Guess the Word and I'll Buy It!!!

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Hey guys, it's Karina. It's Ronald from... Sis versus Bro. And today we're doing a Guess The Word and I'll Buy It For You... Part Two! Because we don't have any more video ideas. No, guys, you liked the first one so much that we're doing it again! Wooh! Also, I liked the first one so much. Oh, but you're not gonna like the second part because two always means Ronald. What? I don't know. So yeah guys, we don't know the words. Basically, so one of us is gonna pick out a word for the other person, so they don't know what it is and we're gonna do a hangman. And to guess the word, then we, well I have to buy it for Ronald if he guesses the word. Yes, and you have six tries or you will land in the shark-infested water. All right, so let's begin. Rock-paper-scissors, who is going first. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Yes! Okay, Karina. All right. Pick the thing. You're gonna get the most expensive thing right away. Well, I will. Okay, look away. I'll have to get something for Ronald. Uh, this one? 'Kay. What is it? Okay. Okay, Ronald. I know that is just bad for you, but good for me. I know, I can see it in your nostrils. Okay? All right. You're sweating so much. Okay, what do I want? I don't know. What could that possibly be? Karina, that's the best shark ever. Does he have a hat?! That's his fin. Okay, get the vowels out of the way; A! How dare you. No! E! (bell dings) Yes? What if it's just eeeeee? No it can't be. Um, I! I, are you sure? Yes, Karina, I. It's gonna be bad, isn't it? What could it possibly be? How 'bout I guess the letter B? You want B? Yeah. Why did I do that? O! O? O! Are you sure? 'Kay! All right. I don't know, what can it be?! You gotta just keep guessing! Toes. (laughing) Ronald, you're not getting toes. Wait... No, it's not what I thought it was. What did you think it was? Hollister clothes. No. T! (bell dings) Are you sure? Yes. It's gonna be bad. It is! Ronald, yes! Okay, G. Okay Karina, you have to say things. Give me clues. No, Ron, I'm not giving you any clues. Why are you so happy? Okay, I have two more lives. Okay Karina, I kinda want toes, but I don't think it's gonna be toes. Ronald, you already have plenty of toes, I don't think you need any more. I want 10 more. Okay, how about... C? C, are you sure? Yes. This is gonna be bad. What, why?! How about... Why is my leg like that. It just is. Don't ask questions. So Ronald, that means you only have one more guess. Well, one more wrong answer to make. How about, uh... The letter H. (bell dings) Oh, yes yes! Hoe? Like a Minecraft hoe? Are we gonna go farming? Wanna make a diamond hoe? Shoes! (bell dings) This is shoes! Okay. What can it be, what brand? Okay, so now, what do we put here? What brand? It can't be Gucci. It can't be Louis Vuitton. It can't be Hollister. What can it be?! I don't know, Karina! Maybe it's a type of shoe. Running, tennis, soccer? (whining) Gimme a clue. Ron, just guess a letter, any letter. S! (bell dings) Sot. Oh my God. It can't be vowels in here, because I guessed, like, almost every vowel. (whining) Okay. (babbling) What?! I don't know, I'm trying to make up brands. What other brands do I know? Ronald, you have two more letters. Just guess a letter, any letter. Um, I mean, let's go with the letter K. (sad music) No! In the shark. Okay, Karina, what was it? It was... Please don't say something you want. Oh! Okay! Okay! So guys, how come I didn't get that? That would be perfect! Like, why didn't I think of that?! I was in the sport category. I was like, okay tennis, soccer. Why didn't I think about sports?! Okay, now Karina, it's time for me to pick something for you. So guys, that means I don't have to pick anything for Ronald and that means I get to save money for Ronald, but might get something expensive in the next round. Hopefully not. Good luck. Here you go. Don't peak. Okay, be under $100. Or 10, be under one dollar. Be under one cents. What, what is it? Oh no. Are you... Are you... I don't think she'll ever get that, 'cause I don't think she knows that it's gonna exist. I don't think she knows that that exists. Okay. What exists? The thing that I just got. Well, you just got. Well, you won't get. Oh no. Welcome to the witch's lab. Karina, are you ready to guess your word, item, whatever it is? Okay, I'm kinda nervous. Oh, you should be, my dear. (laughing) Okay, now we can't forget this. Like, we have to remember this. Oh no, not the head. Okay, you're a half head right now. Okay, here's the water and the shark. It's