gotta see this happen this is gonna be so funny i like your car i'm on my bike i egged your car i egged your car and i'm gonna be on my break for an infinite amount of time i egged your car your car has now been egged do i go back in go back outside i don't know i don't know what to tell you your card has been egged well better well now you better not steal anything i won't you seen a place a blast shop as it is i don't want shoplifting to be another one of my problems your car is egg dude hey cool glasses you must be a premium player i don't have any glasses truly the most awesome ones get to wear those glasses i don't have any glasses and you even have an epic sign above you what oh yeah also do not try to go on the employees only door uh i extra car seriously i egged your car please respond react do something why are you still trying to talk to me i ate your car [Laughter] i really don't have anything to say i egged your car do i have to do holly's watching see your crane omg right yeah yeah yeah i am you have on your you have your name on your shirt i'm aware that's kind of weird sorry okay why are you still trying to talk to me i egged your car your car has been eggs i really don't have anything to say please react i don't care just react your car has been egged you're probably wondering why the store is a mess i don't care just look at your car it's been egged do i have to egg it while he's outside i don't know i have to consult dummy all right be back i'll be back i'll be back soon i gotta go consult my dummy friend i don't know dude like what it's gotta be the last one it has to be what else is there to do literally what else come on what is it i don't understand all right let's go dummy i'm coming for you babe hey i'll now give you some of my knowledge what do i do i suppose those chips are quite loud huh yeah i already did that one have you tried somewhere and no one can hear them so smart perhaps you can try that thank you wise man thank you oh wow i should have followed that i but i didn't all right all right guys we're back we're back we're back we're back we're gonna eat the chips all right okay all right let's go outside yummy there we go yummy what can i say objective go to bed all right father figure is not here let's go to bed i'll just take it like okay and ending sleep thank you that's that was all the endings i did it i did i completed all the endings yes oh my god yes finally i can't believe the eggy one was not an ending like that is annoying like that is annoying but now i gotta go consult dummy master all right all right we're back we have all the endings isn't that just beautiful orange juice and toothpaste yeah we already know it baby we already know it all right [Music] i'm coming for you orange juice i'm coming for you okay i'm almost there hon all right so close yes yes yeah i'm aware there we go you got the orange juice yes i do i want to buy it i know it's 30 bucks i know it's expensive but i need it to talk to daddy i need it to i need it i i need it just don't question it okay we're going we're going we're so close we are so close i can taste the toothpaste already all right might as well drink the orange juice now i don't know if it needs to be like immediately after but i think it will count if it doesn't count i will literally start crying all right there we go toothpaste we're coming for you dummy hey babe all right you're quite busy weren't you i was i was kind of busy yeah nonetheless i see you completed everything everything sustainable in this game yeah i have congratulations thank you daddy you played you played a game about getting a snake snack at a lake late hour and you've seen basically everything there is to see truly inspirational i've been playing this game for like one and a half hours so yeah i suppose you don't have anything else to do in this world i don't i don't so i guess it's goodbye then did i come here just to say goodbye it was nice being uh within your presence why was it so important that i completed all this tell me sorry making this awkward yeah you are i just have some weird i'm just some weird dunny who has sent to a boy to spend forever okay forever what was so important why was it so important did all the endings tell me why what's important you don't have to worry about me just go we've completed the game but tell me what was important i'm waiting you told me it was important so besides you got what we came here for what was it what did i come here for the goal was there since the beginning get a snack at 4am oh my gosh [Music] i can't believe i spent an hour and a half playing a game about getting snack at 4am well guys i hope you liked this video if you did smash that like button and i'll see you guys later bye
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 4,339,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, 4 am, getting a night snack
Id: 8uuE-D2fUDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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