gonna be a black hole this time. Okay. A little egg. All right, so I'm gonna start with A. I always start with A. Mmm Karina! You have the incorrect letter! Do I? Yes, you do! Okay, let's finish up the head. E? We have one right here. And that is it. Okay, Karina, lucky. I don't know what this is! I? I, I. There's one I right here. And one I right here. What is it? I'm so confused. U? U... You are so lucky. All right, I think I'm gonna cool off of the vowels for now. I'm gonna go for N? Karina, you are just the luckiest. (mumbling) Wait, what is this word? How do you not know this? How do you not know this?! I'm so confused. Ni... Nine? Five, My? What, you're thinking of things that rhyme with it? I don't know! This is so much fun, just being on this end, just knowing what it is. I'm gonna try another letter. S? There you go. You are so close to that black hole. You are the shortest person alive. Oh gosh. Karina, you will never get this 'cause I am just that smart. What can it be? What can it possibly be? Nike! No, no, it's not! What can this one be? Nike... What? It can't be shoes. Nike... You're never gonna get this. What? All right, I'm gonna guess K. Okay. Yeah, that's all the K's. So it is Nike. Okay, so I have to guess some more letters from this word 'cause I don't know what it is! You have no idea. No idea. All right, I'm gonna guess T. Oh no. What? Monsieur, I have my spell, it's too powerful for your essence. (crickets chirping) Nike... Staring intensifies. What can that be?! I don't know! What can it possibly be? I'm gonna guess F? Sike. I'm kidding. What, it's only one letter left. I don't know what it is. You don't know it. Nike... Outfit, Nike outfit! No! Are you sure, are you sure? Yes. So I get to make a whole outfit! It's wrong. So that means you lost all your lives. Is it wrong? I'm kidding. It's a Nike outfit! You get sucked in by the black hole, there you go. What, okay. I get to choose an entire outfit from Nike. That is awesome. No, I didn't know that Nike outfits existed. What? Of course they did! I thought it was just shoes and socks and stuff. Socks? Okay. But now let's go to Nike to get me an outfit. Let's go, Ronald. Choose the cheapest one. Okay, we're in the Nike section and I think I chose what outfit I want. How much, how much, how much? Uh, you can check later. This blue shirt with these black leggings. What do you think? It's okay. All right, so can you please buy it for me? Okay. Okay Karina, like, why? It's not fair. Well, you have to pay for me. There's not even anyone here. Like, you always get something. Hola. Hola. Hopefully it's, like, really cheap. $74,90. Here you go. Thank you. Why does this have to happen to me? Here you go, Karina. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Please help me. So guys, it's round two and we're already doing pretty good, 'cause I got an outfit from Nike and Ron has nothing. But it's Ronald's turn, so hopefully he won't get something too expensive. Karina, it's your turn to pick and I will look towards. All right, um-- Okay, I'll do it. No, don't look towards. Okay. Don't look through the mirror, Ronald. I'm not looking through, I'm looking at. This one? I'm gonna go for that one. Okay. Okay. You think that I won't get it, Monsieur, but today is my day to shine! Okay. Okay, what can it possibly be? One word, oh okay two words. Why is everything two words in this world. And don't forget the shark. Oh my goodness, okay. Right off the bat, I know that this is just the main thing, but this exists just to throw me off. I feel like that's why this exists, so I'm gonna try to guess things that this obviously is. Like, electronic... No! Maybe you put too many of these lines. Do you wanna double check. I think I'm good, Ronald. What can it possibly... Okay. E. I always sees E's in words, so E. Are you sure? I didn't say I'm sure, so that doesn't... I, I, I! Okay, it's definitely not electronic. Well, this is not electronic because there's so many E's in that word. Just one I, just standing there. Yup. He has no friends, he's alone-- It's like you. I'm just kidding, Ronald. Okay. Moving past that. A. A, are you sure? No, I'm not sure. Oh, I am sure. Wait. I think I discovered something. If I say G. Then I'll lose a life. Why did I... Why is mine... You were so short and I'm so tall. You have to help me, Karina, help. I can't help you, you gotta pick whatever you feel like it is, you know? Pick a letter. O. O? Karina, that's such a big word! There's two of them! How do those... Yeah, don't add me a life. Already?! Um... T? T, okay. Yes, finally. That's it? Yes. I feel like there's a word that... A letter that's all over this. Maybe-- L? I have the feeling an L. How dare you, L! No! Guys, this is the hardest! Literally, this is the biggest word in the whole entire universe and I have just three of different letters. H. H? You got one life left, Ronald. Guys, I cannot lose again. Karina just got a Nike outfit and I got nothing! I have to get something! Okay, I'm gonna get a letter that doesn't lose me a life. A, B, C, D... D. That's it? Yeah, that's it. Just one D. A sad little lonely D. Well, he has his I to keep him company. Okay, I never YOLO 'cause I have no idea what this is. A, B, C, D, E, F... F. No! Okay, Karina, what was it? Starbucks... I missed that one, drink. Oh okay! Okay, fine! Fine, fine, fine. That's not fair! Guys, I would love a frappuccino right now but Karina's like, "Nope, you're not gonna get it." Ron, if you don't guess the word then I don't have to buy it for you, you didn't guess the word twice, so that means I don't have to buy two things for you, but now it's my turn. Hopefully I'm gonna get something good and expensive. I'm gonna get you one dollar item. All right, I'm looking away. Look over there. Do you guys wanna see a magic trick? This item is gonna be $10 or less. (drumroll) This item is gonna be $10 or less. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Karina, you're not gonna see it, you're not gonna see it. What is it? You think I'm gonna tell you? Okay, where's the marker? Thank you, and I... Wait, how do you spell this word? Wait, look away. Okay. Look away. Okay. Karina... I'm looking away! One, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11. One, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11. Okay. Okay, Karina, you have so many letters. Good luck. And good luck to me for spelling this word. Wait, don't forget this. Don't forget this. Karina, you're not safe from the sharks. Okay, this is a shark. There's the shark. Very beautiful shark. There you go, okay. Good luck. Um, so a lot of letters. I'm gonna start with A. Okay. Okay, I think that's it. Really?! E? Oh no, okay. Look away, there's so many E's in this word. Okay, so. Okay Karina. There's literally only three E's. Yeah, but the word is so hard to spell. I? Oh no. I think there's one there, one there. Okay, I think that's it. Okay. Karina! Are you stuck? Yes you are. I always go with N, so I'm gonna go with N. Oh my goodness, Karina, you're on such a roll! Just kidding, I'm kidding. Okay, I haven't got anything wrong so far. Yikes, what should I go for? S? That eight is supposed to be an S, okay? That's an S. Okay. Okay, Karina. You're never gonna get... Well, you're getting so many things right now, so you probably will. Or no you won't. Believe in the spirits. R. I think I know what this last word is. O. Accessories. Are you sure? No, just in case. Okay, so I think it's accessories, but don't write it down just in case. So I'm gonna try to guess what this is supposed to be. You'll never ever know with the Disney Channel flow. U? My first wrong one. Your head is deformed. Oh no, what should I put. You will never get the correct answer. What can this be? I think know what it is, I think I know what it is! P. H. O. You already guessed O, oh there was already an O. iPhone accessories. Are you sure about that? Yes, I'm sure! It literally says iPhone right here! Okay, fine! You got it right! Aw yeah, I got some iPhone accessories. But that's probably gonna be under $10, so you see, my magic trick was correct. What do you mean by iPhone accessories? Like cases and pop sockets. I think. I'll just pick the most expensive one. Like golden, 24K gold pop socket. I think I wanna get the Louis Vuitton case. What?! That exists?! Yes. What?! Oh my goodness, Karina, no! It has to be under $10! Minimum! At most under one cent! No Ron, I'm definitely gonna get the Louis Vuitton phone case. All right, let's go to Louis Vuitton. $2000. Okay Ronald, so I'm going to Louis Vuitton to get my Louis Vuitton phone case. What, no Karina, we're not getting you a Louis Vuitton phone case. Pick something else! Ron, please? No, you're not getting a $500 phone case, whatever the price is. Okay, fine. Let's get the wireless iPhone charger! Okay, fine. Yeah, okay, let's go get that. Come on. So Ron, I've chosen what iPhone accessory I'd like. The wireless charger for my phone and my airpods. Wait, no, that's not an iPhone accessory, that's an iPhone and airpod accessessory. And airpods accessessory. So that means I don't have to get it for you. Ronald, it's for iPhones also, it counts. All right, so let's get it. How much, how much, how much, how much? $120 Karina, I was meant to spend less than $10! Well, that's how much it costs, so you have to get it. I got iPhone accessories so you have to buy it. Please help me. Buy it please. Why does this always happen to me? I don't know how I keep on winning these challenges, but my luck is on my side. Thank you! Thank you so much. So guys, we're back and the bad part is that I spent more than $10. But the good part is that it is now my turn and Karina's gonna pick something really expensive out of that bowl and I'm gonna get all the correct letters. I'm pretty nervous 'cause Ron hasn't gotten anything so far and if feel like number three is his lucky chance and I don't want him to get a car or something. I feel like that's gonna happen one day, so Ronald look away. This one. I hope it's gonna be something good. For me. The power of expensiveness! Is in your body right now! Okay. Aw, you're smiling. That never leads to good things. Well, this should be easy. What has two letters! That is an item! Okay, I'll just guess A. A. What?! What, E? It has to have a vowel or else it's not a word! U? Okay, what's an item. It's not an item, is it? O? Okay, you know, I'll stop guessing vowels. This is not leading to good things. No, just one more, just one more. I. Okay, this word has to have a vowel! I go to school, I know every word needs at least one vowel! Well, this one doesn't. What's an item-- Ronald, you only have one more life left. What are you gonna do with it? Ko, lo, po... No, there's no O. Hi, no there's no I. LWAIY. Ti? Is it ti? It's a tiebreaker! Is that your guess? No. I feel like if I don't get this I'm gonna be the worst person at this game ever in the whole world. Pi. I don't think you're ever gonna get this. Ron, just guess a random letter. A completely random. No! I don't think there's anything expensive that has two letters. Maybe. Pi... Say K. Okay, K. Oh, you tricked me! Okay, actually you have one more chance, 'cause I tricked you. It has to have a vowel. A, E, U, O, I. Y. It's only Y. Y! What?! TV! It was a TV, Ronald! What?! What?! I can't believe you did not get that one. That was so easy! Oh my goodness! You've gotten nothing! This whole challenge! What?! (whining) But that has to have a vowel! Well, TV does not. So guys, I missed out on the most expensive item that I could have got a TV! It could be potentially $3000. Now Karina's gonna get something that's a million dollars 'cause she's so good at this game. We'll see about that. I don't know about a million, but maybe 1000. Give me that thing. Here you go. Okay, there's three things left, okay. I bet you this is the most expensive thing out of all of them. Guys, I'm gonna show you a secret. This... Is in reality. Okay, okay, don't talk about it. It's something really good, I know it! It's something good! Okay, we have to take this down. Okay Karina, you're probably gonna get this in seconds, because it only has four letters to it. Really? Yeah, okay. Or that makes it hard. Alrighty, there ya go. You know, we have to make this more of a punishment. Look, so many black holes. All of these black holes. And a huge black hole. Okay, you're gonna be really short. Why did you put my head in already? Oh, um, just okay... That's gonna... When you lose a life, that's gonna be one. Okay? Wait, this is really hard. What? I know it's something good, 'cause the way you reacted. So what's something expensive that only has four letters? I'm gonna guess I. This is really easy to spell. What is this? Obviously it's easy to spell, it has four letters. What can this be? What could this possibly be?! Something that is two dollars. Is it? Yeah. You're lying! Look at that lying face! What can it be?! What can it be?! Guys, what can it possibly be?! It looks so easy, but I just don't know what it could be! You just guessed one letter, obviously. Yeah but I'm nervous 'cause there's only four letters! So there's not gonna be much letters going on in it. Um... O? You already got one. I got one, I got one! Oh no. You're not gonna get one of the letters in it. I already know. You're not gonna get any of the letters. Except for O. Are these, like, hard to guess letters? Yeah, they're like in the Greek language. You don't know about them. I'm gonna take a risky move. I'm gonna say Y. That was really stupid, I don't know why I said that. I always go with N, so I'm gonna say N. N has failed you again. What, no! I only have three lives left! What can it be?! What can it be?! (gasps) D? D? D. No! I thought it could be Dior! Karina, we're guessing items here, not stores. If you guess a store, you can just go shopping spree, buy every single item in it. So we're getting items. I don't know! You're so short and the black hole is so big. Lemme make it more black. There we go. Can you give me a clue? No! I don't want you to get this! I didn't get a single thing! I have no idea! What could this be? What? It's so hard! I love it when I'm on the side that knows what it is and I just see Karina thinking. T? No T, what?! What can it be?! One more life! What?! One more life, one more life! One more, one more, one more life! What can it be? You keep saying that! But what can it be? I have no idea! Look. Maybe. Maybe it is. Uh... Can I have a clue? No, I don't want you to get this! I didn't get a single thing! Come on! If you give me a clue, I'll share half of whatever it is. No. No. Are you sure? Yeah, I'm sure. I don't know. What can it be? Karina just looks at the camera. What can it be? What has four letters and has an O and is expensive! Maybe it's not expensive. I know it's expensive 'cause you're like, "Oh no." You'll see, you will see. (crickets chirping) I only have one life left. Only one life. Or one leg left. Soon you're gonna get two. Just guess any letter. No! I don't wanna risk it, 'cause I know it's something expensive! This is so awesome! I get to see Karina struggle. Is it a shoe? Just one shoe? Maybe. Got 'em! Can you give me one clue? Just one tiny, tiny... No! Are you sure? Okay, it's an item. An item? Okay... There's so many items. Isn't that every single thing that was on here? That shouldn't have helped you. You cost money to buy it. Okay, so I can't just pick it off the streets? What? Okay, that's it, that's it. I gave you too many hints. They were all so good hints. I'm not telling you any more, Karina. (random noises) (Ronald making sheep noises) (gasps) Shut up. I think I know what it is! I think I know what it is! It's an Xbox, it's an Xbox! Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure it's an Xbox! Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure! Okay, it's not an Xbox. It is. It is! Karina, it was Dior. (laughing) I'm kidding, it was an Xbox. I'm getting an Xbox! You don't even want it! Are you kidding me?! (screaming) Okay yes, I'm getting an Xbox! I don't even play any games on Xbox, but Ronald is just gonna be begging like, "Please, can I play on your Xbox?" and I'll be like, "Nope, it's my Xbox." (whining) All right, let's go to the store and get me an Xbox. Oh, Karina, I'm sad to say they are sold out all over the world now, so we can't get any. Then let's buy it online. Also on Amazon they're sold out. Karina, you don't even play Xbox. You barely play games at all, so I should get the Xbox if I'm paying for it. Ron, this is my Xbox, and I play games sometimes. Yeah, totally. Oh, Ronald look, this is the most expensive one. $470. What?! Why don't you get a slightly cheaper one here?! No, we gotta get this one. This one's better. How's it better? I think it has just, like... I think the only difference is it's just more expensive. So let's get it. What?! Guys, come on. All right, let's go pay, come on. I'll go pay. So guys, we're back from the store and I'm just so happy 'cause I got so many amazing things, but Ronald, I don't know how you've done it, but you didn't get anything! You know, the thing that I don't know how? Is how I still have money left. Ronald, how do you keep on losing these challenges? How do you do it? I don't even know how it's possible to not get a single item! Because literally you get every single expensive thing that is in that cup! But I get two-dollar items! Well, I think they were two dollars. Except for the TV. You could have gotten a TV. Your own personal TV, but you didn't. So guys, comment down below if you want a part three! I definitely want a part three! No, I'm not agreeing to this! No, I'm not falling for your stupid traps, like, "Oh, we can do a video, it'll be nice, it'll be fun. "You can get so many items." No! I'm not doing this! But one day I'll find a way to get him to do the challenge again if you guys comment down below, "Do a part three!" So guys, we hope you like this video. If you did... Smash that like button and we'll see you all next time. Good bye! Guys, comments are off. Comment on Instagram. (upbeat music)
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 23,008,155
Rating: 4.7400913 out of 5
Keywords: guess the word, guess the word and buy the item
Id: eIuHe5lwlaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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